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Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 14:48
by Андрей Патрушев
Download from the cloud
Now already for anybody not a secret that emotional state affects memory and ability to remember different information. For example, when you have a good mood, you are more likely to evoke good memories. When you are angry, you are more likely to remember situations in which you felt angry. And Vice versa - is much harder to get access to these angry memories, when you feel calm and deeply relaxed. It's called "emotionally related memory".

Thus, during the exam preparation you can be calm and peaceful, for example, listening to soothing music. However, the emotional atmosphere in the exam can be very different from that in preparation, so that this difference can significantly affect the ability to timely recall the necessary information.

At the same time, on the exam, of course, so no need to go somewhere in the area to calm down and deeply relax. Stress causes production of adrenalin and epinephrine in small amounts very helps to activate all reserves of the body, including memory. But this activation can only happen at a certain – not too low and not too high level of adrenaline in the blood.

The optimal level of adrenaline in the blood in combination with externally-oriented trance state combine to give as the Maximum potential.

The state of Maximum opportunity, of course, does not negate preparation for the exam and other factors. Because in order to succeed on the exam you still need to have developed skills of perception and assimilation of information, as well as a good ability to Express their great knowledge, both orally and on paper.

However, not rarely it happens that a man with a great knowledge and skills, due to excessive excitement passes the exam is much worse than their capabilities. Thus, besides the usual preparation for the exam it is very important to prepare for it psychologically.

One of the useful and effective methods of psychological preparation is to picture myself (from the side, as on the screen) freely and confidently Express their knowledge on the exam. This provides the Association with an exam and successful recollection of the desired information.

The next thing you need to understand what the exam is a continuation of your training. In life do not have time to get into a situation similar to the intensity of emotions and responsibility for the exams.

When you pass the exam is first of all communication, so it is not superfluous to the establishment of normal human relations with the examiner.

During a session, you enter a special state of deep relaxation of mind and body. This Wellness and refreshing break during the exam preparation is very useful because when you are deeply relaxed, your brain learns better that you have studied. And your subconscious mind carefully sorts the information and stores it in special centers, long-term memory of your brain.

Thus, this session aims to even the environment itself and the emotional tension of the exam provided you the activation of your beautiful memory and the state of maximum potential.

PS In order to enter into the SMV before the exam, you need to sleep properly and do not use sedatives.

PS To hear the voice Навигатор1 should be ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=4149">pereproshit on version 1.2or above. Highly recommend version 2.11and the owners Навигатора2 version 3.12

Save a combined session in a special folder (SES_SPEC) on the drive in Pathfinder. To find and run a combined session in the Navigator, select:
Navigator 1: Training\extra modes\Combe. session;
Navigator 2(green): Player\Combe. session of the csp.

Before class and after it is helpful to drink at least half a Cup of clean water.

On the absolute the majority of your even not asked questions :) you can find satisfactory answers in "Guide to disks".<

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 15:19
by Максим Данилушкин
Andrey Vadimovich, it is impossible for cloud storage to spread such news? Download Master uploaded something, but I know that's not it, because the size is about 100 Kb. And the very Melrose cloud I have not even opened in the browser. Assume that the download Manager from this store will be powerless something to upload, and the regular loader use is not possible. :ap

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 15:39
by Андрей Патрушев
Maxim Danilushkin
Strange... :? I have all the "flies", literally, in contrast to the same Yandex-disk. Uploaded on the website (see link at the end of my first message examen.rar).

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:34
by Максим Данилушкин
Thank You, Andrey Vadimovich. have Downloaded. We have certain characteristics speed connection in Magadan. :ay

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 9:37
by Воффка
How to use session? Just before the exam, or 15 15?

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 10:04
by Андрей Патрушев
15 through 15.
Immediately before the exam better not to use it. If you really want, somewhere, day two or three.

Re: Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:50
by Андрей Патрушев
This meditation is useful for not only passing academic exams. As I said, in life we have to overcome various situations that liability and intensity of emotions will not yield to any difficult exam. This important event and presentations, negotiations and submission of projects fighting the same banal street fight, etc etc.. And no matter how you prepared, as the maximum capacity greatly increases your chances of success.
The secret of a successful self-hypnosis – the maximum muscle relaxation and fixed attention. The easiest way to do it, focusing on the text and doing all that it says. Release your creative imagination and get (pretend) every emotion and feeling, about which it says, mentally participating in the proposed action and scenarios. If the imagination while very tight, it makes sense to practice first on basic autogenic training.
Above I have given the description of the actions leading to the fastest results. However, you can just listen to the voice, occasionally plunging into the dreams and surfacing back. You can even completely fall asleep – due to special suggestions, the effect is not lost. The hearing person continues to function even in a deep coma. The only question is the access to knowledge thus obtained, but access to the skills and experience happens automatically under the control of your subconscious.
Posture – any (preferably half-sitting, relying on soft cushions).
Regardless of the date of your exam, it is recommended to listen to the standard course: 21 times, with a break of no more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time). Then, just before the exam, in the days allotted for training, use this meditation as a daily rest in preparation.
Time of meditation 72 minutes.

Exam perfectly! - combined session (MTK)

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 2:22
by митек
be so kind to re-upload the file. It is not readable.

Thank you!