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Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:59
by Guest
Promote this stuff a lot, these people are either stupid, or intentionally help this mischief.
I hope you understand me correctly, dear readers. I will continue to dispel the darkness.
For the RIGHT cause.
Profile photo is cool! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:03
by Guest
Go to the link on DepositFiles - avtar denyushku will work. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 13:20
by Экко
Help me please to understand what the author has in mind
Yes, that's also not clear to me. writes about audio drugs, then drag Hemi sink. writes incomprehensible heresy about the Monroe Institute:
A Monroe businessman who owned a radio station and a lot of time partying studying the effects of sound on people "created the Monroe Institute" (of course not he created it and he financed it, he was just selected as the contractor). Yes, and it does not "Institute". It is the formal legal name you if you wish for $ 300 for the three day "will create" an institution themselves.
We can ask the brain a different rhythm, but he resists. And the stronger the difference, the stronger the rejection. Gradual, smooth, long lasting, energetic effect - will always win the brain. But his vitality in a new rhythm very skeptical, as it was structured in a different rhythm. Discontinuation of exposure leads to energy starvation. Return to the previous rhythm is much more difficult as there is no special rhythm driver of the returns process - used again, the energy of the brain already experienced the energy shortage. Getting into the node of the resonance increases the effect many times. Resonance phenomena, as a rule, lead to the destruction of the system.
where is the evidence?

The author admits that AVS can be used for good, but taken to assert that in MM, Hemi-sync and other is a zombie, and the negative impact that again without reason.. coming down in a heap and best, and binaural beats and Hemi-sync..

The impression that the author has no idea what he writes

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 14:37
by Гость 2
I thought so too.. strange somehow. Kind of like the whole article writes about the harm and then talks about using mind machines... even offers a self-development program "the wanderer", which is supposed to use mindmachine or even software type BWG. The impression what is right only what is offered by the author, and others not correctly even when using the same methods. Or I not correctly understood and the methods it offers to others. In General, such articles only bring confusion... this morning mindmachines and discs not doing... because while in a classroom spiritual practices not to doubt... if during sessions with mindmachine constantly think and whether it is harmful, it most likely will be bad...
Maybe this goal is followed by the author of the destruction? destructively remarks to ensure that the people began to doubt, and thereby to harm yourself?
As even Hubbard - a suppressive person.. all activities aimed at Priceline direct or indirect harm to others because of his fear of society and not printtim the fact that others may be better or more successful than he is.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 16:54
by ГВоЗть
Идущая вперед wrote:article written by a man who knows absolutely nothing about this issue ... different - the layman
raving about the fact that listening to binaural beats people will go and get hooked on real drugs - it was funny...
comments on the article identity is called the smile...
You say it as authority in this matter? Have not tried from the eye-mote with get? :cry:

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 17:24
by Идущая вперед
and even if I got there in the eye not the speck with a log-with I'm still unlikely to change my opinion... mm discs And Patrushev (especially the solar wind and conductor) is aimed at self-development of people awareness and purification, harmonization, and cannot bring harm to a person...
about hemisync I can not say this - he got me personally a headache....

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 18:17
by Идущая вперед
and still I can say absolutely and with complete certainty - MM is NOT ADDICTIVE AND IS NOT a DRUG... as soon as I began to enter a state of body asleep mind awake alone - I stopped to use a mind machine... for me it was not necessary and I'm not hooked on digital drugs...
but hemisync - available free in the Internet (I several times tested all that was in MP3 format, APE didn't have - they don't completely clear to me... there's more in-depth condition (magic Monroe)... if they helped someone to samoregulirovaniya for success, develop supermemory or go to the astral plane or to realize a dream, then I welcome it... helped me introductory exercise for all hameenkoski programs - harmonization of the hemispheres of the brain in focus 12...
I can say for sure - I'm not binaural the addict, after one and a half years of consumption of mm and CDs - when they have fulfilled their function of the brain -they are no longer needed... and since I always go forward - wait I Kundalini yoga, articular gymnastics bodyflex 4 times a week...

