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Re: rule 2 glasses of water

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 16:56
by Эксперт
Good day! Attended a course Healing 2. Listened every day early in the morning at 6:30. To start listening was drinking a glass of water. While listening always did. And woke up about 8:30 - 9:00. That is, drank the 2nd glass of water approximately
1-1,5 hours after the end of the audio program. Recommended whether so, or should I try to drink water immediately after?

Re: rule 2 glasses of water

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 17:00
by Андрей Патрушев
Water should be drunk. :)

Re: about two cups of water!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 20:51
by Анатолий Т.
Pavel wrote:the instructions for some discs Andrei Patrushev can be found insistence to drink a glass of water before and after session!
Browsing the forum and finding little explanation of Andrei Patrushev about the role of water in processes in the body, decided to create a new topic about water and deepen your knowledge in this matter. ...

Fereidon Batmanghelidzh "Your body's many cries water".
Well, here I decided to join... certainly an interesting Question... I have some answers on this score were, but by the question you are asked. Well, if I hadn't read this post here from one person who "Bo-no-eat-and-Bo-not-drink." :lol: Here in this topic a long time since he has already indicated: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1743
Гость wrote:Andrey, Hello!
The theory that a headache after listening to the program because not enough water is fundamentally wrong :) The reason is quite different and it's plain to see, at a glance.
A few questions:
1. Why not everyone helps the water to avoid a headache?
2. Why I'm doing dry fasting and listening to Your program do not experience any after pains?
3. And why my wife, who also practices dry fasting, also do not have a headache?
4. Why in the forum there are also people who don't drink water and not feel discomfort?
Blamed on "features of the brain"?
Not that looking for the cause :) It is quite obvious, but You have not even tried to explore it. And as long as You assume that the brain stores all the memories or "generates a vision," and is not receiving-transmitting device, neither You nor anyone else will never solve this simple riddle))
So, let's order. No American of Iranian and Japanese descent with its frozen water. :wink:

When we listen to this whole binaural "music", the effect is what? Right! On the brain, on the modes of its work. And now attention! Some may not know, but with average body weight 60 kg our brain has a weight of 1.4 kg and at the same time... He uses what percentage of blood? As much as 25 %, and with heavy loads and more. In amazing condition this figure drops to 10 %. This is despite the percentage of the total body, 2.3 %. Really hungry, I'll tell you, "the machine," this is our brain. It follows that listening "music" puts our brain and the circulatory system in a contingency. And in some individuals the brain is put in extreme conditions. The hint is clear? 8)

But that's not all. Visitors can get acquainted with this interesting info: "the Unknown heart. Here quote from the cuts.

proposed the scientific article of cardiologist A. I. Goncharenko refutes the generally accepted academic view on the heart as a pump. It turns out that the cardiovascular system is a single organized structure of our body are managed by intelligent, omniscient heart. ...

Since then until the present time, these utilitarian beliefs are the basis of the fundamental physiology: "the Heart has two separate pumps: the right and left heart. The right heart pumps the blood through the lungs, and the left through the peripheral organs" [1]. The blood that enters the ventricles, thoroughly mixed, and the heart simultaneously cuts pushes the same volume of blood in the vascular ramifications of a large and small circle. The quantitative distribution of the blood depends on the diameter of the inlet to the organs blood vessels and the action in them of the laws of hydrodynamics [2, 3]. Describes the currently accepted academic scheme of blood circulation.

Despite, it would seem that such an obvious function, the heart is the most unpredictable and vulnerable organ. ...

Heart transplant and its reconstruction became a world sensation of the XX century. They left in the shadows accumulated by physiologists for centuries the facts of hemodynamics, which is fundamentally contrary to the generally accepted ideas about the functioning of the heart and, being misunderstood, was not included in any of the textbooks of physiology. That "the heart as a pump, is not able to distribute the blood of different composition in separate streams on the same vessel", another of Garvey wrote a French doctor of riolan [5]. Since then, the number of such issues continued to multiply. For example: the capacity of all vessels has a volume of 25-30 liters, and the amount of blood in the body 5-6 liters [6]. How more volume is filled less?

