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Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:12
by ОльгаВВ
мимоходом wrote:I Wonder who's Ego more... Probably the second one because they get off on their actions?
The criterion is obvious - who demands recognition of his actions, and who acts without expectation of reward... in one way or Noi form, in this or another life

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:14
by Иван Славов
Olgavn, KEANE said directly - only internally. This was all said in the topic.

And videos and other "charms" - instrumentiste /but not anymore/ for a different "caste" /i.e. meaning that we look at the world from different points of view, or if Castaneda - "collect the world differently"/ - someone tightening the nuts to your Ego, someone the CDA is studying, someone stop VD. So in General - children learn about the world.

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:23
by ОльгаВВ
Рита С wrote:looks Like not very KEEN fumbles in his subject, or rides that the theme for the local investigators will be lame and decided wisely to come off :)
кросби wrote:I leafed through the subject and after the "spaceships" I want to provide some clarity,although after passing maybe it's too much.
1.This is a forum of practitioners,where manufacturers support and promote their products.
2.Aura(whose authority is indisputable,after using its products)is recommended to meet with people from the Magic Worlds,as it "directly on the products."
3.I recorded.
4.Suddenly opens a new branch,where a person quotes from Castaneda's 20-year-old explains the paradigm of his community.
5.And then the circus begins,simple questions of practitioners(long before the appointment you need to pass),the author in plain text offers to raise the butt off the couch and sign up for a consultation.
I from Rostov-on-don to fly,aptly Keenan"poneleit" for Castaneda?So here, these castanedas enough.
PS sorry if harsh,but Casually,very delicately already asked:what do you sell?
Apparently this is the Application...of advertising requires product that is not very buy. Demand creates supply, and if supply does not satisfy demand, so the goods can be valuable and rare enough that the seller is not particularly steamed with a demand))

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:24
by мимоходом
the Criterion is obvious - who demands recognition of his actions, and who acts without expectation of reward...
Obvious whether? One person saved from starvation, the cat or the homeless there... Hoping that it will be reckoned...
And the second is not saved nor one nor the other, because they do not want to fall into indulgenceanime (Castaneda), struggling with Ego.

The actual first - a cat or a homeless person continued to live.
The second fact - a cat or a homeless person died.

Does it matter something besides the facts (naked, impartial, unemotional) in the phenomenal world? While undeveloped on their own all get. And when you get there... there will be Enough ease to take off or the severity of the cases is pressed to the ground...

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:28
by ОльгаВВ
мимоходом wrote:Hoping that he will read...
About that speech - maybe not saved, indulger...

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:31
by мимоходом
Well, that is the question personal of indulgence, compassion, empathy, leading to loss of energy... He's more important than anything else, right? More important than any facts, events (cases created) in the real world?

Re the question - where Ego more...

Well, in a different section if you look... the Ego is our natural, animal component... that does not get rid in principle, it is all body, all mind, all subconscious, the entire program is in the DNA. And this Ego can be either more beautiful or less - that's all...

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:32
by ОльгаВВ
passingthe issue of honesty with ourselves. Oh, how we fear to lose, so little or what?) There are cycles and the concept of energy flow, as when given without expectation of reward will be rewarded

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:34
by мимоходом
in passing, the question of self-honesty
Before by... Me. Again everything rests on and is connected to... Yourself. But this is Ego... And the question rests on it. In a circle the idea of moving, don't you think?

Discarding the Ego remains only to compare the bare facts (like the results of actions) - are described above. You personally what is a fact is more is more beautiful?

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:37
by ОльгаВВ
passingthe issue of identification. You can identify yourself with the body and live for pleasure body, you can identify yourself with the spirit and every day to perform the feat, you can identify yourself with the Ego and afraid of every word/breath/thought to lose - his own! energy

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:41
by мимоходом
again "myself" and "identify" )))) This is Ego ))) If to discard will remain the case, as a result of creation in the life process and nothing more. Whatever thought the Ego (we threw in a thought experiment)

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:44
by ОльгаВВ
мимоходом wrote:again "yourself" and "identify" )))) This is Ego )))
this is the direction of attention. as said Cesare, as he said to the wise here, where attention and energy)) on the Ego, in feeling, in spirit, in space... someone on that "upravljalci" attention enough. here, rather interestingly, has a "napravleno" attention. Ego rather, it acts like glue to people from outer Space leaked, and life seemed more interesting)

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:49
by Иван Славов
ОльгаВВ wrote:to a man from outer Space do not overload
Similar things again, 'wise uncle' was defined as "deconcentration". As the opposition to 'the direction of the ray of attention'
ОльгаВВ wrote:where attention goes, the energy
i.e. "concentration".
p.s. appropriate disks Andrei Patrushev :o and competent occupation with them has not been canceled, as far as I know.

