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[newsletter]Workshop on Lucid Dreaming.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:59
by к-13
In the workshops the outcome of the popular vote won by the users of Grimstalker, let's start with that. Start tomorrow morning, today will be devoted to the preparation. Workshop on mind-cars will be a little later(according to circumstances - either after the first, or begin in parallel).

Those who have a device is not present (but there is a desire to try), should not be upset. Jobs in the workshop, we will learn how to realize dreams in any case, just the instrument this way will be much shorter and easier.

Mandatory requirement for participants, a notebook for journaling dreams, without practice OS is basically useless - what good is adventure, or gained knowledge, if the dream in which they were, in the morning, completely erased from memory. In principle, fit a notebook(the notebook, even block reminders...), and don't forget about what it is possible without problems to write - for example, I use sharpened from two sides in pencil with TM-rod(you can quickly turn and continue, if broken, and it is not necessary to understand asleep, which side piece to make, writes on all surfaces, including wet, slippery and uneven, moreover, can be easily removed if necessary) but the fit and ballpoint pen(but helium is pretty poorly behaved - slips on some papers, not writing where rubbed a hand when he wrote the above line, and problems with recording, when every second is slipping more and more details - this is not the most desirable of possible events), and backlight, nightlight, flashlight or any other illuminating device, which is enough to see where to write, but not too bright to then quietly to sleep. One could, of course, to do the electronic version, but it has several disadvantages: first, it is a necessity to Wake up fully and go to the computer(which, of course, does not matter if You sleep directly on the keyboard or with a laptop under my pillow, I such a few people know :) ), and secondly, the flickering backlight is pretty good chases dream... Flaws much more than it seems at first glance. In any case, diary of dreams - a necessity for the practice of OS. To lead him sure, and if You are doing this from the first day of the interest topic of the OS, then start right after I finish this issue - write down the dreams that You dreamed of earlier, but still remember, for whatever reason, is a good first step on a long and exciting journey into the world of lucid dreaming. Later, I will tell you how a diary can optionally be used.

The list is not mandatory, but desirable things you can include separately a dictophone(it is desirable that the recording device with a quick-start recording, and even better with voice activated recording - it is much more efficient for the option that you need to look at the menu, which is also useful - is to be distracted by navigation on the phone and half the details can slip away, and at the initial stage, you need to hold on to every little detail to memory, practiced not to lose them in the future - is worth several times not to attach importance to this, then they immediately upon awakening will be already overwritten). Recorder perfect substitute for the Notepad by the bed, but the sleep then it still needs to be rewritten, although this is much easier than to decipher manuscripts from under the pillow. Users PRO version lucky - they have enough to use an alarm clock to the device itself did everything for them - will remain only a dream to dictate)))<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 22:28
by к-13
So, in the morning begin the first day of the workshop for users of Dreamstalker device to facilitate and increase the efficiency of the practice of lucid dreams, that is until we need(for purity of experiment we honestly put aside and won't use these few days before the third lesson of the training).

Today and the next two days we will look for flash wherever possible. Not to pay attention to those who rushed us in the eye and, therefore, "have seen", namely to seek to track, to hunt, to collect... They are like bread crumbs leading You to the wonderful world of lucid dreaming - miss a few and a wrong turn, get lost...

The "catching" another flash, we are going to do that - carefully look at the hands and try to honestly answer the question "and not a dream?". All - nothing more is needed, for starters this is more than enough. Just be sure to do this every time, even if I have to look at my hands every 15 seconds. It is not necessary to bring her hands to his face and, squinting, trying to drill through their eyes - just estimated look "all right" to see the clock, touch the nose or turn the ring on your finger. You just need to assess their "normality" - not covered with the skin scales or fur, not claws of the industry whether in centimeter more, not translucent whether the hands of green or acid-yellow, do not melt if they have normal number of toes(maybe 3 or 7)... I used the cross-a reminder painted on the back of the hand - people think that I just don't want something important to forget(actually, it is), and I look at hands and looking at them weird.

For example:
If caught the eye of a flashlight, be sure to take it in hand and a couple of times to blink (how's the hand?)...
- If the area of attention were the mirror, you must see the reflection of the light source nearby (where, hand?)...
- Entered the room with insufficient light, turn on the light (and be sure to pay attention to the hand with which You did)...
- Turned on the computer, pay attention to morgovsky red light (and not hands)...
To track down events, we will add and change colors, and large areas of red(the red curtain, red door, bright red car, bright red jacket or dress)...

