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Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 20:30
by Арт Мак
First, about the terminology. Artifact (lat. artefactum from arte — artificial + factus — made) in the usual sense — any artificially created object, the product of human activity (Wikipedia).
Of course, any creation of man can be considered an artifact. And creation is brimming with energy man. Therefore, using this phenomenon to purposefully it can be made the subject of specific properties. So, the subject of cults, various sacred relics are considered to be endowed with mystical properties due to the fact that they are carriers of certain energetic qualities that have given their creators. Interested in the opinion of Vladimir Nikonov, according to which the artifact is a product of human transformation of the natural Givens (e.g., precious metal) in a material thing (quote) "through physical, mental, etc. energy activity, active consciousness, thoughts, physical body, using his knowledge, understanding and skills, as well as life experience.
Therefore, we can say that the created Artifacts carry Meaning invested in it by the Creator of the Artifact, or in other words, Artifacts have structure factors inherent in their creation. This structure is not much is not enough - the materialization of thoughts or an excellent medium for thought. Any Artifacts are distinguished from natural phenomena that created with the participation of active consciousness, which they materialized.
Behind every Artifact is a Creator. This may be a scientist, writer, sculptor, master, etc.
Consequently, the Artifact is not a material product, but a materialized thought of the Creator of the object, giving a special meaning (the essential plan) subject in the moment of creation. In fact, the Artifact is a material object to access a different reality, created by the wizard. We can say that essentially the semantic value of the images formed is made the subject of certain properties in the mind of the Creator of the Artifact that represent the phenomenon of creative materialization of the plan. Misterpeabody diversity of meaningful worlds, or other realities that are implemented in various Artifacts can be of considerable interest, for people looking for something more than the material of everyday reality"(end of quote).
The idea modificirovat the Canon of Changes I-Ching came to me in 2010. The beginning was created the correlative system between Hexagrammes of the I Ching. and notes(elected diatonic system), and then created a musical sequence, subsequently announced. In the same year, the innovation with the characteristics of the opening was registered in the patent Agency and on its basis created a basic piece of music with resonance-the harmonizing properties of "Symphony of change". In the same year were published the first two of the album, marked the beginning of the movement of the author's art-n-science, and representing his musical series under the same title – "Symphony of changes" ("The Synphony of Changes"). For the implementation of the innovation project was created for the Magical Mystery Orchestra (Konstantin Magical Mystery Orchestra) and a proprietary label-free AMA-Records (now WizardMusuc). In the subsequent six-year period, the project has received intellectual support in the form of two publications scientific monograph "Music genome" in the book "the gold Seal of the Creator" and more close to the topic of the book "Musical matrix of the Universe" ("Golden section",Penza, 2011). This book was presented to the dissertation defense, the Indian Council of Alternative Medicine (Kolkata), assigning to the author the degree of doctor of philosophy in alternative medicine (PhD.A.M.) in the section "healing therapy". In a series of 6 today officially released music albums full Studio-quality (format waw (cdr).
More information can be obtained from the above-mentioned books, which are appropriate structures officially implemented in the Internet in digital form.
But back to the topic of artifacts in General, artifacts and music in particular.
With regard to studies, artifact is defined as any artificially created by the media socio-cultural information, life-notional values, a means of communication; a subject of culture in the three main spheres of existence: material culture, spiritual, human relations.
In fact, the ancient Chinese I Ching, which is now well known, is an encoding of the basic algorithm all processes in the Universe. This is eloquently confirmed by the fact that 64 of its symbol, the hexagram, known to civilization about three thousand years correspond to the genetic dictionary of a person, created by Watson and Crick in 1954. By submitted by Martin Schonberger the late 20th century. The owl And Ching studied Leibniz and, there is information, this has created a binary number system. Subsequently appeared the binary code as the basis of the operating system of your computer.
Thus, the I Ching fits in with the cultural notion of the artifact as an object having certain physical characteristics, and iconic, symbolic content. But, because of its universality of the I Ching can be considered a kind of global ("basic") artifact. And his superhuman authorship (attributed to the Emperor Fu XI, the demiurge of Chinese civilization).
