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Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 22:34
by Андрей Кабанков

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 22:42
by Aura
“U-system” – trenchline system of public (collective) self-development, the essence of which consists in universality, and the basic principle of which is the deployment of individual development in a single field changes. The principle of operation U-the system is simple: there are three basic social archetype, though every person has one dominant (most developed) archetype from the birth (natural or innate reality). The global challenge of self-development is not in the recess in the natural reality, and universality, that is, the development of the least developed from birth qualities.

Three functions U system: Will, Mind, Feelings (this refers to not the emotions, and sensual way of perceiving the world). They correspond to the three types of human personality: a man of Will, a Man of intelligence and a Man of deep Feelings, and the three basic software package: “Sage”, “Warrior” and “Priest”. Of course, that there is a type in pure form. Every time we are dealing with a particular balance and its manifestation in a given situation. In one situation can activate a program of a warrior, another a priest. But we are always dealing with the interaction of these types with each other in any community system. It may be society in General, and the Club of Self-development as a natural community. That is why natural systems are in constant dynamics and balance, subtly reacting to any changes that occur with each element of the system.

As a consequence of this principle, the most valuable for the individual (individual development) and for the entire system (community development) is the most rare (the lack of) for it quality. Thus, in the framework of the deployment of U-systems tasks of the community and the individual coincide, there is a beneficial symbiosis, not confrontation, as often happens in other systems of self-development.

Itself is self-development, as the pursuit of universality, it is natural for the energy-informational structure of man. No wonder the most useful and productive for each software exchange happens between operators, having opposite quality (more was seen: opposites attract). Self-development, built on the underdevelopment and exploitation of the natural realities, always and inevitably comes to a standstill, although the first time, and the possible jump (visibility for development) and achieving some running goals. The deployment of natural resources on the principle of universality make the process of self-development vector is continuous and limitless. The overall programme balance of these three types also varies from epoch to epoch, because of the greater or lesser need in one function: combat (military resources), creation (production resources) or solidarity (diplomatic resources). Which ones dominate, and in which there is a shortage at the moment, one can easily identify himself, as it is easy to conclude that natural given there are people "valuable" to the era, and is "in excess", therefore it is less valuable. Only a versatile person can adjust the era for themselves and not to fight with society, time and environment, and to dwell with them in harmony.

Each of the Cheka can devote himself the original natural entity, the development of which happens in the Club of Self-development as a single field changes. It's not the characters that are formed under the influence of the life and impact of the environment on man, this is more ancient millennia - sustainable archetypes, from time immemorial inherent in the human psyche.

The first archetype – the Person Power (“Warrior”) – was born out of necessity of protection: to the outside world, external enemies, natural forces of nature. This type characterizes the era of Ancient Mongolia. The second type of programs – Human Mind (“Sage”) – the engine quality, the needs of learning and deepening it, creating tools, improving the quality of life. This type characterizes the era of Ancient Greece. The third is interesting in that almost always were in deficiency and increased need – People Feelings (“Priest”). People Feelings maintains a balance between everyone: between the sages and soldiers, between soldiers and the outside world, between the outside world and the sages. Program priests can be called the connecting element of the system in General, a resource that supports overall balance and stability. Their resource is a resource not an intellectual knowledge and sensual empathy as a deeper understanding. This type characterizes the era of Ancient Egypt.

Try to give more concrete and tangible description of these basic types of programs for identity. Since there are no pure types, we will try to identify them on many grounds.
Each main personality type is convinced that it's time to implement those or other qualities. Warrior always believes that life is too much thought and empathy, and it is time to act. Sage – it is time to think. Priest – it's time to empathize.
Each primary type will not forgive themselves retreat from its natural Givens. A warrior does not forgive himself the weakness, the wise – error, is the priest – cynicism.
In interaction with other people, the priest is afraid of insincerity, sage – of being misunderstood, the warrior – disobedience and dissent.
Priest in other people sees the allies and the basis of its existence. For him, learning about yourself through others is the highest value. The wise man knows himself through the external world and its study. For him, people must obey a strict built in your mind laws of behavior. Warrior in other people sees nothing more than either resources or obstacles. He is not interested in subtle motives for their actions.
The priest struggle with the rejection of the illusion that the world is ruled by good and what the processes of the external world always make sense, and be subordinate to the higher purpose. Sage is sure that all the processes of the external world can and must be comprehended, described by laws and laid out on shelves. A warrior is always convinced that the external world and all its processes should be submissive to his will.
In the world of the priest there is a conflict, in the world of the sage is no place for emotions in the world of the warrior has no place for humility. The purpose and ideals of the priest is the harmony, the sage – knowledge, the warrior – obedience.