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:52
by ОльгаВВ
Every day when I walk from the bus stop to the house via an underground passage, where a blind man plays the accordion. Crap for the most part plays. In this case, when coins are thrown, one can see from the Ego or from a sincere desire to help. Those who have Ego, throw slow, sweeping so important that others noticed. And some will leave - and immediately forget, and go by without the realization that something significant did.

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:53
by мимоходом
the Ego rather it acts as a glue to people from outer Space leaked, and life seemed more interesting
Interesting paradox... it Seems like the Spirit is impersonal, in which there is nothing selected and there are all... on the other hand such a huge desire to maintain individuality, not to spread through space... But the individual as desire is the Ego, and according to Castaneda stopping the internal dialogue is complete elimination of his perception (Ego) which is necessary in order not to spread the space...

Not know clearly whether he described a paradox )))

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:55
by мимоходом
Not in this case, when coins are thrown, one can see from the Ego or from a sincere desire to help. Those who have Ego, throw slow, sweeping so important that others noticed. And some will leave - and immediately forget, and go by without the realization that something significant did.
And I do not care whether what inner feelings do they throw? The fact is that the accordionist afford to buy food Or not buy... Else what is the meaning of from his point of view? He didn't even see...

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:55
by Иван Славов
ОльгаВВ wrote:...Those who from the Ego, throw slow, sweeping so important that others noticed. And some will leave - and immediately forget, and go by without the realization that something significant did.
I suspect that everyone who is on the Way /well, or at least that which is 'in tune'/, there is homeless and there is such a situation.
p.s. by the way, "cooler" and yet the most homeless to stay, at least for a couple of days, but really. I visited /intentionally, for the sake of 'training'/ for a couple of hours once - enough for /hope/ life.

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 0:57
by ОльгаВВ
Чезаре wrote:Similar things again, 'wise uncle' was defined as "deconcentration". As the opposition to 'the direction of the ray of attention'
This topic was apparently engaged in :o Magic Attention :) :o

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:00
by нева

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:00
by ОльгаВВ
Чезаре wrote:I have been /deliberately, for the sake of 'training'/ for a couple of hours once - enough for /hope/ life.
Ahaha, it all serves the homeless and does not serve the poor scholar, because everyone can imagine themselves homeless, but virtually no one - scholar))

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:04
by Иван Славов
My friend and I were pretending to be homeless for a while /then it spontaneously happened, like, - "dude, let's do so". I then still not very interested in the "these things", such esoteric things.
My friend is so skinny and looks more like a bum than I do. I'm like a well-groomed look, and the other a super - thin, and therefore have not earned as well as other. :)

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:06
by ОльгаВВ
мимоходом wrote:it Seems like the Spirit is impersonal, in which there is nothing selected and there are all... on the other hand such a huge desire to maintain individuality, not to spread through space... But the individual as desire is the Ego, and according to Castaneda stopping the internal dialogue is complete elimination of his perception (Ego) which is necessary in order not to spread the space...
Probably why a spirit without a body anywhere, and spread on the space you can with the hole in the suit...

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 13:38
by нева
мимоходом wrote:And the second is not saved nor one nor the other, because they do not want to fall into indulgenceanime (Castaneda), struggling with Ego.
About the "Indulgence" is an interesting point. It is a term used by Castaneda's followers to describe some of the processes occurring in consciousness. To Castaneda that term was not. Despite the fact that the term seems to have, all put him in his own understanding, but still do not understand each other. For example I do not understand why we can't save the cat indulgere at the same time. Even if you speculate on the term the first thing that the word....indulgence... that meant a paper showing how the act of letting go of sins. Similar indulgenceanime also a kind of release certain processes which contribute to the waste of energy. It turns out if the process is not released and is under control then there is no indulgence, and accordingly there is a lot of energy. Apparently the processes which can be released may be different, and therefore indulging you in many ways. But most likely this term more accurately refers to the process of forgetting yourself and letting go of consciousness, lack of control, resulting in self-indulgent may unconsciously be identified (immersed forgetting themselves) with quite unnecessary internal and external processes resulting in to lose a lot of energy. For example, forgetting itself, and emotional inclusion of what some garbage like "House-2" or not ostanovimy of raskazachivaniya internal dialogue regarding incoming information, etc. Perhaps we can say that an extreme manifestation of indulgence can be considered a ..tantrum..when people just let go, and can not stop. If we assume that VD is in a situation where it's too active and can't stay (released) is not subject to the attempts of control..this indulgenceanime. (uncontrolled hyperactivity) Resentment usually leads to indulging, then we can say that people indulgere in his offense.
Therefore, it seems that it is possible to save the cat indulgere at the same time. But indulging on occasion, that we should be go for a cigarette on the street and rain..)<

