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Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 20:52
by Практик
Bought lately, like this pendant(which was my experience)!
So that writing to the sellers:
Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

In the composition of the quantum pendants contains over 70 natural
minerals which at the molecular level, fused and structurally bonded.
The pendant as a magnifying glass, which enhances scalar energy
reinforcing, therefore, the human biofield. Scalar energy is
stationary energy, which surrounds us from all sides and constantly.
Also known as orgone, prana, Chi(Ki), Huna, the energy of zero point.

Factors use of the quantum pendant:

* Enhances immune and endocrine systems * Protects the DNA from damage * reduces inflammation
* Promotes nutrient absorption * Improves blood circulation * Slows the aging
* Restores the vital energy of water * Kills bacteria and viruses * Improves concentration
* Helps to fight cancer cells * Improves the structure of water * Reduces stress
* Increases energy levels * Improves the ability to attention * Regulates sleep

Well, generally, and overall standard slogans :?

Also the sellers promise that with this pendant strength and agility will grow by 25%(that's what I decided to test buying it)
So experience: Bought a pendant carried by 3 days then went to the gym, my working weight of 80kg, respectively, with the pendant he'd had to take up to 100kg?
In the hall I took weight 90kg and I realized that it is easier nifiga I did not :)
Ie force is not given to me

Actually if someone knows something on the topic I will be glad to read!
In Russia, such a pendant sold at 6000r, my cost for the 800R with delivery from the USA

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 23:59
Also the sellers promise that with this pendant strength and agility will grow by 25%
It's just like 'the King of ICQ'...
Looking at descriptions, just a thought - a Scam of some kind :)
* Increases energy levels * Improves the ability to attention * Regulates sleep
It is noticeable?

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 0:31
by Практик
Looking at descriptions, just a thought - a Scam of some kind
There is such a thing and you happen to BJ and the parlor is not in use?
is It obvious?
Problems in these areas do not have so objectivum me to be tough.
In the early days chuvstvovalos what is the impact then passed :?

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 0:36
by Вадим Перелыгин
Практик wrote:In Russia, such a pendant sold at 6000r, my cost for the 800R
Thank you tried it and warned others that "I easier I did not..." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:03
by Артур888
Threw me as it is a site with this generator of scalar energy, but I didn't trust it. Too much, forum, no, reviews to find.Plus some obscure action, like those who work in MLM there are 2 pendant for the price of one. Description of principles of work. I'd rather be 6000 R. Bought SS plus something else, or BJ a panacea :)

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:15
by Практик
the Description of the principles of no work
Well, it seems like it is a natural material with unique properties))
I'd rather be 6000 R. Bought SS plus something else, or BJ a panacea
It's sad... but that's because it describes princes work?
Vadym Perelygin
Thanks, just tried that and warned others that "I easier I did not..."
Please))) Well, I will make you see and be...

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:44
by Хаст
Практик wrote:Bought a pendant carried by 3 days then went to the gym.
Well 3 days even chemical. steroids will not work unless some sort of doping.. And of course the name "quantum scalar" as it does not inspire confidence. And you can link to read about the pendant?

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:30
by Практик
Well, in 3 days even chemical. steroids will not work
Action feel(from the lack of steroids) out of it :wink:
And you can link to read about the pendant?
Screw is to give? on Google(better amerikoskie sites) PTS PTS is popular product now(as a holographic bracelet)

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 14:37
Практик wrote:There is such a thing and you happen to BJ and the parlor is not in use?
Enjoy BJ... Very Pleased. Also 'connected' to U2. Results feel. In my classes, Amateur sports, :) very helpful.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 15:20
by Хаст
While googling pendant Practicefound here: Medvedev is a Japanese nanocolor is a Phiten .
Necklace (neck strap) on the outside covered with Aquatitan (special patented material to relieve stresses and pain) produced "Fitna", and the inner part consists of microtitan balls. Material of bracelet is suitable for daily wearing.

