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Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 0:15
by Умка
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Умка wrote:some m / s for 10 series of signals, and I have over 7.5 hours of dimera and before this I slept 3 hours without it, only 7 episodes. It turns out the 1 series in the hour, and given that the first 3 hours I slept without drimer, then the REM phase had become longer, and the intervals between them shorter.
Well, from the point of view of the physiology of sleep, normal... somewhere in the 60-90 minute cycles (all different). Maybe somehow adjusted too form a wide interval to wait after activation?
Hmm, well maybe so, but then it turns out that if at me all is normal, the other abnormal :roll: ? Besides, as far as I read from the same Laberge, the intervals between REM periods decrease from 90 minutes early sleep to 20-30 minutes in 8 hours and do the REM phase from 5-10 minutes to 20-30. And 7 clues for the 7.5 hours it is so to say my record, and usually 1-2 of the series of signals for the 5-6 hours of sleep, but if I use drimer only in the morning for 2-3 hours, then sometimes nothing at all.
And how can you set a too large interval, like everything is simple -if 1234 is turned off, press and hold the button, how many "Peaks", as many times it is added for 10 minutes.
I do not exclude the possibility that this is my some features may sleep disorder what :shock: :roll: I do not know even.
Can still, someone will try for me and give her a test about which I wrote earlier , the sensitivity of his dimera? :oops: :)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:42
by хитрый тип
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Хочу_remdreamer))) wrote:the Problem is that I sleep very "after a hard" and "dirty/muddy". And because of this snimatsa dark dreams , like reality, and besides, for a long time can't sleep and very hard to get up :( And the ways to remember a dream which is for me unfortunately not suitable :(
Your "problem" with sleep (especially sleep), most likely, can be removed by working out regularly with disc Healing. 8)
No mindmachine I have to audiostrobe to listen while you try Shavasana :)

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 13:40
by Андрей Патрушев
Хочу_remdreamer))) wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:
Хочу_remdreamer))) wrote:the Problem is that I sleep very "after a hard" and "dirty/muddy". And because of this snimatsa dark dreams , like reality, and besides, for a long time can't sleep and very hard to get up :( And the ways to remember a dream which is for me unfortunately not suitable :(
Your "problem" with sleep (especially sleep), most likely, can be removed by working out regularly with disc Healing. 8)
No mindmachine I have to audiostrobe to listen while you try Shavasana :)
Yes, he audiostrobe works well... :)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 14:41
by Умка
Here, I tried at all without any advanced settings, ie stupidly pulled the battery put back in, turned on (by default, -3, -5 sensitivity), put a timeout on the hour, a total of over 6 hours any tips :shock: :( .

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 15:57
by Джедай
Might make sense to try additional tools.

For example, melatonin - with his Wasps get much easier even without any instruments.
Also, it affects the nature of sleep stages that may be effective in your case.

Glycine and Ginkgo biloba also greatly increase the brightness and lucidity of dreams.

A good description of the additives can be found here: ... тва_для_ОС

Still, as a means of influencing sleep cycles, I can recommend the ionizer, for example, see here:

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 20:27
by Ёжик
Well, if about the results, I got funny happened:
I went to see what's new on the website, saw the materials about the Dreamer, I have been reading. On the same night for the first time in my life was the experience of the OS. Really short but feels bright. Dreamed a regular dream."In some the city was looking for someone, then I started to pursue, on the shore ran, struggled in the water with some guy. Here comes the Idea - the way I hold it physically impossible for me such a healthy person to keep. So this is a dream!" Came to realize that it was me in the dream. And then a surge of positive emotions like "Hurrah!" :D . Thus the whole struggle was over and the dream would have stood on "pause", like I can do with it what you want, and not to drift. The pravte then the dream ended, or I immediately woke up, or later. And woke up cheerful so clearly remember what happened, satisfied.
This is our experience before Dimera. Just in the dream, I checked the realism of the events. I hope to continue. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 22:33
by Умка
I have a question for those who are specifically familiar with the device and principle of operation of trimera : Can not understand how to change the sensitivity of the sensor is greater than it is now, to reflash there or make any changes in the design of dimera? I won't do it, of course, but I can find one who will.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 22:25
by Анатолий
He will be. Sometime in the middle of a quite ordinary dream ask anything from the man, and he'll take Yes answer, but so smoothly that you from his response and the fact that he is going to take and are aware of yourself. This will be the first meeting with the conductor ..
The description is very similar to emissary of dreams (Castaneda)

Do you think maybe this is neorganic?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 22:36
by Анатолий
so I think that this is a fantasy of the brain or really a different world?

