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Different psychological... opportunities. And impossibilities.

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 20:21
by У-Луна
Looking at "storm", which periodically rocked the local (and only local) co-society, I sometimes remember the lyrics like this (maybe someone else will come in handy):

"...Psychologists, and representatives of other professions, especially working with peoplehave their professional skills, also called professional deformation. Of course, different people have these features expressed in different degree, there is a direct correlation with experiencebut in one way or another since they are students.

- Psychologist always refers to the subjectivity of any opinionwith the exception of cases, confirmed by statistics and conclusions from them, the next logical neprimenuli. One of the main rules practical psychologist - not to transfer to the interlocutor your problems, so any opinion about the other person served with the indispensable introductory momentum "I think" "I think", "in my opinion", etc.

-- Psychologist with neprimenuli has a more developed reflection, than representatives of other professions. Therefore, rarely confuses its attitude and its goalwhy sometimes may look cynical rational.

- Psychologist very familiar with how often people are wrong. Hence the psychologist more critical to feeling own innocencebelieving that it is just a feeling, and greater respect for the possible truth of the interlocutor.

-- One of the tools of the psychologist - working with perceptual positions. Therefore, the psychologist will rarely tell another what you would not like to hear it. For the same reason, not going to say that you can deploy in the opposite direction. For the same reason in conversation evaluates not only his position, but also how it is perceived by others. If a person does not, he is not a psychologist.

-- Psychologist avoids use of nominalization and tries to be accurate to a logical ligaments - he knows that it leads to errors.

- Psychologist - very tolerant creature. Imagine, comes to you and says that at night he goes out into the streets and killing old women with an axe because of 20 cents. You banish him with the words: "How dare you come to me, a scoundrel and a villain!"? Or work with him? If you work hard, you will treat him with hatred and contempt? Needless to say that if the customer is not to make friends, some good will come of little.

- Psychologist knows that the conflict is an extreme the means of solving issues fairly ineffective. Therefore provokes him only when clearly needed. For this reason, the psychologist never accused of evil intentions, even if such came to his head.

- The psychologist is well aware that nowith the exception of heavy pathologies, not evil desires. Just a different idea of good. Therefore, psychologists normally anybody respond negatively..."

PS Psychologists and psychiatrists - not the same thing.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 16:03
by У-Луна
Here's another point of view that, maybe someone will find it useful. :)

"...Sexuality is a basic level at which a person is faced with the problem of polarity. It is here that we fully feel imperfect. In sex we are looking for something that is not in us. People physically connected with the opposite pole of feeling in this Union a new state of consciousness, which is called an orgasm.

Orgasm - physiological synonym of happiness. But it has one drawback: it can't last long. This lack of people trying to compensate for the expense of repetition frequency.
Matter how brief a moment of happiness, he gives man to understand that his consciousness, there are such forms, which are far superior to the "normal" state. The feeling of happiness does not give man a chance to solidify at rest, and so he begins to look for.

Sexuality reveals first part of the mystery: when two polarities are joined, becoming one, a feeling of complete happiness. Happiness is unity.
But we are missing the second half of the mystery: how to ensure that this happy feeling would never end? In fact, the answer is simple: while the unity is only on a physical level (sex), accompanying a state of bliss (orgasm) is time-limited, because the physical level is subordinate to the laws of time. To get rid of time and achieve eternal happiness is possible, by combining opposites on the level of consciousness.

Realizing this, you are entering a special, perhaps a bumpy ride. In the East it's called... different. :) In Sanskrit some of the name of this road means "yoke", "yoke", "rocker" (Ms. Latin jugum - the yoke). The yoke (yoke) combines two items in one: two bulls, two buckets etc. the Middle way is the art to combine into a single dual.

Since sex provides the bulk of the sample in this way, being available each, that he at all times used to image this way by the principle of analogy. Still stunned tourists, his mouth open, consider Eastern temples decorated with pornographic, from their point of view, images. But in fact sexual intercourse of two divine figures is used to represent the great mystery of the Union of opposites.

From this point of view it becomes clear why Freud almost all human problems are reduced to sexuality. Such a move was entirely justified, but it has one mistake. Freud and his followers did not do the last step from the level of concrete manifestation to behind it, in principle.

Sexuality only one of the possible manifestations of polarity. If Freud spoke more abstractly, he might have agreed even by his critics: all human problems can be reduced to the attempt of the Association (interaction) of opposites. (Later, this step did Jung.) But Freud is absolutely right in the sense that most people are faced with the problem of opposite poles first of all at the level of sexuality, which is why it is for mankind main source of conflicts man. People may come to despair before he will be able to find a point of unity..."


Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 16:43
by У-Луна
And here got a great description of what begins to happen when trying one of the poles to establish itself as the only and legal-dominant (of course, the absolute domination of the other pole will have no less intricate consequences, but until we can look at what really is the place to be right now):

"...But now I want to focus not even on that, as BMM (Bolsha Mmale Mif) disadvantageous to women. Other people's problems rarely touch the heart of someone from them receives direct benefit. Let's see how BMM is disadvantageous to men...

...portion of the unpleasant truth: Large Men's Myth never was intended for all men generally. Yes, in those caseswhen the demos had triumphed over the aristocracy, and established their system of democracy – he learned BMM itself and spread to all men, because if a full man is only a warrior, demos will be hard to puff and pull themselves bursting at the seams of the military ethos.

But where the demos NOT prevailed over aristocracy and military caste – Large Men's Myth was the exclusive privilege of this caste, because only its representatives, and considered himself a people in the full sense of the word. Khan WA Sakura. Hito WA bushi. And demos full bast slurped the attitude that now found mainly in the discourse of men who are sexist towards gensym. Until the exact match of characteristics: man-de by nature cowardly, lazy, stupid, and foolish, and to the military (i.e. the only standing) the business is unable, and therefore insidious and has the sly, greedy, blah-saw gusts doesn't understand and longings not shared. Noble dons excelled on this subject in his own way, and demos groaned, he propertyval Yes, poured out her frustration on wives...

...The doctrine that every male by nature warlike and agressive is a doctrine either primitive or developed democracies, caste-based societies of the middle ages, ancient empires and despotisms fuck didn't need militant and aggressive males-the commoners in quantities and such exercise is not encouraged...

