The effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

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The effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:56

Very curious to know the opinion of Respected Guru about the following is :shock:
Met this online and could not resist to put (not found where the document to the message to cling to, so in six parts ):

G. A. Kravkov
Part 1
The effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency on biological objects and human
A brief overview
Kiev – 2006
The table of contents.
Section 1.
Birth problems..................................................................................3
Millimetric radio waves...................................................................5
To test hypotheses....................................................................................6
Section 2.
Resonance effects.................................................................................13
Medical application of millimeter waves...................................15
Threshold phenomena....................................................................................17
The impact of millimeter waves on the conscious and subconscious............19
Capillary effect................................................................................22
The international aspect of the problem...........................................................25
Disease, infection from the radiophysical point of view............................27
Information exchange at the cellular level.......................................30
Section 3.
"Alive" and "dead" water.
Memory body................................................................................................32
Psychic effects...................................................................42
Specialized organs for the perception and
exposure to radio waves................................................................................44
Modern versions of EHF-therapy...........................................49
Ghosts and ghosts..............................................................................52
Section 4.
Business serdechnye...........................................................................................58
Memory Crowe...............................................................................................62
Reading thinking and contents of human memory.........................64
Information transfer........................................................................80
Thinking grain.........................................................................................88
Water, paradoxes and grandeur of small quantities.............................................91
Sources used....................................................................92
App 1............................................................................................96
Internal monitoring.............................................................................97
Pump and external control in the conscious state...................100
External control in a state-disabled memory..................102
Appendix 2.
Dubrovka.....................................................................................................One hundred three
The assassination attempt on Viktor Yushchenko...................................................................116
App 3.....................................................................118

The present review is devoted to the phenomenon, which in the West is called "nonlethal weapons"; Russia – even more absurd – "psychotronic weapons", and that it would be better to call the information (non-thermal) electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency on biological objects, including humans. Not the radiation power, and contained in the carrier frequency information defines the killing, crippling or healing in nature such effect.
The review used available to any Russian or Ukrainian citizen sources from scientific periodicals covering the theoretical aspects of problems and medical applications of open effects, which began in the late 70-ies of the last century. This is mainly magazine articles "Millimeter waves in biology and medicine", "Biomedical technology and electronics", "Bulletin of new medical technologies", "advances in physical Sciences", "Biophysics", as well as the abstracts of the reports of symposia with international participation "Millimeter waves in biology and medicine", courtesy of the author, CJSC "Medical-technical Association "UHF" (Institute of radio engineering and electronics Russian Academy of Sciences).
The aim of the review is to show interested in the declassified part of the problem and current situation of the line of secrecy in it. The review is part of a more extensive material, containing testimony from victims who suffered from microwave exposure.
Section 1.
The birth of the problem.
Problem was born in the early 60-ies of XX century as "the idea of the possibility of specific effects of electromagnetic radiation of MM (millimeter) range of lengths of waves on biological structures and organisms" were made by Soviet scientists (N. D. Devyatkov, M. B. Golant, etc.).
The idea consisted in the following. The atmosphere of MM radiation of extraterrestrial origin strongly absorbed. Therefore, terrestrial organisms could not have natural mechanisms to adapt to the noticeable fluctuations in intensity in this range due to external causes, but could adjust to its fluctuations in this range in the evolution process (1).
In the absence of a powerful natural sources of radiation in the millimeter range nature could use this "besomebody" range for management purposes, the main physiological functions (2) and information communication between the cells of living objects.
Arose a natural question: what meaning life can have a reaction to coherent electromagnetic radiation in the natural environment is virtually nonexistent? And if there is a reaction, what are the features of its manifestation in the living organism? (1).
Here's how to tell, (3) the first step in the direction of validate the hypotheses participant in the events, Professor O. V. Betsky: "In September 2003 marks 40 years since the in the IRE of the USSR ... of the scientific seminar devoted to the discussion of the unusual properties of electromagnetic fields of low intensity millimeter (extremely high frequency – EHF) range in relation to the processes of functioning biological organisms. By this time, the research Institute of the USSR MEP Istok... has been completed research work on the development of the world's first broadband millimeter-wave generator based on vacuum devices-lamp backward wave with a longitudinal magnetic field (S-O). The seminar was staged on the initiative of N. D. Devyatkova – corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, scientific head of the research Institute "Istok" (G. Fryazino, And The Us. region – Ed.) and head of the Department 16 "microwave electronics" IRE of the USSR. Lamp reverse wave given the opportunity to start work in non-traditional electronics direction in biology and medicine".
The first very interesting results of experiments made at the suggestion of N. D. Devyatkova and M. B. Golanta was received in 1965 when he was installed resonant response of living biological objects when exposed to discrete waves of millimeter range (4).
Almost simultaneously at the other end of the Soviet Union, in Novosibirsk, V. P. Kaznacheev, by S. P. Shurin, L. P. Mikhailova was opened no less interesting "Phenomenon of intercellular distant electromagnetic interactions in a system of two tissue structures".
"The premise of the experiments was that the functional state of cells subjected to various environmental factors, is encoded in the electromagnetic radiation arising in the process of its activity. He was supposed to check whether this radiation is the signal function, if it is able to start an adequate initial excited state processes in intact cells-detectors. Because it meant the study of the informative properties of radiation, elected such a situation, when the cell is faced with damaging factors of the environment. In this case, an adequate response from the cells-detectors could be interpreted as a manifestation of the informative effect. As factors of influence to a cell used DNA and RNA-containing viruses, toxic doses of mercury dichloride, lethal dose of UV irradiation, etc. as a result, the cells develop damage leading to death specific for each agent picture. If damaged appropriately, the cells in special chambers with quartz Windows, connected using an optical contact with the same cells not subjected to any impact, the last naturally develop changes, repeating the pattern of the disease and the death of damaged cells. Thus, between the two groups of cells, with only optical contact through quartz plate, discovered distant intercellular interactions caused by superweak electromagnetic radiation...
Changes in uninfected "mirror" the culture-specific detector cells of the detector largely copying the whole cycle of transformations that occur in cells culture of the inductor. However, such morphological characteristics as the virus of inclusion in the "mirror" culture have never been found. That is why we speak of "outline the similarities and differences between the" culture of the inductor and detector...
The "mirror" effect is realized in the homologous cell lines and absent in heterogeneous cultures are genetically distant from each other.
A "mirror" cytopathic effect was observed in case of application as a substrate of quartz or mica platelets. The glass substrate is not effective. It follows that the carrier of the signal in the interaction of two cellular systems may be ultraviolet radiation or infrared range, as the quartz is transparent in relation to infrared radiation.... In studies with the use of metal foil go black filter between the chambers received a negative result, i.e. no "mirror" effect" (5).
In the end, "it was found that the specific damage of one living cell (tissue) can lead to the same specific damage to the cells (tissue) located next to a sealed amount that excludes the transfer of substances from one cell to another through the vessel wall" (6) (Diploma for the opening of No. 122, with priority of February 15, 1966 Official Bulletin of the Committee for inventions and discoveries under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, 1973, No. 19).
Thus had detected intercellular communication by means of electromagnetic waves.
So, living organisms, at least at the cellular level, sending death on the eve of radio messages with the "medical certificate about the illness and causes of death" - as it was called in the Soviet Union. Closely related the organisms can perceive and likewise to commit suicide. How you can mimic a viral infection, not having viruses? Either chemical lesion of the mercury, without mercury? How instrumental is the modus operandi of the virus and mercury? Can the instrument be separated from its carriers and operating them artificially to cause infectious disease in the absence of infection carrier or mimic chemical lose without the substance in the targeted organism?
Millimeter radio waves.
The effect of electromagnetic waves on biological objects can be energy (ionizing) or information. When the energy effect the effect is achieved due to large power fluctuations and leads to a General or local heating of tissues. In this case, the frequency and shape of oscillations in the first approximation, does not play an important role.
Millimeter waves (the oscillation frequency in this range varies from F = 30 To 300 GHz, which corresponds to wavelengths in free space =10-1 mm) refer to non-ionizing radiation. The quantum energy of radiation in the millimeter range is extremely small, less energy of the thermal motion of molecules, energy of electronic transitions, vibrational energy of the molecules and the energy of the hydrogen bonds and can affect the activity only if radiation processes characteristic of coherent oscillations. The temperature rise in the exposure slightly (about 0.1With) and it is the main factor of the effect. In such cases we say about the Manager, or the information influence of electromagnetic radiation (non-thermal) intensity, and resulting biological effects refer to the effects of non-thermal (informational) influences of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequencies (EMI EHF) on biological objects.
Additional, but not compulsory, the argument for recognition of a impact of information can be substantially increased (by many orders of magnitude) of energy of the initiated processes on the energy of the initiating influences, emphasizing their signal importance to the perceiving system.
Millimeter waves are strongly absorbed in water and water-containing environments. Millimeter water layer attenuates short-wave radiation at  = 7.1 mm 100 times under =2 mm – 10 thousand times. For biomedical applications this fact is significant, since MM-waves are almost completely attenuated in the upper layers of human skin (in the epidermis, at a depth of 0,3-0,7 mm) and in principle should not affect his inner state, however, such effects occur and are explained by the existing body of information channels and the presence of the resonance of "transparency Windows" in the water and water-containing environments, at specific frequencies of exposure.
The increased interest in millimeter waves stimulated their learning, and had obtained certain results: "an Important peculiarity of MM waves is their low divergence during propagation in the air, which increases the noise immunity of communication channels and allows to use a large number of them in a confined space without mutual interference. These waves, having a higher resolution according to the elevation angle and range, can provide high stealth transfer at small dimensions of the receiving and transmitting equipment. Finally, a significant advantage of the waves of EHF range is a large bandwidth that allows you to transmit on one channel a large amount of information" (10).
Range, ostravaradvanice, secretiveness, combined with small dimensions of the equipment – an excellent record for use of MM-waves on the battlefield to provide at least curative effect on enemy soldiers (other than healing actions on the human millimeter waves do not have and cannot have in principle – as it has approved since the beginning of 90-ies, since partial, for the sake of expanding medical applications, the declassification of the problem).
Verification of the hypothesis.
"From 1966 to 1973 on the initiative of academician N. D. Devyatkova in various organizations of the country was carried out a long cycle of experiments. Experiments with microorganisms and laboratory animals not only confirmed the basic provisions of the concept, but also allowed to formulate the basic laws of interaction of millimeter waves with living organisms...
The pilot phase ended with a broad discussion of the qualified scientific community, the problems of biological significance of millimeter waves at a special session of the Department of General physics and astronomy of the USSR in January 1973 ... the Main results of the research and the discussion were published in the academic journal "Successes of physical Sciences" (1973, No. 4). This publication has attracted to the problem under discussion, the attention of scientists from different countries, which were set in the study, copies of domestic works". (7)
The contents of this publication shows that starting research people are not quite aware of what they will encounter. Irradiated, by changing the frequency selected for the experiments, the objects, recorded the results, analyzed them and honestly tabled colleagues. This is the most simple material of all found and read by me. No one seems to have guessed what, in the end, the result of their work. Otherwise, publication in the world famous, translated into English, the academic journal will never take place. In the late 70-ies, when it was realized, finally, it is the value of millimeter waves, fix anything it was too late. The Soviet Union lost, it may be a unique opportunity to escape far ahead in this field of knowledge and their practical applications, including in military Affairs.
Get acquainted with the most interesting of the number made in 1966 – 73 gg experiments. Classic was the experience of Vilna, R. L. and A. Z. Smolyan.
"We investigated the effect of millimeter waves on the intracellular systems that lead to a lethal synthesis in bacteria, i.e., the synthesis of substances that leads the cell to death. As test object was selected colicinogenic factor of Escherichia coli. Number factor is an extrachromosomal genetic element. The functional activity of this element is usually repressed. Depression number factors leads to the synthesis of special proteins, called calycinum; cell killing" (8).
The effect was characterized by the coefficient of induction of KI – the ratio of the percentage of microorganisms that produce colicin in irradiated and non-irradiated cultures. The resonance nature of the response to irradiation was expressed as follows: at a wavelength of  = 6.5 mm KI = 3,8 (percent colicin producing bacteria increased 3.8-fold vs baseline), with  = KI of 6.51 mm = 1,0 (position returned to its original state before irradiation), and further:
• when  = 6,53 mm KI = 3.3 V;
• when  equals 6.54 mm KI = 1,0;
• when  = 6,55 mm KI = 2,9;
• when  = 6,57 mm KI = 1,2;
• when  = 6,58 mm KI = 2,2;
Thus, at wavelengths  = 6,5; 6,53; 6,55; of 6.58 mm exposure affects the activity of microorganisms; at intermediate wavelengths =of 6.51; of 6.54; 6,57 mm – has not. On the chart, the dependence looks like the fading amplitude on the growth of the wavelength of the sine wave, step it  = 0.02 mm, the ratio  /   300 (quantity that characterizes the narrowness of the resonance bands corresponding to the impact, surprised at first, specialists).
At the same time was discovered the threshold nature of the phenomenon, summed up as follows: the coefficient of induction begins to grow rapidly with a radiation power of 0.001 mW/cm2 (one millionth of a watt), reaches a maximum at a power of 0.01 mW/cm2 and at its further increase is not growing: "the change in the value of power flux density 100 times from 0.01 to 1.00 mW/cm2 did not affect the coefficient of induction and a further power decrease to 0.01 mW/cm2 led to a sharp decline of biological effect" (8).
Very similar to the behavior of the human eye that can see fine in room light, as well in the sun, and back in the room, you can't see in the coverage, the earlier sufficient. The coincidence all the more curious that the human eye has a purely informational function, no other.
And further: "the Effect was in direct proportion to time of irradiation. Irradiation for 30 min. at temperature t = 20With had no influence on the synthesis kolicina, after exposure for one hour to absorb colicin number of cells increased 1.5-2 times, and after two hours was the maximum. At 37With the induction of the synthesis kolicina took place even when irradiated for 30 min seem to be associated with higher functional activity of all systems of the cells under these conditions" (8).
Not only the frequency close to 6.5 mm affect the synthesis kolicina. This wave effect is maximum, CI = 3,8; because of her surroundings and chosen for illustration stroitelnogo impact. But similar effect on cells of E. coli and wavelength  = 5.8 mm, here KI = 3,0; and  = 7.1 mm KI = 2,4. In all three cases, the effect appears not earlier than 30 min after the start of irradiation, increases with time, reaches above the highs of two hours and further exposure is not growing.
Might think that the dependence is dose in nature, but it is not. The dose depends on the time and power of radiation, and its polyporaceae hundredfold increase did not affect the coefficient of induction, which, after reaching the threshold power becomes solely a function of time, and then to achieve a particular two-hour limit, and then not growing at all. Does not exist, it seems that way by the change of frequency or power fluctuations can cause a cell to react to the impact faster than 30 min. Seems to work for the news channel with limited bandwidth. The closest analogue is the Telegraph operator or radio operator receiving Morse code the old fashioned way, by ear, recording the message and manually. Person also can "warm up" with a shout or a request to increase the speed, but not a hundred times of course.
Explains the existence and the lower threshold in time - it is impossible for the first letter, word or even phrase to guess the meaning of the telegram, and the upper - resend of messages does not affect the reaction.
Explore experiment: "the Lack of dependence of the effect on power is another weighty argument in favor of the nonthermal effects of millimeter waves, since all thermal effects depend primarily on the intensity of the stream...
To date, the ability of various agents (both physical and chemical) to induce a lethal (death – Ed.) for bacterial cell synthesis kolicina linked mainly to the ability of these agents to disintegrate the DNA or block its synthesis... Millimeter emission can be considered as a fundamentally new agent that is not causing direct damage to the DNA leads to disruption of the mechanism of regulation of the functions of genetic elements in the cell, in particular, extrachromosomal elements" (8).
V. F. Kondratieva, E. P. Chistyakov and others studied the effect of MM-waves on properties of bacteria: "Millimeter waves possess a significant destructive effect on bacteria. The dependence of the survival of the wavelength... the Most devastating effect has a wavelength of 7.2 mm."
N. P. Zalyubovskaya, experiments with insects (fruit flies): "After the exposure (15-60 min) adult male and female individuals did not die, apparently there were no changes, and after mating, these insects, as a rule, gave birth to a normal offspring. However, the number of offspring from exposed parents had reduced fecundity of insects depended on the wavelength, which was irradiated and the time of exposure... In the first generation mutants are rare, the greatest number of mutants was observed in the second generation after prolonged exposure to radiation with a wavelength of 6.5 mm...
The irradiation of experimental animals (white rats and mice) for 40-50 days for 10-15 mins does not lead to death. However, such animals have noted lethargy, vzjeroshenij wool, refusal of food and drink for some time... in the irradiated animals decreased resistance (resistance – Ed.) of the body to infections" (8).
Other published reports confirm that the most harmful for the living wave of 6.5 mm.
The most interesting and unexpected was the message of Vilna, R. L. and L. A. Sevastianova. We give its description according to the later source, 2001 (9), a more detailed series of resonant frequencies, and add interesting details from the publication, 1973
Studied the reaction of the hematopoietic system in animals (rats and mice) for external irradiation on the number and condition of the bone marrow cells. Irradiation was carried out in three variants: hard ionising x-ray radiation; millimeter waves; together both kinds. The results were as follows: irradiation of x-rays, the number of bone marrow cells was reduced to 50-60 % of the source; when irradiated with millimeter waves up to 96 % of the original. Logically, joint irradiation would lead to a further reduction in the number of bone marrow cells due to the total action of the two types of radiation. In fact, it happened so.
Under the combined action of "millimeter waves – x-rays" on the lengths of millimeter waves = 7,07; 7,10; 7,12; 7,15; 7,17; 7,20; 7,22; 7,25 7.27 mm and the number of bone marrow cells in experimental animals increased and reached 85-90 % of its original value. If, however, that the combined effect of used wavelengths = 7,08; 7,09; 7,11; 7,13; 7,14; 7,16; 7,18; 7,19; 7,21; 7,23; 7,24 and of 7.26, the number of bone marrow cells was at the level of the action of only one x-ray radiation, i.e. 50-60% of the original value.
A curious detail: in the study of V. F. Kondratieva wavelengths of 7.15 mm and 7.20 mm called the most destructive to microorganisms. For mice and rats they were healing.
View the report by R. L. Vilensky and L. A. Sevastianova at the session of the 1973 First characteristic of the period a statement of the obvious paradox:
"Despite the fact that the microwave radiation of millimeter range of wavelength  = 7.1 mm is absorbed in the surface layer of the animal skin at a depth of about 310-2 cm, it was found a decrease in the number of x-rays of the affected bone marrow cells" (8).
The dependence of the effect of the power: "To the value of the power flux density P=9 mW/cm2, no influence on N/N0, the irradiation of the animals with the UHF field does not provide... Then when you increase R, the number of intact cells increases almost abruptly to a value of 0.85. A further increase in R is not accompanied by an increase in N/N0".
Time dependency: "Before the time interval t = 30 min effect of microwave not manifest. With increasing of the irradiation time to 60 min is observed to increase the protective effect and N/N0 reaches 0.8. Further growth in exposure is not accompanied by any significant increase in effect" (8).
In addition to the above wavelengths protective properties have also  = 6.7 mm and of 6.82 mm.
In this form, first appeared to the world microwave problem. Over the years, the attitude of millimeter waves has changed their address it was said many kind words, they will be quoted and your opinion will improve, too. But black will take no other hue. In the end, you will return to the starting point. As often happens, the first impression of the novelties was correct.
Idea about the sensitivity of biological objects to weak electromagnetic fields received at the same "indirect theoretical evidence in the work of the famous physicist with the world name – G. fröhlich. The main conclusion from this work is that individual sections of the plasma membrane of living cells are in the excited vibrational state (coherent oscillations) in the frequency range 1011 – 1012 Hz, which according to modern classification corresponds to the extremely high frequency range... the Power of electromagnetic waves radiated by electric dipoles of plasma membranes of cells approximately equal to 10-23 W in a narrow band of frequencies. Consequently, living cells such a low amount of power is a significant value, so cells are "supposed" to be, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, sensitive to external radiation with a power of the same order of magnitude" (10).
For a long time it was impossible to dream about the direct detection of cellular radiation due to its prohibitively small capacity. Thirty years passed before it was possible to obtain direct experimental confirmation of the basic provisions of the hypothesis: "December 9, 1997 succeeded with the help of unique radiometric system, developed at the Scientific research Center of quantum medicine "Vidhuk" (Kiev, Ukraine) directly to register a non-equilibrium component of human radiation in MM-range. It amounted to the value of 10-20-10-21 W/Hz. On this day, the hypothesis about the physics of the living has turned into a scientific field "Physics of living" (11).
The strongest argument in favor of the recognition of MM-the impact of information consider the presence of "plateaus" or "steps" on the graph the effect of radiation power. You can bring supporting arguments of experts quotes, but don't do it. They are little to be clear to the ordinary reader. It is wiser to use an analogy, to obviously find an example of informational influence, to build a suitable graph and see it "step" or not.
Without clear evidence that the power of the acoustic vibrations emitted by the vocal apparatus of the commander giving the command "right" or "left" the ranks of soldiers, insufficient for rotation of subordinates. Language is not something that person to turn the antenna (i.e., ears) warm to him impossible. But the people moving around. Perceive the meaning of the order and fulfill it at the expense of internal energy of organisms. Acoustic effect has a threshold power. If the command is given in a whisper, no one will hear it, and if it is Wikiquote, then (use academic report): "with the increase in P (power) the number of intact cells (we have to obey orders of the soldiers) increases almost abruptly to a value of 0.85" (we to 1.00. The whole company, 100 people, takes command.). On the chart video based on the effect of power will fly vertically upwards, from 0 to 100 units If the commander armed with a loudspeaker and increase the sound volume on the order of magnitude (10 times), two orders of magnitude (100 times), three orders of magnitude (1000 times), what will change? Video on the chart will break under the right corner and crawl along the horizontal coordinate axis to the right, forming a "plateau" and affirming: the effect does not grow from increased capacity reached saturation. How ran the whole company, so all of 100 people and perform. A horizontal "plateau", backed by the left which was straight up vertical and form a "rung" on the power of confirming, according to experts, information on the impact.
There is in our example a threshold of time. People smarter than a microbe, but he needs 1, 2, 3 seconds to decide where his right or left side. An experienced commander always divides the team into two parts, the information "nalee..." or "napra..." and, after a pause, the signal "in!". Let tiny, but the threshold of time there.
Ask: "not too many takes on the author, likening us humans, first the objects? Can't dare rat, and especially microbes, to understand the commands? Modern science is not able..." and so on.
Yes you can, you'll see. There are scientists who seriously claim that some exactly does not end universities biological objects (not imported, Soviet) understand foreign languages, for example, better than most of our own Soviet people. Wild assertion is considered valid and experimentally proven. And prove it not at home in the kitchen and in the relevant research institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, for example). But more on that below.
Those wishing to obtain more formal and rigorous justification of information nature of the action of millimeter waves on biological objects, refer to Annex 3, which set out a reasoned opinion on this issue, the founders of the problem, N.D.Devyatkova, M. B. Golanta, O. V. Betsky.
Section 2.
Resonance effects.
Resonances was the first, the most intriguing manifestation of microwave influence. Radiophysicists was struck by the narrowness of the existing bands of radiation, the quality factor (the ratio of the wavelength to the width of the strip) reached 300-500 units today found effects (capillary action) with q up to 10 thousand units (i.e., at a wavelength of  = 10 mm, for example, the permissible deviations are in the range from 9,9995 to 10,0005 mm, not more).
Soon it was realized that not millimeter waves in General, and specifically, astroresearch their frequencies, causing one or the other response of living organisms, and therefore have a signal value for their governing systems, may be remote outside influence on biological objects, including humans. Began a multi-year experimental search bioeffective frequencies.
"The response may be different, both positive and negative. There are certain "frequency-amplitude Windows" within which there is a detectable response of the biological object, and outside of them - is absent. The most informative is the frequency of exposure and amplitude only determines the mechanism of realization of the response of the body". (23)
Forty years studied the resonances, but a comprehensive, satisfactory explanation of the mechanism of their occurrence is not. There are only assumptions. More or less reliable.
"Formally, the resonance effect can be observed if the natural frequency of any structure has a natural frequency of the vibrational or rotational motion, which coincides with the frequency of the incident radiation...
The strong frequency dependence should occur in cases where the frequency of the incident MM-emission coincides with the natural resonant frequency of a molecular ensemble types of clusters...
A resonance effect can take place also in cases when the frequency of absorption of electromagnetic waves, any kind of molecule matches the frequency of the incident radiation" (10).
The most visible of the observed resonance effect Rudenko: "the Patient N., suffering from chronic ulcer of the stomach, characterized in that the therapeutic resonant influence of external electromagnetic fields, he showed by spontaneous planting both feet by 20-25 centimeters.
Important was not only that such a reaction was carried out only at certain frequencies (the resonance quality factor around 1000), but that this reaction was to block it with school-magnet is brought to the body along the trajectories of the outer passages of the meridians. Moving the position of the magnet over the body of Rudenko and scanning it along the tracks of the alleged meridians, managed to localize all the external course of the Meridian stomach, fragments of the other meridians and to film it all on film" (11). About the meridians, the relationship of microwave exposure to ancient Chinese medicine, are soon discovered, discussed below.
Interesting and "avoidance effect", a conditioned reflex, which manifests itself in rats, "depending on parameters of weak electromagnetic signals. The reaction developed best of all at a signal frequency of 300 Hz with the power flux density of 10-11 W/cm2. increase or decrease the power density of irradiation by 1-2 orders of magnitude without changing the other parameters of the signal resulted in failure to produce a reflex. Besides, led frequency change to 500 or 50 Hz" (12).
Here the striking power level of the signal of 10-11 W/cm2, tamiliana fraction of a watt, which becomes at a frequency of 300 Hz, and only for her intolerable to rats.
"As noted above, that frequency is a carrier of information, and the types of fluctuations in the body can be transformed into each other. Therefore, it can be assumed that the resonant response of the organism is possible on the same frequency under very different types of stress (electromagnetic, acoustic, gravitational, etc.).
Further it raises the question about the preference of one or another of the impact and its effectiveness, but the body's reaction, of course, must exist." (23)
The greatest interest has always been to the resonances of the human body as a whole: "the Argument for the use of electromagnetic radiation with  = 4.9 mm was considerations based on the known fact of maximum absorption of millimeter waves in the atmosphere by molecular oxygen;  = 7.1 mm determined in experiment in the treatment of animals affected by empatia; and only  = 5.6 mm was chosen on the basis of the analysis of clinical observations of the treatment outcome of patients with ulcerative pathology of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer" (13). The frequency of these are considered major and were allowed for use by Ministry of health of the USSR.
There are also mention of the therapeutic use of wavelengths of 3.8 mm (14) and 6.4 mm (15, 16). Most recently, the number of therapeutic also joined wavelengths  = 5,96 mm 5,79 mm 4,61 mm (17).
Defined human types, the most sensitive to the different wavelengths.
Wave  = 7.1 mm is more suitable for the "sprinters", which are characterized by relatively low resistance to a long-existing internal and external factors (stimuli), the ability to perform large amounts of activities in short periods of time, i.e., the syndrome of "fast entropy".
Wave 5.6 mm more useful than the "stayers" who "has a high resistance to a lasting internal and external factors..., the slow development of the disease, i.e. the syndrome of the "slow entropy" (16).
But it's not necessary, and possibly the combined use of both frequencies. It was also established that:
"1. Skin receptors that perceive of the MM-waves are numerous and located all over its surface, belong to different functional systems.
2. Fundamental, in our view, the differences in choice of treatment areas for MM-therapy does not exist (this is the clinic for the treatment of various pathologies)".
This statement is contested by many, and provides compelling arguments. There is even a list of the most readable of MM-waves places on the human body. The main areas of impact are considered to be biologically active points (BAP), the Zakharyin-Ged zone, major joints, sternum, neck, epigastric area.
"3. The receptor apparatus is not a passive "microphone". At this stage the body produces the active selection is clinically appropriate for the patient information in the system-forming factor" (16).
Of these wavelengths, the most interesting seemed  = 6.4 mm. It is in the shadows, seldom mentioned, but there are reports of its use for therapeutic purposes, and therefore for some, it is harmonious, healing. Interesting question, can there be people with their own harmonic frequency close to  = 6.5 mm, the most harmful to all living things wave MM band. If the answer is positive, then you will find the explanation sometimes appear in the Newspapers reports of martlesham (literally) the impact of some people in microorganisms and plants (remotely, by a simple laying on of hands) or life stories of "unlucky" in marriage, buried within the lives of several husbands or wives. Failed to find a single source where this issue was discussed.
Medical application of millimeter waves.
N. D. By deviatkova and M. B. Golant was first proposed a hypothesis that explains, in General terms, physical mechanisms of influence of low intensity MM-waves on the human body:
"Man is composed of approximately 1015 cells. Each cell sufficiently Autonomous education. To ensure consistent behavior of such a complex organism need some synchronization functions.
The homeostasis of the organism is associated with the generation of cells in the fields of EHF-range. The amplitude-frequency characteristic of radiation of the patient and a healthy body different, since any pathology is a pathology of the cells. External EHF-radiation (apparatus for EHF-therapy) simulates the own radiation of the "healthy" in the body of EHF-range in the course of therapy, acting as a synchronizing device, forcing the body lost in the course of the disease "healthy" rhythm.
The external radiation affects the own control system of the body (information management system)...
Thus, the purpose of EHF-therapy is to mobilize the continuously decreasing with the age of the reserves of the organism" (1).
The hypothesis was it possible to understand the experience of Vilna, R. L. and L. A. Sevastianova. Until now it was thought that the x-ray radiation directly kills certain cells of animals and humans and thus is harmful to their organisms. Even a slight increase in radiation dose only worsens the situation. Now had to replace this point of view another x-ray irradiation deforms the control system of the vital functions of the body, as a result of its violations and decreases the number of bone marrow cells. If the time to reinforce the management system is useful for her, the frequencies of millimeter waves, can be partly correct the situation without even removing the x-ray radiation. In such cases, talking about the tread, the protective effect of millimeter waves.
X-rays too powerful, living organisms are not able to generate. Are there any frequency of millimeter waves that allows you to disrupt the control systems of humans and animals? If such frequencies are, and there must be living beings that use them to their advantage, just as poisonous animals and plants use chemical poisons in order to protect and attack. It seems that the most recent response to this question was found (or rather, first published), but more on that below.
A brief history of medical applications of MM-waves will tell the participants of the events:
"The scientific and organizational activity of the founders of MM-therapy aroused the enthusiasm and optimism of the first doctors test mm equipment practice, for medicinal purposes (1977, Odessa, Moscow, Nizhny Tagil). The results of clinical trials have been reported and discussed (on the initiative of N. D. Devyatkova) workshops of the all-Union Oncology center, USSR in 1979 and 1984 At these meetings were adopted proposal for the development of serial short-wave apparatus in accordance with the requirements of medical equipment.
The world's first production apparatus for EHF-therapy was developed under the leadership of J. V. Dedikov (1984, production started in 1988 – Ed.) and got the brand name of "Yav-1". Technical specification and selection of basic biotropic parameters of EHF-oscillations made by the authors for these devices was so successful that for fifteen years they served as the basis for copy and development of dozens of modifications of similar apparatus produced in the present time not only in Russian Federation but also in CIS and abroad (China, Germany, etc.). The next important step in the implementation of MM-therapy in medical practice has been the development of medical diagnostic systems in the UHF range..." (7).
"Today in Russia produced more than 10 thousand devices for MM-therapy prepared by thousands of physicians..., has more than 2,500 offices of MM-therapy, obtained 22 patents of the Russian Federation and State prize of Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for 2000" (10).
Threshold phenomena.
The threshold power. Consider current ideas about the threshold power and the threshold time:
"The more complex the management structure and internal relations of the system, the less the physical entropy, and... the less energy database must have a triggering signal. It is clear that of all known systems are the most complex of biological systems," (20).
Experimental data confirm the theoretical assumptions:
"It was discovered that the medical effects and resonant response the simplest to the external field, MM-range have become more definite and crisp with a decrease in the level of the external signal until a countable number of photons. So, if in the first experiments on the simplest and in our studies on the restoration of body condition, and external electromagnetic flows MM-band intensity was used in (5-10)  10-3 W/cm2, the current technology "Sitko-MRT" (MRI – microresonant therapy) deals with monochromatic radiation, the integral whose power is 10-13 – 10-14 W/cm2 (the hundred-thousandth part of a billionth of a watt, Ed.). If this recall that the impact in the treatment of very serious diseases carried on the distal biological point and never on the outbreak of the disease (and therefore, possible additional power loss on the way – Ed.) it is clear that remaining in the framework of the standard view on living solely as observed in the visible range of electromagnetic waves, mechanical-chemical system, it is impossible under any assumptions to explain the higher efficiency of technologies of MRI in the treatment of hundreds of thousands of patients" (11).
This is not the limit: "models of information-wave therapy "Threshold 1" and "Minitag" work at ultra low-power flux density of approximately 10-17 W/cm2 (one hundred millionth part of a billionth of a watt, Ed.) for a few seconds or minutes" (12). The impact can be subliminal and the capacity of the incident radiation: "Biosystems high level of organization, first of all, people may respond to subthreshold intensity signals, since they possess the ability to summarize, the higher the level of organization of Biosystems, the higher the sensitivity to cues" (21).
To understand that what is added up, will get acquainted with the open in the 70-ies of the last century, the phenomenon of stochastic resonance: "the Effect of stochastic resonance is a group of phenomena in which the response of a nonlinear system to a weak external signal increases markedly with increasing intensity of noise in the system, and there is always the maximum (effect) at a certain optimal noise level...
The signal can cross the threshold only in the presence of noise and this happens randomly"... at coincidence of phases and the addition of the amplitudes of both signals, the external and internal noise... "it Was noticed that the best therapeutic effect in the treatment of acute destructive pancreatitis occurred with simultaneous use of low-intensity millimeter waves (the useful signal in our terminology) and light flux (red light and green light), which could stimulate the emergence of internal noise in neurons, linking the millimeter-wave receptors of the Central nervous system. In this case, could have met all the conditions necessary for realization of stochastic resonance the effect of stochastic resonance can be implemented as external noise and internal noise in the system itself" (10).
The threshold time. Most responsive to the external MM-signal biologically active points, they respond for 3-10 seconds. The body as a whole is much inertsionno. The least encountered in the source (22) response time 5 min., and then with the introduction of radiation into the body through an intermediary, activated water. In conventional external irradiation duration of exposure ranges from 10 to 60 minutes and depends strongly on the age of the patient: "in young patients who have functional systems react faster and almost simultaneously, enough for 15-30 min., in persons "fourth" age (gerontology research group) – 30-60 min." (16). There are sometimes reports of sessions with duration 90 min and more, but this is rare. The expression "threshold time" is not used in the sources, the effect commonly called "cumulative". But to accumulate, accumulate anything can be arbitrarily long and many. And the experiments are clearly visible even two time limit, beyond which the duration of exposure does not affect its effectiveness. The word "threshold" seemed more accurate.
In light of the above data it becomes clear increased attention to threshold and power threshold at the time when combat use mm - waves. Attacking an important power data – to continue to get more hit, attacked the necessary information in time. To find with a radiometer that under irradiation, to decide where to move backward, running away from radiation, or, if pressed for time, to get ahead, pelengovat, to seek, to find and try to destroy the attacker.
The attentive reader has already guessed, perhaps, that the originator of the review is interested not only in healing, crippling many features of microwave exposure. The way it is actually.
The impact of millimeter waves on
the conscious and subconscious.
Biological rhythms of organs and systems lie mainly in the very low frequency and krasninskoye parts of the spectrum. "The sharp response of the human body for frequencies 0,02; 0,05-0,06; 0,1-0,3; 0,5-0,6; 5-6; 8-12 Hz still not received a satisfactory explanation" (23). The frequency response of the heart above 10 Hz. Beats are generally can be different: "All heart cells have automaticity and excite oscillations with defined frequencies. Normal leading are cells of the sinus node with the highest frequency (60-100 imp./min). In the sinus node of the heart there is a pacemaker membrane, generating waves about once per second... During normal operation, the reduction of the entire mass of the myocardium occurs almost simultaneously as the wavelength of the rule of the order of 1 metre, which is much higher than the linear dimensions of the heart...
In the case of various pathologies the role of the pacemaker assumes predserdno-gastric node (40-50 imp./min.) and bundle branch block (30-40 imp./min.), and in rare, severe cases, the Purkinje fibers (20 imp./min). Therefore, the response of the cardiovascular system should be expected at frequencies caused by pulsations of all the above nodes and fibers. Accordingly, this frequency 2-3,3; 1,7; 1-1,3; 0,5-0,8; 0,3; 0,2 Hz" (23).
Below we will explain how remote radiopotassium can disrupt the operation of the cardiovascular system, and now let's start a conversation "about this," remote control of Psychophysics, a state of consciousness:
"It was experimentally revealed that the brain as an oscillatory system that has a high quality factor. In a simple forced resonance of a linear system with a high q, the amplitude of oscillations increases significantly only when the exact coincidence of natural frequency and frequency of external influence" (23). The main rhythms of the human brain are:
- Delta – rhythm, the rhythm of a sleeping person, sinusoidal, F = 0,3-4,0 Hz;
- theta rhythm, the rhythm completely relaxed state and to return to the state of sleep, anesthesia, sinusoidal, F = 4-8 Hz;
- alpha rhythm, the rhythm of the waking person, dominant in the occipital regions of the brain associated with the ability for abstract thinking, sinusoidal, F = 9-13 Hz.
"In 1985, p. P. Belyaev ... was discovered resonant structure of electromagnetic noise at frequencies below the first harmonic of the Schumann resonance. It turned out that Alfven waves in the ionosphere form albinowski resonator with oscillation frequency depending on the thickness of the ionosphere, the magnitude of the magnetic field of the Earth and concentration of particles of the ionospheric plasma ... alpinescape the resonant frequency of the resonator varies in the range of 0.5-3.0 Hz ... strengthening alpinismo resonance phenomena occurs during the night, the day the amplitude of the resonance increases were reduced to the values of the usual noise ... the historical "adjustment" to the rhythm of the ionosphere ..., synchronization Delta and Tam rhythms with frequencies alpinismo resonator, probably, really took place" (23).
The frequency inherent in the dream state Delta rhythm F = 0,3-4,0 Hz indeed, in General, coincide with the frequencies of the ionospheric F = 0.5 to 3.0 Hz. Is it possible to replace the natural oscillations of the wave-generator of the same length?
"It became a common knowledge test installation "Radioson" in the military unit 71592, where this installation was created (district of Novosibirsk). The report of this trial were presented at the Institute of Radioengineering and electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences. The inventors called the report "the Impact on biological objects modulated electrical and electromagnetic pulses"...
A stadium, a concert hall or a military unit, acting psychotronic weapons, impose a 10-minute NAP". (24)
The author of this message, A. B. Ivanov, an engineer who worked on the problem myself in the end, was under biogeneration. Maybe that's why so few credible reports on interesting subjects. They are few, but they are:
"Adverse effects on human and animal radiation of the microwave range has long been known. However, due to certain circumstances, subject the study of the biological action of this type of energy has begun relatively recently. There are a significant number of papers in domestic and foreign literature on the problem of microwave radiation, which claim that the nervous system is considered the most sensitive to the effects of microwave. This is also evidenced by well-known clinical facts of neuropsychiatric disorders individuals, long-term contact with sources of electromagnetic fields" (25).
"It was established experimentally that when the power density of more than 10-4 W/cm2 a person experiences auditory sensations ... the exposure of patients with neurosis the excitation of EHF-radiation with a wavelength of 2 mm and a modulation frequency of 2 Hz with exposure times of 10 min led to a significant improvement ... in the treatment of patients with neurosis braking positive results were achieved with the same parameters of short-wave radiation, but at a modulation frequency of 20-21 Hz ... Irradiation of healthy people of EHF-radiation with the marked parameters determines the risk of overstimulation at a modulation frequency of 20-21 Hz and depression at a frequency of 2 Hz. Thus there is the possibility of artificial manipulation of the psychophysical condition of the people" (21).
The source (16) in the list of clinical applications of millimeter waves, shown cancer patients, given this: "increase sexual desire and potency in cases due to functional and psycho-physiological reasons connected with the fact of cancer disease." Think: well, thank God! I agree, but everything is good in moderation. How is a person exposed to "increase sexual desire and potency" for a whole week, 15-16 hours a day with breaks for sleep time, will be presented in the second part of the book, which contains testimonies by victims from microwave exposure of human test subjects.
In the Center of them. A. D. Sakharov in Moscow had seen the victim complaining of the blinding by means of "psychotronic influence". Then such a possibility seemed unlikely. On the other hand, there are reports of experimental with stories about the threats of glare from experimenting. Managed to find confirmation of the reality of microwave blinding. To them, we will finish our propagation:
"The lens of the eye is a structure devoid of nervous elements, and vasculature. Quite naturally, therefore, that convert the received signals into nerve impulses in this case. In turn, the fact that interaction with the lens of millimeter radio waves in particular is beyond doubt. Judged primarily on the appearance of microwave cataracts, which according to some clinical features different from the so-called heat cataract... it is very important that there is no parallelism between the development of cataracts and signs of microwave effects on the body ... absolutely the most part of experimental data in the microwave range is obtained at a frequency of 2.45 GHz ... There are only a few experimental studies with registration damage of the lens under the influence of millimeter radiation of high power at frequencies of 30 and 70 GHz" (26).
Millimetric pulse generators with a capacity of generation in momentum, reaching thousands and tens of thousands of kilowatts do exist and are distinguished by a curious feature: the heating of the irradiated object does not occur, because too small is the pulse duration (a trillionth of a second) and if it is really about the "damage" of the lens, i.e., lose it for a short period of time, you may be mm pulse generators and is the most "non-lethal" weapon to blind the enemy personnel, the development of which is sometimes misleading foreign media.
We saw in the Chapter on threshold phenomena that living systems, overcoming the rapids, like a sponge absorbs water, absorb vibrations of all wavelengths and capacities, carrying them externally meaningful information. But the most desirable and easily perceived by the agent-carrier of information are mm-waves because of their affinity with the natural vibrations of the cellular bases of organisms. It is not surprising that the idea to impose peculiar to the organs and systems of the low-frequency vibrations on the bearing millimeter wave to "address" it in a way in need researchers and doctors direction: "We adhere to the view that the frequency of the carrier signal is important in the sense that it must belong to the short-wave range (F> 30 GHz) and in a certain way correlated with the frequencies of the spectrum of absorption by water and oxygen. At the same time highlighted the role of the modulating signal, the frequency of which Fмод. adequate basic rhythms (biorhythms) of body" (20). To date, millimeter waves rarely used in therapy in "pure" form, the vast majority of sources report varying their modulation.
The capillary effect.
Harmless or harmful to living millimeter waves? Carefully read placed in the beginning of distillation of the materials of the session of 1973, the answer seems obvious: there are both. But here's what he wrote on this occasion, the Patriarch of the problem, N.D. Devyatkov at the end of life, in the 90-ies: "the Effectiveness of radiation on a living subject depends on the initial state of the organism. If in the initial state some function is changed compared to the norm several times, the irradiation at the appropriate frequency (wavelength) it is possible to raise (change) approximately the same number of times. To the normal functioning of a healthy body irradiation has virtually no effect" (1).
Real properties of millimeter waves was not as magical as claimed in 1997, the distinguished academician. A few years later, in the 90th year of his life, he died of blood cancer, caused, according to the testimony of his colleagues, academician Y. V. Gulyaev, millimeter radiation generator in the neighboring office N.D. Devyatkova room.<
Last edited by Витт on Fri Nov 08, 2013 21:20, edited 1 time in total.

