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Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 16:27
by Андрей Патрушев
Hello, Dmitry.
And You, as an expert on dreams, I can tell the characteristics of sleep spindles: the frequency(s) per pack and the packs themselves period?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:29
by Дмитрий__
characteristics of sleep spindles:
frequency(s) per pack
The usual range for spindles and 12-15 Hz. Usually occur in the 2nd stage of sleep, are also present in non-REM sleep (stage 4 under the old classification), but less pronounced. Recently there are also so-called slow spindles, which are found only in slow-wave sleep (SWS) and have a frequency 9-12 Hz
and, the company packs themselves?
For conventional spindles seen somewhere 6-15 hesitation in the pack. Drawbar length on average 0,5 - 1 seconds - depending on how you look averaging - for the half-width of the spindle or the minima of the rms.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 11:13
by Андрей Патрушев
Thank you!
And the frequency of the spindles themselves?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 14:02
by Дмитрий__
And the frequency of the spindles themselves?
Don't know do not read... But from personal experience it is difficult to understand because they follow regularly. Tied statistically to the ascending phase of the slow oscillations (SW), but follow them not always. If you find the answer - write.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 21:21
by Анастасия Шевченко
Dmitry__ Good day, Dmitriy. I would like to ask You to develop, beeps, various, correctly understand, including for the WTO? Are there any lectures or conferences, is available at the Institute?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 14:19
by Дмитрий__
Dear Anastasia,
Unfortunately, I currently don't do audio for the WTO. Still working with the influence of sound on sleep. The Institute is engaged in only our lab. I know that now such work is carried out in Novosibirsk. Lectures yet. Reports on the influence of sound on the process of sleep regularly made and published in the literature, for the most part, unfortunately, is foreign. The WTO found there is extremely rare and often the OS.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 19:18
by Игорь Федоров
I don't really understand what TRANS, as only vaguely heard about this is from NLP? If you take non-ordinary States of consciousness, triggered by sound - I think that one passive listening here any more. Need other things more.
Dmitry, in fact all my questions are related only with one purpose - to understand available to us today, the technologies of sound stimulation to create "magic"/programmes to enable people as far as possible/to come nearer to that state of consciousness which You have called their programs "the Intermediate State".
Of course the desired end goal of my research is nothing but induction "those of the WTO." However, I understand that it is foolish to run ahead of the engine, and to begin, I first have to thoroughly understand what effective methods of sound stimulation available to us...

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I understand this: the stronger response in the brain to certain stimuli - the stronger altered state of consciousness, and even more unusual has the potential to be the condition of the subject. Is this true or not?

If so, and it is a correct assumption, I would like to summarize and discuss the conclusions made by me from your previous answers:

- Binaural beats
(supplied stereo headphones)
give to the poor response of the EEG,
hypothetically lead hemisphere to the synchronous operation with each other, but this has not been proven in serious research.
Real working range of the BR is limited to the range of carrier is from about 100 to 700 Hz,
and somewhere up to 25 Hz range themselves perceived beat, plus it narrows the farther the bearing is from 440 Hz. (these are conclusions made by Gerald Oster)

- Monaural beats
(mixed in air binaurally or mixed in the channels of the headphone)
give in fact a much stronger response than EEG, BR.
The maximum response of the EEG appears when applying MB with spaces (which is by analogy similar to the technique of isochronous rhythms)
As far as I understand range monaural beats in contrast to the BR no way limited?
It is possible to stimulate at least 0.1 Hertz, at least 50 Hertz, and on any carrier frequencies, just pulled the headphones themselves.

- Isochronous rhythms
(simple monophonic tones of any frequency, supplied with rhythmic gaps)
hypothetically, Your suggestion should cause even stronger EEG response than conventional constant monaural beats, by analogy supply MB with spaces.
However, any study of the effect of isochronic rhythms unknown to us.

I correctly summed up? Please correct if something is not right. Thank you.

You forgive that I'm just as stupid a freshman student asking You about it all.
Just unfortunately the specialist I am only in computers and the sound itself, but in the brain and all connected with it is very little what I think.
Only only now starting to understand at least a little thanks to You and articles :)

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 16:26
by Дмитрий__
Hello Igor!
Sorry for another delay with the answer!
I understand this: the stronger response in the brain to certain stimuli - the stronger altered state of consciousness, and even more unusual has the potential to be the condition of the subject. Is this true or not?
No, this is wrong. First, the state of consciousness not connected directly with the electromagnetic signals sent by the brain. For example, a person polysomnogram in the two cases may show a similar pattern of REM sleep, but one of them he will have during sleep a very deep emotional experience, and the other - nothing memorable. Second, the strong response of the electromagnetic activity of the brain does not mean some deep unusual state of consciousness. The strongest response occurs to photostimulation in the alpha range, but nothing unusual in it being called the.