...the greater emancipation sought for himself a man "third estate", the more he was screwing the nut for women, the first of its strata. The guilds and communes fighting for the independence of cities from feudal and Episcopal authorities and have nothing against that widow inherited the place of her husband in the shop. Independence achieved, the commune has achieved self – government of women push out of the shops. Go to storm the Bastille, the women in the forefront. Triumph of Republic – wipe "Declaration of the rights of woman and citizen" and head him off. The Cossacks are fighting with the highlanders, and the Cossack is not steamed if he changes his wife. The mountaineers silenced, the Cossacks turned into a privileged stratum of the peasantry – and it begins, "Stepan raised his wife to fist." Spartan gleaming bare thighs and dispose of the house, was wrapped from head to toe and dare not utter a word...

So, now I grochola is a consequence of the vulgarization of military myth and turning it into obsearch. Military myth for the existence of the desired "man", ilot, a constant source of threat and the object of "legitimate" aggression. But "the man" rises and achieves equality with the warrior, then immediately among other trophies assigns military myth. The reason he assigns military myth? Because the fish is looking where it is deeper, and people better; he's looking for himself to be better. And if the man, for centuries, taught that a warrior better than him, and he saw that the warrior lives better – so of course he's looking for the best get into on a military myth – like African potentates put on the uniform and drags epaulettes and braids. A military myth requires "villana", "helot". Well, when there is near black or is there still some aliens. But, as a rule, is not enough – the role of a helot is a woman...

...But now let's talk about why is still Big Male Myth disadvantageous to men and what, in fact, a dreadful sell it. Or you two idiots, imagine that it is designed to make you happy? No, it is not for this. And its source – a Large Military Myth – is not for this...

...all this in order to have a virtually unlimited number of cannon fodder. New kings, politicians, the flatter the meat, three times more than kings flattered retainers and nobles. Meat believe. Most myakotka: it believesthat defends his country and his home, while in fact, almost no one is in such close proximity to his home, to be able the attack of the enemy to protect his loved ones. And even if the enemy will attack directly through your town – you still will not give even a second to late to save your home. Ordered to retreat – you retreat...

...And finally the third. The most unpleasant surprise. The world has changed. The rulers no longer need a massive army. They need professionals. But it is in normal countries. Post scoop rulers need though not very professional, but unscrupulous and brazen squad. Big Male Myth will obsolete your back requires military caste. And who is this caste, guess with three times?..

...What can you offer in return? I propose to seek the experience of the East, namely to China.

In China, the human ideal was not a warrior, and scientist. That would not hurt the Chinese a lot of and successful fight, to create a brilliant theory of military Affairs, is not outdated to this day, and to spread its cultural and political influence on all there the ecumene...

Why the Chinese had such a brilliant military theory and so many good generals that showed masterly possession of it? Ironically – because the war for centuries was regarded in China as a social evil. Inevitable, necessary, but still evil. And the evil has to end as quickly as possible – so a good leader is first and foremost one who can prevent a war and to settle all purely diplomatic measures. Textbook Chinese General – is a man with excellent brains, nerves of steel, deep knowledge of history and geography, the ability to understand people and pumped intuition. The ability to swing his sword optional.

Of course, of ordinary, Junior and middle officers cultivated aggression and commitment – but notlocke from other military cultures, in China the army itself was seen as a sump for socially insecure people, any bully, the trouble maker and sociopaths. "Of good iron is not forged nails, good men don't join the army", a Chinese proverb. The meaning of military culture – not to extol the warrior above all others, and to take the dregs of society and to pay their balmullo and disorderly conduct for the benefit of people...

...The basis of state-building relied the principle of "Wen" culture. All of the principals of "y" - the war, the army was seen as auxiliary, subordinate. Chinese official with all the fierce Patriarchates Chinese Ls. the device was stunned to learn that a man should be aggressive, because it is de, then the nature of it is. For him, the aggression would be just the inability to keep yourself – and the nature of the fact and the nature, to subdue it, and to disobey her. Chinese understanding of masculinity was based primarily on self-control, the ability to retain sober mind and presence of mind in the face of death.

Now, it is time for us to cultivate the human put the basis of the principle of "Wen", and the standard of courage to accept the ability to maintain sober minds in the face of danger. The principle of "have" brought us already to handle. Brains need to dominate. Brains..."

Something like that. Possible. And, perhaps, something else... time will tell... :)<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 15:01
by У-Луна
That's another beautiful story... about people, of course :)

"...He was a fantastic guy. Himself dragged by the hair out of a swamp, which many in his age and present something I can not imagine...

- Katherine, how can they all Your lucky...
- No, Aliya, right here Maria, is he himself, and have him... the World responds to stress - here's the thing..."

And in my opinion, I wonder exactly when himself :)
Quite rare, at all times, event when the man himself from himself and counts...

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 15:32
by У-Луна
I know the world he's old and he's full of shit
I know birds flying decoy,
I know how rings ECUs in my pocket
As rings and honed the blade.
I know how to sing on the scaffold,
I know how to kiss without loving,
I know people who are "for" and those "against"
I know everything, but not themselves.

I know whores — they are proud, like the ladies,
I know the ladies — they are cheaper than whores
I know what silent years
I know that I say it out loud,
I know how grain pecking peacocks,
And as the corpses of crows teasing,
I know life it will not be long,
I know everything, but not themselves.

I know the world — it is easy for us to judge,
After all, it isn't perfect yet,
I know how silent before the law,
And you know how sometimes the law is silent.
I know how to catch the tail of luck
All pushed aside and everyone to be rude,
I know only so and not otherwise...
I know everything, but not themselves.

:) It was Oleg Ladinische, in the novel OLDI "I'll take it", in imitation of françois Villon...

I know who's looking dapper,
I know who paddles and who is not in the spirit,
I know darkness and light,
I know the monk cross PA belly
I know how to ring mess,
I know they are lying, pipe in pipe,
I know a matchmaker who midwives,
I know everything, but not themselves.

I know the annals of distant years,
I know how many crumbs in a dry loaf,
I know that the Prince for lunch,
I know — rich in warmth and Suha,
I know that they are deaf
I know they have no business to you,
I know all slap, all the flopping,
I know everything, but not themselves.

I know who is working, who is not
I know how rumanetsa old woman,
I know a lot will,
I know how laugh whore
I know, will hold you protochi,
I know you will fail with such loving,
I know perish with hunger,
I know everything, but not themselves.

I know how to honey sit flies
I know the Death that roams ruining everything,
I know the book, truth and rumors
I know everything, but not themselves.


Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 14:15
by У-Луна
Kinda like this... the parable. :)

...When king David felt that he was going to die soon, he summoned his son, the future king Solomon.