Joined:Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:31

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:59

In 2004 there is a new publication on the same subject. Its authors, O. V. Betsky and N. N. Lebedev (27). In the middle of the article contains the statement: "it is Known that millimeter waves have a therapeutic effect only in case of sick organisms, their impact on health is negligible". Next, the whole column allotted for the rationale for this "experimental fact" with "the standpoint of synergetics," which can be compressed in one sentence: the disease – a moment of choice for the organism: to live or to die. Times millimeter waves obviously healing, and without evidence it is clear in which direction they act. A compelling argument if you believe in the word that "their impact on healthy organisms is negligible".
The article ends with a small cupola, which we will play completely, from the first to the last letter without changes:
"On the capillary effect.
This effect occurs when irradiated with millimeter waves of a fluid in a cylindrical capillary, placed in hollow rectangular waveguides. The effect is that at a certain (resonant) frequency a strong absorption of liquid by electromagnetic waves, which is accompanied by weakening of the adhesion of flowing fluid with the inner wall of the capillary. Significant is the fact that the capillary effect occurs when the axis of the capillary and the vector of the electric field waves are collinear (parallel). We can assume that under the action of weak liquid heating by electromagnetic wave initially turbulent fluid flow in the capillary becomes laminar (new spatial structure), which leads to a decrease of the adhesion forces of the liquid with the inner wall of the capillary and, simultaneously, to increase absorption of the electromagnetic field with fluid because of the collinearity of the axis of the capillary and an electric field vector of the wave. As for the appearance of the resonance frequency, this frequency corresponds to the resonant frequency of cylindrical dielectric resonator, formed the part of the capillary, which was immediately inside the waveguide (limited upper and lower wide walls of the rectangular waveguide in the standard case, when the waveguide propagates a wave-type H10)" (27).
Looks like a manual for firefighters. They will break off somewhere in a burning building iron vent box ("rectangular waveguide"), shove him in a fire hose ("dielectric capillary"), warm the design of millimeter waves and thus increase the rate of flow of liquid through the pipe... But it's not manual. Even thought that article need be read in reverse, from the end. First, about the capillary effect, and then about the safety of mm-waves, and then can not read. All the "synergy" part is the justification of the safety label safety want to stick to the capillary effect. Since it is called a fundamentally the healing of millimeter waves, and useful in itself. And resonances? Remove the sleeve from the box, and there will be no resonances, there is nothing to discuss.
Correct to complement the above quotation three quotations on the same topic and yet to stop. Let the reader think for himself. And at the end of the review in a separate Chapter, discuss all the details Dubrovsky incident (let's call it that. Scheduled M. Barayev, the terrorist attack did not take place) and try to understand, could during the assault on October 26, 2002 theater center to use the capillary effect.
The same authors, O. V. Betsky and N. N. Lebedeva, and V. V. Kislov, in addition:
"Change of rheological properties of blood capillaries. The experimentally observed resonant absorption effect of mm-waves in dielectric capillaries that mimic the capillaries in the tissues of the body. The equivalent q-factor for resonance peaks reaches very high values of the order of 103-104. Note that such values of q is not easy to get in bulk metallic resonators in microwave and EHF ranges. Resonant absorption for water and various aqueous solutions is accompanied by a significant decrease in the strength of adhesion (adhesion) of the inner wall of the capillaries and leaking of fluid. The mechanism of this phenomenon still remains unclear. This "capillary" effect can be used to explain the known medical facts-treatment of obliterating endarteritis (deposition of blood elements on vessel walls - Auth) using mm-waves." (10). Now, at least, it is clear that the above-described structure laboratory model of blood vessel of man.
Back in 1928, when the capillary effect was first shown people their ears. Experience V. P. Kravkov:
"Through arterial and venous vessels anatomical preparation bloodless rabbit ear was induzirovanna saline (0.9% NaCl – Ed.) which drop by drop flowed from the cannula inserted in the end part of the vein. The amount flowing through the bloodstream of the liquid for a certain time was determined using precise scales, a Cup of which were falling drops of saline. During the performed experiments it was found that when placed in close proximity to vessels of the rabbit ear different metals (copper, lead etc.), solutions of adrenaline and other drugs can change the amount flowing through the bloodstream of the fluid (relative to control)" (28). The blood is also an aqueous solution (83% water). We are talking about the remote adjustment of the speed of movement of blood through the vessels.
The last quote is from the article by Anna Politkovskaya "Letters on the palm" about the investigation in the case of "Nord-OST" in No. 13 (943) Moscow "the New newspaper" (February 2004). Relatives of the victims admitted to reading the case, including forensic reports made immediately after the death of the hostages. Pathological diagnosis of the victims – poisoning "toxic" or "toxic unknown" substance. The death of people was accompanied by the following factors: "liver – ranchisee plethora ... heart – a sharp hyperemia, edema ... easy – sharp plethora of vessels, with a predominance of foci of acute emphysema, violation of the integrity of the partitions ... sudden infant death syndrome ... pronounced morphological signs of cerebral circulation disorders... increase in the size and weight of the brain, pronounced flattening the flattening of the convolutions and furrows of the brain of a depressed sulcus at the base of the cerebellum ... the liquid state of blood ... ranchisee venous plethora of organs ...".
The body as if drowned in his own blood, the brain is swollen from her like a bubble, hence the "increase in the size and weight ..., smoothness of convolutions, and the flattening of the furrows". At the end of the review we will return to this topic.
The international aspect of the problem.
Above we considered how it looked in the official statement of the founders of the microwave problem in Russia by the end of the last century, following the partial declassification of its related medical applications of aspects.
But look at the same problem "independent researcher", J. P. Chusovoi side. At No. 8 in November 1996 the magazine "Millimeter waves"... an article of theoretical nature, she allowed herself private notes are so interesting that they should play at least in part:
"Nonthermal effects of MM radiation was discovered in 1973 and still have not received universal acceptance. Quite the contrary, U.S. scientists believe that they do not exist, and after numerous attempts to locate them in the seventies and in more recent years, now this issue do not do.
This may be coupled with a few aspects of the situation, which, because of caution call strange. The first of these is that some researchers initially, some trial experiments saw non-thermal effects, and later by experimenting on the advanced settings, the effect was not found. Second, even more strange: the discoverers of the effects seemed to be not seen, not noticed the difficult situation around the detected effects, which the years had worsened. I was not able to find any published source, where they would at least casually fixed ambiguity status, not to mention the analysis of the origins of such a situation. They have this complicated situation seemed not to notice. It usually indicated a third-party browser problem.
Such provision for science is very atypical, for here a matter of honor is considered selfless protection of his discoveries. Moreover, the authors of the most interesting, carefully posed and described in detail the experiment on the synthesis kolicina Escherichia coli, the consideration of which we will now turn, left this field of science, leaving to posterity an experiment, to repeat that no one was able in 1973 And finally, the last and the most important thing. After 1973 has not been described any equivalent experiment, not to mention the fact that 20 years that have passed since the opening is quite sufficient, by modern standards, to demonstrate significant progress, but the progress in the field of biological experiment, alas, is not observed.
Progress became apparent in another place in medicine. And again a surprise: usually only finished and spent quite a biological experiment, how would expanding the scope of its application, comes into medicine. Here, the transfer occurred abruptly in the absence of sufficient launching pad in a biological experiment, but the jump gave a phenomenal result. Now... according to reports from Ukraine, the number of diseases treatable by this method, up to six dozen, and the Russian scientists put the number at 80" (18).
To date (2004) the number of diseases treatable millimeter waves reached 120. Five years have passed, and Yu. p. Chukova again commented on the same problem:
"The history of the discovery and study of bioeffects MM radiation is a chain of events startling and sometimes paradoxical. The first report on the discovery of these effects (1973) impressed the experts in the field of radio engineering narrowness of the observed resonances, which became the subject of discussion for a long time.
Less than 10 years since the opening effects as the situation became paradoxical in nature: a large number of messages about the impossibility to reproduce the effects. More precisely, the case has evolved, some researchers were able to reproduce the effects and do their research, for example, V. Grundler, others are unable to play them, so at the moment each effect has literature supporting its existence and refute it.
It should be noted that some of the most skilled experimenters, such as Professor O. Gandhi (USA) in these conditions, decided to act according to the principle of "behold the root" focused not on the effects, and the absorption bands of MM-radiation and, not finding those, had to desist from pursuing the effects themselves.
But most surprising was something else: some researchers first confirmed the observation of effects, and then told about the impossibility of playing them. This situation is for science – a phenomenon not only very unusual, but simply unique. The meeting of experts held on 22 June 1979 in Seattle (USA), adopted a special programme to bring clarity to this issue, but the program did not bring the desired results. The result can be considered abstracts submitted Motzkin S. M. in 1991 in Moscow at the international Symposium "Millimeter waves of non-thermal intensity in medicine", where it was abandoned earlier reports of observations of effects.
Eventually formed something that could be called a confrontation of Russian and American researchers. In the US, these effects are not studied because the American scientists believe that they do not exist, and in Russia and Ukraine using the detected effects treated a very wide range of diseases, which is expanding all the time" (19).
Yu. p. Chukova – physicist, candidate of physico-mathematical Sciences, member of the Institute of human ecology in Moscow, member of editorial Board of the journal "Biomedical electronics", chief editor in which the academician Y. V. Gulyaev, and Deputy chief editor – Professor O. V. Betsky. She is often published in "Millimeter waves"... "Independent researcher" – so she certificate, but not a stranger in the microwave community.
The response to her speech about the unusual situation around bioeffects MM radiation was silent. In General, the absence of debate, the most curious of the observed Y. P. Chusovoi phenomena. In science, truth is born in disputes, in the struggle of opinions. The absence of debate can only mean one thing: the truth is well known to both parties, on the merits there are no contradictions. Some it suits, or are they willing to put up with it, others are not satisfied. But both sides admit that to argue means more to unmask the problem. Better to ignore each other.
Such a confrontation could not occur around the problems of a purely scientific, biological or medical, we are talking about much more serious things.
Disease, infection from the radiophysical point of view.
Let's talk first about health: "the Cell the cell sends information about his work on the language of the oscillations in the millimeter wavelength range.
However, the authority has its own individual language – its own vibrational characteristics that distinguish one institution from another.
All together they are instruments in a large orchestra, are subject to the sensitive ears of the conductor and a wave of his wand (electromagnetic radiation) performing a harmonious music health... Health can be described in one word - harmony. Is the harmony within the cells, the harmony in the work cell associations, organ, group of organs and the whole organism" (15). Under the "conductor" here obviously refers to the unconscious man alone, without the participation of the mind that governs the entire internal life of the organism.
What is a disease? All know the answer to this question, few people know how to articulate it. Use the help of experts, and at the same time acquainted with modern radiophysical look at the nature of the disease:
"The body and its functioning systems are sources of extremely weak electromagnetic oscillations (EHR) in a wide frequency range. Each organ has its own frequency, healthy bodies have a similar spectra of frequencies EMK is the level of control they stimulate and control all vital processes in the body. When pathologies arise the new sources, EMK, is not characteristic of a healthy body. In case of violation of dynamic equilibrium between physiological (harmonic) and pathological (modulated by frequency, amplitude and phase according to the law, depending on the nature of pathology) occurs with frequencies of information and energy blockade, giving impetus to launch the pathological reactions ... any disease process represents a field of the stereotype, consisting of a vast number of EMK, differing from each other in many ways" (29).
As the disease starts, what is primary and what is secondary, violations in the course of chemical reactions in the cells deform, and, ultimately, inhibits the normal operation, the control system of the body, or Vice versa?
"It is established that most diseases starts with rhythm disturbances of oscillatory processes in the cell with the subsequent formation of the pathology of the body ... in the development of the pathological process can be divided into three successively occurring stages:
- violating information flows between elements of the organism itself, and external electromagnetic field (EMF);
- temporary misalignment of the energy processes in the cell and subsequent ultrastructural and biochemical changes;
- violation of metabolism and the destruction of the structure.
Given the fact that the body's cells constantly come into contact rhythmic energy with an external electromagnetic field at frequencies coinciding with their own or a multiple of them, to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect is necessary to achieve a resonance effect on the diseased cell, organ or system" (30).
So the disease comes to us from the outside, it is a violation of the normal information links to external electromagnetic fields is the impetus for the emergence of the disease. Such a breach of relationships may be the result of natural causes, and can be organized deliberately.
We all know the concept of infectious disease. Personally I imagined his appearance as. In the body gets disease-causing germs that attack living systems, can be by chemical aggression, releasing toxic substances. It is advancing towards the defences, antibodies of the immune system and counteract the attack. Needless to say, without the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and viruses the emergence of infectious diseases is impossible.
At the 12th Russian Symposium with international participation "Millimeter waves in biology and medicine" was presented the report of the group of the Saratov radiophysicists and doctors (31), entitled "electromagnetic activity of microorganisms". To quote excerpts from it:
"Summary. Method of transmission-resonance EHF/SHF radio spectroscopy first discovered by the additional thermal background radiation of living organisms (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus), which are resonance-wave processes of the EHF-range, occurring in living cells. Offers a hypothesis about the presence of a resonant field factor in the infectious process.
The nature of the interaction of the biological environment with the microorganisms will depend, of course, the ratio of their natural frequencies. With a difference of resonant frequencies of healthy tissue can capture frequencies of pathogenic microorganisms and thus involved in the development of infectious process. In proximity of the resonant frequencies of micro-organisms with the frequencies of the tissues of the body (person) in the norm of EHF-therapy can lead to increased infectious process."
This is followed by the description of the experiment and its result: "experimental results open up opportunities and provide a key to the explanation of new radiophysical positions, nature of infectious processes, offer prospects for future application of the phenomena of self-radiation of radio waves by living organisms to explore the linkages of their bioactivity and stimulating with damaging factors, the processes of interaction among themselves and with foreign cells, for operational simulation of the action of microorganisms of different chemicals" (31).
From the report to the originator of this review had to conclude: sometimes the beginning of the infection process enough to expose the body void of power (less than 0.1 µw/cm2, the ten millionths of a watt) of EHF-radiation. And, as it turns out, to produce a result are themselves pathogenic bacteria is not necessary, enough to copy their own radiation and re-emit, to impose pathogenic frequency management radio system of the human body and give thus the start of the disease.
Opening Saratov radiophysicists allows us to explain the experiment Kaznacheeva. First introduced in a living cell the virus directly, own radiation infects her, forcing her to their pathogenic frequency. And then there is remote, radiation infection radiation-transparent quartz plate, adjacent cells, imposing the same pathogenic frequencies, culminating in the death of infected cells. Explains the inability to implement successfully the experience Kaznacheeva for genetically heterogeneous organisms. They may be absolutely various in-house radio frequency, eliminating their consecutive radioindutsirovannyh the same frequency of the infective virus or bacteria.
The attentive reader may object that this explains only part of the experiment Kaznacheeva. Mercury radio would not transmit, and transferring, from the radio will not merge. A serious argument, consider it below.
Don't know when it was understood by the founders of microwave problems, that speech can go about creation of new weapons of mass destruction, inevitable, acting at the speed of light and the unifying possibilities of biological and chemical weapons. Most likely, somewhere closer to the end of the 70 years, based on the held still publishing, 1973, at the hysterical response of American scientists, in an unprecedented atmosphere of secrecy around any specific results from biological experiments with the use of radio waves later.
Radiation of pathogens – the same "native" for all life millimeter waves a few other not therapeutic for a person frequencies. But the difference may be so insignificant that EHF-therapy may potentiate the infectious process is evident from the report. So harmful or harmless to human health millimeter waves?
Information exchange at the cellular level.
For continuous radio communication transmitter and receiver a little. On both ends of the communication channel need to have a place where you send and receive information was stored, some form of memory. Man knows only the outside of life, symptoms of the disease. The mind – body guard, designed to ensure external security and competitiveness, in the broadest sense of the word, in the struggle for food. He doesn't remember how he got to his stomach the bacteria Salmonella, for example, have multiplied like there was a struggle with them, and how the victory was achieved. But someone had to organize resistance. All know the way from his home to work. Each have had, distracted thoughts, to pass it in the "autopilot", not consciously tracking the direction of movement. Who led them in that time?
"The work of the subconscious", - tells the educated person, and will be right. The subconscious... Nobody has never seen, it sits somewhere inside, deep down in an undisclosed location in the depths of darkness, and manages the process, not forgetting to keep an eye one eye up on the ship's captain, in mind. Information channel between the conscious and the subconscious is tinted one-sided character: on the bottom seen that is on the deck, from above not see what is happening in the hold. Is it possible to bypass the conscious mind, to pierce a hole, to communicate directly with the subconscious mind and to get the comprehensive information about the Affairs and downstairs, and upstairs, on the bridge of the ship, in the mind?
Let's start a conversation about how information storage in organisms. On internal and external communications, while at the cellular level:
"Numerous studies have shown that the main carrier of information inside a biological object and between separate biological objects, including between humans, is electromagnetic radiation. This circulation of the enormous flow of information in the process of life is possible only for signals of low power. The energy cost of the formation of these signals are determined by the energy capabilities of the person. According to experts, the total power of the informational signals does not exceed 1-10 mW, or 10-3 – 10-4 of thermal power emitted by the body" (12).
"The information is saved and changes not only inside cells but also in the intercellular substance (interzellularen retrocool), in the extracellular matrices (ECM) with their contradictory function of integration and differentiation of the cells. The VCR is a necessary substrate for storing information on the future development of cells, tissues and the organism as a whole, along with the chromosomal codes they determined the differentiation of tissues, their formation, stable condition, is provided by tissue specificity.
Signaling between cells is via extracellular space. Signals themselves represent a wide range of physical and chemical actions of which are essential natural and artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF). Channels of the extracellular space are good conductors of EMF in this space are twisted protein molecules, the outer end of the helical proteins that permeate the plasma membrane that perceive chemical and electrical signals. They are the morphological substrate, which is intended for primary detection of the weak electrochemical oscillations in field potentials in the extracellular space" (32).
For the future: "Circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous system can be called the fundamental carriers of information for the organism" (23). Here, the order of enumeration, it must be understood literally.
Section 3.
"Alive" and "dead" water.
The memory of water.
1996 was a turning point in the history of the vowel of microwave problems. In November, in issue 8 of the magazine "Millimeter waves in biology and medicine" published two articles, provided with a Preface by the editor:
"In the present issue of the journal published two articles devoted to a new problem in the field of EHF-therapy. We are talking about the therapeutic effect on the patient of water, pre-activated short-wave radiation. The story of this question begins with 1994, when the editorial office received from A. Y. Katina small note on this topic. For a long time we refrained from publishing because of the discussion material. However, at the annual workshops of doctors of EHF-therapy (1994-96, Zvenigorod), we repeatedly heard from our colleagues (in particular Dr. V. A. Dremucheva) information confirming this unusual phenomenon. When in edition there was an article N. D. Devyatkova, V. J. Kislov, V. V. Kislov, etc. (see page 65 of this issue), we decided to publish it together with the old note, A. Y. Katina, although we continue to believe that the content of these articles is debatable. But we hope that readers will read them.
O. V. Betsky. 17.11.1996 G."
Was placed below the note of A. Y. Katina, entitled: "the duration of the influence of water charged millimeter impact on the human body". To quote her:
"Millimeter waves belong to the class of information signals. Of interest is the influence of millimeter waves on the human body in the new information option. This new effect can be obtained when the charging energy of the mm-signal followed by exposure to a charged carrier on the human body...
There are four most important energy source. It's water, sugar, wax, alcohol. It is proved that AMY millimeter waves interact with the receptive structures, which can be water and other fluids. Given that mm waves are most strongly absorbed in water and aqueous media, the choice of energy source preference was given to water. The aim of this work is to identify the time effect on the human water, charged mm with AMY and once drunk by the patient. For monitoring the effects of water, charged mm radiation, we used the method of R. Voll (electro-diagnostic).
Each patient was initially performed electro-diagnostics by R. Voll for the detection of biologically active points (BAP) with a maximum pathology.
The second stage was to conduct testing 5-7 seconds of exposure to different lengths of mm-waves (4,9; 5,6; 3.8 mm) to the BATH with a maximum pathology to identify the most effective wavelength for a given patient.
The third stage of the methodology consisted in charging the three containers with water from a single length of mm-waves for 15 min. by direct lowering of the waveguide in a container of water subject to the rules of the energy-transfer process. The result is: firstly, water (from a biologically active liquid - BAJ), MM charged AMY with a wavelength of 4.9 mm; second, the charged water MM AMY wave 5.6 mm; third, the charged water MM AMY wave to 3.8 mm.
Then, each of the once differentiated the patients drank 50 ml of BAJ irradiated MM-radiation with individually selected (previously tested) wavelength. The duration of a single dose of the BAJ, charged MM AMY was evaluated by the duration of time of the normal state earlier pathological points of R. Voll.
1. Based on these data, it is possible to use a new information treatment method of mm-waves.
2. The duration of drinking 50 ml BAF, charged mm-wave in 86% of cases was 4-6 hours.
3. With appropriate therapy 2-3 full cups a day 50 ml of water, individually and differentially charged millimeter waves" (14).
Further, the room contains an article of academician N. D, devyatkova "observation of the effect of normalization of the functional state of internal organs under the influence of millimeter radiation activated water", which confirmed the results of the work of A. Y. Katina, but the name "discoverer" is not even mentioned. Ending interesting articles, we give it in full:
"To confirm the therapeutic significance of the results was carried out additional research of appropriate drugs. In traditional medicine, especially in the East, widely used infusion of herbs "floor-floor" (erwa seresta) for the treatment of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, mahavidyalaya ways and kidneys. Results normalizerbase effects of infusion of "half floors" also recorded with the help of Express diagnostics therapeutic and diagnostic complex "charm"... As expected, this drug had normalizerbase effect on the digestive and urinary organs.
Thus, from the above material it is seen that the impact on the human body activated mm-radiation of water similar to the effects of well proven drugs of traditional medicine – the infusion of "half floors", and provides normalizerbase effect on the gastrointestinal tract" (33).
What says the academician? Searched for and found a chemical (in this case biochemical, but it does not matter) the analogue of the radiative effects of millimeter waves. The same methods can be used to search in the opposite direction: having a picture of the impact on the human body chemical substances, to find its radiative counterpart, and not only in the therapeutic, healing purposes.
Explanation of the mechanism of activation of water millimeter radiation was soon given the same "doubters" O. V. beckim and received the name of effect of "memory of water".
"The essence of this effect is the following. It is known that liquid water is structured and consists mainly of clusters, with water molecules linked by hydrogen bonds. It turns out that the hydrogen atom which is between the two closest oxygen atoms can be in one of two States, or near one, or near another oxygen atom. One of the States is stable and the other unstable. Energy transition of a hydrogen atom from the stable to the unstable state corresponds to a quantum of energy in the EHF range. Thus, under the influence of EHF-radiation of the hydrogen atoms can move in an unstable state, and after some time can return to a steady state with a mandatory re-emission of quanta of energy in the EHF range ("memory of water").
Water, thus plays the role Sabinanigo molecular generator of electromagnetic waves in the UHF range... water Molecules can be in an unstable state for quite a long time, of the order of several weeks" (34).
There is another explanation of the memory effect of water, the S. V. Zenin: "Experimentally and theoretically substantiated the idea of the aquatic environment as the totality of the structural elements – hex (according to others –a five-sided) formations of 912 molecules of water with the face in the form of a rhombus with acute angle of 60 degrees. The interaction of such conglomerates between them is based on the principle of complementarity of the charge, that is by far the Coulomb interaction without the formation of hydrogen bonds between its faces, which allows to consider the structured state of water as source of information matrix. This structure has the ability to shift, resulting in the phenomenon of "water memory", because the new status is reflected coordinating the action of the introduced substance or other disturbing factors". (27)