I understand where Your assumption: this is really a once popular hypothesis on the mechanism of RESONANCE CAPTURE (or WITHDRAWAL - "ENTRAINMENT"), namely that 1) there is a clear link between the pattern of brain waves and a state of consciousness; 2) the rhythmic effect on the human senses causes for some unexplored reason, the pumping power of brain waves in the range of rhythmic effects. This hypothesis came from physics, where the time showed its validity. But with the brain turned out to be not so simple. Anyway, the second part of this hypothesis has not received experimental confirmation in the case of sound exposure to BR, and the first difficult to prove or refute due to the ambiguous definition of "consciousness" even in a deeply scientific community.
- Binaural beats
(supplied stereo headphones)
give to the poor response of the EEG,
hypothetically lead hemisphere to the synchronous operation with each other, but this has not been proven in serious research.
Real working range of the BR is limited to the range of carrier is from about 100 to 700 Hz,
and somewhere up to 25 Hz range themselves perceived beat, plus it narrows the farther the bearing is from 440 Hz. (these are conclusions made by Gerald Oster)
Like this. But there is a subtle difference between the INTENSITY of the SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTION of BR (associated with a change in state of consciousness) and the INTENSITY of the detected RESPONSE IN the BRAIN of a (associated purely with the neurophysiology). This way an example for Your previous question... the First impact is subjective and most effective when the carrier frequency of 400-500 Hz, the second - objectively, and in the second case the strongest response in the brain is recorded at a frequency of BR of about 40 Hz and carrier frequency can be 1000 Hz or more.
- Monaural beats
(mixed in air binaurally or mixed in the channels of the headphone)
give in fact a much stronger response than EEG, BR.
Yes, that's right. The EEG is simply more powerful. Much stronger on manitobah.
the Maximum response of the EEG appears when applying MB with spaces (which is by analogy similar to the technique of isochronous rhythms)
Rather does not appear, but is manifested. Because the brain reacts most strongly at the time of filing and at the time of turning off the stimulus.
as far as I understand range monaural beats in contrast to the BR no way limited?
Yeah... well It's math.
it is Possible to stimulate at least 0.1 Hertz, at least 50 Hertz, and on any carrier frequencies, just pulled the headphones themselves.
To stimulate it, but it always gives the change in the subjective state of a person? Or his physiology? I tried once to impose a fast (over 16 Hz) mono beats slow BR type 10 focus - it certainly gives the excellent condition of relaxation Ala focus 10, but between several superimposed frequencies ranging from 16 Hz and above, I did not feel the difference.
- Isochronous rhythms
(simple monophonic tones of any frequency, supplied with rhythmic gaps)
hypothetically, Your suggestion should cause even stronger EEG response than conventional constant monaural beats, by analogy supply MB with spaces.
However, any study of the effect of isochronic rhythms unknown to us.
There is nothing that I can say, as with isochronous rhythms was not working. Although I'll probably be in blausee time. With isochronous variants of BR. We'll see.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 20:53
by Иринатка
Recently purchased MM Navigator, start with Your program from the pressure. Do 3 days. The effect is very quick, so to speak, confirmed esperimental ( :) ) - tonometer! After listening to the top with increased pressure on the sphygmomanometer - 186 IMMEDIATELY FELL to 153!!!! This is super!!!! But while the effect is short - no more than an hour (without pills !!!) - falls. Then increases again (so I now have the thing pressure).
Advise that: often during the day to listen to or to practice without the MM - only commands "Balance! Pressure."
While in my case, too early to speak about elaboration of a "code". What better after a small number of days listening: listen to more often in the day - or all the same the most (after times - in the day of the audition) to give commands without MM?
By the way, I tried. After a couple hours of listening the pressure increased again. Measures - high. Sat for 5 minutes,gave the command "Balance pressure", then again measure up-fell. Not, of course, after MM, then decreased for the top ten:).
What would you advise for more rapid achievement of sustainable results?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 20:59
by Иринатка
Actually, I'm impressed!
Immediately there were a lot of questions.
You, to me, is not only a "techie" to create AVS programs, but also have some relevance to psychotherapy (particularly suggestive practices) ? Just.... The voice, the intonation, the flow of teams as a professional in suggestology. The voice and style of speaking - it's also POWER!!! You have it soundsso to say"the naked EAR" :)))))

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 21:15
by Иринатка
And one last question (until the last :? )
You can do the same the pressure is the same, but for "BALANCE" not pressure, and IMMUNE system?
Perhaps individual..... My 19-year-old daughter Rasseyannyi sclerosis. Immune agressivnie often enough aggravation more often than statistics. Remove the dripper with the hormone. But, IMHO, even endocrine to kill you!
While recovering fast YOUTH RULES! But..... want to calm immense.
Moreover, this illness is not a disease :) It's some kind of imbalance of the soul and emotional response to the circumstances.
As, however, and pressure.... Version about cholesterol there just, vessels..... - have not proved its validity. One attunes himself differently as the pressure recedes. Also immunol. So.... diseases that not "feel", not having a specific "body meat" of the hearth in the body - it is necessary as a rule MENTALLY and samoustanovok. And programs MM - to help us.

When I listened to Your prog from the pressure, all the time there was a feeling from somewhere in the depths of the intuitive subconscious:
"Ah, if the same setting, the same principle and the text but instead "Balance! Pressure!" to make "Balance! Immunity!"
I wish my daughter had a chance to work on their internal blogs that prevent it from functioning normally!
I think many people need that too!

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 21:28
by Иринатка
And finally, the last question at the present moment my use of all these techniques.
The question, rather, not only to You but to the developers of MM.

Long ago "passed the educational program" here in the forum on the use of MM, so to speak - to join in training.
There is a main Board anywhere - first training alpha 15х15х15 or 21x21.
Further - more narrow recommendation - no more than three training alpha per day for this period. Rotation of sessions allowed and even recommended (no more than two days in the same session, then change the alpha session, that would not be addictive).

The question, basically is:
Program suggestion directed purely to the elimination of some SOMATO-psycho-physiological problems or addictions, is to consider them a single alpha session a day? Or their listening and frequency of listening in a day is not taken into account in the scheme: "no more than three alpha training a day?"

