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Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 0:43
by ИгорьЯ
Ie, In the pocket of the garment no signal\will not work ?:)

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:25
by Андрей Кабанков
We will use different fabrics, they have several different screening ability also depends on the phone and the signal strength at a particular moment.
In most cases, to work the phone will not be if will is in the pocket of such fabrics.

I started to use this bag for my car keys, since car insurance on my car soared to unreasonable limits, I refused it and had to attend to the means of protection against theft.
One of the ways of stealing the car, on the doorknob pressed the open door button on the poll keychain , reads the request, which is transmitted by radio frequency to the person with the receiver that is near you, when you went to your car, for example in a supermarket. The key FOB is queried and the same signal is transmitted back to the car, the door opens. Then same with the ignition button. A bag from this fabric protects the keys from reading, that is, with the keys in that pouch, nor to open the car or to have not. This applies to machines that are not mechanical, and electronic ignition keys.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 16:14
by Aura
Still, the shielding fabric can be all the parts that to the body for protection, but the pocket does not have to be made of shielding fabric, maybe out of the ordinary to was communication.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 23:23
by СтаниФилмТВ
Day wearing this headgear:
About 20 minutes after donning ( with a rolled hem, you can even go out on the street, the surrounding people look askance suspiciously not) felt as complacency, and I remembered some long-forgotten state of childhood. The state of complacency was strong enough and therefore has attracted attention. The second interesting point is that wearing this hat, take it off already why you do not want, and so the whole day had a chance to observe the state of internal complacency, from which towards evening felt well rested. As used to feel rested usually in the morning, respectively, then decided to try not to shoot at night. This morning I woke up early, well rested. Today, the bandana was not worn but the condition is to some extent preserved.

Re: coming Soon!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 19:55
by Аннару
Андрей Кабанков wrote:Planned release:

— shielding covers for mobile phones
— shielding underwear
— shield t-shirt
— shielding jacket

bandana is good, but the hat will be?

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 22:20
by Жанночка
Do not tell me when will come in plaid?

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 14:54
by Aura
Жанночка wrote:tell me when will come in plaid?
If there is interest (wishes) to some direction, it will be the priority issue.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 14:56
by Aura
Аннару wrote:bandana is good, but the hat will be?
The bandana can be worn under a Panama hat, or other headdress. Of hats will warm winter hat.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 14:57
by Aura
Attention! The logo on the bandana cannot be ironed.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 21:24
by Aura
The bandana actually has 2 working surfaces (external and internal) and its effect can be considered from two main points: protection and development.

From the position of the protection shield bandana is a versatile protective device from energy effects broad-spectrum.

From the perspective of development, the screening bandana is an original frame “greenhouse” for the proper movement of energy in the body. Is this process to run, will not have to spend a lot of time to maintain it.

It is especially important to wear shielding bandana in the morning and evening.

There is the possibility of using bandanas to work with the horizontal energies, namely, to gather (to uploat) horizontal Meridian (equator to the subtle energies of the head) by controlling the degree of tagaste of tying.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:06
by мимоходом
About psychotronics yesterday said about such effect as the effect of infrasound on man. Being under the powerful infrasound that the human ear can not hear, people panic inexplicable horror. Similarly, the infrasound perceive animals and would rather leave this place.

From the point of view of physiology it is connected with the instinct of avoidance of the earthquakes and local disasters. Forerunner of an earthquake is a low frequency powerful infrasonic vibrations of the earth's crust, which are experienced by the brain, but can not hear the ear.

In other words, emotional psychotronics exists, relies on the instincts of man, in physics and physiology.

Probably learned already the resonant frequency not only of fear but also other emotions. Of course, one thing the sound vibrations directly to the air environment, and another thing - fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. However, both the wave and the brain, as has been said - antenna. A method of transmitting electromagnetic waves is normal broadcasting (TV, mobile). Frequency modulation signal is a basic principle of broadcasting. Normal carrier signal, e.g. 100 MHz can be modulated not only by the voice of the master, but also the frequencies from 0 Hz to 50 Hz.

