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Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 21:01
by Зозерхат
Мультифазовый коррелятор PSI-Е

Backstory opening.
Attempts of human exposure to electromagnetic radiation to produce an unusual and rare psychic abilities are taken for a long time and in many countries. On the Internet there are many references about the use of SHF and EHF radiation. The lack of widely available publications on this topic have generated a lot of myths, legends and horror stories: about psychotronic weapons, remote control zombie, slumber, turning people into super-soldiers, etc.
At the same time, the available data indicate that there is statistically significant evidence that SHF and EHF radiation can contribute to learning skills and techniques of lucid dreaming to change the dreams of people, to make those dreams more vivid, realistic, and faster entry into a meditative state and border States of the psyche, to achieve the accelerated development of psychic abilities and the ability to operate a stream of events, with the aim of imparting the specified vector.
In 2006-2007. in the process of working on a number of research projects in the field of electronics, there are several ranges of EMI frequencies which when integrated and simultaneous human exposure to give an unusual but well-repeatable effects that can be successfully used to treat a range of diseases and pathological conditions, as well as for the qualitative improvement and development of people available psychic and magical abilities.
On the basis of the detected effects of 2006, was developed almost 50 modifications of the devices that have been successfully tested by researchers around the world.
This series of devices has received the name of PSI-E.

How the devices in the PSI-E?
There are many different methods and devices generating electromagnetic radiation in the range of microwave and EHF from spark generators to generators on the basis of transistors of various types, electron tubes, gas discharge devices, impact avalanche transit-time and tunnel diodes, Gunn diodes, crystals pyroelectrical etc.
Regardless of the generation method of EHF extremely strongly absorbed by the surface layer of human skin with a thickness of only 0.01 to 0.1 mm. Therefore, as a rule, in medicine, the use of the devices of the millimeter waves is mainly limited to irradiation BAT (biologically active points). In fact, EHF-therapy has become the modern version of the Chinese acupuncture. Irradiation AMY NOR EHF (electromagnetic radiation of EHF low intensity) the entire surface of the human body ("squares") – it is considered virtually useless and ineffective.
However, the research was able to detect multiple combinations of frequencies in the field of microwave and EHF, the radiation of which can abnormally deeply into the tissue of the human body, including internal organs, brain, affect several body systems, including power structures and formations of the BAT class, meridians and chakras. In fact, we are talking about the same kind of effect Hutchison, but for very high frequencies and tissues of a living organism. What was the most enjoyable and interesting in the manifestation of this effect is the fact that it is easily repeatable at different power AMY from a few milliwatts to a few watts.
There is a real opportunity to influence deep, ancient brain structures of human electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is commensurate with the size of these structures. Naturally, with the amendment and taking into account the dielectric constant of the medium in which they are located.
Peculiarities of generation of microwave and EHF, generators and a series of PSI-E are such that the signals are generated with a set of phase shifts, the number of which reaches several million. But they are not just correlated, but have a functional link that allows the device to exert influence not only on the visible objects of the 3D world (reality), but their invisible (or visible only to the initiated) symptoms and parts that are in Higher Dimensions.
It should be noted that the device is used not just generators, but the generators are working simultaneously as receivers of signals that are generated by the human body, its energy centers, brain, consciousness and their manifestations, which are in the Higher, invisible (or undeveloped) in our Reality dimensions. The principle of operation of generators as receivers is not new, rather has long been known and is widely used in the so-called autodyne contactless fuses aircraft missiles, microwave motion sensors, etc., However, used in the devices PSI-E the principle of operation of such generators/receivers is fundamentally different from the known fact that the generators operate simultaneously and at different frequencies, while not creating mutual interference and false signals. In combination with the original information processing system, using digital filters, math and such used in the experiments of the Princeton laboratory for applied research of anomalous phenomena (PEAR) and the principle of "rabbits Maharishi", managed to implement a rather unusual system of biofeedback (biofeedback) devices PSI-E with a human operator. In fact, we are talking about the fact that there is a direct connection with the consciousness of the human operator. Moreover, this device is completely wireless, non-contact, parametrically adapted and adaptive changes under the influence of consciousness.<


