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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 14:29
by Идущая вперед
here's the article Andrei Patrushev on this subject
he did in 1999, WROTE so neurofen may be more effective and from the article it turned out that not only the ears hear...

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 16:01
by Берендей
Thank you all!
A. Patrushev: For digestion need some time - tomorrow I will unsubscribe.
Going forwardAbout Neurofen I've been on fire, only hands while short to buy it.
Good luck to all!

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 13:40
by Берендей
Андрей Патрушев wrote:(sometimes it's just not the ability to selectively allocate information - often found in preterm 6-month-old babies and, in consequence, - in adults).
"Interrogation" of their own mothers showed that I came into the light as it should be, after 9 months. Selectively choose information know how, otherwise, to study in graduate school would be very difficult. Almost every day you have to "wash the sand" and to extract from multiple sources (scientific and technical literature) required information. To generalize and draw conclusions too. So this part version - definitely by...
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Problems with achieving different trance States can be rooted in the needs of micromanaging every little thing in life
And this, I believe, about me :) Only I still felt that this need is called "responsibility" and that the presence of such traits is more good than bad...
Although, I must admit that my "ceresi logical" mind can disturb me relax. But if I insist, trying to concentrate on their own feelings, to create in the imagination of some images my mind "turns away and goes" and I just fall asleep.
Such are the conclusions.... :? And how am I going to do next - I'll never know. Indeed, many knowledge - many sorrows.
In any case, thanks for the tips. If you still advise what to do next - even huge appreciation.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 18:13
by Guest
Berendey, like and write without errors, and General development level, and all hope that "something magical" will solve Your problems. Do You have no illusions about your logical mind? :) Sclerosis of whatever the times is not treated.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 19:07
by Идущая вперед
Гость wrote:, "something magical" will solve Your problems.
and when I bought a MM and began to use happened something magical.... and you nothing happens patamu that there is no faith...
and I had faith that mm will help me - it helps me a great deal....
but if there is no faith THAT the MOUNTAIN will NEVER GO TO MOHAMMED...though you burst

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 20:34
by Андрей Патрушев
Берендей wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:(sometimes it's just not the ability to selectively allocate information - often found in preterm 6-month-old babies and, in consequence, - in adults).
"Interrogation" of their own mothers showed that I came into the light as it should be, after 9 months. Selectively choose information know how, otherwise, to study in graduate school would be very difficult. Almost every day you have to "wash the sand" and to extract from multiple sources (scientific and technical literature) required information. To generalize and draw conclusions too. So this part version - definitely by...
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Problems with achieving different trance States can be rooted in the needs of micromanaging every little thing in life
And this, I believe, about me :) Only I still felt that this need is called "responsibility" and that the presence of such traits is more good than bad...
Although, I must admit that my "ceresi logical" mind can disturb me relax. But if I insist, trying to concentrate on their own feelings, to create in the imagination of some images my mind "turns away and goes" and I just fall asleep.
Such are the conclusions.... :? And how am I going to do next - I'll never know. Indeed, many knowledge - many sorrows.
In any case, thanks for the tips. If you still advise what to do next - even huge appreciation.
Just "fall asleep"! :) And the more regular the better.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 20:36
by Андрей Патрушев
Anonymous wrote:Berendey, like and write without errors, and General development level, and all hope that "something magical" will solve Your problems. Do You have no illusions about your logical mind? :) Sclerosis of whatever the times is not treated.
Guest, You're just not in the business here, - sclerosis of the flashes is treated. :)

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 20:57
by Берендей
Take Your sarcasm as a joke (on my mind).
And to Your question answer is: do not cherish any illusions, my mind (don't know how Your)- the essence of an advanced calculator. And he needs help in life, not to take on the role of Supreme judge. In other words - know your place. Needless to say, that it is, this place must be decent.
I sincerely believe that each of us is the Creator's, whom does not even compare colossal intellect of Einstein, Landau and Kapitsa (together). As God is parent. He gave his children the best, and it is not His fault that the kids too played a smart game and brought mankind to the edge of the abyss. It is OUR CHOICE.
And the "flashes" I'm going to treat multiple sclerosis and to try to walk with this crutch its Something. To Wake it up and learn to live with it. I would be glad if we with You, the Guest, by the way. For it is written :"And each will be rewarded according to his faith..."

And rolled the voice of God:
"O human race ridiculous
You all intelligence and knowledge are blind,
And the one who is weak retreat,
And who in pride rebelled.
You're in different sects bent neck,
To be cursed by others.......
But who taught you didn't know
What he thinks about God.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 21:32
by Берендей
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Just "fall asleep"! And the more regular the better.

Andrey Vadimovich! Thank you for a specific and GOOD advice!

Be safe,
Gloomy and tired,
Workers values

Chegoj me today on poetry nailed :shock:

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:23
by Guest
Идущая вперед wrote:and I had faith that mm will help me - it helps me a great deal....
Yeah, we all see how You help...
More wild throws all aunties could not be found not only on this site, but probably in Runet. :wink:

Андрей Патрушев wrote:You're just not in the business here
You can say a lot of things. The answer, it is not necessary.
Yeah, but Your vocabulary gives a great scientist :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:06
by Берендей
Why all the anger on this site comes from anonymous Visitors? Can someone explain to me? Or is it one and the same "fate offended" incognito at all branches mention?
Dear! Do You have anything substantive? Sign up humanly, create a topic with your questions and we'll discuss it without anguish and recriminations. Or do You have only one unsatisfied ambitions and delusions of grandeur? I think we here are interested to know what You all wonderful?

And about Faith in yourself and Higher I'm not talking in vain here. Take a photo of the same Patrushev A. V., pririsuyte him the attributes inherent evil power, look carefully for 10-15 minutes on the way, and then turn on the same "Conductor"..... To explain to you what You get with 100% guarantee?

P. S. I apologize for the sharp tone, but not the meaning.
P. P. S. Running don't be offended. She had ALL the work - that defends its Way from the attacks of those who have NOT EVEN TRIED.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 19:24
by Андрей Патрушев
Гость wrote:Andrei Patrushev wrote(a):
You're just not in the business here

You can say a lot of things. The answer, it is not necessary.
Yeah, but Your vocabulary gives a great scientist
I'm certainly not skinny, but a great scientist does not pull. :?
And vocabulary I usually adjust to the interlocutor (professional deformation, if you want :)). And judging by Your sudden reaction to my perfectly harmless (in the context of this forum) saying, according to Your very specific presuppositions, and this time I also got into the top ten. :(

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 14:24
by Guest
Berend: Not to despair and to BELIEVE!!! To add to Norbekova both external sensations: hot, cold stone to the ear, tingling - apparatus DENAS. To use a mind machine. No matter what sound pressure level for a healthy. Absolutely not essential that you don't feel that there is any runout. The body itself will feel. Ultra-high and - low frequencies interact with the authorities without any apparent feelings. And imagine what You HEAR, you HEAR...