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Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 19:53
by к-13
Now the main thing - not to relax))) it Is time to put a brake on, record, analyze in the morning - once again it can all be gone.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:16
by Малефикар
Record is not the problem, the problem to remember and it is still relevant. There is progress of course, but not so that each day and many.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 22:39
by к-13
Tune in to record the dream immediately after looked at it - that is, immediately after waking up in the night. Well, and included nochnichek on the table with a Notepad or a voice recorder nearby - it is imperative that unnecessary movements not to do.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:45
by Малефикар
As I understand it, when waking in the night is preferable to use the recorder all the same, and in the morning, these records have to write a report?

Recording dreams in a journal from a night fraught with a full awakening.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 21:36
by к-13
Малефикар wrote:as I understand it, when waking in the night is preferable to use the recorder all the same, and in the morning, these records have to write a report?

Recording dreams in a journal from a night fraught with a full awakening.
Most likely. I exactly have many of those with whom I spoke too. Let not a full awakening, but sleep once and just not very good, especially if sproson grabbed the handle, not the party or even first couldn't find her(shoved under the bedside table)... For me personally, the recorder practical. Besides, if the night dictated to sleep, in the morning you don't have to listen to it, so remember - you can on the way to work or over Breakfast to promote it and analyze, in a diary only the insights to write. Or you need to write a draft opening his eyes to the touch and only the abstracts. Although I in the morning often could not understand what such a night scribbles.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:03
by к-13
Today we have the fourth training workshop on lucid dreaming with dreamstalker .

In today's issue we will consider more in detail the methods of verification of the surrounding world for its correspondence to reality(a very useful skill when working with the device and for any practitioners - many of those with whom I spoke can list a lot of cases, when in the dream, saw tips, realizing that it helps, but "in addition to them, nothing unusual was noticed", although at this time flying at the controls of the plane without one wing, riding in a crowded subway with a mask DS on the face or were at a costume ball at the French king in a dream, these circumstances did not arouse any doubt that this is all real and quite ordinary). A little to insure against similar incidents in the future, it is necessary to develop the habit of checking the basic properties of reality that are violated in the dreaming world.

Many authors are inclined to believe that the following methods will certainly help You to distinguish the real world from the dreaming:

Physiological factors:

- count the fingers(this is akin to finding hands in a dream, which has recommended that the Carlos Castaneda don Juan, only a bit more quality version). The fact is that our dreaming body is not always built in full compliance with our physical body, depending on the dream story it may change beyond recognition, for example, someone may dream that he is white Siberian tiger chasing poachers on the background of wild nature in any reserve, and in this dream from a dreamer will not cause any contradictions that he has no hands - only furry and clawed front paws(what else should it be, tiger?). But with the breakthrough of information from the waking reality of the need to count the fingers, if you get a prompt from the device or being an individual characteristic of sleep, work a channel of communication with the real memory of the dreamer and the bridge from reality to dream will lead to the realization that it was only a dream, that is to gain control over the script of the dream.

- from the same Opera is another way - look at the tip of the nose with one eye(closed the second century). Alternatively, you can look at the world through closed eyelids. This is also a test for errors of perception - the body-the eyes in this moment closed and the conscious introduction of contradictions in this fact will lead to "bugs" - I repeatedly tested this method in the dream, it is impossible to close the other eye, then do not see the nose, the nose is someone else's ( :lol: )... And after a few dozen repetitions of this test in the Wake these errors immediately given to understand that it represents the world of the dreaming reality or everyday.

- breathing through pinched fingers nose(alternatively, you could use the options "under water" in space, but it has the chance to swallow the water if You like, you will see the flash from the underwater camera in the pool). In my dream, in this case, there is a feeling that I can breathe through the body surface, and not specifically his nose.

Factors of perception:

- check basic properties of surrounding objects - in the dream the walls are not necessarily deaf, not necessarily hard glass, spoons do not have elastic, so, if you dream You suddenly were able to put the hand into a solid wall, you know it's everything You dream, don't waste your time)))

- the weakening of gravity - if you jump with the intent to hang in the air, if this does not happen, then landing at least will be slower and jump higher than normal.

