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What are you practicing?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 23:48
by Влад
First I will! (The first tries so to speak).
Interesting that someone is practicing, except for sessions of the mind-machines?
Well, there is meditation, pranayama, lucid dreams or WTO deals.
And did the influence of mind-machines in practice?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:08
by Pavel
>I wonder who that is practicing, except for sessions of the mind-machines?

Engaged in the program "treatment of water". ... &board=6.0

and so no practice, just relaxation and stimulation - that is enough for a good life.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:34
by Сперанца
Coffee is not drinking?
Thanks for the link:)

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:02
by Pavel
Сперанца wrote:Coffee drink?
No coffee, tea, alcohol do not drink. Those who sit on the program "treatment of water", naturally produced an aversion to these drugs: either no taste or the taste is very disgusting.

The way the program "Treatment of water", and drives Patrushev perfectly together perfect balance: after listening to the CDs there is no obvious thirst for water as it was before and of course the action of the disks firmly enhanced.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 11:58
by Dimas
I want to share too!!!A machine for practicing the skills of concentration(meditation)...OCHCHCHEN helps...Oh,by the way,about coffee, there any meat, etc. Started to combine classes with respiratory treasureroom Frolov (not promoting-just sharing)..the Awesome thing was...And significantly reduced appetite,a huge desire to drink more pure water,eat natural simple foods,mostly vegan type...I read on the forum of endogenic-this is a normal reaction...only eat when he wants,and sometimes even forget to eat and not feeling hungry...doing 5 days in total....Coffee do not drink tea also, as you do not want to,but because I was a fan of tea (almost 8 years in this business has worked)...the light still appeared large,SIGNIFICANTLY improves mood,clarity of perception...Listening session (alpha) on a typewriter-at the same time breathe-cool..stops the internal dialogue almost mngnovenie (it may affect natrenirovannosti classes with machine and disks)...that's still pies...
Yes,if someone wants to buy a simulator-through the Internet, not buy,on their website it 755р. is,in an ordinary pharmacy can be purchased in 2 times cheaper!!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 15:01
by Pavel
Dimas wrote:do not advertise-just sharing)
PR in itself demAs ruined. :lol:

Already itching to buy the device! I was struck by the thought that you breathe during a session something is wrong!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 16:25
by Сперанца
PR in itself demAs ruined
I also want to drink the water, meditravel, breathing with the simulator Frolov.
Want it all!!

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 16:59
by Pavel
>I also want to drink the water, meditravel, breathing with the simulator Frolov.
Want it all!!

Water on hand
The machine at hand
Where can I get this machine.

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 17:14
by Андрей Патрушев
Pavel wrote:
Dimas wrote:do not advertise-just sharing)
PR in itself demAs ruined. :lol:

Already itching to buy the device! I was struck by the thought that you breathe during a session something is wrong!
Yes, this is not a tool at all, and two bottle of shampoo, inserted one into the other... :D
Although, I must agree, the stuff is powerful... :P

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 14:04
by Dimas a lot of interesting things to write.
Here is their website,the current does not buy through him..very expensive...go to so choose your area and see how much it costs in the nearest pharmacy from You..In search of Medlock enter Respiratory training ....I have done so..

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 14:34
by Сперанца
Yesterday I spent half the night reading about this simulator:)
Painfully clever write on the forums.
I was particularly attracted by the fact that people lose weight:)

and what effect you expect?
I read that Buteyko was against it. He is opposed to deep breathing and trainer type develops a deep breath.
Genove to not become worse.
And I found that these simulators there are 2 types in letter designation. What do you want? :)

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 17:03
by Марина Ник
Сперанца wrote:
PR in itself demAs ruined
I also want to drink the water, meditravel, breathing with the simulator Frolov.
Want it all!!
Speranza! And I want to! All! And water, and the simulator. Only laziness. And not to be lazy. :oops:
By the way, the question was more about the OS and about the WTO. DemAs, how about it? You really wrote somewhere that is close to it (about the hanging out of the hands). As it is now?

