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Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 21:39
by Козёл
I with the aid of dreamstalker there was a bunch of uncontrolled dreams, here are four day father-in-law and every day 5-10 different dreams have everything recorded, even a fun PPV... just like in the book running nifiga comes out, everything is in itself, one turned out to be some random effect, so the pancake immediately woke up. Another interesting feeling when you fall asleep, almost asleep but not asleep... tin voosche kicks... then it crashed... And yet it seems to me that dreams are just a decision your desires, problems.... Here is an example so many times was... Asleep for example - there is no mood or no goals, desires, or is there no desire to work where - thread to go sleep - > even if you do not remember the dreams, it still appears that some type of depression and the hunt che - thread to do... Or you have a mega problem > Wake up and not her... Dreams help to live, I guess... Who did this whole deal come up...?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 0:56
by Студент
Путешественник wrote:still not get Used to the fact :) False memories also has the gift, well that at least critical attitude to them remains that they are not replacing actual experiences, and are sort of parallel.
Look for the guide in the dream, he you all the details to explain. Only that... crazy get off not from the illogical and often even paradoxical the dreaming worlds and do not load much, because it's just a game (at least I hope you perceive it that way, but otherwise may be more or at least severe depression, as a maximum... who knows what this whole thing could end:roll:).

My childhood dream the story I don't usually remember them but I Wake up in panic, hysteria, horror, what, just nuts, from the fear of feeling like I couldn't breathe in this state, in horror, for a while, a few minutes or so, it is required that I came to. And these couple of minutes are like an exorcism(if I may say so) people are afraid to sleep with me in the same room. Very how can I say this is not convenient, it is necessary to warn people, but thank God, at least not very often this happens! At I was younger, I thought that the problem with the breathing, because I don't remember the story, some time ago I began to notice what and quoted that dreams are not afraid of wolves, troupe and vampires, that's complete nonsense,(they can fight to run away from them, to kill), and paradoxical things happen, wcielenie that such a simple and fundamental things like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 they are not or have not, and when you realise that everything would disappear or crumble, I don't understand, and nachinaetsya this animal fear, once again, I repeat, fear is not natural, are just dreams where I may be frightened to twitch, Wake up, or recently dreamed that I was swimming in the port, the docks, among the huge metal structures, lengthwise of the hull. Here like all is clear, I'm afraid of heights, depths, naturally fear, I appreciated the situation that it is not Rial, it was a dream, an internal stress is changed, suzhet, and all! there was the usual fear, such as one can experience in life standing on the edge of the roof, but another dream I dream that I talk with a friend that he explains, proves, the profitability of which it is the case that seems to me elementary, terribly simple, but he doesn't understand to me, and I on his fingers trying to explain, look at my hand, and Saginaw fingers, one, two, three pointing to his enumerated benefits, looking at him, and he told me no, I was not so same here!! trying to show him in hand as if in proof of his arguments, here, my facts, and then okazyvaetsya that not all the logic to crumble, it would not be so terrible, would understand the folly, the error in the situation would understand that this dream, chased it, as it happens, that's all. But in this dream, I do not understand what is happening, all is lost, THERE is nothing, no me, only, I think it's not a dream, a paradox of another word I can not find nachinaetsya, hysterical fear!!! I Wake up with a terrible fear, not in the place where I slept, so I woke up in the parents ' room once there not opening doors, no mystery, I was just promesa, flew into the glass, broke the door, cut legs, I twist a few people, watered, all in shock, to understand really can not have nothing, panic! barely remember these dreams, but I'm sure it's all about the paradoxical nature of situations, missing a simple fundamental things, no matter what the dream was not, it is always possible for something to grab, to understand that this is a dream or not understand, but at least understand something to fear, like the act, and then fuck knows what, it is not clear why fear why fear, do not rely on that with his logic! It was said about Castaneda, about the hand, saw the hands and what? maybe because of this my horror ...........<

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:12
by Студент
revered not much the forum, and realized that, inexperienced, ask many stupid questions! so, I do not understand how not to get there, and how to stop being afraid ? or that we have to look for the answers yourself ??? please answer!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 23:48
by Путешественник
With fear you can not fight, because fear is our faithful ally and partner, a natural mechanism designed to protect us throughout life. At the same time, fear can extremely limit our functionality in favor of security. Fear can be set off, to cheat, but complete disconnection is tantamount to suicide. These are my thoughts about fear in General.