- read texts - in the dream any text very difficult to read it twice, and it is due to the fact that the brain does not build a whole world of sleep, keeping it fully until You move - each and every moment of sleep he can "see" only what directed Your attention, so any little thing you want to see will be as detailed and drawn. So when You read the text and looked away, and then decided to read the same text, the brain is unlikely to become re-build it exactly the same, in addition, often the letters start jumping, to spread, and the inscriptions often become blurred(unless, of course, it is not important to the plot of the inscription, the rest are just decorations and they are generally not meant to be read). For the same reason, almost never in the dream is not behaving appropriately the time displayed on the clock.

Situational factors:

Remembering the history of the moment - in a dream scenes switch like the channels on the TV - You just appear at the right place and not move it from the previous with all the twists and turns, doors and rough roads, so when you try to remember how You got to this place, You will be able to remember where they were before, but not as we came(moved/arrived/You brought...) in a specific place(for example, from Your bed).

Now how to use it all. Get yourself the habit to use at least a couple of ways to test each times when you come across an individual characteristic of a dream, a flash, a reminder, or something resembling the tip of the device, and the number of lucid dreams will increase at least an order of magnitude. Not to hesitate to do the test, do only those tests, which in this specific situation will not arouse suspicion - for example, in a group of friends to hold his nose as if there was a desire to sneeze("allergic to nonsense") and pretend that you have something interesting(the watch and the inscription on his screen - a great way to check). In the presence of unfamiliar people can remember, how it got to lean on the wall(glass in public transport, open the door)...

Questions, comments, suggestions and (especially) reviews are welcome<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 22:52
by к-13
Fifth session of the workshop for users of the device to realize the dream DreamStalker.

Judging by the reviews and the issues many have faced with such problem - already realized itself in the dream, they didn't know what to do and wasted precious time on empty or throwing all sorts of nonsense. Others are just so excited or confused that almost immediately after realizing woke up or lost lucidity.

Below this were smaller, it is necessary to determine in advance the tasks that can (and should) be solved in a lucid dream, and then to place them in order of priority.

If you refer to the same Stephen Laberge, there are three options for the primary script that will allow You to get into the world OS at first, depending on the situation:

If You are in the room (whether it is hospital, school, home, office, or an unfamiliar building with a huge number of doors, rooms, stairs and corridors), then go outside by the shortest route and find out in what area You are in.

If You're on the street and there are buildings, structures or element of the landscape (building, bridge, tower, rock, a gigantic tree or obscure the design of an unknown material) – climb to the highest point to which one can go and look around.

If You are caught in the endless with mind the space uniformly extending around, where falls view (snow-covered far North, a boat in the middle of the ocean, wheat field, the meadow in the fog, the desert, or just obscure the surface of an unknown planet), try to reach the border of space, where You will find something to do.

At the initial stage it is not necessary to put global goals, enough to do a test "depth" - to go where we've never been - at least in the next street, through which never lay Your route, or visiting a new friend(or old, recently arrived).

Once the problem identified, you need to have a clear script that is not tied to the scenery(and you will plan activities at home or in the city, and upon getting conscious in the open field or in some elven forest, the script will fall apart and You completely forget about your goals) and a bit of practice. This is best done after the discovery of the individual sign of sleep, triggering reminders or caught flash - checked by reality, make sure to not sleep, then tell yourself "I'm awake, but if I slept I would do so..." and scroll in mind the scenario in a specific location(i.e. where You are in the moment – at work, driving, on the subway, in the Elevator or the hallway to the admissions office, in the classroom in the lecture hall or in the school/kindergarten at the parent meeting).

Practice with the rehearsal, after action awareness, it will benefit – perhaps you are already aware in the dream, but didn't do anything planned in the reality, so memory of these lucid dreams and have not survived, but if You are in a dream do something that connects You with the world of reality, the possibility that this dream will not fly out from memory after awakening, will increase considerably - this is really a property of our memory.

These classes are useful not only at the initial stage they are generally very useful from the point of exploring the world of lucid dreaming, and increase the number of realizations, so at the next session of the workshop, we'll focus on cartography of dreams.

