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Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 17:57
by Костямба
Two months ago, learned about the engineering of the Rainbow. Read the book and watched the video. All that said Michael is and work, because in different periods of unconsciously use before they learned about M. Rainbow, some of the techniques worked. But a month of attempts at indirect techniques nor to no avail. Or waking up again sweetly asleep or fully awake. Remember that very often I see a deep dream and occasionally a conscious in them. In the end, decided to move through the OS. Started to keep a diary of daily dreams and to do background checks on reality. Made himself business cards with the inscription: "not a dream? I'm sleeping?" and stuffed all the pockets. A month and a half very strongly increased the intensity of dreams and memory, but the OS happened once. After learning about DreamStalker and read almost the entire forum decided that the assistant will not be superfluous, decided to order. Further, strictly speaking will describe their direct experiments.
By the way, who doubts the office safe. From the payment date to get in the mail(I was so comfortable, but can be delivered to the apartment) was exactly five days. Everything is in place, everything works.

Exp. No. 1 with the mask in DreamStalker(first use).
To start a small digression. Reading the forum repeatedly came across complaints from users that they don't see a single period of the signal. Developed by Alexander(thanks for the device :ay ) repeatedly in such cases it is proposed to increase the parameter F-07(the duration of the series of flashes). Given that I am quite often in unconscious dreams deep dive into the action, until the sensations of smells and tactile sensations, I realized that this advice for such deep dives. Sound as the tip is swept away at once because I Wake up instantly.
Further boring technical info, stand firm :wink:
Setup for the night with 11.06 12.06:
* d-05
* du-0
* UP-0
* AL-0
* Fr-3
* Od-4
* br-3
* LE-1
* F-30 !!!
* S-00
The installation was done for the evening emerged the first unpleasant moment, namely the signal of the device :roll: Not going to whine about this, but Express a business proposition for the developer, perhaps it is possible to do so.
So, to introduce a new team ButS (sound button) for 4 buttons: Select, Enter, (+), (-). With a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is the sound off. for these buttons in the device mode. Buttons: on\off and CHEC upheld. After adjusting the volume, and off. the audio signal in the monitoring mode is implemented :ay
Next, went in 2 nights, set the alarm on the phone at 06:00. Slept 4 hours without a mask, then at 6 in the morning put on a mask including a delay by a combination of keys (-) + Enter. The timer has up to 20 minutes. Here something happened that happens to everyone who starts to use DreamStalker, I couldn't sleep with the mask on her face, though there was no discomfort :oops: In short 20 minute orochena and I hi pass the two signals from the diodes that the device is now included in the work. To extend the timer delay button CHEC was not for me, very annoying sounds, which subsequently has served me bad service...the story is just beginning :ap
Starting from 6:00 to 7:50 a tedious attempt to sleep again already with a mask. I'm gonna go ahead and say that the total number of positives per night - n011, i.e. 11 times. The first three positives 7:21 - 7:42 - 7:50 was every time I rolled over or once adjusted the mask by hand, took about a couple of minutes and began a series of flashes according to the setting of the F-30 in duration. Reading the forum I saw many times the developer of the secret 8) the algorithm of protection against false positives. There was a feeling that the algorithm does not always work, BUT do not completely rule out brief dips in the REM after coups and amendments masks :? This question is still open to question. 7:52 he has put in the protection from neighbors, I mean earplugs :(
Further, the number and times of operation:
n011 - 7:21 - 7:42 - 7:50 - 8:00 - 8:23 - 8:40 - 9:06 - 9:37 - 10:53 - 11:03 - 11:12(woke up from this series of outbreaks and watched her under the mask my eyes closed). 5 times out of 11 positives of the outbreaks observed have their eyes closed under the mask. I think you need to work with setting the brightness of the flashes 'br-3'.
And at the end most importantly, Yogi:
3 Lucid Dreams :D the first pills called DreamStalker.
So in detail: 2 short and 1 deep OS OS.
1 OS - realized themselves having sex :oops: like procedure and too carried away, fell back to sleep. No signals of the device during sekasa not noticed just OPA and I realized that sleep :?
2 OS - all corny again....I again, someone pulled :oops: :oops: Yes Yes maniac :aa again , OPA and understand that sleep, but quickly woke up to reality.
And here is a super prize for the first time....
3 OS I see a girl and I again thought about the same thing in two in the first Wasps :oops: Approached her and allegedly well all miss you got :o The young lady did not seem to mind and immediately all so happy it was immediately and I notice that young lady's joy skin was Golden and beginning to overflow.... :shock: ..... :roll: ...... :wiz ..... and the thought "I am dreaming!" The young lady was after that thought to deflate like a blow-up doll, but the shimmer and gold iridescence remained until she sulked in full and its shell was not in my hand. Stand holding a shimmering shell and suddenly realize that if you do not start to do the consolidation as advised by M. rainbow throw from the OS. Famously cast stuvwxyz lady and just collapse on the floor and furiously start to feel and touch, sight already, but not clear to some, but seems a bit out of focus. So crawling on the floor, groping and in some point force brought somewhere and BAM I feel in bed. Thoughts are clear, touched the bed, my bed, opened my eyes and see from under the mask of the sun and a part of the room...Sat down on the bed, the mask is not removed, looking at the silk at the bottom of the mask and sit think, woke up :cry: I think well continue to try to sleep. Lie back, close my eyes again and fall asleep......there is TARM.....And in the dream it dawns on me....Fuck sakes..VA same your mother :wiz my room may not be sunlight from under the mask Dimera. I hang very dense shade blinds and I always sleep before they close for the early morning, the window will melt the sun and can Wake. My room is the twilight strong in the morning always!!!! :wiz ....I went through this upsetting :cry: Ekarny loaf I just had to get out of bed and to remove the mask, I was in absolutely real Wasp. It was so real that I didn't catch the trick with the light in the silk mask. And button CHEC I thought to press while sitting in bed, but hideous squeaking buttons and my full belief in the reality forced to refuse to push the button, which was a big mistake. I didn't want to Wake that squeak and have deprived yourself of a full OS which was already made a plan and I remember...was a fan!
Grand total:
1 time consciously seen flickering from Primera, bringing it up to the OS. 2 times just recognized myself in my sleep tips are not seen. And 2-3 times had dreams where there were hints of Dimera in the form of television with rapidly changing scenes, streetlights burning through one, and also a glowing dome of street cafes. In these dreams, it was feeling of semi-consciousness, as if there is something wrong but what :? The dreams were very deep and large-scale will not describe.
Total of 3 OS and 2-3 poluosoznannye on the verge of dreams with 7:52 to 11:12
Impressions from first use more than. Plan to take breaks of 2-3 days between use DreamStalker and mere dreams without a mask, because too many adventures, too bad.
z.s. Ah Yes, the people here is a simple advice, do not try and use a mask when you work in the morning or scored to meet before lunch, the results will be extremely disappointing. We then wait for a normal weekend. Better one night a week with the result, than to torment the brain every night.
To be continued az<