Versions of "triggers" really a lot, and the more flexible You'll be to track them down, the more effective will be the process of fixing the flashes, the greater the chance that the operation will benefit, not in idle. All this is necessary to ensure that when in sleep we see a flash of light, we had more chances to understand that this is the tip of the instrument, and not just another anything unimportant event. Later we will consider other ways to reality check, while we only need one. In addition, outbreaks of different kinds often do without the device, that is, the portion of lucidity in any case You get with the right job.

Feedback, questions and comments to leave here.<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 21:02
by торас
Participate in the workshop.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 21:55
by к-13
How many flashes tracked?

I all day today welding involved, and even a Christmas tree put his own, each time passing by the corner of my eye I see a garland - 11 a.m. at the score of 86 lost and stopped counting...

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 22:15
by Алексc3000
And if not, dream Stalker, also the flash count?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 22:35
by к-13
Yes(and it is written in the text of the task). The main thing - to develop the habit of reality checks and flashes in dreams not only from the instrument are.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 13:08
by торас
Yesterday evening I counted 28 light effects: the reflection in the glass, in a puddle, the sharp light of a lantern, emerging from behind a corner when driving, headlights of cars, etc.
This morning around 10 effects. Don't know whether to decision of participation in practe, but for today's night I remember two dreams though no longer remember anything dreamed of.
The test was done with detection light effects the following: look at the hand and count the fingers. Or trying to finger palm to pierce.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 14:57
by к-13
So it should be - You have configured to work with dreams and even began to do something in this direction. The diary of remember to keep.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:28
by торас
Yesterday I counted 14 effects. This morning I counted 12. One dream, which was recorded in the morning, remembered in great detail. However I remember a couple of minutes from the plot.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:56
by к-13
the Second session of the workshop.
This does not mean that the task of the first lesson completed - we'll just add to tracking outbreaks of another element of training.

Talk about the way that will help him to tune in to a qualitative reaction in the cases of penetration into the sleep cues. For those who have no device, can also use this method to exercise awareness and habits to verify the reality that it will help to increase the number of lucid dreams even without the device, and with it the performance will increase almost an order of magnitude.

You are in a calm environment sit down and analyze your average day on a piece of paper with a table made up of 48 rows for each half hour of the day(if you have time and desire, break awake on excerpts of 10 minutes - it will be useful not only for working with dreams).

The analysis You will see highlighted on the time graph two periods of time - when You are less likely to interfere(when You're not busy) and when you can see something interesting(in public transport, for example, or on the way home from work on foot, driving or with someone).

Then You take the cell phone and the organizer enter a daily recurring reminder that every 5-7-10(depending on wishes and opportunities, but 7 is the optimal number of times) per day will be UNOBTRUSIVE to remind You to do a little exercise of self-awareness in the dream(who doesn't have organizer, you can use google calendar, which can send a text message reminder at a specified time). It will not hurt to put such reminders and one-time planned events - going to the movies, a football match, a date... - just set the time trigger on the time when the event is in full swing - it is also useful not only for the dreaming practice, I can recall the order if You were distracted)))

The text may be, for example:
"Not a dream? How I got here(a)?"

When a reminder is triggered, You do the following:
a) DOUBLE-reread the text(in the dream it is impossible to read the same word twice - psyche, though inert, but it is not static - the letters start jumping, change the color, shape,...),
b) count all 10 fingers (phone in them, it isn't difficult - Castaneda generally believed that to look at the hands of already more than enough for self-awareness in dreams is a way to catch a dreamer's consciousness with the task of waking consciousness, i.e., automatically bring in the element of dream to awake - to become more conscious),
C) trying to examine his reflection in the glass screen or the matte surfaces of the parts(how many times I saw in sleep the mirror - never the mirror is not normal - usually it's more like a window or a hole in another world),
This is something that concerns the first question, the second you:
d) mentally searching for a way out of where you are or the entrance to the room behind the glass of the nearest window - it will help not to be frightened at the beginning of the OS and not lose awareness.
d) briefly remember how You got there where you are(I assure You, if the first three triggered the symptom of Your consciousness in a dream will be able to find a logical explanation, then in a dream you can't remember absolutely nothing),
e) imagine that you are rotating around its axis.