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 21:03
by Зозерхат
What can the devices PSI-E?
It is much easier to say that they can't. It can be said that they did not know how to cook dinner and clean the house. They have a non-aggression Pact and the division of spheres of influence with gas stove and electric stove, a vacuum cleaner, a MOP and a fridge))
But seriously... the range of applications of the instrument are so wide that the sphere and their application limited only by imagination and mental capabilities of the human operator. To develop imagination and mental human capabilities, these devices can completely help.
Just wanted to warn against the comparison of these devices with the "spiritual crutches", as it is very like to do some people who consider themselves, or highly spiritually advanced, or confidently believe that they have extensive knowledge in unfamiliar areas with the right to pass judgement on things previously unfamiliar to them, inaccessible or incomprehensible. Typically, such judgments are expressed by people narrow-minded, limited and stopped in their spiritual development, self-centered, afraid of losing their supposed "spiritual" influence on the adherents or others, to recognize one's own imperfection. And yet... the greedy and envious. Often not having the funds to purchase major appliances and because of this outgoing bile towards creators and owners of really working devices.
However, long-term testing instrument series PSI-E, allow to assert, that they (first) device for achieving inner peace and access of the human operator to the hidden possibilities of the brain and mind. Multi-year tests of the devices by people practicing different meditation techniques show a significant progress in the development of meditation, its acceleration a few times.
Important advantage of the devices PSI-E is the ordering and normalization of the dreams of the person who uses it. They become more meaningful, concise and tangible. Speaking greatly simplified, it ceases to have delusions and nightmares, the dreams become more bright, positive and spiritual.
A significant increase in the percentage precognitive (prophetic) dreams. And remembering the dreams themselves is greatly improved.
It is worth mentioning the facilitation of entry into lucid dreaming. Many people use PSI-E, the dream became controlled... spontaneously without any special efforts and practices.
Many may beg the question: if there is a connection apparatus and human consciousness, is their mutual influence, it is possible to use the PSI-E to enhance mental promises, affirmations, creating preconditions for programming the necessary events? Yes, of course, possible. After all, these devices – quite a powerful device for influencing this and other Realities. You just have to fulfill some simple terms and sequence of actions to ensure that the devices performed the functions of magical tools and mental enhancers.
To facilitate the implementation of some operations in the devices PSI-E is the possibility of management influence on the events or the relationship of events through speaking affirmations into the microphone of the device.
The possibility of installing the microphone, microphone amplifier and firmware appropriate FOR initially in many models.
It is also worth mentioning that devices allow, in varying degrees, to exercise influence on various weather phenomena, to carry out the activation of water, water solutions and products. Yes, just like orgone generators! And even... to facilitate complex and intense business negotiations, as well as to quickly restore power after.
A side effect of regular use of the devices PSI-E is their positive effect on health and overall health. We can confidently assert that they improve the quality of life! In fact, the better health is an added bonus for owners of these devices.

Some of the effects that occur when use of the devices PSI-E:
Improve sleep.
The removal of fatigue.
Increase vision clarity.
Reducing swelling after injury.
Relief of hangover.
Relieve muscle and headaches.
Improvement of cerebral circulation.
Improvement of hematological parameters.
Sedative and antispasmodic effects.
Improvement of adaptive properties of the organism.
Normalization of water-salt balance of the body.
Improvement in short-term and long-term memory.
Acceleration of regeneration of organs and of the skin after injury.

The application of instruments PSI-E improves human performance and reduces the need for sleep and rest (without deterioration of health) when working in extreme conditions.

Based on instruments under development devices, which prevent rendering of unauthorized influence of various non-standard instrumental techniques and NLP on the psyche of the people responsible for decision making, to incline their views to the adoption of certain decisions that are contrary to their moral principles and duties, or criminal in nature.
Инструкция по эксплуатации.zip


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 21:48
by мимоходом
Since you are now a developer very interested to know what the activation of water and understand that water is activated. And then all write about it, but what is interesting...

