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Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 17:00
by Шалтай Балтай
Added session.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 12:28
by Шалтай Балтай
In first post added "How to work with SP"

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 17:37
by Экко
the computer 20 Hz is the minimum.
in theory, like the way it is, 20-20000hz, but in practice the minimum is 0 Hz and the upper bound is significantly above 20,000 Hz.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:10
by Смелый
Humpty, thanks a lot for the posted session. Today got to them. Downloaded 15 minutes on chakras, ran through the comp all seven on audio Target. Played in turn. That is so cool. The device works on the situation, simultaneously pumping goes.
Thank you!
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:22
by Шалтай Балтай
Today I made a new session.
only 49 pieces.
the other day I hope to appear on the website

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:31
by Андрей Кабанков
49 sessions in files (37мб).

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:50
by Смелый
Андрей Кабанков wrote:
49 sessions in files (37мб).
Andrew, how much did it all weigh? Started pumping at work, not checking in FlashGet, as there weight. Rushed, drugged 253 MB only 51%. Had to stop, because there will be obvious problems. And will have to download another time. Elsewhere.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:49
by Андрей Кабанков
I sent Vladimir Nikonov file 37 MB,don't know why such a volume...

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:08
by Шалтай Балтай
actually MP3 700Mb there somewhere
how will he shrank 37 I don't know.
I would not put in one file and all 49 - as it was done originally.
you just put links I'll do

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:46
by Смелый
Шалтай Балтай wrote:actually there on MP3 700Mb somewhere
how will he shrank 37 I don't know.
I would not put in one file and all 49 - as it was done originally.
Well, Yes, perhaps it would be better. Everyone shakes what he needs at the moment.
By the way, thanks again for the tracks of the chakras. Pumped third day. Start with the Muladhara and Svadhishthana, then again, Svadhisthana and down to Muladhara. Again, Muladhara and back up again. Make two turns for 7 hours. Sitting, burning like an oven.
Whether there will be.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:51
by Шалтай Балтай
be careful
not in a hurry. and then just sustanence.
IMHO there's a lot more to feel and redirect the flow.

I during a heat wave where-that a month and a half chasing the chakras.
Thought already full adaptation has occurred.
Then turned on Kundalini....
After 2 hours, I had to disable... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 11:34
by Смелый
Шалтай Балтай wrote:careful
not in a hurry. and then just sustanence.
IMHO there's a lot more to feel and redirect the flow.

I during a heat wave where-that a month and a half chasing the chakras.
Thought already full adaptation has occurred.
Then turned on Kundalini....
After 2 hours, I had to disable... :)
Seven hours - two full turns. It is at work. In the evening to turn on - makes no sense. Do not go to sleep. The feeling is, you can't even see which track is spinning.
And the shift is of great importance in life. For example, you need to sort out the issue with the person who is not very inclined to agree with you. But the time for conversation is. Exclude Muladhara and Sahasrara, with the rest of the experiment. Begin to drive flow of energy from each chakra in turn on the other. And watching him. And at some point, and you have an contact. For example, you at this point, the output stream of visuddhi, and the source is revived and becomes is to you. So he too is included Vishuddha. There are a lot of chances are that your interview will end positively for you. If does not help, then the universal Anahata has a lot. Stronger thread, you can purposefully direct the flow to the center of the breast companion. Continue the conversation and the person you dobreet.
By the way, it is possible to preheat the source of the outbound stream from Anahata. To submit it to the phantom in front of him and to send its outbound flow of energy from Anahata in the center of his chest. Try it, and see interesting results.
Good luck to everyone!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:27
by Шалтай Балтай
well, what can I say....
the process has begun. az

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 13:09
by Андрей Кабанков
Шалтай Балтай wrote:actually there on MP3 700Mb somewhere
how will he shrank 37 I don't know.
Archiver RAR

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 13:36
by Новик
Andrey Kabanov
The file weighs in at 490 MB :(

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 14:30
by Шалтай Балтай
Новик wrote:the RAR Archiver
actually there written ZIP
Новик wrote:File weighs in at 490 MB
This is more like it

759 914 928 bytes in 50 files

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 15:07
by Владимир Никонов 2
Have peresekaet in rar really shrank to 30.5 Mb

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 15:44
by Маг.нет
Шалтай Балтай wrote:gave a new session.

only 49 pieces.
These include sessions of the previous list (0-10 Hz)?


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 15:53
by Шалтай Балтай
Маг.нет wrote:They include the sessions of the previous list (0-10 Hz)?

