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Re: Noosphere

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 15:10
by Ольга Лагуза
Надежда Лещенко wrote:And most importantly - it gives a REALLY SPACE CONSTANT - its FORMULA is the SAME for all systems and bodies, rotating around its own axis. NOT to be confused with the orbiting - many formulas are the same, but the physical meaning of them is DIFFERENT..
I assume what You found is really the KEY, since it opens Your doors so much. BUT without it temporarily, You do NOT UNDERSTAND, and the GLORY of GOD. I mean science, because so many key where to enter, and therefore they can do. I personally do not understand what You say, I am far from physics. BUT I do know that the following will occur:
Надежда Лещенко wrote:. Also and Venus. If they are close in orbits will interfere with each other, and sooner or later will face. Where and how will bounce shards is unknown.
Never again will they interfere with each other because they (the world)help each other, rather work together in a common system, it is Seven Spirits before the Throne are Seven Archangels, Dhyan is Koganov, Seven Sages, etc, as they are called, and the sense that They are Spirits of physical bodies (planets), They also provide Seven Principles for the Seven planes of Existence, and most importantly, they will not face and will not fall. Our Moon being in obscuration, why not fall? Because it is absurd.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 19:03
by Надежда Лещенко
Olya, only here it is not necessary to implicate the angels and other esoteric. The planets are strictly obeying the law. And nothing more.
and you're right - this law provides great opportunities. Once Newton and Kepler discovered ---NOT INVENTED, BUT DISCOVERED for the first time-- the laws of physics for our civilization, a huge bow to them. But they did not know of the facts that we know.
And now we are facing the NEED to change views. It still happens.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 19:07
by Надежда Лещенко
In passing, I can't understand your willingness. Ready - write in lichku, I will give the appropriate link. I do not mind. Can and here to reset. If there is anyone desire.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 19:44
by Ольга Лагуза
Надежда Лещенко wrote:Olya, only here it is not necessary to implicate the angels and other esoteric. The planets are strictly obeying the law. And nothing more.
Do not, then we will not be content with bare digits, in our time, is no stranger to gross materialism. About the law, it has not been canceled, the law is called KARMA.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 22:46
by Надежда Лещенко
Against Karma have nothing. There is such a law. but to clarify - its base - Newton's second law -----FOR every act should be an Equivalent return.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 0:40
by Борис МХ
Name, sister, name(s) :)
Let's somehow substantively, or what

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 1:45
by СтаниФилмТВ
Надежда Лещенко wrote:Vs Karma have nothing. There is such a law. but to clarify - its base - Newton's second law
If someone believes in it is for him, if you don't believe.. so .. no..) Here and Newton and impotent..) the Power of Faith..something..ignores physics..)) And now..this time.. without Faith..anywhere..)

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 17:56
by Атаман
Have to go to Nepal ,to Tibet ,and study the brains of Tibetan monks have.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 0:09
by Надежда Лещенко
Dear Ataman!
To the Tibetans it is pouchitsa us. But those Rodnovers and arranging entertainment shows like "battle of the psychics", and the present of the Magi. Do not argue, now divorced clever as dogs nerezannyh.
Sterifilt - law not depend on belief or disbelief. He works independently. No matter how you call Karma, bad Luck or luck - ----- for every act should be EQUAL CHARGES, Or the Force of BESTOWAL is ALWAYS EQUAL to the FORCE of the BLOW, Though believe in it, though I do not believe. The result will be.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:15
by Ольга Лагуза
Надежда Лещенко wrote:No matter what you call Karma, bad Luck or luck - ----- for every act should be EQUAL CHARGES, Or the Force of BESTOWAL is ALWAYS EQUAL to the FORCE of the BLOW, Though believe in it, though I do not believe. The result will be.
Hit the table Hope, and what will be the impact? And she will believe even though there is, but not directly proportional as You said.

Here you say that you "discovered" something that-that, And?