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 20:16
by Олег_2007
Simulator Frolova very effective piece. To obtain the skill of endogenous respiration requires at least 6-8 months. It is necessary to breathe through the device twice a day for 40-50 minutes. If You have enough patience, the result will amaze :o
1. You automatically develop the skill of endogenous respiration(without trainer). All yoga breathing exercises, holding the breath, the pauses are all completely eliminated. Believe me. I've had stradal asthma and I had chronic rhinitis(literally a few minutes a day I could breath through the nose, the rest of the time only through the mouth. After the transition to the endogenous respiration all changed). I'll try to describe. When endogenous respiration You are inhaling, it is possible to breathe constantly. It's true. I have an effective way of checking that I endogenous breathing (if interested in details, write).
2. In this breath receive skill instant transition into an altered state of consciousness.
3. Almost sick. Over the four years. I was sick only once and then the flu ! (after 24 hours!!!, I swear, it absolutely was healthy).
4. Very quickly and easily lose weight control weight.
5. Need less time for sleep.
BUT there is no information about the endogenous respiration simulator. I use the device, usually the elderly. No ads (for the fitness industry is unprofitable, since it requires minimal investment of money).

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 20:38
by Pavel
Maybe Andrew could sell these devices through the website Frolov mind-machines. To help the cars so to speak. And then we have in General such things are not for sale.

this is just my thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 21:06
by Сперанца
Marina Nick
the question was also about the OS, and about the WTO
I'm ashamed, but I don't know what it is :oops:
I want! Just
So I'm greedy for all new :D

Here I PP.4 and 5 is very interested :roll:

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 21:46
by Андрей Патрушев
Олег_2007 wrote:Exerciser Frolov a very effective piece. To obtain the skill of endogenous respiration requires at least 6-8 months. It is necessary to breathe through the device twice a day for 40-50 minutes. If You have enough patience, the result will amaze :o
1. You automatically develop the skill of endogenous respiration(without trainer). All yoga breathing exercises, holding the breath, the pauses are all completely eliminated. Believe me. I've had stradal asthma and I had chronic rhinitis(literally a few minutes a day I could breath through the nose, the rest of the time only through the mouth. After the transition to the endogenous respiration all changed). I'll try to describe. When endogenous respiration You are inhaling, it is possible to breathe constantly. It's true. I have an effective way of checking that I endogenous breathing (if interested in details, write).
2. In this breath receive skill instant transition into an altered state of consciousness.
3. Almost sick. Over the four years. I was sick only once and then the flu ! (after 24 hours!!!, I swear, it absolutely was healthy).
4. Very quickly and easily lose weight control weight.
5. Need less time for sleep.
BUT there is no information about the endogenous respiration simulator. I use the device, usually the elderly. No ads (for the fitness industry is unprofitable, since it requires minimal investment of money).
Well, I'd say that these rumors are greatly exaggerated...
My wife fanatically held a full course in the book (Dodge, damn it, from their duties :evil: ), but nothing received... :cry:
I would, on the basis of common sense and normal physiology, has limited the time to 15 minutes a day. Well, twice for 15 minutes. And the term of the class 21 days (what can be done with the body for 21 days - it is impossible to do ever...) then about the same a little break.
What makes this "device"? - First of all it increases the consumption of oxygen by the brain and enhances greatly the cerebral circulation. Thus, we can expect improvement of mental abilities. Of course, a number of ills may pass, because the brain is the integrator fseh physiological processes in the body, but it may not if the mechanism of action of the simulator does not affect the mechanisms of formation of sores...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:31
by Разумовский Михаил
All the information about the simulator Frolov and on the effects caused by them, you can get on the website .
Only this company produces and distributes original model of the device, because it has all permits, including from the Frolov.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:29
by Марина Ник
Сперанца wrote:I'm ashamed, but I don't know what it is
OS-lucid dreams. A lot about this in different books. It means to realize that you're dreaming and control your dream. Castaneda, for example, that there are many. It is interesting to read. On this site someone wrote about it. Many turns to test the OS. It is believed that this is an altered state of consciousness. Well, then-WTO. Out-of-body experience. Output in the astral, and all that. About Robert Monroe ochchchen! interestingly written in his books.
It is interesting to read. Well, try to try to leave the body - it's anyone. The question is moot. Do I need it? Will-so what? Who is waiting? Where to go? And, most importantly, back to back, and suddenly the wrong body? :) :)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 4:40
by Марина Ник
Разумовский Михаил wrote:Hello!
All the information about the simulator Frolov and on the effects caused by them, you can get on the website .
Only this company produces and distributes original model of the device, because it has all permits, including from the Frolov.
Hello, Michael. And You do? Tried this simulator? So probably, I think, tried. I have such a long time was, but I do not have access. All the same notorious laziness. Yes, and there was little information. Now, I think to buy -old lost. Only now opinions about the simulator here diverge. Who says that it is very effective, one that its effects are greatly exaggerated...
And Your opinion as a user? I found it particularly interesting, you know :oops:

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:58
by Разумовский Михаил
Марина Ник wrote:
Разумовский Михаил wrote:Hello!
All the information about the simulator Frolov and on the effects caused by them, you can get on the website .
Only this company produces and distributes original model of the device, because it has all permits, including from the Frolov.
Hello, Michael. And You do? Tried this simulator? So probably, I think, tried. I have such a long time was, but I do not have access. All the same notorious laziness. Yes, and there was little information. Now, I think to buy -old lost. Only now opinions about the simulator here diverge. Who says that it is very effective, one that its effects are greatly exaggerated...
And Your opinion as a user? I found it particularly interesting, you know :oops:
With trainer known for a long time. The last half-year doing it regularly. Expected result get. Particularly well the process in combination with the discs Patrushev. On the website posted in electronic form the book Frolova "Endogenous respiration medicine of the third Millennium", I recommend it. The simulator is certainly effective, but requires a certain amount of patience and perseverance.

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 7:10
by Марина Ник
Thank You, Michael. The answer is clear, concise , basically. However, as always.
Oh, just me with patience and perseverance tugovato :( But if, according to Alexander Patrushev, to engage for 15 minutes and not 40?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:17
by Сперанца
Andrei Patrushev
My wife is fanatically did a full course on the book (Dodge, damn it, from their duties ), but nothing received...
cough.. not even lost weight? 8)

Marina Nick
a lot About this in different books
Something about it I read Zeland:)
Do I need it? Will-so what? Who is waiting? Where to go? And, most importantly, back to back, and suddenly the wrong body?
Interesting. About Monroe I've read something. Need in the Internet to look for books.
Oh, just me with patience and perseverance tugovato
Can here to support each other:)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:22
by Сперанца
Subscribe here:

For an introductory course on the trainer:)

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:11
by Боддхи
yeah....thought the new forum was organized,registered,and then advertise again....,then it is a advertising forum open or something...
et those sredstvenno and discussed the simulator in the forum"interesting device"I Pro coil wanted to ask..
I personally practice the WTO-Wasps and AP,listening to Monroe,use BraiWave and recently acquired InnerPulse... :))
Wasps practice daavno-used to do meditation here willesley effect! :D
there are a lot of questions,well, I can answer who I would ask to the extent of your knowledge...

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:57
by Dimas
Yes, this simulator is just a shallow breath,as far as I know...breath in just 2 seconds(a lot don't breathe,you can prophetsa voltage :lol: ),but the long exhale...
Oleh 2007,and how much time You phase lasts inhale-exhale???OS is Lucid Snovideniya,WTO-out-of-body experiences,out of body experiences VTP (same I..TSA,only the hardware 8) )...
Speranza,to be honest, no special effects I wasn't expecting,just decided to poeksperimentirovat,combining breath+focus on it+the machine...about the WTO-I began to show even more weird state at night...and like a dream,but not like a dream,I saw his sleeping body a few times,but preludes there any type of shaking was not,as I apparently went into this sostoyaniya not directly,but through a dream.Yes,this dialky very cool mood and improved sleep,it is for me now a the way,the tandem dialky with the machine is great...the Trainer REINFORCES the effects of the (in my view) IMPORTANT!I do,as written in instruktsii only 20 minutes before bedtime,with the volume of water in the flask-30ML,respiratory phase=2 sec. the breath 15-20 seconds, exhale,depending on how much time has passed from the last cigarette smoked me..But!!!!Very interesting observation...the Desire to smoke is significantly reduced...Apparently, there is no need something to suck (massavetas to be healthy :roll: ) and apparently very breath reduces cravings,as the vessels dilate,increasing blood flow,so the brain is better supplied with oxygen and including the pleasure center begins to produce more hormones.I understand that.