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Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 17:10
by Глобалеус
What would make a DV - no need to cycle on anything' and especially on money.
After all, when you come to work you do the same job' and not ask for daily wages and not think every minute how much will I earn now shifting paper from one side of the table to another..
Likewise, there' important process' the rest is secondary and depends on the purity of the first

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 17:48
by Андрей Кабанков
The topic is called, precisely I do not remember, "Practical intuition and the far East. Sports" , kind of.
But the point is not to guess the winner of the match, and to this practical favor. Let's keep it that way.
Always an important practical aspect, the use of skills. You can learn to juggle 5 subjects with a long training, but what's the point if you don't work in the circus :)

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 17:52
by Андрей Кабанков
The DV process is interesting, exciting, nice to see when what you see matches what you've read. But any interest sooner or later runs out eat from it no practical benefit. A month or two to practice, then you simply will not be interested without the stimulus.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 18:28
by Андрей Кабанков
Elena all very well built in my opinion.
Thought right, won, not lost. Otherwise you can just self-deception, believing that intuition you have developed and doing the right thing, choosing when to go right, you go right instead of left. But this can not work, because the second option is not implemented. And here all clearly. No self-delusion. The amount in the account indicator skills.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 19:05
by Глобалеус
Method clear' works everyone' who is interested'
Written on a clean sheet of paper' with a clear conscience..
And failures gives every time if you just forget about it.
It is the most basic ..

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 19:07
by Глобалеус
It can do everything' available to everyone' it is important to know about it
And not be distracted

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 20:31
by райбан
Method is clear'
As pimps, which comes with a soldering iron to your house for credit debt.))

Was, that is and now this Mike Shishmarev, the trader–the broker–dealer, in the zero years.
Actively promoted his method of easy money, that is, foresight forecasts of the exchange. He threw the case.
Now another odd spread.
I wonder why?.. or is it "chops" invested, and on this play..
Would have earned a billion, or even ten million dollars in such rates, and would have lived happily ever after.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 20:58
by Глобалеус
I'm not moving method easy money!!
Again and 100 more times - it enough not easy!! You need experience' If all you think is to get rich quick.. it is not here!!
Additional income can be obtained if hard to do' proper nutrition' practices, etc... contribute to the development and fairly good results' you can make small bets 'the same size' not every day' and when you feel the desire to make reading.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 21:00
by Глобалеус
And only in that case if reading the above 4 points on a 7-point scale,' there is still a lot nuances I speak to students!!

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 21:02
by Глобалеус
What is the method of promoting your Misha' have no idea' and I don't think it's something like...
In the past the DV can be applied in other fields' is a very cool practice for internal growth!

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 21:06
by Глобалеус
Brains if you include' with polykemi run will not have

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 21:07
by Глобалеус
But if measures are not know and in the Church on the floor the head can break...

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 21:27
by райбан
Come on l-logic.
Postulate. Everything new is long forgotten old.
What it should be.
Everything has been invented Now, have been invented long before us.
No need to reinvent the wheel.
It should be easy to buy.
And "your" method DV.
Nothing "new" in it, in fact.

And then a lot of analogies of course..
Group sessions with a Ouija Board (although there prodvizhki)
To the occultism of the SS.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 22:27
by райбан
What kind of method to promote your Misha' have no idea' and I don't think it's something like...
well not like..
same game on bet, single and group..
the only difference is that it is not in Forex, as in sports-books.

and yet there is a method COP intuition.
when the sciatic nerve you feel the approach of the authorities.))

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 22:37
by Мартин
Gee Gee. Tote. Gee Gee Gee. First will be removed if the financial interest of the group, the results improve. Secondly, my experience has shown that forecast to do directly at the moment of the game. The future is multivariate, and the result of the game can also be influence, to recall the world Cup in South Africa, with bloody sacrifices in the stands. The most easily cityhomes events, this next goal, penalty, in General, everything, where a lot of excitement/energy. To make preliminary predictions on the score, it's almost a finger in the sky. Guess the winning team, too, about anything, because you can win both in regulation time and added penalty, and it's completely different rates. Yes, there is no need to guess, if you understand the question, you can make several bets that one overlaps the other and you'll always be in the black, many people thus earn a living. They study the statistics, the condition of the field and players. In General, all as at the exchange, technical and fundamental analysis. Once again, I repeat the word "earn", i.e. it is the work, the investment of resources to return. And if you need a fast-easy money, it is easier to kill somebody, you bet it's not an option, it is a redistribution of the same cabbage time. Psychics are toys, only in a difficult financial situation, at least known to me.