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 13:59
by мимоходом
At the time, and I was impressed by the precision with which the Design professional is the Person he laid me just on the shelves!
Remember, it's a huge sense of relief when hundreds of threads out of the tangle suddenly contacted something solid)
The human psyche is such an amazing thing... That is programmed with the click of your fingers... you Can write absolutely any system of classification, linking it to month, year, day of birth. And the person reading it will be sure that it is written about him, and how exactly. Because there is a match (anchor) to date, and so all right.

For example, you can take a simple horoscope and randomly rearrange the signs. And 95% of people will say it's about me!
You can likewise take sexual horoscope, druid horoscope, the Chinese and other... And everything will coincide for almost all, if shuffle randomly.
Similarly, for any exercise - if a person first learned about Castaneda, it is sure that here, it's about him (as nothing more was known before). Similarly, if first learned about Christianity, about Buddhism, about Hinduism, about Taoism and so on... If people have heard about chakras, and it would afford them nafantaziruete (without feeling nervous netting). If you have heard about the energy/information - caught in a trap DEIR (to understand it's all about the money rarely turns out in the end). If you heard that the eagle will eat all unconscious vpechatlilo, and perhaps to such an extent that death will be the visual image of an eagle, which eats all... Because the nervous system, causing the psyche is a custom neural network and to configure it as you like, depends on incoming information.

It so happens that someone is disappointed in his first conviction and begins to look for a second belief, he finds it and says "Oh, I drew that, right here are a hair's breadth". It's a trap for the pagans, the song one of which I posted earlier. Is this trap with sharp negativity to one side and pointed to another positive... Especially being backed by a real adrenaline light, like that of the author...

And how easy it is to program the person the sessions of psychotherapy... STOP IT - a cool technique in combination with a shout. All the more it is necessary nothing - the unconscious is heard, actually )))

In General... What's the conclusion... And the conclusion is simple - to give something to figure out and understand what is true from what is not... Need to have full information and not private sections, have been made by individual people... And, based on the information on a certain topic, you should build your own model. My. Relying only on your feelings and your perception. Just like like that - and to build. And test the model on a contradiction of all known information. If there is no contradiction - that it is true. But if there is a contradiction - or to incorporate it in their model or to reject it and build again ))<

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 14:17
мимоходом wrote:And other people dominated by Yang (consciousness, the tonal). When, that is, consciousness illuminates the unconscious Yin... these people are also beginning to look for - what is it with them... Why suddenly feel the body down to individual nerves and blood vessels, as a person can feel the cerebral cortex, the elements in the body, hormones in the blood current through the wires and so on... And in the end come to alchemy, today it is called qigong. Which also allows you to perceive unusual, but it's a bit different and waking, waking.
Who is looking for what happens to them? And someone on the outside ...what is with them and what a strange infection so affect them, so does their personal life interfere with the life itself from the Rana)), and here's the result-the alchemy of the body in "pure form "wanders , person shows emotions , feels all the energy flows, Muraki with a potato))) he loves to mention about the goose ,Passing))) All that is in the body -organs and flows. Only he can not control it, also , what to feel and on this ground nervously emocionante. It's not me)))))) once I explain to relieve some instructive answers)))). Writes in Passing that today it is called qi-Gong and neurologists say shiz)) and even send to check the brain(MRI) , x-ray and other stroking (massage clinic), all the work of a dead monkey. The essence of the problem lies elsewhere, either the manipulative brain controls the consciousness to atlanti of life, that brow is not interesting in principle , but this form of a sphere, or real fears drove inside the brow and that only his body and feels, because outside stranovedenie))))And there , inside the calf more comfortable and especially on the couch)))home))) not etc.
Does anyone have real ways to stretch the brow from korobushka own body and labyrinths ,sobstvennolichno nagorozheno ,consciousness ?

Re: Magic Attention

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 14:17
by нева