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Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 19:05
by ЖСЛ
Йа wrote:Yes my dear f, please give a link to the method of pumping muscle without exercise on them! just here on the forum say it's possible, but in real life I have not met one departure which is practiced in such an original way.)))
the order for the subconscious, which in the dream emulates a physical load.
Йа wrote:ZOMBIE
Thank you for the info, but that is what you say defies logic, but that's how stupidly lying on the sofa and che that there are "presenting" to lose weight or rock - is my fake some)))
No ideas, just in a dream :)

The logic in bath.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 19:34
Practicing with the stalk all you need to do spermadine, while straining as if you are doing a ton...

There is a wonderful thing - HADU. Gymnastics Z. Arabuli. Now not available, maybe after the 24th day lay out your copy of his gymnastics. Than mnogoetajnoe exercise the better, in this case...
He V. Dikul letter some written. It's about something Yes speaks.

Just a dream (leaving the body)... in Soviet times, one uncle coached sportsmen using a modified Shavasana and self-hypnosis. Is on AutoRepeatInterval training.

Yes... V. Shlahter offers adujie a mockery. I respect him for that. Several awakenings in the night, followed by nursing to sleep working out a way, "swinging". The same at bedtime and in the morning. M. rainbow also has a similar technique of indirect way...

choose :roll:

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 19:44
by Андрей Кабанков
I do not like about building muscle,but when I was doing knife fight with the instructor for the preparation of spetspodrazdeleniya,the training program much attention was paid to mental study of their movements at rest with your eyes closed.And it gave positive results in the real fight.
More interesting was the exercise you were blindfolded,were given into the hands of a knife,around were people with sticks and poked them at you in random order,and you had to feel it and attack before you tyknut.

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 20:09
Andrey Kabanov
and what kind of school? RRB?

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 20:36
by Андрей Кабанков
No,it was in a course on system Belang.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 2:31
by АлексейН
ZHSL not about his method, he says, and the system Laushkina - turbo-suslik.
But this forum on another topic. A TC can be found in the Internet. Really helps get rid of any debris in the head. On account of the bird-figure: you can lose weight, nakache muscle, but this effect it as ZHSL I still podutil. See those load figures specified in the Protocol for me is rather weak, especially in swimming (former professional swimmer).

In General, the power of thought can achieve results. Which disks for proper goal setting, etc. will tell you here.

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 10:55
by ЖСЛ
АлексейН wrote:ZHSL not about his method, he says, and the system Laushkina - turbo-suslik.
But this forum on another topic. A TC can be found in the Internet. Really helps get rid of any debris in the head. On account of the bird-figure: you can lose weight, nakache muscle, but this effect it as ZHSL I still podutil.
Well, I still have emulation fight to the death added.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:57
Oh men tricky you hurt. Turbosplit weights dumbbell all the Amateur. Then after the heavy physical loads everything hurts. But without tension weak? To udavolstvie and do what you need?.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 5:05
It I to what to think (is the verb ,every verb is an action ,the main thing in which it is time-it is important for affirmations ) to mean create.(That bish to produce some action but any action is produced unescapeable this is a product of your thoughts.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:31
ndaaa :)

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:42
by Андрей Кабанков
Well,I prefer to run in the woods,since he I in 100 from the house,than to lie on the couch and thinking that I run. :)

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:50
by Malvina
5 "imaginary" 1 of the hardest workouts in the gym. For example...
Here! Should be combined the mental with the physical.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 18:32
Андрей Кабанков wrote:Well,I prefer to run in the woods,since he I in 100 from the house,than to lie on the couch and thinking that I run.
Well duck, I'm not against running. Anyone that wants the themes and enjoys. The main benefit and pleasant experience. This I mean that our website not only for completely healthy and running around , developing . There are people who do not have such fizicheskih opportunities for several vital reasons. Again created by their own thoughts.
Again, running is still something I think. So? Duck here and have a good think about what you want and where and how ( to pump up to remove the transform, and so forth)

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 19:03
by Guest
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:Again, as long as running is still something I think. So?
ndaaa... When I run out thinking. This OVD-meditation.
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:There are people who do not have such fizicheskih opportunities for several vital reasons. Again created by their own thoughts.
actually it's a two-way communication... body-mind...

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 19:04
by Guest
guest it's me. something the forum does not recognize.

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 19:05
I :? :? :?

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 20:34
by Андрей Кабанков
Yes,exactly,when I run ,I meditate :) .Sometimes I close my eyes,an odd feeling coming from this :) .

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 21:27
Andrey Kabanov
On the website of A. Lappa meditative running technique relate to a little-known practices.

Can still (one way) to swim...

Somewhere met the recommendation when running through the forest to try to escape at the most unpredictable of intelligence, trajectory. For bumps, rocks and tree trunks, roots, under Eglon to the horizon ravines, etc. Tada vasche, just don't fall...

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 19:52
by Елена470
A message to Cyril. There is a book "mind Control method Silva" authors: Jose Silva and ed Bernd Jr.

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 18:19
by Мария вип
I am using the power of thought lost 30 pounds in 5-6 months. Lose weight by the author's method of "Look in the mirror and grow thin" author Svetlana Kulishova. It tells that all the extra kg from the head. how to understand yourself, to remove all the blocks from the head to identify the reasons why does not go overweight. There are a number of techniques like using the power of thought to lose weight and look younger,remove wrinkles, etc. describes in Detail the method of work with a mirror. I worked with the methods every day and did all the techniques described there, the first results I saw after a week. Now my life has completely changed, I am changed completely my mind and thoughts changed the attitude to food, and by this method I attracted a promotion at work and have established their personal lives. So that thoughts are material!!!! and Everything really!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:52
by Навигатор
Well, well. Already tears.

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 13:05
by Воффка
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:50
by Навигатор
By the way, you described a kind of "Maria VIP" is quite feasible. If she is not driven is enthusiastic in her message, you can find a grain of truth.
One uncle - Faleev Aleksei Valentinovich, whom I respect, has described in his book "the Magic of harmony" such a case. He is a coach in powerlifting (power triathlon).

"In my sports practice was such a case. A young 16-year-old boy had a congenital heart defect. He was smart, kind, well-read guy, has won regional competitions in mathematics and chemistry among students. But because of the heart defect, he never played sports. Physically, he looked like an anorexic, wore glasses with thick lenses, girls avoided it, and he was very worried about this.

And at some point he got tired. He set table mirror photo famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger and was on a daily basis, strictly for 30 minutes a day to engage in the figurative representation.

He looked at the photo and muscular Schwarzenegger, then at herself in the mirror, and struggling tried to present this powerful body at home. After six months, he looked quite different. He did not, of course, a bodybuilder, but ceased to be anorexic. Now it was a well-groomed young man with a fairly strong and bulky muscles.

To be honest, I did this case was struck, because the guy really could not play sports, but he was able to change its shape only mental images. The power of the subconscious mind is truly infinite!"

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 16:09
by Россомаха
Навигатор wrote:after all, the guy really could not play sports, but he was able to change its shape only mental images. The power of the subconscious mind is truly infinite!"
Yes, Yes, and Arnold Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilder solely through the visualization. Any burdens he did not raise, and every day to visualize yourself as a bodybuilder strictly for 8 hours. This secret was carefully hidden and made known to randomly just this year.

Re: Korektirovki body by the power of thought

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 16:16
by bofara
Schwarzenegger also engaged in visualization.