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 0:47
by Дмитрий__
What would you recommend: often during the day to listen to or to practice without the MM - only commands "Balance! Pressure."
Better to learn self-regulation without a record. This audio (or car) in my opinion, we need to better relax and remember the commands. Her I would advise you to listen to a maximum of once a day. And remember when team a couple of times a week. The rest of the time practice on their own.
What is better after a small number of days listening: listen to more often in the day - or all the same the most (after times - in the day of the audition) to give commands without MM?
Cm. above.
What would you advise for more rapid achievement of sustainable results?
To achieve sustainable results it is necessary to change the whole way of life. Exercises in self-regulation is only one of its elements. Plus qualified medical help.
Voice, intonation, flow of the teams as a professional in suggestology.
It's subjective. My voice is not like all. That does not bother me - now there is a sea of research on self-regulation with a variety of votes :)) for every taste. I myself studied suggestive of self-regulation from the one interesting person.
You can do the same the pressure is the same, but for "BALANCE" not pressure, and IMMUNE system?
This is a serious topic. Specifically in Your case. Send me a private message. Or email through my website.
suggestive of a Program aimed purely at eliminating some SOMATO-psycho-physiological problems or addictions, is to consider them a single alpha session a day? Or their listening and frequency of listening in a day is not taken into account in the scheme: "no more than three alpha training a day?"
I think that it is better to address this question to Andrei Patrushev or Roman (C-13).<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 0:54
by Дмитрий__
Andrei Patrushev
Thank you!
And the frequency of the spindles themselves?
I asked this question to one colleague with an encyclopaedic knowledge of sleep medicine. But he couldn't answer. It is possible that such studies have not been conducted.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 2:17
by Иринатка
Дмитрий__ wrote:Hello!
What would you recommend: often during the day to listen to or to practice without the MM - only commands "Balance! Pressure."
Better to learn self-regulation without a record. This audio (or car) in my opinion, we need to better relax and remember the commands. Her I would advise you to listen to a maximum of once a day. And remember when team a couple of times a week. The rest of the time practice on their own.
What is better after a small number of days listening: listen to more often in the day - or all the same the most (after times - in the day of the audition) to give commands without MM?
Cm. above.
What would you advise for more rapid achievement of sustainable results?
To achieve sustainable results it is necessary to change the whole way of life. Exercises in self-regulation is only one of its elements. Plus qualified medical help.
Voice, intonation, flow of the teams as a professional in suggestology.
It's subjective. My voice is not like all. That does not bother me - now there is a sea of research on self-regulation with a variety of votes :)) for every taste. I myself studied suggestive of self-regulation from the one interesting person.
You can do the same the pressure is the same, but for "BALANCE" not pressure, and IMMUNE system?
This is a serious topic. Specifically in Your case. Send me a private message. Or email through my website.
suggestive of a Program aimed purely at eliminating some SOMATO-psycho-physiological problems or addictions, is to consider them a single alpha session a day? Or their listening and frequency of listening in a day is not taken into account in the scheme: "no more than three alpha training a day?"
I think that it is better to address this question to Andrei Patrushev or Roman (C-13).
Thank you very much for your answers!!!! I will train.
About immunce I write You a PM (with Your permission).<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 23:06
by Игорь Федоров
Thank you for Your new answer.
As I understand it - many of the statements made by many authors programs are all just theoretical hypotheses, often used for commercial purposes.
And the Monroe Institute is no exception alas. :(
and in the second case the strongest response in the brain is recorded at a frequency of BR of about 40 Hz and carrier frequency can be 1000 Hz or more.
It turns out that the real response of the brain in BD absolutely NOTHING to do with the subjective perception of beat?
This means that you can put two sine say 1000 and 1040 Hz and get a strong response on the EEG, but in this case the subject will not catch anything except the separate monotone signal lodged in his ears?
So it turns out that in terms of influence on the pattern of waves - the whole scheme is the "perceived binaural beating" has no special meaning?
On EEG just more powerful. Much stronger on manitobah.
What is magneto-EEG ? And how it differs from a normal EEG ?