In the dream, for example, are in the room - go outside through the window, when I pass between Windows, closeness is felt, and on the street - an indescribable feeling of freshness and the wind in his face...
Is there a way to check before you fly out through the glass for example, you can focus your attention on any object (light bulb) and try mentally to change it.
If I can make a light bulb under the ceiling of the SQUARE -means to sleep.
And if it does not already better, can fly in his hometown. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 14:15
by Умка
Джедай wrote:Umka
Might make sense to try additional tools.

For example, melatonin - with his Wasps get much easier even without any instruments.
Also, it affects the nature of sleep stages that may be effective in your case.

Glycine and Ginkgo biloba also greatly increase the brightness and lucidity of dreams.

A good description of the additives can be found here: ... тва_для_ОС

Still, as a means of influencing sleep cycles, I can recommend the ionizer, for example, see here:
Hmm, on the advice of the Jedi, I tried to drink the drug Melaxen (Melatonin 3мг). The results are impressive:
sleep better in the morning to get up much easier than usual;
sleep was deeper or something, Wake up and dream less on my subjective sensations to dream more;
but most importantly, the fact that even now, after he stopped taking melaxen, the number of tips of Dimera increased to 14-17 per night :ay :D .
It turns out that in vain I sinned on Dreamer, it was me :oops: .
So all note :wink: , can someone come in handy.
Addictive the drug is, at least as written, and I do not feel.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 17:55
by Умка
In addition to the above, I noticed that the dreams became brighter, more colorful, and if before the dreamer woke me up, even with the brightness setting (2), it is now even (4) this happens quite rarely. It turns out that I slept a lot better?

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 22:37
by Князевский
Умка wrote:in addition to the above, I noticed that the dreams became brighter, more colorful, and if before the dreamer woke me up, even with the brightness setting (2), it is now even (4) this happens quite rarely. It turns out that I slept a lot better?
Umka, I'm happy for You!
:D :D :D

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 13:01
by Dimas
I've also bought melaxen himself,on this night, the first time I tried...slept very shallow,woke up a few times but the dreams were vivid and I remember much...must grimstalker to try...
That's interesting about it is written:

L. Jordanov, corresponding member. RAMS

Professor A. Gladkov, academician ramtn

Melatonin (a pineal hormone) in recent years has attracted the attention of many scientists in the world. He is considered one of the most important hormonal substances in the body. Obtained convincing evidence that melatonin is involved in almost all processes of life, controls many body functions: sleep, activity of the cardiovascular and immune systems.

One of the reasons that about melatonin for a very long time virtually nothing was known, is that the level of biochemical research simply did not allow to detect such a small amount of the substance in the bloodstream. Only in the mid 70-ies, with the development of technology radioimmunoassay analysis, the opportunity of detection of melatonin in the blood. After a few years, surveyed hundreds of people and received a presentation about the changes in melatonin concentration during the day and during the life cycle of a person. It turned out that the night concentration of melatonin in the blood is five to ten times more than during the day. He began to stand out after dark - about 8 o'clock in the evening, peaks at two or three o'clock in the morning, and then the amount is gradually reduced and at about seven o'clock in the morning and evening remains very low. In this regard, the researchers raised the question: how such fluctuations in the concentration of melatonin are associated with different physiological processes?

It turned out that the amount of melatonin varies not only during the day but also throughout a person's life. Melatonin, the child begins to stand shortly after birth and its concentration increases up to one year. After a year and before the onset of puberty melatonin synthesis remains at a constant and relatively high level, and then the amount is quite sharply reduced and continues to decrease for another five years. After that, changes in the formation of melatonin does not occur until forty or forty-five years, after which the number starts to decline steadily and this process continues until the end of human life.

Today, scientists can say that changes in the formation of melatonin in the course of life are not a coincidence with the stages of development of the organism. They are organically bound up with them and have a direct impact on physiological processes. Unfortunately, the information on all the most important discoveries of the fragments is published in some scientific journals.

