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Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 21:20
by Надежда Лещенко
Lily, I'm not talking about it. The motor is not what is used by people for a long time. And the motor is irrelevant. You have such an amazing oatmeal!
The gravitational field, electrical, electromagnetic, and other fields exist INDEPENDENTLY. They have shared only what is subject to the same laws, and all. Moreover, El-MAGN. field is the smallest field among them. Gravity could easily do without electric. But electric without gravity - doubt.
But what I was saying - part of the motor that people use does not. I'm talking about such an invention as the wheel. Quite a common wheel. The main element of the engine.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 21:35
by Надежда Лещенко
the Analysis of your answers indicates clearly your goal is to create a sect, to make disciples and live on their money. As for me it is parasitism and fraud - not to produce real goods and services, selling the air (imagination, dream) for money. The dream is to be selfless, otherwise you do not understand, having lived 60 years )))
You flattered me. But unfortunately, the wrong address. You better look at those who scored the grandmother, --to bring us luck, success-- by teaching a quick disclosure abilities - they rake in the money without thinking about the safety of their students.
Whether you think in here I never would have been - why? The people here are not susceptible to "sweet"
Oh, and another - everyone judges others by himself. So, you spoke about everything simply and perfectly.
The MAGI are not what you used to think. They do not run and do not cry - ---you Have a gift, you will connect to higher flow--- and so on. What do Teachers of all kinds in the Internet. It is important to gather a bigger audience, sell more expensive, arrange a stir ----Faster, tomorrow will be better, places is short!
And I did not connect. All that talk - very clear and understandable. But usually people only sees what WANTS to see, and not what he is shown. Because you saw me cheating you can see and want to see. Naturally, take offense at you makes no sense to make people need as they are.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 20:59
by Мела
Hello, Hope
In my opinion it is the author will help you to understand
There are a few episodes, and all content deserves attention

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 20:33
by Надежда Лещенко
The funeral of the law of universal gravitation - cool video Thank you for the humor in the video, Mela But unfortunately, I have nothing useful in it is not found. Perepevki, ridicule, and humor. Centripetal force as the force of gravity. And strange attempts to bring the formula. Single universal law of Gravity/Fields has the formula RV2=constant. Derived from the Second law of Kepler.
And no idea about the meaning of centripetal and centrifugal forces

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 21:01
by Надежда Лещенко
Tager , good day!
sorry for the long silence. ------ The question is. What is the other theory of the universe (other worlds) created by thoughts, beliefs and desires of each individual -----
What can I say. I write a little book. different, and artistic, and special, and just so stories.
What is the theory - I don't know. But I know when you create something - a novel, an article, a poem, a picture, music or something else to create a new world. Special. It exists only for the Creator. But sometimes the world begins to prevail, I think that it is called-- and man becomes a slave of his work. He's not just remembers its heroes - he becomes one of them As I say-the roof goes---
This world has an effect on those who touched him - the readers, spectators, observers. And often makes a strong impression on them.
Very dangerous when the work is fantasy-horror. Often the authors themselves are the ones who describe and get into the nuthouse, if not previously killed. Very dangerous also works about MAGIC and MAGICAL skills of the authors. Here often the author loses touch with reality, and himself seems a singular man, a MAGICIAN.
so what fictional worlds have a place. BUT!!!! all these worlds also go into the Noosphere, accumulating a reservoir of collective intelligence. Waiting whose brain is confined to the same concepts as the brain of the author of the fictional world.
Roughly speaking, the NOOSPHERE is the totality of ALL ABSOLUTELY the thoughts of intelligent beings, of all radiations of all living things. And everyone takes from this pantry whatever he liked.
I told everyone in the world is divided arbitrarily into living, nonliving and dead. Between the living and nonliving the only difference is that the live regenerates itself, using the environment and change it as he want (rational beings), or adapt to it - all the rest.
Dead - DEFINITELY something that degrades, cannot keep its shape and way of existence, this includes everything from amoeba, plants, animals and humans, to planets, stars and galaxies, the Universe.<