Once You are settled and getting into the world of dreams in conscious state familiar to You, you can consider a more ambitious scenario:

to meet internal mentor (perhaps to discuss with him ways in which he can give us the answers we'll ask him in the Wake of the subconscious is quite able to cope with this task). Alternatively, you can try to create a TULPA – a sort of magical assistant, able to give answers directly.

- find the answer to a burning question (e.g., what to do to advance in the practice where possible to avoid mistakes, to know the future, to learn how to quickly and effectively get into the world of OS... but you never know what you can learn from his subconscious).

- try to make your dream any ability or peculiar only to the character of sleep knowledge (they can be very useful if not in the real world, then certainly in the further development of the skill of awareness in a dream for sure will serve a good service, although in reality they usually help to cope with some blocks, clamps, consequences of injuries and errors).

- to expand their view of the world in specific areas of knowledge (the subconscious mind stores vast amounts of information and has almost limitless abilities to their analysis, so it would be at least wasteful not to use the ability to synchronize its results with your own).

- to train the actual physical skills in addition to training in reality.

- there are some specific targets, interesting quite narrow groups of people:
** return the luminosity
** to make contact with the runes or business cards
** to take out of sleep the subject of the power or to empower already existing
** to organize a joint study of the General region of the dreaming world

And this is not a complete list of directions. In General, a lot of tasks, so the world of lucid dreams can be boring just lazy)))<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 22:57
by к-13

Those who continue occasionally to track outbreaks and to work with reminders after a reality check additionally chased a script(quick - select the direction briefly to scroll through the route and present opened finally the landscape).

Those who have not yet started, can be included now (the presence of the device is desirable, but not mandatory clause of the conditions of participation) - never too late to start.

Those who think that it is too difficult, you can wait for the second coming - most likely they do not Shine, except for rare random realizations....

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 18:00
by к-13
the Sixth session of the workshopas I promised, is dedicated to cartography.

Cartography of dreams - a compilation of the General map all of the places that we visited in a dream. We are more accurately acquainted with the world of dreams obtained on this ranked data, learn to navigate it. Pretty good classes for those who want to see REGULAR lucid dreaming - not very emotional (at least not like the rest of the individual attributes of sleep, which will be dedicated to the next issue) and extremely useful. First, it is the individual characteristics of sleep - they are in the process of mapping imperceptibly develop into the anchor for a reality check. Secondly, when there are enough dreams in certain areas, will begin to remember other dreams which are connected with it, but dreamed of much earlier (even children's manifest), and it is a good material to work with and an extra incentive to study. Third, this method is no worse than the Castenedolo search of hands in a dream – the same transference of attention from the world of sleep into the real world and back – moving from wakefulness to sleep (no matter what it is directed) is the right way to bring and awareness.

How to put dreams on the map? Every dream is possible to describe in terms of "where it happened" - that place where it is located that there are in the district, as associated with other places. Perhaps, briefly and schematically draw a plan of what was seen. Leaves better to take more, for example, the usual standard A4 sheet is fine – occasionally it will be possible to Supplement the data. Data is plotted on a separate sheet(one one sheet) and get a short name, such as "the old house at the tower", "construction of a skyscraper on the outskirts of town, crossing the road towards the mountains in wheat field" and the serial number(it will be easier to find when they will be a lot)...
First you need to wait until drunk at least 30 seats. After that, the sheets are formed into a pile, and the work is only possible with their names(or numbers, whatever you like) that you want to map so that there was no conflict – that is possible as accurately as possible. Eventually will need to move, so our map had the ability to edit.
It is best to use a big wall and small leaves with a concise description of individual seats – you can attach them with pins, buttons, double-sided tape or small magnets. I hung in the basement of a sheet iron meter by two sheets and attach small neodymium squares is a bit of the wall that you can chalk to draw the boundaries of the zones, sometimes erasing and putting a new one.
At the initial stage, more convenient to use some program for mapping, quite a lot of them, if you search well. For example, I like "first gate" (the first version of the dreamhackers). It is, of course, has a number of shortcomings, but in many respects the others. In files the program itself and a small sample map. It is worth noting that the use of such a program is convenient only as long as the main objects on the map are not distributed relative to each other – then it is more convenient to use the wall option.