In the study of physiological properties of melatonin involves scientists from different fields of medicine - cardiologists, oncologists, pediatricians, gerontologists, chronobiology and immunology. And the results are of great interest.

It appeared that melatonin has a hypnotic effect. Surprisingly, sleep is even a very small dose of only 0.1. Soon reports of the ability of melatonin to induce physiological sleep in humans appeared in specialized journals and the many thousands of insomniacs people hope to abandon the traditional sleeping pills with a number of side toxic effects. It is very important that melatonin preserves the natural structure of sleep, and restores it if it is broken. On the basis of actual data, we can say that melatonin can be particularly important in the restoration of the natural physiological functions of the body for those who have a low levels, hereditary or due to poor lifestyle, and therefore, quite early having trouble sleeping. And of course it is not only older people.

Hypnotic properties of melatonin seem quite closely linked with another of his unique ability. All of whom often have to change the time mode, know how difficult it is to adapt to the new rhythm of the day. It turned out that melatonin is many times reduces all unpleasant consequences. It not only helps a person to sleep on time, but also rebuilds all the biological rhythms of the body in accordance with a new schedule in local time. A lot of people were enthusiastic about such a wonderful news - tourists, businessmen, crews of the air ships and melatonin has become a mandatory part of their Luggage. But such problems are very familiar, and many other people - doctors ambulance, shift work, experimenters, and anyone who often has to sit at night for an urgent work.

Every year many of us suffer from flu, and many other infectious diseases. Doctors are constantly searching for various ways to boost the immunity of people to help them prevent diseases. There is hope that melatonin may prove a very effective immune stimulant. Immunologists have discovered that increasing the activity of T - and b - immune cells during the day takes place in parallel with increasing concentrations of melatonin. It was found that melatonin is involved in the regulation of the function of the thymus and thyroid glands, increases the activity of T-cells and phagocytes. Special value of these properties are for those suffering from primary and secondary immunodeficiency.

But the function of the immune system is not only the immediate protection of the organism against viruses and bacteria. No less important is its ability to distinguish "their" cells from "foreign". Violation of this ability leads to autoimmune diseases. A very important role in melatonin and immune system support during times of stress, whatever the cause of its cause.

Although the influence of melatonin on the immune system are not yet fully understood, however, today immunologists suggest that it can be used to accelerate wound healing, to maintain the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Possibly in the near future suffering from cancer will get the hope to alleviate their condition and to mitigate the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation, maintain your immune status.

In addition to oncological diseases, still one of the most promising implementations of melatonin in the practice are diseases of the cardiovascular system. In recent years, this disease has become much "younger". Whatever the reason for their development (poor diet, lifestyle, etc.) melatonin can be used to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, and maybe therapy.

As you know, cholesterol is found in many foods and is required and very important player metabolism. But if the number exceeds the norm, especially as it relates to cholesterol low density, it can initiate the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. The pilot studies have shown that melatonin inhibits this process. Scientists have found that melatonin supplements reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Most likely this is due to the fact that it is involved in the regulation of the thyroid gland. The hormones it produces are involved in metabolism and very important for the use and destruction of cholesterol. No less dangerous is hypertension, or high blood pressure, and melatonin alleviates hypertensive crises. Studies have shown that regular use of melatonin helps to reduce the pressure in hypertensive patients.

Throughout the research time of melatonin he was regarded as one of the hormones that is very poorly understood. And only in 1992 it turned out that it performs other important functions. Nature has developed the human protection mechanisms against free radicals, which according to doctors and biologists are the cause of many dangerous diseases. The list of our own defenders, you can enable and melatonin. Comparing its effect with other substances that are traditionally used as antioxidants - vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, etc. - scientists have found that melatonin at least twice as active as vitamin E, five times as effective as glutathione at neutralizing the hydroxyl radical, the most active of all the free radicals and almost five hundred times more active than the best synthetic antioxidants, which are used traditionally for protection against radiation.