Whether the proposed material is "extremely controversial," as stated in the Preface to the publication of O. V. Betsky? In the slightest degree. In a note generally there is no subject for discussion. The author does not build theories and does not put forward hypotheses, he made a fairly simple experiment, got a result and reported it. What is there to discuss? It is sufficient to repeat the experience and see what happens. In IRE RAS would be able to do it for a few days, but didn't and did the right thing. Why waste time and money? Back in 1979 in the journal "Biophysics" there was an article of a group of employees the IRE of the USSR headed by S. A. Ilyina, entitled "On the possible role of water in transmission of exposure radiation of millimeter range on biological objects". In annotations reported:
"Observed effects of radiation of millimeter range (IPD) on hemoglobin and red blood cells of human blood which results in strengthening (or weakening) the strength of the heme-globin and decreasing the osmotic resistance of membranes of erythrocytes. The observed effects cannot be explained by a simple heating of the irradiated suspension. The maximum exposure to erythrocytes produced under conditions of strong dilution of the slurry when the energy absorbed directly by the red blood cells, is minimal. The findings suggest that the impact of IPD on biological objects is determined not by value directly absorbed their energy is in the microwave, and the interaction of a biological object with water in a radiation field".
The following is a description of the experience and the proposed scheme of interaction of radiation with a biological object:
"Electromagnetic wave incident on the cuvette with the solution.→ The surface layer of water, which is absorbed by the IPD. → Excitation of vibrations in water and their transfer to the substrate. → Excitation in the substrate oscillation and the resulting change." In the message text is also available and the link is as follows: "the Work presented at all-Union Symposium on devices, technique and distribution of millimeter waves in the atmosphere. Theses of reports, pp. 316, IRE an SSSR, 1976" (35).
Then, twenty and more years before the publication of 1996 and was a debatable question, not later. And the effect itself, and its implementation mechanism was well known to Professor Betsky, a longtime employee IRE. In his book (10) was found to the work of S. A. Ilyina. If this question "discussion", only in terms of whether it makes sense to continue to classify the vital operational importance of intelligence for effect.
The declassification was accompanied by a rapid practical action: "the Medico-technical Association was offered ... the device for irradiation of fixed volumes of water for therapeutic and biotechnological purposes (RF patent №2137500, №2148903)" (7).
Get acquainted with the description of the device "Aquatim-KVCH" to obtain biologically active substances:
"The main element of the device is the antenna original design. It is a hollow tube made of a material poorly absorbing short-wave radiation, for example, medical polyamide or polytetrafluorethylene. Inside the tube are placed three miniature generator of EHF-radiation ... the Generators are set up for basic "medical" wavelengths 4,9; 5,6; 7,1 mm and can operate alternately. The antenna is immersed in an irradiated liquid, which is in a glass container ... fixing the pipe in the tank by means of a clamping screw ... control of the generators is performed by the control unit... This unit is equipped with a timer and indicator of the short-wave radiation... experiments have shown that when the volume of the liquid is equal to 2-2,5 l of the optimal exposure time is 30-45 min. While system output power short-wave radiation should be approximately 5 mW. Irradiation can be distilled or mineral water, solutions of mineral salts, tea, etc." (10).
In the picture a two-liter glass jar, the neck of which the tube sticking plastic pipe with a sealed lid, wire it summed up the side, powered by a flat battery.
In the last quotation the word "tea" reminded the case described by Anna Politkovskaya in September 2004, in "Novaya Gazeta", the case which she considers an attempt of poisoning on the plane, during the flight from Moscow to Mineral waters, in the days of the Beslan tragedy. Enjoyed drinking in the cabin a glass of tea, it's already after 10 min, felt so bad that I had already on the ground, in intensive care to save her life and, fortunately, failed. Do not believe that in our days among security officers is a fool, who dare to make the attempt, poisoning with chemical substances, in the cabin, where all participants are known, knowing that on earth what would matter is not over, the victim will be taken all the necessary tests (and happened). It is easier to irradiate on the earth tea (it will emit a few more days), pour in a plastic thermos and take with you on Board. 10 min. should not confuse the sources (22) there are reports about the beginning of the action of activated water within 5 min. after ingestion. Do not undertake to say that it was so, but the very similar. There is not only "therapeutic frequency. Below we will return to this topic.
In many articles discussing "psychic" issue, contains a statement: the man and other biological objects have no special organ for the perception and the radiation of radio waves. Like any hot body, the man emits only infrared noise and nothing more, and then talk about the possibility of touch, telepathic and similar remote contact with his participation groundless, pointless.
Research S. A. Ilyina and others have proven that contained in the organisms of living beings water is able to perceive radio waves, storing the information contained in them and re-emit them after some time on same frequency, to perform the role of a receiver, a storage medium and a molecular oscillator radiation.
Life originated in water solutions of biomolecules, took from the cradle to their needs information system unchanged and carried her through billions of years of evolution, adding only a specialized organ for the perception of electromagnetic waves of light range eyes. Any water-containing part of the body, and water is everywhere, is both a receiver and carrier of information and generator radiation.
Everyone remembers from childhood is a beautiful legend about "living" and "dead" water was a reliable fact.
"There are four of the most important energy source. It's water, sugar, wax. the alcohol". Where such experience as A. I. Katin found out that they exist? To clarify the matter back to two hundred years ago in Germany.
A prominent German scientist Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), was "considered to be the founder of the method of homoeopathic treatment. He first found a practical application of the law of similarity, the first proposed method of preparation of medicines in small and ultra low concentrations by potentiating (attempts at conventional dilutions made to him, was not a success), first demonstrated in patients therapeutic effect of the method" (36).
Get acquainted with the technology of potentiation:
"Potentiation of homeopathic remedies can be made in decimal, sotnia, and even thousandths of a division. For the preparation of decimal potencies 1 part (or gram) of a substance is dissolved in 9 parts of solvent, resulting in the first decimal potency (10-1), abbreviated in German homeopathy as D1... Then take 1 g of this solution and again dilute it in 9* g solvent, receiving the second decimal potency (10-2), i.e. D2... Then the process is repeated, resulting in a range of decimal potencies from D1 to D1000 and above... One of the controversial issues of homeopathy is the use of drugs in the potency of the D23-D24, ie in those dilutions which have not detected a single molecule of the dissolved substance (Avogadro's number or Asmita). Indeed, if the clinical efficacy of homeopathic remedies in low potency is comparable with the effects of their allopathic counterparts (e.g., heart glikozidov), to be applied in similar dosages, positive results of treatment of medium and high potencies by most doctors are considered as the placebo effect" (28).
Cures the "empty" water in which there is not a single (!) molecules of the active substance. And it unites homeopathy with the experiment of our researcher A. Y. Katina, which makes the experience of instrumental playing through the homeopathic effect.
The concept of biologically active points (BAP), the acupuncture point belongs to ancient Chinese medicine:
"It is believed that the system BAT... connects the cover body with the internal organs and Central nervous system. Through this natural "window" it is possible not only to observe the state of each organ, but also effectively influence, implement the regulation of system homeostasis, cause and effect of mobilization of protective forces of an organism... according to traditional Eastern medicine as acupressure points reflects the functional status of the organ" (10). "The set of points associated with the system or organ is called "Meridian" or "channel" and the interaction "meridians" circulating energy in the body called the acupuncture system" (37).
Professor Nakatani (Japan), objectivesyou concepts of traditional Oriental medicine. "On the left and right side of the body there are 12 meridians, Ryodoraku. In Japanese Ryodoraku – well conductive line ... Professor Nakatani has developed a diagnostic method based on the Ryodoraku. He found that for each Meridian there is a point characterizing the state of the Meridian as a whole. This so-called representative point.
At these points he made measurements of the functional state of the organs, feeding the measuring electrode 12 volts relative to the reference electrode. In case of short circuit electrodes, the circuit current measured by the microammeter m 60 kω resistance was 200 microamperes. When included in the circuit between the electrodes of the skin surrounding the particular BAT, the magnitude of the current in the circuit, fixed by the microammeter, falling inversely as the resistance increase. The measurement results were drawn on the map Ryodoraku, which was simultaneously celebrated and corridors of the normal functional status of each organ. All measurement results are not trapped in the hallway of the norm was interpreted as a pathology of the functional state. Nakatani method and map riodaraku known in acupuncture, they are widely used in the world practice" (10).
"The phenomenon of electro-puncture testing of medicines was opened by R. Voll in 1954, when in the course of joint research with M. Glaser-Turk unexpectedly it was found that near the acupuncture points of a human to various drugs can significantly change the electrical parameters of the last better or worse" (28).
"It was noticed that if, when placed on the skin of certain medications figures in BAHT are normalized, the administration of these drugs gives a faster and more lasting healing effect. If in contact with skin of the patient parameters on the BAT are not normalized, the drug for a given patient is not effective. In addition, the method of drug testing allows strictly individually to determine dose, frequency of administration of the drug and to determine an optimal combination of different drugs received data of individual patients" (38).
"In a series of other experiments, it was confirmed that the information field of medicines can be transmitted to a distant electric conductors, optical in conditions of natural or artificial light... using sources of coherent and incoherent radiation, as well as for standard Telecom communication lines in conditions of natural background noise...
F. Morell was one of the first who carried out such a process of transmission to a considerable distance, and proved the electromagnetic nature of the fluctuations of the medication... fluctuations in these "are extremely broadband and some authors, e.g. F. Werner, B. Ludwig, F. Morell, and others, studying their range, explored it in a limited frequency range" (28).
"In 1963, V. Schmidt, and then R. Voll and F. Kramer in the experiment showed that the drug does not propagate electromagnetic waves (EHR), if it wrapped in paper, cardboard, aluminum foil, green leaf plants, etc. V. This case, in contact with skin of the patient, the drug has no effect, and the BAT do not change. In 1973 F. Kramer found that the prevalence of EHR with homeopathic grits does not exceed 3-5 mm, often about 2 mm. If the drug is in liquid form ... 20 mm ...
The method of drug testing allows you to simulate the situation: what would happen if this patient at this time would have been assigned to this drug at this dose and how the drug would be compatible with other already get this sick medication...
In 1985, V. Falk, and D. Axiom open the possibility of energy-transfer medication in a neutral medium (water, alcohol, sugar, paraffin candle, wax, some metals, etc.), which after the transfer is called transfer. Implementation verification of the fact of transfer was performed by comparing the spectral characteristics of the carrier and the drug and transfer (method B. Ludwig and F. Morel) and method of drug testing" (38).
To the list of carriers you can add: "a Substrate that receives the information is solid, made of copper, iron or metal alloy, magnetic tape, a fluid, e.g., saline, ringer solution or colloidal solutions of copper, gold and silver, or the substrate may be a gas ... the Data "electromagnetic medicine", known as information-active drugs "WEKROMA", produced by the eponymous British company with branches in Switzerland and Germany...
English firm Magneto-Geometric Applications ...developed more than six thousand magnitometricheskikh cards reproducing properties of almost all known homeopathic medicines...
To enhance the therapeutic effects of "programmed" substance may be injected into the BATH by injection or applied in the form of an application on the biologically active zone of skin" (28). Thus, the impact center with the medical use of media becomes the BAT and the adjacent surface of human skin.
In conclusion, it is useful to get acquainted with another method of homeopathic effects: "One of the options of homeotherapy is so nazyvaemom isotherapy, characterized in that for the preparation of dilutions is used directly, pathogens, toxins, diseased tissue and wastes. On the basis of the law of similarity, these substances can be used in the treatment of diseases relevant to them. Drugs of this type are called nosodes" (39).
The patents listed above of the invention obtained by V. Ludwig in 1978 in Germany, V. Known in 1980, in France, in 1981 in the UK and in 1986 in the United States.
The reader has already noticed, perhaps, a scattering of German surnames in the text. Add to this the previously mentioned G. Frohlich and you will understand why Professor Herbert fröhlich was the first Chairman "of the Symposium with international participation", dedicated to the discussion of concern to us, held in may 1989 in Kiev.
I am not homeopaths? Anywhere, at the moment of homeopathy in the USSR did not exist. As "unscientific", it has been banned by relevant order of Minister of health Petrovsky in 1968, when "prohibited the training of homoeopaths, the publication of books and other publishing activities, and finally left the order about withdrawal of the homeopathic pharmacies an extensive list of the most effective drugs. Such shock homeopathy is not exposed in the entire history of its existence. It meant complete defeat" (36).
Brezhnev died, homeopathy is risen and has started experiments with the results which we are acquainted, they are worth it: "In a test tube with a suspension of unicellular organisms was placed in a sealed glass ampoule with the substance, the effect of which on cells, their biochemical properties, known... the Results showed that the experience clearly recorded changes in biochemical properties of cells under the influence of substances in a sealed tube, similar to the effect with his Appendix. That is, single-celled organisms react to the substance separated from them by an impenetrable wall, without direct molecular contact, as well as in contact with non-toxic doses of this substance".
Moreover, experiments were carried out which showed that the interaction has field properties, and by means of electrical conductors... a Suspension of cells and chemical substance placed in separate test tubes, which then lowered the ends of the conductors. The effect of the substance on the biochemical properties of cells was evident in this case.
The most striking result was obtained when a suspension of cells and chemical substance placed in separate test tubes, and then each of them placed acupuncture needle as an antenna. Controls served samples without antennas, samples with directly added substance, and also samples with antennas in screening cameras from different materials to eliminate the influence of metal and electromagnetic interference in the outcome of the reaction.
More than thousand experiments have shown, that the interaction is carried out when there is an antenna connection between the reagents, and it is not required additional devices or energy sources. A study of the shielding properties of steel, bronze, aluminium and plastic has shown that the effective screen is only aluminum. The use of colored indicators biochemical properties allowed us to make the reaction visible to the naked eye, so the contrasting color of a suspension of cells with the indicator at the remote influence of a chemical... Field properties of an interaction are apparent in the experiment that shows that if the antenna of one of the reagents to ground, the reaction is terminated...".
So remote broadcast chemical exposure... the Amazing thing is that the experiment is simple, elementary, ridiculously simple and could be set a hundred years ago, when I began to study the "Hertzian waves". No one thought of.
It should be borne in mind: we are not talking about broadcast chemical reactions between substances, and to broadcast their electromagnetic radiation. Attending, or crippling, the effect of the homeopathic remedies of high dilutions when there is no longer any molecules of the substance due to action of the activated radiation it water, and it employs the phenomenon of water memory.
Let us continue the citation:
"Connect a conductor of medication and a vial of water. After some time check the action of this water on the human body. The results show that the water acquires new qualities and acts as a medicine, with which was connected. Two minutes of interaction, it is sufficient to show weak, but noticeable changes. With the help of special devices for the conversion of water can be enhanced and accelerated. In addition to water, you can use any material, but best of all is charging alcohol, sugar, wax..." (39).
We returned to the starting point. We quoted the book of N. L. Lupichev, employee of the Moscow Institute of Radioelectronics and automation (MIREA), was published in 1990, characteristic of the Soviet time with a circulation of 300 thousand copies and could be known, and A. Y. Katina, and O. V. Betsky. Experience Katina is the first attempt to throw a visible bridge between EHF – therapy on the one hand, and already merged into a single entity homeopathy and traditional Oriental medicine in its Europeanized form of the other.
Psychic impact.
Let us continue the citation of a book N.L.Lupacheva: "it follows From the foregoing that the acupuncture needle is introduced into the at (the acupuncture point), works as the antenna, carrying out communication of an organism with the external environment, but if in another at also to insert the needle, the coupling occurs between the internal organs.
Studies also show that the time of onset of reaction at the impact on the average equal to 3 sec. does drug testing... if we can pack acupuncture needle at a distance of 5 mm to one at and look at the reaction of the other (she is evident even before the introduction of the needle), we see that the time spread does not exceed 3 seconds, whatever the distance between the at. Therefore, there is a special conducting system in which radiation energy of matter reaches the internal organs."
Here you need to stop and understand the situation. The needle is at a distance of 5 mm from the skin, biologically active points. The injection was not so knee-jerk reaction to it impossible. Any foreign substance emitter on the needle either. There is only the acupuncture needle, the antenna in the hand of the researcher, nothing more. But BAHT (adjacent!) reacts. What and how she perceives?
The answer to this question is contained in the book of I. V. Rostata, a quote from which we will continue Chapter:
"Discovered similarities in the effects from the microwave generator and from a person with psychic healing abilities. Into account the occurrence of reactions in the form of heat, squeezing, tingling in the mode of single-blind control. A psychic exposed, placing your hands at 10 cm above the area of skin projections of the acupuncture points Hegu have a thumb test. Between the hands of the operator and the surface area of the cutaneous projection consistently put the envelopes with unknown for him filters (and screens). A series of 12 bandpass filters were fabricated by photolithography and etching of the copper foil with a thickness of 0.1–0.2 mm. the Mesh provided with the holes diameter from 300 to 1370 µm high (80-90 %) transmission of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths from 0.5 to 2.5 mm. thereby establishes the frequency range in which "generated" the operator is psychic. The surface of the body of the subject outside the zone of influence of the operator-the psychic was isolated platinu. The impact is most effectively manifested in the absorption bands of solar radiation by the atmosphere with highs near 2,5; 1,7; 0,9; and 0.77 and 0.4 mm, where terrestrial organisms are adapted to the extremely low levels of natural electromagnetic background (10-19-10-21 W/см2Гц). Thus, the so-called psychic activity, the part has an electromagnetic nature and is realized in the millimeter radio-wave exposure. It is also possible that EHF-therapy, i.e., millimetric radiowave exposure to low intensity, affecting the energy system of the body, has a therapeutic effect, in principle, comparable with the therapeutic effect of the so-called psychic bioenergetic impact" (59). (By the way. There are many publications on the so-called "psychic" therapies. But nowhere or almost nowhere in them does not mention the important to success psychic quality – the health of the healer. Only a healthy body has its own "harmonic" frequencies, which he is only capable aid to the patient).
Specialized organs for the perception and exposure to radio waves.
Institute of Radioengineering and electronics, was interested in research N.L. Lupicia and began their own work in the same direction:
"Over the last fifteen years (1989 – Ed.) was made a long cycle of electro-diagnostic measurements of EHF-influence on THE area (acupuncture points – Ed.) and the search for optimal methods of this impact. There were tens of thousands of current measurements in areas THAT after EHF exposure" (10).<

Joined:Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:31

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 21:01

Today's measure of trust employees ireh to traditional Oriental medicine is visible on the report submitted by them for the last, 13-th Russian Symposium with international participation:
"Electrodynamic model of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation of microwave range and biologically active points (BAP) in the process of acupuncture shows that Swish receiving and sending AMY into the BATH, which can be represented as premonitions channels of reception and transmission can be in the range of 0.5 GHz to 1,000 GHz (1 terahertz). This range was determined by the geometry of the needles that was used by the ancient healers. The proposed model to some extent explains, for example, the effects of homeopathy or with allopathy or the phenomenon of long-range effect of remote exposure to a BAT, outdoor Voll R. about thirty years ago. The fact that AMY frequencies in the terahertz range are the most transparent to the biological and physical environments and can participate in the implementation of these effects and this phenomenon...
The proposed electrodynamic model experimentally confirmed...effect of the emission of electromagnetic radiation of biologically active points at frequencies of 0.12; and 0.17; 0.3 mm; 0.4 THz" (40).
As you can tell by "the geometry of the needles of the ancient healers" bandwidth of biologically active points in the radio? Only one way: to assume that the needle was used by healers not as a tool for traumatic exposure on acupuncture points, and as antennas for radio broadcasts through biologically active points inside the body. The dimensions of antennas is indeed possible to calculate the wavelengths that you can use them to relay.
But one of the antenna for the radio a little, we still frequency generator. Such a generator for the ancient healers could do their own body. It seems that for the authors of the above – things for granted, if they do not consider it necessary (or convenient) to clarify its position. Usual the reader should (and can) understand it all himself.
We don't advance further in this review without a detailed acquaintance with the properties of biologically active points.
In room 7 of the journal “Biomedical electronics” in 1999 published the article Yuri Mikhailovich Ermolaev, candidate of physico - mathematical Sciences, leading researcher of NPP “Istok” with the characteristic title: “Biologically active point — biological analogue of the diode with negative resistance.” To quote excerpts from it, start with the end and go to beginning:
“Thus, the BAT can be represented as a cellular system of about 5,000 cells in a type the eyes of bees, which have collinear direction vectors of the individual planes of the membranes, and that all processes operate coherently in time and space, i.e. we are dealing with a counterpart on the cellular level of the phased array of 5,000 elements, with a sharp directivity pattern, as shown by the experiment... All the BAT related to the same Meridian, interact with each other and relevant bodies according to the principle of relay communication lines “without wires” in the EHF-range...
Measurements have shown, BAT has all the necessary and sufficient conditions for the short-wave generating and receiving without additional sources of ... locally and in the BAT to enter the EHF-radiation of the desired frequency, the desired power at the required intervals and objectively monitor the results of EHF-influence ...
The total thickness of the skin and tissue at the location of the BAT is less than 200 µm, which is active in the UHF-band region BAT (pupil) located in the volume sizes of the order of 100 microns (0.1 mm — Ed.)... Analysis of biological structures of cells in the region of BAHT numerous researchers have shown the absence of any differences between the cells of the BAT from the next. Most likely, all observed processes in BAT is associated with some difference in the functioning of cell membranes ...”
The last paragraph explains why it was impossible to identify a system of specialized organs on the generation and reception of radio waves more precisely, the following N.D. Devyatkova, information management system, to the development in the mid 60-ies of the EHF (millimeter) range of wavelengths. Morphologically, in terms of their biological structure, BAT indistinguishable from the surrounding surface of the body and find yourself only in the radio.
Complete citation:
“When the BAT voltage is over 1.5 V, which can take place when recharging an internal source in the BAT structure can be excited by the longitudinal vibrations of voltage and current, including in the range of UHF ... UHF-processes in BAT occur at frequencies F = 40 – 150 GHz (λ = 7.5 and 2 mm – Ed.) the lasing power P ≈ 10 µw (one hundred thousandth share of a watt, Ed.)” (41).
A year later, in the same journal, appeared the following article by Yu. M. Ermolaeva on the same subject (42), significantly supplementing and clarifying (for numerical parameters) the above quoted text. Get acquainted with its basic provisions, complementing the text with information from other sources:
"The man is the owner of a unique three-dimensional and branched system of own short-wave generators in the form of a set of biologically active points (BAP) meridians..." (42)
"There is no doubt that these points are sources of radiofrequency radiation in intranscom F<1 Hz and low frequency F<2 kHz ranges, as well as in the SHF and EHF bands... the First of these emissions are due to the General physiological rhythms of the body, and high-frequency ― self EMFs of the cells of the body..." (43)
"Biologically active points of the fingers emit a highly directional power flows: hypersonic and electromagnetic, the energy of the radiation field of the power flow increases by more than two orders of magnitude (e.g., needle)... the introduction of the "thermal needles" is the act of resetting accumulated in BAT excessive energy, and hypersonic needles observed in telekinesis, hypersonic pulses are converted in the piezo-"the lens" of electromagnetic energy cavity" (42)
Under telekinesis, we mean microelement, moving the small weight of items in the result of remote non-contact exposure of the palms of the hands of the psychic, as we know now, under the action of the energy emitted by the biologically active points of a hypersonic pulse.
People of the older generation remember the popular science film "Kievnauchfilm" "Nine years with psychics" (he came on screens, including television, in 1989), telling about the telekinetic abilities of the then-known psychic N.With. Kulagina. Interesting detail: the study of those years was attended by the academician Y. V. Gulyaev, Director of the IRE of the USSR, with the work of the staff which we are now familiar. Let us continue the citation:
"Using the radio analogy, it is possible to identify BAT with control points (terminals) of electronic circuits that also
output to the external frame of the device (panel, cover, control Board, etc.)" (43)
Fig. 1. Spatial (biological) model of BAT. (42)
A spatial model of the BAT: "On the basis of the established facts, a spatial model of the BAT can be represented in the form of miniature "eye", where the "iris" with increased conductivity to serve fat cells which are free from the fat cells window ― "the pupil" (φ ≈ 0,1-0,3 mm). Under the "eyeball" on the removal of 100-200 µm (for BAT fingers) is the "lens" of the stuff... kind of... collagen is a liquid crystal with enhanced piezoelectric properties, low ξ (dielectric constant – a Bus)..., having the form of a dielectric resonator and focusing the radiation on the retina (Fig. 1).

