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Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 23:10
by Guest
Идущая вперед wrote:Guest wrote(a):
Please help, apparently too fascinated by the chakras, slowly losing my mind in obasti the heart chakra the feeling of a lump, heaviness, periodically, as if all the bare and burning, it is now so bad that walking and breathing hard, constantly flowing tears - the family are trying to send to the hospital, but I understand that the doctors are no help, what to do?

when you open anahata - it then helps to open all the remaining open the anahata chakra love - to love everyone...
1. yourself
2. close
3.the whole of humanity
4. God in all his aspects and manifestations
5. all things earth universe, etc.
generally to love everyone and everything
rotate the green ball at the middle of the chest to promote it and clearly understand why all of toooooo
or grounded ago.... drink smoke have sex to score on spiritual development (session ground to mm)
daily work with the solar wind will help to smoothly and gently open the anahata chakra
if you stay in the moment here and now it doesn't hurt - apparently you all the time in the past and the future
practice rolling ball is suitable for people with strong skills of visualization and concentration - exercises -waving his hands at chest level every morning is available to everyone
Thank You all for eishi, Dimas, Andrei Patrushev, Going forward. Apparently I survived :) after pulled to jump out the window, abruptly began to try everything. Tried everything, after deep meditation on the MM got worse, almost couldn't breathe, then drank hot water with lemon to relieve the chills and shivers listening to the Song chakramov the images were bright - yellow-purple. After cried again a long time, with a large number of tears - I had no idea that so many you can cry, warmed the chest, tried the Sedona method and visualization of the cold energy tried to eat meat, in the end, lit a candle and listened to the disk Concentration "flew" so, you didn't hear no phones, no doorbell to ring, no rumble is a man tried to enter the apartment. Took me a long time in the Park like a zombie, after once again listening to the concentration (why is this disc, although all drives Patrushev A.) Today, it is better than just furiously clobber heart, but now I feel much better. Thank You all :o<

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 21:40
by Серджио
Галина wrote:On the chakras, as a rule, a lot of "dirt", they do not work as they should, i.e. the energy exchange with the outside world is broken. Hence the distortion of perception etc. by Scrubbing the chakras, you can achieve the perfect state, everything plays colors, clarity and a peaceful mind, steady state, when all like him, but if not thoroughly to deal with what is causing blockage of the energy flow (meaning with reason) - again, the chakras are clogged , i.e. there is a return.
Aktiviziruyutsya all "ugh" on the chakras, increasing energy, can emerge a lot of negativity, it reflects in everyday life.
Working with disks, as I understand it, this can happen too (judging by the reviews of forum it is). Andrew, do you offer methods for the study of the causes and understanding them? Or in the process of listening to all the takes and dissolves itself?
Dimas wrote:Itself!!!
It would be desirable , but the units themselves are not going anywhere without targeted testing.

Re: About the chakras

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 21:54
by Серджио
Владимир wrote:Hello
from the practice of others, they are described in books, there is no mention of the negative state, focusing on a particular chakra. Only the most fleeting, bystroprokhodaschee and complex symptoms. In particular, I did not read about feelings of tearfulness, focusing on the Anahata chakra. Imply that perhaps there are some negatives, but I think that they should be present within certain limits, and from rural to rural. For example, from 4 to 7 (abstract).
This I mean that only from You I first heard that when focusing on the chakra anahata WITH the HELP of the mind-machine, there is a feeling of tearfulness
A feeling of tearfulness when working with Anahata can be a sign of loosening of the fields Alone. If the field is loose, so the aura breaks easily, and the person becomes overly impressionable, more susceptible to outside influence.
The soil compaction occurs when rabotodatelei with alien conditions, when a person is actively aware of your reactions and not allow them to manifest.