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About DreamStalker Pro

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:44
by Владимир Никонов 2
Today I received DreamStalker Pro. Beast!

DreamStlaker Pro

Developer note:
- play music before and after tips;

Importantly, all easily configurable. It is possible, in principle, nothing to configure, everything is already set up. But it was interesting to learn all the settings. Especially when the music is playing.

Music need to write down on the card. Easy.

I think in the future DreamStalker Pro will come with already recorded songs. We need to determine which one is better to use before and after tips.

Who else has DreamStalker Pro offer to share the experience.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:05
by Владимир Никонов 2
Question to the developer:
What's the difference mode from After Scenario?
He and the other plays the audio files when prompted.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 12:06
by Александр (разработчик)
Никонов Владимир wrote:question to the developer:
What's the difference mode from After Scenario?
He and the other plays the audio files when prompted.
The main difference between Scenario mode is that there are 9 directories for scripts sleep, which you can choose from the menu of the device. Ie you can pre-place them in different scenarios of dreams and change their mood, not using the computer connection, and not overwriting the message again each time. But After the mode is only for playback any one of the permanent messages like "I just saw in a dream flash device", which do not need to be changed every day.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 18:24
by соник
Good afternoon everyone! I read with interest information about Dreamstalker About. Everything seems smooth and very tempting, but there is one big disadvantage , which makes all the bells and whistles are meaningless. I mean the frequency of discretization WAV format 16000hz/8bit. Too weak . Such parameters will have no effect. They should be at least 48000 Hz but do/24 bits. Only such parameters can provide hints awakening of man. In other cases, these tips will or not reach the consciousness of sleeping , or will Wake him.
Do NOT think that I have it all sucked from the finger. All tested on himself. Format MP-3 here at all useless. It simply will not work.
When dealing with altered States of consciousness , even the most insignificant factors play a very important role . And the fact that predlagaete you - the sound quality is very low. Perhaps one out of ten people something to work , and do the remaining nine?
In General, your idea is cool and has wide prospects, but why ruin it at the root of such flaws.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 18:59
by Александр (разработчик)
соник wrote:good afternoon Everyone! I read with interest information about Dreamstalker About. Everything seems smooth and very tempting, but there is one big disadvantage , which makes all the bells and whistles are meaningless. I mean the frequency of discretization WAV format 16000hz/8bit. Too weak . Such parameters will have no effect. They should be at least 48000 Hz but do/24 bits. Only such parameters can provide hints awakening of man. In other cases, these tips will or not reach the consciousness of sleeping , or will Wake him.
Do NOT think that I have it all sucked from the finger. All tested on himself. Format MP-3 here at all useless. It simply will not work.
When dealing with altered States of consciousness , even the most insignificant factors play a very important role . And the fact that predlagaete you - the sound quality is very low. Perhaps one out of ten people something to work , and do the remaining nine?
In General, your idea is cool and has wide prospects, but why ruin it at the root of such flaws.
Let me disagree with You, DreamStalker PRO supports MP3 bitrate of 128K/bit, which, as known, corresponds to the quality of the CD. It is possible that this is not enough, but this device is not stereo, it is not clear what You intend to use it. All people listen to the CDs, and everyone is happy with the quality of the discs. You just thought up some non-existent problem :? .

Perhaps You are going to play on this device any records that contain a certain code such as made in mind-cars. However, the purpose of this device is quite different.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 22:14
by соник
Alexander, the thing is that I'm not going to use the device as a music centre. This is stupid. You must take into account the fact that the device can give verbal hints(it's great!), these tips should podatsa at the minimum volume level unnecessarily . here we are dealing with a paradoxical phase of sleep. (I'm sure all the nuances of this phase You are well-known.) So , to verbally tips worked for minimum volume and not Wake the person, the sound quality should be good. MP-3 format , does not have the range of frequencies which have WAV48000Hz\24bit.You need to have at least a format CD A c 16000bit, no less, though he more or less efficiently transmits the sound. I think the same applies to music soprovozhdenie.
I do not presume to challenge the view that the MP3 format with 128kbit matches the quality of the CD( but this applies to the waking state ). The REM phase is radically different from its normal state , and are You trying to approach it from the standpoint of ordinary consciousness borstvoeding. This is your fault. You reduce the effectiveness of the device . No code I'm not going to lose.
With respect

