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Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 17:05
by Андрей Патрушев
Унхис wrote:Andrei Patrushev
Thanks for the reply !
waiting for then. And headphones definitely? (No I have them)
The computer can not? (SB Live 5.1 and 5.1 acoustics)
Or maybe in her car (not while driving), there is "music" primaluna?
SB Live 5.1 is a decent card. :)
Yes, headphones definitely (enough for 300-400 rubles). In the extreme case of a column with two sides near the ears (with mode 5.1). Naturally, the volume should be small.

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 23:20
by Унхис
I will unsubscribe as promised.
First: I bow to Andrei Patrushev.
So. So already a month has passed since I was here (see post from Thu APR 08, 2010 4:48 am) against the advice of A. P. I began the audition with the Conductor and Istseleniya. This, I know, bad, but forgive me.
My listening experience of endorphins:
Headphones I still bought. Listened for 15 - 20 minutes in the morning before work, sometimes more, once listened to the entire disk.
1) Noticed immediately (a evening after the first morning's listening) that the whole day from the face went a light peaceful smile :)
2) the little things that are annoying, inevitable taunts of the people, their "poison" and irritation expressed in any form, provoked the same smile :) and swept as if by not touching it and not "swinging".
3) Stop annoying the lack of cigarettes. Ie I still smoke, but in their absence have nothing to hate.
4) Normal sleep, early for me to sleep was a big problem, and Wake up later.
5) don't know how to Express it... I began to take a less "emotional" decisions, was their vzveshennoe to think that is. Not really bothered in the formulation can be expressed as: the decision was more "correct".
6) work ! Was to bring even more pleasure. The state of hopeless apathy has passed, I have a goal :)
7) it May not be an indicator of course, since I'm a professional in this field, but he himself was surprised. The profile of the project (10 tables 60 and 90 cells approximately, with comprehensive financial information about the enterprise for ~7 years ahead) I "ground" in two days !!!! Previously, this required at least a week. Information became the head quickly and easily, without the headache that had always accompanied such events :)
8) Now say reducing the effect of listening and increased its duration to 30 minutes, do not intend to interrupt the course - I wonder what will happen next.
9) Two times, "greed" I listened to the whole CD. Eeee... hours after 1.5-2 appeared as very close (though not as strong) to the withdrawal syndrome. Rapid pulse, palpitations, fatigue, eye zakryvayutsya, really want to sleep but can't sleep. On "rollback" in General it seems. It takes another hour 1.5-2, or if fails to fall asleep. Wonder why this is ?
In General all.
Turn on iscelenie and guide :)
Kowtow, Andrei Patrushev.<

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:32
by Светец
Andrew, what you propose is digital drugs?

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 15:02
by Йоссариан
Светец wrote:Andrew, what you propose is digital drugs?
Ha, explain first what it is. The term "drugs" is pretty vague and trudnootdelemy, and then there's "sound". In my mind "audio drugs" - obscure records that crooks sell to gullible suckers

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 15:45
by Унхис
Светец wrote:Andrew, what you propose is digital drugs?
Sense, not even close - no! It is rather a medicine to bring somatics into a healthy condition.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 16:58
by Андрей Патрушев

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 17:02
by Андрей Патрушев
Унхис wrote:twice "greed" I listened to the whole CD. Eeee... hours after 1.5-2 appeared as very close (though not as strong) to the withdrawal syndrome. Rapid pulse, palpitations, fatigue, eye zakryvayutsya, really want to sleep but can't sleep. On "rollback" in General it seems. It takes another hour 1.5-2, or if fails to fall asleep. Wonder why this is ?
Most likely, this conditional-reflex reaction, which will soon pass. :?
Although, it is quite possible (and opinio it seems) that You have exceeded the private rate of stimulation and failed to diffuse inhibition of the cortex of the brain. Excessive stimulation always leads to braking.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 19:18
by йа
Andrew, what you propose is digital drugs?

CD "Endorphins" torcivia all "digital drugs" combined. Yes, you can call it cyfrowe drugs. What else would you call a disc which makes you produce hormones similar in structure to morphine? Only now healing from them-no only feel better because you are in pain and the euphoria. Hence the illusion that it is somehow useful. You can use it for fun.

Rapid pulse, palpitations, fatigue, eye zakryvayutsya, really want to sleep but can't sleep. On "rollback" in General it seems. It takes another hour 1.5-2, or if fails to fall asleep. Wonder why this is ?

Listened to the disc. Such rhythms as 38 Hz and moreover 100 do not have the time to listen. Cause all of the above described possible hot flashes, nauseated and breaks in the bones like the flu.

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:35
by Андрей Патрушев
йа wrote:what else would you call a disc which makes you produce hormones similar in structure to morphine? Only now healing from them-no only feel better because you are in pain and the euphoria. Hence the illusion that it is somehow useful. You can use it for fun.
It is rather opiates similar in structure to endorphins... :)
Drive is not a pill, and nobody "makes", but only very mildly stimulates, and completely natural way (which is training). :?
Rather high content of endorphins strengthens the immune system, prevent the psychological trauma, improves learning ability, and depression and anhedonia it can even be called a treatment, although, in fact, this exercise... :ay
йа wrote:Such rhythms as 38 Hz and moreover 100 do not have the time to listen. Cause all of the above described possible hot flashes, nauseated and breaks in the bones like the flu.
Such rhythms are fully in ordinary music, especially in all areas of rock some all day listening. The secret of the effectiveness of the disk is not in some frequencies, and in their special combination and movement... :D

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 18:27
by йа
It is rather opiates similar in structure to endorphins... Smile

You have changed my view of the world :(

Such rhythms are fully in ordinary music, especially in all areas of rock some all day listening.

