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Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 12:56
by Милена
Song of Chakramov (though I don't know what it is) on the CD "Endorphins"? What is generally recorded on the disc? Please describe, if possible. Using analogies and associations.
Thank you.

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:24
by Dimas
Song of Chakramov is recorded on the CD "solar wind".Disk Endorphins recorded pink noise with a binaural beat (possibly more complex sound matrix) in the beta rhythms.Andrew may more to explain the details.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 17:15
by Дровосек
Question to Andrey Patrushev. And people able to help. The last time I have a highly developed sense of daytime sleepiness and apathy. As far as I can judge from all the information he could find, it may be connected with the prosperity of betta waves. Unfortunately, in the near future to purchase a MM, so I would like to know whether the CD "Endorphins" to help in this situation. Or maybe some other drives? And is it possible - preset focusing Attention 1 of the BrainWave Generator for my goals?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 18:31
by Лилка
lumberjackdon't know , how about "ability to help", but to share everything :) :

MM I don't have, all this time without it, only the disks (Andrew P.). And very effective!!!!!!

Had the same problem including, as You have now. Solved it a little differently :ap than just listening for the buzz.)))) Quite a drastic method)))))))).

PS... about Andrianov - MAYBE, BUT NOT the FACT that will help. (for me it caused absolutely opposite reaction... tried once.... in the end gave up :( ) Although You can and will help, like many people who have tried.

Good luck to all!!!! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 19:14
by Pavel
>Last time I have a highly developed sense of daytime sleepiness and apathy.

Before I was madly in love scones and so as a result all the time wanted to sleep - the body was difficult to cope with such a burden.
Helped first "Explorer" and other drives like that - and then it was the turn of vodopija, sports club.

Even a single "Conductor" take off the apathy and drowsiness.

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 13:34
by Dimas
And I really with that case helps "Massage brain" and taking dietary supplements with vitaminsImage

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 16:34
by Вик_
Listened to 2 times. Effect (or at least palpable) 0! :? Unlike the massages of the brain. Maybe something not so do? Without machine work? :roll:

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 16:53
by Dimas
a Machine works much better!I think to continue to listen,make the brightness higher :oops:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 17:40
by Дровосек
Thanks to everyone who helped!)
Pavel: as for the guide, it is not something I have. 45 minutes is the limit of my capabilities - so much I can listen, and then want to take off the headphones, there is some aversion to the state of relaxation.(
Dimas massage brain listened to 10 days, and then moved on to healing (can't say why - probably because of the name - more in line with what was required). Finished the course 10 days ago. From the results became more calm, but falling asleep still (not)
only now, like many on the forum began to dream dreams, or rather began to memorize them (as I read the dream always just them, many do not remember).
Endorphins will postpone until yesterday listened to - so a headache :shock: (though this time I decided while listening in the Internet climb and a couple of pacientov to expand, not passive with your eyes closed listen).
Now the scheme is in the morning massage of the brain, focusing Attention day 1 of BrainWave Generator in the evening theta meditation (Deconcentration) - I would like to attach it directly to listen to before going to sleep (turns off well), but at the end of the recorded frequency to return back to wakefulness, wiretapping after which, I can't for 1-2 hours to fall asleep. Therefore, there is a question for Andrew, could You tell approximately what minute starts increasing frequencies to use to return in vigor? I would like to cut out the ending and quietly listen to the recording before going to sleep. Thanks in advance!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 20:48
by Андрей Патрушев
Дровосек wrote:the evening theta meditation (Deconcentration) - I would like to attach it directly to listen to before going to sleep (turns off well), but at the end of the recorded frequency to return back to wakefulness, wiretapping after which, I can't for 1-2 hours to fall asleep. Therefore, there is a question for Andrew, could You tell approximately what minute starts increasing frequencies to use to return in vigor? I would like to cut out the ending and quietly listen to the recording before going to sleep. Thanks in advance!
Hmm... something I did (about frequency at the end) there won't remember... :? Apparently, You have all of Sechenov excessive inhibition leads to excitation (as well as Vice versa)...