With some certainty we can assume that the influence of such low frequency radiation on humans - it is not necessary to listen to the converted into sound. Enough to be in an environment of electromagnetic radiation, and it is Wednesday today, everywhere on the planet.

From the point of view of protection against such influences, which are very likely made during elections, wars, crises, political decisions - a product line of this branch is very promising.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 21:16
by мимоходом
Wear a bandana half a day. Bandana is very stylish in appearance (white color), I like it quite suitable for city and forest/mountains/sea. Besides, not dense and not hot. Its function as a sun hat performs.

With regards to the functional properties of this device definitely works - affects the brain, with positive. Half a day is difficult to understand fully in all the processes and their causes, but still managed to establish the following:

1. Within 5 minutes after putting on bandanas in the body began internal heat and heart began to accelerate the rhythm (for me it is a positive good process) in a minute everything calmed down. Then flowed the currents through the body to the brain. Half an hour was quiet, no thinking in terms of loops. At this time the cortex was felt some "tickling", "itching" - so microcurrents work. They also obviously stimulate the cortex at level of comfort.
The absence of thought - not in terms of the reduction of intellectual activity, and in reducing background garbage thoughts - what is called internal dialogue. Intellectual activity is enhanced, on the contrary, creates a state of "concentration relaxation"

2. The head is very easy, the internal state of comfort. This is a very interesting property, which is reproduced clearly.
When removing bendandi peace of mind and ease from the head goes, there is a restlessness and a lump in my throat. And overall, going back to a less comfortable state.
After re-donning bandanas all the positive effects come back.
Day get some sleep without the bandanna woke up with a heavy head (sometimes after sleep sometimes). Wearing a bandana - all weight left after 15 minutes, returned a state of lightness in the head.

3. Definitely found out that the bandana completely removes the excitation of the brain, anxiety, some aggression. Of course, such States are achievable without the bandanas, but to do this all the time to control. And if you wear the bandana disappears negative emotional pattern. It is unclear why so - I think the metal mesh removes excess currents of the brain itself.

From directional influence from other people bandana protects not only from the background - a foreign offense still operates (feels). But at the same time remain completely calm automatically (without bandanas for this purpose it is necessary to make efforts)


- the device works, based on laws of physics
- significantly reduces stress levels
- probably suitable for meditation in particular, because of the input of the brain in the mode of "lightness"
- relieves heaviness in the head and maybe a headache (need to check)
- after a longer wearing time hope to understand more precisely the processes and maybe write more

Of the minuses:
- when you take off the bandana, again you find yourself in a "disturbing" environment and stressful feeling trying to get back<

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 21:25
by Акела
I hope bandana are no "utilities" :wink:

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 23:56
by Кона
The bandana protects the top third of the head.
Two-thirds of the head without protection. On neck, chest, arms, legs, stomach, all the internal organs. Ie, all the body is still harmful information on the wind.

Ie to be consistent to the end, it is necessary to wear the same scarf, then the long sleeve shirt, pants, socks.

Interesting reports of such suit to hear. Meanwhile, it's not even half-measures, and even less.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 23:58
by мимоходом
The main nerve bundles is the brain, spine and intestines. Enough to cover it bundles. The long "wire" for interference - motor neurons, whose axons can reach a meter.

At the rear there is a harmonious bandana ponytail, which covers additional brain stem completely, covering almost the entire neck.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:58
by мимоходом
Tried to sleep in a bandana - in the morning a sense of calm, tranquility, joy, ease. Dreams still, not restless.

In General, the product is recommended for those who wish to find inner peace, as mental and emotional
I Hope bandana are no "utilities"
Bandana there are no programs, there's a physical principle of removing redundant electrical and electromagnetic potential, leading to a state of peace and relieve stress completely.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:03
by Акела
How familiar the person is technical, daunting radiation :? And then lyapota from bandanas, it is assumed as the body otzavetsya to such abuse with a larger area of coverage bi

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:03
by мимоходом
In the chat suggested that I have an income from sales. Supposedly a skeptic, and engaged in advertising. Sounds quite logical )))

Honestly, have no relation either to sales or to develop any other relationships in real life with the developers and sellers, do not have shares and other benefits in addition to providing me the subject for testing. If the item does not work - and then review at least will not. The test was given to study the effect, because I feel the body and the currents in it. By the way, how to achieve this feeling without the artifacts and what exactly is happening in the body at the same time - opened a separate topic. Read, train your mind and body, check.