We reviewed the most important properties of melatonin and now I would like to make a small conclusion. So, what do we come from? With age the body gradually loses its melatonin. We take for granted the fact that elderly people suffering from insomnia, that he has increased pressure, eye drops, increased bone fragility, sclerosis develops, impaired memory. No one is surprised when the old man gets cancer, diabetes, arthritis or osteoporosis. Man after forty will be automatically included in the risk group for cardiovascular disease, benign prostatic hyperplasia; women after the age of thirty begin to fear the development of breast cancer, and after forty-five many already entering menopause. Many foreign researchers melatonin today suggest that this substance is able to extend the activity of the organism and, moreover, to increase life expectancy. You will need more than a dozen years to make sure that this is really happening people. While such results were obtained only in experimental conditions. However, they are quite convincing, as in the experiments by Italian scientists, life expectancy of laboratory mice and rats that took melatonin, increased by 15-25%. As for humans, it is possible to do is only indirect conclusions. For example, if we assume that melatonin actually has a positive effect on life expectancy, the longevity, the level of this hormone must be increased. However, Italian researchers have found indirect evidence that may be relevant to melatonin. Having studied immunological reactions of twenty-three persons, whose age exceeded one hundred years, they found they have a very active killer cells. Perhaps, this proactive activity of the immune system is the secret of longevity. In turn, melatonin stimulates the of these cells and, hence, its supplementation may indirectly affect life expectancy.

In favor of melatonin we can say the following. Conducting experiments on animals and then clinical trials in hospitals, the researchers still have not found any negative effects of the drug. Even a fairly large dose (about 300 mg) did not produce any negative side effects except some sleepiness the morning after a very high dose. Experiments show that melatonin acts very selectively, i.e. acting on something that requires exposure. For example, it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, but with no effect in this direction, if a person has the level of cholesterol in the normal range.

Already in the late 80's-early 90-ies has conducted several comparative studies in different countries and found that in women, the level of melatonin in average 25% higher than that of men. Of course, such experiments should continue, but it is already possible to suggest several mechanisms by which melatonin acts on the human lifespan:

1. Restores a healthy sleep.

2. Protects the cardiovascular system.

3. Stimulates an aging immune system.

4. Stabilizes the biological rhythms of the person.

5. Reduces the damaging effects of free radicals.

Studies of melatonin of course is still far from complete, scientists will discover many of the biological properties of this substance.<

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 15:29
by львёнок
Dimas wrote:And I've also bought myself melken
Greetings to all.
Enlighten Dimas, plz: there is in selling how would an artificial form of melatonin and something else. What is different melken from melatonin? After all, if you bought melken, then, essestvenno first delved into what is written about him and the description that you given above is very impressive.
I'm actually opposed to any kind of pills, because you can spoil your body and to teach him goofing off, but that's sort of preparates, perhaps, and not bad even to have in your Arsenal :oops: if they don't overdo it.
And therefore, such a subtle topic: the signified drug - melken - sold in pharmacy or this is something like BADA, as it is cheap and angrily?
Thank you in advance for the enlightenment.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 15:38
by Dimas
Enlighten than I can :) Melaxen is just the trade name of the drug,and the active substance melatonin.Its mass there is 3 mg(1 table.)
It is synthesized from plant derivatives (it says),bought at the pharmacy without a prescription 12 tablets for 126 rubles., 24 tablets costs 180 RUB.
And how many time You took the drug to sleep?And then I Sedna woke up constantly,drank 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime..Today calm as a tank really.Seems more concentrated than usual.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 21:54
by Умка
I bought a pack (24 tablets), all of them, and drank -so somewhere around 24 days, the dreams are colorful and bright began to dream almost immediately, 2-3 days, increase tips Primera noticed about a week or two. There is still such a thing, understood by example, if you go to bed very late and accept melaxen, in the morning you can easily sleep on the job :oops: , to me it almost happened a couple of times. I attributed this to the fact that you need some time to melatonin completely leave the body, otherwise you'll feel drowsy and hard to Wake up.
PS. Lucky for you, we have in the city, and if you somehow miraculously find this Melaxen, then it will cost 230r for a pack of 24 tablets :( :)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:13
by Евгений Кош
It turns out if he is "needed" then there is another "point of placing" tablets?
because according to the article THEY have a melatonin age, produces less and less.. so they recommend to drink it more and more.
Phew... somehow it's me at the moment, "annoying" like pretend to sleep after 40 will need every day to swallow the pill.. or the day after.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:31
by Андрей Патрушев
Actually, IMHO, the intake of melatonin is partially compatible with classes with light. Light, especially blue (like the sky), suppresses the synthesis of melatonin, for several hours is the basis for the adjustment of our internal clocks. If You're mindmachines and at the same time take melatonin, then Your computer may be slightly (and can and not slightly) to spendit... :roll:
And in the article, IMHO, put everything on your head (however, as always with doctors - the wind is blowing from the trees sway)... similarly, they talked about the cholesterol, again its a lot of sclerotic plaques, then he is guilty. By the way abroad long ago cholesterol was rehabilitated, and we are still on TV like svekrovi poor grandmother spread rot over the butter. Melatonin with age in some people is not enough, IMHO, just because they've worked all my life with a shift to natural circadian rhythms...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:31
by Dimas
Terrible sleep last night,yesterday night had this melaxen...we fell asleep, two hours later after laying 8) ,constantly waking up,nightmares in the truest sense of the word,severed corpses and other heresy. Weird,the abstract says that on the contrary it improves sleep(((while the machine is not engaged(gave to friends on trial) not understand...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 13:10
by Андрей Патрушев
Dimas wrote:Terrible sleep last night,yesterday night had this melaxen...we fell asleep, two hours later after laying 8) ,constantly waking up,nightmares in the truest sense of the word,severed corpses and other heresy. Weird,the abstract says that on the contrary it improves sleep(((while the machine is not engaged(gave to friends on trial) not understand...
Perhaps it is the memory from drug use. Opiates also contribute to the synthesis of melatonin, followed by a roll...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 13:30
by Dimas
Andrei Patrushev
Maybe...that is, I have now produced or not produced by itself?And Dilya also tried a little thing is not sleeping now..same story...(it's all the drugs I tried)'s Hard to sleep,superficial sleep,constant waking up.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 14:10
by Андрей Патрушев
Dimas wrote:Andrei Patrushev
Maybe...that is, I have now produced or not produced by itself?And Dilya also tried a little thing is not sleeping now..same story...(it's all the drugs I tried)'s Hard to sleep,superficial sleep,constant waking up.
I do not think this is the case, and the conditioned reflex.
It is also possible that you both have it enough, and excessive intake from the outside called an adjustment reaction. And chemistry is always swing out...