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 23:43
by Дровосек
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Дровосек wrote:the evening theta meditation (Deconcentration) - I would like to attach it directly to listen to before going to sleep (turns off well), but at the end of the recorded frequency to return back to wakefulness, wiretapping after which, I can't for 1-2 hours to fall asleep. Therefore, there is a question for Andrew, could You tell approximately what minute starts increasing frequencies to use to return in vigor? I would like to cut out the ending and quietly listen to the recording before going to sleep. Thanks in advance!
Hmm... something I did (about frequency at the end) there won't remember... :? Apparently, You have all of Sechenov excessive inhibition leads to excitation (as well as Vice versa)...
That is, the drive theta meditation (Deconcentrate) does not contain binaural beats in the end of the recording returns of the theta rhythm to the betta? I dare to assume that such disks as Massage of the brain, healing the same do not contain frequencies designed to bring the rhythm of the brain to wakefulness again!? This explains a lot...
I was just reading ... or in the articles on this site or somewhere else that usually the records contain the rhythm, which gradually brings the person to the desired state (alpha, theta), and then after the expiry of a period of time returns to beta rhythm. Seen something... somewhere I got it wrong... bc
Just when listening to any of the disks, namely, (massage of the brain, healing, guide, theta meditation (Deconcentrate)) me enough for 35-40 minutes. I'm quite good relax is often included (as I understand) in REM sleep is not disabled, but then, and quite a quick healer, as stated above 35-40 minute. And since the disks of the brain massage, theta meditation (Deconcentrate) have a recording time of 45 minutes, healing 50 and the conductor 1:10. I assumed that the discs are recorded at the end of binaural beats with gradually increasing rhythm. The conductor, however, wasn't to this theory, but I thought this exception.
Andrew, and You are faced with such a special manifestation? What could it be?<

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 1:37
by Евгений Кош
Дровосек wrote:the Question to Andrei Patrushev. And people able to help. The last time I have a highly developed sense of daytime sleepiness and apathy. As far as I can judge from all the information he could find, it may be connected with the prosperity of betta waves. Unfortunately, in the near future to purchase a MM, so I would like to know whether the CD "Endorphins" to help in this situation. Or maybe some other drives? And is it possible - preset focusing Attention 1 of the BrainWave Generator for my goals?
Endorphins are "sharpened" more.. Andrei Patrushev writes about this in the instructions.. and the action - there is.

If You have actually appatov ( from her well, and daytime sleepiness).. without any ulterior reasons ... very good "Star flight" and "Massage of the brain"..
there is more than sleepiness :)
Though not surprised that You are on top can "cut" after listening.. but this is normal in the beginning.. well, normal if it is infrequent at any "experience" of listening. in the first embodiment are signs of adaptation.. in the second option it's features (most likely) "adjustment" aberrant scale :)
in "Star flight" and "Massage of the brain" - a lot vkusnostej and very useful for us.
You can even mp3 to work with him to get the "Star wanderer".. and as soon as you begin to feel sleepy to listen to it.. in a few weeks, share with us your results.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:52
by Евгений Кош
Дровосек wrote: Pavel: as for the guide, it is not something I have. 45 minutes is the limit of my capabilities - so much I can listen, and then want to take off the headphones, there is some aversion to the state of relaxation.(
it seems that my observations will receive confirmation.
At the initial stage listening to the conductor I, too, was an unpleasant feeling .. I called them "break-up"..
Now I know why it was so..
And about another case, too, everything is going...

In General like - like.. and the reaction to it - everyone has their own given the "layers" of childhood.. it childhood.
PS well, not excluding of course the trivial cases when the man is annoyed(or tired) and IT is at this point simply "do not climb" :)

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:52
by Dimas
Eugene Kosh
This is intended to conduct a little experiment here...2 Dec going to holotropnoe,then listen to a full course Conductor...something tells me-will be interesting results (I mean that Eugene Kosh wrote about childhood)...

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 13:25
by Евгений Кош
Dimas wrote:Eugene Kosh
This is intended to conduct a little experiment here...2 Dec going to holotropnoe,then listen to a full course Conductor...something tells me-will be interesting results (I mean that Eugene Kosh wrote about childhood)...
Yes.. try holotropic..
each of it gives different results.
personally, I was not able to "see" childhood and feel in the womb :)
However.. got the effect of enhancing sensory abilities, particularly to sense a person's mood; to be in a trance just a few seconds.
But more holotropic not want :)
you can achieve much more with less "suffering" (resulting from holotropic).

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 13:36
by Dimas
Eugene Kosh
Suffering???But I have friends who completed a course in love..and true,all of rasno the results say such to which the person is ready and he needs...I do not want one course to go,and 8-10,once a month...of course if after the first experience I was not going to snap...