I don't know how to act - simply slide the organizer (this Board with a pin, to which are attached sheets of paper or notebook with snap closure for removable blocks) and every place describe on a separate sheet, to be periodically read and remember (as I was advised in the release about the diary). In fact, the map of dreams is a simplified replacement of the diary, although for best results it is better to do more.

Now about the benefits of Grimstalker version PRO - the device has a set of folders - SLEEP01-SLEEP09 - he just very well help us in terms of mapping - every you need to put the sound file which is associated with a particular place(in the city - the noise of cars in a traffic jam, on the beach - the sound of the waves, in the forest - the birds singing in the field - the sound of wind and crickets... All these files can be found online.). This will allow us to more efficiently explore the dreaming world - more to explore a specific place and its surroundings, to determine how to place the neighbouring bubbles. Don't forget to set the paragraph settings in the Scenario other than (Sc-0).

PS: by the Way, LILY-P for several months, strongly wishes to start working with the mapping, but it does not work(that dreams are "uninteresting", then no, you don't know where to start), so even graciously agreed to kick in quality a public Declaration of her wishes. So, Lily, you can start 8) And then, you see, a month or two on the results of the report will have. :oops:

Useful references for information on catografia ... D0%B9,_FAQ
EN/kartografiya-snovid ... ochteniyu/"><

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 0:09
by к-13
the Seventh session of the workshop.

Today we will talk about how you can optionally use the dream diary to increase the number of cases of awareness during sleep – its analysis and drawing up a list of individual characteristics of sleep. In addition, this method will help over time to renounce the use of Grimstalker and start independent practice(no, I didn't think I'd have a lifetime to sleep in the mask with the fee to realize a dream, taking breaks during the week to not get used to the prompts – Dreamstalker is only a crutch that will help You learn to walk into the world of OS itself, so it will not make a miracle, won't make You one of its presence to become a great a dreamer, but will make the journey much easier and shorter).

When dreams in the diary had accumulated a few dozen, you will notice that not only place the action can be repeated every dream in sleep, there are other things that occur in dreams more frequently than others. So why not use these repetitions are for the benefit of the practice.

You just need to select them and when you meet them in reality(I'm sure many of them are awake) to check if we are sleeping. The same characteristics that in reality do not occur, you just need to memorize, because if they do not occur in reality, but still, it so happened that we met, then it is likely that we are asleep. Stephen Laberge called such things as "individual characteristics of sleep"(IPS) is what is found the particular dreamer in the dreaming world often.

In the language of psychology, we develop and fasten the anchor - conditional reflexes, like the dogs of Pavlov. It is when the light is allocated gastric juice (after the cycle superimposition of turning on the light and feeding), and we have the appearance of a field of view of the individual characteristic of a dream should appear unhealthy desire to test the reality of the discrepancy between reality (as a result of training and rehearsals).

In our last class we have already dealt with that individual symptom of sleep may be the TERRAIN – the scenery of a dream, that is the place where we once lived/studied/worked, where no more fall in my life, but regularly returned in dreams. It can be:
- grandma's house(which was in another city and has long been sold, but most of us spent the summer holidays in my childhood),
- school, Institute,
- the city in which we once rested for a few days,
- unknown landscape, which is haunting haunts us in dreams, but can hardly meet in reality(dense forest, marshes with birch trees, a mountain plateau with steep edges, the open sea, dark caves, ruins of buildings...).
With these symptoms easier, making more or less detailed map of the dreaming of our land, we'll tie their definition to the world of sleep and be aware they will be much easier(not to mention the bonuses that were discussed in the last issue).

Besides these, individual signs of the dream, each dreamer will find CHARACTERS – people or other living(or not living) beings who, for whatever reasons we dream occasionally, but with surprising regularity:
- friends who are former classmates, fellow students, colleagues or co-workers(as well as random passengers, team members, participants, neighbors in the Dorm or hotel room, which has warm relations were emotional or channels) with which contact has been lost. They often dream about after talking with them (or about them) in social networks, which can also be used when programming before bedtime.
- the recent dead or gone/missing relatives(or Pets among Pets) – their images may well be used in practice, for example, met in a lucid dream, just ask next time you meet in this world, they reminded us that we are asleep is just element of the programming of the subconscious – a simple, perhaps somewhat naive, but extremely effective.
- Even at first glance, unfamiliar people, and possibly animals.

