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Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 18:23
by почетный гость
Regarding the research. If you do not doubt the effectiveness, I would in your place to spend on such an experiment... the Cost is moderately low, the technology is not complicated, and the result could well be paid back through 1. sales growth after the publication of true positive results, and 2. the identification in the course of the experiment and after it eliminate the operational disadvantages of the device. If you really mean it, and really don't understand how to make this experience ready to share.

I as a potential buyer I would like a more weighty arguments than "I swear, it works!!!"

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 21:17
by Александр (разработчик)
почетный гость wrote:I would in your place to spend on such an experiment...
Who calls the tune, he pays for it 8) .
почетный гость wrote:I as a potential buyer I would like a more weighty arguments than "I swear, it works!!!"
In my opinion, so nobody answered. You referred to international research on the basis of which was made DreamStalker devices that use exactly the same algorithms and methods which used in the more ancient foreign counterparts. The differences of the device DreamStalker PRO is only in greater convenience for a user and adding numerous new features output voice prompts, vibration, etc. for those wishing to experiment in the field of lucid dreaming. But for those who want to soar a brain to themselves and others our device is not exactly ideal, to soar the brain better than in the Russian bath. It relieves tension and helps to calm down.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 6:08
by Гость_исследователь
почетный гость wrote:I as a potential buyer I would like a more weighty arguments than "I swear, it works!!!"
In my opinion, so nobody answered. You referred to international research on the basis of which was made DreamStalker devices that use exactly the same algorithms and methods which used in the more ancient foreign counterparts.
You must now answer me - I was the one who asked this question. As you can see, I'm not alone.

You lie, saying you gave some links to the research device. Was this link only to the site of Laberge, in the root directory. No studies (in particular the comparison with the placebo effect) is NOT there.
the Differences of the device DreamStalker PRO is only
buyers are not interested in technical differences, and the real effectiveness that you investigated was NOT.
But for those who want to soar a brain to themselves and others our device is not exactly ideal, to soar the brain better than in the Russian bath. It relieves tension and helps to calm down.
turn down your ambition, dear. clamped a couple of pieces bucks - say so. I want to note that there is always the possibility to translate the instrument from a nonworking state to a working secret method and give the client a small compensation (the prize). Here the issue is about cents.

Here such message "floating brains", "Vesna came", etc. you only show your level, which is below the plinth.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:45
by Александр (разработчик)
Гость_исследователь wrote:You must now answer me - I was the one who asked this question. As you can see, I'm not alone.
Very funny :) . Masking under a new nickname will save You from awareness? You have some kind of obsession the idea was formed, it seems.
Гость_исследователь wrote:turn down your ambition, dear. clamped a couple of pieces bucks - say so. I want to note that there is always the possibility to translate the instrument from a nonworking state to a working secret method and give the client a small compensation (the prize). Here the issue is about cents.
Immediately You actually admit that the idea is Yours, not another person :) . Be kind, from the soul You suggest. Do not deny yourself the pleasure to live happily and in harmony with the surrounding world.

Posted: Thu May 27, 2010 9:57
by Гость_исследователь
Александр (разработчик) wrote:
Гость_исследователь wrote:You must now answer me - I was the one who asked this question. As you can see, I'm not alone.
Very funny :) . Masking under a new nickname will save You from awareness? You have some kind of obsession the idea was formed, it seems.
all minds moved? re-read the topic, genius. question about testing I asked initially, and then a message said another guest. with a fright you have decided that it's me? :lol: just because of the fact that any guest can introduce yourself as anything? iron logic. write like you have a whole team of incompleteness, like devices.

and you left from a direct answer? WHERE REFERENCE MUCH?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:26
by конан
Comrades! I read in several sources that the brain very quickly adapts and develops resistance to external stimuli(signals DreamStalker) and simply ceases to respond to them. Also, will someone give the answer to the question "guest" how effective is the mechanism of disconnection of signals after comprehension in the OS. The device generally has such a function? Ask questions as a novice dreamer, which OS were not.
Given the intensity of the forum, I urge everyone to respond on the merits, using its experience OSOV!