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 23:15
by Александр (разработчик)
Perhaps You really need WAV48000Hz\24bit to experience the sound quality. Probably there are the only ones that dream to the ear can distinguish the work 18bit DAC (this DAC is used DreamStalker PRO) and 24bit during playback of the speech. Apparently, You are one of them. Only here the people that tested this device enough available audio quality level CD-ROM. Apparently, they just didn't know what highest quality should be the real sound :-)and therefore got good results. Sorry, but in the whole world made a device to suit Your needs. Read Your posts in this forum. You a great price on the PRO version, then some relays do not have a normal DreamStalker'e, then there is something to the device you want to connect, write that there is some idea, but I'm afraid to lose warranty, but now the sound DreamStalker PRO not enough quality... :roll:

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:57
by соник
Alexander, then I have a few questions for You.
1. How many people tested the device? If 5-10 people - it is not sufficient to say that the device works perfectly. Normal research is conducted ,as a minimum, with 100 and more examinees.
2.Did experience these people have with the ordinary version of Dreamstalker? If so, it is not surprising that they managed to perceive verbal prompts with the sound quality that You offer.They had already developed a stable installation on the perception of light and sound prompts in a dream and perceive verbal prompts for them is a trick.
3.Now imagine the situation, how long would it take a newbie to work out the installation on a stable , and not from case to case, the perception of light and sound, and then the verbal clues in the dream. Maybe a month( at best), and maybe six months.
In the REM phase plays a pivotal role role consciousness and the subconscious. I.e. those factors which are not important in the waking state, begin to play an important role in the REM phase. Of course, when we listen to the recording MP-3 format or WAV format, which predlagaete You awake only an audiophile or a person with a good ear for music can of to distinguish from those parameters about which I wrote. But in the REM phase has its own laws, there is a matter of the slightest nuances. For sure, they are known to You, but somehow YOU are trying to ignore.
Understand those parameters , which I wrote , help to optimize the perception of verbal prompts and to achieve stable results not in six months , and a maximum of ten lessons .

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 19:24
by Андрей Кабанков
соник wrote: I mean the frequency of discretization WAV format 16000hz/8bit. Too weak . Such parameters will have no effect. They should be at least 48000 Hz but do/24 bits. Only such parameters can provide hints awakening of man. In other cases, these tips will or not reach the consciousness of sleeping , or will Wake him.
Do NOT think that I have it all sucked from the finger. All tested on himself.
But it seems to me that all this Vessona from the finger.
have you done testing on the group of subjects with a sound with different settings?
How many subjects,more than 100?
With reports you can read?
At me the same way it is checked-all OK.

I wonder then,how all these devices work,which have been created over the last decade, many,many manufacturers,including respected us Stephen Laberge.They just squeaked Squeaker,there to talk about what the sound quality is generally not necessary.

Turns light +buzzer works and the light +sound SD quality -no,in your...

DreamStalker PRO is the first device with the sound quality of the CD,and you have some data there which sound good and which do not share all the same source.
"Check for yourself" ,taking into account your other message is not convincing at all.
Yes, and what was checked I wonder? :)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 22:29
by соник
Andrew, I will not lie. From what I can tell about 30 "subjects". Why I used the word "subjects" took in quotation marks, I will explain.No special studies , i.e. logging I'm not driving. Just kept count. Worked put"", it didn't put a "-" Everything happened at the Amateur level.Did the exact same recording in WAV, CD-A, MP-3. For 1.5 to 2 hours before awakening occurred the playback of a recording via a computer or music centre. All "subjects" were given the instruction that they should hear the record without waking up.
The best results were those who worked with WAV format -8 out of 10 people, while it took them from 2-5 attempts, the CD-A -6 out of 10 people, the disparity in attempts from 2 to 10,Mr-3 of 10 -0. I tried to make in groups bydo equal to the number of people by temperament, gender,age and even the presence of music education.
We now turn to the "Squeaker". Express your point of view. "Beeper" works for two reasons :
1. Even in the most lean to the "beeper" sound is not digitized and there is present the whole frequency range, in other words the sound is "live"
2. "Squeaker" does not bear any semantic load, i.e., it affects the first signal system. Therefore, it is relatively peacefully "invades" in the dream and there is already giving impetus to the development of dreams .
Now for the verbal prompts. The ability to recognize,respond to speech, to vtupit in communicative acts using verbal means unique to humans due to the presence of the second signal system. Such parameters of speech as tone,intonation, pace, diapson high frequency and low frequency have a very important impact on the perception of speech. In the version of the device that You offer , the frequency range is ignored completely.There is no range of high and low frequencies , which is at least more or less allowed to bring the quality of recording verbal't have a clue. "live"i.e. non-digital human speech.Why I clung to the frequency range. Let me explain - in order not to Wake the man and run the script dreams in the right direction it is necessary that the first and second signal system worked in unison ,T. E. and Wake ,and at the same time penetrated the consciousness of a sleeping person.
Andrew , now I will explain why You have worked. Most likely you have a wealth of experience with the previous version of the device. You have already formed the setting for the perception of external signals. But how many of You took the time to have started to get STABILITY RESULTS WITH the OLD VERSION of DREAMSTALKER? Probably a month or more.
The idea of the device is awesome ,but bring it to mind that a beginner is not agonized for months and spent on getting sustainable results in less time.Keep in mind the human factor who can and will ride ,and someone can earn a neurosis or develop an inferiority complex. With respect.Sonic<