It is argued that the right and left ventricles of the heart are Contracting simultaneously, push the same volume of blood. In fact, their rate [7], and the number of blood ejected is not the same as [8]. In the phase of isometric tension in different areas of the cavity of the left ventricle pressure, temperature, composition of blood always different [9], which can not be, if the heart is a hydraulic pump in which liquid is mixed uniformly and at all points of its volume has the same pressure. At the time of ejection of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta, according to the laws of hydrodynamics, the pulse pressure should be greater than at the same time in the peripheral arteries, however, everything looks the opposite, and the blood flow is directed in the direction of greater pressure [10].

From any normally functioning heart blood periodically somehow does not arrive in a separate large arteries, and their reogramme register "empty beats", although according to the same hydrodynamics it should on them be spread evenly [11].

Still not clear the mechanisms of the regional circulation. Their essence is that regardless of the overall blood pressure in the body, the velocity and quantity of flowing through a separate vessel, may suddenly increase or decrease by dozens of times, while in the neighboring organ blood flow remains unchanged. For example: the amount of blood through one renal artery increases by 14 times, and in the same moment in the other renal artery, and with the same diameter it doesn't change [12].

In the clinic it is known that in collaptoid state of shock when the overall blood pressure of the patient falls to zero in the carotid arteries, it remains in the normal range – 120/70 mm Hg. article [13].

Especially strange from the point of view of the laws of fluid dynamics the behavior of venous blood flow. The direction goes from low to higher pressure. This paradox is known for hundreds of years and was called vis a tegro (movement against gravity) [14]. It consists of the following: a person standing on the level of the umbilicus is determined by the indifferent point at which the blood pressure is equal to atmospheric or slightly more. Theoretically, above this point blood should not rise because of it in the Vena cava contains up to 500 ml of blood, in which the pressure reaches 10 mm Hg. article [15]. According to the laws of hydraulics this blood has no chance to get to the heart, but blood flow, not paying attention to our arithmetic difficulties, every second fills the right heart by its necessary quantity.

It is not clear why the capillaries in resting muscles for a few seconds the velocity changes to 5 or more times, and this despite the fact that the capillaries alone cannot contract, it has no nerve endings and the pressure in the supply arterioles remained stable [16]. Looks illogical phenomenon of increasing the amount of oxygen in the blood venules after its flow through the capillaries when oxygen in it almost should not remain [17]. And completely implausible appears to be selective screening of individual blood cells from one vessel and focused their movement in a certain branch.

For example, old large red blood cells with a diameter from 16 to 20 microns of the total flow in the aorta selectively rotate only in the spleen [18], and small young red blood cells with more oxygen and glucose, and also warmer, are sent to the brain [19]. Blood plasma entering the fertilized uterus, contains protein micel order of magnitude greater than in neighboring arteries at this point [20]. In erythrocytes exposed to intensive hands hemoglobin and oxygen more than in idle [21].

These facts indicate that in the body there is no mixing of blood cells, and there is a purposeful, measured, targeted distribution of cells into separate streams, depending on the needs of each organ. If the heart is only a "mere pump", then how committed all these paradoxical events? Not knowing this, the physiologists in the calculation of the blood flow persistently recommend the use of the known mathematical equations of Bernoulli and Poiseuille [22], though their application leads to an error of 1,000%!

Thus, the laws of hydrodynamics, in open glass tubes with a proceeding in which the blood turned out to be inadequate the complexity of the phenomenon in the cardiovascular system. However, in the absence of the other, they still define the physical parameters of hemodynamics. But what is interesting: once the heart is replaced with an artificial, donor or rekonstruiruet, that is, when it is forcibly translated into a clear rhythm of a mechanical robot, then the vascular system marks the action of those laws, but in the body occurs hemodynamic chaos, distort regional, selective blood flow, leading to multiple thrombosis of blood vessels [23]. In the Central nervous system of artificial blood circulation damages the brain, causing encephalopathy, depressed consciousness, behavior change, destroys the intellect, leads to seizures, visual impairment, stroke [24].

It became obvious that the so-called paradoxes, in fact, is the norm of our circulation. Consequently, in the us: there are some other, yet unknown mechanisms, which create problems for entrenched assumptions about the foundations of physiology, the base of which is of stone was a Chimera... it seems that a hoaxer, knowing the truth, for centuries, been deliberately concealed these facts, purposefully summing up humanity to realize the inevitability of the replacement of their hearts.