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 13:56
by Евгений Кош
Dimas wrote:Eugene Kosh
Suffering???But I have friends who completed a course in love..and true,all of rasno the results say such to which the person is ready and he needs...I do not want one course to go,and 8-10,once a month...of course if after the first experience I was not going to snap...
well, actually, Yes..
so the brain in the head gives the saturation of oxygen.. that he's moving out :)
I don't think HE'll call it action - otherwise :)

lately, I have formed the opinion(knowledge) that all that is necessary for the person is very harmonious way/method.. and all(situation/action/state) is this the best way.. we can only accept it .. and thank you . (about to take the hint in the direction of "Sabarmati" is a good thing.. self-sabotage is the worst that is in us after their own fear).
Although holotropic likely (perhaps) and gives the person a "kick" to it "slipped" the area where stagnant .. and too much make - there could be as lucky.. if Viveza in a comfortable and embrace change is good .. and if a little further some of the discomfort (when you realize more than willing to accept) - guaranteed..

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 13:48
by Сударыня
If we're talking about hyperventilated, then a dangerous thing happens.
A good feeling gives the oxygen, because the man and breathing deeply. Alas, the deeper and deeper he breathes, the it is useless. The human body is geared for consumption цео2 :) And with a deep breath, the cells do not have time neither to take nor to release oxygen. Cellular activity is suspended, as it comes oxygen toxicity.
The signs of oxygen poisoning to write?

In General, learn matchast Lord! :o

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 18:46
by Андрей Патрушев
Сударыня wrote:If talking about the glut of oxygen, a dangerous thing happens.
A good feeling gives the oxygen, because the man and breathing deeply. Alas, the deeper and deeper he breathes, the it is useless. The human body is geared for consumption цео2 :) And with a deep breath, the cells do not have time neither to take nor to release oxygen. Cellular activity is suspended, as it comes oxygen toxicity.
The signs of oxygen poisoning to write?

In General, learn matchast Lord! :o
In fact, when chaotrope happens anoxia of the cerebral cortex. 8)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 0:52
by Евгений Кош
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Сударыня wrote:If talking about the glut of oxygen, a dangerous thing happens.
A good feeling gives the oxygen, because the man and breathing deeply. Alas, the deeper and deeper he breathes, the it is useless. The human body is geared for consumption цео2 :) And with a deep breath, the cells do not have time neither to take nor to release oxygen. Cellular activity is suspended, as it comes oxygen toxicity.
The signs of oxygen poisoning to write?

In General, learn matchast Lord! :o
In fact, when chaotrope occurs anoxia of the cerebral cortex.
Andrew is right.. materiel here in the forehead is not a ride :) because the poisoning will receive if nourish the blood more than 21% oxygen :) (well, or at elevated pressure of oxygen)
and breathing the atmosphere - more than 21% You did not "stick" in the blood :) and the pressure will not increase :)

Saturated oxygen of blood ( there is literally a little something 1-2%).. but along the way, disturb the normal CO2 in the blood.. from lack of CO2 the blood vessels constrict and... get lack of oxygen.. with all the ensuing consequences..

The reaction was (personally for me) - I do not want to breathe ...

PS although you have to be careful.. there are certified professionals holotropic who in all seriousness tell you to novice holonavt - that is PRECISELY the oxygen saturation.. and they say the parts of the brain that previously received less oxygen.. in this breath receive it.. and this "crazy".. they say it is useful to supply oxygen that is not used for food... they say the liver etc..
and in all seriousness say experts zanymuse fairly high positions in medicine in our city..<

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:01
by Андрей Патрушев
Евгений Кош wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Сударыня wrote:If talking about the glut of oxygen, a dangerous thing happens.
A good feeling gives the oxygen, because the man and breathing deeply. Alas, the deeper and deeper he breathes, the it is useless. The human body is geared for consumption цео2 :) And with a deep breath, the cells do not have time neither to take nor to release oxygen. Cellular activity is suspended, as it comes oxygen toxicity.
The signs of oxygen poisoning to write?

In General, learn matchast Lord! :o
In fact, when chaotrope occurs anoxia of the cerebral cortex.
Andrew is right.. materiel here in the forehead is not a ride :) because the poisoning will receive if nourish the blood more than 21% oxygen :) (well, or at elevated pressure of oxygen)
and breathing the atmosphere - more than 21% You did not "stick" in the blood :) and the pressure will not increase :)

Saturated oxygen of blood ( there is literally a little something 1-2%).. but along the way, disturb the normal CO2 in the blood.. from lack of CO2 the blood vessels constrict and... get lack of oxygen.. with all the ensuing consequences..

The reaction was (personally for me) - I do not want to breathe ...