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 23:00
by Dimas
are You already bent quite... your Own voice in MP3 format in statements like "Dima, it's a dream, remember it was a dream.." I well perceive, whereas the tweeters on the previous version and abroad tremere was turned off because of the awakening,as they have a light sleep. People are all not come to mind that one of those 10 lucky people whom You gave a listen to the WAV , it was 8 people, just able to hear sound through sleep and not Wake up, in the second group of such people, respectively, could be 6, and utrata - 0!!!??? :roll: 8) I exaggerated of course, factors could be a bunch. (gender, age, physical/somat. state etc) I understand that You did it at an Amateur level to meet their own interests, but then what does the dream about the Stalker??

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 23:03
by Андрей Кабанков
You Alexander has already said about the sound quality of the instrument,it is at the level of the CD.You are not having a of the device claim that it is low,cut high and low frequencies...
Respiratoty conversation.
No problems with the quality of the question.
It is clear that you would like to say about your "research",but you chose not the best way to do that.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 0:24
by соник
Andrew, no loud statements about their "research" I was trying to do.You asked on what basis I have come to this viodo. I gave their reasons. Believe it or not. That's Your Business. The level of CD and the CD format is not the same, there is a difference.Why in the format MP-3 to make audiostrobe? What is the cause of the inability to make them in this format? Because there are recorded signals that in some way have an impact on the subconscious. Sorry,but in my opinion the verbal clues in the dream in the first place affect podanie, and then on consciousness. To choose good way or bad , to attract attention,sorry , not my rules. Attention to me enough without all this controversy. For grades and glory special desire is not. In his lifetime has seen many "gurus". I realized one thing ,they love to be listened to, and they're not a good listener. I was just trying to give you advice on how to optimize the performance of the device. You decide. I understand perfectly your point of view because perhaps you have any connection to the creation of this device. And here in the first place is not selfish interest, and say, the experience for their offspring. This is normal.
Dear Dimas, read carefully as I picked up the group.The element of chance I minimized. Again, You vpros. I did not answer him nor Alexander, nor Andrew, as You ponadobilos time to achieve stable results OS with the previous version of the device.

The answer to the possible question"How did I write?" - Used Adobe Autdition.
Dimas, Alexander read , though please work Suhara, V. p., Svyadoscha A. M, Bliznichenko.And. Everything that you question will find the answers in their works. They are on the Internet.
With respect.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:35
by Александр (разработчик)
соник wrote:Why in the format MP-3 to make audiostrobe? What is the cause of the inability to make them in this format? Because there are recorded signals that in some way have an impact on the subconscious.
again I repeat to You that this device is not included "the impact on the subconscious". Do not confuse these very different things. Here we need a simple recording of your voice that carry no additional information than what was expressed in Russian (or other) language.