- You have visited many countries and saw a lot of people, ' said David. – What do you think about the world?
- Everywhere where I was, ' replied Solomon, I've seen a lot of injustice, stupidity and evil. I don't know why that's the way our world is, but I really want to change it.
Okay. And you know how to do this?
- No, father.
- Then listen.
King David told the future king Solomon a story.

Long ago, when the world was young, earth was inhabited by single people. Rules that the people and the King, whose name time has not reached us. He had four children their names have sunk into Oblivion too. When it was his time to die, he called his four heirs, and commanded them to bear to people Justice, Wisdom, Goodness and Happiness.

Injustice he said, arises from the fact that man belongs to the world verypassionately. To be fair, people should get rid of the feeling of power and behave as if the world is independent from him. "the World exists, and I don't exist"only this principle can be based on the fair man.

Folly he continued, occurs because people will judge a huge and diverse world only from the position of your knowledge. As it is impossible to scoop the sea, and it is impossible to fully explore the world. by Expanding your knowledge, the person only goes from the most silly to least. Therefore, the wise man who seeks the truth not in the world, and in himself. "I exist and the world does not exist"- that principle is guided by the sage.

Evil the King said, occurs when a person opposes the world. When for the sake of their goals he intervenes in the natural course of events and trying to get all will. The more one seeks to dominate the world, the more the world resists him, for evil begets evil. "the World exists and I exist. I dissolve in the world"- that's the basis for those, who is Good in the world.

Lastly – Misfortune experiencing the person who lacks something. And the more he did not have enough, the more he is unhappy. As well as man is always something lacking, something to slake your desires, it only goes from more misery to less. Happy is the man inside which the whole world - he can't anything be missed. "the World exists and I exist. The whole world dissolved in me"this is the formula to Happiness.

So the king gave the formula of Justice, Wisdom, Goodness, and Happiness to his sons, and died soon after. The heirs of the same, noting that these formulas are contradicting each other, decided to do the following. They divided all the people into four equal parts and each began to manage his people. The king carried the people of Justice, the second Wisdom, the third Good and the fourth is Happiness. As a result, on Earth there are just people, Wise people, Good people and Happy people.

Time passed, and gradually the peoples mixed up.
Fair that the people know what justice is, but I do not know what is wisdom, good and happiness. Therefore, the righteous people carried in the world of folly, evil and misery. The wise men carried to the world of injustice, evil, and misfortune. Good people carried to the world the injustice, stupidity and misfortune. And Happy people were carrying to the world the injustice, stupidity and evil - so he finished his story, king David.

- And you, Solomon, the world seems so bad.
- I understand, - said Solomon. – It is necessary to teach all people all at once – and Justice, and Wisdom, and Goodness and Happiness. I will correct the mistake of the heirs of the King
"Okay," David said, but you do not consider that the world has changed. Injustice, evil, stupidity and misfortune of already mixed among the people. They have created fear. To overcome these defects, we must first deal with fear.
- Then explain to me how to overcome fear.

Fear is different, very different.
But his main form is that of joy people are afraid of death, and the sadness of immortality.

And the only one who knows the price of and joy, and sadness - only he's not afraid of neither death nor immortality.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 17:33
by У-Луна
Perhaps someone not too closely familiar with different psychological depths, useful and here is the text where in casual style contained something important:

"...Every age has its fashionable mental status the prestigious emotions, States of consciousness, thought patterns. Is fashion even in mental disorders and pathopsychological syndromes. Romance of the 19th century cultivated the fashion of the depression - spleen was considered most appropriate as for a real romance. Crazy romance is also honored, by the way. The beginning of The 20th century was an era of hysteria. In 1960-e years the fashion was altered States of consciousness and hallucinations. In the 1990s, I remember, too. In our times, by the way, you can see many different mental mod.

I want to write about today's fashion, which strongly influences the state of mind, I think. ( :) ) Is a fashion manic state - one of the types mood disorders. What is today the image of a successful and prosperous man? He's always in a good mood, he was not discouraged, he is no bother. He is constantly doing something - self-fulfilling every minute of their lives. He constantly generates creative ideas, but also interprets and comments on everything he sees.

Actually, all of the above is included in the manic triad. Ethree main symptoms of the manic syndrome (MS) is constantly elevated mood, acceleration of associative processes and motor activity, the constant pursuit activities. There are other symptoms besides the triad, they also coincide with the ideal of the modern man. The modern man always wants sex and always needs to be prepared - and MS is accompanied by increased sexual excitability. Modern man must always be the best reassessment of the self is also included in MS. :)

Of course, in its acute or extreme form of MS is little anyone can attract is a severe psychotic conditions caused serious mental and somatic disorders. I'm not a psychiatrist, so detailed write about MS will not - it's a fascinating Chapter in the national guidelines in psychiatry. But in light of the severity, in the form of gipomaniakalnogo is almost a standard of happiness for the modern man. Many people focus on this state as the norm, eager to reside in it. Any loss from this state is assessed as negative - something supposedly wrong with me.

The "norm" being promoted in the press, in glossy, first and foremost. Cultivated in youth subcultures, where it is fashionable to constantly be on the drive. The image of the modern businessman also appears in popular culture is manic - tireless, constantly in motion, swirling ideas, someone else to absorb or drain. Oddly enough, in the books pop psychology this condition is also touted as the norm. They are taught to always be effective around to see the positive, to think quickly - it's all about the manic triad. I'm not talking about advertising - it is possible to study mood disorders. In the promotional images directly link the advertised product with some kind of mental condition. And often this seems to be manic - note.

And, it would seem, what's the problem? We all sort of want to be happy and successful. Naturally, to achieve this happiness is more suited the image of a cheerful, active, clever man than sulking down here slacker. And here is the trick - our thinking is often polar (disorder in which there is often mania is called, by the way - bipolar). We think in extremes - if not active, the slacker. If not happy, then miserable. If not quick thinking, that's stupid. If not creative, mediocre. ( :) ) Then, as in addition to extremes there is always a third option is optimal. Or even many options - individual.

What is the best third option in relation to mania? It is, in fact, norm-thymic status - normalsimply. This is when a person has a calm, peaceful mood, but not when all the drum. the Person experiences emotions that correspond to situation. If the situation comes, he is happy, cheerful, joyous, even happy. If the situation is unfavourable, then he feels sorrow, fear, frustration, etc. I mean not only the external situation but the internal state. After all, sometimes inside of us all is not well in terms of tone, fatigue, doubt, uncertainty, weakness, stupor - this is a normal condition, because life continually requires us to inner development. And the development is often accompanied by crisis.