PS although you have to be careful.. there are certified professionals holotropic who in all seriousness tell you to novice holonavt - that is PRECISELY the oxygen saturation.. and they say the parts of the brain that previously received less oxygen.. in this breath receive it.. and this "crazy".. they say it is useful to supply oxygen that is not used for food... they say the liver etc..
and in all seriousness say experts zanymuse fairly high positions in medicine in our city..
Well, don't judge them too harshly. Because people don't like when they do something nedodayut, and then, perhaps, oxygen free...<

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 22:10
by Сударыня
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Сударыня wrote:If talking about the glut of oxygen, a dangerous thing happens.
A good feeling gives the oxygen, because the man and breathing deeply. Alas, the deeper and deeper he breathes, the it is useless. The human body is geared for consumption цео2 :) And with a deep breath, the cells do not have time neither to take nor to release oxygen. Cellular activity is suspended, as it comes oxygen toxicity.
The signs of oxygen poisoning to write?

In General, learn matchast Lord! :o
In fact, when chaotrope occurs anoxia of the cerebral cortex.
Actually I wrote about the same :)
Of oxygen in the blood a lot, but he's in a cage not getting a TC Reduction of CO2 in the blood increases the relationship of oxygen and hemoglobin (vot called it oxygen poisoning :?) and impedes oxygen flow to the cells (the effect Verigo-Bora). The decrease in the oxygen influx into the tissues causes oxygen starvation - hypoxia. How long it will last cell in a healthy state and not die? And to grow the cell in nervous tissue need 7 years + some time to be embedded in a network of other nerve cells. Although of course everyone has the right to choose to destroy or not, it is important that the choice was conscious. 8)

And another thought - in the book "Inspiration to order" Weiss also writes about shallow breathing in meditation, it is unlikely she knew about method Buteyko.
And one more note - Smoking identity contributes to the reduction of CO2 that pours into the mill to oxygen starvation.

The materiel is very delicate thing!

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:02
by Dima
Of the distribution of the "School of His body":

Serotonin - health, power, and respect.

A reasonable man (Homo Sapiens) in its development has come a long way. We often forget that a huge way, we forget that millions of years of evolution have made us what we are.

People last hundreds of thousands of years existed as a hunter and gatherer. And only 150 years people living in conditions of the industrial revolution.

The body and the human psyche in such a short period of time, of course, could not change, they were all the same, which was 100 thousand years ago adapted to life in cities, sidewalks, cars and computers, but to life in the wild.

Our mind adapted to life in the community (the tribe), and therefore one of the most important needs is the need of entering the dominance hierarchy (power).

The struggle for social status is what we have been by nature since birth. However, this sentenced all social animals.

Moreover, it is this struggle for status (power) made us intelligent.

As proven by researchers (Dunbar, 1992) in monkeys, the volume of the cerebral cortex is directly connected with the average size of the group.

Monkeys constantly watch each other, remember all the fights, note the relationship of other monkeys of the group among themselves.

To live in a group is beneficial - it is easier to get food, easier to defend from predators.

But the size group may not exceed the mental capacity of each individual by tracking the relationship between members of the community. The larger the group, the greater the required memory and the more you should be thinking.

This is to ensure that individual could in any measure to predict the behavior of other dogs and manage them.

Usually, the hierarchy refers to the linear type - there is a major species ("alpha"), which holds in subjection all the rest. The following individual is accountable only to the leader, the "alpha". The following is subject only to the number 1 and number 2, and so on.

But apes have a more complex hierarchy: the beast "And" can dominate "B", "B" over "B", but "In" is dominant over "A".

Man has kept the same type of hierarchy: one and the same man can be the leader (Director), a sports club can be a middle class, but at home he can and does occupy the bottom position in all things obeying my wife and daughters.

I.e. in the modern society every person can be part of the same hierarchy, and several.

The essential trait of every organism living in the social hierarchy - the ability to control their emotions.

This is done through special mechanisms of excitation and inhibition that occur in the cerebral cortex.

For signal transmission between the nerve cells throughout the body are used special substance - serotonin.

The increase in serotonin levels leads to increased activity. The decrease in the level of serotonin inhibits the activity.

This universal mechanism of excitation and inhibition is widely used in nature: they use everything from flat worms and shellfish to humans.

And now we move on to the fun part.

It turns out that if the monkey to artificially increase serotonin levels, it leads to a sharp increase in her status, until the "alpha" (Reli, 1991).

This individual becomes calm, confident, purposeful. She straightened posture, eyes become direct.

Similar results found and for people: it is confirmed that the increase in serotonin levels helps to promote a person up the career ladder (Gardner, 1998).

Low serotonin levels, on the contrary, makes a monkey generally submissive, but impulsive (prone to outbursts of aggression).

Of the human study confirmed this pattern: high impulsivity (hysteria) were also characteristic of people with low serotonin levels.

Moreover, these people were prone to neuroses and their various manifestations, ranging from overeating to various psychosomatic diseases.

Because the number of psychosomatic diseases (i.e. diseases caused by nervous breakdowns) to date is 70% from all diseases, we can conclude that the first thing you need to do to treat these diseases is to raise the level of serotonin in the body.

