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The questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 9:19
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
I would like to warn that the subject is not considered trolling, because I ask provokatsionny question. But just wanted to throw a stone healthy criticism in the garden of the developer Grimstalker. Moreover, all my arguments precise and clear.

Let us ask ourselves this question: is it worth Grimstalker their money? Alexander Protopopov every step of the crucified frenziedly that Dreamstalker, they say, unique in its kind, is unique, and that, for the same price You do you will not find better. Seems like the truth, especially that "old dinosaurs" like Redimere or Novadreamer really died out, i.e. they were sold out, and new ones are no longer manufactured.

But recently due to his deep interest in the subject I, after long yaws found on the Internet a simple diagram of the device for lucid dreaming, which, unlike the Stalker, will cost in the literal sense of the word pennies.

He does so: as electrodes, registered BDG, used paper soaked in some electrolyte such as salt solution or activated carbon. Yelling at them a little electrical contacts that measure the resistance of this electrolyte. During the phase of REM eyelids flutter, and the resistance of the electrolyte changes. Further, it captures all self-made measurement device resistance (on the Internet schemes are also full), and transmits the data to the computer. In a computer program analyzes the change in resistance and at the right time gives a light or sound signal. For example, there is a free program DreamCatcher, however, it mysteriously disappeared from the Internet, obviously, for the prescription, but I, thank God, I managed myself to download it, and I have it stored. If anyone should, you can share it. For lighting tips you can use a normal led.

So man sculpts on the eyelids paper with attached contacts on the top tightly ties a scarf, samegame him a mask, and goes to bed. Night at the right moment the device is activated, and the person is given a clue. As you can see, differences from Dreamstalker virtually no.

The cons, in my opinion, is cumbersome and inconvenient design with long cords that connect to the computer. This is the first negative. but it is easily corrected by connecting to a laptop computer that is significantly smaller than the usual computer and significantly less noise, and the placing of the laptop as close as possible to the bed. Then the wires are not doubt get in the way.

The second disadvantage - lack of protection against false positives. But it seems to me, not even a minus. Because I personally, for example, deep drum if the unit will fire and even false. so what? If it works when I Wake up, I will just withdraw it all. If it works in the deep phase of sleep, the hint I received, well, what's the difference? But the hint that is true, certainly fall into the REM phase. If the device works due to the fact that the mask will move is the same as with the first and the second cases, God bless her. So I do not understand why the device needed such a function as a protection against false positives. Power to save, or what? X-hyih! Yes, there is one, with gulkin nose yekonomiki...

Well, protection from false positives is not necessary. In addition, if you are very tightly wrap the head, the offset of the mask is eliminated, and the electrodes will sit very tight. Can you object to this, that tighten the head, not everyone can sleep. But for example, I know from experience that if at the end of the day are very tired, you fall asleep even with a log on his head.

As I don't understand why such a "useful" and "necessary" (of course, in giant quotation marks) feature, as viewing the number of actuations of the device during the night. Yes postsat me how many times he's worked, if you still trying to lucid failed. I only care about the one time she succeeds, and I end up in a lucid dream. In fact, only for this purpose the device is purchased, right?

So I wanted to ask the blessed Alexander: what, in fact, your Grimstalker is so different from that described "samopaly", if there is 99.99% more expensive? Only with these features, dovesti to which the device can nemestothy every student of the College? But if anything else, it would be interesting to know what, what are these heavy duty bells and whistles, which give the right to broadcast on every corner that the device "has no competitors". What makes it so special to cost so much money?<

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:01
by Андрей Кабанков
I think you theory is to go to practice.To stick on the eyelids of paper with the electrolyte and contacts to mount it all to the laptop,to wrap oneself with a scarf and go!
After that, your questions will disappear by themselves.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:04
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
Andrew Kabankov

And who told You that I already did and the paper is not sticking? :) If I told you what I was doing and what it works, what do You say to that? Or to spare You and give You time to come up with a suitable response?

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:11
by Андрей Кабанков
Frankly, I was surprised that you did.It is rather for eksperementatory, ordinary person who is interested in the OS just will buy the device will be used.
Let's take a photo.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:17
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
Please can and give a photo op, but not right now, and after your next session with the instrument! So it's not until tomorrow! :) Will have to wait!