...Why it is dangerous to focus on the hypomanic state as a norm? Firstly, constantly elevated mood and increased activity is economically not always justified - often the life of "UN-means" of the psyche. The strength of the body and psyche are limited. Increased activity, if not stop in time, fraught with both physical and mental depletion. In a state of exhaustion certainly will not be to efficiency and creativity.

Second, if the require constantly good mood, you have to deny and suppress negative emotions. But in any activity we are faced with problematic situations, when is appropriate to feel anxiety, despair, sadness, frustration, etc. the Problem will be deniedand emotions will not live, and be suppressed. Also will be ignored such natural condition such as fatigue, lethargy, confusion - the brain just will not be time to process information, to complete the work and the rest...

...So, if you cultivate minimalnoe state as the norm, then we can come to internal conflict, to neurosis. Another thing is that sometimes the neurosis is not the result of excessive demands to your condition, and the reason. Fashion manic with special zeal people pick up that something in itself reject, prohibit yourself to be a different in particular, weak, sad, and just relaxed. And here we come to the third contraindication.

Thirdly that every man its the Constitution, your temperament, your character. So, each its internal rate of activity and mood. Someone's mental processes faster, someone slower, someone stable, someone unstable is a psycho-physiological entity of each of us. And in this reality another character and diverse personal features are superimposed. And if they do not have to constant energy, then have to force myself to abuse the resources of the body to meet the latter-day "normal". This is a question acceptance with their innate and acquired characteristics.

What is the conclusion? I think each of us has a choice. We can perceive the fashion mental state without criticism, as something self-evident. In this case, we will be forced to wear something we don't really fit. This can lead to internal conflict and mental exhaustion. You can perceive the fashion and norms of society critical. They can try on, and discard them if they don't fit. But fit or not, we I will say our feelings and emotions - including negative ones."


Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 15:09
by У-Луна
Very valuable the wording, in my opinion :)

"...about HOW to achieve their goals is full of all sorts of books and courses, but I would like now to focus not on HOW to achieve their goals, and that it is more practical to achieve THEIR goals.

Parents, friends, media, society, advertising, etc. are trying to impose their values and goals. Therefore, the offer to people to write down their goal - usually, most first, it turns out that something very stereotypical. Comfortable well-fed life, a variety of facilities, expensive car, big house somewhere in warm places abroad, before the $ 1 million he wrote, now often 100 million in the Bank. Men want in a wife, models or pop singers, women dream about men–oligarchs.

BUT... when a person is trying to achieve NOT what he really passionately wants and what he SHOULD want, that is problems arise as in the case of success and in case of failure (!!!).
If successful, the person most of my life spent on achieving the goals of someone else, feels deep disappointment. In case of failure – puts on themselves the mark of the loser and falls into apathy..."

An interesting look at the possibility of problems with any developments - as in the case baaalshoy kinds of luck, and at its absence... :)

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 16:21
by У-Луна
Another quote... difficult, of course, that is requiring personal labor...

" remember how it begins "the divine Comedy" Dante: "Terrestrial life having passed to half, I found myself in a dark forest..." so I was faced with a task to understand in himself. ... "gloomy forest" is a symbol of lost souls, not knowing themselves, their actual position in existence. And then there is a wonderful character that we often perceive only as a literary phrase. The motif, he hears Dante from Virgil, his counselor: "Here the fear should not give advice."

And I'll add one more sentence to decrypt together as characters. On the doors of Hell it is written: "abandon all hope ye who enter here."

Once again, we understand that the laws of ordinary language — what in hell have no hope, and it's scary because... "abandon all hope ye who enter here". And in fact, the word "fear should not submit Council" refers to a special kind of courage. This test is available only to those who are not connected hope. The words "abandon all hope ye who enter here" mean the abandonment of hope, and symbols two main psychological mechanisms that do NOT allow us to know themselves.

The first such mechanism is laziness. After all, what is the knowledge of yourself? That's what you should do now here. It eliminates the delay for tomorrow, or shifting on the shoulders of another — on the shoulders of the middle, on the shoulders of the nation, state, society. You have. A man is not inclined to do it. We denote this naklonost the word "lazy". There is one enemy which closes the entrance to the depths, into the well of souls.

the Well of souls closed laziness. Instead of delving into the vital impression, unique for youyou have postponed the next day or decided that it will be possible to read the bookthat knows about it someone else and tell you in a friendly conversation. This is laziness. A lazy — it is associated with fear.

Fear is the second psychological mechanism associated with the first, which closes us to the well of souls. But fear not in the ordinary sense of the word, as the fear of something specific (like, for example, be afraid of a mad dog, of a galloping horse, of a lion, the enemy, etc.), and fear to know — as it really is the case. That's what — especially if you need to leave with the most perfect, uplifting, dear to our heart ideas— people chronically avoid. Even the revolutionary Marx, who spurred themselves to the slogan of "Dante's here fear should not submit Council" (and played it in the Preface to Capital), but in reality was purely verbal wespall himself to them, and all his life and looked askance at the London police and the ideological guardians of the bourgeois order, saying: "fear Not, fear not," in itself, never looked out of fear to part with the lightest and my favorite dream.

In the psychological and the spiritual life there are many such structures, entities that are created only in order not to see that he was scared. Scary because, for example, to learn that a beloved is cheating on you. All life events are constructed in such a way as to avoid this, not to see that, Yes, she was cheating on me and to make the conclusion. In our psychological life, in this case love, there are dozens nastraevaemaya to each other such structures that allow us not to see.

And the third — hope. Not accidentally, Dante said: "abandon all hope ye who enter here". That is, anyone who came in here, you will see your hell, if you abandon the hope that allows us to see Hell. what is actually. We very often, chasing hope and don't know what it is the greatest enemy of man.

The house is falling apart, and we fix it — why? We hope it will be good. Instead of give up hope and to build another house. Or endlessly perpetrated by a family that has clearly collapsed, why? Because I hope tomorrow will be good. And that determination, that can give only a rejection of the hope we have. The determination to escape and start over. In another place, with another, or another. Hope is like the wisp of hay in front of the muzzle of a donkey that always comes with it the beam... I want to emphasize a very simple idea: there is hope that prevents us to see, prevents to understand, and prevent, if put to use as a way of travel, to start moving into the well of souls. Dante, if you remember, speaks of "the Cup."