The more situations a person can remember where the manifested type, atypical of his nature, the more he progressed in his self-development.<

Re: U-system.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 20:05
by Доктор М
Аура wrote:Priest in other people sees the allies and the basis of its existence. For him, learning about yourself through others is the highest value. The priest struggle with the rejection of the illusion that the world is ruled by good and what the processes of the external world always make sense, and be subordinate to the higher purpose. In the world of the priest there is a conflict, the Goal and ideals of the priest is harmony .
Here are all the descriptions I am the priest. But what I do not understand this idea:
Аура wrote:Each primary personality type is convinced that it's time to implement those or other qualities. Warrior always believes that life is too much thought and empathy, and it is time to act. Sage – it is time to think. Priest – it's time to empathize.
All my life I empathized, understood, protected and so and so. And now we come to the understanding that we must finally act. So who am I? a little confused((

Re: U-system.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 22:16
by Aura
Dr. Mnet social archetypes do not exist, each described "the way" is a Convention, in different situations manifested by different types (and there are also mixed types), to establish a reality it is impossible psychotesty. The more descriptions, the next will be clearer. Its a fact easier to determine in the process of observing themselves, their "social reflexes of behavior." The more that everyone creates an image in my head, and not always it coincides with the Image of the true "I". Any picture of the world is illusory, why this illusion must not touch yourself? Interestingly, often the image coincides with the next transition point u-of the system, in other words, most often we see ourselves the way you want to be, not what actually is. Not everyone can boast of having people who tell the truth about them, but even if You arrange a small survey among close acquaintances, you will be surprised by the result.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 23:19
by Ира
I have a question about the map. If it is a high-tech product technology SAMM, that is, whether it is now any programs? Something about her appearance, life again abounds, right :( :( :(

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 1:13
by мимоходом
I assume in my experience that it is advisable to first swing in the maximum of natural reality. There is a ceiling at which a person begins to live differently (if sage - the example is clarification of patterns of switches in the perception of harmony and beauty). It happens by itself, naturally, we can say a natural given postelwait, because then nowhere to download it because all the more the meaning is lost and the stronger you come to a standstill. For example, if a person pererasti linear (axial, vertical) thinking on working on multidimensional thinking (field, spherical, parallel, horizontal) and Vice versa. And developed "the ceiling" natural given next is a driving horse, exporting automatically in complex cases, the development of a new, yet unexplored ways of seeing.

Well, even if the dominant has not worked... let alone to develop the rest - it is even more neglected

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 17:13
by Aura
Ира wrote:I Have a question about the map. If it is a high-tech product technology SAMM, that is, whether it is now any programs? Something about her appearance, life again abounds, right :( :( :(
Judging by the description, it is only the inclusion in the unified field change and not work directly programs u system. Work programs feels a little different (in the relevant section will soon be an explanation). It's not even “life swing”, small shake, You are essentially constant (the energy level) are in the community, while alone and surrounded by people feels quite different (better, more active, higher energy tone, the brain is more active, etc.). It is well known to those who practice in a group and alone, the feeling is completely different. Group energy is always easier. Perhaps even the emergence of new ideas, receive insights and revelations, but this is not necessarily the work programmes, by incorporating in a single field, you can optionally make a "brainstorming energy". An individual need to develop the will and the more detailed and individual study. In this case, the work cards in the first place is the energy Association of members, inclusion in the unified field changes. In person, of course, this effect is stronger, softer with a map. But as already mentioned, the permanent inclusion in the unified field changes are necessary, it is necessary to dose on their own feelings, solitude and total immersion in itself is also necessary. Though the number CHK here doesn't have the same values as in egregorial structures, therefore, enable-disable the unified field changes on the system does not affect. That is, the current number CHK (several. dozen), and for example, several hundred big difference for each of the Cheka is not. For u-system is an important balance and quality (existence of least-developed qualities in the PI operator) of energy, not its quantity, whereas in the egregorial structures as only available for higher levels due to the energy low is important. That is the task of individual and social development within the framework of u-systems match.<

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 20:11
by Иван Славов
Аура wrote:job card in the first place is the energy Association of members of the club
The shadows /the shadows of the members of the club/ interact somehow? And if Yes, please a little more about this process.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 21:24
by кросби
The shadows-the terminology of Borislava Serveste?