I'm talking about binaural beats with such frequency. I used all somnivayus that there are binaural beats 35 Hz, I just started to hear two separate tones in each ear. And then quite by accident occurred to increase the carrier frequency and then again was heard the beat.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 18:51
by Камрадъ
There's a problem :cry: what can be?

There is a Disk Endorphins,CD-PLayer,MM InerPulse,connect everything together,put the AuS mode,press PLAY on the player all works,BUT if I turn down the sound on your player to a comfortable level for me,with 20 by default,to 13 as stops the signal to the glasses :evil: there is only the sound,put on 20 and above, the glasses are included,but all very loud and not comfortable.What could it be?

CD Player Samsung MCD-HF200S

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 15:51
by Андрей Патрушев
Камрадъ wrote:There's a problem :cry: what can be?

There is a Disk Endorphins,CD-PLayer,MM InerPulse,connect everything together,put the AuS mode,press PLAY on the player all works,BUT if I turn down the sound on your player to a comfortable level for me,with 20 by default,to 13 as stops the signal to the glasses :evil: there is only the sound,put on 20 and above, the glasses are included,but all very loud and not comfortable.What could it be?

CD Player Samsung MCD-HF200S
Different players have different frequency response characteristic. Perhaps Your slightly overwhelmed high. The most simple and universal for all players output - headphones (adapter) with separate volume adjustment.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 19:27
by z
10 minutes after the start of the Endorphins if you propagate OHMS or ZOOM the sound is in resonance with the music disk and begin to feel the resonance throughout the body(interesting observation)

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 19:10
by Йоссариан
I listen for 3-4 course, went for 25-30 minutes, and while listening to the feeling of relaxation and weightlessness, something like Healing, after listening to the state of not positive emotion, but rather relaxed and focused. From auditions for 15 min. significant effects were not. I read that hyperactive children are given stimulants of the CNS, and paradoxically, they become calmer, you may be with me occurs the same effect?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 13:40
by Малина
Adnrey, Hello!
Listen to "Endorphins" twice a day for 15 minutes. The question arose: whether to include the disk from the middle.. or 15 minutes before the end..? Or listen from the beginning every time? Then it turns out that listening to the same part of the disk.. ignoring everything else. Or unprincipled?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 13:52
by Андрей Патрушев
Малина wrote:Adnrey, Hello!
Listen to "Endorphins" twice a day for 15 minutes. The question arose: whether to include the disk from the middle.. or 15 minutes before the end..? Or listen from the beginning every time? Then it turns out that listening to the same part of the disk.. ignoring everything else. Or unprincipled?
Does not matter - the disc is uniform all over.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 13:57
by Андрей Патрушев
Йоссариан wrote:I listen to already 3-4 course, went for 25-30 minutes, and while listening to the feeling of relaxation and weightlessness, something like Healing, after listening to the state of not positive emotion, but rather relaxed and focused. From auditions for 15 min. significant effects were not. I read that hyperactive children are given stimulants of the CNS, and paradoxically, they become calmer, you may be with me occurs the same effect?
This is a fairly mild effect and only noticeable against the backdrop of previous "negative". :?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:35
by Василий_V
Andrew, Hello!
Listened to a course by E. and full was retarded and slow, head worked as a sluggish. finished the course and everything was OK.
Here I want to tone up? is after 21 days again to listen to?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:55
by Андрей Патрушев
Василий_V wrote:Andrey, Hello!
Listened to a course by E. and full was retarded and slow, head worked as a sluggish. finished the course and everything was OK.
Here I want to tone up? is after 21 days again to listen to?
You may exceed the time of the stimulation (individual). Excessive stimulation always leads to inhibition...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 15:04
by Малика
Andrew, thank you for Endorphins! Today is the 21st day of listening. Combined them with nicotinei by the method of O. V. Patrushev, continuous positive :) .
Now a break of 15 days, and then you choose what to listen to next..

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 15:18
by Андрей Патрушев

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 16:04
The protracted winter,not much sun -it began to strain .Condition not that sleepy ,appatov .Included 15 minutes in the morning, the endorphins and natural vitamins. After a week prettier.Endorphins in the morning is the cheerfulness for the whole day.Even in cloudy weather. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:47
by Ивгенич
How many didn't listen earlier, the endorphins, the reaction of which is not felt , and today it is jammed and very much still can not believe that I had something similar happen! glasses included at a maximum after 5 minutes didn't just go into a trance, under the healing,but felt something much more serious ! To describe words difficult, but not something like this in my life experience was not necessary, the brain is felt as a separate body part and it seemed that they can rotate inside the skull in different directions and moving up and down. Incredible euphoria, like the brain of someone tickling from the inside, usually in the deepest trance I felt something similar in the area of the forehead, but something just today realized the enormous potential in the disk,and all the others in the course. At the time, abused meditations under various substances for the purpose of the experiment, but none of these substances can't match that gave the brain under the influence of drive! Incredible ! I hope further listening will give the same effect , which was very different from what gave the audition of a conductor that is also long could not understand, but for some reason yesterday entered the deepest hypnotic trance reminiscent of the astral, man I was not sickly hypnotized!
Unable to really move away from the impressions, as drew even more striking from the endorphins.
Maybe this effect is related to the fact that the discs are listened to in poppy, where the sound was cleaner than the tape, or beer stopped drinking in the evenings and may diet changed to a diet, or all together?
In any case, the endorphins have killed me to death

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 13:05
Ивгенич wrote:In any case, the endorphins have killed me to death
:shock: Most likely revived! :D
Be careful with the wording.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 14:02
by Андрей Патрушев
If you do not expect and not expect :) then there are even more interesting passages, but with the discs in the same river can not enter twice... :?