But going down into the well, you need to have the ability and courage to see — to withstand the sight that opens in front of you. In our lives we see destroyed houses, because I hope that tomorrow it will repair. And here comes the bizarre structure, which consists of two adjacent Windows, some beams, and all this lasts for about a fragile thread of hope. By the way, in Christianity, one of the literate religions, , the only permissible hope is always closed to God, and not on the person or something they created..."


Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 19:53
by У-Луна
And have OLDI on this, partly sad, topic (topic not the loss itself - and the theme is completely voluntary refusal of... me, unloved, for obvious or non-obvious social bonuses) a curious affair. "A mage in law" is called. :)

A rare occasion when a literary work written in a way that masterfully know how to use Strugatsky of the heyday and beyond. Namely, when very trivial (and probably not too flattering for progressive, creative, or enlightened one** of mankind) the idea is to competently and consciously packaged in several much more "mass-cultural" layers of meaning - so, to get to the real essence of the writing in the absence of the habit of looking somewhat deeper surface failed. At the same time... the masters manage and superficial layers to make very attractive reading, so that everybody gets... according to his faith... :)

In modern literary swampy wilds this technique is well know Diachenky well, and a couple of those who have, as a maximum, there is a personal talent, but at least there is quite a serious psychological education. Have OLDI in this regard, "a Mage in law" - the first thing that got to me, others are easier. But... I may not be FSE interesting OLDI have read. :)

** The progressiveness, creativity and enlightenment we can understand any form of personal (and untouched!) "advanced" - at least in the radiant valleys of the spirit, at least in the direction of deep-exclusive potreblenia, at least in the direction of "modern" type of "art" (for example, during the Strugatsky progressives usually sat in the party Committee of publishers, now have fun a little differently). I mean, this refers to any personally-achieved (overwork) yawning heights, an attempt on the significance of which is deeply hurt of their owners... :)

Here's and oldie... encroached, of course, but so much wrapped around that... go figure... :)<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 18:06
by У-Луна
Part 1. :)
У-Луна wrote:...Fear is the second psychological mechanism associated with the first, which closes us to the well of souls. But fear not in the ordinary sense of the word, as the fear of something specific (like, for example, be afraid of a mad dog, of a galloping horse, of a lion, the enemy, etc.), and fear to know — as it really is the case. That's what — especially if you need to leave with the most perfect, uplifting, dear to our heart ideas— the people are chronically avoids...
And maybe this topic should add one more... important.

This is the time that the man frequently and on your own can be difficult to overcome our own habitual mental laziness and their own painful fear, to begin to seriously deal with their own life... however, in the modern world quite often he, a man, in this process of distancing from himself and still actively provide a variety of "good-desired". Infliction of the type of "good" people far and its seems to be the most fashionable, the most prestigious and very profitable kind of psychological activities at the present time. :)

Here is an example of one of the most popular ways to fuck a lot of bonuses with the surrounding world in General - and with other people, in particular.

All probably watched "an Ordinary miracle"... and I remember charming the king with obvious personal problems, but it is quite aware of who he is and how fun :) :


FSE would be prelestno (because what else is committed to the one who is like the king in fact?), if not for a beloved child, a gentle Princess, you want to make entirely separate from the ordinary, such a special-magical, sublimely airy life... but the only problem is that kings can do everything, except that there may not one, not one king... And that's just with this reality, the king is clearly not cope - neither power, nor money, nor travel not able to solve his problem... is not this separate life for princes and princesses... and the ivory towers do not exist...

And what makes all recognized the king, in this particular case, wishing to escape from reality? He... he willingly turns from the king to the king, giving everything and everyone, including the Princess at the mercy of a very remarkable personality, which is as always brilliantly played Andrei Mironov. Oh, the Minister-administrator... :) which makes bad things, but court and I don't want to do for themselves... and how not to use it? :)


Attempts to "play" in the independence and determination seem (at best) something like this:


Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 19:24
by У-Луна
Part 2.

And what do all this so interesting? And that's just the Minister-administrator and interesting. Because the king and his courtiers despite the fact that they are lazy, stupid, cruel, greedy, shameless in relation to all the below-standing people - still feel, at least compared to someone of normal human feelings.

But the Minister of administrator? But he - no, he in fact has no human feelings to anyone - except himself. And exactly this feature makes this "Minister administrator" and similar very interesting study. It should be aware that to SIMULATE any required during - the feelings of or socially accepted social rituals - such people can just fine... but only when it is necessary and beneficial to them.

Well, in fact...

Lat. perversiō — "turning, the reversal of rotation" — a distortion, a departure from the norm, the production of "turned on its head." For example, say, "moral perversion", "perversion of the words of others".

" the future I will use the term "perversely narcissist", coined by Dr. Yrigoyen.
So, the situation: we have entered into a relationship with a narcissist perversum (1). I have to say: communion with him is a journey in one end with an unlikely opportunity to return. We are dealing with morally perversum by the individual. His perversely - NOT the result of mental illness or neurotic reactions, it is permanent, is the result of cold rationality, coupled with the failure to consider other human beings. For pervertigo of a narcissist the world around them is filled with OBJECTS (one inanimate, the other animate), which have the status of objects, and the status of the subject belongs exclusively to him.

The concept of perversely includes the strategy of usingfollowed the strategy of destruction of the other, without the presence of even a hint of guilt. What is the difference pervertigo from any other power-hungry tyrant? That perversely narcissist is actively talentless mediocrity that will never be resolved in an open and direct struggle for power or the open and direct abuse of power. He will never dare to open conflict, on the use of force, it comes to power, and then destroys the person who is in psychological dependence on it, exclusively with the help of psychological manipulation....

...When perverzne interact with other people, NOT happening inter-action: perverzne the narcissists block any action against them, thus creating a situation in which they are only the subjects of action - just take the victim what they need, in the quantities that they need. Them the only possible mode of existence is destructive through the psychological control. Hallmark perverzne is not only a lack of empathy, but the lack of emotional life itself. Their feelings appear and disappear on the surface of their lunacy as a fleeting spark. In particular, they are unable to experience the true feelings of sadness, grief and depressive reactions in General - it is a basic characteristic of their personality. Perversely narcissist is the eternal malingerer, it simulates its own existence, and doing it by assigning existential characteristics and vitality of others.
Hence the frequent comparison pervertigo with a vampire - when someone has no life, he needs to usurp the life of another, and if this is not possible - at any cost to destroy it...