Radiophysical properties of the BAT. Historically, the study of BAT began with the study of their absorbing properties:
"The measurements of the reflectivity of the BAHT in the short-wave range is established by various authors that in the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation has frequency range where the absorption of electromagnetic energy BAT in the UHF range considerably (up to 20 dB) increases. Usually these areas coincide with the spectral lines of absorption of electromagnetic radiation by water vapor at wavelengths 0,7; 0,9; 1,7 and oxygen at λ = 2,5; 5 mm, or associated with the spectrum of excitation of oscillations in an aqueous medium at λ = 5.8 mm...
There are experimentally found frequency of intense electromagnetic radiation on biological objects at λ1 = 7.1 mm, λ2 = 5.6 mm and λ3 = 4.9 mm and other not directly related to water vapor... each BAT has its own resonance frequency absorption of short-wave radiation, and such frequencies in a waveguide channel in a few". (42)
"In the centre of BATH there is a typical "window" of intense absorption of short-wave radiation that is absorbed by the center of the field of BAT... At the edges of the "funnel" power (reflected signal. The study was conducted using radar ― Ed.) increases in 1,5-2 times compared to the background radiation (average intensity reflected from the surface of the BAT signal ― Ed.). (44) the Diameter of this region between 100 and 300 microns, but may be for state specific BAHT increase to 1 mm." (42)
Prolonged exposure to the BAT have the effect of "fatigue" BAT, when its sensitivity and absorption capacity is substantially reduced or disappears completely:
"Studies have shown that if the probing signal power of 1-3 mW, the transfer rate between the BAHT quickly (within 0.5-1 min) is reduced to zero... This phenomenon is the result of "fatigue" BAT and can be considered as a protective reaction of BAT in excitement. For continuous observations of the relationship of BAT and sustainable therapeutic effect it is necessary to reduce the power of radiation to the level of 10-7-10-8 W (threshold effect)". (45)
Emitting properties of BAT are set out in the beginning of the Chapter, is to make small additions and corrections:
"Negative resistance and a generator of electromagnetic oscillations are most likely the nerve endings... In the center of the resonator is integrated diode negative resistance (or rather, a matrix of diodes is of the order of 10×10), which is the adder of the mesh of nerve endings neural network... is managed through the nerve fibers of the nervous system (Central nervous system or the autonomic)...
Receive mode or generate a BAT can be a simple change in the voltage of the internal source of EMF: if U ≤ Calf. the Famil, when U > Calf. heneratsiya kWh (with the appropriate control signal from the Central nervous system). In this respect, the BATH behaves as a classical neuron in the nervous system...
Experimentally observed emission from the BATH in the range of 36-55 GHz is 2-5 µw". (42)
Electrical properties of the BAT: "IN the equivalent electric scheme of BAT, which can be determined by dynamic measurements of its volt-ampere characteristic... contains enough high capacity SB ≈ 0,02 UF associated with a spot of high conductivity, a leakage resistor Rб ≈ 50 ohms and the diode with negative resistance in DB that can be turned on and change its parameters under the action of the control signal (e.g., from Central nervous system ― CNS). Biologically active point also contains a small inductance Lб ≈ 0,1 IFG and, most important, internal source of EMF (EB) type batteries with a voltage of 0.5-4 V and discharge currents IB = 5-100 µa...
Thus, BAT contains all necessary and sufficient conditions for receiving and generating electromagnetic waves". (42)
The combination of BAT forms a co-operating body, the sixth sense, the man responsible for the so-called "extrasensory perception", telepathy, psychic healing, and possibly other paranormal properties of the human psyche. A little bit about the radiophysical properties of the BAT system as a whole:
"Linear chain BAHT (Meridian) belonging to this body, it can function as a radio relay link in the UHF range and is probably a transmission system mnogoletnei information, alternative nervous system (NS), but under its control. Such a radio relay system may have several trunks (meridians) to transmit information of large capacity.
In determining the amount of transmitted information per unit of time, such a "relay" system of meridians BAT is far more advanced nervous system and in this sense differs from it in the same way as a radio relay link is different from a regular phone...
A resonator system Meridian can operate on a single resonant frequency, or on posted private frequencies of the resonators... Dvukhpolosnykh absorption and emission, observed in experiments, can mean the work of BAT in Meridian as receiving and transmitting phase of relay lines in pure duplex, when the reception goes on one frequency, and radiation to the other." (42)
Modern versions of EHF-therapy.
Comparing various treatment technologies, it is possible to make such a generalization of traditional Oriental medicine is an analogue of EHF-therapy using the self-radiation of a human healer as a means of influencing patient; a homeopathy uses the impact of its broadband emission of various chemical and biological compounds, allowing the patient to find among the proposed healing for yourself frequency; finally EHF-therapy is the instrumental version of homeopathy and traditional Oriental medicine combined.
New developments, born of the act A. Y. Katina, touched and editable O. V. beckim log:
“Tested beverage “Milmed”, created by group of scientists under the leadership of M. B. Golanta, first, in the experiment, and then were tested the method of its application in different groups of patients. This drink (the yeast solution, the irradiated mm-waves), is taken inside and has a pronounced therapeutic effect, not inferior to MM-waves generated by the apparatus “Yav - 1””... We recorded also mm-wave on the water and used it as an effective diuretic (very effective, this is confirmed by the experimental, and have experienced this kind of pressure on yourself – Ed.)...
“The same way we recorded the MM-wave... on various portions of homeopathic semolina which is used as a carrier of the appropriate wavelength and called it “activated nibs” (AK)”...
Now, reader, you know one of those “terrible secrets” for the sake of which there was “debate” around notes A. Y. Katina:
“A prerequisite of admission to AK is not a quick swallow, and the delay in the mouth until dissolved... it is Known that the mucosa of the oral cavity is rich in microvessels with thin walls, so AK transfers its wave flowing blood and lymph, which carry it throughout the body”.
More about blood: “we achieved acceleration of blood flow, the disclosure of additional vascular manifolds as MM-waves have this property”... In one condition to 70% of the capillaries of the circulatory system is closed, are in reserve. The opening and filling with blood may be due to the increase in the volume and weight of the brain in died at Dubrovka.
At the end of the notes again are mentioned as disadvantages: “EHF-radiation of AK did not have such power which is generated by short-wave apparatus”, and the benefits of Krupki: direct influence of MM-waves on blood” (15).
How could miss suffering “crewboat” editor such heresy, a three-fold mention of the word “blood”? He noticed and gave a tiny article Foreword: “the editorial Board draws the attention of readers to the fact that in this work a new method of use of EHF-radiation for treatment of various diseases, which needs further study”. Why so afraid of the word "blood", described below.
But the Central tuberculosis research Institute – Vitebsk is not a homeopath, just dismiss the article by L. E. Gedimina and L. Z. Balakirev was impossible.
Came out into the light of semi-underground and previously used, but not afishirovalos treatment technologies, in particular, bioresonance therapy (BRT):
“The pathological process develops only in the case if the body is not able to maintain a dynamic equilibrium between harmonic and disharmonic vibrations, i.e. is not able to eliminate the latter to the required minimum level
The principle of diagnosis and therapeutic intervention based on the possibility to detect the aforementioned electromagnetic waves, to produce their analysis and processing in the specified mode, and then affect the patient. While the harmonic oscillations are returned to the patient in unchanged or increased, and disharmonious – out of phase, causing the amplitude of the latter is reduced or completely suppressed. In the course of therapy the patient and the device form a closed circuit in which sensing, processing and returning EMK happen all the time. The entire specified cycle lasts a few seconds.
The APC session usually lasts 20-40 minutes, but if necessary the therapy can be increased to several hours. Control during a session is done by measuring the most relevant meridians and biologically active points (38)
Treatment of patients with bioresonance therapy produces abnormal radiation of the patient, recorded on a carrier and transferred through the BAT to the body in the opposite phase continued from there radiation.
Here, the symbiosis of traditional Oriental medicine (the place of impact of the BAT), homeopathy (there also are pathologically altered tissue and bodily excretions – nosodes, in our case, radionette) and instrumental equipment from EHF-therapy.
That the two are identical in frequency and amplitude “abnormal” waves to meet in phase, cancel each other out, we know from school physics. Exactly the same will cancel each other, two identical in frequency and amplitude of the “harmonic” waves to meet in phase. The laws of nature do not know the difference between “harmonic” and “abnormal” fluctuations. What happens if you do the opposite, disharmonious oscillations return to the patient in an unmodified form, and harmonic – in phase, “causing the amplitude of the latter is reduced or completely suppressed?”
It is useful or harmful for a healthy person millimeter waves?
Information-wave therapy (IWT), in fact, is an advanced variant of the classic of EHF-therapy:
“The greatest interest in the clinic represent aspects of the action of electromagnetic fields, not associated with power impact and absorbed energy, and signal characteristics, the information that is encoded in the corresponding fields and radiation and is important for biological systems...These signals are obtained via measurements of radio signals and frequency spectra, inherent to the organs and systems of the patient...
Make measurements taken by the radiometer (analyzer information signal AIS) radio signals from organs and systems via biologically active points (BAP) chosen by the doctor. The receiving antenna of the radiometer when it is positioned over the area to this point. The resulting signals are then detected, processed by a computer, entered into a database and the doctor, analyzing the amplitude-frequency spectra (spectra of information signals) and comparing them with the spectra obviously healthy bodies concludes “healthy - sick” for the relevant body. For the treatment and prevention of a doctor appointed by the program impact on BAP of a patient, the corresponding organs and systems of amplitude-frequency spectrograms which discovered deviations from the spectra of healthy organs. As the generator (the exposure device) is used the apparatus “Minitag” non-contact action on BAHT electromagnetic waves in the millimeter, infrared and visible ranges, amplitude-modulated information signals of infra-low frequencies are identical to the signals of healthy organs... method is applied In a wide range of frequencies... the Use of the noise signal does not require the selection or installation of “therapeutic frequency” (46).
The patient chooses from the offered spectrum necessary for the recovery frequency. The signal strength of the device “Minitag” to date, the least of practically used in medicine –10-17W/cm2. At the end of the article there is a message, unfortunately, is not specifically decoded:
“For the first time objectively registered using AIS electromagnetic radiation of the vegetative nerve centers, organs and systems, as well as its relationship with the life processes of the whole organism and the determined allocated frequency band (data signal) that controls various functions of organs and systems (46)
Is it possible to copy private “information signal” of man and perezluha him to BATH, to destroy or replace the internal management of the body remote external remote control “various functions of organs and systems”, remained unclear. I think it may be the above-mentioned remote “increase sexual desire and potency” (16).
Ghosts and ghosts.
Continue the conversation about the properties of biologically active points:
“In some cases, the electrical parameters of biologically active points with information and functional relationship with the remote on, can be in the normal range or in other diagnostic intervals and do not correspond to zero or very low values (1-15 CONV. units) scale electric appliance...
During the “blind” method of testing patients (with remote authorities – Ed.), with no anamnesis data, 75% of cases there was a discrepancy between clinical and electro-diagnoses (on deleted or saved?)...
In the analysis of apparent contradictions between results of clinical and diagnostic method, by analogy with the known fact of the development of phantom pain, the conclusion about the existence of a kind of “phantom” remote bodies.
Proof of the existence of such phenomena can serve studies of the aura of plant leaves when applying high-frequency photography method S. D. Kirlian. These studies show that when removing part of a plant's leaf, his aura retains the spatial configuration of the whole leaf over a long period of time... in Other words, the physical removal of the biological object does not lead to immediate changes in the spatial configuration of its energy field, displayed on the high-frequency pictures in the form of phantom material and a non-existent part of the object. Modeling this phenomenon is well known in holography and is illustrated by the preservation of three-dimensional image on the cut parts of the hologram....
It is possible to assume that radical removal during surgery of a particular organ does not lead to the complete destruction of the energy chain BAHT affected acupuncture Meridian and its relationship with other meridians, collectively supporting the "energy field" remote on...
Studies show that the electrical conductivity of the BATH remote bodies in 88% of the cases lies below the average deflection of the conductivity of the BATH of intact (intact – Ed.) organs, which is conventionally referred to as "individual channel" fluctuations of electrical conductivity from the values of the ideal norm (50 CONV. units). The lower limits of this corridor it is located, the greater the risk of complications seamed" (i.e., human health depends on well-being and "health" of the phantom and his BAT – Ed.).
"Interesting was the fact that the determination of resonance response of BAT phantom remote organs for testing entiregeneration Nazarov company "Staufen-Pharma", especially heteroatom cooked from that of the pathological substrate or tissue and those of corresponding nosologies forms (types of diseases – Ed.) which was a radical operation...
The testing of these drugs is subject to the rules of similarity in 69% of cases was it possible to normalize the electrical conductivity of the BATH, the phantoms of remote organs and in 86% when additional testing entiregeneration preparations of mistletoe...
The obtained results indicate the presence of BAT certain information of the memory of pre-existing disease of a particular organ even after surgical removal" (28).
There is another study on the same topic. The author claims that the phantom effect "is manifested as a trace relative to long-term memory for the presence of DNA at a given place in space, for example, cuvette Department of the spectrometer light scattering. After removal of the DNA sample of the laser beam continues to dissipate at the "empty" place of the cuvette compartment around as it would be if I continued probing of the previous DNA, but with significantly less signal. This effect (call it fdnc) after a single time of exposure of DNA continues for about a month or more and then gradually disappears or goes beyond the resolution of the instrument, but can be re-played...
In ongoing experiments, special attention was paid to the control measurements of light scattering in air and water environments – areas of potential generating phantoms with DNA in the cuvette compartments of spectrometers. The measurements were performed in cuvette or empty compartment, or put an empty cell... then in the cuvette was administered the drug and DNA were placed in the sample compartment. After extraction of DNA samples the space of finding the DNA, probably changing its physical properties. This phenomenon becomes especially clear in the second – fourth day after exposure of DNA...
Purge cell compartment of the spectrometer "Malvern" dust-free gaseous nitrogen leads to a temporary disappearance fdnk. After the termination of the purge regeneration fdnc within 5-10 minutes".
The following are the arguments in favor of the existence of the phantom:
"fdnc and DNA-the source gives in some cases the same type of autocorrelation function of a dispersion that are not a coincidence and speaks to their mutual causal relationships;
The similarity of the basic features fdnc for air and water environments of their formation, recorded on different devices;
The contribution of extraneous dust components after exposure of DNA may lie in the fact that these components in the "force field fdnc acquire new features and simplify the registration fdnc themselves" (47).
How to feel about all this, to you, the reader. I prefer to think of the phantoms real, since they are given to us in sensations, elektricheskih dimensions radioclicker resonance and light scattering of laser beams, but that's a personal opinion.
The problem of the existence of the "etheric body" of a person is clearly not matured to the level where they make a clear decision – Yes or no.
SPA effect.
The opening of the "SPA"effect (the names of the discoverers, Saratov radiophysicists N. And. Sinitsyn, V. I. Petrosyan, V. A. Elkin) was immediately recognized as outstanding. Post about it in issue 1 1998 of the journal "Biomedical electronics" entitled: "the Special role of millimeter waves – water environment in the nature". In addition to the pioneers, the article was signed by the academicians N. D. Devyatkov, Yu. V. Gulyaev, Professor O. V. Betsky.
To quote the report of O. V. Betsky about the success of its Saratov colleagues:
"We are talking about the works carried out in the Saratov branch of the Institute of radio engineering and electronics Russian Academy of Sciences. They describe new effects in the interaction of low-intensity mm-waves with living organisms and any water-containing object...
The essence of the discovered effects can be explained briefly as follows. When exposed to low-intensity mm-waves on water-containing objects (e.g., human body) with the power of 1-10 mW is changing the amount of electromagnetic (thermal) radiation of the object in the other shifted frequency (relative frequency "sounding" mm-waves) range. Most strongly manifested in the decimeter range of wavelengths and surely recorded by sensitive receivers (radiometers). The main feature of this phenomenon is that the change (increase) of thermal radiation depends on the frequency of "sounding" mm-radiation and the curve "power of thermal radiation in the decimeter range (at fixed frequency) – the frequency of the radiation in the millimeter range" is clearly observed resonant-like areas. Most clearly was it was close to three resonant frequencies: 50,3; of 51.8, and 65 GHz. Thus, experimentally discovered a few interesting biologically significant frequencies in addition to the already known and used in medical-biological practice...
In conclusion, we should note another interesting effect: biological resonance can be observed only when the values of power in the UHF band in the range of 1-10 mW, while smaller and larger values of power resonance effects are not observed, which is in qualitative agreement with the theoretical estimates" (17).
A good term to indicate the nature of SPECIAL effect invented Yu. p. Chukova: slit effect. Slit width capacity – 10 microwatt (one hundred thousandth share of a watt).
How millimeter waves "Saratov" frequencies penetrate deeper into the water and water-containing objects?
"The irradiation of biological objects to weak electromagnetic waves at these frequencies there is a water capture molecular oscillators of the frequencies of the signal and the amplification-type synchronized generating or regenerative amplification. Waves at these frequencies are distributed in aquatic environments with very little loss... and thus can penetrate a greater depth of the irradiated object, involving the deep structures in the interaction process with a weak external signal" (34).
Whether taken from the body in UHF range noise radioclick additional information about the internal state of a person?
"The conversion of radio waves of MM to DM range is the result of interaction of mm waves with the medium at the molecular field level. And as the product of the interaction of radio waves to acquire information on the biophysical state of the organism. Thus, the external mm-radiation becomes the probe. The intensity received from the body scattering of a DM signal in this case will be proportional to the molecular wave disturbances in the biosphere, i.e., entropy." (48).
Most are actively involved in radionuclide that is sick, pathologically changed tissues and organs with maximum molecular wave disturbances in the biosphere, and that was the basis for the creation of medical-diagnostic complex "cap".
"Diagnosis using complex reduced to a radiometric registration of the spectrum in the region of three resonance peaks... Most clearly these resonances are fixed on the skin, which are the geometric projection of the diseased organs of the patient. Next shot frequency dependence compared with the "reference" (in a healthy person – Ed.). After that, select the resonant frequency, near which there is the greatest difference of the resonance region from the reference. Treatment with EHF-generator is performed until, until there is satisfactory coincidence of the frequency dependence of the thermal radiation of the patient with the reference" (7).
In fact, if you translate the contents of the probing of millimeter radiotapes human language, it splits into two separate questions of the doctor to the patient:
1. Show me where it hurts?
The response is read from the skin of the patient the UHF radiometer;
2. Tell me what a millimeter wave to treat you?
The answer is obtained from comparison of the testimony of an UHF radiometer frequency response of the probing radiation.
"Complex "SAR" is well established in the treatment of various human diseases. The most impressive data were obtained in pediatric in the treatment of children with diseases of the thyroid gland (about a thousand patients). This treatment with the use of the "cap" often eliminates the need for surgical intervention" (7).
Well, of course, but on every barrel of honey there and a bucket of tar. Above we saw that the capacity over 10 mW/cm2 of a SPECIAL effect, radioclick on external exposure stops. The response is terminated and the water clarity for mm-waves "Saratov" frequency is maintained. That will further increase their power?
"High power electromagnetic waves (EMV) in which the oscillation amplitude of the oscillator becomes comparable with the distance between them, causing increased dissipation and, consequently, displacement of interval of resonance interaction in the direction of lower frequencies. Therefore, if initially the frequency of the incident electromagnetic effects ' was in the range of resonant interaction, she soon falls outside this interval, the resonant interaction with the system oscillator stops, and the wave is absorbed on the surface of the object." Why?
"With the high flow capacity of the order of 102 mW/cm2 or more even at the resonant frequencies of EMV power sufficient to break hydrogen bonds in aqueous media at a depth of a few tenths of a micrometer. Destructible while the hexagonal molecular oscillators shield the resonant interaction of mm-waves with the environment". The situation can be partly correct, but not for long: "a frequency control, you can restore the resonant interaction, which again terminates with the output of the oscillators of the field of resonance under the effect of increasing dissipation." (17).
Thus, mm-wave "Saratov" frequencies at high power first, "rock", destructuring permeable environment, and the transition of power after a certain threshold is 100 mW/cm2 (one tenth watt), destroy the surface structure of water escaped her with debris and lose their ability to penetrate.
Seemed an interesting question: what does the human brain at the beginning of "cold boiling" of water in it (75% by mass), when the "buildup" of its structure occurs at fluctuations of the structural elements not yet comparable to the sizes of the structures?
Made special studies of the influence of various substances on the properties of water structures. It turned out that substance – stimulants - caffeine, bemegride, as well as EHF-wave low-power structured water, and alcohol and drugs anestetiki Nembutal, oxybutynin, urethane, destructuring, destroy the water structure. (17).
In the end we get: microwave "Saratov" frequencies with low power have on a person's stimulating effects similar to caffeine, the radiation of high power like vodka and drugs. Both bad: "there are certain intervals of the optimal parameters of structuring and synchronization of wave processes, the biological environment, the deviation from which, as in the direction of the "overorganization", and "disorganization" of the biological environment correspond to disease" (17).
On the one hand, excitement on the other intoxication and inhibition (narkotizatsii effect, we've seen it mention in the source (16). In the middle of the fun of getting sick from the action of mm-waves during the session, which tell many doctors, hedonic effect, mentioned in the same source (16).
From another source (21), we learned in the beginning that excite and inhibit the human psyche on the wave 2 mm. Among those listed in (17) "Saratov" of the nearest frequency F = 105 GHz, a little less than 3 mm, but is a curious caveat: the following resonant frequencies can be expected, e.g. near F = 150 GHz = 2 mm exactly.
This is all I could find about the opening of Saratov radiophysicists. Appeared intuitive belief: the publication in 1998 as well, secondary, as well as publication 1996 (A. Y. Katin), but the authors of it, N. And. Sinitsyn, V. I. Petrosyan, V. A. Yolkin, are indeed pioneers of effecn.
In conclusion, the traditional question: it is useful or harmful, desirable or undesirable for people millimeter waves? Someone like that, right?
Section 4.
Matters of the heart.
Some subjects remains after the first years of life in vitro (in vitro) memory: waking up in the night on the back, chest sharp, cutting pain, you know that unhealthy, raised his head, trying to call loved ones... the Pain increases terribly, my heart is breaking, there is a dizzy, floating fiery circles before the eyes, cold in my legs... the thought In my head: once they're gone, this is the end, death. Close your eyes and lie in absolute stillness, experiencing the last moments of life...
Open your eyes... Bright, Sunny, quiet. My fingers wiggle, turn your head... No response, no pain, easy. Carefully sit in bed, slowly dressed, leave the house... All gone without a trace, as if nothing had happened... don't Usually associate the incident with what is happening around, you never know what happens to human health once in a lifetime, but "last minute" are not forgotten.
To understand how this is done, first get acquainted with the problems that exist in explaining the work of the heart, and then with the hypothesis of their crucial:
"A model of circulation based on the theory of elastic reservoir, is the most common, but it can not explain many of the contradictions. If the emission intensity of a pulsating pump (heart) is unchanged, why the presence of multiple resistance pressure increases from the center to the periphery? In particular, why the pressure in the lower extremities by 10-20% above the system, especially in athletes? If only because the walls of peripheral vessels somehow more mechanical stretch to the same pulse wave and more powerful answer is a stretch, where does the energy for the growing power of the answer? There is a clear contradiction to the law of conservation of energy. Is the 13% of the original energy, which keeps a stream of blood at the beginning of the venules sufficient to upright the body to push to the heart minute volume of blood and to provide venous return? The volume of the venous network is many times more blood.
Based on the law of the highest expediency in the living organism, in General it is unclear why the activities of a vast array of muscles vessels need to explain from the position of the mechanics and hydrodynamics. Because all the other striated and smooth muscles contract, usually as a result of exposure of the nervous system send electrical impulses... one could argue that in the Central nervous system of a living organism it is not revealed the center, which would provide a constant supply of pulses to the rhythmic activities of the vessels. There are also specialized nerve agents. Nature has solved this problem very simply and rationally, based on, at the same time, major existing patterns of living matter.
Leading radiation person, of course, is electromagnetic radiation (EMR) brain and heart ... the Frequency parameters of AMY's heart and brain are in the same range from 0.05 to 100 Hz. In brain neurons, cardiomyocytes of the pacemaker of the heart is a continuous generation of electrical impulses. Generation of the pulse and the movement of intracellular and extracellular currents induces the appearance of a continuously pulsating on several, including vector parameters of electrical and magnetic fields. The peak electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of the heart in each cardiac cycle – the result of rapid spread of excitation through the myocardium of the ventricles prior to their contraction. Emission peak of blood – the result of the acceleration of electrically charged blood when contraction of the ventricles of the heart. Ripple wave radiation of the heart and the wave of radiation the blood – the result of two inseparably linked parts. The wave field generated in the body, of course, are combined, forming patterns.
For the body in General, the fundamental frequency is the frequency of the heart, which generates an electromagnetic wave with length equal to the height of a man (from the analysis of the ECG shows that the heart is the wave length equal to ¼ of the core length 0). The distribution of energy in the body goes through the blood vessels, and in contact with the nerves – goes to the nerve conductors. The vessels play the role of waveguide. When the length of the waveguide is much greater than the width, as you know, most of the energy propagates outside it in the surrounding tissues, determining their polarization. Unchanged vessels installed running wave, when damage or a sudden change in the vascular wall – a standing wave, there is a backlog of energy. So as a round dielectric waveguide is not critical wave, the single frequency working vessels of different lengths... of all shells the arteries the highest conductivity has continuously wetted with the blood of the inner shell. It is likely to spread from the heart, an electromagnetic wave, which is characteristic of cylindrical waveguides of circular cross-section. Most likely on a vascular wall ahead of the pulse wave is propagated peak of the electromagnetic radiation of the heart (QRS complex). At the same time moves the peak of AMY blood that is inextricably linked to AMY's heart. These impulses and cause the depolarization of the smooth muscle cells of the vessels in which the action potential with a consequent reduction occurs only upon receipt by him of a series of pulses with a frequency of 1 imp./sec. and above... the Smooth muscle of arteries elastic muscular or muscular type down to small arranged obliquely and transversely to the diameter. So, you can shrink longitudinally, as if seeing, forcing a wave of blood, thereby increasing pressure in the lumen during the period of diastole ... the thicker muscular layer of the vessel, the stronger the response to the electromagnetic pulse of the heart. And since the liquid is incompressible, the higher systolic blood pressure. This explains the higher pressure in the lower extremities at all (because the muscles of the lower extremities developed more), and in athletes in particular ... it Appears that the leading element of the system is the electromagnetic radiation of the heart that coordinates and regulates in General the contractile activity of smooth muscle of blood vessels... the Heart, in turn, is under the regulating influence of the vagus and sympathetic nerves with the Central office in the region of the brain stem and hypothalamus...
Therefore, there is and plays an important role in the circulation of the "peripheral heart," the synchronization of the work which relative to the fluctuations of the Central of the heart is due to the propagation of electromagnetic radiation of the heart as a running wave" (49).
Simply enter in the body through biologically active points and the blood in the cardiac phase of the wave coinciding with the frequency and the amplitude of the oncoming wave, so they repaid one another and the control of the cardiovascular system was disrupted or discontinued. It is not death, not "last minute". There are intermediate, sparing the effects of. Feel subject the people under such pressure, it will be presented in the second part of the book.
Are there opportunities to influence heart function for operational purposes, intelligence services and how does it look? Maybe so, and I quote:
"One of employees of military intelligence told me that the generals, humiliated by Afghanistan, had the idea to introduce in all countries of the Warsaw Pact, including the Soviet Union, the military situation on the model of Poland. But after the death of Andropov needed to cover scheduled Seda adventure:
December 2, 1984 as a result of "acute heart failure" died a member of the Politburo of the SED, Minister of national defense of the GDR, army General Hoffmann.
15 Dec. On 59-m to year of life, as a result of "heart failure" died a member of the socialist workers ' party, Minister of defence of Hungary General of the army the ol.
16 Dec. On 66-m to year of life, as a result of "heart failure," died, the Minister of national defence of Czechoslovakia, a member of the Central Committee, General of the army Dzur.
20 Dec. Died a member of the Politburo, Minister of defense, Marshal Ustinov."
Quote taken from the article A. N. Yakovlev "Dictatorship of dual power" in the "Novaya Gazeta" №60 from 18-20 August 2003
I don't know, as Alexander writes, of what disease he died Ustinov. But I remember well the speech on television, his first Deputy, the Commander of the strategic Rocket forces Marshal Tolubko November 18, 1984, the Day of rocket troops and artillery when he called the Soviet defense Minister Marshal Ustinov, the Soviet defense Minister Marshal Ustinov, and only...
Required: "a Member of the Politburo, Minister of defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union comrade Ustinov, Dmitry Fedorovich" was the most inexcusable manner reduced to the most politically responsible... Convinced, not me alone, many who listened to the festive appeal Tolubko, and especially commanders at all levels of all species and genera of troops, appeared at the guess: Dmitri wrong. Possible surprises.
A. N. Yakovlev mentions in the article the name of Leonid Brezhnev. In the organization where I worked in 1982 (its employees, in addition to their direct responsibilities, was used by mikrovolnovke for surveillance and demonstration control), the portrait of Leonid Brezhnev removed from the wall shortly before the October holidays 1982 7 Nov we saw on television the Secretary-General on the podium of the Mausoleum, and a few days later he died from cardiac arrest during sleep – so remember, it was written in the medical report of his illness and causes of death.
Not saying anything, well I understand: this death, in this age, in this condition quite natural.
The memory of blood.
At the first reading of the notes A. Ya. Katina became clear, first, that so resolves the paradox between the fact of the almost complete absorption of millimeter waves already in the skin of humans and animals, and it established fact of their impact on the internal organs. Blood (83% water), is the main (but not only) the receiver is outside the radiation. Takes it in the subcutaneous capillaries at a depth of 0.2 mm from the surface of the skin and within minutes spreads through the body, delivers to the remotest corners of it, and there pereslushal;
second, interested in the frequency and form water, the re-emitted signal. Do they match the frequency and form (continuous or fractional, for example) incident on the water signal? What is the frequency when re-emission is preserved, revealed the results of treatment of patients activated with water, they were the same as when directly impact on the hardware people. Save confirmation to the fractional signal, even if indirectly, managed to find the source (50):
"Irradiated and non-irradiated samples of blood cells, platelets, and red blood cells that have the same volume (1 ml) were placed separately in two conical cuvette of EHF-transparent material ... the cell was inserted in each other so that the levels in both cells were identical. This provides the maximum surface interaction between irradiated and non-irradiated samples of blood cells through the layer of EHF-transparent capillary 0.3 mm thick (wall thickness of the cuvette smaller diameter)".
Irradiation of samples was carried out in various modes. We are interested in is this: "at the frequencies of 42.2 ( = 7.1 mm) and 53.3 GHz ( = 5.6 mm) in tapping mode the signal generation (2 min irradiation, 5 min - pause) during 14 min., i.e. 2 full cycle..."
Results: electromagnetic irradiation at the frequency of 42.2 GHz at incident power of 10 mW/cm2 caused the decrease of the index of aggregation of erythrocytes and the increase of the deformability of their membranes... incubation of irradiated with unirradiated erythrocytes, the latter has also seen a reduced ability to aggregation compared with the control data. Similar changes are observed when using AMY at a frequency of 53.5 GHz.
It is also shown that incubation of non-irradiated platelets of patients with angina pectoris with their red blood cells, irradiated AMY at the frequency of 42.2 GHZ and 53.5 resulted in a reduction of functional activity of platelets, which was accompanied by a decline in their ability to aggregation compared to the control group in platelets not exposed to radiation. This allows to make a conclusion about the existence of EHF-indutsirovannogo intercellular interaction" (50).
Why the Directors of the experiment (O. V. Betsky, etc.) used intermittent signal? I knew that red blood cells will re-emit it on the same frequency and fractional, otherwise there was no need to lay a similar mode of generation.
Signal – pause, dot – dash is Morse code elements. It was enough to submit this code in the water every word, "discussion", for example, to see what will come in response, and if it was again discussion, and to discuss with A. J. Kutinym it would be about.
Another conclusion from the results of the experiment: not only contained in the blood water blood cells, platelets and red blood cells, able to absorb and re-emit radio waves, while retaining their information content.
Recently were published the results of a study definitively confirmed that in addition to circulating through the vessels blood there is another, very effective channel, rather, a whole system of communication channels to ensure free flow of mm – waves inside the human body:
"We were able to "see" the meridians. They actually exist and really connect the fingertips of hands and feet to the internal organs, but not in the visible range, where they could be seen by the eyes, namely in mm – range of electromagnetic waves...
Measurement, produced with the help of specially designed radiometric system with self-interference level ~5•10-23 W/Hz•cm2... were given the opportunity to obtain important characteristics of meridians and BAT:
1. Meridians, at least in places out of them to the surface in acupuncture points, have a diameter of 3-5 mm.
2. The refractive index inside the Meridian is the same as in the atmosphere, i.e., n = 1, not 5-6 as in the body outside of Meridian.
3. In the case of functional disorders related to a specific Meridian, when the density of the external flow in the range of 10-21 – 10-20 W/Hz•см2соответствующая acupuncture point completely absorbs this radiation, i.e. a true blackbody in the absence of reflection.
4. With increasing flux density to 10-19 W/Hz•cm2 and higher, the situation changes triggered by the image of a BAT completely reflects the external mm – radiation" (S. P. Sitko "Illness and treatment in the notions of quantum medicine". Living physics, 2004, vol. 12, No. 1).
That is absorbed in biologically active point of the electromagnetic wave does not "feel" the changes of the environment (from the radiophysical point of view) and moves inside the Meridian lossless or with the same losses as in the atmosphere. This applies to all BAT, including those associated with the brain, and all meridians, including those connecting the brain with serving its biologically active points on the surface of human skin.
Reading thinking
and contents of human memory.
The composition of I. V. Rostata interested in advance, among their titles, judge for yourself: "Some aspects of terminal States of the process of death..." or "Extrasensory perception", etc. Wanted to read but never managed to find. I had to go to "the Medico-technical Association", O. V. Betsky promised to assist (Modstat works for him in advance!), but first did not work, then there is no need: great selection of works by I. V. Rostata found in Central scientific medical library. There you could learn something about their author. An experienced medical researcher, doctor of medical Sciences, in the catalogue of the library his name is mentioned from time to time for forty years, since the sixties, when the first publication. The last twenty years living and working in the womb of microwave problems in NPP "Istok" in Fryazino. Let's start quoting:
"Complex physiological provides highly integrated bodily feelings allows you not to insist on the usual antithesis of nervous and somatic, but to consider them practically on a parity basis, for example, the concept of psychosomatic pathology. In this context, particular importance functionality of the platelet pool, it's also likely other factions circulating blood. Thus, the system of blood flow takes on the character of one of the regulatory systems of the body along with the nervous and humoral...
Characteristically, as those (platelets) and other (red blood cells), deprived of the essential intracellular organelles, namely the nucleus, i.e. the nuclear genetic program, but also devoid of red blood cells and mitochondria, i.e., mitochondrial genetic program. Apparently, this makes them easily susceptible to alien influences. The category of such impacts are discussed for the cellular forms of the blood can presumably be attributed to psychological influence from other people.
Needless to say here how important it is for problems of a psychosomatic pathology, the question of the perception of the cellular elements of the circulating blood psychological influences by other people?
Apparently, in a terminal (the border, a suicide –Ed. States), when significantly depressed the Central nervous system, the main regulatory function in the body performs not only the humoral system, but also the system blood flow. Probably talking about the system of tissue blood flow at the level of the capillary bed, as it significantly reduces systemic blood pressure" (51).
Thus, the formed elements of blood, their brains do not have, and therefore susceptible to the evil influences of outsiders. It is necessary, it is necessary to discuss the question of how the "psychological influence of other people" fall in circulating in our blood vessels.
The word heals, verbal support accelerates recovery, It has long been known to all. We can assume that the word passes from consciousness to consciousness falls into the subconscious of the patient and transformed it into a something tangible, therapeutically significant impact on the suffering organ. All we can think anything can not be verified.
The experimenters decided to find out at what level is awareness of the sense of the word. Do I have part of the mind of the patient to achieve a therapeutic effect. Extract from the human body a drop of blood and try to verbally admonish her to improve your health. To check if she alone can hear, see, understand and act in accordance with this understanding?
The Directors of the experiment was a group of scientists headed by A. A. Khadartsev, doctor of medical Sciences, academician of RANS, Director of the research Institute of new medical technologies in Tula. For the experiment was used a specialized diagnostic complex:
“The complex allows to measure the impact of an individual's blood, left and right fields, including complex biological field of the human operator.
It is known that the patient's body or dezadorirovannoe person is able to rapidly react to very weak stimuli, they have the ability to seek out the necessary (and sometimes inappropriate) information from conventional and physiologically insignificant streams.
Based on this premise, conducted several series of studies to assess changes in the blood of the operator and the patient during the period of their participation in the Wellness sessions of non-contact influences. In addition, the evaluated changes of the blood in the work of the operator by non-contact methods directly from blood.”
We are interested in the second part of the study, working directly with blood. Description of the experiment and its results:
“The blood in a volume of 0.02 ál was applied on a glass slide No. 1 (control) and glass No. 2 (experience). A test glass with blood were moved to another room and exposed to did not respond. The experimental drug was carried out the impact of the operator with the hands located at the distance of 20 cm to the left and to the right of the drug by forming in the brain of an operator is “positive” mental images “for the recovery of the patient.” After 10 minutes of both blood drops were prepared thesignificance drugs to Bohlen and conducted microscopic analysis.
In the experimental sample is exposed to the operator marked increase in the number of discocytes (according to the literature, the most functionally active erythrocytes). This was mainly due to the recovery dicotomically configuration part of stomatitov. Thus, the operator's exposure to blood manifested in the optimization of the configuration of the cells, as evidenced by the increase in the number of discocytes, as well as in slowing the speed of transformation of RBCs compared with control after extracting the sample of blood from the vascular bed” (52).
I don't know how to read designmy. The Directors of the experiment believe that discotic better stomatite, a drop of blood was perceived, understood and complied with their verbal and shaped the mandate and the experience was a success. Even so, we take them for their word, it is not important. Typically the fantastic the anticipated result, more carefully, more thoroughly preparing the experience. We will try to understand the logic of the experimenters, to figure out not what they expected and what they believe that know.
Let's see how does the operator working with the slide. It has a left and right drug, at a distance of 20 cm from it, hands. Why? On the palms and fingers especially a lot of biologically active points. They are the tool of influence. The difference is about the same as that between the flashlight and holding his hand. Not the hand shines the flashlight.
The impact itself produced “by forming in the brain of the operator “positive mental images” for the recovery of the patient.” Nothing more. It is believed that this is enough. How they looked like “positive visualization”, the experimenters did not report. In the human mind are always expressed by words and thoughts gleaned from the memory or imagination of the synthesized visual images. I would use this. Smart, cheerful, smiling man turns to red: “Look, what I'm healthy and beautiful. I want to be like? Enough to hurt, get well soon!”
The experimenters believe that such a visualization, originating in the brain of the operator, immediately, without conscious effort, will be converted into electromagnetic form, sent to the memory and simultaneously through associated with brain biologically active points taken on the surface of the body and radiated outward to all four directions. Perceived nearby formed elements of the blood, understood, that is understood by them and will serve as a guide to action for them. So, it seems, happened.
People are not experimenting every day, but every day thinks. I see no reason to believe that the fate of the “everyday” of his thoughts is something different from the fate of “experimental”.
What else gives us the experiment?
First, the confidence that the biologically active points is emitted, and therefore can be read, not only the verbal part of the thinking, but its visual component. The reader sees internally observable (in the mirror, for example) and the space around him with the eyes of the observed.
Secondly, above we have quoted already, that “you can locally and accurately in BATH to introduce short-wave radiation of the desired frequency, the desired power at the required intervals of time” (41), and therefore it is logical to assume the possibility of reverse pumping in the brain that radiates out of them — individual words, phrases, visual images.
This assumption is confirmed by the testimonies of the affected people reported during the pilot work to the stage of open interference in the work of their consciousness.
While covert domestic surveillance of people thinks its all appearing in the mind thoughts, even expressed in unusual, not typical of his consciousness verbal form. Any suggestions watching, not directly contrary to his personal interests, beliefs and habits are clearly outlined, are interpreted with confidence, often turning into their own desires and fulfilled.
Covert domestic monitoring and pumping of thinking provide the opportunity to influence all aspects of life observed from professional activity to behavior in intimate relationships.<