And about the impact of the weather phenomenon is interesting - the device can produce rain or disperse clouds? If the weather forecast all day the clouds and rain that is visually kind of device it is possible to disperse the clouds and to include the sun? For Peter it would be very helpful, people complain about ))

I really hope that will answer the questions that will be exclusively on the topic, no flood


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 22:21
by Зозерхат
Activation of water by a series of PSI-E is not on those principles that usually show up many of the "activators" (torsion fields, Orgon, chroney, etc.).
I believe that fundamentally it doesn't matter how the water is activated, the result is important. In my understanding, like some researchers of water (and I know some "nedonoshennye" researchers water), when you activate the crushing of the clusters or globules of view H20*n, where n=...81, into smaller clusters, or building them into complex spatial chains, like honeycombs, triangles, etc. M. V. Kurik, with which I am familiar, claims that to see for certain that the water began to contain a fairly small clusters is possible only on the nature of the reflection laser beam from the surface of water. In 1995-1996. I conducted some experiments to determine the activation of water using a sensitive photocolorimetry. Transmittance of a water light with a different wavelength was varied by a few percent. The most representative method is the IR spectrometer. Transmittance spectrum of the IR water activated and water "from the tap" is different.
Also changes the dielectric constant of water. Ie, on the principle of comparison of Epsilon 2 water samples we can draw a simple poisoner, which will show that there is a difference. Alas, in what "parrots" it will be - not so much. The main thing - to see the effect of his presence. A diagram of pocketmeter even published once in the brochure "To help the radio Amateur," as artefacts of a certain circle.
And finally, well see the activation on the example of alcoholic beverages. I do not drink, so we rely on the opinions of "experts" that drinks (as aqueous solutions) change the taste and smell. Assessment is of course subjective, but she has a right to exist. And it is no worse than "visions of the third eye", "hands" or using the "frame". Such methods, even to the organoleptic cannot.
Device, attempts have been made to calm the storm, to reduce precipitation. There is an interesting photo as it formed a ring of clouds where the sun was shining and not raining during a powerful storm. But I specifically this question was not researched and so rarely indulge. It would be interesting if other people have it researched in more detail and leave this ozwy.<


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 22:37
by мимоходом
And a few moments of wondering

1. What is the capacity of SHF or EHF? It is, as I understand it is not directional, and radial (if any terminology is confusing - correct, I'm not a radio technician)?
And if the radiation is strong - it is not "tearing" the cell? Know there is a way to treat tumors through the killing of cells by the beam, entering the cell in resonance... Well, in General, a dangerous thing, will not work as an egg in the microwave? Because thermal output from cells deep in the brain is not given, it heats, then boils, then explodes.

2. What frequency SHF/EHF (or if know-how - at least in the range of plus or minus).

3. Will a double-blind study? It will be profitable, as all who test - buy the device, if it works (maybe even them a discount of some kind will do - for you and profitable for them). More and friends talk, and word of mouth is the best advertising. If I as a tester it need not be considered.

The experiment I propose to do as follows: issue Kabankova 10 seemingly identical devices of which 5 are just dummies, body seal, so testers do not disassemble the device. Kabankov will not know where a device/model that will nakliet labels them and give them to 10 people. Those will test the device for 2 weeks and each person will write a number of opinion Kabankova on all items from weather and water, sleep, headache and so on according to the description. Then the devices are returned to the office, opened and it becomes clear which ones are dummies. And the number reviews with a "device" or "dummy" posted online, natural uncut and uncensored.

If things work out devices as pies go.

