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Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 2:00
by Путешественник
Хочу_remdreamer))) wrote:
Vladimir is right, a lot of years of practice is necessary to achieve more stable results.
Then it turns out that dreamer is a beautiful trinket, which need to turitsa and rape your brain so as at last to sink in and feeling himself a man, which led to another divorce ?
:? :roll: :cry:
To start drimer very good. Then if you decide to continue to explore dreams, then its use probably will soon have to give up (not because the device is bad, but because it has exhausted itself). However, as you know, the main thing to startand here this device is a good tool. Again, if its possibilities have been exhausted for you, it does not mean that it is not useful to others, can be present, for example (I would be such a gift refused :oops: ) :).

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:37
by Коломбо
Никонов Владимир wrote:Important to plan in advance what to do in a dream.
and if it counts as a normal dream, to plan what will you do in the OS? supposedly dream that you are in OS, and in the morning vstaesh "Oh Yes, there were wasps."
For my life was maybe 5-8 osov, but I did not plan never, i.e., in the feature that during sleep and decide what to do.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 14:13
by Умка
I want to write about your experience in the development of remarker. Received it by Express mail about a month ago, and it should be noted that despite the approaching Christmas holidays, they work fairly quickly, delivered in 5 days, I did not expect so quickly, so for me it was a pleasant surpise :D .
The first couple of days to fill with demerom was quite difficult, although I usually "pass out" for a few moments, disturbed not so much the mask, and the new experience and expectations , but he probably just need to get used to, now the problem with this anymore. However, the device constantly slipping on the forehead, so it had a little upgrade, ie to sew on extra elastic with Velcro, now I was twisting and turning in my sleep the mask will not slide, and can sleep in it when used to it, quite convenient, considering I sleep mostly on my stomach :) . So, the first night I "slept" :wink: :) with demerom, a funny thing happened namuchaetes with an unusual device on the face, I decided to sleep already okay and took it off, but my brain apparently didn't notice it :wink: or just decided to live up to my expectations and show me that's what I wanted, he started to send me in the dream, the light flashes as if it drimer was sending me signals :shock: :) but in General, whatever it was, it helped to understand themselves on the first night, though not for long :) . Following the realization has occurred by using the button test of reality, just at some point in the dream I physically felt the mask on his face, I realized that I need to check whether I sleep or not, pressed the button and flared bluish blue flash, but the sound I noticed, again, that is, the sound and the characteristic clicks of the button not there, I sleep CHEERS :D after that, why that was the issue, well realized, and then what to do well I flew from the cliff over the ocean -bored, what to do next don't know, wandered around some, like Italian, the waterfront, then as imperceptibly fell into a normal dream. But today was actually interesting, I had a dream that I will be your dreamer,( just below I have written some problems with configuration I had, apparently it had an impact on the content of the dream) and adjust the brightness of the LEDs, in this case, my imaginary dreamer blinked as I could, but I was not able to understand that it is my real drimer thus giving me signals :? :oops: :) .
Almost all the time use Kimera, I tuned it by himself, it turned out that 3 mode, I just rudely wakes in the middle of sleep to hurt the eyes, and 2, I did not notice, had manual settings to reduce the brightness in 3 mode to 3 and increase the sensitivity of the sensor, with 5-DO3 first, and then to 1, because with sensitivity of =5, I get only 1-2 series of signals, and with sensitivity =7 and more, nothing at all.
And here lies the main issue that I am very concerned about whether drimer at maximum sensitivity (1 ), serve only 3-4 of the series of signals for the 6-8 hours of sleep :cry: if so, why is this happening? :?<

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 19:32
by Владимир Никонов 2
can drimer at maximum sensitivity (1 ), serve only 3-4 of the series of signals for the 6-8 hours of sleep
Have you checked the number of flashes? According to the technical description should be more episodes per night. I have a number of series not tested - tonight will test:)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 14:32
by Умка
Well, today, for 4 hours of Primera only 2 hints and that one, when I took off the mask :cry: .
From my point of view, there are two options: the first is that something is not right with demerom :shock: and second, even worse, to me :roll: :(