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:10
by Андрей Кабанков
About external signals, it is rather in the subject of mind machines,such property is,therefore, in the course of a session are constantly changing frequency and other stimulation parameters.To say that you will not see the flashes and hear the sound from dreamstalker,anyway ,that to say that you don't Wake up from the alarm clock if you didn't have to constantly change it ringtones.
In grimstalker you can change the sound volume,the frequency and brightness of flashes.In the Pro version as the sound can be any sound file,including recorded his voice,which is good.
Disable device can be dieniem century,it is possible to practice in the waking state.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:41
by Dimas
Even if we assume that the brain eventually gets used to external signals from dreamstalker, You can change the frequency, duty cycle, brightness of the light signal and sound zmenit lead. So get used to these signals very difficult or impossible, at least for this is not noticed. A little advice for beginners who bought the Pro version: If You decide to put sound reminder - write down his OWN votes, so it will be easier for your subconscious to build a link to my voice-dream-lucid dream. I recorded the following insinuating "hypnotic Golem": "Dima this is a dream, remember that it's a dream" on repeat.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 1:08
by Guest
Alexander. Please tell me how to properly configure the device. Set duplex (du-3) Exhibit a delay of 3-30, go to bed and ... well ... Wake up in the morning without any revivals. Check the number of reactions is. See that was the one and only, immediately after the moment of triggering of the timer. The device is disabled. I have the feeling that the eye movement was immediately perceived as a team disable. Tested on a short delay. The device provides two signal light, then an interval of about 30 seconds. it will be a short beep and the unit will shut down. Don't know how it (the device) to tame?

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:17
by Александр (разработчик)
Гость wrote:Alexander. Please tell me how to properly configure the device. Set duplex (du-3) Exhibit a delay of 3-30, go to bed and ... well ... Wake up in the morning without any revivals. Check the number of reactions is. See that was the one and only, immediately after the moment of triggering of the timer. The device is disabled. I have the feeling that the eye movement was immediately perceived as a team disable. Tested on a short delay. The device provides two signal light, then an interval of about 30 seconds. it will be a short beep and the unit will shut down. Don't know how it (the device) to tame?
In duplex, in contrast to conventional mode if the device prompts at least once and was turned off by movement of the eyes up and down, then he will be bothering You anymore. It is possible that during sleep, when the tips in the REM phase, You need to turn off the rhythm to move eyes, during the sleep, not even realizing tips. Therefore, it is recommended in the manual first to work with normal mode, not duplex, in order to learn clearly aware of the clues, and not to pass them by. Then I will not have such a situation :ay .

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 22:52
by Алиса Блэк
Me years to 12 dream lucid dreams(though I didn't know this concept). I understand that we are dreaming and when you wish you could Wake up when you had nightmares. To do this, I just had to screw up in the dream eyes and I opened them already awake. However I wasn't able to control dreams.
Now I can't realize that I was in a dream and not know how to return.

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 22:03
by Александр (разработчик)
Алиса Блэк wrote:Now I can't realize that I was in a dream and not know how to return.
Alice, download the user manual for DreamStalker PRO ( Read recommendations. You will understand how this device helps to navigate in a lucid dream. The principle, in General, simple :ay .

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:47
by Guest
the brain very quickly adapts and develops resistance to external stimuli
Interestingly, I 7 do not change the melody of alarm clock never late for work or something. On the contrary, the alarm I have developed a reflex you need to stand up (I am very punctual and responsible person, so that sometimes the most disgusting :) ), but the other sounds I do not react (except other people's alarms, for some reason in the dream I understand that alarm clock, but mute and unable with a sense of relief to continue sleeping, but still react.

So, it seems to me that on the contrary, the signals of Grimstalker may develop the same reflex and the brain will more quickly and freely do what you will long to get into at first - mode OS.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:15
by Dimas
So, it seems to me that on the contrary, the signals of Grimstalker may develop the same reflex and the brain will more quickly and freely do what you will long to get into at first - mode OS.
It seems wrong,this is not happening. :?

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:56
by Guest
I don't know, I think we do a lot of things thanks to the "materiality of thought", ie, the power of thinking and beliefs. As well as pitching build your muscles rather from the fact that they constantly think: "I have increase muscle" and not from the fact that the thrust rod. I haven't seen a rat for years digging the hole that he was like a steroid bodybuilder ;) If you find yourself constantly convince that "I shall realize the dream", it is possible as a result to achieve, the type of auditory training, and the device allows you to force these events as an external helper. It was said in this thread that the device is only a tool and need to help yourself to to use it. And I said that is not the first time this happens, you need to get used to. That's what I meant. I still think that reflex is produced.

