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Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:02
by Дмитрий__
This may be due to a weakened circulatory system and / or connected to things of the sea. As hemisync acts through the circulatory system. It's always such effect, or only recently?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:58
by Просто_идущий
Dmitry, Hello!
In the last time.
Maybe it has something to do with the long wearing (about a year) BJ?
How hemisync acts through the blood? I have long legs, the varicose veins, but with hemisync had no such problems.
Thank you!

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 16:17
by Просто_идущий
Dmitry, one more question! :?
What is the maximum length of one listening?
On rutracker, in the discussion of the Gates, the people attending courses from the Monroe Institute, writes about the lessons of Hemi-Sync in the morning until late at night. What is it like?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 1:11
by Дмитрий__
Maybe it has something to do with the long wearing (about a year) BJ?
It's BJ's so heavy? If not, then it is unlikely 8) But with varicose veins - can. If the varicose veins, so poor vascular tone. Hemisync feel switches the circulation with a small circle on the big one. If you have dystonia, the switch back is slow. Hence, the unpleasant feeling after waking up. I myself have experienced this.
What is the maximum length of one listening?
Yes listen to something as much as anything, the question is, how much time immersed continuously to stay... What is meant by this as... Can you elaborate the question?
On rutracker, in the discussion of the Gates, the people attending courses from the Monroe Institute, writes about the lessons of Hemi-Sync in the morning until late at night. What is it like?
Well, just because they listened to hemisync from morning to evening? You have correctly understood them? Leading and must conduct classes from morning to evening, because that is their job. But this does not mean that classes are composed of only listening. As I understand it, there are 1-2 sessions per day. In the framework of intensive week-long seminar this schedule is probably justified, but in everyday life is unlikely.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 10:31
by Просто_идущий
Дмитрий__ wrote: BJ Is so heavy?
During the wearing of the BZ, at times amplified internal "feelies this".
Дмитрий__ wrote: Hemisync feel switches the circulation with a small circle on the big one. If you have dystonia, the switch back is slow. Hence, the unpleasant feeling after waking up. I myself have experienced this.
Not after waking up and during the day, the feeling was not physical but emotional. Appatov, depression, anxiety - not very pleasant, before such was not.
Дмитрий__ wrote: Yeah listen to something as much as anything, the question is, how much time immersed continuously to stay... What is meant by this as... Can you elaborate the question?
Comes to mind is "diffuse inhibition of the cerebral cortex" and "like a bag on the head" (by A. Patrushev :))
Дмитрий__ wrote: Well, just because they listened to hemisync from morning to evening? You have correctly understood them? Leading and must conduct classes from morning to evening, because that is their job. But this does not mean that classes are composed of only listening. As I understand it, there are 1-2 sessions per day. In the framework of intensive week-long seminar this schedule is probably justified, but in everyday life is unlikely.
Quotes from rutracker
PES111 wrote:
lisana24 wrote:... we are 6 days from dawn to dusk intensively engaged...
ie from dawn to dusk intensively listened to Hemi-Sync? :shock:
If possible, could you outline Your plan of these courses.
lisana24 wrote: Yes engaged Hemi sync exercises accompanied by the voice assistant from morning to late evening with a break for lunch and dinner. then shared experience...

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:27
by Дмитрий__
1. About apathy and other emotional state is the emotional accompaniment of the latent impressions stored in the unconscious memory and removed therefrom under the influence of external stimuli. If this unconscious memory of negative experiences there, and no depression will not. But most people have them, and it should work. Hemisync but in this case, only the "developer".
2. About the spilled brake and a bag on the head - if You are interested in, how long you can stay in this state, I think, for a long time. A significant proportion of people are in it for life.
3. Regarding reports on the workshops at the Monroe Institute - it is difficult for me to comment as I have not been there. I used information only from the biographical book about Monroe, which describes the seminars of the 80-ies. Perhaps now something different. However, the author never gave a specific timetable, or at least how many times a day they had a session of listening.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 11:40
by Просто_идущий
Dmitry, Thank you very much for the answers!