Joined:Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:31

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 21:16

It is sometimes possible, if you know about the opportunity, guess reading thoughts on circumstantial evidence. Give an example from my own life.
The medico-technical Association “kWh” is in the building IRE, the modal agencies. But the entrance is for knowing where to go, almost free. No one ever asked me who I was and what my name was, where he came from, why I am interested in publications on microwave topic. At first glance, full liberalism.
But one day, about a fourth visit to the AIT, in the room where I worked, came a strange woman, young and pretty, sat, looked at me, turned his head in the direction of an employee of the Association and stated with emphasis in his voice, “I'm interested in blood!” Both ladies laughed and exchanged a few words. I did not understand their meaning, too meager, my knowledge of medical terminology. Then the stranger left.
Something subtly changed in relation to me employees of the MTA in the next visit. Everything seems done still, but a little differently. Sharply increased supply of literature. Where were ponavydumyvali old Collections of reports, the missing numbers of journals. On their own initiative, without my requests.
Viewing the next material order, as usual, to copy the most interesting pages (for the sake of saving money), pay for your order in advance. And you copy the whole article, place on top of a photocopy of the title page of Collection of reports, fasten with clip and silently give a brochure, without requiring reimbursement of the additional costs ... You just quietly take it without asking too many questions, as it should be...
At the end of the first series of contacts suddenly gave the old, 1996, and sold for 30 rubles (1 dollar), the latest covering all the publications on the microwave subject, the version of the bibliography. About its existence I did not know, and without her to perform efficiently the proposed work could not. Miracles, one word.
Obviously, the MTA “UHF” think it's right to tell the visitors, in a veiled form, about the ongoing already read in their thinking and at the same time to provoke the word “blood” full disclosure of their level of awareness in the microwave business. Why used this word will be discussed below.
The reading of memory contents naturally follow the reading of thought. We have no influence neither on his mind nor, especially, of the memory. I hear on TV how someone remembers his father, and in front of your eyes POPs up, long-dead. Any fallen in my memory like a stone into the water, the word: father, mother, brother, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Berezovsky is there a spontaneous arousal and response, first in the form of a visual image and, if necessary, and additional information. You can download from of biologically active points all in a row, but productively provocative to our hails from the outside to force the memory to issue information of interest in consciousness and read it from the BAT.
On the question of whether to read information directly from memory, bypassing his consciousness, there is reason to respond positively. V. I. Smirnov, academician of RANS, Director of the Institute for psychology in Moscow:
“A passive form of psychotronic weapons can be considered established in our Institute of computer psycho “Mind reader”, which can be translated as “reader thoughts”. Forty minutes of this system with person I can get from his brain as much information as experienced therapist are able to obtain three months of daily conversations” (“Moskovsky Komsomolets”, 18.02.2003 g).
No direct verbal request or secret radionational impossible to extract from memory large amounts of information, in 40 min. using thinking because of the slow speed of his work. Speech can go only about direct, bypassing the conscious mind, the removal of large masses of information after the introduction of a person in a borderline state between sleep and wakefulness. Such a possibility was discovered for a long time:
"In 1975 Monrou has patented a method of potentiating the paranormal status of the human brain through stereo sounds in the frequency range of 4-7 Hz, which correspond to the theta rhythm of the brain. And this is the frequency the brain activity that is needed to work in the subconscious region of his areas, which is where all incoming information from the environment into our body." (53)
In an interview with Irina Smirnova mentioned sound frequency of 6.8 Hz is included in the “range of monrou”, but the possibility of its use in “psychotronic” purposes, is denied. Maybe in camouflage purposes. A knowledgeable reader with enough of the figures to understand the substance of the proposed technology.
An interview with Irina Smirnova — promotion, and the Russian and foreign (according to the English name of the technology) the goods — equipment for reading and thinking of human memory.
We can assume that during psihosociologia the subject first introduced in paranormal state imperceptible to him, low-frequency sound signal, and then through biologically active points is provocative radionica into the subconscious of a series of signed words, and terminates the procedure by reading all of BAT was found the internal search engine information on the interesting theme.
In memory internally observed people's subconscious search can be made behind the scenes during sleep. Judging by his results, consciousness operates with information of several orders of magnitude slower than processing in the field of subconscious memory.
There is a view (open publications on this subject there is), which can be considered reliable, that all autobiographical, concerning the individual, the portion of the memory, the soul of this person is stored in liquid crystal structures of his blood.
It has been suggested, quite possibly, already proven experimentally that a simple discharge of the entire blood volume and replace it with canned blood donor, you can take the soul from the body, to deprive him of autobiographical memory. These people, about 20 people, it is not remembering himself, appeared in Russia in 2000 and later. Earlier never such a phenomenon was not observed, the medicine is not known and exists today only in Russia. Only among the disenfranchised, the alien, German-H. Flack, disappeared in Hannover (Germany), and were found a month later, in an amnesiac state, in the Saratov region of Russia. A series of publications describing the unusual phenomenon appeared in December 2002 in “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.
It is not clear what happens if you take two subjects, young and old, to merge his own blood from the younger and replace it with the older blood. Will it be possible to make so the transmigration of the soul of man in a new shell and provide it with the second row of life? Whether the tumor is durable, will not reject if the orphaned body odusevljen someone else's blood? Judging by the behavior of the blood itself, dutifully following radiocommande from the outside, much difficulty will not be here.
Remains to know the attitude of waking up after a transfusion of blood of the mind to the emergence of new memory. Notice whether it is the switch, if not, I will be able to work with the new information qualitatively, as operated it the previous owner? Simply put, whether a simple blood transfusion to simultaneously turn the young, healthy, but the average mental development of a person in a great scientist, for example? Only such people it makes sense to provide immortality for all donor bodies is not enough.
Reliable reports made about the transmigration of the soul is not, and for obvious reasons to expect their imminent arrival is difficult, even if successful resettlement is made already.
But experimental work and practical activities in this direction is so intense that can hide it gets harder.
In April 2002 Russian television and radio broadcasting company (RTR, 2-channel) announced, and then shown prepared by the Federal security service program. In it, the staff of the American Embassy in one of the countries of the CIS were charged with the special visited the Embassy of the Russian citizen. As a result, his memory was augmented memories, which allowed him to perceive as a natural follow-up letter Americans with the offer of cooperation with them in the gathering of secret information for military production, where the Russians worked. Further vowel development history is not had, the first message about it was the last.
A year later, in the spring of 2003 in the “ Komsomolskaya Pravda” published a series of publications about the phenomenon of N. Beketova from Anapa, knowing, allegedly, 200 languages. In particular, reliably and efficiently, the Japanese, which was confirmed in the presence of journalists Japanese translator. They possess self-Beketov on the circumstances of his biography could not. In another short story of her life drew the attention of a curious coincidence. Beketov spent two years in Moscow, and all this time, it is unclear in what capacity, lived in the country of the employee of the Russian University of Friendship of peoples (RUDN), which has a Department of psihopatologija, and head of her well-known academician V. I. Smirnov, “the father of Russian psychotronic bomb” — so called him the American press.
In both cases we are talking about the addition to their own memory or memories of events that he had never experienced, or the knowledge that he alone is not possessed. This is not the transmigration of the soul, but a major step for him. Beketova, I never studied Japanese language, perfectly owns it, operates freely imposed on it from the outside part of the memory of another person.
We will try to discuss the subject of the transmigration of the soul in a separate brochure.
The technique of reading thinking.
The most private, rarely mentioned in scientific periodicals theme. But managed to find sources containing the needed information. Cited in this Chapter the texts we are talking only about the diagnostic information from the BAT and on the curative effects through them. On reading thinking, for obvious reasons, did not say a word. But historically, the human consciousness has been an information provider for the first time (then unconscious) obtained through the BAT. In principle, the readout of thinking is no different from getting diagnostic information. Let's start quoting.
Theoretical position. Biologically active points "in electrophysical treatment are non-linear systems, this means that when applying the electromagnetic wave (EMV) of the BAT... the process of EMV interaction with its own electromagnetic radiation (EMI) point... it follows from the laws of Radiophysics, the result of such interaction is modulation of the incident electromagnetic effects' of the emissive frequency of the BAT. The allocation of this frequency from the spectrum of modulated reflected wave, its analysis (amplitude-frequency) allows to obtain information about the condition of the body and evaluate the response to external influences on the body, in particular, physical fields.
In the case that the frequency of the probing signal in the field of microwave and EHF commensurate with the natural frequency EMFs, one of the combination frequencies, most often the differential will be in the region of typical values is technically used frequencies of tens of megahertz, ― θ therefore, the measuring instrument can be developed on the basis of known technical solutions, for example, blocks of the receive paths of the radar stations, which have high levels of sensitivity and selectivity" (43)
The technical implementation. Compact apparatus of EHF-therapy Ratibor needle emitter:
"Needle-shaped emitter allows to determine the parameters of the equivalent electrical circuit of the BAT, to measure the radiation power of the BATH, her detectorradio ability... in addition, the Converter mod allows you to remove settings at the same time BAT in LF, HF and UHF, or done on the effects of BAT within the specified ranges, that is, locally, the impact on BAT and to monitor this impact, without changing the position of the needle on the BAT...
The composition of the applicator Ratibor includes a transistor oscillator for UHF MESFET (FET Schottky ― Ed.) 8×7×7 ìм (weight ― 10 g ―Ed.)... EHF-oscillators MESFET have unique functional capabilities, unattainable for generators of other types:
o the Possibility of modulating the frequency, phase and amplitude (power) short-wave radiation through the supply circuit of the shutter modulation frequencies up to the microwave... while the control circuit is highly compatible with all digital devices from the timer to the microprocessor and computer;
o the Ability to mix in the transistor of the signal response of the patient with the probing signal and the allocation of the difference signal in the drain circuit with a very high sensitivity...
The most informative is the diagnosis of the condition of the BAT uses the reflected UHF signal. With the low level of the probing signal parameters of the BATH are not changed and all information (namely, "all information" ― Ed.) contained in the neutron network of BAT in varying degrees, is transferred to the reflected signal in real time. The disadvantage is the necessity of applying powerful computational tools to decrypt... Using analog-to-digital converters and interfaces input PC along with special by means of mathematical processing, you can monitor for 24 hours. Data transmission from patient e computer can be realized by radio on frequencies about 1 GHz, and the freedom of movement of the patient will be almost unlimited." (54)
At the exhibition of innovations and new technologies in 2000, Ratibor was awarded the gold medal of the exhibition center.
Weakness (from the point of view of the intelligence services) of the applicator Ratibor may seem to be a need to keep it the needle over the "pupil" BAT, at least nearby, directly on the body or near it. But due to the small mass and dimensions of the applicator "there is an affordable add-ons and cell phone use for continuous monitoring of the heart, lungs and other organs of patients... it will be enough to dial a phone number without waiting for the answers... Even if he's unconscious, the signal from the device will report what the pulse and the frequency of heart beats from its owner. In addition, in such situations, the mobile phone can operate in the mode of an emergency beacon". (45)
The authorship of ideas is credited with the American telephone company "BellLabs" (the owner Lucent Technologies), NJ, but I don't believe such versions. Surely the U.S. "competent authorities" have realized long before telephone operators. The Russians are trying to keep up with the Americans:
"The addition of the applicator Ratibor intellectual unit in the neurocomputer further enhance the effectiveness of its application in medical practice.
BAT in the state of the human pathology is a low-EHF-generators radiating space-time electromagnetic images in which, as the hologram imprinted diagnostic features and parameters of the organs and physiological systems of the patient.
Neurocomputer (NK) "Embryo", implemented in the form of microwave circuits using Schottky field-effect transistors, performs the function of recognizing machine or device diagnostics.
Its a virtual artificial neural network encodes a specific network configuration and the magnitude of SYNOPTIC relationships, all the properties emitted by the BAT images.
The signals from the outputs of the NC neurons are the result of a diagnosis of an organ or functional system of the patient. The principle of generating a virtual neural network that is implemented NK-type "Embryo", allows you to do it in the form of three-dimensional microwave scheme no larger than 10×10×10 ìм.
Thus, modern electronic and medical technical technology could create mobile phones that is able to automatically diagnose disorders of the vital functions of the body and to provide first aid its owner". (45)
And, we would add, to secretly read and enter information into his conscious mind, the subconscious, memory.
In conclusion, analogue equipment (for installation in the passenger compartment, for example) used in stationary positions (parked near the house where lives seeing the car), and the movement observed in the city.
The remote sensing laboratory research Institute of applied mathematics and mechanics MSTU. N. Uh. Bauman introduced the measuring system "Bio Rascal", created on the basis of the holographic subsurface radar of the series "Rascal":
“At present, intensified interest in the use of methods and means of ground penetrating radar for the detection and diagnosis of people in the rubble or behind walls of building structures. This problem apparently can be solved using radar equipment operating at wavelengths in the range of 3/30 cm (1/10 GHz). The reflection of the probing signal from the moving border will be a change of phase of a signal that can be recorded one way or another. According to available literature data, the sensitivity of this method when registering in the radio mechanical vibrations can reach 10-9 m (one millionth of a millimeter – Ed.).
We can assume that the main application of the considered method can be:
- different kinds of medical research with the goal of remote control of parameters of cardiorespiratory system of a person;
- non-contact determination of parameters of pulse and respiration of patients, for whom contact sensors for various reasons can not be used;
- remote diagnostics of the persons during the latent or open checks, for example, at airports (non-contact lie detector);
- registration of speech signals in cases where the use of acoustic microphones is undesirable and impossible” (55).
The penultimate and last points of the miraculous, especially the finishing, decorating an article. It turns out that eavesdropping bugs are no longer required, moreover, that they first need to install and then can find them. It is more convenient to use the radar, and you can buy it at MSTU. I will say that this item would be a decent drop, but forget that for the sake of it and started publishing.
Finish the quote:
“Basic sensor settings “Bio Rascal”.
Operating frequency — 1.6 GHz (λ = 19cm)
The dimensions of the antenna:
- diameter, mm - 120
- height, mm - 200
Power generator - 10 mW". (55)
The choice of the above frequency radar due to transparency for all of the previously used and currently used building materials, structures and products, both in dry and moist conditions.
That gives interested reading thinking man this equipment? At least the quality reflected signal containing a component of interest. Plus the techniques and technology of decoding encoded in the electromagnetic form of the speech signal. Maybe in the MSTU will be able to get something more. The skill level and salaries of its employees allows us to hope for it.
Scientific research Institute of psychotechnologies offers the required finish. But the proposal is obviously complicated, more productive and more expensive radar “Bio Rascal”.
Can people protect themselves from read thoughts? In principle, Yes. Dressing covering and tightly formfitting protective suit made of carbon fabric, eliminating the radiation yield of BAT in the environment. But not the fact that the scanning radio beam will not be able to read the information under the protective tissue from the skin surface. It is also unclear health consequences lasting for the complete cessation of radio communication of information with the outside world.
Foreign embassies in Moscow otherwise protected, a sufficiently powerful counter-radiation at all suitable for remote scanning radio frequencies, which is sinking, it becomes indistinguishable from the emitted radio-noise echo.
Having money, a private person would be equipped with jamming his home, and to move around the city in a protective suit, and so to protect themselves from the reader. Could, if the police had no right to detain him on the street to bring in the bullpen to take during a search of means of self-defense, read from memory conceal information and release to the world. Legally and without any explanation. Read thinking is not known to the law, nothing to complain about.
Impossible alone, without the support of society, to confront the state, too unequal forces. To help companies will be possible after declassification and legislative solution to the problem.
Get acquainted with another source containing a very unexpected approval, it will be interesting to read:
"Much greater part of the contents of the human psyche in comparison with perceived, are the deep areas of the psyche, called the unconscious sphere. The whole experience, which was living matter in the process of its evolution to humans, the entire historical experience of mankind and their own experiences of the individual are stored in the information base of his unconscious sphere...
All diseases begin in the depths of the psyche. There is emerging information matrix of the pathological process, which subsequently forms a specific disease, is merely the outward manifestation of this underlying mental information process. Absolutely accurate in this regard can be considered a Maxim that defines the disease as "information clutter"...
Clinical practice clearly shows that any thought has selesnow (seachannel and satkania) representation, i.e. we think and experience the whole body...
The "core" of the human psyche, its base matrix is implantirovannogo in infancy information which is received by the person regardless of the wishes of the subject... Any ever received by the person information in the dream state or waking, is in psycho-semantic space of the subject and is called memory. Memory is continuous, i.e. the information entered in psychosemantic sphere is constant regardless of the state of consciousness of the subject and by any means cannot be removed from it (except for cases of organic damage to the relevant areas and parts of the brain). In the case of "forgetting" is not a loss of information as such, but because of some reasons inadequately perceived the path to it in the array psychosemantic space...
Any information outside of human consciousness are not differentiated. Differentiation is when you embed this premise in the psychosomatic continuum of the subject, in which the formation of new associative links between the items based on the content of the received information" (56).
Approval of A. I. Kuchinawa, employee of the Moscow medical Academy im. I. M. Sechenov, will be commented in the third part of the book. Would advise to understand them not as expressed metaphorically, and literally.
Drew attention made the following statement: "every thought has selesnow (seachannel and satkania) representation, i.e. we think and experience the whole body". The unusual it seems to be true in the literal sense of the word. And it is not only stomatitah and discocyte. In the second part of the book will be given an amazing example of information exchange between human consciousness and one of its tissues, under stress the surface of the skin. Moreover, both participants of the exchange well understood each other.
General provisions. "In 1975 monrou has patented a method of potentiating the paranormal status of the human brain through stereo sounds in the frequency range of 4-7 Hz, which correspond to the theta rhythm of the brain. And this is the frequency the brain activity that is needed to work in the subconscious region of his areas, which is where all incoming information from the environment into our body..."
"The Nobel laureate D. Gabor, who discovered the principle of holography, came to an interesting conclusion that ultraslimbay emission of photons, observed in all studied animal and vegetable organisms increases dramatically, when the biological system begins to die. The emitted photons carry information about the reasons of destruction of the lesions. This excitation is not quenched until the cell or organ will die or not fully recover..."
"Professor T. van der Hoeven,... mathematically proved the possibility of a significant expansion in all channels of information exchange between the systems (effect of extrasensory perception humans) are subject to intensive destruction of any material structures, components of the interacting system. These... research in the field of psychotronics allowed to confirm the possibility of human extrasensory, intuitive perception of pathological areas in the body. We also managed to create a instrument with which it is achieved by deliberate expansion of the scope of the human subconscious due to the touch switch, the interpersonal psychological reactions from normal extrasensory perception (ESP). Due to the "destruction of the barrier between the conscious and subconscious structures of the brain, in which huge amount of information is stored in the unconscious of our condition" (53).
With the theory we're done, now move on to practical applications. The staff of the Institute of practical Psychophysics has created a hardware-software complex, where the main sensor adopted for the removal of information from the object of study is the human operator with an altered state of consciousness:
"The principle of the apparatus lies in the fact that the complex code issues an informational (electromagnetic, radio and siteimpulse) for specific effects on the nervous system of the operator, introducing it in a heightened receptive state, thereby enhancing the biological relationship between the operator and the object of study... based on the design of the apparatus is the invention of V. I. Nesterov. The machinery is able to improve the sensitivity and increase the degree of reliability of the results of operators ' work by the action of magnetic field on the brain through installed on the head, over the temporal regions, the two magnetic coils that generate the necessary for the maximum effect of the parameters of magnetic pulses of low frequency oscillations with high frequency modulation close to the theta rhythms of the brain. (RF patent for "Method of increasing reliability of biolocation studies," invention No. 2119806, priority of 21.08.96 g).
Overlaid rhythms bring the biological system out of balance, and unbalanced system releases energy, i.e., there is activation of the cerebral cortex characterized by strengthening of intuitive perception".
There is an additional means of exposure:
"Laser emitter comprises a solid state laser with a power of 5 mW and a wavelength of 630-680 nm. The laser beam is directed symmetrically with respect to the eye at a distance from the nose not more than 15 cm above 1 cm the application of the laser due to the use of him as the destroyer of the mechanical system. This releases a small energy of destruction that is synchronized with theta rhythm of the operator, resulting in additional increase of the effect of intuitive perception...
The received information is processed in the computer using programs created on the basis of theoretical and experimental researches conducted by the scientific staff of IPP" and recorded "on the computer screen, where a virtual model of the body in certain colours" (53).
The publication provides obtained hardware-software complex image of diseased organs – transverse abdominal incision, the image of the liver, etc.
Understand how the magnetic pulses, increases the sensitivity of the operator, it can be assumed that the laser beam it destroys the barrier between the conscious and the subconscious to allow access to the received information. Remained unclear, how it is removed from the operator. Rather, through biologically active points.
In the second part of the book described a strange borderline between sleep and wakefulness, in which the person is during the seizure of his memory of large masses of long-forgotten by him of information, fragments of which, for validation, sometimes, in rare moments of "enlightenment", allow to see him.
The main question is: where are the "operators" who agree to periodically expose your own brain "a low-energy fracture" to put it in stress, even if they know what's involved?
There is not the slightest confidence in the current Russian psychiatry writ large Soviet psychiatry, too black deeds of these people. But interesting, to turn a live human brain to a part of the machine, it will agree, absolutely original, and so interesting.
I want to emphasize that this experiment is not something exceptional, out of the ordinary in their ideology. On the contrary, the need for such research was theoretically grounded before the emergence of works by V. I. Nesterov and E. V.Kudinovo the founders of the problem, N.D.By Devyatkov, M. B. Golant, and O. V. beckon in their book (57).
Get acquainted with excerpts from it:
"If the complexity of the studied object is much higher than the complexity of perceiving the way the system (currently this takes place with the change of living organisms in the vast majority of cases), meaning the study lost, as during this time the body has time to change significantly"...
"The human brain comprises only about one billion (109) cells, while the body turns a million times larger number of cells, functioning more or less autonomously. Each of the cells may have their individual deviations from the norm. To create a satisfactory model of these disorders because of the enormous quantitative difference in the number of cells the brain is not able. Even interorgan communication substantially closed through the brain."
"Artificially create similar opportunities to a logical system impossible... Because the complexity of living organisms are superior to all artificially created system of any kind, and the use of the latter, even the most committed of them, will not consider the problem of impasse".
A possible way out of the impasse, the authors of the cited books (N. D.Devyatkov, M. B. Golant, and O. V. Betsky) is the following:
"Because at the present time known only to the system of creative perception and processing of complex information in living organisms... then, of course, there is thought to use and to study these changes living organisms (organisms analyzers), are the same as studied, or even more complex. This can be used perfect system of perception and processing of complex and varied information of these organisms"...
"The right choice of the body-analyzer can significantly affect the success of the solution. In particular, in most cases, the task of research easier in proximity of the structure of the body of the analyzer and the investigated object, as this eliminates the need for a deep restructuring of analyzer with the aim of adapting to the features of the object...
The second important feature is the use of the analysis of the obtained results are not detailed descriptions, and the reproducibility of the overall reaction of the system analyzer on the state of the system under study...
In determining the General response of the organism analyzer... can affect the reaction of the whole complex of their own information management system... used by the body... if it is unconscious, but at the same time, stable reaction... to judge... according to the reproducibility of the results of the practical use of the data based on the specified reaction..."
"The fourth feature of the method is a preparation of the body analyzer to use in the respective experiments. You can use the differences in response of organisms analyzers on EHF exposure at different frequencies".(57)
Wonderful combination of different nature methods the introduction of test subjects in paranormal state, here and stereo sounds, and a magnetic pulses, and the laser light, and millimeter waves (EHF - influence in the quoted passage), and the same for all methods of frequency is coincident with the theta rhythm of the human brain, emphasizing a crucial role in achieving the result of the frequency as the main for the body media.
In conclusion I want to draw the attention of the reader to the next. In the quoted passage contains a comparison to the complicated structure of the brain and human body in General and on the basis of this comparison, certain conclusions are made, people you have met. In the third part of the book we will try to make the same comparison to the complicated structure of the brain as a living system of billions of cells and one single, living cell, from the myriad that make up our body in General and brain in particular.
What is more complex, the brain, or the "simplest" of living beings, one of the components (brain) cells?
The phenomenon of a sharp increase in the susceptibility of man to the microwave effects of the introduction of and retaining it under stress has long been known and is widely used in working with human subjects. Various external psychological and physiological effects produced on them almost daily and they live in a state of constant stress for many months, and sometimes years in a row. In the second part of the book, you will learn how to do it.
People practical arose, probably, the question is: what frequencies and powers radiates BAT? Summarize data already given in the review. The radiation power of 10 milliwatts, the data on many frequencies, the most wide corridor throughput capacity of BAT given in O. V. Betsky from 0.5 GHz to 1000 GHz, i.e. from 600 to 0.3 mm (40), has a lot of corridor discovered Ermolaev Yu. M. (41) is from 40 to 150 GHz, i.e. from 7.5 to 2 mm. Specific data on the emitted frequencies is BAHT O. V. Betsky: 120 GHz (2.5 mm); 170 GHz (1.75 mm); 300 GHz (1.0 mm); 400 GHz (0.75 mm).
The information transfer.
What is the information transfer know everything. Secure intuitive knowledge a simple thought experiment. Dim from outside the room, leave one table lamp. Apply a sheet of glass or transparent plastic marker any phrase, such as "Volga flows into the Caspian sea". Step away from the lamp and to the light (like doctors read x-ray), read the inscription. Lock the sheet, go to the lamp, and there once again read the inscription. Turn off the lamp and try to read in the dark. If that doesn't work, then physics are right: there was a transfer of information by means of electromagnetic waves from the information matrix (the sheet with the words) through the eye into your brain. In the first case, you have perceived the information directly on the light; second reflected from the matrix form. Now we are ready to accept the idea of the experiment:
"Not claiming "the truth", the authors declare the results of the work performed as the opening with the following formula: "found a previously unknown phenomenon of transfer of electromagnetic high frequency radiation of non-thermal intensity characteristics of own electromagnetic fields of the body to another body not in contact with the first in any other way than simultaneous location in a zone of influence of electromagnetic radiation, and introduced characteristics, superimposed on the high frequency electromagnetic radiation as a consequence of the spatial modulation effect on the own electromagnetic field of the second organism with the predictable effects...
The purpose of the experiment was evidence of a spatial modulation of their own electromagnetic field of the organism (for example rats) monochromatic EMR UHF thermal intensity..." (the rat decided to use as the information matrix, to irradiate the lumen of the MM-waves and see what will come of it from the other side – Ed.).
"The method... is a hypothetical assumption of the authors about the transfer radiation of EHF-range "snapshot" of integrative electromagnetic fields (EMF) of one organism on another organism. While a portable electromagnetic field interacting with its own electromagnetic field of another body, creates a system of local and nonlocal resonances... the Presence of the resonances most clearly, and is available for registration sets if one of the experimental animals has a pronounced pathology (for purity of experiment – not of an infectious nature), the other is healthy.
In the first series of experiments, the most effective scheme was exposed to a sick rat, and next (estimated) modulated EMR UHF (F = 37 GHz) were irradiated healthy (intact) rat, and the animals are separated spatially with the exception of any contact except at the electromagnetic field".
Scheme of the experiment (as shown in the publication). Transparent, divided into two compartments open top aquarium. On the left, through the wall inside of the first compartment entered the radiator of the generator, right in front of him and placed a sick rat. On the right, separately for radio-wall is healthy intact rat. Let us continue the citation:
"As a pathological state of the diseased rats have been used an experimental model of fever caused by intramuscular introduction 1 ml leukocyte lampiran... Distance, the minimum possible between the patient and the intact rats, was not less than 3-5 cm the session of irradiation of 10 hours. Body temperature was measured after 15 min., 12, 24, and 48 hours. after the start of the session irradiation. The intensity of EMR UHF, normalized to the body surface of the patient rats did not exceed 0.1 mW/cm2, which is two orders of magnitude below the thermal level, respectively, normalized to the body surface intact rats by 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than..."
In the control experiment, baseline body temperature was 36.8 perWith, increasing it started 15 minutes after the introduction of leucopareia, after 1 hour. 40 minutes reached a maximum of 37.8C, then the temperature began to drop and a day later returned to the original level.
The movement of temperature in intact rats was so: 15 minutes after the onset of exposure to EMR UHF 7 experimental models have demonstrated a significant decrease in the temperature... 0.3–0.5With..., then followed by "an increase of 1-1,5With that three rats formed after 12 hours. and four rats – 24 hours later, i.e. after the termination of the influence of EMR UHF... After 48 hours. the temperature decreased and stabilized at the level of the original background."
Curious way he behaved, one of the sick rats: "after 15 min. after the start of irradiation in rats with the entered leucopareia recorded a decrease of temperature from 38.5With to 36.7C. after 24 hours, fixed re-raise to 37.1C. after 48 hour. the temperature was lowered and stabilized at the level of 36.8With".
The Directors of the experiment explain this temperature loop, as a result of repeated reflection of MM waves from the healthy, not the sick still intact rats. Returning from her reflected wave cured the infected leucopareia rat. After turning off the EHF generator disease it partly resumed under the influence of the remaining in the body of lampiran.
Final conclusion:
"It can be argued that the basis of the discovered phenomenon is the modulation of electromagnetic radiation EHF field (signals) induced potential of biologically active points (BAP), reflex zones (podshibyakina, Zakharyin-Ged), located on the skin of the bioobject. In turn, these fields BAT are integral characteristics of all native EMF of the body, starting from the subcellular level to create under the action of the nonlocal self-consistent potential of the biological object" (60).
That is not the body of a rat, as we suggested at the beginning, was the biological matrix for information transfer, and emitted biologically active points of the radiation. Own radiation of the BAT, the rat was passing by modulated millimeter wave oscillator gave her the information.
Interesting but inconclusive, I decided, perhaps, the authors of the experiment, and came up with a new one. How accurately and deeply BAHT total field reflects the properties of islochevka his body, it became clear in the following experiment on mice. It is striking in its clarity and surprising brevity of the description. It seems that the researchers themselves were frightened of the result:
"The essence of the performed experiments is that the consistent influence of EMR of EHF were subjected to the newly formed family of white mice and mice of the line... B16 with genotype T/t6".
Scheme of the experiment coincides with the previous one, the same transparent container divided by a partition, the left mouse white right black. The only difference is the horn radiator of the generator is not introduced into the left compartment, and tightly pressed against the outer wall on the side opposite the white mouse.
"The choice of the mice of line B16 (T/t6) due to the fact that the offspring of this line survive only individuals with the genotype T/t6, phenotypically manifested in the lack of an animal's tail or very short tail. The emergence of individuals, the phenotype of which is characterized by the appearance of long and short curved tail, perhaps when crossing white mice with B16 mice (T/t6). At the same time, individuals with genotype T/T and t/t are not viable and die in the embryonic period.
Time of a single exposure (exposure – Ed.) was 30 min.
In three families (T/t6) subjected to isolated influence of EMR EHF, recorded the birth in the first generation from 1 to 3 viable mice, with subsequent cessation of reproductive function...
Under irradiation of white mice and mice of line B16 (T/t6) under the scheme marked a change in the genotype in the first generation B16 in mice. In three families were recorded the birth of a viable offspring (for 4 children to each family), including individuals with observed characteristics, a phenotypic characteristic not specified line...".
All survived, and their own mouse type T/t6, which was supposed to survive, and long-tailed black mice, clearly inspired from the white mouse behind a partition, and the individuals of type T/T and t/t in normal conditions are not viable.
"Due to the fact that in the experimental families, all offspring were viable, it must be assumed the formation of the alleles T/T and t/t that can be obtained by crossing mice with B16 (T/t6) with white mice, and in this case was the result of a targeted transfer of genetic information available in the matrix (white mice), the mice of line B16. Was phenotypic and genomic abnormalities in the offspring B16 suggests that consistent exposure to EMR UHF on white mice and mice of line B16 (T/t6) are analogues of crossing experimental animals. Was performed a statistical analysis to test the conformity of the results obtained in the experiment with the theoretically expected when the analytical "crossing"...
Conclusion. After sequential exposure to EMR UHF number of mice born with abnormal phenotype coincides with the expected analytical results in the crossing of the same groups of animals. The obtained data are the confirmation of the possibility of substitution of the originally specified factor targeted effect on developing biological objects of EMR UHF, passed through the biological matrix, which in this case was a family of white mice. The results of the work confirm the possibility of transferring the original data from matrix objects, which in natural conditions in closely related crosses corresponds to lethal mutations" (61).
Interesting, similar to a miracle experiment. Needless to say, the transfer is possible not only from best to worst, and Vice versa. Millimeter waves (in this case F = 37Ггц, least harmful to the living frequency), with the same willingness to treat, and cripple, the result only depends on in whose hands is the generator.
Not only the content of thought, conscious and subconscious part of memory, but also the most intimate, valuable for living organisms, the genetic information is projected and perceived by the BAT in both directions, out and back, and can be imposed so a person from outside.
Interest in the genetic consequences of irradiation of the organisms of MM-waves existed from the very beginning – this is evidenced by the experience of Vilna, R. L. and A. Z. Smolyan. Then it became clear that there are ramifications, but explicitly appear in the second generation of the irradiated people is several decades. And suddenly we discover the possibility of transferring genetic properties for 30 minutes, almost instantly. Don't know when she was recognized, but definitely not earlier than 1974 and no later than 1985:
"In 1985 I met on-site with impressive results obtained in Khabarovsk Chinese researcher Tszyan – Cagnes – Jena for the study of Morozov of plants and animals induced by other species of plants and animals in the situation of selective electromagnetic screening.
These works of a Chinese scholar periodically interest of the media, but I have not seen its publication in scientific journals with the exception of a brief abstract of the application for discovery (1974) "Biofarmaceutica the relationship between organisms and tissues," Yes several applications addressed to them in the scientific centers of the former USSR (and especially in far Eastern scientific center, USSR Academy of Sciences. Therefore, presenting the results of the scientific work of Chinese colleagues, I do not have the ability to specify the appropriate link and is compelled to describe them in terms of their own vision. This is to some extent justified by the fact that after the first encounter in September 1985 I (S. P. S.) not only repeatedly discussed with Mr Jiang-Kan-Jenom the results and fussed in front of the scientific and administrative structures of the far East region to provide him with the necessary working conditions, but specially under this topic was created in the framework of the scientific program "Response" and the Khabarovsk branch of the Kiev interim of our research team, which at one time (in the late 80-ies) collaborated (though not for long) Mr. Jiang Kan-Zheng.
Externally, the scheme of the experiments a Jiang Kan-Zheng's was as follows. Two cavity whose dimensions are sufficiently large that they can for a long time more or less normally to live animals (goats, rabbits, ducks, chickens) or to grow plants (wheat, corn), spaced at a distance of about 10-15 m and are connected by a hollow box-shaped waveguide with the boundary wavelength in the region of 20 cm, within the system is ensured not only be shielded from external electromagnetic fields (EMFs), but is some frequency selectivity to sources of EMF, placed in resonators. Jiang Kan-Zheng were many interesting results for different pairs of plants and animals, placed in resonators. I will give the results of only two experiments, pictures and even some samples which I was kindly presented to the Chinese counterpart.
Experience the # 1. In one of the resonators were placed in the adult goat at puberty. The second – pregnant female rabbit, with the first hours after fertilization. In this "cohabitation," this pair was during all time of carrying a small rabbit. As a result, born rabbits with the morphological characteristics of the goat morphose with horns growing out of his mouth.
Experience No. 2. In one resonator – the wheat is earing and the second planted in the ground germinating corn. The result – grew corn, on the cob which had wheat ostuki.
Morfoss rabbit pickled, and a few ears of Kukuruza-wheat (at first reading at this place I remembered the mythical man-horse centaur of ancient Greek. So far, this "fantasy" from Kozle-rabbit described above? – Ed.) to me (S. P. S.) was presented. Fantastic at first glance, the results find qualitative explanation in the concepts of physics of the living, given the hypothesis of a hierarchy of coherent fields, ensuring the unity and integrity of the world.<

