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Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:48
by Dimas
I absolutely agree, someone should bryaknut about the OS, and especially emotionally involved in the discussion - week two sleep well :) (at least I do so).

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:49
by скептик
All the same, how many people tested the device?At least approximately. I wonder, do you believe all the advertising that goes on TV, radio, in Newspapers and magazines. I think not. So at the moment your device with all possible advantages without relying on the opinion of independent experts and a large number of subjects no more than a simple promotional trick.
Put the question squarely. Alexander, garantiruet if you are 100% the result of the man if he would regularly engage with the device. Do you guarantee a refund if the person did not succeed in the regular classroom and performing all exercise to log into the OS?
I believe the developer should be responsible for what he has developed.
Pablum and demAs
If refers to the OS as something mystical and transcendent , then perhaps you are right. If OS is simple , like any neural process , I think it will not affect the learning of the OS. Remember how in childhood she was trained to ride a Bicycle

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:01
by Александр (разработчик)
скептик wrote:Put the question squarely. Alexander, garantiruet if you are 100% the result of the man if he would regularly engage with the device. Do you guarantee a refund if the person did not succeed in the regular classroom and performing all exercise to log into the OS?
I believe the developer should be responsible for what he has developed.
Can guarantee the developer any car to any person that he will reach it from Moscow to St. Petersburg? Who doubts - he just buys the car. Others happy, driving your own car. However You do not require to return the money for the purchased car, if the tenth time You can't do parallel Parking, provided that the majority of other drivers it is :? . Or are You demanding? More of this nonsense, I will not discuss, sorry.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:04
by Александр (разработчик)
Do not understand at all what are You doing? Don't like don't buy it. The impression is that many others crossed the road because it does not work. No matter whether all these trumped claims from people who have it even in hands did not hold?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:18
by Андрей Кабанков
Павлум wrote:skeptic
Just ask anyone who deals with dreams, they , most likely, will attest to the fact that discussing my practice is harmful.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:22
by Ловец Снов
Oops... didn't know. And please, Express your thoughts why a discussion of his practice is the recourse?

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:26
by Dimas
Dream Catcher
Maybe it's silly of course, but it seems to me this is akin to "not talking about good, I'm afraid to jinx it" :) other explanation I do not see.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:34
by скептик
Sorry, you will soon agree to the global conspiracy against your device. And this is a mania . Your example clearly shows that the device is not working. If he worked and has shown its effectiveness and you would have had experience of the OS , you so wouldn't carry themselves. Now I doubt whether you have the experience of the OS. You breed people for money and sell them to g.... in a beautiful package. I don't trust those people who are not responsible for their deeds. I'm on the forum more than a foot . And other people would give advice, to think twice before anything you have to buy.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:51
by Андрей Кабанков
These devices were not invented by Alexander.
This began with Stephen Laberge ,whose books have become Hrestomatiya in the field of OS.
Since then, it took probably at least a decade,and had released many such devices of various manufacturers.
Strange why all this,if the devices are not working?
Likely to dissolve on your money :)

Alexander's answer is quite reasonable,not to understand why you are so excited...
You can guarantee that the instruments give a signal in the REM phase of sleep,but after that all depends on the person,device awareness you will not retain.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 13:57
by Павлум

Everyone will get what he is looking for... ("Yes, the Seekers will find it" SS the sermon on the mount)

Dream Catcher

Do you think that discussing, especially emotionally, the person tries to turn the Dream into a list of what he is (after all, Ego is created and it consists of has definitions themselves - like I was - smart, call me Peter, I'm a Dreamer, etc.). As soon as he appropriates these results, the Dream goes into the category of wakeful activity to which the dream has nothing to do. Ie if you try to talk about the Dream as such (regardless of myself), the result will be the opposite - the probability the OS will increase.

The easiest way to kill the ability to dream is left and right to brag about this ability.

Only those whose lives intertwined with the OS and was a natural ( do not belong to such and remotely) can afford to speak about practice freely.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 14:37
by скептик
Andrey Kabanov
I agree,these devices were not invented by Alexander, and Laberge, but an audio cue in the device entered the Alexander.
In the end, by law if any product does not meet the stated requirements the consumer has the right to take it and get your money back. Regarding audio cues , it is not only sonic but other people asked about them . A clear answer about their effectiveness in Dreastalker Pro no. Everything is in the theory of sound, discussion of formats and nothing more.
sonic reasonably raises the question of research with Dreamstalker Pro although the rest of it and to put it mildly twists.The consumer should know what he buys he will get real results. Must be at least the slightest guarantee that, if the instrument will not disappoint the buyer for a refund. The manufacturer should be at least some sort of responsibility for your goods. I have not only warranty repairs but for those functions for which he is developing the device.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 14:40
by Ловец Снов
Paulumthank you.
Павлум wrote:
Ie if you try to talk about the Dream as such (regardless of myself), the result will be the opposite - the probability the OS will increase.
Can some example of such statements, but I'm not quite sure I understand you correctly.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 14:53
by Александр (разработчик)
скептик wrote:I Agree,these devices were not invented by Alexander, and Laberge, but an audio cue in the device introduced Alexander.
And it is not so. Audio cues were long. Only previously used for this tape recorders or players, as it is done in the instrument SLEEP. But this approach is simply not convenient to users. I really did nothing new, no invention, just conveniently gathered in a single structure all that is needed.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 15:16
by Павлум
Dream Catcher

Ie, talking to a friend about recently read the book the Tibetan yoga of dreams, or listening to a lecture or read the Laberge book on OS, in short, all that concerns the subject and not cartridges yourself. It just goes about the development of the intention to Dream the vsledsvy of mindfulness about the subject (I am what I eat).