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:00
by Дмитрий__
And You ask - me this is a reason to shop a little literature - is also useful.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:05
by Прохожий
Good day,a question for Dmitry.Recently purchased MM, and together with her a few drives including your CD "Pain management",as I was ACTUALLY bothering quite a strong and long-time pain in the back which provokes pancreatitis.I would like to know to which category it belongs to according to the frequency of the waves,because of incorrectly assigned to me of the drug(Phenotropil) I developed a PREDOMINANCE of beta theta rhythms and strong suppression of alpha,that is the doctor prescribed NOT bothered,to study EEG itomo I drank like 5 months and there was a strong state of ANXIETY and fear that is pancreatitis is FLOURISHED as never before!Now CALM down alpha rhythms.Question:can I use the disc PAIN relief?Thanks in advance for the answer!Yes I read about the varicose veins I do too but not much worried MILD so to speak.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 18:19
by Ирина-К
Dmitry, bought CDs George.Thompson and others, especially like both discs Awakened Mind System. Sensations with bright and deep.
What kind of break they can listen? We drive Patrushev not less than 3 hours.
Working for MM with Your disk normalization of appetite, just amazed with the results: decreased appetite and portion size of food, a week without any effort lost 2.5 kg. do You have experience working with the drives from Your website? Perhaps who members of the forum have such experience?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 13:08
by Дмитрий__
I would Like to know to which category it belongs to according to the frequency of the waves
There Delta. 1-4 Hz. Calculated that people in the course listen to go to sleep.
Question:can I use the disc PAIN relief?
I personally don't know of contraindications. Try.
Yes I read about the varicose veins I do too but not much worried MILD so to speak.
And he now people have through one, even the young. Do not move a lot.

Good health!

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 13:33
by Павлум

Irina, Dmitry is an old disk (no audiostrobe) is called "Astral projection I Chas". Definitely drive allows you to achieve a trance state (different tricks at Monroe) from which a variety of possible ways - WTO OS self-hypnosis. It quite a few times (7-10 times) to listen to. There at the same time a good algorithm for relaxation. Over time allows you to be in this state for a minute and a half. This is from my own experience.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 13:34
by Дмитрий__
what kind of break they can listen?
Music Jeffrey Thompson, the same recommendations as for any records with a low-frequency beats, i.e. not to listen while driving, during the difficult work, etc. as for the intervals of listening, that I any recommendations of the author on this account is not known. Perhaps it makes sense to do intervals in a few hours after listening in stereo; using external speakers there is no such restriction.
do You have experience working with the drives from Your website?
If You mean working with people that I did a bit in the late 90s. But then we are not engaged in the recovery, mainly the development of psychic skills. I then rented a room in the basement of the Parapsychology Foundation.
If You mean my independent work, such experience too, because a significant part of the programs from my website I recorded ( for example, You mentioned the Normalization of appetite) or, at least, took part in their creation. I usually tried a few times myself prepared the sound recording, slightly altering it until satisfied effect. But the basis has always taken frequency matrix, which are effective on people in those seminars. I tried to restart them 5-6 years ago, but then a few sessions it does not matter.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 14:59
by Прохожий
All kind time of day,and you, Dmitry thank you very much for the answer! :) Sure after 21 sessions of "r"will try "Pain management".Now my question is he to you all and to those forum users who can tell: it just kasaetsya disc "ASTRAL projection part1".I have the disk but I thought it's only for the WTO and OS and then here above I read that it also helps to reprogrammed( by HYPNOSIS),the SUBCONSCIOUS mind and to change some NEGATIVE attitudes and behavioral patterns of them flowing so to speak.I have exactly the same problem:had pancreatitis now all returned to normal BUT remained a fear that the attack could happen again so there is a NEGATIVE attitude SYNDROME waiting to re-attack,although the doctors say that everything is fine.Because of this, I was even afraid to eat.So I WILL be extremely GRATEFUL for ANY info where to start since I myself is in this business the beginner. :)

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 17:49
by Павлум

Almost all CDs Monroe elementary stage believe achieving focus 10. Therefore, on most CDs the first track is just about it. You need the first track.