You rule out faith, and it means exclude what is to come, at the head of any phenomenon. You don't want to give credit Nomenu, believing that everything can be explained and calculated. You exclude the Creators, taking into account only the Laws. Well then, with the help of laws, try for example, to invent a unit which is at the entrance to fill up the grass, and the milk.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 11:43
by СтаниФилмТВ
Надежда Лещенко wrote:Stanfill - law not depend on belief or disbelief. He works independently. No matter how you call Karma, bad Luck or luck - ----- for every act should be EQUAL CHARGES, Or the Force of BESTOWAL is ALWAYS EQUAL to the FORCE of the BLOW, Though believe in it, though I do not believe. The result will be.
I agree. )) Like the situation. The elder boy is at school during recess and gave a kick to the younger boy (he stomped on the back seat) and according to Your only means one thing, that the younger boy, his back seat was hit a senior in the leg with exactly the same force as a Junior and senior. And the fact that the eldest boy in a few months..let's say lost your favorite gadget, and that this loss is punishment for any earlier offense..this is Faith in their fantasies. Because the law of which You speak already worked, and the older boy injured his leg on bony butt, Jr., and the creation of causal is fantasy based on Faith. If You think that the banker Rob their depositors, but going to prison directly from his Villa in the outskirts of London, then You simply Believe in justice..))
Faith in your knowledge just allows You to be confident in what you know and gives a foothold for further thinking and in accordance with it commit acts. You just believe Yourself, and that is the Strength of Your Faith.. in His understanding of the Laws...have the opportunity to bring something into the environment)
And so Your understanding of the laws, it is not the laws, but only Faith itself and in Itself..) And sometimes the Strength of My Faith..and overstep the laws..they say.."what is allowed to Jupiter is not permitted to a bull"..)

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 13:42
by Ольга Лагуза

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 16:39
by Надежда Лещенко
Oh, my, you are good!
Or you do not know what you are talking about, or joking. The law of Karma or retribution says that you will DEFINITELY get a response. But he does not say that IMMEDIATELY. This cumulative act. You may very long for people to do evil or to do good, and not to get a visible impact. But one day, giving you click on Luba someone will get furious change. All your beats others gathered in a bunch, and you got their.
Also good. You can do good for others and receive punches in return. But in a situation when at stake is the life or death get help.So, you must still know the laws. And know how they work.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 19:04
by Ольга Лагуза
Надежда Лещенко wrote:Oh, my, you are good!
Or you do not know what you are talking about, or joking.
not as well as you understand what we say...but now well not so much talked as much as I wanted to hear from You, and not because I do not know, but because I want to know Your understanding of the issue.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 21:18
by СтаниФилмТВ
Надежда Лещенко wrote: the Law of Karma or retribution says that you will DEFINITELY get a response. But he does not say that IMMEDIATELY. This cumulative act. You may very long for people to do evil or to do good, and not to get a visible impact.
That's right, and normally will receive in the next life, and therefore this whole life of back-breaking work , almost for free..and not ask too many questions, not to spoil the karma..and in the next become Brahman..) And this all already, sorry..because in a past life..nakuralesili..and now..have to suffer..) these "Laws"..centuries, more than a science of science was called. This "law" Department. also based on the Belief simple-minded commoners..)
Надежда Лещенко wrote: You can be very long for people to do evil or good,
The concepts of good and evil.. too subjective and very they say.."what Russian well, the German death"..)

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 21:44
by мимоходом
By the way, the concept of karma is quite possible to reduce to simple human "like - dislike". Well, like the example that was just given a lighter is then earned by their good works... And if you don't like, for example, that the car broke down - it means karma and retribution for the sins of...

But a lighter can give because of the house stuff and so much - you have to shake off. But the car broke down as three years, the oil is not changed. That is, there is always a rational and prosaic reason for any event. The more prosaic and banal - than good for good and evil for evil... then a lot of People, each with their own thoughts. Can a good man want to make someone good - but it's not because his addressee good. The recipient may cats in cemeteries hurts, just the first good man and felt an inner urge.

And yet the concept of karma can be reduced to the internal state. If a person has the condition that his are all annoying, can't cope with your psyche, swears at everyone, sulking, grumbling and so on... any external events it is through this prism and see. What is not karma? What is the status that sees in the environment. Enough to change the condition, work with psychosomatics and op, karma has improved all around such a cute and good... Turns out karma is a synonym of the word "like". If you like all that good karma comes out. So simply to manage your karma )))

And on the website in one section saw that the person broke the car, even two cars. And he's not worried, says mole - this is good, the items that protect me while I'm on other people's machines go. ))) Here it is, good karma )))