Some physiologists have tried to resist the onslaught of these misconceptions, offering instead the laws of hydrodynamics such hypotheses as "peripheral arterial heart" [25] and "vascular tone" [26], the effect of arterial pulse fluctuations in venous return of blood [27], centrifugal-vortex pump [28], but none of them have been unable to explain the paradoxes of these events and to propose other mechanisms of the heart.

To collect and organize the contradictions in the physiology of circulation we made the case in the experiment on simulation of neurogenic myocardial infarction, because in it we also ran into a paradox [29].

Inadvertent injury of the femoral artery in monkeys caused the infarction of the apex of the heart. At her autopsy it was discovered that inside the cavity of the left ventricle over a heart attack, a clot formed, and in the left femoral artery before injury sat one behind the other six blood clots. (When intracardiac clots into the vessels, they are called emboli.) Ejected by the heart into the aorta, for some reason they all got only this artery. In other vessels, nothing like it. That is what caused the surprise. How the emboli, formed in a single area of the ventricle, found a place injury among all the vascular branches of the aorta, and got at target?

When playing conditions like a heart attack in repeated experiments on different animals, as well as with the experimental injuries of other arteries of the discovered regularity, which consists in the fact that the injured vessels of any organ or part of the body necessarily cause the pathological changes only in certain areas of the inner surface of the heart, formed by blood clots always come to the site of injury of the arteries. Projections of these areas on the heart in all animals were similar, but their sizes vary. For example, the inner surface of the apex of the left ventricle associated with vessels of the left rear leg, the area to the right and rear from the top with the vessels of the right hind limb. The middle part of the ventricles, including the septum of the heart, is a projection associated with the vessels of the liver, kidneys, surface of its posterior part correlated with the vessels of the stomach and spleen. Surface, located above the middle outer part of the cavity of the left ventricle, the projection of the vessel the left anterior limb; the front part with the transition to the interventricular septum, a projection light, and on the surface of the base of the heart is the projection of the blood vessels of the brain, etc.

Thus, the body was found the phenomenon that has characteristics of paired hemodynamic relationships between vascular areas of the body or parts of the body and the specific projection of their places on the inner surface of the heart. It does not depend on the actions of the nervous system, as is manifested in inactivation of nerve fibers.

Further studies showed that the injuries of the various branches of the coronary arteries also cause a response of defeat in associated peripheral organs and body parts. Consequently, between the vessels of the heart and blood vessels of all the organs there is a direct and feedback. In the event of termination of blood flow in some arteries one organ will appear of hemorrhage and in certain places all the other organs [30]. First of all, it's going to happen in the local place of the heart, and after a certain period of time will inevitably show up in your paired with him the section of the lung, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, brain, etc.

It turned out that our body is one embedded in each other cells of certain organs in the intima of blood vessels others. This representation, or differeny located at the vascular branching of the bodies in such a manner that creates a pattern that, with sufficient imagination you can take over the configuration of the body of a man with a badly distorted proportions. Such projections in the brain are called homunculus [31]. Not to invent for the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and other organs new vocabulary, and we call them the same. Research led us to the conclusion that, besides the cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems in the body are still valid and the system terminal reflection (SRT).

Comparison of immunofluorescence luminescence cell-representations of a single body with the myocardial cells in paired with him in the station of the heart showed their genetic similarity. In addition, portions of the embolus, linking them, to be blood with an identical glow. From which it can be concluded that each organ has its own set of blood, by which it communicates with its genetic representation in the intima of the vessels in other parts of the body.

The question naturally arises, what mechanism provides this incredibly accurate selection of individual blood cells and their targeted distribution in their offices? His quest led us to an unexpected discovery: managing streams of blood, their breeding and the direction of specific organs and body parts makes the heart. On the inner surface of the ventricles it has special devices – trabecular recesses (sinuses, cells), lined with a layer of shiny endocardium, which is a specific muscles; through it they bottom out a few mouths of the vessels Teresia, equipped with a valve. Around the circumference of the cells are circular muscles that can change the configuration of the entrance or fully to block it. These anatomical and functional features allow to liken the work of trabecular cells "mini-hearts". In our experiments to identify the projections of contingency in them organized blood clots.

