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Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:36
by лиза
Nastya! you are not alone! on this forum got a similar situation :? Lost myself and everything was complete chaos. Now progress is being made. Moreover, the gravity of the situation now I is very happy,strange as it may sound. :) Before the site got recently. The beginning of my recovery put the movie "the secret". Me his podstavili completely different people until I looked. And then it began!!!! Then followed the film "Down the rabbit hole". I was wondering unusually I began to dig. you name it. Many books read purely scientific and not very scientific. Seeland,Cimarron,Pravdina,Joe Vitale,Jose Silva.......... Now my big secret - Esther and Jerry Hicks(teachings of Abraham) :o It is Channeling with a capital Letter. After their books Seeland of otdyhaet Pravdina generally turns into a bug and reading the rest of the literature of such a plan I understand that all the pieces are pulled out from those authors, and written in other words. Although I in no way want to diminish their dignity and even of other books you can pull for you personally the appropriate techniques :ap . Reading and believing Esther and Jerry Hicks, I began to apply what these books are written and you know what??? I started to manage your reality! and this is no joke! I've never done this before,had never meditated,do not go to psychics and all sorts of healers were not engaged in self-hypnosis, etc. Is all I'm saying is that it is available to everyone! I got these books from the state of quiet joy, and absolute trust and love for yourself,which never experienced in my life. Then I abruptly lost it all. Long could not understand why??? Began to read again, to try and understand! All that gave me this book is settled in the minds of any one more heavy stress,you fought with newly acquired knowledge,entrenched

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:00
by Guest
in this very consciousness, knocks them out instantly! :( No matter how good they may be. And here you sit with these awesome knowledge, and to apply them can't. try really. And no :? I imagine the horror??? Only that I held his life in his hands, was glad her crazy, got what he wanted and oops... back to this ad and ve below worse, though,it seems that the worst does not happen and the lifting forces there and already hate. And then finally get to shove all this should not in consciousness but in the subconscious! Understand??? You can read as many books as you want to try and even get the results and then in one moment to lose a lot of it, just because it's not on the level of reflex. Alexander sviyash is Good writing about it(although not all of it I like). It's like walking on eggshells. There are long and beautiful, but then get tired again and start to walk normally. And again on her toes Oh, how I want. now, if you can get up in the morning and without thinking just go for the bitches.... Now that This has happened and walking on the bitches and the application of the necessary knowledge and techniques you have read and accepted you ebooks - you need to put them in the subconscious. otherwise, no way. So now I had a machine, disks and this forum. Well, the new book,of course. And life once again takes on the paint :D So what :o . Here. long as that happened. And very clever :(

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:12
by лиза
Well. Who will overcome, he will understand what I mean az . So. my recipe from the Horror named "the husband is a creep last and how to deal with all this" Esther and Jerry Hicks. The Teachings Of Abraham. They have the Russian translation,unfortunately only 6 books. Highly recommend to start with first. It's called " ask and it shall be given you. The doctrine of the incarnation desires in life." The first book of two parts. Read the first - run for the second, etc. But it all sticks in the subconscious! therefore, the machine and(or) CDs with affirmations. First you need to love. Then what you want, what your heart and body desire. Of course movies view about which beginning wrote. then the book will go easier. And of course! Just be sure - prichesochka,eyebrows, cute trinkets, etc. what your heart and eyes require. Comedies more. In short all sorts of amenities. Good luck :o We scrape together :aa :aa :aa

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 0:17
by Шелли
Lisa Today I read Zeland, at the end of the book was advertising Esther and Jerry Hicks - it was morning. In the evening - see you also write about them. It's a sign :wink: - we ought to read...

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:13
by лиза
Definitely a sign :) Please read-you will not regret :) Seeland still heavy and gloomy, although the thread - ask and let go and be sure to get. Bone and meat is different :) By the way, if You ,like me, still interested in scientific evidence, I can recommend William Arntz "the Book's Great questions. What do we know?" There are other anything, but this is easy to read. :?

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 0:45
by Шелли
лиза wrote:Definitely a sign the Smile, you have to read-you will not regret Smile Seeland still heavy and gloomy, although the thread - ask and let go and be sure to get. Bone and meat of different Smile by the Way, if You ,like me, still interested in scientific evidence, I can recommend William Arntz "the Book's Great questions. What do we know?" There are other anything, but this is easy to read. Confused
Thanks for the advice az be sure to read