In third place are ITEMS – a couple of lifeless beacons in the world of dreams – they must be careful, if an object is stuck in our dreams, it is likely that it involves some kind of traumatic episode, a kind of emotional binding, taking away our energy on a subconscious pereproshivka painful episode (outwardly it may not appear). They tell us which direction we need to work on yourself in terms of processing the past and can meet rather often, sometimes even every day and night, but after removing the emotional charge of the episode is likely to disappear or appear much less often and does that "habit". For different people these items can be different things – for some it destroyed a concrete flight of stairs at the entrance or a moribund balcony, someone afraid of high bridges, for someone this big wooden boxes or rail container, for someone well or an old wardrobe... whatever it may recur in dreams, it is important to highlight with the help of a dream diary and remember that this is what we often see in dreams.

Finally, it can be not unusual for real-world scenes or emotions such as fear (often panic when denied his feet, as if to darken the world around), the feeling of flying without technical devices, talking dogs, flying lights...

What we need to do is to make a list of all your symptoms and learning it by heart. Actually, sometimes this one event is enough to start sometimes to realize the dreams (not very often but quite regularly), but for practitioners who want a high and stable results, it is necessary that each meeting with an individual symptom of sleep lead either to the realization (if the meeting happened in the dream) or to regular training to maintain skills(if IPS was found in reality). Of course, IPS must be chosen so that they met in reality, not too often – 3-4 times a day, otherwise we will have created the precedent to ignore the signs, not reality check after each event(for example, when we are very busy) – and then in the dream(where we usually are busy more than usual), we will likely skip the check and do not understand that we are dreaming.

However, for very persistent and hardworking, for the first time, you can choose common symptom(passing through any door, any conversation, even on the phone, any traffic on the road is even harder than hunting for flash and work with reminders).

How to apply in this case rainbow-arc Andrey V. Patrusheva I wrote on the forum here viewtopic.php?p=81774#p81774<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 17:02
by Аурел
Thank you very much for the newsletter, just today I realized a dream on an individual basis, and then your pesimo.
And yesterday missed the reminder on the phone in the dream because of the strong employment :)all as book writing

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 23:31
by к-13
Continue to spread the materials on lucid dreaming as a continuation of the workshop on the operation Grimstalker.

This release is useful to those who have failed to bring the training to search for outbreaks and reactions to reminders to making the skill automatic reality check. And for those who did not participate in the workshop.

Today we will talk about the application program Andrew V. Patrushev "rainbow" to work with lucid dreams.

rainbow with three options
Three programs (the same), but each is configured with its own set of files to make it easier to use. Select the desired folder open in Notepad file "I" (he with no extension) and change my options on my behalf (I left them, so less questions on how and what to write). If someone is not clear how to replace the names in each folder there is a file with the old version of the rainbow – she is at every start asks to enter these names manually, by asking leading questions. There you can save the result of the responses in a text file, which you then have to choose in the settings of the new version (or copy its contents to a file "I" and do not touch the settings). Just remember to replace the names in all three folders.
Settings everything else is optimal. It's easy to open and run the desired option. Works from any folder, even from USB drive. If you want to add another file, it is better to place it in the folder of the desired program and its ini file should erase the path to the file, leaving only his name (then it will work from any folder, or the program at the start will be with the vile sound of a system error to write that it is not found).

"OS signs of sleep" - there are already signs of this specific sleep (specifically mine, not the fact that many will coincide, but the probability of this is – it is better to change on their own). In the text for the center of the crowded Instrukcja for the subconscious actions in case of detection of signs of sleep.
Programming desires reality check when meeting individual signs of sleep – a great way to increase the quality and quantity of lucid dreams, to make them regular. Who forgot let me remind you where they come from - if there is a certain number of dreams that have already "remembered", it's simple - you just need to highlight recurring themes, characters or places - for example, I often dream about my school (it was rebuilt in the year before beyond recognition, but the dream she always old) and school(which that year actually broke up), old friends who have not seen, actually, many dream of repeating, but these are often. Therefore software program and put the anchor, so that when you meet something resembling them automatically to check the surrounding world to the question "am I sleeping or not."