Portion of the blood in the mini-hearts are formed suitable to them by the coronary arteries in which the flow of blood in systolic contractions in thousandths of a second, at the time of overlapping of the lumen of these arteries that are twisted into a vortex-soliton packaging, which serve as a basis (grains) for their further growth. In diastole these soliton grain through the mouth of the vessels Teresia gush into the cavity of the trabecular cells, where it wound itself around the jet of blood from the Atria. Since each of these grains has a volume of electric charge and speed of rotation, then they rush the red blood cells, matching the resonance of electromagnetic frequencies. As a result, formation of various by quantity and quality of blood soliton vortices.

In the phase of isometric tension inner diameter of the cavity of the left ventricle is increased by 1-1,5 see Occurring at this moment, the negative pressure sucks soliton vortices from the mini-hearts to the center of the cavity of the ventricle, where each of them occupies a specific place in the output spiral channels. At the time of systolic ejection of blood into the aorta, the myocardium twists in its cavity solitons of red blood cells in a single helical conglomerate. And since each of the solitons takes place in the output channels of the left ventricle, then gets its momentum and the spiral trajectory of the aorta, which bring him to the goal – paired organ. Call a "geronimi" method of control mini-hearts flow of blood. It can be likened to a computing technique based on inkjet pneumohydraulic used at the time in the flight control of missiles [32]. But hamonica more perfect, because simultaneously with jet interaction flows produces a selection of red blood cells by solitons and each of them gives targeted direction.

In one cubic mm of blood contains 5 million red blood cells, then to CC – 5 billion erythrocytes. The volume of the left ventricle equal to 80 CC, then fill it with 400 billion red blood cells. In addition, each red blood cell carries at least 5 thousand units of information. Multiplying this amount of information on the number of red blood cells in the ventricle, get heart in one second handles 2 x 1015 units of information. But as the erythrocytes, forming solitons, are from each other at a distance of a millimeter to several centimeters, then dividing this distance by the appropriate time, get a value of speed of operations on the formation of solitons intracardiac geronimi. It surpasses the speed of light! Therefore, the processes gemonic heart is still not registered, they can only calculate.

Thanks to these high-speed, forms the basis of our survival. The heart learns about ionizing, electromagnetic, gravitational, thermal emissions, changes in pressure and composition of the gas environment long before the perception of our sensations and consciousness and prepares the homeostasis to that the expected impact [33].

So, the case in the experiment helped to reveal a previously unknown action of the system terminal reflection, which is blood cells using a mini heart connects all genetically related tissues, and thus enhances the human genome targeted and dosed information. Since the heart involves all of the genetic structure, it carries a reflection of the entire genome and keeps it under constant informational stress. And in this complex system there is no place primitive medieval beliefs about the heart.

It would seem that the findings are entitle to liken the function of the heart to the supercomputer of the genome, but in life things happen that cannot be attributed to any scientific and technological achievements. Forensic scientists and pathologists are well-known differences in human hearts after death. Some of them die, overflowing with blood as the bloated balls, while others are without blood. Histological studies show that when in a stopped heart has an excess of blood, brain and other organs die because they are bloodless, and the heart keeps the blood in itself, trying to save his life. In the bodies of people who died with a dry heart, not only all the blood given to patients bodies, but they find even the particles of the muscle of the myocardium that a heart sacrificed for their salvation, and this is the sphere of morality and not the subject matter of physiology.

The history of knowledge of the heart convinced us strange patterns. In our chest beats a heart, what we imagine: it is soulless, and the vortex and the soliton pump and a supercomputer, and the abode of the soul. The level of spirituality, intelligence and knowledge determine what kind of heart we would like to have: a mechanical, plastic, pork, or its human. It's like the choice of faith.
Of all the facts, some quite unusual facts that are given in this article, we need to pay attention to. that blood behaves like the "cat that walks by itself". But brains, too, have a strong circulatory system. Well you can also remember that person begins to listen to binaural "tune" raises a lot of questions. Who read the forum, he can see it myself. For many of them to stand fears. What do we know? "Fear has big eyes". Or "fear, I have everything clenched inside". Well, actually quite a complicated picture is obtained with our two glasses. And there is no certainty that this agressivnogo friend opened the simple truth on the subject of headaches. I read somewhere that the reason there may be a hundred...

Therefore, one answer: "to Drink! Will not hurt!!!". :? Without any specific explanations.<