I do not understand why You're worried so much for the alleged lack of sound quality of the new device? From Your many and varied arguments (though not always logical) that you filled up this thread, I feel Your obsession with some overarching idea. In short, the question is why You wrote this, what is your goal? I hope this is not the salvation of mankind from the "poor quality" devices?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:42
by Dimas
It took me 2 weeks. Do you honestly think that the consciousness of the unconscious, it is 2 big differences as speak in Odessa?In MP3 format it's impossible to make CDs for one simple reason - strobe signal will not be reproduced, as it is usually written at 19200 Hz. Discs Andrew P. also, not everyone can record in MP3, as one of the technologies involves the alternation of high (up to 20,000) and low frequencies...THAT's ALL!!!! here is no selfish interest in his offspring (paraphrased), and the argument is well-considered and balanced decisions based on extensive knowledge and experience in this matter, what I see, You somehow unreasonable doubt.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:06
by Guest
Note also that the gate signal does not affect the subconscious,this is a signal service where the coded flashing of the points.
You are versed in the basics.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:16
by соник
Alexander, during sleep, our consciousness is asleep, the subconscious mind has full freedom of action . Why do You think we have dreams of even the most fantastic content , but perceive them as reality? Whether such dreams, if the mind control the subconscious ? Therefore here it is necessary that the parameters of verbal prompts was designed to work not with the mind but with the subconscious. You're trying to hold fine with the axe.Sleepy and, refers to altered States of consciousness because here, unlike the wakeful state prevail signaline the first system on the second.If you don't believe , at least read the work of Pavlov I. p.,Bekhterev V. M., Bechtereva N. P , etc., or, at worst, genosse Freud. And
Alexander, I don't set myself a goal of saving people from substandard appliances. I'm not saying that it is defective. It is not finalized, and it is two big differences. At the moment, the efficiency of the device when working with the verbal prompts will be no more than 30%( and at best) . No overarching ideas I have! What You call"filled up this thread"-I was asked to give his arguments , something I did. Tried to give more or less detailed reasoned responses and not limited to generalities. If possible give examples of my not always logical arguments,and still answer to my questions.1.How long did it take You time to achieve STABLE OS?And have the nick You to achieve stable results with OS mindmachine(Dimas and Andrei Kabanov I would also like to hear , have you used MM to achieve stabilnego) 2.How many people(I mean beginners) were tested with Dreamstalker Pro
Dimas, sorry but You are wrong that put an equal sign between the conscious and the unconscious. A simple example( maybe the wording is not very nice): consciousness is "responsible" for abstract logical thinking, subconscious mind for creative. With respect. Sonic

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:31
by соник
Dear Guest, thank you for the correction . I know. In the example , I just wanted to show the capabilities of conventional CD format-A and Mr-3.The impossibility of the reproduction of the whole frequency range in format MP-3. I would be grateful if You can still find my mistakes. With respect. Sonic

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:02
by Андрей Патрушев
Honestly, I don't know what you base Your argument, dear sonic. :)
How cutting high in mp3 may in principle influence the perception of voices in a dream??? Mp3 high cut, starting from 15kHz (lower classes remain the same), voice, even the most high, ends at 5 kHz (i.e. a stock of more than 10kHz above the range). I was young :)experimented with tape cassette recorders (just as mp3) - all perfectly worked. :D In a paradoxical sleep phase hearing acuity approximately 12 times higher than in the normal waking state, so it is enough only that the voice was legible in the normal state, and that is enough range of 100-2500 Hz (in the handset). By the way, as for Your reasoning about the first and second signaling system, You are able to distinguish the intonation of the interlocutor on the phone??? Thus, the developer put into the design, in my opinion, even redundant features, and not to lack, according to You... :)

I don't want to plant here discussion on consciousness and subconsciousness, but I want to note, however, that "part is only a corpse"... :?

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:04
by Dimas
Dear Sonic! I see absolutely no sense to engage You in debate as a lengthy discourse based on the well-known theory is not here...Here I would like to see the specifics, You have not, because You, even in the hands the instrument is not kept.
I wrote that with the device it took me 2 weeks to achieve stable and spontaneous (without the device) OS. MM I for OS is not used, I use it for several other purposes, in General it's not the task of a MM.
What does the equal sign? It is an integral part of each other (at least in human life), I would even say that it is one. If just on science and consciousness helps to survive,and the unconscious provides livelihoods... (yet will not touch Jung and other respected figures of me)...and no need to complicate everything... Under certain conditions, in a dream I hear any information, in any sound diapazone,it is woven into the context of sleep..I was listening to the Guide in the MP4 format!!!!since the iPhone will automatically encode to that format when casting,and the voice of Andrew P. with meanings woven into my sleep absolutely fine as when listening through the stationary system in a here at least is my experience with priborn, and other audio programs, against Your abstract reasoning.
And I was genuinely surprised by Your position about the shortcomings of the device.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:06
by Dimas
Andrei Patrushev
Hmm...damn,at the same time almost the same thing written! :lol: :wiz