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 21:33
by Иван Славов
кросби wrote:Achim
The shadows-the terminology of Borislava Serveste?
There technique with shadow - in the psychic-energy workshop.
By the way, except for private newsletters and webinars Servest, and some artwork on the subject of shadows, I would point to the is the work /it is in Bulgarian and affects indirectly the topic, but there are other interesting things - in fact it is apocryphal, under the form of a 'contemporary' story but, unfortunately translation into foreign languages present, and translator Dick Google may not give right understanding, because the author sometimes uses some too osterlye words that are nowhere to be found among living native speakers.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 18:09
by Корвин
Аура wrote: in person, of course, this effect is stronger, softer with a map.
On the basis of written to achieve a stronger effect live meetings will be held? would be more convenient not to the Muscovites time

Re: U-system.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 23:37
by Aura
Ахим wrote:the shadows /the shadows of the members of the club/ interact somehow? And if Yes, please a little more about this process.
The way quite ordinary – software interaction UI. In normal conversation, too, comes software exchange, but veiled verbal level. Not everyone can simultaneously scan physical and software level. The essence of the work card is to create the conditions for interactions and not in building them. Is – at will. It is possible to make an analogy: for regular personal meetings should be shared space, the participants and a common goal. In this case the common goal is the interest and desire of each of the Cheka to self-development, and the card creates a, "the interview room" (although a certain level it is more real than physical interaction), the condition for interaction. The unified field solves the problem of the spatial program, namely, that the KGB are mostly in different cities, that is, provide energy presence. In a sense, such an interaction on the order is more convenient than a physical meeting: first regular meeting already involves the interaction (it would be strange to meet you all in the same room and be silent), and in this embodiment it is not necessary, secondly, software exchange solves many of the points of information inconsistencies (filters settings and templates).

Re: U-system.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 23:38
by Aura
Корвин wrote:on the Basis of written to achieve a stronger effect live meetings will be held? would be more convenient not to the Muscovites time
When a certain number of applicants. And organizational resources. The Club network too sometimes, even more often than in the forum, find me there I think will not be difficult.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:18
by Иван Славов
Аура wrote:In this case, the common goal is the interest and desire of each of the Cheka to self-development, and the card creates a, "the interview room" (although a certain level it is more real than physical interaction), the condition for interaction.
Have a friend who is the oldest with 9 children in the family /one mom and one dad/. An interesting thing happened to them when they are still in adolescence was about one /one/ senior - visiting lessons to learn to play the piano - then ALL of /without the need to attend classes, and at home where there is a piano/ acquire this ability. One attends the lessons in English - that's all practicing. Now children are people, all have polnolunie, those who know of them personally - have a very interesting fate. Ie it turns out they study in a separate group.
In a similar way imagine U system.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:50
by НВП
Аура wrote:Each CHK can devote himself the original natural entity, the development of which happens in the Club of Self-development,
Do not quite understand how will this deployment to happen? Maybe somewhere I didn't finish it.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:22
by Артфан
НВП wrote:Not quite understand how will this deployment to happen? Maybe somewhere I didn't finish it.
About how teenagers unfold program life-self-realization...

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:31
by Артфан
Ахим wrote:in a Similar way imagine U-system
Dear Achim. Thank you so much for the link about the Shadows and about the old, Family with nine children,

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 17:31
by Амакер
Aurato work u-system you need to determine the reality itself or the map itself determines automatically?

Re: U-system.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 23:11
by ОльгаВВ
I tried to define my reality, I am a Warrior 8) Interestingly, begin to define friends, so most of my close friends, or Sages or Priests.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 0:52
by Aura
Ахим wrote:Have a friend who is the oldest with 9 children in the family /one mom and one dad/. An interesting thing happened to them when they are still in adolescence was about one /one/ senior - visiting lessons to learn to play the piano - then ALL of /without the need to attend classes, and at home where there is a piano/ acquire this ability. One attends the lessons in English - that's all practicing. Now children are people, all have polnolunie, those who know of them personally - have a very interesting fate. Ie it turns out they study in a separate group.
In a similar way imagine U system.
In General. Examples illustrate, but there is a fundamental difference: related software context, have very different parameters. Relatives and all loved ones people make up the internal programming cycle. At the software level, the notion of intimacy, a relationship defines free software exchange. This exchange has its pros and its cons, the cons are that the software natural immunity doesn't work in the internal software, and thus we share with loved ones including “software viruses”. You brought a (rare) productive example of software sharing in the inner circle program, but often (due to many factors, now we will not stop there) is different. A famous psychological experiment with a tug of the rope: when the rope pulls two people against each other, the efficiency factor maximum. With teamwork, this ratio drops by more than 2.5 times. Because everyone hopes that it will work for other people, from his team - they're from his team, therefore it is quite natural and logical to count on their strength. The same thing happens in software inner circle, only the sphere that is to say spiritual. Everyone thinks that the person will forgive, accept things as they are, the more that itself is a generic relationship is practically indestructible, so why try?

