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Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 20:54
by Крот
Well ....and magic rituals, talismans and all sorts of other devices from time immemorial, mankind exist, changing the current form and content of the ideas..well ..when gregorienne,depending on the ruling of the egregore time. And now the age of nanotechnology is like... I would Fang monkey wearing did not..better BRM on a smartphone)) ..more features based on the realities of our time

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 20:57
by Крот
мимоходом wrote:Why to master your body and mind, switching its own levers. It is better to turn to the spice on the side ))))
)))when a broken leg is not a sin and shit like

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 14:35
by Крот
мимоходом wrote:I Believe that all but the real stimulation of the senses by sound, light - it's a placebo.
Well...for example provera in the Sacrament of Communion symbolizes the Body of Christ...and it seems to me that for true followers of the Catholic, the Christian Church is it's a really body,but for the Protestants ....surrogate chtoli, just a reminder,but actually, in reality, not the body itself..... For nhsia magic doesn't work

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:19
by Андерссон
Good day, finally bought a BRM!)) :D Tell me I put on wife's phone until polsus often her phone. Is there a difference, or is it better to stick to your? For the third day, each night the box under the pillow, but no change in the mental not physical. No responses... a Little time wear? Or because of the fact that I'm a little calling and Internet from wifi?

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 20:36
by Андерссон
That's not really here to answer questions...
Tell me some more the intent to salivate if I want to increase the ability to play online poker?

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 23:22
by Aura
Андерссон wrote:That's not really here to answer questions...
Yeah, not Beeline...with a staff of operators. Developers do not always have the opportunity on the forum every day to attend.
Андерссон wrote:tell me I put on wife's phone until polsus often her phone. Is there a difference, or is it better to stick to your?
All devices on the crystals themselves are to some extent artifacts, accumulate the energy of the operator. It is recommended to use only your.
Андерссон wrote:the third day, each night the box under the pillow, but no change in the mental not physical. No responses... a Little time wear?
It is not likely in time use, and the programming of the crystal. Unlike neocolonial, You can create the program. It is necessary to pay attention to.
Андерссон wrote:Or because of the fact that I'm a little calling and Internet from wifi?
Frequency of use is important. About Wi Fi in here already many times explained, the antenna field of BRM is designed for frequency of mobile communication, Wi Fi can be used, but look at the frequency of the documentation.
Андерссон wrote:Tell me more what is the intent to salivate if I want to increase the ability to play online poker?
There are General rules of formation of intention, described in the instructions, plus many subtleties described in this thread. Generally it is undesirable to use the words of other people. Cited here is an example of how one person came to the reception to the therapist with the request to mobilize forces and resources and their harmonization. The therapist made the client installation "I mobilized, harmonized..." Setting is not working. When began to understand why the subconscious mind interpreted the installation as a "mobilized in the army a soldier with the accordion in his hands" :) Read the thread, apply the recommendations as specific language is desirable to shape themselves.<

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:03
by Андерссон
Aura is very grateful for your answers, everything is clear. :o So I understand just the power of focus I write on BRM (and it is already on) the frequency of his intentions, and this frequency moduliruetsya in GAIP cheres range of cleanliness that is mobile network. So the longer the time and the more power of concentration I record on BRM changed pomoshu with bio-resonance it will broadcast my intention. And it is through GEIP will get more specifically, my frequency i.e., energy and bestie materializes.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:07
by Андерссон
Strengthen the stream, if I just constantly naberat operator where the answering machine, and I'm going to broadcast an intent. (Of course the pre-formulation)? Thanks in advance!

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:11
by Андерссон
Between the contacts of the crystal and the antenna contact there is no contact between them one and a half mm of epoxide. Is this normal? (BRM smoky Quartz.) bc