If You think that it is too difficult - does - it takes from power on 25 seconds, and with practice even less))) In my opinion minimal loss in the face of such acquisition))) If at the time of the reminder You just physically are not able to verify the reality(sometimes it happens, although there's always a way), make sure you do this immediately after release!
In a few weeks(usually by the end of the first), this algorithm will become a habit and you can begin to practice it at every "suspicious" symptom of the world. But at the same time You definitely ever will dream of this reminder in the dream, and with a probability of 90 percent You realize(still - as much as 4 sign, distraction, consciousness and the strengthening of the state You are already in the habit).
I'm sorry that I didn't know about this method at the beginning of his practice, otherwise I do not suffer for so long until a more or less stable result.

The most important thing in this method - do not skip the trigger, otherwise the development of habits will find it difficult (at least once miss a day - almost guaranteed to do so at night). In addition, after a couple weeks, you can move reminders for 15-20 minutes later you are in the habit of checking reality shortly before the operation)

A prerequisite for participating in the workshop, owners of the device I think is displayed on the phone as the alarm sound that plays when the tip of Your Grimstalker. If you are using the PRO version, there is even easier - pick the most calm, write it down in an audio file and put it in a folder BEFORE(not forgetting the advanced settings to set a paragraph of VE-1, by the way, during the inclusion of the item can be immediately and record the melody reminder directly in the device by pressing the "check" button). Although, there is probably individual - someone more suited to playing after prompting. The volume is minimal (otherwise it will be to Wake).

Questions, comments, suggestions and (most importantly) feedback welcome!

And Yes flash Pro don't forget!)))<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:22
by торас
Last night tracked a 18, morning 10 light, color effects. In the morning I try to describe in the diary that dream as fully as possible. Today I remember a dream where I was running from the machine and deliberately her vkluchaia red light held, I thought I will have time, but did not and it crashed into the other car. Gai, etc. But the awareness has not come. In the morning after a break had the OS, but after it failed to Wake up and the OS went to sleep. And in the morning the plot generally remembered.
About the reminders, so I set three alarms at a time when even pay attention to it can. Put the sound of the dream Stalker on the phone probably makes no sense, because I do not want to use sound effects, because the wife becomes first osity, and then just Wake up that negates my classes OS.
By the way today tried to sounds to adjust itself to respond, but for some reason no sound effect is not caught. Today I will try more in detail to stop on it.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 14:42
by к-13
RED TRAFFIC LIGHT? BLOW? GAI WITH FLASHING LIGHTS? That's all, not flash? Why not follow check?
In any case, to practise Trix with reminders just need to increase successful cases of awareness.
And about the wife... I am also family, but this is not a problem in practice. If people are sleeping nearby and go at the same time, their sleep cycles coincide. Even if they have different time schedules of sleep stages when we sleep separately(alone), the next phase is synchronized(at least I clearly keep track of - if you woke up running out of sleep, the wife is showing signs of continued dreaming unstable breathing, eye movement under the eyelids, micromotion of the body...). No mysticism here, I think, and does not smell - just nearby for a long time people usually sinhroniziruete breath(as adjustment to the breath in Ericksonian hypnosis), and the breath is our all)))

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 21:05
by к-13
Nearing the new year holidays - boating guests, the celebration until the morning(if not at home, so be sure the neighbors behind the wall), lost sleep, many an increased level of alcohol in the blood and withdrawal syndrome in the morning...
Because not all who want to participate in the workshop will have the opportunity to participate(someone coming to visit, someone is going to have a vacation and relax from everything, someone will stop on a vacation relatives/friends), the next two weeks broadcast workshops will not - we will continue the workshop after the holidays - during this time should give the result practice of finding outbreaks and reminders.

The consolation of participating in the workshop will tell You such useful things as the diary of dreams.