Code: Select all

000.5.mp3 005.5.mp3 032.mp3 070.mp3 140.25.mp3 221.23.mp3 794.mp3
001.mp3 005.mp3 033.mp3 072.mp3 141.27.mp3 247.mp3 880.mp3
002.5.mp3 007.83.mp3 035.mp3 083.mp3 144.72.mp3 250.mp3
003.4.mp3 008.3.mp3 038.mp3 098.mp3 147.85.mp3 272.mp3
003.5.mp3 012.3.mp3 040.mp3 108.mp3 183.58.mp3 384.mp3
004.5.mp3 020.mp3 055.mp3 111.mp3 194.71.mp3 420.82.mp3
004.mp3 022.mp3 062.mp3 126.22.mp3 207.36.mp3 494.mp3
005.25.mp3 025.mp3 063.mp3 136.1.mp3 211.44.mp3 698.mp3

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 20:08
by Маг.нет
A tremendous field of study... a Good "transport" of thought forms... Adding different "quality" (algorithms changes) of different stones, get effective magical machine with a clear "IOS" (monopolista crystals).
Thank you!


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 20:51
by Маг.нет
Compliance with the frequency of vibration of stones, the frequency of vibration of the chakras.
1. Muladhara - Ruby, Pyrite, Garnet, Hematite, any red stone.
2. Svadhistana - Coral, Korneol, moonstone, Fire opal, any orange stone.
3. Manipur Yellow Topaz, Yellow Jasper, Tiger's eye, any yellow stone.
4. Anahata Emerald, jade, aventurine, rose quartz, any pink or green stone.
5. Vishuddha - Turquoise, Blue tiger's eye, any blue stone.
6. Ajna - Amethyst any purple stone.
7. Sahasrara - Diamond, Alexandrite, any white or lilac stone.


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:33
by Смелый
Шалтай Балтай wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:They include the sessions of the previous list (0-10 Hz)?

Code: Select all

000.5.mp3 005.5.mp3 032.mp3 070.mp3 140.25.mp3 221.23.mp3 794.mp3
001.mp3 005.mp3 033.mp3 072.mp3 141.27.mp3 247.mp3 880.mp3
002.5.mp3 007.83.mp3 035.mp3 083.mp3 144.72.mp3 250.mp3
003.4.mp3 008.3.mp3 038.mp3 098.mp3 147.85.mp3 272.mp3
003.5.mp3 012.3.mp3 040.mp3 108.mp3 183.58.mp3 384.mp3
004.5.mp3 020.mp3 055.mp3 111.mp3 194.71.mp3 420.82.mp3
004.mp3 022.mp3 062.mp3 126.22.mp3 207.36.mp3 494.mp3
005.25.mp3 025.mp3 063.mp3 136.1.mp3 211.44.mp3 698.mp3
Not for cunning. Does this mean that code 698.mp3 is a sound with a frequency of 698 Hz? Or 136,1 is the frequency 136,1 Hz?
With respect!

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:58
by Маг.нет
Смелый wrote:698.mp3 is a sound with a frequency of 698 Hz? Or 136,1 is the frequency 136,1 Hz
Yes... But what for what purpose to use, here:
the Frequencies below 1 Hz
0.30 – 0.15 mood Elevator, in the case of depression
0.5 Hz Stimulation of the entire brain. Quite a relaxing effect, especially on the lower back and head. The energy of the thyroid gland, reproductive organs, stimulation of the functions of metabolism.

1 Hz – 10 Hz
1 Hz wellbeing, stimulation of secretion for growth hormone, helps gain an overall perspective on relationships, especially regarding harmony and balance.
2.5 Hz Relaxation. The release of endorphins.
3 Hz-Increased reaction.
3.4 Hz sound sleep.
3.5 Hz Feeling of unity with others, the study of foreign languages, the high level of perception.
4-6 Change of attitude and mindset.
4-7 Theta waves: memory, imagination, creative thinking, creativity, intentions, dreams, direction change thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.
The above two settings represent the range between 4-6, and 4-7 Hz, respectively.
I suggest to use a radiant panel (stick pad), a pendulum and other devices operating on the basis of the ideomotor interaction to accurately set the required frequency for You.
4Hz Extrasensory perception, observation at a distance, improves memory, strengthen the body, quick recovery after physical exertion.
4.5 Hz, the sleep State, the shamanic perception, the brightness of the imagination.
4.6 Hz Emotional impulsiveness.
4.9 Hz-Introspection, relaxation, meditation, deep sleep.
5 Hz Learning ability innovative solutions to the problems.
5.25 Hz Vivid imagination, clear images.
5.5 Hz the Acquisition of super-knowledge, realization of the necessary growth and proper direction of the spiritual self-determination, readiness for spiritual development.
5.75 Hz Improves the ability of creative thinking
5.8 Hz-Reduce fear, a state of disunity.
6.0 Hz consolidate long-term memory.
6.3 Hz Positive impact on the mental and astral projection, observation at a distance, abilities to foreign languages, improve memory.
6.5 Hz Accelerated learning.
6.75 Hz peace of mind.
6.88 Hz Mental balance and peace of mind.
7.0 Hz-Mental and astral projection, telekinesis.
7.5 Hz-Creativity, focus on your inner world, the knowledge of the "purpose" of life, creative thinking, enhances communication with spirit guides, contributes to immersion in meditation, lucid dreams.
7.83 Hz Earth, earthiness, Kumanovski resonance, the resistance to control of consciousness, accelerated learning, resistance to stressful situations.
8-10 Hz, the Acquisition of new knowledge.
8.0 Hz, Appeal to past experience, the state of hypnosis, reducing stress and anxiety, deep relaxation, communication with past lives.
8.3 Hz Mental imagination, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception.
9.0 Hz-awareness of causes of body imbalance, easy ways to balance.
9.16 Hz Improved conflict resolution skills.
9.5 Hz the Ability to understand a variety of information.
9.6 Hz Average dominant frequency associated with earth's magnetic field, relaxes the face (lotions).
10 Hz-Enhanced serotonin release, mood lifting, universally beneficial, counteracts effects of hangover and jet lag body. Frequency mind control Silva.