With regard to the specific situations causing fear.
Nothing except the actual experience of passing through exciting situation, can not completely relieve you of fear. However, to weaken it's real. In the first place don't need to be a hero. It is necessary to understand your fear, what you fear and don't convince yourself otherwise. Otherwise fear will only increase. Realizing that you are afraid you have a few stabilizarea the situation. Now we need to try to understand the cause of the fear. If the reason is rational, but the level of experience of the senses is inadequate to the threat that can be reused to model the details of the traumatic situation, considering possible options in your mind.

In the case when the nature of fear is irrational in the field, immediately raises the problem analysis and search for causes. This is due to the fact that information is non-verbalized, that is not addressed in the word. However, in this situation, attempt your search is not hopeless.

First and foremost, realizing that you are afraid, you should concentrate on the feeling of fear, carefully locking all its manifestations such as trembling, sensations of heat or cold, changes of pulse and respiration rate, etc Visual components should also be considered.

Now when the sensations "caught" our attention, you can proceed to the second stage - modeling. Here, in contrast to traumatic situations with a rational explanation, we should not immediately start to check the logic, and should be pereproshit them. First let's remember what preceded the appearance of fear, where you were testing the latest or most powerful attack, what was your emotional state, who was nearby, was day or night, what the weather was outside. Important the smallest details of the picture. Remember how you felt fear in an instant as the shock, or the rising feeling of anxiety. Remember how and in what sequence there is a feeling. Remember your thoughts at this moment, including how you decided to capture what is happening and the process of fixing. Try to remember what additional thoughts and feelings were intertwined at the time of fixation proishodyaschego that you did not notice during similar attacks. In short, details recreate the whole picture of what is happening in an alarming moment. Immerse yourself in feeling as if everything is happening here and now. To get out of the TRANS it is also desirable as it occurred under natural conditions, passing the same sequence of occurrence of the sensations and feelings that arise in a real situation. Otherwise, the experience cannot be considered complete, although most likely some control over the level of fear you will get at the stage of fixing feelings. Coming out of the trance, we should not immediately take any action. Remain stationary for some time in the same position as during the experiment. Think about everything that happened, not necessarily in expanded form. Don't let the natural course of thought, for it to return itself to normal. However, take the position of observer.

Perhaps the answer of why will come soon, maybe it'll have to wait doing some work on yourself, however, there is a fairly high probability that the cause and will not be disclosed.

Now about how not to get there. My opinion - it is fear that leads you to such places. I think that in dreams you are really not in danger. Rather, it seems that you faced with the inexplicable, associate it with something that really threatened your life earlier. Perhaps this fear of the unknown associate you with those feelings you experienced during his birth.<

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:32
by Студент
Thank you for the answer!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:16
by Александр (разработчик)
Scary dreams are born of our own self by his own will, and then another, wondering how to deal with them? All of this is incredibly simple, try it and see. If, for example, in a dream runs up to You, scary man with an axe and You're terribly afraid of him, it is not necessary to feed the nightmare your fear, growing it to horror. The nightmare will eat Your fear until, until You replace your fear to the slightest grain of kindness. Before falling asleep in the evening give yourself a few times hard to do something sweet and kind for that person. When in a dream again this will be a scary story, then calmly turn around to the man as a friend (not enemy!) and try to Pat him on the hand on the head or just greet him with a good attitude (hard tune to it before falling asleep). You need to experience in relation to it, the feeling of love or kindness. Will he just disappear or transformirovalsya in Your friend, and never remind myself. In this case, it is absolutely wonderful, with an instant result, shows the principle of the answer good for evil given to us in the gospel. Set yourself up to do so always (at least in the dream, in reality it is not always possible, but the pursuit of it should be), and terrible dreams You have will not do. They can't even be born in Your mind.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 17:09
by Винс
Here are the first results. Right before waking up, saw in his peripheral vision, your flashlight, flashing with the same frequency as the mask. Not red, but blinked. Waking up and already knew it was flashing.. Stayed this flashlight to fix every sleep well and stay in the dream.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:45
by Эдди
Polzovalsa device four nights. But tonight I was postponed, as too tired during the day at work. But, nevertheless, to "realize" and all that gave myself. And got a lucid dream)). However, awareness is not very long in comparison with the whole extent of what happened there, seen a dream event, but long enough if you move them into reality. It was like this. It was a stormy dinner at my house (actually, the feast, of course, was preceded by many more events, but it was out of awareness. So bring only this piece). Somehow, most of the guests were of Caucasian origin. Well, to hell with them). Suddenly, during the regular toast and pouring me a shot of vodka (when I already thought that it is time to start vanderjact, TC was achieved the critical volume of alcohol poured into me) I realized "... shit! Yes, it's a dream!!!". I realized that I was here to drink all the alcohol available here, and I will not Nitsche))). From this awareness I almost woke up. But the desire to carry out this experiment was stronger, and I again sank into a drunken feast). Now consciously). In fact, I began drinking one glass after another (of glasses I just replaced the large faceted glasses). While guests happy, every toast I all poured and poured. And then when everyone is already pretty drunk, we went, as it wodiczko in the Smoking room. Guests on the legs give way, and I - well, you know). I managed tobacco of intoxication in the head, so to speak, but that it does not affect the well-being and ability to control your body). I have asked kurilke, saying how at you so, drain, drank, and himself as a whistle))))
Then we went to visit one of my guests. To continue the feast). But, the events along the way, completely knocked me out of lucidity and then was already common, in a certain sense, sleep (though he was unusual for me - so many bodies crushed people (benefit of the online samples to the guys - had to write off the picture to make it look later in my dream realistic) at the same time I have not seen any in my sleep (and I often see martichenko), no reports of any accidents).