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:54
by Ванес
Poison can be medicine, the medicine can be poison...
Well ETOGES obviously like. Most importantly HOW and WHY to use. To techniques and technologies influencing the consciousness of this applies in the first place. When such things begin in droves to enjoy the people is not necessary in principle, naturally occurring unpleasant consequences. In history there are examples - America is the 60's at least... or the same yoga to take. The benefits of studying it in a comprehensive and undeniable. But now there is the craze that "yoga" is, in principle, to be called and impossible. Now each rundown fitness aunts between a Solarium and a beauty salon are trying to tie themselves Lotus. Naturally there are torn ligaments, dislocated knee, and spinal fractures. And so when you mindlessly begin to engage in more advanced techniques, extremely unpleasant for the mental stuff begins. And such "yoga" join the ranks of patients known establishments... Well, here begins over society is facing a new threat!! Crumbling family!! People lose national sense of self!! And intelligent bald man on TV, a cautionary voice warns citizens about the new enemy.
In General, the people rejoice that psychotronics has not received mass distribution and one can use these technologies. Because I'm pretty sure that when it comes to the masses in the media immediately find some sort of schoolboy, stealing to purchase a more powerful mind machines. Or out of the window in a fit of panic after listening. Or received irreversible brain damage. You can continue indefinitely... And then bogus scientific studies, compelling evidence of harm, somebody from the Ministry of health or social development on TV and the new amendment to the law..

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 20:57
by Андрей Патрушев
So be it... :cry:

Re: Occult?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:39
by Guest
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Even in his relationship to God I manage to be a materialist... :roll:
Yeah, I also chose this approach az

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:34
by Экко
To me the word "occult" is reminiscent of Satanists, black magic, sacrifice, and other crap. generally negative perception

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 15:59
by Маг.нет
Андрей Патрушев wrote:the Occult I do not welcome (to put it mildly).
Even in his relationship to God I manage to be a materialist...
Have an interesting drive (you can in some way be called unique) - "the Bells of Churches in Omsk". Live bells as a remake, and from the past. The quality is decent (for live performance) recording TV channel 12 in Omsk. Limited edition (only for gifts of "specially expensive" guests of the Omsk region). If Your desire to learn - willing to share.


Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 16:08
by Андрей Патрушев
Маг.нет wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:the Occult I do not welcome (to put it mildly).
Even in his relationship to God I manage to be a materialist...
Have an interesting drive (you can in some way be called unique) - "the Bells of Churches in Omsk". Live bells as a remake, and from the past. The quality is decent (for live performance) recording TV channel 12 in Omsk. Limited edition (only for gifts of "specially expensive" guests of the Omsk region). If Your desire to learn - willing to share.

With pleasure!
What change? :) However, in a personal or soap.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 16:18
by Маг.нет
Will do so, the exchange is not needed.
The CD will be sent as a GIFT to ANDREW KABANKOVA AND MM with them and decide how to copy... Roughly Wednesday-Thursday my Envoy will be in Moscow, and through him, and I will, if we (not think) that will change, I'll send Andrew in the mail. And agree.
Success to Your endeavors!


Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 16:28
by Андрей Патрушев
Thank you!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:43
by Маг.нет
Sent a parcel via EMS in MM, Saturday-Monday delivery time.


Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:15
by Андрей Патрушев
Маг.нет wrote:had a package in MM via EMS, Saturday-Monday delivery time.

Thank you!
Maybe what you need from disk (any theme:)) - write, do not hesitate... :o

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:22
by Маг.нет
Your all... Yes, I'm not shy, just sharing not my thing.
And You need to... for the common good. Sent the original.


Sincerely, :o

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:34
by Андрей Патрушев
So, it's all about beliefs :) - can also as a gift to perceive I, too, heartily. :?
I didn't mean your (since You are here, we...). Almost any (large collection) on the theme "stambolijski" (as I call it) music can be a few on DVD. :)

Two new Russians went to the dealership.
One says to the Manager:
- I have two Mercedes...
Another asks:
- the second-why?
- so you did me last night were treated to coffee... :)

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 19:38
by Маг.нет
:) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :)
:) :) :) :) :)

Sincerely, :o

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 18:55
by Маг.нет
A gift in the office...
Success to Your endeavors!

Sincerely, :o