By the way wanted to ask Your opinion about the direct electro-stimulation. The electrodes on the temples, etc.
That You can interesting to say on this topic, Dmitry? :)
Rather not appear as evident. Because the brain reacts most strongly at the time of filing and at the time of turning off the stimulus.
I understand that this is a Manifestation of it is noticeable with any stimulation? As Mr and BR including? And You plan to apply this technique to trick with BR, as I understand?
I would like to clarify some aspects of a monaural rhythms.
What in fact there are ways to create them? I know of only one overlay each other two close frequencies and sinuses.
Essentially the same range of binaural just divorced 100% stereo mixed to mono in the center. Single sine "waves" weakens the other, whereby is obtained the rising and falling throb. Are there any other options? Maybe I still don't know something?
Dmitry and when will be ready Your review articles? :) I briefly went through Your archive, there is a lot of good accumulated )) articles Sorted by year of release.
I see that in recent years a lot of laboratory studies on the effect of BR. It seems that a lot more than in previous decades...
I have long wanted to ask, but do You have some unique materials associated with TMI? I downloaded from Your site all that was there, a laboratory test from Atwater, clippings from his book, something. Itself a book Atwater I finally got in digital form :) But perhaps You have some valuable material on hemisynch?
Also wanted to ask about those 3 patents Monroe, which is already available in the network. You probably studied them closely at the time? I would like to hear Your comments about them. There is some really useful information on the topic of the structure of magic, etc.? Or is there just a generic description of a technology?
Thank you!<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 17:51
by Дмитрий__
I recently just made licensor research in the field of physiological effects of BR
Is it possible to get acquainted with this material? Where to find it?
Igor, here is a brief overview below. I'm not sure that all visitors to the forum are interested in the exact coordinates mentioned links, but if someone needs, I can send.
In modern neuroscience there are several areas of sleep disorders; including physiotherapy, including of noninvasive brain stimulation (non-invasive brain stimulation). In the review (Gorgoni et al. 2013), proves the importance of development of physiotherapeutic methods of treatment of neurological diseases, including sleep disorders, as an alternative drug therapy.
The greatest attention is paid, of course, the deeper stages (slow-wave) sleep, in connection with its proven importance for the implementation of the restorative functions of the body. A substantial part of scientific research, until recently, was devoted to the so-called "contact" physiotherapeutic methods, e.g., transcranial electric stimulation. Most consistently such work is conducted in laboratories, led by Professor Jan Born (Germany) and Giulio Tononi (USA), who investigated the influence of different types of magnetic and electrical stimulation of the brain of people during Delta sleep in the processes of learning and memory. In Russia also developed and patented original technology of the peripheral subthreshold electrical stimulation of the hand during the period of non-REM sleep is implemented in the form of industrial prototypes of the respective devices (Indursky and others 2013). The authors have shown that the use of these devices deepens and prolong the stage of non-REM sleep, improving, including, the condition of subjects with reduced emotional tone.
However, there are known limitations described above physiotherapy methods.
First, contact non-invasive methods are not always suitable for creating devices designed for mass use. In addition, their safety with long-term use is still controversial. Therefore, it also explores the possibility of correction of the sleep process with distant stimuli. Particularly effective in this regard showed acoustic stimulation that the hypothesis (Tononi et. al., 2014) related to the ability of subliminal audio stimuli to synchronize cortical activity of large neuronal populations through activation selenitovyj ways.
Secondly, deep sleep cannot be viewed separately from the process of falling asleep, because if you have problems falling asleep, attempt to impact on further process lose their meaning. Therefore, it is not less important is the parallel development of means of non-pharmacological exposure and the stage of falling asleep.
Given these two observations, asked a direction of this work, namely: a search for advanced acoustic means: a) to accelerate the process of falling asleep; b) to make more predictable the time of falling asleep, that is, the period through which it becomes effective use of already developed means of influence on non-REM sleep.
Publications related to the use of instrumental methods of influence it is on the process of sleep, not enough. This is due to the complexity of such studies, due to the large variability sonographically parameters in different subjects at sleep (J. A. Hobson, 2001; Santamaria J.,1987; Hori T., 1985).
A meta-analysis of studies using sound to facilitate the process of falling asleep showed a clear effectiveness of music for this purpose (G. De Niet et al., 2009). However, setting the correct physiological studies using music complex, as noted in the above review (De Niet G. et al., 2009).
Sound effects are also used in various devices light and sound stimulation (Tang et al., 2015), some software ( and devices of a biological feedback, and recordings of psychotherapeutic orientation. As one of the types of sound effects in them, including applied monaural and binaural beats. Despite the presence of some encouraging publications (Abeln et al., 2014) and a well-deserved popularity of the above-mentioned products among the practitioners, the effect of sound beats for sleep are still largely unexplored in scientific terms. Although the results of our preliminary studies (Dorokhov, Noise, etc., 2001), technology, for example, the binaural beat has a great potential for non-invasive sleep therapy.
Here it is necessary to clarify the nature and differences of the terms "binaural" and "monaural" beats.
So, according to (G. Oster, 1973), if at the same time slack to bring two tuning forks of slightly different frequencies, the loudness of the sound resultimage periodically increases and decreases. Such modulation is called a monaural beat; the frequency of beats is equal to the difference frequencies of the original tones. For example, the tuning fork frequencies of 440 Hz (the note of the first octave), excited simultaneously with the tuning fork frequencies of 434 Hz, produces beats of frequency 6 Hz. In modern studies, the tuning forks are replaced by electronic oscillators. In this case, the beating happens when the electrical signals from the outputs of the two generators are mixed and fall into a sound source (speaker). But these same signals can be simultaneously submit to two different dynamics and also hear the beats. Therefore, place of mixing signals in the phase of electrical oscillations or acoustic – does not affect the final result.