I must say that it was quite difficult to keep a delicate balance between letting their AI to act independently, and, nevertheless, work hard to get them to pour me vodka and whisky in large volumes. The first attempts, willpower to get them I turned to pour pouring in zombipodobnyh beings, which, of course, is not the best way affected the integrity of the picture. The other characters started at the same time somehow blunt. Because, as a rule, between toasts downtime are much long, and I wanted it all to experience. Towards the end I learned how to rewind not very interesting events.<

Re: Results

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 10:53
by Ян Флеминг
Hello Vladimir.
today sent an application for the purchase of the device DreamStalker.
decided to try OS.
much changed your life after you start using the device?

Re: Results

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:17
by Владимир Никонов 2
Ян Флеминг wrote:much has your life changed after you start using the device?
My life changed irrevocably when I dreamed that I was a kitten. It was more than real.

Re: Results

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 10:45
by к-13
The OS can treat serious illness. I have a fresh case - got wet in the rain at the end of March, there was a strong wind and then water got in my ear... it was on the hunt, until the cars got in the wind ear blew. Through the day it was founded, to shoot the beginning. Went to Laura, he looked, treated. I'm almost 2 months went with a plug in the ear until this miracle medicine was not informed that I will save only operation on the middle ear. My ear almost didn't hear it all the time, periodically trincalo so that the fins are wrapped by surprise. Needless to say, I tried a bunch of ways from serdolikovaja to flow in alpha mode, the only thing I could do is to understand that complications is not threatened. The same evening(when the doctor the operation was scheduled) fell asleep early in the morning I realized in the dream in the big city(I'm a country boy and wander on foot in a big city for me in any case - the reason to check "if I'm", and then there's graffiti on the pavement was the size of a football field and sometimes moved), found credible character and asked where to find a good doctor, he sent me the 26 house, I've been looking for him a couple of times almost went back to sleep, but found, it was an old hotel with a bunch of Kooks clearly the guests - surpassing that of the Museum oradev))), on the second floor sat an old lady(the only "normal" in this house of those whom I met) and the question "who's your doctor?" she replied "come on I'll take a look." Came up to me and pulled out of the patient's ear is huge(the size of a palm) of a worm with legs like scolopendra and threw it out the window into the street with the words "off you go, you gave the enemies, but now they can not do anything". I woke up with an Earache - I had the feeling that I was a knife poked into it even was bleeding a little, but for dinner is completely cured and no longer worried.

Re: Results

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 19:51
by Владимир Никонов 2
K-13, it was something like that. Had a sore throat, had a dream that there balls live so slimy, stretched out and throat went. It was once a worm, too stretched.

And in Thailand after numerous Thai massages in the dream imploded some chatterbox. And the internal dialogue is gone.

Re: Results

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 20:26
by к-13
Владимир Никонов wrote:And the internal dialogue is gone.
Really? That is all gone??

Re: Results

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 0:36
by Владимир Никонов 2
к-13 wrote:Really? That is all gone??
The one in Thailand obsessive chatted with me, disappeared completely. There are other, but much less. Now I can easily go and nothing to think. Talkers fell silent.

It happened in a dream. The figures stood and talked with me. I sent them in. Then there was cotton. I woke up, but woke up inside my dream my grandmother (such a dream has never been). Maybe I "caught" them in my childhood at grandma's house before very sick.

After these dreams, and the effects they begin to believe in any evil spirits.