...In the simulation of life and "feelings" is the "force" perverzne from the position which they "talk" with others. In fact, they are insensitive. They have no affects. They do not suffer**. Other people for them - just a smooth reflecting surface, which should be able to return them to their reflection the way perverzne want to see him: nothing more, nothing less. They are never present in a particular situation, so they have no history, and they have no neurosis, no emotional traumas (which, as we shall see later, they do with great pleasure)..."

** With this statement, of course, it is difficult to accept fully all suffer, BUT... as usual, "but" the suffering of suffering, the strife... the afflictions of those whom this writer calls "perversely" (perverted), are specific - they are probably akin to the suffering of the professional killer, who also can reap brand-new boots or it may, for example, interfere with went time the rain - like wet, dirty and all this because of some freak, which is long overdue to die and he still makes a decent man to get wet in the rain... Now, that is probably a substitution - in the other person it is possible not to see alive and equal being, and to see only the useful or interfering object. Type and chair may be useful or may hinder, but who cares what has a chair?<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 19:58
by У-Луна
Part 3.

What, however, is a "simplification" of the image pervertigo of a narcissist in "Ordinary miracle"? That in the movie, the Minister, the administrator is not especially hides his relation to the object of use, but... the ability to create for them, for objects, special psychological pseudo-reality in which they are hiding from the neuyuta own life, it shows quite clearly. Wren doesn't want to know what's going on? So in fact nothing happens - the Princess recovers, if it didn't, then it's the doctor's fault...

However, life Ministers, administrators behave that way.

"...Features pervertigo, which he carefully hide from others:

- Megalo-mania (in extreme cases, delirium (own) greatness). Perverzne represent yourself a referent that, that is good, bad, right, worthy, beautiful, etc They are judged. Moralize. Stances distant from the futile bustle the Supreme being. They are silent so that others felt dumb reproach his imperfections. Rebuke (especially their victims!). they Have completely no interest in others. The requirement that others were interested in them. The demand that others recognize myself debtors if only for the fact that allowed to the contemplation of the grandeur of pervertigo. Criticize everything. do Not allow criticism or condemnation in your address. Preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited possibilities (the power!!!) and unlimited success.

- Vampiric envy. Envy pervertigo clearly pathological. They are jealous of everything that can "belong" to another, regardless of what they have. Attractive appearance, talents, professional success of the other, his laugh or the shape of the nose, his children, car, dog - absolutely everything can become the envy of pervertigo, which automatically triggers an aggressive reaction. The basis of the situation - envy for another as the carrier of the life. The only passion that perverzne do not control and do not simulate - is a thirst of the assignment and the achievement of power through the appropriation of. To establish themselves they need to destroy the suffering of others really gives them pleasure and "satisfaction": now these upstarts got what he deserved! now who's on top, eh?... The desire to appropriate, so is the desire to destroy (if he really stole all that he is jealous, he just wouldn't know what to do with all this), this motor pervertigo, making it tireless.

- Negativity. Perversly is regenerated at the expense of absorption positive energy of others. In return he pours upon them his own negative. Surrounding pervertigo provide energy, but its never enough. satisfaction ("don't stop") perverzne occupy the position of victim, placing the responsibility on others zand their own dissatisfaction.

- Absence and abdication of responsibility. Perverzne perceive the world (and imposing this perception of their victims) through the prism of their own projection: attribute to others your own challenges and failures and not feel any guilt. As they arrogate to themselves the role of sole in the world of the subject, that they deny reality itself. Negativity provides them with the opportunity to escape from any unpleasant feelings. Denial of reality is systemic and manifests itself in everything down to everyday trivial things... Behavior pervertigo really is the behavior of the leech that clings to the psyche of another person by psychological manipulation forcing him to believe that he himself feels the need to "love and cherish" pervertigo more own life..."

PS once again I draw attention to these features, the Ministers, and administrators-hiding - in words even from themselves. And, of course, they always deny the existence of something similar in their behavior. Always - under any pretext and by any logical and illogical techniques.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 20:13
by У-Луна
Part 4.

Well, until the pile... (the rest who are interested, you can read here).

"...However, it's safe to say who perversely narcissist will NEVER choose as victims: those are the people that are "easily" is not only able to expose its simulation maneuvers, but do not doubt the warning "all" about the true intentions pervertigo. Such people are either exactly the same perverzne the narcissists, or "true" in Tirana. In relation with these two is particularly evident in nature pervertigo how the character of the predator (professionals psychiatry used against perverzne the word predator).

His "brother" perversely the narcissist he will show teeth and try never to turn back, but will do anything to avoid being with him in one area - danger of exposing large. In relation to the "true" tyrant - of the personality with paranoid psychopathic structure (or the trend) perversely narcissist will be the veneer of loyalty and to try to "be close". In the cartoon analogy is the relationship tobacco and Shere Khan (5). The tyrant always says what he thinks and does exactly what it says, between thought and deed he is not worth anything, and so he transtube "without fear and reproach", using force at their discretion. Tyrant does not bother to adapt. Perversely narcissist (like active-worthless mediocrity) does exactly the opposite. He never does what he says and denies in words what he is doing. He "vergaderingen" to public demands, as if he put a goal for ourselves to be a paradigm of social normality. Once again - unless You perversely and not a tyrant, You have a chance of becoming a victim: for this You simply have to be.

Have pervertigo of a narcissist, no doubt, have their own preferences for those traits of their victims, exploiting which it extracts maximum benefit:
- trust (trusting)
- sense of responsibility
- ability to adapt and take into account the needs of other
- vitality, life force, optimism
- confidence in their own abilities and/or habit to get for myself, relying on myself..."

PS the text of the link, is mainly concerned with personal human relationships. But, of course, welcome the creation of a "separate" psychological reality for a variety of human groups actively used in society - in media, in business, in politics. Physical and psychological effects of regular jumping from the clutches of one such "special" group to another, many people know not by hearsay.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 20:08
by У-Луна
Interesting twist to the storyline about two brothers happened in the past at the moment, the 7 series season 3 of haven. :) And it is also interesting that for the second time Christian Camargo goes with such a role - a role quite "dark" brother.

The first time such a "dark" brother he played in the first season of "Dexter," where he was the Ice truck Killer, blood relatives of the main character and owner of exactly the same gift and the same passion as the Main Character - needs and the passion to kill. And it was a curious aspect at the beginning of "Dexter" - comparison of the worldly prospects of the two brothers, one of whom owns his Gift and trained somehow with him, in Vain, to interact (Dexter), and the second brother (Rudy-Bryan) just a slave that settled inside him and quite frankly owns it.