Firstly, this is a great way to train your memory(and often very memory - for instance, if the dream was not recorded anywhere, at least the name is two words, then by the afternoon most likely will not remember anything about it, even if it was very interesting, informed and important insights, but is at least in the recorder to blurt out a few sentences about the plot, this dream then I remember a few weeks even if you never used the record - apparently the fact of fixing of a dream plot somewhere in the waking state enshrines it in the mind Palace).
Secondly, it is an excellent tool to identify "individual signs of sleep" - the cherished key to a dream world which will allow us over time to learn to do without the device(You don't think that all life will sleep in the mask of grimstalker or lose interest in the OS in a couple of months, if You're going to have, right?).
Thirdly, it is a thing from the real world, which connects You to the world of the dreaming - a kind of bridge between these two worlds - opens up a direct path in both directions. Over time, after the establishment of the ritual, will be sufficient to write on the page of the current night before going to sleep "today I see dreams-and-so, and under such circumstances, and when you see it, I realize that sleep will do that." That is, in fact, after running this tool to transfer intent from the reality of the waking of the dreaming world - a great way to learn the answers to the questions and programming situation.

General recommendations for working with the diary. It is best to keep it on the bedside table, next to her night light. Many, perhaps the light at night interferes with sleep(this is actually a symptom of accumulated stress - balanced people and good quality sleep in any conditions, as, however, and having a large sleep deficit), but a great advantage of light is that it captures the night waking. After each REM sleep(REM), a person momentarily wakes up(a few seconds most at this point, turn over from side to side, drink water or watch the clock, but by morning the memory of these awakenings are completely cleared from memory, as I saw in a night dream). So, if every night to give yourself that every time You see night light nightlight, You will remember the dream diary(you can confirm the setting action - turning on the light, take the diary from the bedside, to read a few dreams, or write today's date - that's fine too stimulates).

Now about keeping a diary. On every night there should be a separate page - more can be any number, less than all, or very quickly run the business. If You never made a dream(in 95 percent of cases, the reason for this - lack of sleep time), then write on the page "tonight I didn't record it because... but I will definitely be corrected". It helps to recall the elusive dream the word "remember" written on the place where should be written off from memory the plot of a dream.
The least time-consuming method of recording dreams in the night to write only the thesis - to describe the scenes only a few words, and the whole dream to recover him in the morning, after waking up. This method is similar to mind maps - the principle is the same.

The ideal way of keeping a diary is filling pre-prepared forms, made in a diary, on which are displayed the following items are mandatory - this will help You to more fully and accurately to recall the dream, and therefore deeper to understand it. Here's an example - or as an option - dated calendar.

If You can draw, then make time during the day and now paint something from a dream that You wrote down at night. It helps a lot! Especially if you periodically flip through the diary, updating the memory-stories of dreams - not so much really, so the probability that they are in some place from the dreaming world, You'll remember that I had read about it in the diary, which will automatically prove to You the likelihood is high that this is a dream, and then you need to check reality.

Happy New Year! May he bring us all love and goodness!<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:17
by Еллена
Tell me please, when you turn your head to the side, approximately at eye level, sometimes without turn, these flashes ( I thought it was something with the eyes) such similar to a very bright swords is also considered?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:25
by Ярый
You need to consider all that You perceive for the outbreak (even if it is virtual, but You notice its brightness) to develop the reflex of a reality check that works in the future, when applying light signals grimstalker. The fact that in the dream light signals from the device can transform itself into anything from solar light or a police emergency lights to the sparks from his eyes or do something incredible! And in any such case, You need to remember about the test.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:59
by к-13
And why not? :) A very good guide. Thought about the fact that this?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:21
by Еллена
Thought... :shock: thought energy some next dissect )))
Happy New year ! :D

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:57
by Малефикар
Good afternoon. Joined the workshop. K-13 thank you very much for the info.

I just have trouble with remembered dreams. Flash, reminders, everything is gradually becoming a habit. Wake up 15-20 minutes before my alarm apply some techniques to hold the consciousness on the border of sleep, but the memory is empty.

PS: should I increase sleep time, how much difference does it make?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 20:23
by к-13
Малефикар wrote:Good afternoon. Joined the workshop. K-13 thank you very much for the info.
Hello. Welcome. Thank you)))
Малефикар wrote:I just Have trouble with remembered dreams. Flash, reminders, everything is gradually becoming a habit. Wake up 15-20 minutes before my alarm apply some techniques to hold the consciousness on the border of sleep, but the memory is empty.
Actually you just need to set a goal to begin to remember dreams and get to work. And to flash and reminders were not in the habit, you need to use the device not more than one(max two) a week with regular use or for no longer than weeks when applied once a month. If the unit ceases to be perceived(if the reason is not that his tips are in a dream, but forgotten along with it), put the alarm on a phone prompt signal, but much louder - even if he wakes You up in the morning. In any case, for many it helps.
Малефикар wrote:PS: should I increase sleep time, how much difference does it make?
Depending on how developed You sleep. Here every individual...