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:30
by к-13
PTR, If You really slept through the night soaked with taped pieces of paper on the eyelids, I assure You, the convenience You certainly did not. I once slept three nights with the GSR sensors on the fingers(the phase of sleep logged by the device of a biological feedback). Only that face anywhere the cables are routed and you can easily roll from side to side is already a big advantage. And after a night with the papers in the eyes of half a day will have at least half a day walking around with wrinkled eyelids(this not only catches the eye, but not terribly comfortable).
Where do You see a lot of money? This price is comparable to many far less useful things - a simple TV, a small Golden ring, normal warm boots, the penalty is not very significant traffic violations, not a very cool phone, cheap winter tires or a ticket to one good show for two people... the same is sleeptracker(ordinary alarm clock without any bells and whistles). What is for some a two-month earnings - this is not the merit of the manufacturers with the developer.
It stuck the eye of the electrodes must have at least a terminal device which will translate the resistance change into digestible tips, that is, 99.99 percent of You clearly outplayed - the benefit will be(at most) to order and to normal performance much less(I've proposed a variant of the motion detector - it came to the amount of about two thousand, but it was much more functional than yours. In addition, there is a version with a webcam and a laptop...).
So first make, and then speak.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:37
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими

Actually I already did, and wrote about what. No need to talk nonsense about the shrivelled eyelids. Are placed on the eyelids don't wet the paper, which wrinkles the skin, dry and just soaked in the electrolyte. In principle, dry electrolyte, as correctly somewhere wrote, you can just it for ever to be sprayed! :)

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:39
by Ярый
Anyway why so aggressive screaming? Don't like the price of the device - well, not buy and all want to bother with papers and wires, Yes please, who can be against that? I now simply buy the device, and the developer and the manufacturer can put whatever the cost, they worked, they developed, they collected, organized process and it can set the price, which is considered adequate for its labor - and energy consumption. And really take this device to solve each. Well nobody makes...

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:43
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
Yes no not aggressive screaming. I just expressed my opinion and all. If the developer does not want - can all my post is not to answer!

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 10:49
by к-13
ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Actually I already did, and wrote about what. No need to talk nonsense about the shrivelled eyelids. Are placed on the eyelids don't wet the paper, which wrinkles the skin, dry and just soaked in the electrolyte. In principle, dry electrolyte, as correctly somewhere wrote, you can just it for ever to be sprayed! :)
And the glue? And then sleep like a dead man in a coffin? And if you sprayed electrolyte to the eyelids, then as electrodes to mount? the jumper cables up to your nose?)))

But it's the lyrics... Potamotrygonidaeif you want, but it is pricked, it is easier to find one than a thousand of excuses?

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:03
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими

A favorite technique when you have nothing to say is a translation of the arrows. I don't understand why You mentioned glue, if the electrodes can be strengthened by simple primativism to the head, by analogy with the mask. And what about the stings - I've been reading, including on this forum, that Grimstalker still sometimes works as a hit - not triggered when it should, and works when not necessary. Question - why should I "want" such a questionable device, when some kind of homemade, at least not blink, already lying on the table, and would not thus annoy my eyes?

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 16:01
by к-13
ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:a Favorite technique, when there is nothing to argue - it is a translation of the arrows.

Believe me, I did with 98 so much tried on the basis of diys - the book enough to write... And the only reason why I can confidently write that anything You haven't tried on myself, and just decided to scratch language here... I'll Tell You more - most of those who read this even causes understand written - not stupid people still gathered...
I don't understand why You mentioned glue, if the electrodes can be strengthened by simple primativism to the head, by analogy with the mask.

But then where is benefits Your option before the mask of grimstalker? The same slide on its side when moving, the same false positives, but even plus the pressure on your eyelids with pieces of paper and wire to Oceanica, which has not even been invented.
And what about the stings - I've been reading, including on this forum, that Grimstalker still sometimes works as a hit - not triggered when it should, and works when not necessary.