As for the bandanas, then if after testing will need to return, it will get one for myself. Feeling the currents and driving them - the same state can't achieve. While decided to wear a week in a row to watch, after a long testing will write the details details.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 16:45
by Джэй
I wear a bandana for a few days. At work, where a lot of devices, unfortunately, to wear its not (with office clothes is not compatible), so I wear mostly at home. The day of feeling is not very explicit, it's mostly the physical sensations, like a pleasant warmth and lightness in the head. Tried to engage in a bandana yoga very much, especially towards the end of practice - it is easier to relax and concentrate, less extraneous thoughts in my head. I have a particularly strong effect, if you sleep in a bandana (thanks for the idea, someone wrote) - fall asleep faster, Wake up early and rested, sleep particularly sweet. Hard to describe this feeling, but it is definitely enjoyable. I'll be experimenting with the bandana on. Of course I wanted something that could be worn to work in the office, as there is protection from EMP is more relevant. Still considered choroszcz idea of a quilt or blanket.

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 15:21
by Aura
Андрей Кабанков wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
It is the visibility, the main proof of the shielding properties are results of tests

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 15:22
by Aura
Акела wrote:I Hope the bandana, there is no "utilities" :wink:
"Program" - not in the bandana on the head, and shielding products at least help to bring them the order and disconnect from the "not its".

Re: Already on sale our new development!

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 15:23
by Aura
Джэй wrote:Still considered choroszcz idea of a quilt or blanket.
Take into account your wishes

Re: Line shielding clothing and furnishings EMF ARMO

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 16:34
by Aura
Джэй wrote:I Have a particularly strong effect, if you sleep in a bandana (thanks for the idea, someone wrote) - fall asleep faster, Wake up early and rested, sleep particularly sweet.
Due to a break razdelinaya the consciousness of the chaotic impacts of the regeneration, this is especially apparent in the sleep period due to high sensitivity during this period. According to the observations, bandana in addition to a deep restorative sleep can cause unusual WTO (a friend recently early morning bandana stimulated the astral). The result is an optimally easy option to disconnect from the stimulus signal, when the brain in conditions of unusually low activity is beginning to seek other, alternative sources of information and the stimulus signals. Day effect is practically not manifested. Presumably, if in addition to the head to shield the torso (at least the spine and the area of the major chakras), the effect of the WTO should be strengthened. So what are waiting for screening t-shirts. But in General, the value of clothing as a “split” of the shielding construction just as possible to localize and to measure degree of shielding. Get a good balance between activity (where and when required) and quiet (where and when required).

Re: Line shielding clothing and furnishings EMF ARMO

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 13:07
by львёнок
All is nice, but there is a very important bi "BUT"Since the basis of metallic fabric, you cannot put in a pile, and carefully fold in a roll, because the bend is very quickly formed openings (small holes, punctures), and then it turns out "gorgeous"the effect:

- imagine a dark room with blackout curtains in the hole, and through it a ray of sunshine !!! The curtains move, and with them wandering beam :evil:

I.e. external radiation from which you are screened will be "laser" beam (and probably not one since may when used to receive multiple holes) to bombard the cells of the body, as well as metal fabric in such articles is wrapped in the usual tissue once attached, the micro-holes(and with them eventually and large) will be "happy" the body day and night

This is not speculation, but proven infa, i.e. such fabric requires careful handling (abs eliminates rough washing, twisting and strong spin 8) ) , as well as storage roll

Re: Line shielding clothing and furnishings EMF ARMO

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 13:28
by мимоходом
Holes and gaps do not play any role. The distance mesh for the eyes is 1mm. This allows you not to pass wavelengths up to 300ГГц.