It is quite a different phenomenon is observed in the case of using the stereo headphones and the signals separately to each ear. In this case, if one ear is hearing a tone with a frequency of 440 Hz and another tone with a frequency of 434 Hz, under certain conditions also appear aural the beats with a difference frequency of 6 Hz, which has, however, a largely subjective nature. These are called binaural beats. They were discovered in 1839 by a German experimenter, G. V., Dofe, but until 1915 it was considered a special case of the normal, monaural, beats that can be heard in one ear (G. Oster, 1973).
Binaural beats are usually seen in the range of 2 to 30 Hz (Perrott and Nelson, 1969) . At a smaller frequency difference between channels, there is simply a change in spatial localization of sound (the stereo field), at most – each ear hears a separate tone. With regard to the carrier frequency (tones, against which the felt heartbeat), it is optimal for perception is considered to range from 200 to 900 Hz (Wahbeh et al., 2007; Pratt et al., 2010).
That is the subjective nature of binaural beats is by design, at the same time as generating interest in their use and the difficulties in scientific research.
As to the first, is that commercial products that use binaural beats, have a strong demand on the market of modern technological tools for relaxation. This is partly the result of marketing, not always adequately referencing scientific data, but more than a million references issued by, for example, the search engine google for this query, - a very eloquent testimony ( search on 30 Jan 2015). In addition, efforts by some representatives of media business have formed a common opinion about the possibility of the use of binaural beats to achieve the so-called "altered States of consciousness" (F. H. Atwater, 1997), which not only contributed to the commercial success of such technologies, but also had some "side effects", like the "audioerotica" (NADEZHDIN, A. V. et al., 2013).
As for the second remark, or difficulties in study, the main one is, obviously, the instrument check the physiological changes caused by binaural beats. They cause a physiological response is woefully weak (Schwarz D. W. F. and others, 2005, Goodin, J., and others 2012), so there are naturally disagreements about the effectiveness of the use of this technology. In addition, results from different studies is sometimes contradictory, although in General, interest in the topic in the scientific environment is maintained, including in recent years.
So, a number of studies indicates the positive effect of listening to binaural beats on the behavior and cognitive processes. For example, the indicators of attention (Lane et al., 1998) and memory (Kennerly, 1996), the level of hypnotic susceptibility (Brady and Stevens, 2000). There are also data reduction in subjective feelings of anxiety (Le Scouarnec et al., 2001; Padmanabhan et al., 2005) and ringing in the ears (David et al., 2010); the improvement of the indices of cardiac activity (Palaniappan R., 2015). But there is evidence to the contrary: (Stevens et al.,2003) did not find an influence of binaural beats on the hypnotic susceptibility, also not marked changes under the influence of their blood pressure and heart rate (Carter,2008) or decrease caused by the hyperactivity symptoms of attention deficit disorder (Kennel et al., 2010).
The theoretical basis describing the influence of binaural beats on human and largely determines the direction of scientific research is the hypothesis of frequency-guided response (CWA, brainwave entrainment) in the brain in response to resonance effect of the monotonous stimulus, in this case – the beating of constant frequency (see review Vernon D. And others 2014). This hypothesis has not received clear confirmation in force, at least, of the weakness of CVA from binaural beats, however, based on it, we can assume that the stimulation with binaural beats at the frequency of Delta - and theta-rhythm should speed up the process of falling asleep due to pump power fluctuations in the brain in this area from other bands of the EEG, i.e. to advance at least 1 stage of sleep. This assumption is confirmed by preliminary publications (Rhodes, L. 1993, Wilson, E. S. 1990). In addition, there is work (V. Abeln et al., 2014) showing a positive effect of binaural beats on sleep and performance after awakening from a professional sportsmenov. There is also a publication (Tang, H-Y. J., 2015) about the positive effects on people suffering from insomnia, audiovisual stimulation with the same hypothetical mechanism of action.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 16:17
by Дмитрий__
Igor Fedorov
It turns out that the real response of the brain in BD absolutely NOTHING to do with the subjective perception of beat?
I think that the word "can" here is not appropriate.
This means that you can put two sine say 1000 and 1040 Hz and get a strong response on the EEG, but in this case the subject will not catch anything except the separate monotone signal lodged in his ears?
Well, You try :) - well it's not hard..
And what is magneto-EEG ? And how it differs from a normal EEG ? ... 0%B8%D1%8F
by the Way wanted to ask Your opinion about the direct electro-stimulation. The electrodes on the temples, etc.
That You can interesting to say on this topic, Dmitry?
On this subject much more work than the sound, but at the moment the theme of scaling down because of any difficulties with approval commercial tDCS devices from the FDA, and without this, they cannot bring fat American medical device market. If the problem is with the FDA will decide the shaft of the publications.
My personal opinion - see review above. I would prefer to have influence on sleep stimulation of the weak current of the palms and soles (as do my colleagues), but not the head. Because in my personal opinion, in the case of tDCS head the decisive mechanism of action on sleep is still in the irritation of skin receptors, but not of anything inside the brain. And fantasize on the subject can be many things...
Rather not appear as evident. Because the brain reacts most strongly at the time of filing and at the time of turning off the stimulus.
I understand that this is a Manifestation of it is noticeable with any stimulation? As Mr and BR including?
I would like to clarify some aspects of a monaural rhythms.
What in fact there are ways to create them? I know of only one overlay each other two close frequencies and sinuses.
Any rhythmic sound at the corresponding tempo (a type of drum or tambourine) will have similar effects.
I have long wanted to ask, but do You have some unique materials associated with TMI? I downloaded from Your site all that was there, a laboratory test from Atwater, clippings from his book, something. Itself a book Atwater I finally got in digital form :) But perhaps You have some valuable material on hemisynch?
I somewhere got this book Stockton Bayard, Catapult: The Biography of Robert A. Monroe. It clarifies many things about the life and work of Monroe.
also wanted to ask about those 3 patents Monroe, which is already available in the network. You probably studied them closely at the time? I would like to hear Your comments about them. There is some really useful information on the topic of the structure of magic, etc.? Or is there just a generic description of a technology?
Yeah, I looked when some of these patents. There, as I remember, there are specific ways of applying frequencies of stimulation. But the references to any research there. Therefore, it is difficult to say how it all efficiently. Patented it the idea. This does not mean that at that time, was already tested technology. In any case, in the above biographical book I have not found such evidence.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:09
by Игорь Федоров
More thanks for your new answers :)