Joined:Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:31

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 21:17

Indeed, the waveguide-resonator complex species distorts the coherent field, normally providing stability of rabbit and corn, and transmitted through the waveguide information from other species in overlapping mode, it can form a quasi-coherent about the species field. As a result of own characteristic frequency born rabbits and germinating corn will be distorted. And, as we have seen, it is their own characteristic frequencies determine the morphological features of the body."(58)
The application for the invention was first filed with the Jiang-Kan-Jenom in 1974 the invention Itself (patent No. 1828665 A3 "method of changing the hereditary characteristics of a biological object and device for directional transmission of biological information"), registered 13.10.1992 on the application number 3434801 with the priority of the invention from 30.12.1981 G. Patent exists in the patent libraries of Moscow and Kiev, but secret, protected as "for official use only."
The work of Jian-Kan-Zheng's could be known as scholars studying microwave problem - S. P. Sitko, a living example, and leaders in charge of their intelligence services and to influence their decisions.
Anyway, the initiators started in the early 80-ies of extensive work with people (it began with the discovery of the possibility of the reader thinking) understand the threat. Experimental man is under the irradiation of thousands of hours over several years, and sometimes decades, to 20 years or more, there are such cases. Blast him everywhere, most of all in the apartment, but also on the street, at work, in transport. This is the specificity of the method hold it under control. Reading thinking, and it may be passing or the radar antenna beam, according to its modulation of the radiation BATH produced continuously in order to avoid surprises, spontaneous attempts to escape from the controlling (they often are produced in the transport calculation to cut off at least part of the external observer). And if in stationary positions in the apartment, at work, partly on the street, the risk of transfer of genetic information at the very least you can avoid it inside the trolley or the subway, it is in principle impossible.
One case of verbal complaints at some "remote impact", radiation, etc., is quite another – children-freaks, mutants, presented as proof of an irradiated father. Is a threat to secrecy.
In the early eighties had taken precautions, especially with regard to the experimental males, but not only them. In the selection of candidates was found, as a rule, the lonely, and the beginning of the outdoor experimental work (always provisional, imperceptible to humans, domestic familiarity with him), used the contents mode, if not exclusive, it is extremely difficult for the experimental implementation of reproductive functions.
Much later, from about 92-93 years, suddenly became interested in the opposite direction, the desire to test the reproductive ability of men for many years been under irradiation. Maybe a change of sign represents the moment of awareness of the possibilities of the information transfer of genetic properties.
Made this insert to prepare the interested reader to perceive the second part of the book. Too incredible may seem untrained person the conditions of detention subject, invented by experimenting with them people.
Try to understand (the quoted text is rather complicated) physical mechanisms for reading genetic information associated with the memory effect of water:
"The memory of water is enriched with the ability to fractal growth. Water display the iconic structures of chromosomes can grow, repeating his architectonics, in ever increasing scale and therefore, in accordance with the terms Bragovskogo reflection, can be read the reference photon and (or) acoustic fields corresponding ranges. The larger the scale of fractality, the lower the frequency of the read fields and the less structural parts contain the wave front of the field diffracted DNA – "water" diffraction grating.
The result is a system of acoustic-electromagnetic images (phantoms), as if nested into one another (principle of matryoshka – Ed.) and describing the potential structure of biological systems with varying degrees of detail – from intracellular structures (ultraviolet, visible region) to cell-tissue-organ level (IR and microwave region). Hence it becomes clear the real fullness of Biosystems Frelichowski (EHF – Ed.) and other physical fields of different bands... All these bands are really found in organisms. In this multiwavelength scanning of the genome is restored polymorphic system of field images that give spatial and temporal information for self-organization of Biosystems at all levels... Water eigenstructure may migrate between cells and fractal to grow, enabling the migration of strategic information throughout the mass of the tissues of the biosystem...
Extremely simplified and schemitsya, we can assume that the dynamic spatial-temporal structure of Biosystems, generating fields (including coherent) and interacting with them as alienated, modulates their amplitude, phase, polarization and frequency. Thus is the first "entry" of the full structure (and functions) of a biosystem in its own electromagnetic and acoustic fields. The second "record" is due to natural, inevitable interference of these structured fields with relevant private and external reference fields, and also due to the unsupported mode holographic recording.
The third and last "entry" occurs on its own LCD (and able to remember field signal) substrates living and main of them – chromosomes.
Now full multidimensional structure of the body can be reproduced (read) in parts, and generally with substrates of record in its field equivalent (or equivalents) at the various wavelengths. Reading is endogenous reference fields of the body or by external fields and for those and for others, the genome-hologram plays the role of a spectral filter selects the frequency adequate to the diffraction grating" (47).
Used in the text the term "fractal" refers to a branching, fractal system – system consisting of self-similar branchings, the simplest a specimen tree. The scale of the fractal his – the ratio of the geometric dimensions of the largest, first from the ground, branching trunk to the size of the smallest – branching veins of a leaf somewhere in the crown.
Closer to our topic example of a fractal system – house project. There are large scale drawings of façades, smaller drawings of floor plans, still less the scheme of arrangement of sanitary, very young schema – bindings field of the punched holes for pipes in walls and ceilings.
The difference is that a paper house project is stored somewhere in the closet, and used by builders in parts, as needed. A volumetric wave project man "hanging" in its aquatic environment. People slowly but continuously and around the clock, completely, from head to toe, rebuilt ("growing," or "aging", as it's called in humans), and project documents is required by the manufacturers of work every minute and everywhere.
Thinking of grain.
Theoretical position. "From the point of view of informational functions, the genome is the associative memory, like memory in the brain, formed by acoustic holograms on the chromosomes and gives a spatial force vectors biological field...
The genome is treated... as a set of genes-letters and genes-phrases forming texts, which dictate the stages of ontogenesis, and speech characteristics of the chromosomes is understood not in a metaphorical sense, popular literature...
The deep semiotic structures that underlie language, are inherited from generation to generation, ensuring each individual is the basis of mastering the language of their ancestors... the essence of human language is invariant for all people, in particular, because of the existence of a protolanguage.
Based on the work of linguistic genetics, we believe that this invariance extends deeper, reaching the macromolecular semantic ("speech") structures of chromosomes...
We have direct experimental evidence to allow in the aphoristic form to make the assumption that DNA is a quasi-speech, and speech is quasi DNA. And human speech and DNA perform, essentially, the same programming, control functions, but on different levels – social s biochemical" (47).
Description of the experiment. "In this experimental work we demonstrate the possibility of significant radiation exposure control regenerative processes in the genome of plant biological systems due to... management of the genome as a system of recognition... wave Geno-structures synthesized by man...
The teams were introduced into the genome of seeds of wheat and barley in the form of specific acoustic verbal code structures using microphone connected with the oscillator circuit of the FPU. Dry seeds were irradiated with different doses of x-rays." (47).
From many experiments, the most interesting seemed to three.
1. The irradiation of barley seeds to x-rays (dose of 10,000 roentgens) the level of genetic aberrations (damage) was 31 %. When additional irradiation part rentgenology seed radiation FPU-generator, the number of injuries increased to 47.1 %. With additional radiolucency another part rentgenology seed radiation FPU-generator, a modulated code word, the number of damages has decreased to 12.3 %.
2. "Since code that is not semantic significance and contextual layers of information related to emotions etc., it is advisable to check for the influence of psychological set on the effectiveness of the protection of plant genome with the help of the PR resonances. In addition, it was logical to test if it operates the principle of invariance codes with the same semantic content (use of Russian, English and German language codes commands)".
The results of the experiment were as follows:
The irradiation of wheat seeds to x-ray radiation (the dose of 2000 roentgen) the level of genetic damages was 8.0 %. Then rentgenologii seeds was divided into pieces and irradiated with optional FPU radiation in different variants:
• the irradiation of the "empty" FPU radiation damage levels increased to 10.6 %;
• the irradiation of radiation, the modulated negative information – amounted to 12.0 %;
• the irradiation of radiation with the Russian positive information has decreased to 6.8 %;
• the irradiation of radiation, modulated senseless speech amounted to 8.3 %;
• the irradiation of the German positive information has decreased to 6.4 %;
• the irradiation of English positive information reached a minimum of 5.0 %.
It is, of course, about translations of the same text in different languages.
3. The acceleration of growth, called PD-mediated verbal commands of the human operator.
Moistened seeds of Arabidopsis taliana divided into two parts and placed in glass vials. The first part was placed in the antenna included FPU-generator and injected code verbal commands to accelerate growth in a particular stage of plant development (experience). The second part (control) was also placed in the antenna included FPU-generator, but has introduced a meaningless verbal commands. Seeds were sown and grown under the same conditions. As can be seen in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the control plants is significantly less compared with experience" (Really, in the control pot single full Rostock, threw a piece of paper and made the first branching. The other four barely out of the ground. Experienced in the same pot a dozen full of germs, including three luxurious, twice as long as the only control, and five small shoots. – Ed.).
"The observed effects of pseudorotaxanes and growth of Arabidopsis taliana caused by human operator via verbal commands that modulated soliton field of the FPU-generator, again to a certain extent confirm the statement that the languages of the genome and human speech have common roots and universal grammar. Once again it is demonstrated that the soliton field of the FPU generator, simulating the field of DNA and chromosomes, can serve as the wave medium between the highest codes of human speech and the field codes of the chromosome apparatus".
Conclusion:"the new information channel that connects the Word and the Genome, requires a moral and ethically balanced approach because manipulation of this kind with a unit of heredity unpredictable in its potential negative consequences. If data obtained will be confirmed in independent studies, a system of tightly defined prohibitions, such as those already existing in genetic engineering" (47).
The author of the publication, p. P. gariaev – the employee of Department of Theoretical problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, the study was performed at the Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences and the research Institute of agricultural biotechnology.
Water, paradoxes and grandeur of small quantities.
We started our review of the paraphrase hypothesis N.D. Devyatkova and M. B. Golanta, the meaning of which can be summarized thus: it is the insulation of the Earth's surface water and water vapor in the atmosphere from cosmic radiation allowed nature to use millimeter range of wavelengths to provide information on the origin of life on the planet, i.e. life arose partly due to the isolation from the cosmos.
Get acquainted with the opinion of N. D. Devyatkova on the same issue at the end of life, in 2000:
"In the initial phase of research by Russian scientists initial premise in the justification for the use of low-intensity MM-waves wildlife were the perceptions of the closeness of earth from space influence the protective effect of the atmospheric water. And again a paradox: it turns out that the resonant frequencies of "transparency" of water at low intensities of the Earth and living organisms are open for MM electromagnetic radiation of cosmic origin, although the background outside the resonant frequencies, as well as powerful streams of cosmic radiation at all frequencies of MM-range earthlings really protected. Under these conditions, the atmospheric water plays the role of a "witness and restrictive" filter, and penetrating weak MM emission are in harmony with all life. It follows that life on Earth does not exist in isolation from the cosmos, but, on the contrary, in unity with him. Perhaps this is the way to vnutrikletochnyi information exchange that supports a kind of "cosmic homeostasis"...
And there are fantastic Parallels.
Almost simultaneously with the beginning of works on the study of the interaction of electromagnetic MM waves and living organisms, deployed since 1964 by Russian scientists, in 1965, was measured by a relic background of cosmic radiation. Is striking the fact that the CMB is mainly in the MM-range electromagnetic waves. This radiation is isotropic, distributed uniformly in space and corresponds to the equilibrium radiation of absolutely black body at the Bar when the temperature of the FIRE. = 2,7To...
The integral power density of the background radiation calculated by the Stefan-Boltzmann law, is extremely small-size... RREL.  310-10 W/cm2. It is correlated in magnitude with their own flows of power MM-radiation of living organisms...
Obeying an irresistible impulse to follow the logic of their ideas, the authors inadvertently left outside the realm of the Living and found himself in Space. Matching the latest available data, despite the different scale of the objects suddenly found a deep community foundations of the universe that the micro - and macrocosm "are not so different among themselves" (62).
In preparing the proposed review was able to find and meet 250-300 sources of 3600 publications on this topic available today. A lot of work to fascinated by the problem of the reader. In recent decades made a giant breakthrough in the field of human Sciences, remaining unknown to society. The nature of the discoveries is that of their wide practical application, if not threatens the existence of mankind, then, in any case, requires the establishment of a new order of his life in the coming century. To date, has created a dangerous gap in knowledge about the nature of man between the majority and have gone far knowledgeable minority. Own ignorance society is transformed from a subject of their own destiny in the object for manipulation.
If there is interest, help people to know the truth. Search for, find sources, meet themselves and meet others. Good luck with your research.
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Annex 1
Contained in this application information is obtained by analysis and summation of the testimony, victims can not be confirmed by the publications in the scientific press. In General, the received information can be formulated as:
To date, the possibility of microwave influence on consciousness, the subconscious and human behavior (actually "psychotronic" component of exposure) are as follows:
• The so-called "reading thoughts" – the possibility of seizure contained in the consciousness, subconsciousness and memory of information without the knowledge of the person, absolutely imperceptible way.
• Mental (verbal) and sensory (most often fear) of the pump.
• Interference with sleep. A person can put down at any moment to Wake to pump during dreams verbal and visual information.
• External control in the conscious state, at rest or during movement around the city, often involuntary movement of the hands, unexpected twists left and right, pumping speech they make people at the right time to say certain words or phrases.
• Disabling memory and external control in this state. Temporarily deprived of memory – the control center of conscious activity – the person turns into a biorobot in the exact sense of the word, implicitly executes any applicants from outside radiocommande.
• Block of memory and Supplement it from the outside. Augmented can be perceived by the person as the events of his own past life.
Internal observation, experimental, demonstrative
control over the mind.
Domestic surveillance, no matter how long it may be, absolutely imperceptible to consciousness and can be carried out in relation to a person at rest, when driving around the city on foot, in the car, all kinds of urban and intercity transport.
It is possible to read the current contents of consciousness, its verbal and visual components directly, in real time, and total available memory, including completely forgotten by the individual parts.
The first experiments on microwave effects on the brain were set on volunteers from among the scientists and the inmates of prisons and camps. Then took a Guinea, free-living in an ordinary environment – in urban apartments with their families.
Then it was decided to make a goal – the manipulation of consciousness – the means to achieve it. Using already known the pain of awareness in a controlled openness of his thinking, to enter into his brain in a kind of radiation jail, not limiting the freedom of movement of people. Method was developed demonstrative mind control.
The method is based on screening by specially trained people, demonstrators, accurate knowledge of the smallest details of the past and current life, the content of the memory controlled, veiled publicity public discrediting of his actions, of certain details of his personal life, especially of its interior, inaccessible to the usual outside observation of, the parties.
The demonstration is a carefully prepared, is produced in the presence of familiar people, the hint is expressed openly, in the face of present carefully observe the behavior of a subject, his reaction to what is happening. Immediately after hitting specify additional, usually ambiguous questions in an attempt to shake the man, and finally to disrupt, to identify, first of all, for him his internal state.
With the first undeniable public demonstrations, in veiled to outsiders, but intelligible form of him, a full disclosure of his past and current life and starts a person's awareness of his new position demonstrably controlled.
Blow of terrible force, the opening months of the period of initial exposure of the soul. Potrachennoe consciousness begins a frantic search in the memory of compromising and just uncomfortable to show to outsiders of the events, a fully revealing and substituting for new attacks. All found immediately classified according to the degree of undesirability, and pain when reading, invented even the most frightening form of it.
Begins the most difficult – waiting for the inevitable revelations, exhausting sometimes, so that the demonstration is perceived as a relief, getting rid of several days of torture waiting.
In the demonstrations there is a new element of pressure: shown each fact is assigned a verbal label from the most common words. After a few months the number of labels reaches such a size that a man hears and sees allusions to certain events of his inner life everywhere and always.
Internal state in the period of initial exposure – a solid multi-month nightmare, the peak pain during the expected demonstrations, then it was a partial addiction.
By the end of the period changes the operation mode is controlled. Everyday and hour it becomes cyclical. There are two hours, one known controlled, the other for hidden monitoring of its internal state.
The best time for viewing before the morning, a person awaken and see how is applied the final result of the previous day and planned the coming day.
The purpose of the public Specchi otherwise. By the time the mind automatically keeps track of the current inner life on the subject of vulnerability. All uncomfortable to display things line up according to the degree of pain and at the appointed hour are controlling in the most traumatic in the reading of the form.
To save the standby mode appears spending a week. On this day the most interesting of accumulated demonstrates controlled. In an attempt to guess what will be presented, and passes it to the current week.
To prevent habituation and maintain the level of mental pain starts pumping with fear on the topics of greatest interest in working with this person.
The period of initial exposure is over, the test subjects ready for stable multi-year operation period and transferred to the operating organization.
Continued use it usually occurs in two parallel streams – maintaining the state (the educational process) and experimental work.
Not knowing controlled the student gets an assignment to infiltrate his consciousness and memory, to search in the desired direction, gather information, check its accuracy with the help of demonstrations and to report to the authorities. Comparing was found with a large amount of accumulated information and can evaluate the search quality.
After working with several subjects, and having practical skills the learner is ready to work with a basic array of controlled, internal witnessing, where feedback in the form of demonstrations and there is no need to be able at once to obtain reliable data.
Maintenance of educational process is the main part used time test. Along with the training goes and methodical work, development with the assistance of psychologists of new methods of suppression, applied experimental beats and use of various microwave technologies.
The eternal waiting for all new and new attacks pursuant to an endless series of programs experimentation is the essence of life demonstrably controlled.
After the emergence of international agreements on joint prosecution and returning persons attempting to escape from control, there is a pointedly controlled behavior, allowing, staying alive, stop control.
The problem is the utilization (reduction in safe for the environment condition from the point of view of preservation of secrecy) consciousness of the subjects reached the maximum age or retired due to illness.
Recently planned, think of ways to resolve it with the help of a partial destruction of autobiographical memory (see the series of publications in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in December 2002 under the title "I, zombie")
Pump and external control
in a conscious state
Mental pump of low intensity might be detected in case of failure, unusual consciousness of the person, verbal clearance.
The pump intensity is accompanied by a visible change in the internal state. To catch a glimpse of their beginning, only over time, by limiting the focus on one topic for it a certain direction, in notesnote arose mood, understand what is happening. The General condition of depressed, with a touch of hysteria, tearful or aggressive, depending on the direction of the impact.
Demonstrative pumping (sometimes, for clarity, accompanied by the growing power of the audio signal from the outside ) can achieve enormous power, pumped literally pressed into the brain, to counteract, to change the subject thinking it is impossible.
Interference with sleep. Falling asleep occurs within a few minutes, awaken the sleeping natural sleep or radiation in any desired moment of the submission of the corresponding signal. In addition to verbal visual pump in the form of still pictures or moving images.
Sensual pumping, often pumping with fear, reaching, if necessary, to the panic produced on the subconscious level. Countering logical arguments, no matter how absurd and ridiculous it may seem causes fear, impossible.
Radiation pressure (continued irradiation by microwaves of different length and power), in an information sense, is neutral, aimed at the subconscious and aims to create discomfort, to suppress the will to resist, to prepare controlled for external management in a conscious state.
Scattering consciousness low irradiation intensity is possible over time to detect change in the stable internal condition: excessive inattention, inability to concentrate at work or other long-term activities, long unmotivated bad mood. The most correct definition: mental nausea.
Irradiation of the large power is perceived as a physical pressure is a huge force having a vertical component, hence, the behavior is: move all the time, as if trying to evade to lean heavily on top of unbearable severity.
But most often used as a tool of repression of radiation simulation of the reactions of the organism to the influence of various psychotropic substances (distance zombie). The arising condition: complete detachment from what is happening around, confusion of thoughts, actions, reactions. Like a cotton wrapped in transparent cocoon – everything is slow, distant, muted. The best state for external administration, with the will to resist is completely absent. The closest analogue – the impact of large doses of chlorpromazine.
External management in a conscious state usually has a demonstrative character and is intended to show the possibilities, to suppress psychologically, to convince of the futility of resistance to the will of the controller.
Technology, in the simplest case, is this: by means of a mental pump or an external contact person distract from the other, and at the moment when he is totally focused on inner feelings, served in the subconscious of the radio command that is executed automatically. Usually it turns right or left, the various movements of the hands, spitting, and other such senseless acts.
In the limiting case (an experiment in the town of Dolgoprudny in January 2002) controlling, with the help of his instruments, sees the world through the eyes of the controlled, hears with his ears, partly controls its movements, consciousness and speech directly, in real time. Pre-test subjects during the day alternately subjected to mental pumping, pumping fear, of radiation pressure, is deprived of sleep the night before the experiment, suppressing, thus, the will to resist.
In the end, controlled (people for 15 years openly used as test subjects), a fully and accurately completed within one and a half hours, in the presence of third parties not involved in management, but who knew the program of the experiment, all the planned actions, uttered at the right moments all provided by the script phrase, but and could not understand his driven, interpreted the events as the actions dictated by his own will and interests.
To convince him otherwise, was required, after the end of experience additional two-hour mental pumping with a detailed minute-by-minute explanation of what was happening.
All types of pumping and impacts can be made in relation to a person, at rest and at movement around the city on foot, in the car, in all existing types of urban transport, intercity buses, commuter trains, long-distance trains.
External control in the state
disabled memory
May begin with simulation of intrusion into his house. Returning home one day, controlled detects that the apartment was extraneous, nothing was taken, but things are shifted from the field. All work is conducted in such a way as to create the impression of movement of objects occur during the absence of the owner. Leading surveillance officers contacts indicate even verbal allusions or demonstrative display of the keyring, opening the front door.
Attempts to stop the invasion of the replacement of the lock or installing double doors do not work. The idea is to check the state of Affairs in the apartment in the morning, after sleep, at first just comes to mind.
The first stage usually. Returning home from work, checks the controlled arrangement of things, finding nothing, goes to rest and sleep for half an hour and woke up and detects changes in the apartment. By the time the front door equipped with a deadbolt to open it from outside is impossible.
The future depends on the ingenuity of man, his ability to realize that the cause of the movement is himself. Easier the gullible, such can see happening in the full confidence that the security services have the technology "telekinesis", move objects at a distance. Worse, the skeptics, especially technically educated, they need to do the impossible: to reconcile the observed with their knowledge. To discipline those and others it is enough of one display band management in a conscious state. Night of the incident due controlled when they raise the bed and keep the state of sleep, forced to perform necessary actions.
In the second stage, changing the behavior patterns of the night DoppelgangeR of the Joker, he becomes first in pest, hides things, breaks them, disable equipment, and then becomes a chlenovreditel, encroaches on the very controlled person, causes him, rather, yourself, more and more serious injuries.
Traumatic pressure is supplemented by the pumping of fear and verbal pumping with threats to stab, drown, throw them out the window, poison, drugs and the like.
In trying to understand the handling limits, to assess the reality of threats, and is controlled to stay in the second stage.
The third stage, the simulation of a split personality, is even harder. It starts attempting to set up information contact: night double leaves details, daily writing, then begins to ring at night relatives and friends, establishes contact with them, tells them "the truth" about himself. Business partners are communicated to the next intentions and future plans of the controlled, suggests ways of its exploitation for personal gain.
First night whistleblower no one believes, it is necessary to prove the reality of his existence and the veracity of the supplied information by the coincidence of the daily behavior to expose night predictions. There is a combination of the external control in the conscious state with the control as disabled memory.
The above-mentioned experiment in Dolgoprudny. Here was an attempt of the Russian security services to blackmail the American business partner of the controlled. Blackmail was made through living in Dolgoprudny M., a relative of the American, using technology out of band management.
During a phone conversation with M., the threat of blackmail was made the night double as a warning about the planned controlled intention, then, was agreed upon in every detail the upcoming meeting in Dolgoprudny. Exact match behavior of test during a visit to the previously discussed scenario had to confirm the reality of blackmail and to prove that his source is himself controlled.
The experiment succeeded brilliantly, on the same day, in the course of mental pumping Guinea offered consciously to participate in the blackmail, he refused, he preferred the role of a madman. In this direction was carried out and then controlling it all night contacts with business partners.
Technology disable memory long-established and widely applied for operational purposes. How it might look from the point of view of managed? In the simplest case like this.
The idea to write this app came at four o'clock in the morning on 24 may, immediately in my head began to take shape in the text. In the morning, driving to work, I bought from a kiosk a bag of salted peanuts for Breakfast, sat on the station "Komsomolskaya" subway and went on the circle line clockwise. Sit back, took the nuts and started eating. When passed "Kursk", it seemed that stage to "Taganskaya" takes too much time. I turned my head to the left, began to track the road and in a minute saw the train leaves the station "Oktyabrskaya". Looked in the bag it was empty, the young men opposite, stranded on the "Komsomolskaya", remained in their places, to my right appeared a middle-aged man, hooked on "Paveletskaya" or "Dobryninskaya". The next day, when checking, it turned out that if you start eating a bag of peanuts at "Komsomolskaya", empty, he just "October".
The idea of RAID emerged clearly from which internal monitoring on the morning of 24 may, and was immediately carried out with a single purpose: to show the author that they can relate to it the most. Disabled the memory on the stretch between Kurskaya and Taganskaya, turned in front of the "Oktyabr", the idea is to buy a bag of peanuts could be swapped out in the morning from the outside – to ensure the visibility of the experiment.
Annex 2
About the successful storming of the theatrical center on Dubrovka, I learned on October 26, 2002, From the building of the centre began to return to visiting journalists, radio broadcast their impressions. The story of one at the moment engendered suspicion: the attacker is able to use microwave technology. Appearance of Chechen suicide bombers journalist concluded: they were all shot in the head, during sleep, when the assault was used chemical weapons, sleeping gas.
Further remember everything. If to summarize the evidence emerging from the storming of the hostages, get the following picture. All, without exception, originated in a certain point of confidence that started a gas attack, the vast majority felt the "smell of gas", the memories of some wore quite real: "I saw from somewhere under the balcony went grey smoke began to creep around the room like mist. Now I understand that was at the farthest point from the place where was the gas. So still managed to feel the smell of burning synthetics, and then lost consciousness. (M. Deryugin, "Moskovsky Komsomolets", 24.10.2003), others are more like visual, or sensual hallucinations. The most colourful phenomenon is described by T. Kolpakova, she is one of the few survived the storm in a conscious state: "When I went gas, I immediately noticed: on the second appeared the gray-green mist, which then dissipated..." interesting and testimony I. Chernenko: "the Fact that gas has gone, I have understood at once – for a moment appeared in the hall tart odor ... in a few minutes – fail" ("Moskovsky Komsomolets", 29.10.2002 g).
To find out what chemical was used, it was not easy with the doctors who treated the hostages, took a subscription about nondisclosure. Then it became known that none of them announced, what poisoned their patients, in the end, it turned out that of all the doctors secret entrusted to one Minister of health.
After about a week the awkwardness around the "gas formula" is dead, somewhere over the border appeared hint: "fentanyl", and was picked up by all. From journalists, to the (much later), officials of the FSB: "to prevent mass killings of innocent people against terrorists was applied secretatory based on derivatives of fentanyl" (a letter From the Chief of management of FSB across Moscow and Moscow region V. N. Zakharov, No. 1/147 from 03.11.2003 G., "Novaya Gazeta", № 13, 2004)
Don't know if there is a substance with properties coinciding with the above descriptions. Fentanyl is called by some experts the basis of non-lethal weapons, according to the testimony of other experts, has no color, no smell, no taste. It seems that "spectator" only made it a weak tool still smell and color maximum lightening attacked the task of timely detection. Strange spectator....<

Joined:Fri Nov 08, 2013 20:31

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Витт » Fri Nov 08, 2013 21:18

