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Don't drop the class and do not despair ! ! !

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 21:11
by ToPTuK
Good evening all , recently purchased DreamStalker Pro , asked a few questions that I politely answered the old-timers of the site , including the developer , Alexander, I started the setup. For starters put Up 1 ( mode no manual settings ) , waking up saw 11 positives , but about the OS and speech could not be sorry , in short day by day , experimented with the settings but to no avail , three weeks later, specifically the desperate and decided to sell dream (wrote on this forum a message about selling the new dream of a Stalker , in response, saw a deleted message. I was very laziness to climb on avito and wrote the announcement of the sale of the device , so put it aside and forgot it for a few days. Here a couple of days ago walking in the philosophical room decided to take a manual and read it VERY CAREFULLY , I realized that all the same, most likely the weed was just in the settings , and yesterday at night and spent about 20-30 minutes to setup , including recorded your voice and put bE(sound connections to signals). So I just had this dream that lead me down the long corridor masked men in a little room , where I waited for Rastafarians bull , which immediately began to beat me) , suddenly someone from the audience yells fight me my voice is like a dream you can control it COMPLETELY ( my message ) and for the first time in my life I realized it was a dream , turned this bull into a parrot and went to fly over some Islands. During the night it was about 3 Havo but about all to tell for a long time , BUT TRUST ME this incredible feeling that you're in a dream and can do anything , I just want to convey to people that it is not necessary to throw a hobby , and it is not necessary to sin on a device ,you need patience and desire.Special thanks to Alexander for the development of this miracle , it actually performs its function only need ( for each individual ) to configure it. All success in our Common hard work !

Re: don't drop the class and do not despair ! ! !

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 19:06
by luizianta
Yes it is true, desire can penetrate any gap

Re: don't drop the class and do not despair ! ! !

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 23:52
by ToPTuK
Today realize yourself in your sleep about 20-30 minutes ( at least I thought so ) , but when I started to prove to everyone that it was a dream , wanted to jump out the window and poleetat , but going to the window scared , well very all really looked )