Using the genetic code of the person is inscribed in the fractal system of the Universe. This is his "image and likeness", the explanation of the concept of Maya is _ people as"the root of the universe", in this demonstration of the Law of Similarity of Hermes
Trismegistus – "as above, so below. For the miracle of unity." In light of this, we can assume that everyone "plays" his own "Symphony of change", which he "writes" throughout life. And different quality product is obtained from each individual in each specific period of life, and in the end this clearly shows the science of astrology (the psychology). So, the man is seen as the Kantian "thing in itself" - a sort of "self artifact".
From the foregoing, understand the importance of the correction is created by a human "self-artifact". The author postulates as a way method of compliance, and as a tool - integrated combination of products of art and science (rational and sensible), why is the movement called "art and science" (with no claim to pioneering). Music therapy in this case is the most typical representative of this path, because it contains in itself both qualities – physical (sound vibration) and psycho-emotional (music, artwork). And the fact that it rusifitsirovan the I Ching, with its matching genetic dictionary is "frame lattice" protein body – evidence in favor of the possibility of resonance effect on the "grid" and indirectly on the body. The point is to help the protein to our body to "remember" a specific Nature (and therefore correct!) the act of self-realization of its fragments and the package as a whole. Yes, this path is seen "rising" from the start from the physical body as in Hatha yoga. But there is also the opposite path, for example, the supramental yoga of Sri Aurobindo. In this case, the role takes on the art – music component of the tool as an optimization tool of consciousness. Both components are designed to work together integrally. Of course, this is sketchy, in fact, everything looks diverse and rational is difficult to comprehend.
More private, each work of healing series "Symphony of change" is a MUSICAL ARTIFACT, respectively, announced in the title of the topic concept. Because essentially corresponds to the above information. And secondly, the author showed creativity, based on the "dumb" grid, frame, created a work of art. Needless to say about the importance of creativity in human life. Creativity – understand how bogotvorit (known Maxim "brush in the hands of the Lord") – that's what makes us human (see, godlike). But it is not necessary to understand creativity in the art of the one – sided- as the prerogative of the Creator of the work. Thereof and the contractor is the Creator, since making it their world, experience all its incarnations and the lives of families, and, with each successive version – new! But most importantly, the viewer (listener), for some reason is commonly taken as a passive factor in the dialogue with the author is actually an active partner, and it is easy to accept without further explanation. Hence, the viewer/listener are co – Creator in the process of dialogue with the author/performer brings with him every time a new version of the work, and most importantly – creating/recreating yourself.
Now the path of "art-n - science" is extended by the author beyond the "Musical I-Ching", the creation of a new musical genre "melodic ambient" music video and a harmonizing orientation.
This essay is posted in the forum topics with the aim to attract the interest of music therapy in General, and to the author's movement in particular, to intelligent creative dialogue might be to research everything that will be useful for people in the aspect of the topic.<


Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 21:07
by раданов
Арт Мак wrote:More information can be obtained from the above-mentioned books, which are appropriate structures officially implemented in the Internet in digital form.
I Ching to the music overlay ,I would not have as much information and to hear the product ,the topic would have went faster it would be something to discuss )


Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 17:50
by Гуфест
Where you can listen to this music,give me a link.


Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2017 17:54
by Гуфест
I think music more range,actava,tonality,etc., change all 64 hexagrams.I wonder how sestili,very.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 16:00
by Хорошо
I understand this from Symphony

these developments seem quite time-tested:
Zadorozhnikov Konstantin Georgievich. A piece of music with resonance-correcting properties "Symphony of changes" ("Musical I-Ching", "Music genome"). GAASP Ukraine. №7479 24.04.2003 from


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 0:45
by Гуфест
I think this is crap,if visualce(video) with a disfigured tree,everything is clear,and the sounds themselves under great doubt.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 0:45
by Гуфест
Maybe it's a fake?


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:47
by Гуфест
Quality visualy there?,so I said to myself after,may,under me and above me beauty,in front of and behind the beauty,be the beauty around me.Is there?