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:10
by Ольга Лагуза
мимоходом wrote:by the Way, the concept of karma is quite possible to reduce to simple human "like - dislike".
Karma is the cause-and-effect relationship. Like I do not like this choice. Papus seems to say: sow a thought, reap an act, sow an act, reap a habit, sow a habit, reap a destiny. Karma and Fate are synonyms.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:18
by мимоходом
Causation, Yes. That's just not possible to build a cause and effect in the form of "I bit the kindergarten teacher in the ass, and thirty years later he tripped and broke his leg." Because there is no such cause-effect )))

And there is the following cause-and-effect:
a) I bit the teacher (action) as she yelled (cause) and put me in the corner (the consequence)
b) I broke my leg (as a consequence) because they do not looking under his feet (cause) and went very quickly (action)

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:28
by СтаниФилмТВ
мимоходом wrote:And is the following cause-and-effect:
I don't expect you will understand :) The's too voluminous. Savasana all around..good and bad, good-evil, cause and effect..etc..) About the third Force..and had forgotten..

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:43
by Ольга Лагуза
мимоходом wrote:a Causal relationship, Yes. That's just not possible to build a cause and effect in the form of "I bit the kindergarten teacher in the ass, and thirty years later he tripped and broke his leg." Because there is no such cause-effect )))

And there is the following cause-and-effect:
a) I bit the teacher (action) as she yelled (cause) and put me in the corner (the consequence)
b) I broke my leg (as a consequence) because they do not looking under his feet (cause) and went very quickly (action)
At the age when you bite in the ass in the garden, personal karma not yet, child. In General, if You are interested in the concept of karma, with the help of special. literature You can fill this gap. Sometimes you just write nonsense, and the main sense of this phenomenon is the desire at any cost to take the opposite position.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:45
by мимоходом
Not interesting to me ))) Five years, I ate from the Internet a lot of junk till my ears not reached.
Then threw out a blatant lie
Then threw away the aggression and the emotion of the lyrics
Then brought contradictions together, throwing all the disparate
And left one grain that grow. Which explains all those tons of debris that I once devoured ))) Explains aggression, opinions and emotions. Explains the lie and discarded the disparate. Well, in General, everything is clear - who and where's where in the maze is, including myself. Do not quite understand the final stage of the labyrinth, the Minotaur is not met, but the thread Arianda is already in the hands )))

So, thank you, I already nemsis and supplements not want. Although sometimes it's nice to wander around hand in hand in a particular area of the labyrinth ))

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:49
by Ольга Лагуза
Why "eat" the garbage? Or why call garbage what it ate? The ship will call....

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 22:51
by мимоходом
Well, you write about the word or about the karma... Where you learned about them? I read it somewhere. It is a dead knowledge, it has zero value. Because even my words are read with a different meaning, not what I write. And retold ten times the words - actually the whole point of lost.

And living knowledge is when you know inside something or other. Not on the level of fiction, and saw, for example, or felt or heard or understood or both. And here is your living knowledge - you will not find anywhere else. In any Internet and books, it is not there. And have only private interpretation, tens and hundreds. And interpretations of interpretations.

And just quoting or copy-paste to do... a Little disconcerting.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 23:01
by Ольга Лагуза
мимоходом wrote:Well, you write about the word or about the karma... Where you learned about them? I read it somewhere. It is a dead knowledge, it has zero value.
No/All this contributes to the expansion of consciousness. Of course I read, as they can cultivate, analyze, draw an analogy, and the like.

Re: Noosphere

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 23:04
by мимоходом
About pure karma kids... I have a friend of the family who received this the karmic tributes through the decades, and 4-5 at first glance, unrelated events. And the reason for all of this chain was exactly childhood trauma and unresolved issues of the parents-children. Generally 99% of the problems come from childhood.

And the second reason this "karmic junction", which is derived from the first cause was psihoemotsyonalnoe state, you can tell the energy state of all the participants of this karmic return -- That global karma is easy to track from childhood. I can't explain more - but it is the karma of the kind that is corrected in the offices of Gestalt therapists. That is 100% psychosomatic, which is the aura, the astral, the mental and all the rest put together. And the events that occur with a person - they are strongly associated with its own current state (psychological or even physiological). Because the person these events and is doing or has done the prerequisites for them. That's the karma. Which essentially rests on the human condition "for now". And if someone stole a billion and sits in London and he is well, he's not blaming himself, and enjoys life, enjoys and not steamed - and he has no karma. And there are some favourable developments. And the one who scolds him - his karma is where he always gets a nasty event. Just because he has to fight.