10 Hz - 20 Hz
10.5 Hz Relaxed wakefulness, total stabilizer, the message of the soul with the mind, the heart chakra.
10.6 Hz Relaxed and alert.
11 Hz Calm and relaxed mindset, mindfulness, stress reduction.
12 Hz Concentration, emotional balance, the moment of transition, the time goes faster, the throat chakra.
12.3 Hz Ability of visualization.
13-30 Hz Relaxed wakefulness.
13 Hz ajna chakra, the ability of visualization and comprehension.
14.1 Hz Alert and focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks, earth frequency, increase intelligence, good for exercise.
15.4 Hz Intellektualnoj the cerebral cortex.
16.4 Hz Chakra of the crown superiority.
20 Hz Overcome fatigue, boost energy. Fitness, stress reduction, mental projection of subconscious (unconscious) of the commands.

20 Hz - 100 Hz
22.0 Hz Astral travel.
25 Hz-Confidence, confidence in sports victories.
27.5 Hz is The lowest frequency in фортепианоМР2.
32 Hz Desensitizer that increases the strength and vigilance.
33 Hz Christ Consciousness, hypersensitivity, pyramid frequency (inside).
35 Hz Awakening of the middle chakras, balance of chakras.
38 Hz endorphin Production.
40 Hz to Gaining control over the decision of difficult situations, especially when the need for immediate action.
50 Hz Reduction of cerebral rhythms.
55 Hz Tantra, Kundalini.
62 Hz the Feeling of physical strength.
63 Hz Astral projection.
70 Hz Mental and astral projection.
72 Hz-Emotional spectrum.
80 Hz Awareness and control of right direction.
83 Hz, some people open the third eye.
90 Hz wellbeing, sense of security, well-being and balance.
98 Hz Hara-the center.

100+ Hz
105 Hz-Overall view of complex situations.
108 Hz Absolute knowledge.
111 Hz-Beta endorphins, cell regeneration.
126.22 Hz The Sun.
136.1 Hz Sun: light, warmth, joy.
140.25 Hz-Pluto: power, turning point and change.
141.27 Hz-mercury: intellectuality, mobility.
144.72 Hz-Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor.
147.85 Hz-Saturn: separation, sorrow, death.
183.58 Hz-Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality.
194.71 Hz-Earth: stability, earthiness.
207.36 Hz-Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality.
211.44 Hz-Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love.
221.23 Hz-Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony.
247 Hz the Feeling of serenity.
250 Hz Exalted and restored.
Hz 272 33rd octave of earth year.
384 Hz Vibration Gurdjieff corresponding to the root chakra.
420.82 Hz-Moon: love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, inner self.
494 Hz Spiritual revival.
523 Hz Fear and panic.
698 Hz a Strong sense of love
794 Hz Powerful strong will
880 Hz has a Rich imagination


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:35
by +ангел
Humpty Baltay hi and what kind of session you have
read More will be able to describe each track
thank you

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 10:40
by Шалтай Балтай
Смелый wrote:For not understanding. Does this mean that code 698.mp3 is a sound with a frequency of 698 Hz? Or 136,1 is the frequency 136,1 Hz?

With respect!
+ангел wrote:Humpty Baltay hi and what kind of session you have
read More will be able to describe each track
thank you
in the pre post answered Your question
All sessions produced by Shingen with a rectangular pulse shape.