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 0:45
by Aura
Between the contacts of the antenna and the crystal contacts only the conductive adhesive. The epoxy at all desire will not spill, it is noticeable if to give a more acute angle or view on the side of the contact to the soldering.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 17:08
by Aura
Андерссон wrote:Aura is very grateful for your answers, everything is clear. :o So I understand just the power of focus I write on BRM (and it is already on) the frequency of his intentions, and this frequency moduliruetsya in GAIP cheres range of cleanliness that is mobile network. So the longer the time and the more power of concentration I record on BRM changed pomoshu with bio-resonance it will broadcast my intention. And it is through GEIP will get more specifically, my frequency i.e., energy and bestie materializes.
Strengthen the stream, if I just constantly naberat operator where the answering machine, and I'm going to broadcast an intent. (Of course the pre-formulation)? Thanks in advance!
Yes. Some subtleties of programming a crystal. Each crystal has its own matrix, which is the information projection of the bulk crystal structure. In practice, for a user this is reflected by the Predominant parameter of the receptive channel. That is predominant. To program the crystal is not enough solely mental focus, in other words, the crystal of BRM is not recorded continuously all what the operator thinks, feels, etc., programming occurs in a complex, or as integrity. Therefore, the user concept was introduced as “the true intention”. You have to understand that it is not crystal and not even GEIP “knows” that there is true, or untrue. In principle, one could define it simply as “intention”, but with the understanding that the desire is different from intention. Intention is force, desire is not.
At the software level intent information consists of resonating the efforts of the chief nervous (they information) centres. Basically we can define them as the center of the belly (action), chest (emotion condition) and the head (mental). If the operator can independently control these centres and to link them (integrity), then for such an operator is any desire will intention, or any intention to be the true intention. The scheme is simple, but it opens many secrets and subtleties. First, it becomes clear that the intention can be formed not just with your mind, sometimes it is the job of the subconscious is the key to linking the three centres. Sometimes the subconscious is smarter and wiser, and for those users working with BRM is literally magic was just thinking about something, and then the responses and fast implementation. But so far not at all and to rely in his experience to such reviews is not recommended, because actually the main stages remain hidden, including the user. Second, action. The intention, unlike desire can be described as pre-action, the energy aspect of the action. There is a saying, afraid of their desires, they are executed. Therefore, there is a recommendation to work out their intentions in detail. Not just to represent the object (in the domestic screen – “hanging in the air”), and to enter when forming intentions in their own reality, their everyday actions, their surroundings. For example, the machine. Yes, technically I want it! And this responsibility, and money for repairs, and suddenly the accident, and the need for Parking space, and the wife will start asking from shopping and fitness to pick up, etc. in the formation of intentions imagine how clean the car in the morning, how and where it go, standing in traffic (and in Moscow it often will), wash, repair, maintain... Or frequent object of forming intentions is money. How you will store the cash at home in a Bank or in a Bank include? Investing should be able to, especially in our present volatile economic terms the world. The Bank may go bankrupt, etc., i.e. fear of losing a large amount will interfere to form an intention to have a lot of money. Or we will buy with the money? Will get pleasure from the fact that they have (this is rare), or the possibility for them to buy something or get the power to realize themselves or with their help? Then the intention to have money transformirovalsya in the intention to have a specific material object that is associated with the factors described above in the example with the car, or in the intention of self-realization, or the intention to have the power... If the operator and his entourage are not ready, that is the information level there are no parameters for the implementation, at the level of specific actions will be brake. Further, the emotional center. The emotional center in the modern realities going to go hot and reflective, in this case, it is for us a positive aspect. One of the criteria true intentions are strong positive emotional state. This distinguishes “want” that can be imposed virtualname, for example, social pressure and the need to match from “I really want it”. An important criterion is the state of joy, often even euphoria. The realization of the true intent is not just the satisfaction of need, but a state of inner joy. To shiver and tingle. No chills? You can pump up the intention of emotions artificially, and many do. And then you can go and have a mental plan, then Yes, we can only direct attention to the programming of the crystal. There are still rare cases when the formation of the true intentions of the few to link only three listed main center, sometimes, and it often applies to money intentions, they need to "negotiate" even with the hands...other centres. For example, when the operator was often "got on his hands" after receiving large sums of money. Mental wants, and emotions is, the information parameters of the implementation are present, but in the hands of its negative program. It was briefly described preceding work on the formation of intentions, it usually takes more than one day, a small comment about the “concentration of attention” to program the crystal. In principle, the same factors in the formation program as such, you can use the recommendations and without BRM, but then the scope of disclosure of intentions will be limited by the field distribution of the brain (mostly) wave operator, and is much narrower than the area covered by cellular communication, and the frequency of the other, because the concept of GAIP perceived somewhat formally, are now more likely to need to talk about technoosfera than the noosphere, in particular, therefore now the actual same, the actual screening subject, and the usual, but completely different than 70 years ago, so, for example, now to see the aura more difficult than 70 years ago...but that's another topic. And another point, here describes the ideal situation for the formation of the intention, the realization, BRM is a device for experimentation, communication and interaction with GAIP, and through feedback we often tell you what you need to do what is missing... the path of GAIP inscrutable as the ways of implementation of the plan.
About “the longer”. Just speak or present intention every time does not make sense, for the reasons described above. In other words, stream intentions are not to go on a mechanical level. If this is difficult, it is better for some to forget, to move away from desired to go to the subconscious level and worked there. Therefore, when the broadcast intents we use as a marker, this is a holistic state in which there is a formation of the true intentions, the joy, the euphoria of having it now. And marker state associated with the formed crystal wording/manner depending on the prevailing channel of the crystal. To broadcast the image/say the wording without marker status has no special meaning. To do this it is recommended that at the time of working of the center, which usually at the time of the call. You can call and on the answering machine, no difference, it is also the activity of the center.<

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 22:15
by Андерссон
Aura Gratitude for your answers! Understood, I will practice.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 15:42
by Полинушка
Андерссон wrote:. And it is through GEIP will get more specifically, my frequency i.e., energy and bestie materializes.
Yeah, like we all always want to hurry up. :) me too! Increasingly reminiscent of the tale of portnogo that could make one skin and 1 and 7 caps, the current is very small OOO)))) no offense, I'm not talking about You, about myself :) I think it is not only the strength and degree of concentration of their intentions ,but the intentions of geip that materialized corny sometimes need more time!!! so our intention is not easy just heard the space was and even that it vyraslo as crystal, preobrazilisj!!! And sometimes you want in a fairy tale...spat...blew...received:-)

