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Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 22:06
by Джим
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Try to knock off a PM to Jim...
"a human and a wolf chased me-from now on I will hunt one" -- Mowgli.
Seriously -- I am convinced that music on the BB -- it is useless, the music is distracting and reduces the effect to zero.
If You really want to "spread" mudoku to get the desired effect-it offers a wonderful book::
A. Oppenheim, R. Shaffer
Discrete Time Signal Processing
(c) 1999, published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Prentice Hall
ISBN 978-5-94836-135-2 (Rus)
ISBN 0-13-754920-2 (Eng)
Good luck!
And PM me no need to write -- anything else will not be there.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 22:19
by Guest
Pablum.Please try to listen to dick and then the cards shift. and just think about yourself and get some information for yourself.

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 22:42
by Павлум
Experience No. 4

This morning three times in a row - 22, 23, 21 out of 36. For a half-hour before did Vipassana for 20 minutes (haven't done).

The day before the disk 19 out of 36, since 18 of the 36. Do not "insert" or Grama while listening. Perhaps it addictive or what?.. Going tomorrow to try again.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:35
by Guest
Andrei Patrushev and prob getting used to this drive.if Yes then what to do to prevent this from happened.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:13
by Марк Лучин
Джим wrote:.
If You really want to "spread" mudoku to get the desired effect-it offers a wonderful book::
A. Oppenheim, R. Shaffer
Discrete Time Signal Processing
(c) 1999, published by Pearson Education, Inc, publishing as Prentice Hall
Thanks for the Bolo! Here lies swinging
Refers to this book? Here's sort of the next edition of lies and bobs too ... e.rar.html
For me personally, difficult not a physicist, and specifically there about binaural vibrations that that in the table of contents you can't see, and to study the work of all lifting knowledge in physics and mathematics there is no real possibility.
Would probably be easier to buy a car David - she occiderunt any music as it should.

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:28
by Логик
Марк Лучин wrote:would Probably be easier to buy a car David - she occiderunt any music as it should.
And it is possible from this place more? What is the fuel?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:37
by Марк Лучин
There is a mode of connecting music to the machine and the machine itself encodes it. Therefore, audiostrobe disks to davydovskoe car not fit. In any case, it follows from the information about this technique. This regime is called synchronization mode with istochnikom sound. In General, it appears that can be what you want through the machine flowing and instead of headphones to tuck a recording device, all drives will be binaural, though, prayers, even jokes, though the hymns.
Here is the manual to the machine David
It is the same but in Russian ... FGse1QwPoA
We have the owners of these cars not read anyone - to talk about them with anyone :evil:

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 21:41
by Guest
dimas anything new with this disk?

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 23:33
by Dimas
Thank you, all right, listen. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:22
by Guest
dimas share new experiences.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:24
by Dimas
When I have something to share after completing a full course of Journey through the inner worlds, I'll write what I think is necessary, certainly. What if You try to work with the program and share with us all your accomplishments?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:33
by Guest
I'd love to.while waiting for the is therefore interesting to know your opinion!

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 11:37
by Dimas
Anonymous wrote:I would love that.while waiting for the is therefore interesting to know your opinion!
I really like it.To add to the above-described effects can not do anything until gradually the drowsiness passes after the first track. A very blissful state (General psychic), such a thoughtful and contemplative positive :)

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:40
by Павлум
Experiment 5

To listen 17 of 36

While listening to a once off, but not quite, you can remember (with great difficulty, though) that was in some "other" state.

After listening to the result did not change (17 of 36). Apparently due to the fact that the motivation (doing as he promised). So I stop the experiment (with the cards, but not with a disk). Then if the mood - pomroy again and write.

One other effect. Began to dream wonderful dreams. Each one can develop in the plot of the book is long (in the morning is not enough time to write), ultimately related, emotional, though not lucid. Primarily used to dream about something very superficial that I remember pieces...

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 15:32
by Марк Лучи
Record directly to the recorder - about three times quicker and much figurative. some people brake from the spell included when instead sense think where to put a comma.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 16:35
by Андрей Патрушев
Марк Лучи wrote:Paulum
Record directly to the recorder - about three times quicker and much figurative. some people brake from the spell included when instead sense think where to put a comma.
Besides writing puts the brain in a "different reality" and much is not conducive to remembering dreams...

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 17:08
by Guest
Andrei Patrushev , mark Rays

Thanks for the tip! az

I have over time (the dream record of the year only two) developed a habit - when writing on paper or a pocket PC (very convenient, I recommend), begin to emerge-forgotten dreams.

Yet, to remember, breathe deep abdominal breathing (underbelly), concentrating on the breathing process.

But now I will try with recorder - it may be even better at.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 17:08
by Павлум
This was my post...

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 17:43
by Dimas
I somehow dreams are best remembered when taking morning anchor)))as under the water the warm up-so 4-5 dreams exactly remember when do not train the OS.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:24
by Павлум
Conclude, after another round of auditions on additional effects that gives this disc:

1. Definitely increases the brightness of the dreams, their number and memorability.

2. Increases the likelihood of logging in the OS.

Today, there was a about the OS and such, what has never happened - I fell asleep in a dream saw himself in relation to that dream where you fell asleep and when I woke up, I was in exactly the same sleep, from which sleep! This has never happened.

The main conclusion from all the experiments you can do the following:

The program stabilizes ISS, in which you find yourself. In the words of Castaneda, "fixes the assemblage point in a new position."


Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 16:11
by оуаакун
Here is my result.
To drive
Today after the first listen (in 5 minutes)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:38
by Йоссариан
a serious approach
I played around with this program, it turned out after 100 attempts, 42 Yes, 58 no, and in the beginning was generally a blockage, (no disk).
Question to all - is there such a random number generator, a replacement for the card?
Or coin throw - heads or tails?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:22
by Павлум

I believe that the approach is fundamentally different.

In the case of cards as if you stating a fact of an existing reality that you can physically perceive, but it is limited to your senses.

If the same test with the cards to hold with someone familiar or a long time friend, so he took the card, and you tried to guess the probability of guessing will greatly increase, as this is a physical barrier becomes thinner.

In the case of guessing numbers yet, will have to foresee the future or intention to create one.

Although in this mysterious world is likely to be no difference and gradations of difficulty... the only Obstacle is our fear and limitations.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 14:07
by оуаакун

Well, I don't play. I tried to imagine what the window will appear after clicking the left or right mouse button.
Thus the attention is concentrated on the spine. And when I tried to "hypnotize" program look - almost always wrong.
In the last example, since I guessed it about 30 times in a row - and while guessing quickened heartbeat, and then I felt weak.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 18:12
by Свет_лана
Dimas wrote:Yes, one more thing noticed, after listening to the disc is very easy to shape the goal-intention, do not interfere with doubt in achieving the goal...apparently this happens because there is no "makemessage" in the head, the condition lasts for about 15-20 minutes, which is enough for a start.
Dimas, you can return to the theme of "savemessage" ?
When listening to the Conductor fails to turn off makepatch : either the dream or the flow of thoughts.. I managed to stop for a few minutes, not more (in the sense of time is subjective of course, maybe even less).
The question is the following : You are listening to explore "slavomisla" off? or just this drive this effect?