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 14:15
by Dimas
Andrei Patrushev
Okay,thank you.More is not going to experiment,don't matter..As in the joke about the snake,well not shmogla I do not shmogla.. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:38
by Умка
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Actually, IMHO, the intake of melatonin is partially compatible with classes with light. Light, especially blue (like the sky), suppresses the synthesis of melatonin, for several hours is the basis for the adjustment of our internal clocks. If You're mindmachines and at the same time take melatonin, then Your computer may be slightly (and can and not slightly) to spendit... :roll:
And in the article, IMHO, put everything on your head (however, as always with doctors - the wind is blowing from the trees sway)... similarly, they talked about the cholesterol, again its a lot of sclerotic plaques, then he is guilty. By the way abroad long ago cholesterol was rehabilitated, and we are still on TV like svekrovi poor grandmother spread rot over the butter. Melatonin with age in some people is not enough, IMHO, just because they've worked all my life with a shift to natural circadian rhythms...
:shock: Well that my computer is crazy in the right direction :wink: :lol: I still don't drink, and the result sohranyaetsya :D . By the way, Andrew, but how can you comment on or explain, because poluchaetsya that in my particular case, melaxen and helped me stabilize the normal rhythm of sleep? It turns out that it does not fit all, or simply cannot be combined with the light? I while taking the drug listened to the conductor, though the blue light was not, so to glasses of Premium white, but sleep during this just fine :) :? consequences, too, like no :roll: :? . Lucky?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:52
by Джим
львёнок wrote:I'm actually opposed to any kind of pills, because you can spoil your body and to teach him goofing off, but that's sort of preparates, perhaps, and not bad even to have in their Arsenal if they don't overdo it.
I have racocha -- as soon as the forum is dedicated to Majd-mashinam (and/or in any case non-pharmaceutical means [decisions [neurotic?(?==not sure how accurate) problems], let us introduce a moratorium on discussion of Pharma-chemistry, huh?
And, of course, is not particularly pleased with [me] when Pharma chemicals used for OS, the WTO and other (in my opinion) entertainment.
Ie can of course throw in all me available dead cats, but I think this is not the case.. i.e. I am sure that is not the case. :(