4. What is the size of the case?


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 23:52
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:1. What is the capacity of SHF or EHF? It is, as I understand it is not directional, and radial (if any terminology is confusing - correct, I'm not a radio technician)?
And if the radiation is strong - it is not "tearing" the cell? Know there is a way to treat tumors through the killing of cells by the beam, entering the cell in resonance... Well, in General, a dangerous thing, will not work as an egg in the microwave? Because thermal output from cells deep in the brain is not given, it heats, then boils, then explodes.
The radiation is directed. But not a shotgun. Ie, somewhere in the 80-120 degrees from each emitter. These sectors overlap.
In relation to this device it is impossible to talk about power, because pulse is not entirely unambiguous concept. But if you have to talk to the "narrow-minded" level of understanding, it is about a 10-15 mW integrated power in the range from 1GHz to 75ГГц. In addition, the radiation is present the masking signal, which perenaznachen to "facilitate" the life of those who likes to do reverse-engineering other people's devices. It is still about 3-5mW. Ie, can you talk about the power of the order of 20mW. Now it is easy to calculate that this power does not create a heating level. The heating level starts at 100mW/sq. cm of Course, it all depends on the frequency range. Given that their device are several, the power are totally insignificant. In addition, the filtered radiation in microstrip antennas, paratragedy, power is lost and weakened with the passage of the housing, etc. Though! I can say that due to the fact that I know where, what, how and in what combination to emit, the person really "get it" at a distance of 5-10 meters. Although 1-2 m is the most probable range. I did the instruments with the number of generators to 21. inclusive. This also is not achieved the heating level of the incident power. But at a distance of a few meters accidentally hit by a radiation device for a junkie who injected before 5 years... fell instantly asleep. Slept for more than 12 hours, and when I woke up, is already using drugs would not and went to get a job.
мимоходом wrote:2. What frequency SHF/EHF (or if know-how - at least in the range of plus or minus).
The range specified above. Without knowing the algorithm and the model on which calculated values of frequencies in each band... to look for the right combination forever. Even with the power of 10-15 institutions.
мимоходом wrote:3. Will a double-blind study? It will be profitable, as all who test - buy the device, if it works (maybe even them a discount of some kind will do - for you and profitable for them). More and friends talk, and word of mouth is the best advertising. If I as a tester it need not be considered.
I never set a goal to conduct a double-blind study, although I offered to do a medical institution (Institute and Academy), Moscow and St. Petersburg. Much expensive work. Inadequately expensive. The average parameters of UHF transistor, which is suitable for use in this device costs several hundred dollars. There are several pieces. Calculate what you can do "testing".
Although the device appeared 10 years ago as a medical, to develop and explore his "esoteric" way for me is much more interesting. At least, nothing you need to prove to physicians. Presented here are devices are devices of the so-called first generation technology. Now I'm doing the development and research of devices of the 3rd generation. In which the content of the dream and its focus, you can simply dictate through the microphone and record to micro-SD card. And then... to watch this dream. Ie somewhere with some stretch to talk about a new art form.
мимоходом wrote:4. What is the size of the case?
21х84х127мм no protruding buttons.

In fact, we can say that these devices are a modern and creative reinterpretation of the work of rife and Lohovskogo with the performance of generators with solid-state electronics. No "scrap" capacity. Sharpened by application, and esoteric application.<


Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 23:57
by мимоходом
Now I am engaged in the development and study of devices of the 3rd generation. In which the content of the dream and its focus, you can simply dictate through the microphone and record to micro-SD card. And then... to watch this dream. I.e., we can talk about a new art form.
and actually it turns out? For example, all or only you, since you have mastered the OS? There is a barrier to entry of some kind?

In combination with the original information processing system, using digital filters, math and such used in the experiments of the Princeton laboratory for applied research of anomalous phenomena (PEAR) and the principle of "rabbits Maharishi", managed to implement a rather unusual system of biofeedback (biofeedback) devices PSI-E with a human operator. In fact, we are talking about the fact that there is a direct connection with the consciousness of the human operator. Moreover, this device is completely wireless, non-contact, parametrically adapted and adaptive changes under the influence of consciousness.
that's still not very clear... What are some specific sensor, or removed a feedback from the person at a distance of 1-2m? Given the extremely weak electromagnetic field. What a miracle element is able to capture such minuscule radiation?

And, by the way, if there is such a sensor, it is possible to actually visualize the "aura" of contactless at a distance of 1-2m? Including "breakdown" (loose pitch)?