"OS General" best is focused on remembering dreams and the increase in the probability of "critical awareness". This is for those who are just starting - option "from scratch", so to speak, when people do not remember dreams (and I'm sure that does not see them, that is a fallacy). The solution is simple and known to all - they need to record... And the night, waking up immediately after sleep (Wake up and remember another dream 3-4 times per night, but no one will remember in the morning, if sleep was normal, and memory is not tried and tested). Settings of this program will allow You to be more attentive and collected, will increase the likelihood of an appropriate response during sleep and wakefulness to improve awareness.

"GM workshop" - work is performed only on the tips of the device – it will help us to have habit to ask yourself this question in situations where we tracked down the flash or heard a sound similar to the tip of the device (regardless of whether we sleep or not). This option should be used during training stalking flares out from the beginning of the workshop (these exercises need to be repeated periodically, if we want good results) and just before going to bed with a mask – even if not practiced, the probability of success increases several times.

Ideally, we must develop the critical habit of looking at the world every time we see something unusual, bright or have not seen. Once awake this habit will appear - you can be sure that they will REGULARLY be aware of. And of false positives of the device will be no more.

Questions on the program, please ask here viewtopic.php?t=933 (there is quite a lot discussed, most likely almost all questions already have an answer).

A bonus for those who practice "turbo gopher": offer a couple of reports on the topic (successfully tested on real people and corrected taking into account the wishes, but work only those who passed the first stages of work on the system) - greatly help in the practice, but completely replace the will be able to:

"Dreamer" helps to pay attention to the signs of sleep in reality (drove their own - they are common, again it is better to replace on your own) and in a dream - the operator just have to remember to check reality, when you think about it. Works automatically without activation, there is a fuse and method of disconnecting. If you have the signs of sleep, you can finish the lists or replace those that do not meet)))

"the First gate" just increase the effect of "dreamer" at night. Activated the Protocol before going to sleep, deactivated himself in the morning.<

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:37
by Миха
And how will advise to apply the program, all three before bed for 15 minutes or what?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 13:10
by к-13
Mike, read carefully, questions will be less.
You need to use only one version - the one that is best suited for Your specific case.
"General" option needed for those who are just starting a practice or already practicing for a long time, but so anywhere and has not moved - this is the beginning for zero, even when dreams are not remembered, not to mention something more.
Option "workshop" necessary for those who are just mastering a new device or receives nothing from the long-bought (many of these too). It's directed only at the device - in this period of time don't need anything else in that direction to do, or just confused.
Version of "signs" designed for more experienced practitioners - when you already have a work diary, when the device is working fine but now I want to learn, without crutches come out in the dreaming world consciously.