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 15:07
by Владимир Никонов 2
Umka, reset the device (pull battery and reinsert). Today I have only this morning had about 10 episodes. The case in the settings.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 18:53
by Умка
I already 3 times the battery was pulled out and everything seems to be doing exactly as instructed, but today will try again. I hope you're right. :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:40
by Умка
Well, did everything according to instructions (just in case even batteries other set), describe all the points:
installed batteries-blinking LEDs, a button to turn them off, put the card into the pocket of the mask;
included 1234 and pressed the button flash, once pressed, long beep, shut down 1234;
(sensitivity) turn 234, pushed, hold button, up to 1 short beeps, turned off 234;
(mode) included 3, pressed -beeps again - the flash, turned off 3;
then manual settings reduced the brightness in 3 mode, included 23, while holding the button until 3 short signals, turned off 3;
just in case, checked, disabled 1234, pressed, holding the button, after a beep, let go, everything seems to be fine;
set the delay for an hour, pressed 6 times on the button.
All, now to bed :) tomorrow I will write that turned out.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:41
by Умка
All, I really do not understand anything :? :roll: just hand opuskayutsya :cry: :( with 4 hours to 6:40 any tips :shock: and the dreams I dreamt for sure, I remember. Then he stood up, drank some water, and another 30-40 minutes of sleep and again anything in this period was the OS, but not associated with tips, and with the test button of reality.
I do not know already what to think, just a shame the whole day to look around themselves - "lights and flares", then, in a dream not to receive any tips. :cry: . I'm starting to think that it's me that I am "special" :roll: :roll: :roll: .
Why would a person during sleep is not to move your eyes or move so slightly that the movement does not recognize the sensor?
Answer me please :oops: :cry:

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 17:49
by Влад
There is a sensor test of rapid eye movements. Check it works at all.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:51
by Умка
I checked, all okay. I even tried a hand or eyes to drive in front of the sensor -beeps, exposed mode, the waiting time is 10 minutes and check after that if it works hint in the waking state, everything seems to be working, but I don't know how much have to move my eyes in the dream that the sensor recognized it, because when testing I moved my eyes pretty much, plus they were open and in the dream, the sensor should track the eye movement under closed eyelids.
So from my point of view, is either something wrong with the sensitivity of redimere or incompatibility, if I may say so,the location of the sensor and my anatomical peculiarities of the location of the eyes, or with me.
Help me please :oops: :) who can answer my questions:
whether in a dream not to be the REM phase, or to be very rare?
can the eye movement to be too weak?
that takes into account the sensor: the amplitude of eye movements or frequency?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 16:14
by хитрый тип
I am glad that not I have one all so hrenovo :)

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 16:16
by хитрый тип
look at how many times in a dream dreamer is triggered, when you Wake up. I have maybe 200 times to blink and I'm in a dream also nothing unusual

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 18:44
by Умка
Yes I see, only today I checked with demerom slept 2 hours in the morning, press the button when it is enabled 12 to 4, nothing is beeping and flashing. :? :(
Then again, all efforts were in vain, no clues :cry: :shock:
Do not know what to do and nobody can help or suggest anything, everything is already checked for you, I would not write because of the trifling problems by itself is really nothing checking and not understanding, but there really already know what it is. Try not to worry much, but still not poluchaetsya how does the money saved on this dreamer, waiting for another 2 months yet to appear in the presence of the hoped for results, and all the Wasps which were and that happened because of nerves, because I think all the time about this problem. In General, forgive me, just I am tired I have frankly to think about it, that it is trying to do, again, to hope, and nothing in the result and not to :cry: :cry: .
Sorry again