So the same as You wrote - laziness to understand and to work with the device, as expected, so start looking for the fault mask is not the same Board with no cover, wooden settings... All for the sake of not God forbid, not to admit to himself that the reason lies not in the other, and not even in the device... Just my own laziness and high expectations - say I buy a device and I immediately trample Wasps, only because I "such denzhischi gave"... And it does not happen(or happens, but very rarely). There are those who don't want to spend money and like the Fox in the fable, under the high grapes rest on the ancient principle immaturity thereof)))
the Question - why should I "want" such a questionable device, when some kind of homemade, at least not blink, already lying on the table, and would not thus annoy my eyes?
First, what Your look would be kind of flashing lights that lay on the table wrapped in a rag, and secondly, don't You think that piece of paper, taped to eyes, are no less to be a pest?
Funny, really...<

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 18:07
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
I'll Tell You more - most of those who read this even causes understand written - not stupid people still gathered...
If You think that the reason is money, then here was just about stupid people. I have money, but to pay them for what you can collect and with your own hands, Yes it is, quite possibly, paradoxically, be better rabotaet, I, like all normal people, not in a hurry.
But then where is benefits Your option before the mask of grimstalker? The same slide on its side when moving, the same false positives, but even plus the pressure on your eyelids with pieces of paper and wire to Oceanica, which has not even been invented.
But dear, I never said that "my" (and in fact, the scheme of which public) the mask has the advantages pede Grimstalker. one advantage - cheapness. But it is a great advantage as would... about true Oceanica lie, konecnik is a computer program that anyone can download, well, like her. In General due to a tenfold saving uvaik lousy wire on the face and can endure. Otherwise, as You aptly noted, the device is not more than Grimstalker. Even less.
So the same, as You write - too lazy to understand and to work with the device, as expected, so start looking for the fault mask is not the same Board with no cover, wooden settings... All for the sake of not God forbid, not to admit to himself that the reason lies not in the other, and not even in the device... Just my own laziness and high expectations - say I buy a device and I immediately trample Wasps, only because I "such denzhischi gave"... And it does not happen(or happens, but very rarely). There are those who don't want to spend money and like the Fox in the fable, under the high grapes rest on the ancient principle immaturity thereof)))
Easy to say, justifying flaws in the device design and its execution. For example, guy wrote: is that. Developed by him like: a reset ten times, then work. But, my dear, why do I actually have to reset ten times, when ideally, I shouldn't be doing, and the device without any drakesbrewery should work fine? Here the crudity of the instrument cover the alleged negligence of the users. I svlo the interes to turn the button several times, I want the device immediately worked flawlessly, and have every right to be.
first, what Your look would be kind of flashing lights that lay on the table wrapped in a rag, and secondly, don't You think that piece of paper, taped to eyes, are no less to be a pest?
Funny, really...
I Dade I will not comment. Verbal water for there is nothing to contradict me. Maybe I was winking at you and annoys norazo is not a sign gumanoy Assembly if the unit works when not necessary?

You must be one of "support group" of developers in this forum. Too much offense at my apt zamaane. And about the fact that You know that I haven't done anything, then... well, what to say to that - you would be in intelligence work or in the Guild of clairvoyants! Direct you immediately see right through it, along with its past and future! :)<

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 19:41
by Андрей Кабанков
Wait for the photo report.
I wonder what will be used as the tooltip for awareness. In DS is a flash of light and sound.No light flashes does not make sense to talk about design, it will not be effective.At least for those sensitive sleeping.Sound can sbrasyvanie of sleep.

To sleep with stickers on the eyelids, and even with the wires from them, I don't know what state you have to be for me, perhaps it is after a liter of vodka :) or a twenty-four hour ascent to the summit.But I think that the OS is already here would be superfluous.