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 0:59
by Андерссон
Полинушка wrote:
Андерссон wrote:. And it is through GEIP will get more specifically, my frequency i.e., energy and bestie materializes.
Yeah, like we all always want to hurry up. :) me too! Increasingly reminiscent of the tale of portnogo that could make one skin and 1 and 7 caps, the current is very small OOO)))) no offense, I'm not talking about You, about myself :) I think it is not only the strength and degree of concentration of their intentions ,but the intentions of geip that materialized corny sometimes need more time!!! so our intention is not easy just heard the space was and even that it vyraslo as crystal, preobrazilisj!!! And sometimes you want in a fairy tale...spat...blew...received:-)
Mdyaya... Let's wait and believe...
How can you verify that BRM work, well, not rejected? And then I was plagued by doubts about contacts.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 20:58
by Сергей Ивлев
к-13 wrote:I'm almost the same with rock crystal did - the difference was in that the antenna field was of fine copper wire, with a little bit a great figure (closer to smoky quartz) and filled in the transparent poliafico (to wear and to use).
Work these things quite interesting, very similar to the remote - for example using them very convenient to apply information on the water - is applied to the glass, I look and just see or speak to that need is the information from the water manage to remove even the novice seer. The situation turns out bad influence. Relieves local pain well. I gave away a dozen. One was with a small drift of fluorite - the good dreams - more vivid, more memorable, easier to be programmed and understood.
And why don't you become a multimillionaire? Caught Gina, I don't know how to use it? Would advise you as an antenna to use my Bioactivities spiral, the best of paterbriana wires. (my post viewtopic.php?f=32&t=6014&p=165597#p165597 page 8-9, and later)
And whether it is more - what relieves the pain?

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 15:41
by Полинушка
Андерссон wrote: Let's wait and believe.
:) This is not enough for the creative process. Necessary ingredients like the ability to work on yourself, observe, make an effort to concentrate, to create, to let go and others...

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 15:42
by Полинушка
Андерссон wrote:how can you verify that BRM work,
...And method of registration of the changes in himself and space)))

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 15:50
by Полинушка
Андерссон wrote:Let's wait and believe..
Although, perhaps Your Faith is the ingredient that creates the universe. Then the action and the materialization of the desired with the help of BRM will not take long, and the strength of Your Faith will only envy))) good)

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 0:08
by Aura
Андерссон wrote:And then I was plagued by doubts about contacts.
Nothing lost can not there's nothing to be "defective". Send for calming photo.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 0:35
by Андерссон
Аура wrote:
Андерссон wrote:And then I was plagued by doubts about contacts.
Nothing lost can not there's nothing to be "defective". Send for calming photo.
I wanted to send a photo, but then as I understand you cannot attach a photo...

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 13:41
by Полинушка
how super works BRM in the period of new year jitters :D it seems to me that GEIP inundated with requests for all sorts of material gifts bonuses and money))) as the bag of Santa Claus live there just teeming!))). Connected to this egregore and let's wish for!! New year is coming, and I have a bunch of gifts received :ay I like it

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 19:49
by Гуфест
Second verdult snapped in half,what do you say Aura?I think if the third, the problem is,citrine is normally kept.How can I interpret? it is from the perspective of magic,why break?my Lee ,this verdelite?

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 14:23
by Aura
The tourmaline fine attunement with the operator. A couple of times it was observed that one and the same operator in a row were broken tourmaline BRM. Breaks down in two cases: took over the situation, he defended (tourmalines have a pronounced protective properties) or the operator "wishlist" hard pressed (tourmaline BRM fast and powerful, but soft, demand soft approach). Due to its geometry, the tourmaline crystals have a strong collective effect, literally absorb, so that the operator with his energy can push so that it will break.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 15:56
Аура wrote:of tourmaline in delicate attunement with the operator. A couple of times it was observed that one and the same operator in a row were broken tourmaline BRM. Breaks down in two cases: took over the situation, he defended (tourmalines have a pronounced protective properties) or the operator "wishlist" hard pressed (tourmaline BRM fast and powerful, but soft, demand soft approach). Due to its geometry, the tourmaline crystals have a strong collective effect, literally absorb, so that the operator with his energy can push so that it will break.
Don't remember, I wrote or not there is such a case. Went to a curtain shop with a friend , she's just pieces of scraps left for needlework . It was crystal(not BRM) tourmaline. The hostess, who promised the scraps were not in place and the employee handing her the bag with the shreds , the negativity thrown that tourmaline pendant(crystals on it was somewhat thin) just exploded-burst right in front miserably. During transfer of the bag)).The employee was silent , showed nothing negative, but the inner negative state so it worked. :?
A few more cases and one of them , when sent three times one BRM, came already cracked. Despite the fact that its in bubble wrap Packed in the box. On the arrival of the BRM recipient was already burst. Change to another BRM , another crystal, the same thing happened. To send all BRM was thoroughly reviewed, after the first incident, I even took pictures)) in case if the client itself could be damaged during use.

Re: Bioresonance modulators.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 17:21
by Гуфест
Tell me,black tourmaline schorl,stronger? than verdelite.what the reviews say?