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:06
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:and actually turns out? For example, all or only you, since you have mastered the OS?
It turns out many. Some of it is so striking that people are just scared of what you see in sleep. They are not afraid of nightmares, but realistic dreams themselves and their detail.
мимоходом wrote:What are some specific sensor or removed a feedback signal from the person at a distance of 1-2m? Given the extremely weak electromagnetic field. What a miracle element is able to capture such minuscule radiation?
Electromagnetic field then do with it. And received below the noise level of air possible and is widely used for several decades. A good example is a GPS receiver or system control on the basis of the LoRa transceivers.
мимоходом wrote:you can actually visualize the "aura" of contactless at a distance of 1-2m? Including "breakdown" (loose pitch)?
In my devices there is no sensing of "aura" and interact with it. And what about her "vision", I do not adhere to the generally accepted theory of its visualization and the interpretation of the visualization. If very briefly and roughly, what is called the aura - frail "rendering" on a computer with a weak processor and graphics card, if we talk in terms of IT people. What is clear to every housewife, it does not mean that it looks like this actually has the meaning that invest in it many "advanced" the authors of the books who feels obliged to read every schizophrenic.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:10
by мимоходом
What, then, is removed as feedback, a signal man? Especially contactless...

And how many hours have you tested the device on themselves and on others (the maximum total and maximum continuous time on the individual)?


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:25
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:What, then, is removed as feedback, a signal man? Especially contactless...
Removed your signal. Reflected. And promobladnannya body. It is relatively easy and this method is quite high sensitivity. But I can already "pull" from the reflected signal... this is a separate issue. But I wasn't prepared to answer.
мимоходом wrote:And how many hours have you tested the device on themselves and on others (the maximum total and maximum continuous time on the individual)?
Total thousands of hours (2006). Max continuous was dozens of hours in people who used the devices for the treatment of cancer. In animals and plants, I also felt the instruments. Forced or not forced, but felt. For example, the hedgehog bitten by a Viper in the woods where I live. But... medicine and veterinary medicine, we do not discuss here.
For esoteric applications - enough for 1-2 times a day for 20 minutes.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:27
by мимоходом
well, sounds fair enough... Though there is some confusion about the expressiveness... And where the knowledge you pulled these?
without knowing the algorithm and the model on which calculated values of frequencies in each band... to look for the right combination forever. Even with the power of 10-15 institutions.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:29
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:where knowledge pulled these?
If you say that dream, like Mendeleev, as a result of applying the first samples of the device, believe? :)
But, in addition, I completed 2 graduate school. One defended. Just to interesting signal processing algorithms in the military microwave electronics.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 0:34
by мимоходом
what did not happen ))) Well, I guess the best test will be the elimination of headaches and lucid dreaming. We'll wait for reviews from those who buy it... But then people used to write reviews in the style of "itching left heel after 2 hours and 13 minutes after turned on the set, and an hour later fell and broke the glass, it's something, thank you for everything!!!"


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:21
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:the best criterion of the work would be to remove the headache and lucid dreaming
About some things, I think, not say. For example, that women when the STB orgasm more vivid. :oops:


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:23
by мимоходом
here only confuses that the device is "from all" or "for all". For such money still orgasm was not )))


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:26
by мимоходом
However, in the process of research managed to find a few combinations of frequencies in the field of microwave and EHF, the radiation of which can abnormally deeply into the tissue of the human body, including internal organs, brain, affect several body systems, including power structures and formations of the BAT class, meridians and chakras. In fact, we are talking about the same kind of effect Hutchison, but for very high frequencies and tissues of a living organism. What was the most enjoyable and interesting in the manifestation of this effect is the fact that it is easily repeatable at different power AMY from a few milliwatts to a few watts.
There is a real opportunity to influence deep, ancient brain structures of human electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is commensurate with the size of these structures. Naturally, with the amendment and taking into account the dielectric constant of the medium in which they are located.
Here is another bother. As is known, the wave can bend around obstacles, comparable to its length. If the millimeter wave, it can penetrate a millimeter. And Wikipedia confirms it in respect of EHF-therapy ... 0%B8%D1%8F

Then how does the radiation reaches deep brainstem structures of the brain, especially affecting the upper


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:31
by Зозерхат
It's not "only". He is "for". For understanding the world and ourselves. Tool. It took me a very long time to understand it. But this is perfectly consistent, and scientific explanation. Alas, they pull or new creed or a new conceptual and ideological theory. So not much like would be premature to go into this.
And by "all" is a "coil Mishina" and DETA :lol:
мимоходом wrote:And Wikipedia confirms it in respect of EHF-therapy
Disappoint Wikipedia: I have no EHF-therapy. The so-called "triplet of radioprogramas" Wikipedia is not heard and can not hear. Too obscure and narrow direction. Publications there is no clear and systematized. And their achievements in this direction I have not published and do not intend to publish. "This cow is needed most" (C).