Thank's a lot for a brief overview of the research on BD. I even separately retained this text in the archive.
If You have a later updated version, as well as any such publications - please place them here :)

I Think that the word "can" here is not appropriate.
That is, some connection is possible, but this is just a hypothetical assumption?
While the facts available studies, the direct rigid connection between perceived BR and responses on the EEG is not observed?
Am I correct?
I Have somewhere got this book Stockton Bayard, Catapult: The Biography of Robert A. Monroe
Dmitri and this book You have in what form? Print edition or e-mail? :) If the latter - can You ask for? Well, if the first then of course a bummer...
The next question that interests me - what possible combination of Mr and BR in the same record?
What materials/programs you could take to look at for analysis, as an example of such combinations?
Dmitry, Your old programs, specifically on the disk clean magic far magic tricks consist of very high frequency carriers. But they are there basically as I understand it the same 4 Hz difference. Could You give some explanation why the far focuses is structured relative to the first tricks built on the usual combinations of load-bearing, giving a clearly audible beats. Of course I understand that maybe it was just a reconstruction of the paintings of the program Going Home. But perhaps You have some interesting thoughts on this?

And maybe You will have some comment about why starting with the focus 15 is offset to the upper half of the bearing frequencies up?
I believe it too was made in the likeness of combinations of Monroe, but only want to know Your thoughts on this account :)
I would like to know Your actual opinion on the "hypnotic techniques" used by the authors in psychoactive audio programs.
Including those that used the You do in their programs in past years. Well, as well as all the techniques used in the programs and drives THEM.
How do You currently assess their usefulness and effectiveness? What real use can bring voice to the background rhythms of tricks?

Thank You very much for your answers, Dmitry.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 15:47
by Дмитрий__
Dmitri and this book You have in what form? Print edition or e-mail? :) If the latter - can You ask for? Well, if the first then of course a bummer...
Unfortunately, this print edition. If You are in the Moscow region, I can give sometime to make an electronic copy.
the Next question that interests me - what possible combination of Mr and BR in the same record? What materials/programs you could take to look at for analysis, as an example of such combinations?
as an example - the magic 23, and records Monroe. There for load-bearing above 2 kHz are used monaural beats, because binaural in this range for stimulation is not suitable. For the spectral analysis of such things now there are many programs and professional type WaveLab, Amateur and rummage in the network. But if you want high resolution - small fraction of a Hertz, it is better to use specific engineering and scientific software such as matlab. Not really clear practical need for such precision...
Dmitry, Your old programs, specifically on the disk clean magic far magic tricks consist of very high frequency carriers. But they are there basically as I understand it the same 4 Hz difference. Could You give some explanation why the far focuses is structured relative to the first tricks built on the usual combinations of load-bearing, giving a clearly audible beats. Of course I understand that maybe it was just a reconstruction of the paintings of the program Going Home. But perhaps You have some interesting thoughts on this?
No, the far focuses is supporting above 2 kHz. Cm. above. So they (the carriers) are used for monaural beats. There they have up to 40 somewhere Hz. Igor, send me your address in a private message, or email from my website and I will respond via e-mail. This resource is not suitable to discuss such a purely professional questions. The same applies to the answer to Your next question. I know him, but I will give only in person.
And maybe You will have some comment about why starting with the focus 15 is offset to the upper half of the bearing frequencies up?
I believe it too was made in the likeness of combinations of Monroe, but only want to know Your thoughts on this account
I would like to know Your actual opinion on the "hypnotic techniques" used by the authors in psychoactive audio programs. Including those that used the You do in their programs in past years. Well, as well as all the techniques used in the programs and drives THEM. How do You currently assess their usefulness and effectiveness? What real use can bring voice to the background rhythms of tricks?
I believe that narration is a very important component of these audio programs. No less important than the background sound. Moreover, as already mentioned, binaural beats, being the subjective effect can not work at all without the specific intention of listening. Which creates verbal instructions. All exercises are designed so that people will be able eventually to call the appropriate effect without binaural beats, one self. Therefore, the user is very important. It is desirable, of course, that they were composed of a coherent language, but if the listener has faith in their effectiveness, will work and tongue-tied. Even better if they are at least once will be spoken live, in person, as subtle emotional nuances on the record are not transmitted. Perhaps this explains the popularity of the workshops during the life of Monroe. Anyway, he was an extraordinary man.
As for the audio recordings of Monroe, recorded his voice, I still believe that there are instructions compiled in a very professional, experienced and knowledgeable people.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 13:28
by Игорь Федоров
unfortunately, this print edition. If You are in the Moscow region, I can give sometime to make an electronic copy.
Oh Dmitry :) If only I lived nearby, I'd immediately signed up for voluntary Guinea pig to You in the lab ;)
But alas, sorry from me to You very far :( I live in Ukraine...

Okay, thanks, I will write to You in a PM your e-mail. And that really matters not for a wide audience ))

Now I would like to raise some important questions about work in General the whole sound technology, which certainly will be important for many.