The increase in serotonin levels is accompanied by a lift in mood - a person the feeling of happiness, joy, euphoria.

Lowering the level of serotonin is associated with depression, the person becomes lethargic, sluggish. And exit from this state is possible only by increasing the levels of serotonin.

And here we come to the main point.

How to raise the level of serotonin in our body? This is very important, it will contribute not only to the high level of health (we will eliminate all psychosomatic diseases of our lives), but to our promotion, the transition to a higher level of the hierarchy. In other words, we are more persuaded, we will be more respected, we will have a higher social status.

The easiest way, of course, the reception of special preparations - inhibitors of serotonin reuptake (SSRI's). However, these drugs are not accidentally equal to drugs - they are sold only by special prescription from a neurologist.

Therefore, we need to learn on their own, without any artificial chemicals, learn how to increase serotonin levels.

Psychologists have noted one fact - the expression of pride and shame are similar to the signs of dominance in animals.

The behavior that occurs when pride is: the person is relaxed, radiating confidence and peace of mind. This is a typical behavior of the leader. The leader straightened to his full height, and all around just feel this subconscious signal - a straight, relaxed posture indicates a high rank.

The behavior that occurs when the sense of shame, the opposite. The man looks away, lowers her head of her shoulders. The behavior is fussy and nervous.

Scientists (Masters, McGuire, 1994) have conducted studies and found that a sense of pride increases serotonin levels, and sense of shame lowers the level of serotonin.

Thus, our task is to maintain the high level of serotonin is greatly simplified - we need to achieve a permanent sense of pride, and in any case to avoid feelings of shame.

It should be noted that all our senses are immediately reflected on our body: the pride and the shame reflected through posture. Pride is characterized by direct relaxed posture, the shame - the stoop, raised shoulders and a lowered head.

But the opposite is true - straight posture evokes a sense of pride, and stoop - the feeling of shame and guilt.

I repeat - the stoop will automatically lead to the emergence of feelings of shame and guilt. Moreover, since it is necessary to keep in mind that people are always easy to justify your feelings. Therefore, once the sense of shame arose, then the man himself will quickly find an excuse on this score - it will find/invent a reason to be ashamed of himself (the object of shame).

For example, it can begin to be ashamed of himself. Or ashamed of your family. Or ashamed of his car/clothes/wages, etc.

I.e. as soon as there is a sense of shame - the object is immediately there.

But you clearly need to give yourself a report that the object is secondary. The primary feeling, which arose due to incorrect posture.

But proud all the same. As soon as the man took a proud stance, he immediately raises a sense of pride. And he's going to find/invent a object that can be proud of.

Thus, if You suddenly for some reason feel a sense of shame and guilt, know it all brain games, and the best time to correct posture. After that, the feeling of shame and guilt will evaporate by themselves.

So, the sense of pride increases serotonin levels, shame decreases.

Conclusion: straight posture will cause an increase in serotonin levels, bent back and slouching will cause a decrease in serotonin levels.

Thus, constant observation of posture, work on it is:

- the simplest way to cure psychosomatic diseases. And the list of such diseases is very wide: it allergies, and asthma, and skin disorders, and colitis, and ulcers, and cardiovascular diseases, and nervous diseases, etc.

is to raise the status and career growth. People in everyday life is guided by unconscious signals. Straight back to the interlocutor subconsciously tells us about his high rank and success. With the opinion of such a person will simply want to be prepared and to argue with him, on the contrary, nobody wants.

- getting rid of depression and bad habits associated with the artificial stimulation (alcohol, overeating, Smoking). The increase in serotonin levels is accompanied by a feeling of joy, so apply artificial stimulants just don't want to.

- a significant increase in sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex. Every woman working on posture will repeatedly greater effect in terms of attraction and inner feelings of contentment than makeup, nails and buy a fashionable suit.

All this can significantly change our lives, so do not neglect working on your posture. Work on the posture is much more important than morning exercises, going to sports clubs and any recommendations for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Because without the beautiful posture, straight spine without, serotonin levels will be low, so there is no healthy lifestyle.

So, watch the posture, keep your back straight but relaxed. In this simple way you will be able to raise the level of serotonin - a substance that transmits electrical impulses from one nerve cell to another.<

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 19:42
by Ром
Hello, all!

A week listening to the Endorphins on the recommendation of the psychologist in the morning. On the night of the Conductor, but not regularly. Started from scratch with no alpha training. I have a small constant headache appeared. It somehow might be related to Endorphins?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 15:24
by Dimas
May well alpha...try at first to work..