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 18:47
by Владимир Никонов 2
Interesting. Waiting for the continuation.

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 16:36
by Костямба
On the second night after the morning Demerom, when I went to bed started to get vibration. The stronger began to relax, especially "let go" of consciousness vibration began to increase. That portend such a vibration is well known to me - output in the astral. It was scary. I am very tired for the past day, plus the morning with Demerom, then just said to myself enough for today and just laid there and controlled the consciousness of strong relaxation, in order to control the vibration. After 20 minutes the intensity began to subside and relaxation, they have not increased. Therefore let go the reins, and almost instantly fell asleep. The night saw six of dreams, lucid was not. After I appeared to vibrations guys, but I think if that again I think will be solved on this way.
To be continued :)

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 14:21
by Костямба
Exp. No. 2 with the mask in DreamStalker.
Setup for the night:
The number of positives n008, i.e. 8 times.
Went to bed with the mask on, put a delay of 3:30 and woke up for a moment, how signaled double-diodes on. after 30 sec. tracking sensors. More sleep in the mask will not, but I practiced falling asleep with the mask on. The main thing that a night mask is not moved out, and I never shot it unconsciously, so can for this reason more not to worry, the mask is always in place.
Switching cycles: n008 -5:19-5:24-7:56-8:06-9:15-10:15-10:20-10:45.
In 5:19, 5:24, 9:15, 10:45 - tossed and turned, drank water, put in ear plugs, adjusted the mask by hand, every time after that worked the sensors and fed the signals including my suspicions were confirmed, the sensors react to a strong bias of the mask. It turns out only 4 positives had a dream.
Summary of:
1 OS, 1 dream where I was walking with a mask on her face, but didn't realise it was a dream and 2 very bright and deep sleep. None of the dreams of the lights and the flicker is not seen, only one wore a mask. I'm going to do a mask of Trimera "anchor" for already the second time I see him in my dream.
Description OS:Was in the room with 3 men. Sat at the table, something to celebrate. One of them suddenly breaks a glass by accident, but for some strange reason starts debris off the floor to wash the vodka out of the other Cup. At this point the radio starts processing the Michael Jackson song and I suddenly realize the absurdity of the situation and realize that this is a dream. Give the command "Stand!" and all three men freeze as if to stop the movie. Understand that it is necessary to gain a foothold and start to feel, to touch and RUB you hands. Then you decide to leave the room and walk past the frozen men. Fun to look like statues of Madame Tussauds. Out in the corridor, some kind of communal apartment with a long hallway and a bunch of old stuff. Understand that I'm not interested and decide to go out. Approach the door and begin to think that when I open the door, you will find yourself right on the street, by transfer. But opening the door was in the vestibule on the floor. A little disappointed that did not. Standing consider quite an old entrance, these are in the old factory of two floors. At this point, understand that can still hear the song Jackson and damn it caught me and I decided to sing along, but too much that I closed my eyes and gave myself to the chorus that led to a short failure, and a moment later woke up in bed.
To be continued :)<

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 15:19
by Александр (разработчик)
Костямба wrote:In 5:19, 5:24, 9:15, 10:45 - tossed and turned, drank water, put in ear plugs, adjusted the mask by hand, every time after that worked the sensors and fed the signals including my suspicions were confirmed, the sensors react to a strong bias of the mask. It turns out only 4 positives had a dream.
When talking about protection from false positives, it meant that the person in the dream, I rolled over and continued to sleep. If You woke up, Your eyelids start to tremble (watch the man who closed his eyes, but not asleep), it triggers. Order and there is a timer delaying the start of monitoring, so people fell asleep. And You drank the water and thought You ever not moving? By the way, the movement of the mask unit relative to an age when You are corrected, is the same as movement of the eyelids relative to the sensor device. If You woke up and immediately continued to sleep, the device will work. He needs it to work. How could it be otherwise, if ever You are shaking and moving for several minutes? For normal operation of the device, You should sleep and not drink water at night. You do it will be up in an hour or two, go to the toilet, want to drink, and went in a circle...

By the way, if you prevent extraneous sounds, it is better to include something monotonously noisy, like a fan or humidifier. Their noise is masked by other sounds and allows quiet sleep.

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 18:55
by Костямба
Thank you for your explanation, Alexander. Now I will take this fact into account in usage device.

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 14:00
by Костямба
Exp. No. 3 with the mask in DreamStalker.
Setup for the night:
The number of positives n017, ie 17 times.
Unfortunately the sleep was very restless and "false" positives from the movement had as many as 11-12 times 5-6 times and only occurred in a dream. One word so far I have on average for a session to have only 4-5 positives for sleep.
Summary of: 2 OS and 1-f. To describe the OS will not.
Grand total:
During the first week of using the mask DreamStalker was 6 OS + 5 W. I think the result from the use of masks is more than impressive, when you consider that without a mask for the month of attempts there was only 1 OS. Then leave in free swimming and to describe further experiments will not. I will try to find the optimal settings by itself, although are inclined to conclude that much depends on the mood and physical state on a particular night with Demerom. I hope my experience will be useful to someone. I thank the developers for this device, to me it is very helpful in understanding OS :o
Good luck to everyone and deep, full Awareness of Dreams!!! az