Here is what You will get (you need to choose only one, do not flatter yourself), this version and use it. To listen do better at bedtime, but better somewhere for an hour or two before falling asleep.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 13:29
by Владус
Happened :D Happened to get in the OS. Are obladatelem DRIM about 6 months. A couple of times did something similar but not what I wanted. Yesterday I downloaded the Rainbow, 10 minutes before bedtime. Dreaming that you eat in the car. People said that urgently have to leave, as happens in a global catastrophe. I don't like it, I think maybe this is a dream? Trying to find something not logical. But as luck would have it all clearly, correctly, details of the objects perfect. Then I think, if the car is now off the dream. And then the car takes off. The man explains so that his machine has such capabilities. Gotcha, darling! :ap Enjoy a flight of 5 min. in osoznanno condition.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 13:56
Roma, I got your "kicks", but while recording nothing. Only emotions remain after waking up. Emotions and record, can you remember what sleep when the quiet state. While all the running and all you have to do.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 14:16
by к-13
Владус wrote:Issue OSA, what I have is the lack of dreams, or the dreams
Dreams can't be absent or so weak, all the people treated received in the course of the day memories of the night exactly the same algorithms, that is, the dreams You have are exactly the same as everyone else, only You don't remember. The same melaxen (melatonin) among other things, aligns aberrant sleep cycles (helps when changing time zones) and a positive effect on the nerve cells - that is, dreams are easier to remember with proper sleep, and memory works better. In Your case it will be desirable to train the memory (to keep a diary, to apply techniques, for example to answer the questions "what I did this time yesterday/the day before yesterday, a week ago," "in what order at home in that corner" or "in what circumstances I first saw this man"...). Plus it would not hurt to try to go to bed at the same time, the sleep cycles will even out naturally.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 15:06
by Миха
Cheers, broke after a long break :D . Has been actively engaged in already two weeks and went results.
From the practice:
1. Alarm every 30 minutes during the day, the same melody set in the DSP.
2. Often without an alarm clock are checked for bright light, lights or anything unusual.
3. Night and morning on the recorder to record dreams.
4. I started to watch rainbow "option Course"
The day before yesterday turned out to be realized without a mask:
Dreamed that fell on the floor and began to Wake up, trying to stay in the dream began to spin involuntarily and suddenly found himself in an OS that lasted no more than a minute. Walked around the store, imagine that you open the door and be on the beach, it turned out - WOW!, then again in the store to get a coke, and began to read the inscription on the bottle and suddenly woke up.
Today, again, short of an OS - help mask. Standing in the bathroom at home shaving, it seemed that the lights blinked, clamped his nose - breathe, BANG OS. Flew out the window, flew a bit around the yard and thinking that what else to do, woke up. I wonder how to extend the OS what to do? and it pulls instantly.
Mask use with headphones: transducer 3, brightness 6, duration 20 sec. BE - sound the alarm both on the telephone and AF - your voice-type "Misha, are you sleeping, look at hand, hold your nose, etc.", volume 2

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 17:38
by к-13
Миха wrote:have a little flight across the yard and thinking that what else to do, woke up. I wonder how to extend the OS what to do? and it pulls instantly.
And if you try eyes 10 posts above to raise? :evil: - also the issue of the workshop, by the way.
к-13 wrote:Judging by the reviews and the issues many have faced with such problem - already realized itself in the dream, they didn't know what to do and wasted precious time on empty or throwing all sorts of nonsense. Others are just so excited or confused that almost immediately after realizing woke up or lost lucidity.

Below this were smaller, it is necessary to determine in advance the tasks that can (and should) be solved in a lucid dream, and then to place them in order of priority.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 17:45
by Миха
Couldn't sleep 1.5 hours, but then log in a direct way in a short OS. There was a growing rumble of vibration through the body, and BAM - OS. Interesting sensations. Then just fell asleep, and the mind as if not asleep, is always in the dream knew it was a dream, but just in case of course checked.

Thank you K-13 for the reminder about the gain, first climbed the tall building, looked around, down the crowded people, thought I would have to chip in together ))). Then I started to perform the scheduled tasks. OS lasted long enough, woke up to flash DSP. This is getting interesting...

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:16
by Владус
Diary of dreams allowed to establish such zakonomernosti. Dream stabilno. Colorful and realistic. BUT... when put dream of dreams is not seen. It seems that the triggers outbreaks will not allow deep sleep, i.e., interrupts the dream as such

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:49
by к-13
Владус wrote:Diary of dreams allowed to establish such zakonomernosti. Dream stabilno. Colorful and realistic. BUT... when put dream of dreams is not seen. It seems that the triggers outbreaks will not allow deep sleep, i.e., interrupts the dream as such
So you need to wear a mask in the morning, about 5 o'clock, when almost slept. And use alarm clock.

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:59
by Владус
The Council was by the way. Woke up at 6 am. Dressed dream, like min -10 thinking about the OS. And here it is - another OS. Thanks for the advice! :o

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 16:08
by Владус
From practice suggests such a conclusion: no normal 8 hour sleep, OSA can not wait. Sleeping 6 hours the result is 0. Is it really so?

Re: [mailing list]Workshop on operating system.

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 16:21
by к-13
No, it is not. If well trained situational memory, lucid dream it is possible to Vyrubovoj for 15 minutes. I slept today for 4 hours (fishing went), but 2 of sleep remember. To realize them it was quite possible, but then I slept worse...