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:01
by Добродеятель
Александр (разработчик) wrote:In this case is absolutely wonderful, with an instant result, shows the principle of the answer good for evil given to us in the gospel. Set yourself up to do so always (at least in the dream, in reality it is not always possible, but the pursuit of it should be), and terrible dreams You have will not do
Ha, I don't know what happened to me last week (can "reverse effect" of depression that lasted almost the whole year), but started to do a lot of good. Even in the little things, just to smile at people, make compliments, etc. (not all in a row, but at least those with whom I have contact). And my heart calmer gone. First time in my life cried from happiness. I know that I am now on emotional lifting, and burn a little. But the old sinister already will not.
You did not catch myself thinking that I hate the man, and this man really not know? When I started to do good deeds, people began to reach out to me and good sometimes come, and when not, it is not from good works very nice. Over the past week in my life, nothing special or memorable happened, but this is the happiest time.

Now, I had heard that people can control themselves in a dream, but I've heard all of this vaguely and thought that "not everyone". But a few days ago interested in this and learned a lot. Literally opened my eyes. Also read about various "side effects", but these effects man himself comes up with, because everything is in a dream created by us. But as they say, "until you try, will not understand", you can adjust yourself to the fact that nothing should not be afraid, the shock, the shock is all that will be, because during sleep the brain is working 2 times harder, and therefore capable of more. Well, I have now a happy time, so don't be afraid to drag out and save up for a DreamStalker Pro, and yet accumulated, read literature and practice. So it will be better, and that you can and to get on the first time :)

PS. Pleased with the idea that was excited, knowing that in a dream you can seriously improve. Of course, I will indulge, but this should not be abused, and that really can be "hooked" (although more correctly would "receive medical treatment")<

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 14:12
by Павлум

To sit down does not work, you can not survive. :)

Awareness as in a dream, and in real life - it is the intention, it's always kind of force (but no voltage). Cost only to stop mean and lucidity in the dream will be gone.

On the contrary, the great challenge of this awareness to develop and maintain. Good luck! :)

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 15:08
by Добродеятель
PaulumI agree with You. What? that's why until there is no device, I will try to log in to the OS on the theories of the Rainbow. They are just for beginners and, as the author said, "without any theoretical stuff" (although his methods are based on mnemonic entry Laberge but is easier for beginners)

All the same it is a pity that lucid dreaming has not received popularity among the society. Even difficult to imagine at what level it all now could be.

PS. By the way, initially I was afraid to "get hooked", but I stopped reading on the matter and learned that the OS has long been practiced by Tibetan monks and Buddhists. Now ask yourself how these people are wise :) I think that some people were able to control your dreams long before Frederik van Eden. I think many (well, some obviously) a genius, whom we know, have become so thanks to OS am :)

ZY2. And can anyone recommend documentaries on the theme of the OS? I was just curious, that's reviewed "Inception" and perceived the film differently, and understand all the points in this "nareswari" (though the ending is ambiguous, but I divined the intent of the author), Nolan is clearly practiced in what you, friends :) And now, "Science of sleep" will look. By the way, the idea of Nolan is quite interesting, he took the perfect OS for a basis in which to feel pain, etc. I Think that if you go crazy, it was only a dream, but intelligence is not enough no one in this dream). In General, expect the future, and yet continue to live better in two realities :)

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 15:45
by Павлум

OS was known to all ancient cultures in all times. The practice of awareness during sleep is described in many shamanic traditions. I think the unsurpassed tradition of the Australian aborigines, who from childhood instilled the idea that we novidem his life, we see her in her sleep, and as a result the awareness of himself in the dream is natural for them daily.

The Bon tradition contains a detailed description of techniques and methods and her more than 17 000 years, the Buddhist tradition since the time of Naropa and his 6 yoga, which includes Yoga dreams. Castaneda said that the teachings of the Toltecs more than 10 000 years. The theme is old... But fresh! :)

I think on the contrary - many people learned about the OS and the popularity is growing, otherwise we would not be seeing the movie, about which you write. The trend is good :)

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 16:02
by Добродеятель
Paulumthanks for a little history. It was very pleasant to read, I'm still very "green" in this issue.
Yes, of course, growing in popularity and this is good, but agree that the popularity undeservedly small yet.
Eh, would be better if the government have been promoting OS'I s, not drugs, weapons, etc. etc. Although trust in the government is not necessary, it is foolish. Almost always come to power nasty people. Okay, enough of offtopic :)

Re: Results

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:15
by Осознанность
The OS on the second night he was born