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 15:51
by ка2009
Alexander (developer)
How the display shows an insufficient level of charge of the battery?
In the evening after turning PRO showed all fine, but at night went out completely, not yet changed the batteries. Thank you.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 16:29
by скептик
You are the first filipowski in MP-3 format.
Don't think I'm defending him , but Sonic there was at least some arguments on the basis of which he made his conclusions. I admit they can be wrong .And he shared them. You have to make any conclusions no reason. All this is to put it mildly, not very pleasant looks. How can you make a conclusion about the success or failure of the practice assets, if the people practicing even the OS can't share my success in the practice of the OS, not to "jinx it". You are a telepath or you are friends with the universal Mind?
In addition we should not forget about such criteria as repeatability and reproducibility which accompany any more or less scientific idea or discovery.
I'm waiting for reasoned i.e. based on the results of the conducted research the answers. If you again are only emotional outbursts, accusations of God knows what or postulates you should believe because you should believe, ie "water" Better not say anything.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 16:41
by Dimas
Alexander help and suggest to the friends who long and successfully practiced by the OS, including using different "Damerow". Alexander is a man who very successfully IMPLEMENTED our ideas, for which we are immensely Blagodarny. No criteria of reproducibility (documentary ) can not be here because the device is not a medical and is designed for specific purposes, for a narrow circle potrebitelei.
You ask these questions to the manufacturers of other such devices, or only we receive this honor? Anyway - very pleased, Thank You very much. Yes, we before releasing the instrument was tested on 20 people, 14 of whom received OS in the first week and a half. Unfortunately to get it on video and be certified by natarius we somehow fantasy is not enough, so I have to believe in the word. Earlier this was not written just because we do not have documents confirming such nevidimost :)
I do not see sense more to distract Alexander from work, these organizational questions can ask the administrators and moderators of this forum. To the developer and programmer Alexander technical questions, if you do not understand how what and where to turn on and off.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 16:56
by Андрей Кабанков
The problem is that the Squeaker as the tooltip works but the MP3 file is not sucked from the finger.
Well,you do not like your voice as a hint,write down instead squeak.
Of course before you invest in a batch of instruments,and the party is several hundred pieces we were convinced that not throwing money down the drain.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:15
by скептик
In fact, the reproducibility, I did not mean the results from friends and people practicing OS , and independent people .Relatively speaking - they are on the drum will be the result which is expected from them or not.So the purity of the experiment you could not. :cry:
I do not belittle the merits of Alexander-well , that have the brains to make such devices :ay.
DemAs, just as these people were not afraid to share your successes?Yes, and You also do not look afraid. And how "evil eye"
I have the feeling that You're trying to save a sinking ship. As the argument to put it mildly , not quite correct data from which it is impossible to draw reliable conclusions. But for being honest ,thank you!

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:21
by скептик
Such questions I ask often, mostly when something buy. Do not think that when you buy ask how many people passed the test, etc. of I. p. , but the technical data I'm at least looking in the user manual or the data sheet. If something is not clear ask the seller. Not because I'm boring , but because I pay money and I want to pay the money not for the cat in the bag, but for a real product that meets my requirements 100%.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:23
by Павлум

I suggest you clearly define the purpose of your questions.

In other words, you're going to buy a device, hell, or not?! :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:29
by Dimas
Are You sure that person is absolutely not familiar with the theme of the OS will agree to wear this mask and sleep in it? :) I highly doubt it. These were people interested and willing to practice OS.
These people knew nothing about the "cockroaches" experienced osivtsi, so was not afraid.
We are a developing company that finances the latest developments and updates of already existing in the field of self-discovery. Your senses fail You, ship we not saving, on the contrary, increasing the fleet. And in this case the correct data is a personal experience and not written or proven someone. Thank you for notice our honesty, we will continue to try to match Your estimation.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:34
by Dimas
скептик wrote:demAs
Such questions I ask often, mostly when something buy. Do not think that when you buy ask how many people passed the test, etc. of I. p. , but the technical data I'm at least looking in the user manual or the data sheet. If something is not clear ask the seller. Not because I'm boring , but because I pay money and I want to pay the money not for the cat in the bag, but for a real product that meets my requirements 100%.
Technically in this device, everything is performed 100%. Then it all depends on Your discipline and desire.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:35
by скептик
How to buy the product if I don't know what I'm buying. In the advertising touting I don't believe. I need reasoned arguments and facts from independent people and not simply, maybe will work, maybe not. All that while forum-zazyvalochka. Here arguments from interested persons or persons previously practivally work with similar devices is not acceptable.

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 17:40
by Dimas
скептик wrote: Paulum
How to buy the product if I don't know what I'm buying. In the advertising touting I don't believe. I need reasoned arguments and facts from independent people and not simply, maybe will work, maybe not. All that while forum-zazyvalochka. Here arguments from interested persons or persons previously practivally work with similar devices is not acceptable.
I have the feeling that You have visited us from another planet. Than You brush your teeth, wash clothes, wipe, cough..excuse me, are You wearing clothes of the 18th century, what products give preference to? Do all the independent reviews consumers???
"It is impossible to live in society and be free from it..." (V. I. Lenin)