In the u-system software communication lines up as effortlessly as breaks as needed. All programmatic interaction harmonized the so-called "buffer zone", that is to say, that they have software connections are not direct. If the building (and especially in the gap) program links the internal programming of the circle, the operator experiences a more than significant energetic changes in the club system, this effect is practically absent due to the buffer zone. If you take the example above, You can learn to play the piano by building a software connection. Line up software connections within the club network is exactly the same as in normal life: and mood boost. That is, if You groped someone interesting in the club programme networks who would like to build a software connection, can send the usual impulse like "hi". Who is closer. Important here is not the wording and words, and momentum.<

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 17:47
by Aura
Амакер wrote:Aurato work u-system you need to determine the reality itself or the map itself determines automatically?
If you noticed, in the programs of the club card no modes. Can be a correlation that if You just carry a map and don't work with u-system consciously, it's automatic. That is, to some extent, since the map is a product of SEM, scan current data and activating the appropriate packages happens automatically, like noorullah. But there are differences, because of the club card are the terminals that work with them for greater efficiency should be consciously monitored and controlled. Try both, you will understand the difference. If You have identified your reality and built the intention to receive packets in accordance with the u system, the card will work quite differently.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 18:22
by Aura
Now subtlety. It was announced three broad "net" type, the description of which is necessary for determining its type, but as already mentioned, pure types are not common, and almost always dealing with 1 of 6 types: the Priest, the Sage, the Priest-Warrior, the Sage-Priest, Sage, Soldier, Warrior-Sage or Warrior-Priest. It is important that, for example, the Priest-Sage and Sage-Priest are completely different types, wherein the direction of deployment.
НВП wrote:Not quite understand how will this deployment to happen? Maybe somewhere I didn't finish it.
The easiest deployment is called freedom of action and response. This ancient, ingrained archetypes, which work on a subconscious level. I'm sure many have often noted after a particular situation of interaction with another person, after some time, comes the understanding of correct action, or understanding that "it was possible to do so", with a promise to ourselves in a similar situation in the future to do the right thing...but in similar circumstances still triggered some kind of switch and the person responds and acts in the old way. This is a manifestation of fact. Deployment means at the level of the psychomotor reactions of the person can attach the other pattern that does not match the given. People seeking to expand their reality one step further, we can say has achieved certain results in self-development.

But of great importance and the direction of deployment of the fact.
The warrior-Priest, Priest-Sage, Sage-Warrior, these areas are productive and TS positive from the point of view of individual development. Opposite types: the Priest, the Warrior, the Sage-Priest and Warrior-Sage is socially less successful, but destructive in terms of individual development. That is, the value of working with the u-system with a map (although anyone can do it independently), in the presence of the deployment algorithm.
Priests, Warriors can be called "demonic personalities": it is a vulnerable, sensitive man, embarked on the path of struggle and absorption of the resources of outer space. Cynicism is the only initial manifestation of this trend of deployment. Having overcome his own sensitivity, he believes himself entitled to despise others, at the same time, knowing the subtle motives of other people, he knows how to manage them and to strike blows in the most sensitive spot. In addition, the Priests, the Soldiers are very touchy, it emotionwise warrior. A vivid example - Hitler. The opposite of this scenario is the Warrior-the Priest - the way of Russian heroes, a strong man who has developed the qualities of justice and compassion, good with his fists in pure form. Everywhere they see people weaker than themselves, and seeks to protect and restore justice.
The sage-Priest - it's a sentimental philosopher, not having the opportunity to defend their views and opinions. Worthy, no doubt attention and compassion, to develop socially he is not able. Priest-Sage - the grey cardinal, the secret ruler, defending not only my views, but designed to maintain the necessary balance in the society, and having the necessary knowledge for this.
Warrior and the Wise man - intelligent man with an exaggerated idea of a foreign power, so it is extremely fierce, especially when defending their position, their opinions and their views. Sage-Warrior is Gandalf)) Mind, backed by force, provides great opportunities for deployment and distribution of ideas and views. This pure knowledge, the mind, which, if necessary, to prove his innocence willpower and durability.<

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 20:09
by Милая
As soon as I read the first sentence about 6 different types, immediately determined that I was a Priest - Warrior, glad that finally decided until I read about Hitler :shock: Well, what am I to do if I am? :?

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 20:20
by Aura
To balance the roll-out of the Sage. Pay attention to the little things.

Re: U-system.

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:40
by мимоходом
Priests, Warriors can be called "demonic personalities": it is a vulnerable, sensitive man, embarked on the path of struggle and absorption of the resources of outer space. Cynicism is the only initial manifestation of this trend of deployment. Having overcome his own sensitivity, he believes himself entitled to despise others, at the same time, knowing the subtle motives of other people, he knows how to manage them and to strike blows in the most sensitive spot. In addition, the Priests, the Soldiers are very touchy, it emotionwise warrior.
I started with this, it is necessary to transform of course, if someone has the same, it is at least uncomfortable. Overall, U-system recently I have joined a new understanding, or rather the perception. The perception of riding wisdom, the perception of the center is humanity, the perception of low - action and determination (sometimes beauty). And when you turn/hold all three simultaneously - obtained a new quality, a very interesting, yet nerasprodannye, to hold simultaneously difficult yet.