And the first issue was a bit shocking information from one study regarding the nature of the impact of helisinki.
In this moderated public article Western Wikipedia, at the bottom there is the following information:
"In 2002, a University of Virginia presentation at the Society for Psychophysiologial Research examined Monroe's claim. The presentation demonstrated that EEG changes did not occur when the standard electromagnetic headphones of Monroe's setup were replaced by air conduction headphones, which were connected to a remote transducer by rubber tubes. This suggests that the basis for the entrainment effects is electromagnetic rather than acoustical."
That is, if you believe that study in Virgin the University, it turns out that magic act on the brain by electromagnetic field with drivers of headphones?
And not the sound coming into the ears and then converted in the brain?
What do You think about this information Dmitry? Maybe they made some mistakes in your experiment? There seems to be some discrepancy...
Now the next question will be especially actual on the background of the previous one. The question of "necessary" headphones to work with the records.
Well, or more precisely the question of the "essential" class and type of headphones, their characteristics and properties.
This question is the fact that among those wishing to try the program, very few people have the opportunity to purchase the same serious and powerful headphones, which are used in CHEC-units of Ima.
Not to mention the expensive audio equipment with which these headphones signals should.
In rare cases, trying hemisync can be high-impedance Studio closed ears with a preamp, and as a source of Studio-quality audio interface. But these have quite a few. Even I myself have only a high-end Studio sound card, but not very serious ears with a preamp to them. There are various top-end Hi-Fi options, like the KOSS UR-40 (60 ohms), and the like, and connects it directly to the Board via the unbalanced interface.
The question is - what type of ears and what the minimal interface is needed, that would not have been a deliberate "weakening" effect of signals tricks?
And the last question on this topic - about the listening level signals.
If you say to aim for a deep dive into the ISS, achieving the coveted "Intermediate State", what is the signal level on the ears would You recommend to install?
Thanks for the replies Dimitri.
Waiting for your new post.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:13
by Дмитрий__
And the first question is a bit shocking information from one study regarding the nature of the impact of helisinki.
In this moderated public article Western Wikipedia, at the bottom there is the following information:
"In 2002, a University of Virginia presentation at the Society for Psychophysiologial Research examined Monroe's claim. The presentation demonstrated that EEG changes did not occur when the standard electromagnetic headphones of Monroe's setup were replaced by air conduction headphones, which were connected to a remote transducer by rubber tubes. This suggests that the basis for the entrainment effects is electromagnetic rather than acoustical."
That is, if you believe that study in Virgin the University, it turns out that magic act on the brain by electromagnetic field with drivers of headphones?
And not the sound coming into the ears and then converted in the brain?
What do You think about this information Dmitry? Maybe they made some mistakes in your experiment? There seems to be some discrepancy...
Thank you for the interesting link, I was immediately puzzled by what she had I have not met, in spite of sufficient antiquity (2002) and highly rating magazine. When I did, everything fell into place.
In fact, the publication referenced is a collection of summary poster presentations. I will explain what it is. Here is available a conference in, say, neurophysiology. The organizers sent to all relevant scientific laboratories invited to participate. If you have a scientific Director or a friend of such a laboratory, you can (if You for you or for themselves, pay the organizational fee!) submit a brief summary about your research, even if it is the arch-nonsense, does not stand any criticism - which then will be published in collection of papers of this conference, and which can then be referenced. No one to check the accuracy of your research will be. If you want (if you pay travel), you can go to the conference itself, as a rule, they are very nice places, and in the evening, at the reception a little stand near the poster, which printed a little bit about your research - maybe someone will come up and ask a few words, where are you from anyway... Here's a report called poster (poster in Russian), that is, the speaker does not act in the hall, and just hangs the poster on the stand.
Here is one of them You mentioned link. If it was a credible study would be continued. At least, this study would appear in the form of a normal journal article, even in the "Bulletin of the Martian subrostrata". But it is not. In the end, be useful in a General resource like Wikipedia fools people down.
the Question is - what type of ears and what the minimal interface is needed, that would not have been a deliberate "weakening" effect of signals tricks?
Igor, do not forget that hemisync is a largely SUBJECTIVE phenomenon. The quality of earphones and sound-reproducing equipment of course plays a role, but not decisive. A phonogram Monroe recorded on a rather ancient hardware is easy to determine by ear. On the spectrogram it is easy sometimes to see the overlap of the stereo channels because of inaccuracies in information, network interference, etc. - there's enough of his artifacts, a stronger distortion from the playback equipment. I am sure that You have a wonderful instrument, which is more than enough.
And last question on this topic - about the listening level signals.
If you say to aim for a deep dive into the ISS, achieving the coveted "Intermediate State", what is the signal level on the ears would You recommend to install?
About the intermediate state - I don't know... Usually people put just a comfortable volume level, with which to sleep. In my past experiences, it was around 50 to 53 db SPL (which is ACC. the amplitude of the output signal to the headphones sennheizer cx-200 a few mV).<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 19:07
by Игорь Федоров
Here is one of them You mentioned link. If it was a credible study would be continued. At least, this study would appear in the form of a normal journal article, even in the "Bulletin of the Martian subrostrata". But it is not. In the end, be useful in a General resource like Wikipedia fools people down.
Thanks for the detailed explanation Dmitry. Now everything is clear. I thought that the study - some random nonsense. As it is committed against all scientific publications in this topic. But as Your own work. How great to be able to hear a real scientific expert on this issue ;)
A phonogram Monroe recorded on a rather ancient hardware is easy to determine by ear. On the spectrogram it is easy sometimes to see the overlap of the stereo channels because of inaccuracies in information, network interference, etc. - there's enough of his artifacts, a stronger distortion from the playback equipment.
Yes, we're already about it talked to You. But Your programs are kept on the computer much more efficiently and precision :) And we can collect magic from scratch, after all, and asked all these technical questions ))) In the end all this is to ensure to achieve maximum process quality when listening to signals. What would eventually the only limiting factor was only the subject itself...
Usually people put just a comfortable volume level, with which to sleep. In my past experiences, it was around 50 to 53 db SPL (which is ACC. the amplitude of the output signal to the headphones sennheizer cx-200 a few mV).
The milliwatts? That is, the specified level - very very quiet, barely audible alerts? And this is already enough to influence the brain?
Dmitry, You are a lot of useful information given in their responses during all this time, and I hope that many more find out useful from You.
But now I finally would like to ask one of the most difficult and serious issues concerning in fact is not audio technology, and of the authors and their stories.