And Yes guys. There is TOTOthere and bet less and win more, what for to climb in a line or live? Practice.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 22:57
by райбан
And if you need a fast-easy money, it is easier to kill somebody, you bet it's not an option, it is a redistribution of the same cabbage time.
Yes, it is easier to kill someone as a killer.
put fat plus for the post Martin.
is there another version? how to "earn" money... guys..

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 23:03
by райбан
there is no TIME.
so there is no Future.

Let the creature lives a thousand years, though days and hours, but the essence is the same.
This is the Time in our mundane understanding, a space of events while the human suit will not self-destruct.
There is no rush, live and move stones, stone inorganic life, too, breathes and dies, not only changing pole — changing everywhere, including the measure of Time for every living creature.
Moth one–day butterfly, man, or boulder stone.
If you look with the feeling of stone, then we, the people, appear to him to be burning sparks from a fire. Just a spark, this human age.
And in every branch of reality flows your linear time.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 23:33
by райбан
If all this method is DV, "worked" for all, then all (most) would have been rich and lived happily.
Not scavenging in the trash.

Again, depends on the person.
(I have not yet figured out what. But certainly not from astrology. From the position of the stars on mercury.)
One out, passing the rowing money with a shovel, and the other roach from morning to night earning a penny.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 23:50
by райбан
Oh, globaleus.. it would be so easy, your lips only honey drink..
Beauty-- money , money-- beauty -- why would they? Here .. on planet earth.
The children's mother — a pathetic prostitute for life. shabby old woman who says "love" like last time
Father — sick than lethal.
At the same time "who knows of the rite".
Somehow scrambles lives. To be more precise — survives.
But these "wipers" (inferior people) survive really.
While we here on the forum magnusen three people, what we are white and fluffy.
And what to wear, how to use a pricey artifact.
They survive.
zhist actually different.
So are millions of people struggling for survival.
Only the end of the same will come. And rich and poor.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:01
by Мартин
райбан wrote: is there another version? how to "earn" money... guys..
This stuff is always in abundance. You just need to file this version to show adequate level.
1. What a group scan? Whose invention who in the group home and why? Remove nafig.
2. Rules: There are two teams, classic and psychic analysis is the investors. Teams get a monthly fix, as investors skim. All the predictions open. Plus from the rates through the "dealer Kabankova" thought out separately. Bets are placed daily by different team members. Egged monthly stats and weeded out the contestants with the increase in the cost of a decent fix.
3. It will be interesting, logical and revealing. Though not for long.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:17
by райбан
DV - "racocha" what there Pichugin on YouTube. in a nutshell.
Globaleus the type of the dealer from him, received "knowledge".
and here in the forum to spread obsession about earnings; MMM --- XY -- second.
It will be interesting, logical and revealing. Though not for long.
I agree. not long music played ...

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:21
by Глобалеус
Can try' but not on this thread' here still promote DV..
And life' everyone chooses' who trash 'who shovel money.. well now be like in the extreme' in Africa, too, children are dying of hunger' then what? You can help - help' can't - that about it to speak in vain..

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:25
by Глобалеус
It was on this site I noticed and offered to collaborate' is not because I do nothing' because the majority here just yet, and are interested in self-development

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:32
by райбан
to understand the issue, you can make several bets that one overlaps the other and you'll always be in the black, many people thus earn a living. They study the statistics, the condition of the field and players. In General, all as at the exchange, technical and fundamental analysis. Once again, I repeat the word "earn", i.e. it is the work, the investment of resources to return.
right. Martin. and the System works.
so "work" a lot of people. -behind the scenes
Mike got his initial capital and dumped from Forex.

so now all the "work" who is mining now, who like.
all this is done behind the scenes, and in the long pull.

and so --- under the announcement in the General forum..
it's like a local newspaper to read the advertisement to make a spell for money.
just laugh.. and only.

Re: Practical intuition in action. How to make money

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 0:35
by райбан
what is self-development..
as for Your notion it is?