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:00
by соник
Dear Andrey Patrushev and Dimas.
Andrew,my argument is based on my"backyard research" and I do not hide it. I wonder how many people were involved in Your experiments with audio tape.If only one of You is not an indicator. The fact is that some people there is an innate ability to perceive speech in a dream without special training or perhaps You have developed such a skill with at.
In my letter, I didn't chop the conscious and the unconscious . They just have different functions. Needless to say they work together.
It is not strange, but the tone of the interlocutor on the phone I can discern. And do not find this surprising. About the redundancy capabilities of the device-I guess time will tell.
Now in order to convince potential buyers of the utility of the device should at least put the information on the test . Without this at this stage Dremstalker Pro no more than a beautiful toy. While all statements about the usefulness of the device unfounded . People should know exactly what they are buying.
With respect.Sonic

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:05
by Александр (разработчик)
I've tried to experiment. The device plays WAV IMA ADPCM 44100Hz. Maybe this will satisfy You :? . Corresponds to ADPCM 16-bit PCM. In the instructions I just did not specify the maximum possible, so there was some stock of the performance of the microcontroller.

I'm not going to argue with You and anything to prove to You regarding the vague subconscious. What is it all about and how there brain works reliably only God knows. If I spend all day arguing on the forums, no series DreamStalker would not be at all. I'm just doing my job, and what You suggest. In the end, make your device, which will be the best in the world, as do all sensible people in a similar situation, if indeed there is something to improve :-). Where did You see that Sony is criticized Panasonic for insufficient sampling frequency of the musical centers? There is no such. They just go ahead and quietly do better than others. And, silent to the issue and classify the main parameters of the device. I mean, if singing revolutionary songs and criticize the bourgeoisie, as did the Bolsheviks, the production of good products in the country is already proven. You constantly criticize and demand something on this forum, but in my opinion the moral right to criticize anything is only the man who himself did the same, but much better than what he criticizes. And if You think specifically for You, upon Your request, someone will develop and produce a new unit with 24bit DAC, which does not happen in portable devices, it is complete nonsense. To "modify" an existing device up to 24bit bit impossible, as it is impossible to finalize a 17-inch monitor up to 20 inches. If You are familiar with electronics, it's best to first ask, is it possible to do that, and do not ask indiscriminately to "modify" to suit your needs. You right here no one should have all the same basic human qualities.<

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:34
by соник
Alexander, to hell with it with electronics. Don't be offended. I sincerely admire Your work. I do not require. At the moment, not only I , but other potential buyers would like to know statistics on the testing device. The buyer has the right to know what he buys.Especially if he's going to "risk" their brains. Held without ispitni all your statements are unfounded and nothing more than simple advertising.
With respect. Sonic

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 13:51
by Александр (разработчик)
соник wrote:Alexander, to hell with it with electronics. Don't be offended. I sincerely admire Your work. I do not require. At the moment, not only I , but other potential buyers would like to know statistics on the testing device. The buyer has the right to know what he buys.Especially if he's going to "risk" their brains. Held without ispitni all your statements are unfounded and nothing more than simple advertising.
With respect. Sonic
So, I feel that WAV IMA ADPCM 44100Hz satisfy Your refined taste, but because You have now found another stone in his bosom, to throw in our garden. Still, I was right, and that You are very concerned about the salvation of mankind from the "defective" devices. You denied it:
соник wrote:Alexander, I do not set myself a goal of saving people from substandard appliances.
And now suddenly worried again when you run out of other arguments. So where is the logic? And what risk for the brain You say? Is there any risk for the brain, if someone in your sleep whisper in your ear: "you sleep, dear..". Perhaps You jump up to the ceiling and give a couple of laps around the house, and it will end with tumulosa, but that is to say, a special case :cry: not having to the device is irrelevant. After all, to whisper this phrase in your ear You could have Your wife :oops: .