Equally interesting is the question of where to Suva in the notebook leads off the stickers. To clarify this point.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 0:37
by к-13
Yes, indeed... Waiting for the photo report. Then you can talk about the validity of the doubtfulness of the uniqueness of the DS.
Андрей Кабанков wrote:Without light flashes does not make sense to talk about design, it will not be effective.At least for those sensitive sleeping.Sound can sbrasyvanie of sleep.
By the way, not always. If I use DS Pro flash first off - they immediately Wake me(army habit to Wake up by turning on the light in the barracks). But the sound and vibration I am very hard to Wake - if I haven't slept, I was neither artillery salvo will not Wake, nor off-road driving in the back seat(long-term practice of field exits, guard and combat duty taught - but I well a Wake up call disk phone and the beeping dial-tone at 800 Hz, so the sound in the normal version of the device I also not useful :wiz , but the Pro version is something, especially if not in your own mask). So the guy has some chance for success is still there. You can even give a hint - many people use computer optical mouse replaced by a red led on the IR from the remote audio-video equipment, this mouse will be useful in them is the energy saving system - if the mouse is idle, a pair of diode/photoresistor placed in the low power mode when not tracked, the direction and quantitative measure of displacement, and detects only the fact of displacement - he feeds a couple and translates in normal mode is exactly what you need - plug instead of a photodiode these papers and the problem is solved - the scheme to change the resistance of the connected element is activated, and it can take from a handmade lamp from remote.
So come on, dear, it will be interesting to see the result.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 20:01
by Андрей Кабанков
ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Please can and give a photo, but not right now, and after your next session with the instrument! So it's not until tomorrow! :) Will have to wait!
Soon the tale told, but not soon deal done. :)

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 21:11
by к-13
Talk the talk - no bags roll :oops:

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:23
by ПочемуТолькоРусскими
Sorry, very busy schedule - can you put only a day or two or three, no joke. All evening crammed with no time to prepare.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 15:44
by Владимир Никонов 2
As you see, the thing is about this design:

<iframe src=""width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 17:32
by Александр (разработчик)
Remember, in the post-Soviet era, my neighbor said that I bought a "Volga" for $ 200. Paused and added that for two years it has all changed, repainted, etc. it is Strange to me why people are sometimes in anything appreciate your work? After all, he would do the same for clients, earned money for a normal car for these two years. Maybe because there is no such a fellow the money that they themselves do not appreciate your work and time.

This I mean that rather than spending time and money on different working not really homemade, it's easier to buy a ready made device that does everything right, and besides has many additional features.

However, everyone does as he likes.

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 23:15
by Косинус
Potamotrygonidae what does it mean to measure the resistance between the electrodes is a mean between them will be no electric current?
And it is not harmful especially to sleep all night?

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 23:58
by к-13
No, I understand what you meant by changing the surface resistance of the sputtered conductor by changing the geometric shape of the surface on which it is applied, the long section and the applied layer is changing(slightly, but noticeable), and therefore the resistance of this layer, too, at this change and triggers the sensor. Just a piece of paper with sprayed conductor is attached to the eyelid and the motion underneath, of the pupil occurs, the deformation of this conductive layer. Through the eyelid current does not flow(I don't know what will happen to the conductor, applied directly on the eyelid :? ).

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 0:13
by Косинус
ПочемуТолькоРусскими wrote:Is, for example, a free program DreamCatcher, however, it mysteriously disappeared from the Internet, obviously, for the prescription, but I, thank God, I managed myself to download it, and I have it stored. If anyone should, you can share it. For lighting tips you can use a normal led.
Владимир Никонов wrote:As you see, the thing is about this design:
The cheapest option from the mouse and Dream Catcher, which catches the movement of the cursor and gives tips on podborovye. Here the practical implementation of the
There are other improvised devices

K-13 now I understand, but I liked this invention very romantic!


Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:12
by к-13
Damn, I have the car running lights are almost the same... It's the bags under the eyes to cover and dark doorways way to light(and at the same time the population of homeless people, pensioners and the core to reduce)? Then at once to heap the radiator grille and the fan over the forehead, and then immediately see that brain overheat...

Re: the Questionable uniqueness of Grimstalker

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:58
by Алексей Швец
Personally, I've made a mask with diodes and Chinese alarm pager type. All together it cost 170 rubles. Watch 100, a sponge for the diodes and the diodes 20 rubles. Only don't know where to get photocells to determine the REM phase. Well, I will try until just the light in different phases to irritation of the brain. I read that the stimulation light dreams more vividly to act. And how are you with sales of grimstalker??? May be worth the price and then you wygrala in the number of buyers. Some sellers do especially when there is competition. For example, lowered the price and you bought 10 people a week instead of 2. Provided of course that 10 people ocupate more expense+ income than 2 people.