The writers of haven, apparently, interested in the potential of such blood-blood-"sister" story, and in season 3 there were all the same Christian Camargo in the form of Wade Crocker - again brother, but this time brother a charming Duke Crocker. And this despite the fact that "talent"-the problematic family Crocker too closely resembles "talent" brothers Dexter and Brian - potentially lots and lots of blood... stop the "problem" forever... drug-keen pleasure in the process...

And again the same difference: one brother, who is a Duke, already understands, which can make it engaging implement his Gift=problem (a pleasure-it is quite real, sweet such as eyes in a pile :) ) and, not to be there, where hard (like sheep to the slaughter) leads his Gift - carefully himself watching over yourself and your "creative" impulses.

But the second brother, who Wade, suddenly and in accordance with other people's plans become the owner of its share bogatogo family brokerage "legacy" - he again can not cope neither with themselves nor with the fact that "inherited" from their ancestors-Crocker. And no human affection is not able to stop personal satisfaction from the process "to drink someone else's blood" is much stronger than any "love and friendship". Because loved ones and friends, too, welcome this flowing blood, and thus they trust and are so close, right at hand, but a knife slash... and here it is, blood fire enjoyment, flows directly through the veins... And, maybe, just it Padova, last new York, office-plankton sweet, carefree and safe life taught him to appreciate their personal enjoyment and are not taught to see that the demand in excess of personal pleasure is always, sooner or later, but the movement somewhere... where Makar calves did not drive... :)

Interesting psychological dynamics operate today talented Western writers... :) about what and that's because the abilities are the same, and even on-and-effect, and what different consequences... and that the traces that may be true ancestors left, but you go to these tracks, people are all the same in different directions.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 11:40
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:and that is because the abilities are the same, and even on-and-effect, and what different consequences... and that the traces that may be true ancestors left, but you go to these tracks, people are all the same in different directions.
Not in terms of why writers.
Why go in different directions?

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 15:32
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:Looking at "the tempest", which periodically rocked the local (and only local) co-society, I sometimes remember the lyrics like this (maybe someone else will come in handy):
All of these texts, in terms of developing itself, of no practical value. For reading.
For quoting, it is. Here they say how smart I was! And what I know and what I read. And how to properly comment!
Man is a unique creation.
For that, there is no universal "operating Instructions" and the universal "Allowances for repair".
The problem is that each of us is at different stages of development.
What each of us does now, due to many things, the roots of which are not clear and unknown. Hence the problem, no luck and so on.
What makes the analysis of his life from birth.
As an example.
People trying to improve their financial situation and is in network marketing. There is a purpose and there is a kind of tool.
Network marketing is a team business. You need to create a team of like-minded people. But that is not right, does not work. Starts, failures, problems and the man throws the case.
Back in his childhood school.
Ask the question: "What kind/types of sports engaged in?
1. Football, basketball, hockey, etc.
2. Wrestling, Boxing, barbell, etc.
With the first embodiment of success in network marketing is possible, the second not.
The first option - life skills of team work (network business team), the second option - the option alone without the acquisition of skills in the team.
The influence of childhood on us tremendously.
There is need to look for the roots of the problems.
Reading recipes is a waste of time.
As the passage of numerous trainings.
They need to pass selectively, in accordance with our internal inclinations and abilities to further development and strengthening of inherent in us. Instead of buying new ones, but contrary to the (possibly only because I wanted to) the trends of our development.
These trends are almost impossible not to break, no sharp turn.
And the sages who write prescriptions and their commentators, only to help the Forces Zapolskaya our brains and us Manager.<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 15:38
by У-Луна
В верх идущий wrote:Why go in different directions?
Because man, unlike most animals, have a choice. But it is precisely this fact - the existence of a choice implies personal responsibility for the choice and aware of the personal cost of this choice.

For example, a particular tiger has no choice - he is born a tiger, growing tiger, the tiger lives and dies, like a tiger. Only in sweet fantasy tiger may not only wish, but can turn into a butterfly or a squirrel, in real life, its only destiny - striped skin and raw meat for Breakfast, lunch and dinner (if hunting will be successful).

Tiger, tiger, burning bright,
You burn in the forest of the night.
What immortal hand or eye, loving,
Did frame thy fearful symmetry?

Therefore, neither choose nor be responsible for absent a choice he, tiger, is not necessary: he has on display, in store :)

Other business - people. He is able to eat everything, and live where and how you want and to choose what it eats and how and where exist. But every choice has a price. So that the human freedom to choose is the blessing of man, and the need to pay for personally made the choice - what most people think, alas, a curse. But not-bypass the cost - it is by definition what cannot be around or drive around... :)

However, the majority of the human population of this planet is not eager to realize their own choices, partly because it can be learned only long and hard personal work, but also because nobody wants to understand that personal choice and personal price. Therefore, usually the responsibility for your actions people prefer to pass on to someone else - such as "they made me do it", or "everybody wants to live well," or "I was carrying some kind of wave"...

On the example of two brothers in any of the above series you can see how it all happens.
One of the brothers (by himself or with someone's help) begins to understand himself and learns inter-act with themselves in their own interest, and the second... the second goes on about himself, shifting the responsibility on a "great mission", for example, or "these guys", or still someone.

Which is better? I don't know... everyone chooses :)
Someone is more interested in mastery as possible, and live your own life, someone interesting to be given to personal passions, too, a pleasant occupation for some time... :)


Well, then the train in the end - quite an adequate price for the loss of yourself...<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 15:48
by У-Луна
В верх идущий wrote:All of these texts, in terms of developing itself, of no practical value. For reading.
For quoting, it is. Here they say how smart I was! And what I know and what I read. And how to properly comment!
Man is a unique creation.
Kikoooo You are observant, nothing-You can not hide... :)

The only thing that maybe a few will ease my conscience is in full agreement with Your phrase "man - a unique creation". And, as unique creatures, reading read - alike. :) For one reads nothing of the reading will have no practical value, and for another, perhaps, will be. :) And for some practical benefit will manifest itself not now, but later. This also happens.

So... forgive me that I read a lot of interesting, and able to comment intelligently. :) I'm sorry that the literacy hurts You, but I prefer to write correctly...

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 16:08
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:problems arise as in the case of success and in case of failure (!!!).
So I want to ask: "who you work For, mA'am?"