According to eyewitnesses, panic at the theater center lasted 10-20 minutes after the gas attacks, but blasting was not.
I know only one person (Michael Konkin) who saw firsthand the cylinders with gas at Dubrovka before the storm, it is given in "Moskovsky Komsomolets" of 24.10.2003, according to M. Deryugin: "Michael was cut off from the hall. He had to move freely through the floor.... On the phone, he talked with his wife, then with the military and representatives of the Prosecutor's office.... At one point Michael was nearly killed by his own. The musician wandered around the basement looking for a way, and collided nose-to-nose with a man with a gun... the police were in the building before the assault. And at four in the morning in the basement there were people from special groups and technician serving the DC. According to the plan of the building they were looking for, where ventilation ducts and shafts. After endless talks on the radio, the commandos went to the holes in the walls leading up the ventilation.... In special backpacks behind them was a small plastic cylinders. Before you use gas, all civilians from the basement brought...."
In the memoirs of M. Konkina has weaknesses: he did not see the time of start-up gas, and most importantly, established contact with the military long before the assault, and so could be used for their stealth operation.
But with all the inconsistencies of the original version of the storming of the society gradually understand and digest to "secretatory based on derivatives of fentanyl" and those would be all over. In life, however, things went the other way. The iron rule of the chekist: "Always lie to the point!" was somehow violated, fentanyl on the time put aside, and instead gave something unpronounceable and digestible: "unidentified substance". Without a very serious reason like don't do anything stupid.
Lived tumor about a year and publicly died on 23.10.2003, in a telephone interview with the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs V. A. Vasiliev readers of "Moskovsky Komsomolets":
"Good afternoon, Vladimir abdualievich. I the military pensioner, Baramygin Yuri. It really is still not identified, what was the gas? After all, if the time determined, then many people would be saved.
- Gas all clear, it is defined. People died not because they were poisoned by the gas, and the independent parliamentary Commission confirmed it. Just the wrong time was given medical assistance. Some people have died from asphyxia. Gas poisoning is not."
So. October 26, didn't know what gas was used, no one knew (except for the Minister of Shevchenko, which one was dumb enough to admit that he knew), because nothing the doctors said. Now know but won't tell anyone what....
Answer General Vasiliev seems to record absurdities. People first used against thousands of citizens a toxic substance, and then a whole year to find what was used. Too much even for Russia and the usual sloppiness here.
But a month earlier, something similar was stated by President Putin. Here's a snippet from an interview with "Washington Post" September 20, 2003: "W. P.: As you know, 129 hostages died from the gas used during storm of theatre. Almost a year later, do you have any regrets about how was the situation resolved?
V. P.: These people died not as a result of gas because gas was not harmful, it was harmless, and he could not cause any harm to people. Victims of circumstances: dehydration, chronic diseases, the very fact that they had to remain in the building. It's easy to criticize security services stormed the building, or medical professionals. But just imagine all the building had been mined and an explosion could happen at any time".
Even more interesting was the President's claim that the hostages have entered the required antidote. To some, this statement seemed strange, even provoked ridicule, like, the President is misinformed.
Than to build the taunt reporters it would be better to focus on other, more worthy lesson: try to explain Dubrovsky incident based on instructions contained in the speeches of Vladimir Putin. Below, we will get there.
Already bad, Dubrovskii things dramatically and irreparably deteriorated in the spring of 2003, after the publication in "Novaya Gazeta" revelation H. Terkibaev, inveterate adventurer and almost certainly a double agent, who accused the GRU of the General staff of the Ministry of defence that it took the money from M Barayev and his team provided a seamless delivery to the building of the theatrical centre.
In the words Terkibaev the facts of his cooperation with the presidential administration after the terrorist attacks, in particular, the trip to Strasbourg to the European Parliament, as head of the delegation of the Chechen deputies in April 2003.
In a few days "Moskovsky Komsomolets" published an article which indicated: in addition to Terkibaev, another Chechen could have left the theater center on Dubrovka before the storm, that is, knew in advance about the timing. Both Newspapers filed requests to the Prosecutor General, both requests were, as far as I know, ignored. In December 2003, Terkibayev died in a car accident in Grozny.
The most valuable and authentic, from the information point of view, was published in "Novaya Gazeta" "Chronicle", compiled by A. Politkovskaya, the video of the assault on Amateur video camera. Sometimes small things can understand the point. For me, this change was the following entry: "6.58 – inside continue to run the rescue, the first stretcher – just one piece, two hostages are staggering on their feet, no one commando is wearing a gas mask and there is no one who would be left to breathe out or rocked – so are the antidotes they had; start to make people more intense, people running in the form of MES, ran inside a squad of firemen to the building from all sides runs a lot of people."
"One piece" stretcher an hour and a half after the start (5 hours 32 min.) and 50 minutes after (about 6 h 10 min) of the storm!? And to make had about 1000 people, 60-70 tons of dying human flesh. Given the volume of work any, even the most primitive kind of stretcher device – not a small thing, but a blessing that can save many lives. But there were no stretchers. Despite the fact that near 100 metres is a huge hospital, where they could pre-focus in any quantities. And it is in Moscow, in front of the first persons of the state who have a vested interest in a favorable outcome...
No, ugly organization of rescue operations was not an accident. Rescue operation – the removal of the bodies of victims from the building, resuscitation on the spot – not planned at all. Assumed only the need for evacuation – waking from oblivion the hostages themselves rise from their seats, out of the building, here they are seated in a bus and transported to hospitals for medical examination and first aid, nothing more. According to "the Chronicle", about 6 o'clock in the morning, the leaders of the storm appeared first misgivings: most of the victims do not rise up, people need to be saved, then it was called began to arrive an hour later, rescuers, and given command of the first "rescue event":
"6.23. – Spetsnaz has glass at the entrance, apparently fighters are afraid of nothing, heard the screams. Beat to fresh air, after a half an hour after the gas attack?...
6.46 – Military move, torn poster "Nord-OST" on the front....
6.54 – Start taking hostages, about one per minute, lit quiet enough – there are military, there are people in civilian clothes, but with white bands; all military – without masks, they continue to beat the glass, it seems, all been given an antidote.....
6.57 – Finally at the entrance there are the first "fast" and amfesosca three cars, four are seen standing at a distance, but no one no one hostage is not loaded, the car far away, there are many rescue workers it seems that this is a rescue operation. Two hours after the gas attack".
So, half an hour after he started breaking Windows and eleven minutes after the destruction of the poster on the front, gassed the theater center building included the mass of the people, rescuers and firefighters, who knows the antidote, they were not introduced. Complaints the consequences of chemical poisoning were reported. What better evidence of safety used in the assault of gas, I don't know. The expected introduction of the antidote to special forces soldiers does not question this conclusion. Antidote – no gas mask and normal medicine, it acts on each individual, one helps, and someone not. Could the commandos be so sure of their own safety only under the protection of the antidote. Rather, just know that filling the building with gas does not threaten their health. Glass hit for the sake of providing access of fresh air, not for cleaning from toxic substances.
It remains to understand what happened at about half past five in the morning on 26 October with a filled theater center people. The force caused them shock, it seems, was much more than anticipated. Contrary to initial estimations, it took a rescue operation from start to finish it was improvisation because it happened to be what came out.
Use the tip of the President, remember, all the hostages have entered the required antidote, and however, gas was not harmful, and it could not cause any harm to people. Why would you enter the antidote, if the gas is harmless? Here is an obvious contradiction, to solve which it is possible, assuming that on Dubrovka at the same time, we used two non-lethal weapons: one main, really secret, really active, other, Park, gas, camouflage, harmless, designed to hide the existence of the first.
Regarding the physical nature of the basic non-lethal weapons (which is the main mystery of the Dubrovka), I would venture to suggest that it was an electromagnetic wave, extremely high frequency (EHF), propagating with the speed of light and leaves no residue.
Such weapons new types of weapons of mass destruction being developed in the world for nearly thirty years, in the West it is for some reason called "non-lethal", in Russia even more absurd – "psychotronic", and it would be more accurate to call the information – not the radiation power, and is encased in the carrier frequency information defines the crippling, killing or healing (and this is possible) the nature and strength of the impact.
What gives us the accepted hypothesis? First, lets understand what is meant by "unidentified substance". That would be a good toxicologists if for aid them whenever required "formula of gas". They have their own methods of determining the reasons for the defeat. Surely they had the necessary tests and was able to result in the body affected to anything outside or not, or that there could not be a reason for such an outcome. For doctors wearing a muzzle, but from the fentanyl, I had to stop to use the definition "unidentified".
But the main is the second word – "substance", and therefore, the substance having the rest mass, molecular structure and chemical properties. Needed it in order to avoid speculation about the immaterial nature of non-lethal weapons and was effective – I have never heard of such assumptions
Secondly, the hypothesis allows to build a plausible scheme of the assault, for example, a: is pumped through the vents a small amount of harmless gas camouflage; includes biogenerator starts radiation attack, most people in the audience incapacitated, deprived of consciousness; generators are turned off, is undermined from the basement ceiling, the riot rises to the top (of the assault from outside was not, it showed a video published in the "Novaya Gazeta"), destroys remaining in the consciousness of the Chechens and finishes shots in the head rest. Again turn on the generators, but on a different frequency, is "the introduction of the antitoxin", EHF-therapy on one or multiple therapeutic frequencies; waking from oblivion hostages evacuated, removed from the courtroom, seated in a bus and taken to the hospital.
The first half of the RAID was brilliant, with no losses to the special forces and hostages. If successful and ending, no questions would not have arisen – the hostages are alive, terrorists dead, cause of death is obvious – gunshot to the head during the "sleeping gas".
Why is the impact of non-lethal weapons were stronger than estimated? For reasons, some of which were mentioned by the President: dehydration, chronic disease, and immobility, fasting, and most importantly, a General stress of all in the room of people, dramatically increasing their susceptibility to microwave exposure. The news is it? No, such a feature of the impact of millimeter waves on living organisms was discovered by Russian scientists back in the 60-70 years in experiments with microorganisms. No man is an organism, but the disease begins at the cellular level and collected from individual cells of the system are found then pattern is also valid. It is formulated so: "the Impact of millimeter waves even more effective than more were reduced to natural or artificial by the activity of the cells compared to the original" (T. B. Rebrova. "The influence of electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range on vital activity of microorganisms". "Millimeter waves in biology and medicine", № 1, 1992).
This is the ABC, long been declassified, and anyone interested in the famous. But it could be unknown to the President. Who could convince him of the absolute harmlessness of a Taser?
In "Moskovsky Komsomolets" had once read a story about a child Prodigy, round honors Boris Gryzlov and Patrushev good nick, best friends, classmates, always sitting at the same Desk in the school with electronic bias in Leningrad. If this is the same Boris Gryzlov and Nikolai Patrushev, who now all of Russia knows, that there was someone hiding behind a private electronic training, hang noodles on the ears of the President. But this is just a guess.
In General, any categorical statement of the type of harmful-harmless, concerning the application of millimeter waves against large masses is false in principle. Dubrovka has shown this very clearly. Among the survivors of the assault without loss of consciousness are children, and elderly among the dead, too.
It helps if we adopted the hypothesis to see the underwater part of the iceberg Dubrovsky, a moment emerged on the surface in the spring of 2003, in the publication "Novaya Gazeta" and "Moskovsky Komsomolets"? I am convinced that only with her help can explain all the weirdness Dubrovsky incident.
The observer of "Novaya Gazeta" Anna Politkovskaya so responded to the death of H. Terkibaev: "this Story is vile. So, if hanpash really existed in the framework described them – so the attack was manageable. At least one of the Russian special services. And also it turns out that this controlled attack, which ended with the application of a secret chemical weapons against its own citizens, fought the other secret service and several special units" ("New newspaper", 22-24 December 2003)
It is unlikely that things were that way. If Barayev came to Moscow not casually, not exclusively on their own, you almost certainly have all three main intelligence agencies – the interior Ministry, FSB, GRU "were" and spent it in the capital with the knowledge and consent of the President. Was there then, at the end of 2002, the goal for the attainment of which Vladimir Putin, the politician quite sober, cool-headed, responsible, could decide on such an extremely risky venture to invite to Moscow and planned to take him in rent, for the money, theater center for the terrorist act?
I think it is. Could inspire the President to exploit and successful example of one of our predecessors, Mikhail Gorbachev, responsible for one in the second half of 80-ies in Moscow something similar, a "special operation", quite different in form, is directed against another target, but mostly that exactly match the target with the intentions of Vladimir Putin. Gorbachev's "special operation" is to recognize that time is successful, will reach the same result today Vladimir Putin, we don't know, but ever know.
In the first half of the 80-ies of the last century in the political science dictionary introduces two new concepts. One, the "strategic defense initiative" (SDI), was proposed by President Ronald Reagan and it was a well-known content: it was a program for the creation and deployment of orbiting global missile defense system, designed to devalue Soviet missiles. Another, "asymmetric response" was coined a few years later Mikhail Gorbachev and nobody knew that this concept is designated, each building their assumptions. But despite the confusion, it was clear: "asymmetric", but a full can be considered a response, to the same extent devalues the planned missile defense of the United States, which devalued that would, if implemented, the missile weapons of the USSR.
Probably the Americans the contents of the "asymmetrical response" was interested in nothing less than Soviet citizens, and they had been addressed for explanations to the Soviet negotiators. The day came when the Kremlin realized that it is impossible to bluff indefinitely, for negotiations to succeed you need a practical demonstration, at least in principle possible "asymmetric response". At the same time, you can check the depth of understanding by Americans of the problem.
The choice of a target could not be better characterize the identity of the person it chooses, Mikhail Gorbachev, a foreigner in his native land. Blow decided to inflict on the minds of Americans who lived on American territory in Moscow in the American Embassy. Caused a diplomatic scandal involving the so-called "microwave radiation" of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
Fans to listen to foreign radio voices remember the time. Was surprised by one feature of the unfolding propaganda campaign: lots of chatter about the threat to the health of diplomats, not a word about why they are irradiated. Charges wish just shorten their life is also not advanced. In fact, Americans, in a slightly veiled form, did offer: we all understand, are willing to remain silent, but do not touch us.
The Embassy is not a research Institute, here find what your looking for. Hitting expected, necessary for the registration of radiation equipment are already available.
Verse scandal as suddenly as it appeared, and never anyone was never mentioned and was gradually forgotten. "Strategic defense initiative" was sent to the archive. That it has played a major role – Gorbachev's warning or the collapse of the Soviet Union is unclear. Most likely, both.
Ten years later, radically changed the balance of power between America and Russia. The President George. Bush made the decision to abandon the 1972 Treaty on the prohibition of the deployment of anti-missile systems. In 2002, it was announced officially. Mention of "asymmetrical response" and this time it sounded from the Russian side, but some little words, it took the target to demonstrate the achievements of Russian mikrovolnovku over the years.
Vladimir Putin, his native Russian in the Board and for the favorite, and decided to act in Russian: beat of their own to other people's fear.The Chechens once and for all to wean from the hostage-taking of Americans to warn that missile defense will not save them from what they once dubbed "mutually assured destruction" and declared the Foundation of peace and tranquility on Earth. The inevitability of microwave exposure is provided by great speed of propagation equal to the speed of light.
Dropped from the current orbit of biogenerator radioscopie frequency capillary effect reaches the surface of the Earth in a thousandth of a second, will be perceived by the people living there and in 10-15 minutes a considerable part of them contained within it a radio command will be executed. Time to prevent such a development after the reset signal from orbit is unlikely.
Ask: is it even possible? It is more correct to talk not about what is possible or impossible, and that is already there:
"Use krayniuchenko (EHF) radiation, as the basis of energoinformational impact in the global space networks, confirms the importance of radiation of the electromagnetic fields (EMFs). So, satellite communication "TELEDESIC" presents 840 satellites with low altitude orbit up to 740 km and generation of EHF-radiation with a frequency of 26-30 GHz, not previously used for communication. Any point of the earth's surface can be monitored with two satellites and be exposed to the modulated radiation for different purposes. The cost of this system amounted to tens of billions of dollars. US spending on psychophysical studies comparable to the cost of the most complicated space programs" (32).
"When installed on the spacecraft (SC) global low-orbit communications systems transmitters power 800 W, operating at frequencies 20 and 30 GHz, in conjunction with the antennas on the basis of an active phased array (AESA), able to form the angle of radiation divergence of 0.3 degrees. and to provide a pointing accuracy of 0.1 degrees. with the height of the orbit 1400 km can be achieved on the Earth's surface, the radiation power density of approximately 10-8-10-9 W/cm2 or pulsed 10-2-10-3 W/cm2 in the microsecond range" (21).
Above we quoted a source (31), the title of the report "electromagnetic activity of microorganisms". From this it follows that self-radiation of pathogenic bacteria, and they, radiation, initiate the infectious process, have a capacity of less than 10-7 W/cm2, is very close to the capabilities of the space communication systems (what it does not follow that they are designed for combat use. We are talking about the existing technical possibilities, nothing more).
Back to our topic.
Why The "Nord-OST"? There is a constant sell-out and almost always have aliens – the physical evidence used against them specifics. Needless to say, all the hostages were to remain alive and unharmed. Was shown not killing power of new weapons, and surgically precise ability to wield it. Wanted as better, left, as always.
Do the American side the content of the events at Dubrovka? I could not understand. About the upcoming use of during the elimination of the terrorist attack information warfare the Russian government probably notified US in advance. Respond if the United States somehow? An open verbal condemnation or approval can not be considered, officially, Russia considers information warfare non-existent, America is not feasible in principle. I know only one thing that can be, and that with great reserve, to consider the American response. We are talking about the battles on 3 and 4 April around Baghdad during the recent war in Iraq. Quote "Izvestia" for 5.04.2003 G., report for April 4, 16th day of the war.
"17.59. Americans warn about the "defeat" of the division Nida Republican guard in the battle and to the South-East of Baghdad. About the dead and wounded in their ranks, the allies did not report that in the last two days it has become a tradition. If you believe the reports of the command of the United States, one might get the impression that coalition forces in "fierce fighting" smash and destroy the elite division of the army of Saddam, without incurring any losses – with the exception of soldier, who was killed by shock when he touched his rifle the low-hanging electrical wires.
18.43. The information Minister of Iraq threatened to use "unconventional" weapons "against the Federal troops who had occupied the Baghdad airport. What he has in mind, the Minister declined to specify, saying only that we are not talking about weapons of mass destruction".
The unusual nature of American propaganda in those days, a strange form of verbal attack on an Iraqi Minister has been noticed by many, but no one tried to explain them. Specific details of the battle on 3 and 4 April (applied microwave weapon) unknown to me.
In No. 13 (943) "the New newspaper" (February 2004) published an article by Anna Politkovskaya "Letters on the palm" about the investigation in the case of "Nord-OST". Relatives of the victims admitted to reading the case, including forensic reports made immediately after the death of the hostages.
Post-mortem diagnosis of victims – poisoning "toxic" or "toxic unknown" substance. The death of people was accompanied by the following factors: "liver – ranchisee plethora...., heart – sharp hyperemia, edema..., easy – sharp plethora of vessels, with a predominance of foci of acute emphysema, violation of the integrity of the partitions.... the sudden death syndrome..., pronounced morphological signs of cerebrovascular..., increasing the size and weight of the brain, pronounced flattening the flattening of the convolutions and furrows of the brain, grooves pressed on the base of the cerebellum, the liquid state of blood..., ranchisee venous plethora of organs...." Based on the findings of pathologists, the author makes the only possible (in her opinion) conclusion: "in Black and white is a poison, not a harmless gas."
(Above we have already quoted this pathoanatomical diagnosis. Very similar to capillary action, to the action of microwaves. But not necessarily should be so. A similar result can give chemical poisoning. From experience Kravkov it is seen that the same action has its own radiation of certain metals and drugs. Moreover, gases can, like water, to used as media of radio information re-emit electromagnetic waves with which they were charged. Inhaling this gas, the person receives and is required for excitation of the capillary effect dose of radiation.
I prefer the version directly generating radiation. This method of radiation attacks much more valuable from the experimental point of view. One thing the radiation action of the gas in a closed room, another to the battlefield. From generating radiation there is no difference. It is manageable and the exposure time can be adjusted. The use of activated gas dramatically worsened the situation of the hostages – they would be placed under irradiation is much longer, up to removal from the polluted areas.
And last and most importantly: there is not the slightest trace of harmful influence of polluted environment on innocent people – rescue workers, firefighters, etc. have No facts at all).
Prosecutors thought otherwise: "...the investigation team who have more than a hundred almost identical content of the primary examinations of the forensic doctors did not do the only thing that was required is to find out what gas and to translate the "unknown toxic substance" in the fixation part of the established order and power, given to them by law. The group engaged in an opposite – appointed re-Commission (indirect) expertise – all.
And "Commission" have decided: everyone who died (except for the six people who died from lack of timely medical care), came to the show with an incurable internal diseases (!), in fact, people with disabilities, and their disease did not survive the stress caused by the detachment of Chechen terrorists."
The attempt by relatives of A. Politkovskaya to return the lead case investigator for particularly important cases of V. Kalchuk to reality, showing him the above-quoted letter head of the UFSB for Moscow and the Moscow region V. N. Zakharov did not give result: "Kalchuk looked in the paper... and said (she heard): "Not seen. I do not know this. Fentanyl? Have not heard...".
Let's look at the resulting position, using the hypothesis of dual character printed on Dubrovka impact. The lack in information about the research and fixing the chemical composition and toxic properties of the used gas does not mean that such studies have not been conducted. They could be carried out, to give a negative result and therefore not be in the business.
In the hands of the investigator of Calcuta could be more than a hundred expert reports confirming the death of people from the action of toxic substances in the absence of data on presence of traces of toxic substances in dead organisms. As he in this case to bring the investigation to end? Only by fraud, and engaged in investigative group.
The unusual situation is that the aggrieved party and its informal representative, A. Politkovskaya, require, even implicitly, to themselves form the same - - "formula of gas," the falsification of the case in favor of a biased opinion, in captivity which they are located.
The joint efforts of the parties before our eyes, created a precedent of special, microwave-type of investigation. Its content is consciously or unconsciously taken the required expert data falsification, for the sake of concealment of the fact of Commission of crime with use of microwave exposure or for the sake of preserving the integrity of their own prejudices.
But at the same time has a real chance to "catch" millimeter wave "tail" reliably fixed in the course of the trial characteristic of microwave influence fact – the combination of the presence of symptoms of toxic shock with no traces of toxic substances in organisms affected.
What to do interested in the truth to people, how not to miss the opportunity? To abandon preconceived notions, to go for facts. To search for contacts with the doctors who treated the hostages, no wonder they're wearing muzzles, they know a lot. Try to learn how to look and what to contain medical documents of the victims during the assault of aliens