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 19:31
by хитрый тип
Drimer probably works as it is necessary to have lucky those who could learn Osam , remembering dreams etc. :?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 23:38
by хитрый тип
The problem is that I sleep very "after a hard" and "dirty/muddy". And because of this snimatsa dark dreams , like reality, and besides, for a long time can't sleep and very hard to get up :( And the ways to remember a dream which is for me unfortunately not suitable :(

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 23:53
by Влад
You might want to check this: Install a small period of waiting, and then to move the eyes and see what signals it gives.
And then check your stats.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 22:18
by Умка
Yes, I have everything checked and eyes and hands, so it works, but I don't know at what amplitude and frequency of movements at maximum sensitivity the sensor triggers from other people. Maybe somebody will be able for me to conduct such an experiment, for example to move a finger in front of the sensor and then to inform me at what minimum frequency and amplitude, at least approximately, have triggered a dreamer, I would then compare with his. Because some m / s for 10 series of signals, and I have over 7.5 hours of dimera and before this I slept 3 hours without it, only 7 episodes. It turns out the 1 series in the hour, and given that the first 3 hours I slept without drimer, then the REM phase had become longer, and the intervals between them shorter.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 23:53
by Умка
Oh, people, help me please, well than anything though, really no one knows what I can do or suggest to help me understand what's actually the problem:) :oops: .
Understand that probably all got, but I got nowhere and nekomu contact :oops: :oops: :oops:not beat me severely with a slipper :) :wink: :oops: but this prooblem me very, very worried, do not know already what to do :? :? :? . Most already tired to ask, but I feel that she does not conceive. If I could find out what exactly is the problem, then it would be possible to think about her decision, and while walking in a dark forest, trying to do something, but to answer questions and solve problems while did not close.
Many thanks to all who replied and tried to help, I really need it. Just answer me why then, mostly beginners, is one of the more experienced knows nothing? :oops: :) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 13:16
by Dimas
Yes, we gladly would help if I knew what the problem is!If the device is working properly,it means You are doing something wrong apparently...I'm happy to help You,but on hand I have no dimera unfortunately,and in the office too... :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:35
by Умка
Thanks Dimas, that responded. :) :) :) :o
The fact that it is from my point of view of the dreamer is working fine but it is no comparison. Ie he regularly responds to the movement of my hands or eyes,and at night gives clues in the dream, but too little at the maximum sensitivity setting. :cry: :( So the point here or rather in the lack of sensitivity or lack of frequency and amplitude (and maybe what :roll: ) eye movements during the REM phase :shock: . Notice that it became increasingly less likely to use drimer, because too much associated with negative thoughts and emotions, and began to doubt its effectiveness (or his? :roll: ), at least in my particular case. Don't want the extra frustration. :cry:
But if you know the answers to the questions that I asked in previous posts, I have really helped, maybe it gave me some solution, because I think about it constantly.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 13:32
by Коломбо
Yes, the device is not for the melancholic emo. There need not only extract the first failure, but patience and sleep with a mask

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 20:07
by Умка
Коломбо wrote:Yes, the device is not for the melancholic emo. There need not only extract the first failure, but patience and sleep with a mask

I do not understand is about me or what ?! :shock: :evil:

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:34
by Андрей Патрушев
Хочу_remdreamer))) wrote:the Problem is that I sleep very "after a hard" and "dirty/muddy". And because of this snimatsa dark dreams , like reality, and besides, for a long time can't sleep and very hard to get up :( And the ways to remember a dream which is for me unfortunately not suitable :(
Your "problem" with sleep (especially sleep), most likely, can be removed by working out regularly with disc Healing. 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:41
by Андрей Патрушев
Умка wrote:some m / s for 10 series of signals, and I have over 7.5 hours of dimera and before this I slept 3 hours without it, only 7 episodes. It turns out the 1 series in the hour, and given that the first 3 hours I slept without drimer, then the REM phase had become longer, and the intervals between them shorter.
Well, from the point of view of the physiology of sleep, normal... somewhere in the 60-90 minute cycles (all different). Maybe somehow adjusted too form a wide interval to wait after activation?