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Power Balance - the divorce?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 15:07
by Экко
Here's what Wikipedia says:

Power Balance — silicone wristband brand with a holographic disk.

Since 2007, the manufacturer has positioned the bracelet as "the energy technology sub-waves". By the end of the 2011 advertising campaign Power Balance was subjected to public criticism. Claims about the medical efficacy of the product without evidence by many experts was perceived negatively. Independent research has not revealed the medical effectiveness of the bracelet.

In 2010, the manufacturer was nominated by a lawsuit from the Australian state Commission (ACCC). The company abandoned the initial advertising of the product as a medical innovation. In his address to clients, it recognized that the increase bracelet properties, such as strength, energy, flexibility, relies on informal data. As compensation to each buyer that is not satisfied purchased a bracelet, the company has pledged to reimburse the full purchase price.

Since November 2012, the brand is the property of Power Balance Technologies Inc.

description of the action from the manufacturer

Until 2011 advertising campaign Power Balance was said about "using holographic technology, interacting with "natural energy field of the person". According to the description on the website of the manufacturer, hologram "contained a special charge, able to optimize the human energy field". The use of the bracelet should supposedly increase strength, balance and flexibility imbedded in the hologram wave that in promotional materials the manufacturer is as scientific technology.


The growing demand and attention to the brand provoked a number of independent studies. Strictly scientific validity of the promotional campaign of the brand in 2010, not received. In the conclusions of the testing indicated that the efficacy of the bracelet is not exceed placebo. The manufacturer initially refused to remove health claims from its advertising campaign, however, constructive criticism and research have influenced all further work of the brand. Insights evidence-based medicine and accusations of "controversial advertising, similar to the Scam" forced the company to admit that is false. The manufacturer released an official statement about the abuse of the use in advertising of scientific terminology.

Supporters of manufacturer made the first sports celebrities from the NBA, NFL, NHL. In his comments, the athletes pointed out that the confusion around the branding does not affect their sympathy by the bracelets. According to athletes, collaborating with manufacturer training and matches they spend on the bracelets with the logos of their teams.

Power Balance today

After the reorganization of the brand into a new Corporation in 2012 the production of the bracelets is focused on manufacturing the sports cap and bracelets. The latter is represented in the market of sports accessories, the essence of which is based on the principles of Eastern philosophy, meditation. Products manufacturer popular in the Internet, in the countries of Eastern Europe and the United States. The company cooperates with sports stars, MLB, NBA, etc. This is accessory only.<

Re: Power Balance - the divorce?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 15:08
by Экко
Video reviews on Youtube also not in favor of this product, it's all a Scam, divorce and so on?

Re: Power Balance - the divorce?

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 16:56
by АндрейКо
Экко wrote:Video reviews on Youtube also not in favor of this product, it's all a Scam, divorce and so on?
Kept in the hands of a... Even the free russophonia Panacea more effective (not to mention digital...)
very weak hologram. (but maybe it was a fake - I don't know)