"Secrets "Nord-OST" had to remain secrets for ordinary citizens of Russia, America, and other countries, but not for their governments. The degree of secrecy here is small, much too obvious and, if desired, can be clarified.
No. 84 (1014) from 15-17 November 2004 in the "Novaya Gazeta" another article on a theme interesting us: "not ordered". As always in the "Nord-Ostovsky" publications Politkovskaya, a combination of excellent information parts and failure analysis.
Content in a nutshell: the ability to start rescue work was in 5 hours. 50 a.m. October 26, 2002, the Order to start was received by the ambulance in 7 hours. 02 min. Why did this happen? Two lanes are allotted to answer the question and the final assumption of the author: "If investigators prove many times that the paramedics were only in the building, and then there are indications that some "doctors" have made the manipulation in the building, where the answer to the question – at least on any official basis unknown produce resuscitation, touching bodies?... So doctors whether they, or is it just chemists? That need was the hour for concealment of traces of application of the poison?"
Don't know how an hour of thousands of bodies to remove "traces of the use of poison", even if we are talking about still living people. And the bodies, where the metabolism is stopped at all? But a tiny shift in the position of the author of the article has occurred. Politkovskaya seems to understand that physical signs of stress in the bodies could not be.
If we talk about our version of events, described in the article "Novaya Gazeta" confusion in the organization of rescue operations only confirms that the rescue operation was not planned in advance, was improvised. Hour delay of salvation is also explained.
About twenty years already exists the hypothetical threat of the use of new types of weapons of mass destruction. Thousands of military doctors know about such a possibility and prepared for it. Theoretically. On 26 October, the first time they were able to see the prototype of the microwave field of battle, almost. It is not surprising that they were allowed to attend. In a real combat situation there will be no "reserve" of 100 ambulances or other features of the capital city. There are thousands of half-dead bodies on the bare ground. And the only way immediately to help them – the same millimeter waves, but therapeutic frequencies, they can cover all the victims immediately, which was done on Dubrovka. Why hours, is also understandable. There are limits on time, 15 to 30 min. for the young, from 15 to 60 min for the elderly. Less than 15 min of MM-waves do not have time to help, them exposure beyond 60 min is of little use. "Experiment" is a word first used in publications by Anna Politkovskaya, could decide to write "clean", to be released from "outside influences", which to expect on a real battlefield is nowhere. But this is just a guess.
The assassination attempt on Viktor Yushchenko.
Not only in the blood loans, but in the tissue capillaries, which moves the lymphatic fluid, possibly excitation of the capillary effect by microwaves. The difference in hydrostatic pressure about 3 mm Hg. article for lymph to 90 mm Hg. article for blood. Circulatory system a single and responds to the effects instantly, in a matter of minutes. The lymphatic system is inertial, partly fragmented (due to the slow fluid motion) and this allows you to initiate capillary action, locally, in certain selected parts of the body.
Long-term stand-irradiation (at rest or during sleep) legs, for example, there occurs a capillary effect and formed an area of low resistance to fluid flow in capillaries, analogous to the low pressure area in the atmosphere, and starts the flow of lymph from other parts of the body. After stopping the generating of the radiation phenomenon can be supported by Samoobrona activated liquid. Within a few days occurs the enormous size of the swelling. The process or destruction of the skin and the expiration of an activated lymph from the body, or dressing, balancing the internal pressure of the external and the gradual cessation of Samoobrona tissue fluid. The resultant difference in resistance is what allows you to maintain the fluid flow and against the direction of gravity, upwards.
The reader has already guessed, perhaps, where the author tends. Last fall, in the midst of the events connected with the assassination attempt on Viktor Yushchenko, I was in Moscow and was not able to track what is happening in detail. But I know, of course, the only plausible version of the assassination, poisoning with dioxins, clear and its main weakness: the version takes no account of the identity of the victim ("man of clay" –the so-called and so believed Viktor Yushchenko was in Moscow) nor the direction of the strike face, with the aim to disfigure the candidate, therefore, to reduce its attractiveness to a certain part of the electorate, and psychologically shake before a possible fight for power after the vote. I can not believe in the existence of dioxins, selectively damaging tissue and skin of the human face, and the capillaries everywhere. To kill Yushchenko were clearly not going, it is felt and stretched in time the nature of the impact, and it would be unwise politically. Appearance as the principal opponent of Yanukovych in the election of A. A. Frost, personal and implacable enemy of Kuchma, it is unlikely he could last like in case of losing elections.
Understand both. If you used capillary action, V. A. Yushchenko knows today about these possibilities and to investigate in this direction will not allow. These are the international obligations of Ukraine on maintaining the secrecy of practical applications of information weapons.
In the second part, you will learn what it feels to be subjected to "capillary" effect in a specific part of the body, left leg.
Appendix 3
The Argument N.D.Devyatkova in favor of the existence of information-control systems in organisms.
"Are there any information systems in the body? Even sophisticated technical devices, at the current level of technological development is functionally much simpler than living organisms, cannot be created without bodies and control and communications systems, operating at much lower power than actuators of the same device. Without systems of communication and control impossible to organize a coherent work of many elements, the operation of each of which must respond to both changes in the external environment and changes in the functioning of the other elements. This applies, of course, and living organisms who are rebuilding their work under changing conditions of life, what they were not connected, including, with changes in the body (old age, illness, etc.). And since electromagnetic energy is the most convenient means of information transmission, it is natural to assume that it is used in nature.
If we accept this hypothesis, then it becomes clear and many other issues.
Because of the system of communication and control of the organism should be resistant to external interferences, it is advisable to use them for transmitting information of the set of monochromatic (or rather quasi-monochromatic) signal, practically absent in the environment.
Use for internal communication (and thus to simulate signals) millimeter-wave and other very high-frequency oscillation responds to the need for transmission and processing in the organism a large amount of information: with the growth of the average frequency increases the amount of information that can be transferred to and processed in the relevant frequency range. With respect to the use of millimeter range you need to keep in mind that the waves, this range is very strongly absorbed in the atmosphere, which contributes to reduction of noise. The same purpose (protection from interference) favors the distribution of signals in the body, mainly on certain channels, surrounded by tissues strongly absorb the waves and thus sharply attenuating disturbances coming from the external environment."
(Collection of articles "the Application of millimeter radiation" of low intensity in biology and medicine (ed.D.Devyatkova). M., 1985, p. 25, 26.)
Advanced and in-depth justification of information of the nature of the impact of millimeter waves on living systems in this collective work.N.D.Devyatkova, Golanta M. B., Betsky O. V. "Millimeter waves and their role in life processes". M., 1991
"A very small energy required to produce significant influence of electromagnetic radiation on the functioning of the organisms, the specificity of this effect, high reproducibility of the results suggested to researchers to the hypothesis ... that AMY is not accidental for living organisms, the factor that such signals are produced and used for certain purposes by the body, and external exposure only mimics the produced by the body signals...
... The essence of the hypothesis formulated on the basis of the analysis, briefly, is as follows. The observed patterns of effect on living organisms monochromatic electromagnetic radiation of millimeter wave band nonthermal intensity due to the fact that, penetrating into the body, the radiation at certain (resonant) frequencies transformirovalsya in the information signals, implementing the control and regulation of regenerative or adaptive processes in the body.
We list some of the key facts underlying these hypotheses:
1. The minimum power flow, irradiating the body that are required in order to cause significant biological effect, is negligible compared with the heat capacity given by the body in external space... radiation AMY may not cause any disturbances in the tissues, for photons it is two orders of magnitude less energy weak hydrogen bonds. Thus, significant energy action exposure AMY has not.
At the same time, the power of the incoming radiation is sufficient to generate control signals whose energy is in any information system (including details described systems used in the technique) by several orders of magnitude less than the energy of the system as a whole, determined by the capacity of the Executive bodies or devices.
2 ... Effect of EHF – radiation... does not depend on its intensity in a wide range... Such character of the dependence of actions from the intensity of the acting factor characteristic of information systems and is determined by the specifics of the management process. The fact that the intensity may change under the influence of different factors, not related to managed processes (changes in the parameters of the transmission lines, receivers, etc.), and if control action was dependent on these changes, the control signals would become inadequate conditions of work of control systems".
"3 ... Threshold character of the dependence of biological effect on intensity of exposure... is essential to the operation of the information systems, the failure of which their work is constantly being violated by external interference and noise. The threshold nature of the action can take place and the energy (determined by the energy factor) effects, but in this case... a further increase in power alters the biological effect.
4. The nature of the biological response of the body depends on the frequency really affecting it waves, and each particular action takes place only in narrow bands of frequencies... in Other words, the frequency of the vibrations determine the nature of the action under consideration of radiation on the body, i.e., the frequency is a carrier of information.
5. The resonance frequency, which have some biological effects, strictly reproducible with the playback conditions of the experiment. Such a clear dependence of the action on the quantitative value information of the characteristic (which in this case is the oscillation frequency) is characteristic for information systems intended for processing large amounts of information.
6. Set out in paragraph 2.5, the features always appear together. if the independence effect from the power of AMY, the observed resonant dependence on frequency. Thus, we are not talking about a random set of facts, and their deep relationships that are defined by specific patterns of information systems.
7. Information basis of the observed phenomena well explains the reason that the changes of living tissues, resulting from exposure are observed in cases when tissues are exposed after the cessation of life in non-living tissues of the control system is not working.
8. As already noted..., the effect of AMY crucially depends on the initial state of the organism. So, if in the initial state is some function of the body is weakened compared to the norm several times, the irradiation can be raise about the same number of times, while the current functioning of a healthy body the same exposure actually does not work... And this is understandable, as one of the most important functions of information signals in the body is maintaining homeostasis. (Homeostasis – the ability of biological systems to resist change and keep a relative constancy of composition and properties)
9. The fact that when electromagnetic effects on organisms large enough the effect of this irradiation can affect the organs, whose removal from the place of irradiation eliminates a direct energy effect... from the point of view of the stated hypothesis, of course: the unified information system of the living body signals are periodically amplified by the energy of metabolism (metabolism), can spread via communication channels over long distances. Amplification of weak signals does not require large expenditures of energy and are compatible with the energy capacity of the organism.
10. Living organisms in natural conditions are exposed to monochromatic electromagnetic radiation of millimeter range of waves, because in the environment they are missing. How all organisms from bacteria to humans in the course of evolution has developed a specific (frequency-dependent fluctuations), the reaction to these emissions?... The information hypothesis this fact is not contrary to... the Existence of such radiation in the environment would violate the operation of the information system of the body, making a noise. Therefore, the use in the internal information system control signals, which are present in the environment radiation is converted can't biologically appropriate.
11. From the point of view of the justification information of the nature of the action of EMR on living organisms is important that the information content and information value of energy (the ratio of the amount of processed information to the energy cost of processing it) to millimeter range is extremely high, in particular, significantly higher than in living organisms, the values of these parameters for optical or microwave ranges.
12. The structure of various living organisms, starting with bacteria and ending with man, the functioning of which AMY can have an impact, is quite different. Even in one and the same kind irradiation can change a variety of functions... Cannot be imagined that the variety of changes observed in the irradiation of different and the same organisms, the mechanism of implementation of these changes was common. At the same time the above considerations, attributing the observed patterns of action AMY information function of this action explain the question quite natural: the General laws of information systems (and only them on the merits and was still talking) must be satisfied, whatever mechanisms powered control signals". (p. 15-18).
The text of the pamphlet (a brief overview and three appendices), not copyrighted and free to play in any form.
One can, without assigning authorship, without changing the content and saving the afterword unchanged, circulate the brochure in any manner, in whole or in part, and distribute, for free or for money as you see fit.
Proceed, good luck.<

Joined:Sat May 23, 2015 16:26

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Игорь... » Sat May 23, 2015 16:28

During the holidays of 2015 I was at home, desire to go somewhere and celebrate, I was not.Often heard the neighbors behind the wall on the landing there were quarrels, but because it was the holidays and neighbors I don't know, you have not betrayed to it value. When in night with 7 on January 8, listening to the shouts and curses of the neighbors, I realized that threats and insults addressed to me. This put me in confusion, because anyone reason I didn't give bad and didn't do anything. After listening to threats over my punishment, I went to the neighbors to understand the reason for their anger, but to me the door no one answered. From that day I began to hear voices (like a radio in my head) 24 hours a day. First, they began to tell me about bugs and built-in camera, but after a couple days I realized that somehow they read my mind and see the same as me. Said that everywhere watching me and trying to kill me. The reasons were different and ridiculous in fact; I have some of them wrong, then I told them what it prevented, in General, carrying some kind of nonsense. The first time I tried to negotiate with them, trying to persuade small children to come out and resolve the conflict peacefully. But in the end I'm not left justified like if will it will beat or kill me... it's always different.
Every day, I became an unwitting participant in zarkovich views: you'll Programat behind the wall, then shout something, play a musical instrument, or threats, stomping feet (supposedly going to beat me), creaking on open the door...only it never came. Once left for a few days at the cottage, I heard how they threatened me, saying if back then will catch and suck my dick and said it in all seriousness. Here I ahrenel at all... once again the threats were empty. All this amuses me and nothing more. Although bored by the day to hear the same nonsense constantly cling to thoughts, trying to find a weak spot, not allowed to sleep, scare and spoil the mood.
Votes were three: two male, all the time I was insulted and one female, who communicated properly and explains to the others that I'm doing everything right and that I am a normal person. A constructive conversation with them did not go, gave me this impression that communicate with me are underdeveloped. Because their real names I do not know what is conventionally addressed to one "Moron" and the second "Dolbaeb", what they are, though joyless, but spoke. Everywhere I go everywhere I heard them from passers-by, in transport, under his window and even sitting on the toilet tank.
Several times I came to them with the aim to blow them to hell and only once with a view of angel I opened the door to the girl. On my claim that they are noisy threw up her hands, saying she's home alone and doesn't understand what I mean. Then I realized that I will do crazy and ask for help I got nowhere.
In April 2015 I passed an apartment to rent and went to live in a country house (25 km from city). She began to feel better, the impact of psipog but slightly weakened.
Finding information about such cases on the Internet and putting my situation I learned about psychotronic weapons, that the development of such technologies is conducted since 1977 in America and in Russia. That there are certain microwave oscillators and if to direct on the person of the microwave beam modulated by the human voice, the brain liquid will oscillate in time with the fluctuation of sound, the sound reaches the nerve and the person will hear what the operator will tell him behind the wall or being in several kilometres from it.
Given the structure of the brain, consisting of billions of nerve cells called neurons, our brain is such a complex aggregation of microscopic antennas. Thoughts that came to mind, processed by the brain and instantly emitted through the antennas in space. Neuron not only diffuses but also receives radiation. This means that you can create artificial oscillations, resonance in relation to vibrations of the thoughts, and direct them to the person forcibly imposing the thoughts of others. Using feedback you can pass on to the brain image, which will be seen by people. Thoughts are composed of Tau-so, created by psi-generators act on the mental level and can capture and communicate thoughts and words at any distance. Such equipment has long been established and represents a "psychotronic weapons", which is used on its citizens.
The last, most dangerous tool "psi-weapons" are the "torsion generators" psi-amps", "psi-generators". That is, the generated electromagnetic radiation corresponding to the frequencies of the brain. Under the influence of this radiation man can inspire and transmit anything, any feeling. The scary thing is that these generators can be used remotely. With precise hit to the alpha rhythm of the desired frequency of the victim (which is not just for the operator), is immediately resonant panel - that is, addition of waves, and if the person is in an agitated state, or intensively thinks in the time of the attack, then insult "of unknown nature guaranteed.
It is under the influence of the psi-weapons I ended up in the "open phase seterror".
In the open phase of peterboro, the operator develops a specific person, and using the necessary equipment, special software simulates a voice, creating the object the illusion that communicate with him a few people. When this object is put on the record and written the program. In fact the object hearing the "inner voice" himself starts writing a program, and pseoperator only leads to the desired order in his thoughts, by feeding of the signals modulated by the human voice directly into the brain ("the open phase of seterror").
The purpose of such exposure seterror (in my opinion) may be different: the development of a program of control over the civilian population, improvement of knowledge about the human psyche, Razrabotka methods of suppression, manipulation of consciousness (for example NLP), espionage and total control over humanity, and given the fact that the person radiates energy, and a method of harvesting a new kind of energy (energy vampirism).
Notice these features: preoperatory try by all means to attract attention to themselves (something to shout, insult, than to rattle) - maybe the method of configuring the communication channel. Looking for fear and trying to intimidate, to enter into depression. Interest to sleep. One voice says any phrases, insults, and the second checks how you heard it and records.

To alleviate the impact of biterror help me: exercise, addition self-confidence, work on controlling your thoughts (trying himself to write the program, try to hear what I want and not what they say PSYOP.), not to be intimidated and enter zameshatelstvo, try to focus not on votes but on another matter, to avoid loneliness.
Looking for a way to get rid of seterror (at least from the radio voices).<

Joined:Wed Jun 22, 2016 14:26

Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by гека » Wed Jun 22, 2016 16:16

want to talk on this subject.

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Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by мимоходом » Wed Jun 22, 2016 16:57

Wow, what subject dug up... Read the first section, it is necessary to understand. But it's amazing how all this information was found, albeit in the form of a collection of articles... It is unique )))

Артем север
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Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Артем север » Tue Jan 10, 2017 11:00

1) Dear Administration forum! Do the normal mobile version, to use the forum from mobile devices is torture, and brutal. And make for larger texts like this theme ,the button "scroll down" "scroll up", whether we all!

2) the theme itself.Learned a lot of information on psypal/their "arms", etc. All of this is true and there is no doubt such equipment.Although it is not clear: 1. As they take person information to connect?There is technical.complexes which allow you to remotely influence on human health--that's a fact, but there for the first connection and settings needed the man himself, and 25-35 minutes of work with him tete-a-tete(as a variant of abduction for work/setting, but 100% of the victims there was no mention of the kidnapping). But psipi do it like that remotely! As a configuration option: a photo of a man fresh blood(DNA) can be taken from the hospital where 99% are all now corrupt, but a lot of facts when connected after any conflict literally for 1-2 days, the person is a newcomer and did not attend local clinics, and so on... 2. You must immediately upon learning/communication on the subject to share real psi-terror/control a person remotely and human exposure spec.installations for his imminent death/severe injury, it is absolutely different things,many confuse them for almost all is the same... Psi terror: the real OPS (the OPS that is not organized crime groups, because there is a connection with the bodies) and professionals, irradiation: OPG with advanced "weapons" microwave radiation/ultrasound unit and so on.(collected by someone to order - private master), the main occupation of: push-UPS real estate and contract killing/causing serious injury/disability. 3. 95% of videos on the tube is inadequate/not distant people who allegedly were subjected to psycho-terror, to draw attention on yourself,plus there is hope for a speedy adoption of laws on victims of psy-terror and pay them compensation from the State (I believe complete nonsense for the next 15 years definitely; abroad in some countries there is evidence of payments to the victims of psy-terror, up to 1.5 million $, there is exactly criminal, although the evidence base--nothing is clear ).People unremarkable,all these 95% of the poor,the disabled, etc., i.e. from my point of view, they are not interesting to anyone,speak about alleged experiments on them and depressed about the apartments, but the apartments where they live ...I don't know this is crazy, there are not elite housing in downtown Moscow... plain old Khrushchev in the regions of the Russian Federation, red price where 1.5 mln rubles per 2-bedroom apartm., about the experiments: wouldn't it be easier to take the biomaterial for training in the areas of the prison,lunatic hospitals, etc., there will be leaks. But there is another 5% is quite adequate people, the story don't lie (personal feelings at the totality of the facts), people are NOT poor, that is, small business., I believe.It is not clear why are they telling the entire country (as a variant: to speak ,because the family is a shame, as he told the story parents a long time ago,about the special settings that are used for meetings and celebrations in the city centre: active complexes to decrease the terror.threats and active negative actions on the part of citizens, in General, parents laughed and advised me to take vitamins, as while in the center of Moscow and Peter the great holidays, there is increased distraction and forgetfulness, not working proper Internet and so on., ie, the impact really is, just watched the strange antennas on the roofs of cars, no TV/radio/satellite antennas, they are clearly not suitable mean for this sub-set of antennas),live in prosperity, many really it turns out to be protected from external influences,people strong in spirit, although there are minimum protections and a lot of them online...

Do a lot of that you can still write and tell, but the fact is, it exists and is used.

Still considering this idea: psi-terror of ordinary people need for any intake of energy and transfer that energy somewhere... From the bullshit, but nothing else comes to mind... Why torment people sick and the poor in fact? Nothing to achieve, not to earn money,they have heaps of relatives ,i.e. the theme with the squeezing of apartments they ,too complex, 99% virtually impossible.

The same seems to be true on the theme malls Tulip. Is possible to have a State.

Let's support the theme, it modern/relevant, and interesting!<

Скиталец В
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Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by Скиталец В » Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:11

Read. The theme is very good, and most importantly familiar to me. only here for a link to the primary sources and the material you outlined. Really want to see and talk about it.

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Re: the Effect of non-thermal (informational) influences of EHF

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Thu Nov 16, 2017 13:06

Артем север wrote:Still considering this idea: psi-terror of ordinary people need for any intake of energy and transfer that energy somewhere... From the bullshit, but nothing else comes to mind... Why torment people sick and the poor in fact? Nothing to achieve, not to earn money,they have heaps of relatives ,i.e. the theme with the squeezing of apartments they ,too complex, 99% virtually impossible.
But like a lot of times, small psi small terror(racket), the former...(and their former specialists not happen) , they having experience and not having before. place of work, so have fun with the benefit of the case. there are bigger , they are different schools clarify I will not. there are large ...even said that to test a new psi-weapons. last year in September there was a small article in the newspaper "Metro" .Maybe where it was still such a statement. Not a joke at all.

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