Or I toss tomatoes and explain the infidelity of my judgment. I'm actually not going to argue.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 15:45
by Dimas
Have you seen "rolling", which is the power of thought,without going to the gym, pumped up as "steroidnyi" bodybuilder"? :) I have not seen. No need to do something only if you eat some hallucinogenic pill, and the rest always requires attention and effort, however minimal, of the seeker. The reflex is not produced, judging by my own experience and other users.
And tomatoes to throw at You no one is going, for now they are delicious I went...sorry product :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 21:57
by Алексей Царенко
for years I never noticed that used to the signals. In the dream they just accepted here or that implementation.
The most frequent was the manifestation of a series of automatic flashes white, I have seen the peripheral vision.

Thinking out loud about the Dream Stalker Pro

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 13:18
by Guest
Yes wasserheit me the developers for the following seditious thoughts. :) Two months passed since you purchased the device. Came to the conclusion that it either wakes me up with his signals and the output of the sleep state or the signals simply do not notice. In order to "catch" (to realize) signal in sleep state, it is necessary to develop a clear signal for detection of various light or sound signals during sleep. But these signals all the time perceived as normal attributes of the script of the dream.

With the same success can work, and any other installation (no difference). For example, a simple regular formulation of the question "am I asleep?" in the process of waking during the day, followed by re-examination. And it does not need any device. In the end, for all this time, the device never led me to osoznanno dream, despite the fact that attempts were made each night with different signals. Got there by accident, reacting to the installation of check your image in the mirror (it wasn't).

Concluded: the basis of self-awareness in dreams is primarily the work of the brain. The device only captures the good REM sleep and can give out certain signals. It's not enough. It is important to achieve sustainable results of awareness in a dream. Now if the developers went ahead and combined it would be possible with the input device and holding the person in a sleep state (practice R. Monroe), the same complex seems to be more interesting and effective.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 16:10
by Александр (разработчик)
Гость wrote:Now, if the developers went ahead and combined it would be possible with the input device and holding the person in a sleep state (practice R. Monroe), the same complex seems to be more interesting and effective.
Could you elaborate on what You specifically would like to see in the device?

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 16:56
by Александр (разработчик)
Гость wrote:in order to "catch" (to realize) signal in sleep state, it is necessary to develop a clear signal for detection of various light or sound signals during sleep. But these signals all the time perceived as normal attributes of the script of the dream.
This is what is referred to in the instructions to the device, and it explains that every time you see even in the daytime sun glare, flash, or flashing light, do a reality check to accustom themselves to this action. If You have done by day, then at night You would not have such a situation You would automatically, in habit, and would attain lucidity in a dream without any problems. And You, I think, decided not very carefully read the instructions and come to understand (written there) on its own, and it's wonderful managed :ay .

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 21:02
by Guest
Alexander, I think you've apparently developed a protective reflek on any kind of critical feedback. This is not surprising. So many questions, and not all of them are in quite the correct form. To understand the needs of every user, of course makes no sense, it's easier to put a counter-criticism. However, questions still remain.

I just wanted to understand, didn't You ever consider to create something unifying in its capabilities Your device and mind of the machine "PROCYON AVS" or "Nova Pro-100"? In addition, I think that it would be good to have the possibility of listening to audio programs Hemi-Sync. Format MP-3 which is designed Your device is unable to send the full-quality data audioeffects.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 21:13
by Александр (разработчик)
Гость wrote:I just wanted to understand, didn't You ever consider to create something unifying in its capabilities Your device and mind of the machine "PROCYON AVS" or "Nova Pro-100"?
You may again accept my opinion as a critical look at any comments from users. So, I better not say anything :? .

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 22:51
by девушка
I recently had a dream. I knew his story, but I'm not sure what the dream was lucid. rather, predictable. I think I saw him earlier. because this time the alarm clock rang, and I didn't have time to finish the dream, but I knew what he'd ended. well, or continued. as the film. so interesting all this is!!!

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 17:33
by Экко
I recently had a dream. I knew his story, but I'm not sure what the dream was lucid. rather, predictable. I think I saw him earlier. because this time the alarm clock rang, and I didn't have time to finish the dream, but I knew what he'd ended. well, or continued. as the film. so interesting all this is!!!
Yes, I too sometimes enter into lucid dream without any of the devices or techniques. Usually this happens from an internal imbalance (stress, session, AVS)