If You have a chronic lack of sleep, increasing sleep time will be affected dramatically as You begin to sleep, the dreams(especially the latter) will start to be remembered. But if You don't immediately write them down, then the good of it still will not - if the dream does not cause You some pretty strong feelings when waking up, then after 5 minutes You don't remember. You can use the recorder or mnemonic techniques, but a diary is the best option.

Maybe You are sleeping enough time, but not qualitatively - restless, for example. In such cases perfectly helps at bedtime, the recapitulation of the main events of the day - removing their emotional charge and tranquillity of consciousness(that is, you have to sleep calm - "sleep on it").

Is as well improves the quality of nighttime sleep habit to sleep after lunch(not more than half an hour and only if You don't suffer from insomnia) - it gives a good increase in efficiency in the second half of the day - more time and less tired, to avoid mistakes, but it is also well affect the quality of nighttime sleep.<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:35
by Ярый
K-13and here's me lighting tips budish, and experimented with the settings a long time, but Wake up even at brightness "2" brightness "1" do not notice. Can try audio cues?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 13:16
by к-13
At the first level, the light bulbs blink, that is, there is a possibility that the tip penetrate into the dream, but erased from memory. Try to glue the LEDs translucent masking tape(left diode quietly, and only to the right Central to the upper and lower do not close, otherwise the detection phase, nothing will) and increase the brightness.

Use the sound is also worth a try, but again the check is not awake if they are. If there is hypersensitivity, then it's time to think. A lot of options.
Or is the result of natural anchoring(as I wrote), then you can spend the collapse of anchors if you really want, but I think it's a good habit and just because its a hack not worth it.
Either it is the result of poor quality sleep: again nervousness, and possibly uncomfortable for sleeping conditions - temperature is outside a comfortable range, external stimuli like sound sources(especially outside the zone of human perception - ultrasound in General can dramatically change the dream, the infrasound affects pretty much), smell(damp and elusive smell of something organic and spoiled is perceived by the brain as a signal of potential danger - people by nature still frugivorous creature, not a predator - residues of animal origin close(corpses and corpses - the mouse died in a closet or a bone in the trash can in the kitchen - it doesn't matter) is a sign of the presence nearby of either predator or scavenger in any case, the danger, and vegetable scraps - just discomfort, at least on the part of conscience. Even if the odors are killed, air freshener, deodorant, or something even more radical, in the dream signal system clearly detects signal danger even if the danger comes from the object of protection)))
Either the cause is the presence of untreated psychological trauma and possibly physical illness.
Although it is not all the options.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 13:20
by Ярый
K-13will try it with Scotch, and then the audio prompts. Thank you!

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 19:30
by Малефикар
к-13 wrote:actually you just need to set a goal to begin to remember dreams and get to work.
If everything depended on it. I suspect that the impact of some external factors, lack of sleep including.

And I have the brightness on 2 stands. Flashes in the dream, did not notice. If higher, you are guaranteed to Wake up.

The device signals during sleep may be only in the form of flashing, blinking, or all the same sometimes in the form of a continuously emitted light (sun for example)?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 20:26
by к-13
Малефикар wrote:If everything depended on it. I suspect that the impact of some external factors, lack of sleep including.
Not only this, but the correct formulation of the problem(including myself) - a third result.
Малефикар wrote:And I have my brightness on 2 stands. Flashes in the dream, did not notice. If higher, you are guaranteed to Wake up.
At night, dark, eyes covered with a mask - the retina is at rest, so even very weak light can cause excitation(particularly sharp, and not increasing, as natural light). High brightness is needed mainly for those who're fast asleep))) Well, or for those who sleep during the day in the sun :lol:
Малефикар wrote:device Signals during sleep may be only in the form of flashing, blinking, or all the same sometimes in the form of a continuously emitted light (sun for example)?
They can be in the form of anything - the burning eyes of a distant lighthouse, guiding the fiery wings... But they often still take the form it flashes, flickering lights, police emergency lights, the flash of lightning outside the window, fireworks, splashes of color against the gray background...

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 17:59
by Малефикар
Малефикар wrote: I just have trouble with remembered dreams.
The dam burst. 4 sleeping since yesterday evening till today morning :D