As in the first and in the second case (good luck/bad luck), one acquires not the problem, and experience.
Moreover, success is the result of long work.
Failure is another step leading to success. A method of correction of motion. Method drop not working methods to solve the situation. By the way, very useful to remove from the lexicon, the word - problems. To replace him on the situation.
But for any challenge, always hidden opportunities. Another thing is that hard to understand. Plus huge inertia and resistance of the Subconscious. And the more years, the stronger the inertia and resistance.

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 16:23
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:So... forgive me that I read a lot of interesting, and able to comment intelligently. :) I'm sorry that the literacy hurts You, but I prefer to write correctly...
Me Your literacy does not hurt. As the ability to direct "shadow of the fence".
Comment correctly - does not mean to think properly. While here, it is more logical word correctly. In addition, the ability to think independently, and to comment on someone else, are two different things.

У-Луна wrote:For one read nothing from the reading will have no practical values
And here is the point. Has no practical value. Not have - hence, has not. No value.
He has other values. He just doesn't know it.
У-Луна wrote:Because the man, unlike most animals, have a choice.
He does not have much of a choice. All predetermined. Even if he is making great strides in their own development, so the opportunity lies in him at his birth.
У-Луна wrote:Other business - people. He is able to eat everything, and live where and how you want and to choose what it eats and where and how there is
Bravo, Bravo!
In the film "9 Rota", is an episode. Character actor Smolyaninova, says on the subject of hunger and food garbage. I recommend to watch. Very useful for understanding human nature.

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 16:41
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:One of the brothers (by himself or with someone's help) begins to understand himself and learns inter-act with themselves in their own interest, and the second... the second goes on about himself, shifting the responsibility on a "great mission", for example, or "these guys", or still someone.
The key is not it. One behaves, the other in another, even though they are brothers.
The key is the question: "Why?"
Why this behaves so, and the other on the other?
What is the basis? Where the motive, and (again) why one such, the other another?
And minor (but very important) question: "SHOULD THEY be BLAMED FOR IT?"

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:43
by У-Луна
You were a little too kind, Mr. "going To the top", honoring my topic as its going up presence. :) To be honest, so much courtesy, about good education and the flow of boring platitudes to me is already too much. But I'm betting that to disappear from my threads just because You do not do this... I even think that You could help me win a bet - again appeared here with moralizing maxims and tendentious moralizing. :)

And if it did happen (though I bet your going to win), then, You may again begin, but here with this:
В верх идущий wrote:Me Your literacy does not hurt. Has no practical value... it is Not necessary - and so has not. No value.
My literacy does not touch You, written or quoted in this thread for You has no practical value - then what same makes You here to write? If You really like me trying to position to analyze Your own motives for Your presence here, for You probably not working? What features are Your unique stories that force You not to read it (which You the reader, I already knew), but to write it here? I was interested to read Your version of Your motivation. Suddenly You really are something truly banal me dazzle and delight? Some of self-seriously Your way of thinking, applied for example to itself?

Because while Your writings gives me out of memory is not a unique story one of my friend. This friend is not unique spoke a lot of different words to address another of our common friend, very beautiful and exciting woman. :) Very hot girl my friend was irritated. But supposedly annoyed for very significant reasons - because honestly admit to their own banal (for example) envy of my friends, of course, could not - and could not admit first of all to myself. :) But just to calm down and to leave alone funny beauty could not too - there are stories. Some kind of internal reason again and again forced my friend talking about the allegedly uninteresting for her woman. The woman was to her like nothing interesting, and talk about the type of uninteresting woman was repeated and repeated.

Here You are... Good (for You) is not here, to read (to You) this is not necessary, the value (for You) no.
But then WHAT are You doing here? Rebuke? Save mankind? Unmask? Suspect You envy of course, I did not dare... So please, tell yourself (and then I lose my bet, if You won't...)
В верх идущий wrote:, he does Not have much of a choice. All predetermined. Even if he is making great strides in their own development, so the opportunity lies in him at his birth.
Some have "it" choice, may be present, and You now have a choice... and that You are from "him" are different... :)
So: or You continue to appear here and to fulfill Your "great" mission (and I win my bet), or did You just leave me alone, me, a simple Russian woman, husband not battered, priests not to scare the enemy and not shoot... (and I cried when my wager...) :)

The choice is yours, "reaching the top", while I will not go up (what would I up there, remember?), and I will go the socks, tie, teaprince...<

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:55
by В верх идущий
У-Луна wrote:... But I put that to disappear from my threads just because You do not do this... I even think that You could help me win a bet - again appeared here with moralizing maxims and tendentious moralizing. :)


Uploaded with

Re: different psychological... opportunities. And it is impossible

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 18:34
by У-Луна
What a loud, loud silence... :)
But I liked the picture, so I'll make You a small (but, I hope, farewell!) gift.

Narcissus is a very interesting character as a genuine ancient myth and modern about-psychological about-knowledge. And you can let your gaze follow standard ways of looking at this image, and you can escape from the usual, but initially others ' "ideas" about it and try to use my brain for its intended purpose...

And if you just look at what You're "stuck", we can see the man who considers himself where this can be done in the water, for example. And what this process is bad in itself? You (and not just You...) look at yourself in the mirror when I'm shaving, giving himself to the modern standard male beardless image? And nothing? Not nervous at all?

So the myth is NOT talking about what to look at themselves is not necessary that this type of "bad". The myth says that choices for someone who looks at himself... and shows some non-obvious implications one of the options...

For example, one of the "brothers" will look at his reflection, aware, for example, the degree of their attractiveness (or anything else about myself) and will go to live with that knowledge about yourself... using it in one way or another. Because even an outstanding beauty, reflected in the Creek is not the man himself, this is one of its possible features, in this case (Narcisse) - it is a particular Gift of beauty. And this is one of the "brothers" can realize to get him a Gift, but does not obey him, and considers it for its various purposes.

Another "brother" in any artistic venture (book, movie, etc.) - this is NOT a real human story, it's just a study of a variant of the use of any Gift. The myth of Narcissus including about it. That Gift is fully capable to capture and subdue a human being, and not just in this scenario, the human in man disappears - is only cotweet as an incarnate Image of beauty, which the human is no longer necessary. And people - bye-bye - and I don't. Were only a flower, to the delight of lovers of the beautiful.

The choice was made a choice, the road of the "brothers" sold... one was a man, endowed with beauty, the second turned into a beauty, ceasing to exist as a people.

PS will You be Able to apply the symbols of the story to Your own story is Your own business. All the best.<