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 22:07
by Владимир Никонов 2

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:42
by Костямба
It's me again. Almost a month yuzanya and I came to this result. Use the mask 1-2 nights. Mode UP-2 was the most stress-free and effective. At the beginning of the signals of Grimstalker almost never seen and was just aware of no reason, now steadily see a clear, clear red lights from the mask during sleep. Really funny last time we came out the lights were aware of(different things work out)...then lie on the beach, having fun and BAM straight in the eyes Shine red lights...I was like,"Yes Yes, I know it was a dream!" :lol: Scored a handful of sand in his hands, rubbed the sand to spread out and lie on trudge. People the device is working, don't give up! bi

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 13:55
by Павлум

And afternoon practices continue something? Reality check? Meditation?

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 23:41
by Костямба
Yes, the reality check is doing. At flashing light, a red light, when I see or take the mask of dimera because in dreams very often began to dream, made by anchor. Meditation is not doing, try technique of a Rainbow, but as was not from me so not talking yet. And of course the dreams in the diary regularly recording. But for now record only Wasps and "pelousy", simple dreams were not recorded. Because so many of them per night remember that half of the day then you should write will.

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 23:47
by Костямба
Today I tried to add to lights and sound. The volume put LE-1, and the length of the S-02. The sound was much more pleasant sound during tracking. In the end, experienced a sequence of OS within 5. Piling the bulbs from false awakenings inside OSA. In the end, I'm confused, what's reality and what's not and eventually hung on fifth awareness into the bottomless darkness and just observed the movement and interaction at the atomic level. I was so fascinated by this atomic universe that no longer wanted to sink something else to do, and just hanging out in this space and contemplated that the geometry of the motion of atoms. By the way I notice not for the first time when understood and understand that lying in bed then trying to roll out, like a phase of trying to get. Roll out of bed and would fall to the floor, BUT the floor is not falling, but hanging a few inches here and there and noticed a curious thing. The feeling is like from the back pulls the magnet and the feeling that pulls you back, but as if falling. Very similar to the pipe for parachutists, or to the resistance of the magnets. Very incredible sensation of "magnetic microgravity" :ay

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 16:19
by Костямба
So guys, I have something that makes me look at it from a different angle. Today has been an extremely deep and extremely long-lasting OS. The mask put on in the morning, as wanted to sleep, then decided to sleep with a mask on. The first time a clear red lights I saw in the dream, but didn't realize how ridiculous it all himself explained why the lights in a dream. The second time woke up in a border state and felt a vibration, I decided to strengthen them, and then to separate, but obviously not enough their efforts and in the end, after tremendous efforts made the turn, but the physical body. Fell asleep again and here with the help of Kimera I realized to a very deep state and then three more times without surfacing out of phase, but the signals of Dimera did deepen. But this is not important. The last place where I was town, I asked one woman where she and I twice I clearly said, once he asked me to repeat again what she said. And a Wasp came out because I was scared because he knew that it was too long and deep in the phase. Estimate the duration of a continuous stay of at least 30 minutes. But it is not important....I found the actual city, which said the woman and where I was - Red Ray, Lugansk region, Ukraine. The first time I hear about this city, but surprise knew no bounds when I saw the pictures from this city. I live in Russia, in Ukraine has never been and about this city knew nothing, and especially nothing of it is not seen :shock: Now I'm putting serious doubt that the OS phase or VTP is "all in our head" too many exact match of the place and objects in the point that it was just fiction, a fantasy... :shock: Apparently there is a line where fiction is intertwined with reality, which you can check out and download completely solid evidence of the real existence, at least of architectural objects, which you 100% to this charge did not medival. I'm a bit shocked, because it is not so easy as it seems!!! I totally freaked out!!! :shock:

Re: Costaba + DreamStalker

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 22:29
by Павлум

Welcome to the real world, Neo! :)

What is the real world, and what's a dream? How to define? In Tibet since ancient times for this yoga of dreams and practiced - in order to understand one thing. No really make a difference. The "real" world, we also dream.