I need to learn this able to achieve that quite quickly can be done in 10 days maximum. And then You just use it anywhere - not while I'm driving. After achieving focus 10, use the corresponding affirmations for self-hypnosis. There are literary about affirmations here on the site to read, and knowledgeable people here too, you can ask them. I do not belong to them.

From my experience I'll just say - try separately to address this learning. For example, when You get bored of m/typewriter or a course finish or machine in the morning - training in the evening. So, in order to enter into it. Do not spray. I was doing 2-3 classes per day for 4 days was studied.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 21:10
by Ирина-К
Dmitry, if not a secret what methodology was involved in the development of psychic skills and that of the Parapsychology Foundation. I apologize in advance for the extra curiosity.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 21:17
by Ирина-К
Dmitry, could you suggest one time I worked very closely on the OS, nightfall was like a "drug", kept a record of dreams and including the OS. And then there was fear the cause is still can not understand for a long time afraid to fall asleep, sitting up in the morning until tired sleep. What did I do wrong? Now again started, but until the OS no.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 21:23
by Ирина-К

Thank you, I have a CD "Astral projection I Chas", I forgot about it. Start again.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 22:28
by к-13
Ирина-К wrote:Dmitry, could you suggest one time I worked very closely on the OS, nightfall was like a "drug", kept a record of dreams and including the OS. And then there was fear the cause is still can not understand for a long time afraid to fall asleep, sitting up in the morning until tired sleep. What did I do wrong? Now again started, but until the OS no.
I've been there once... You don't understand this cause I can't, but just to remember her... Just one of the dreams You wandered somewhere and saw that You were very scared... And the mind immediately got rid of the painful memories, like any other dream in the morning... On this forum in such cases is often recommended disc Andrew V. "Explorer" and it's not such a bad option, especially if correctly the objectives of the course to choose...

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 11:34
by Прохожий
Good day !Pablum,Thank you very much for the reply. :) And it is possible THOUGH approximately to determine the state of focus 10,what is this?What I eat of course heard of him but not see him,at least in the most General terms, could you describe it.And upon REACHING this state how to act on a loved one that is prepared to INCLUDE your affirmations,read them, or having remembered to mentally begin to speak?Thanks in advance for the answer! :)

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 16:42
by Павлум

This state of "body asleep, mind awake". Comfortable condition in which the body is hardly felt, and the mind is clear and aware.
Affirmations can be repeated at achieving this state.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 18:16
by Прохожий
Now I understand,thanks for the reply :) !I experienced such a state,that is, as I understand the state of focus 12,focus 15,etc,this is the condition when the CONSCIOUSNESS of physical media transported into the etheric body,the astral or even higher one as far as experience and narobotok I'm thinking correctly?

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 19:08
by Павлум

Read Monroe if you are interested in the whole theory on the matter. In practice, there is a smooth immersion to a state of sleep paralysis, during which starts the OS or the WTO.

If you just continue to sink after the focus 10 very quickly you'll pass out, and this is not the desired state. So no need to wait for further dip and so it will come as auto-suggestion.

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 21:19
by Прохожий
Thanks for the reply!Will try :) !

Re: Development Gateway Sound Studio

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:58
by Дмитрий__
what kind of break they can listen? We drive Patrushev not less than 3 hours.
I sent Your question to Secretary Thompson. Here is what she said: the listening interval depends on the person and how often he/she works with these programs. Recommendations vary from minutes to hours.
For example, it is NOT RECOMMENDED to listen to other programs immediately after the session, aimed at concentration. It is recommended to take a break of half an hour.
Regarding the frequency of listening - a day is enough one-two sessions (one or two sessions of listening), especially IN SLUCHAE the USE of stereo HEADPHONES.