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:41
by мимоходом
And their achievements in this direction I have not published and do not intend to publish.
This is understandable, but purely out of interest I want to ask, you expect to earn on their devices and carry these combinations of frequencies in the grave? Or before his death to publish and make combinations together with the theory of the public domain, having become history as the second Tesla with the appropriate cable rumors? Or you have escaped from carefully guarded military laboratory, and now sit in the forest with hedgehogs and disclosed the secrecy? Really quite unusual you write about the radio transparency triplet found a reference, but do nothing concrete...

About the weather just sounds really strange, given the weak radiation power.

So, in theory, looks nice - stimulation by radio waves stem structures of the brain, and even the microwave in the microwave... But almost a kind of fiction, especially that brains not fried ))) let's See what the buyers say


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:43
by Зозерхат
Alas, the earnings on these devices I the weather does. Although, come periodically interesting offers. Mostly from overseas. But small some. They do not interrupt what I get from the development and production of microwave electronics to a purely earthly (and not only) applications.
I'm in the story do not aspire to enter. Vanity is a bad and useless thing. All great things need to be done quietly and calmly. I don't advertise. Why? And medical-esoteric explorations just for the soul. A tribute to former Hobbies.
мимоходом wrote:radio waves stimulation of stem structures of the brain, and even the microwave in the microwave
Not quite waves and not quite stem, fundamentally speaking strictly. And in the microwave microwave magnetron has a power of about 1 kW. Alas, it is in a pocket will not put and the battery is not energized. A good example of that power in the unit is really very small, that's as far as the charge accumulational battery. And it is enough... more than 70 20-minute sessions. If you turn on daily for 20 minutes before bedtime, for 2 months the device still will not sit down. Checked. So that you can travel to take.
мимоходом wrote:About the weather just sounds really strange, given the weak radiation power.
"By bending the branches you can see the body of the wind" (Lao Tzu).


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:52
by мимоходом
But this is quite consistent and strictly scientific explanation. Alas, they pull or new creed or a new conceptual and ideological theory. So not much like would be premature to go into this.
that is, over time, will lead a branch with a description of new philosophical theory?


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 18:12
by Хорошо
мимоходом wrote:that is, over time, will lead a branch with a description of new philosophical theory?
Зозерхат wrote:"This cow is needed most" (C).
but of course I wonder if such a small capacity UHF/EHF give effects it is possible to imagine the action waitinig routers and their ilk


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 22:13
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:that is, over time, will lead a branch with a description of new philosophical theory?
What's the point? To listen to on their own a few dozen "authoritative" opinions of readers of the Bhagavad Gita/Torah/Papasov/Vereshagina/Castanet/Hey/Krainov? I need it?
Хорошо wrote:hardly
You are absolutely right!
Хорошо wrote:if such a small capacity UHF/EHF give effects it is possible to imagine the action waitinig routers and their ilk
True. Modern Wi-Fi routers have pretty decent power outputs of hundreds of milliwatts per channel. And, moreover, their frequencies coincide with the frequencies of operation of magnetrons for microwave ovens. 2450mhz is the frequency of resonance of water molecules. My experiments show that the presence of Wi-Fi in the house negatively affects the "vision" for lucid and prophetic dreams. Although I am not a supporter of conspiracy theories, but Wi-Fi, in my opinion, the real trouble of the modern world. If to speak about a purposeful dulling of psychic abilities people.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 22:17
by мимоходом
then these do not usual ))) the forum is a Club of Self-development created for these purposes. Each author sets out his vision, and the rest read. Or don't read.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 22:24
by Зозерхат
мимоходом wrote:Each author sets out his vision
I'm not one to drag behind the ears in a Bright Future. I simply do not have time to educate followers. "Guru" and so missing here. Let him work out the language and marking keys the attention of followers to themselves, once they need it. Some tasks speak and noodles on the ears hang, and I have to do practical things. I'm not with them along the way.


Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 23:39
by мимоходом
About EMR exposure on several articles:

1. Radioson - and ... 0%BE%D0%BD
Yellow article about EM weapons ... age-3.html interest is the euthanasia of human beings by AMY (one of the described cases)
"it became a common knowledge test installation "Radioson" in the military unit 71592, where this installation was created (district of Novosibirsk). The report of this trial were presented at the Institute of Radioengineering and electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences. The inventors called the report "the Impact on biological objects modulated electrical and electromagnetic pulses"...
After graduating, G. A., "the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency on biological objects and human", Kyiv – 2006

"A stadium, a concert hall or a military unit, acting psychotronic weapons, impose a 10-minute NAP".
After graduating, G. A., "the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency on biological objects and human", Kyiv – 2006

"If the machines "Radioson" to put on the satellites, you can not only incapacitate any country, but it is possible to impose on any people any information. Source hypnotibility more than 30% of the population enough to make the devices "Radioson" night time was able to discreetly handle any information exactly a third of the population of the whole country!"
President of the Kiev club of hypnotists V. M. Kandyba
When exposed to radio waves of a meter or decimeter range in the electrical activity of the brain of animals you can observe the appearance of slow oscillations of biopotentials, often accompanied by slowing of the heart rate and slowing respiration. The researchers observed also the brake changes in the body in the study of permanent magnetic fields, ultrahigh magnetic fields, etc.
Using the antenna of special design and solenoid, and fuel their generators voltages, universal electroimpulses of WAI-1(setting of the frequency, the duration of the magnetic pulse and the shape of the ripple), we have created a space shielded camera slozhnosochlenennogo electromagnetic field(EMF) with a constant high-frequency component of 5-6 GHz. The output is formed by a magnetic pulse prjamougolny form. The modulation index is 0.8. The experiments were carried out on 10 cats with chronically implanted electrodes in the somatosensory and visual area of the cerebral cortex. In the study of the action of various frequencies, durations and intensities of modulated oscillations on animals was obtained decelerated according to its physiological characteristics that approximate to natural sleep. Already in the second minute of exposure individually chosen loginmodulename EMF developed deceleration, which was manifested in the slowing of the rhythmic activity of the heart from 130 to 80 beats\min.; respiration rate was urials to 11-12 respiratory movements per minute. On electrocorticogram was observed fusiform activity with a frequency of 14 Hz, then turning at a slower vibrations of a frequency of 8-9 Hz. Animal premalo more comfortable sleeping position and fell asleep. All physiological parameters were recorded on the oscilloscope slavnom N-102 through the amplifier system of the type UBNK-V.
Analysis of the results showed that Selenomethionine EMF has a specific narcotic action, if you are using a relatively weak field of 100-200 oersteds, a frequency modulated oscillations of 5 Hz, a duration of the magnetic pulse, 10 msec. These characteristics EMFs are average they have a smaller deviation. Brake changes in the brain, autonomic nervous system, suggest a pre-emptive action slozhnosochinennyh EMFs on the Central nervous system.

Ban'kov, V. I., Sverdlovsk
Proceedings of the Symposium "Sleep and its disorders", Moscow 1972.
2. Section "Clinical and physiological consequences of chronic effects on the human body AMY low intensity" for radiation in the region of 3-5mW ... anie.shtml
there is the list of consequences is very long and no positive

I repeat, do not rule out that your device works and gives a bonus. Described everything very clearly. Concerns about safety and lack of adverse effects. And, given that it is actually entering into a trance with the installation of hypnoprogrammed person - that can be misused (as in good). This fear could dispel your concept but to present it you don't want... In General, if we take the electromagnetic field for the subtle world, the device acts on the human aura directional beams, punching her. To justify why it's good would be nice.

PS still here... I thought after the first review was heard... but no, not really<