I would like to know Your scientific critical opinion about:

- all described in the books and videos of Bob Monroe, on the subject of his experiences in the WTO
- described in the book and the stories in the video, Skip Atwater, on the subject of its military mission in Rome
- described in the books and told in video Joseph Mcmonigle, on the subject of his "far-sighted"
on the subject of supposedly declassified military program "Stargate", which was held in 80-ies in Rome, with the participation of all listed authors, with the goal to use "foresight" as a means of intelligence

I would like to know Your opinion - how much in Your estimation it's all real and true?
How all of this can be trusted and that this can be taken seriously?
How is it that You would recommend refers to information of these items?
PS just In case, I ask, are You aware that in Runet there is a partially translated electronic version of the book by Thomas Campbell? But as a full digital copy of the original trilogy. I have not yet begun to read. But we know that Tom worked with Bob from the beginning, was one of his "scouts", and the chief engineer which equipped the laboratory of Ima in the early years. His book seems to contain some interesting information as regards the history of the formation of Ima, and the work and research of the Monroe. You're familiar with his trilogy "My Big TOE"?
Thank you very much for the answers!
Waiting for new :)<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 13:31
by Дмитрий__
the Milliwatts? That is, the specified level - very very quiet, barely audible alerts? And this is already enough to influence the brain?
millivolts :) heard really bad. But the subjects were asked to put themselves to such a standard that does not interfere with sleep.
- all described in the books and videos of Bob Monroe, on the subject of his experiences in the WTO
Such experiences are always subjective... it is very difficult to argue that a person cannot BE certain experiences. Some of the descriptions of the Monroe from the 2 books, as I remember, are quite consistent with the well-known esoteric concepts. But now can not specify - it is necessary perechitivay.
- is described in the book and the stories in the video, Skip Atwater, on the subject of its military mission in Rome
Did Atwater have written something special? In THEM he's officially settled after retirement. May have been there before. Yes, project Star Gate was indeed, and I personally crossed paths in life with some of its participants. And I know through them that the project really people conducted the experiments in the chamber Monroe. Then the project was closed. In Star Gate one way or another involved many people from a variety of "esoteric" layers...
- is described in the books and told in video Joseph Mcmonigle, on the subject of his "far-sighted"
I think everything he writes is true. Again, nothing special there. I don't remember - about a submarine, he writes? Or even is considered a secret?
on the subject of supposedly declassified military program "Stargate", which was held in 80-ies in Rome, with the participation of all listed authors, with the goal to use "foresight" as a means of intelligence
see above.
PS Just in case, I ask, are You aware that in Runet there is a partially translated electronic version of the book by Thomas Campbell? But as a full digital copy of the original trilogy. I have not yet begun to read. But we know that Tom worked with Bob from the beginning, was one of his "scouts", and the chief engineer which equipped the laboratory of Ima in the early years. His book seems to contain some interesting information as regards the history of the formation of Ima, and the work and research of the Monroe. You're familiar with his trilogy "My Big TOE"?
Unfortunately, I have not read this book. If it is in the public domain - I would be grateful.<

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:01
by Игорь Федоров
I don't remember - about a submarine, he writes? Or even is considered a secret?
I don't know exactly whether it is written about the boat in the books, especially because we only have "Secrets of distance Vision" (Russian version), and that in a pretty shitty quality of the scan..
but I do remember what I heard about the boat from other sources, I think he Atwater talked about it in their speeches..

Thank You Dmitry E. for answering so many important questions.
More or less some adequate picture of all this I have developed.
Remains in the future only to carry out his innumerable experiments, magic tricks, etc. :)


On account of Thomas Campbell:

Group in VK:
Page contains a partial translation of the original entire trilogy:

If you are going to study the information from Tom, it would be great later to know Your opinion about his publications :)

Another technical question that I would like to ask about the noise at the foci of Monroe.
Tell me, were You able to understand how exactly does the so-called "phased pink noise" in the original programs Monroe?
In the old records do to the ear to hear both channels of stereo-phasing noise.
But it is not clear how exactly it was created, i.e. what parameters were phasing/overlay/mixing...
In the second patent Monroe, 1993, there is a description of the construction phasing, noise, and even given the complete code/algorithm for programming the old generators.
But I have something many do not read the patent all the way really can not understand how is it possible to recreate exactly the same noise as in the original magic Monroe.
In the patent Monroe writes that this is the "phased pink noise" synchronized beat binaurals, increases the susceptibility of the brain to the stimulus by at least 30% and even more...
Your feedback as always is very important in this matter.

Thanks for answers Dmitry Efimovich.

PS I watched Your interview in the "Book of Dreams" :) a really familiar voice from software ))
only unpleasant in the end from what happened so that You, Vladimir Borisovich was in "Doc. the film" which involved such dubious personalities as Gennady Ivanov...
serious scientists are Wound in the same movie... do not understand what :( Ah, Commerce.<