There are three types of type of fasteners: clip, button, or Velcro. You can interconnect two or more bracelet with one kind of fastener, and thus to wear around the hip, make the drawstring for keys or mobile phone, or to weave a bracelet for the wrist.

We have a variety of colors, some obviously female, like pink, and some for everybody. In addition, pay attention to the size of the necklace. 65 centimeters is usually considered to be men's necklace, men's necklaces is usually quite long. Choose the size correctly.

Necklace is a Phiten recommended by the Department of sports medicine of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (MGAFK).

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 16:24
by Практик
I Use BJ... Very Pleased. Also 'connected' to U2. Results feel. In my classes, Amateur sports, and helps a lot.
Well, you see, to each his own I think BJ is one of those "King ICQ" :?
But about the sport I wonder what do you do?
Japanese nanocolor is a Phiten
I have a friend like this, PTS praises(by the way it looks quite bad which is good)

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 0:09
Практик wrote:But about the sport I wonder what do you do?
Running,horizontal Bar,Wrestling... if the energy was over, and the body else could do, now all on the contrary :)

And about the BJ nothing work and this is important.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:24
by Практик
Running,horizontal Bar,Wrestling
A lethal combination :ay
And about the BJ nothing work and this is important.
Well, the main thing you well :wink:
Me 1.0 was not impressed either as at the time :? And then I kinda got excommunicated "great" technology of the BZ so that it is visible not destiny :)

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 19:29
by Леонардо-да-Винчи
there are also neplohoi pendant is called Vistalizator
I polzovalsa a good thing and a lot of properties. I liked the fact that chakra opens. But damn lost. stuff expensive 600 UAH. if komuto popadics take only in the club. Apologise if pochitali for advertising. just if komuto popadics. if you do not believe the easiest way to check for bruises a bruise of zasasyvaet within 3-7 days with this crap 1 - 8 h I friend showed was a bruise on the leg Presanella he vitashell ® size length 3 cm radius somewhere 3-4 mm.
well, that shows a bruise on the palm of the hand and the heart white from Vistalizator. The principle works like this:water is frozen and when it starts to melt they have it flushing in the source of natural radiation(they vrodeby nature of the Alps) sagraut in a flask there think spiral is the type of a does not give the water to purchase another old but only emit and amplify already saragano) although the old steel with the aid of cold then Brasil in a jar with alcohol and then this beautiful pendant in vierspurigen water were given to friends for esperimento not said said just water they are after 15 minutes after drinking half a liter of water on the snout approximately all carried)

there escho crap called neitronic little of information that's just video I hope I understand correctly it's not as well as experience with the devices energotehnologii. Well, my opinion. For even earlier thanks and sorry. if you delete understand. I just watched what is being discussed all sorts of such technology has therefore decided podelitsa experiences may komuto and pridetsa of peresekutsya

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:49
by Ростислав
what successes in wearing the device entogo?

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 14:07
by сэмен
Hello everyone! You can and I'll tell you about the purchase of a pendant, the same exactly like the first image, snowflake. I found on "Ali-Express" same price chose about 600 rubles (there are over 80 and 800) in General, I think the normal price (not deceived). Ordered, an hour later I sent on E-mail video, there is a serial number on the other side (turn over and check expensive ion probe showed that the 6230 on it....). -Here's the video of your pendant, how to come check, fake or not(the seller). All this "the case went a month and a half post. The pendant came in a beautiful package, there is still a card-certificate sinenkaja....compared with the video? Hell knows-like the same room like ))). Think now what to do with it? Wrote to the seller (translated in English on Yandex translator). He says we need to wear, water to charge! Spit-spit it that I to it the soul does not lie...Take a radiation dosimeter "radeks" off the on the pendant was shocked shorter!!! 112 micro-roentgen/hour (at a rate of 12-14 in OCD. environment the maximum allowable is 50). Write the seller - you che there ohreneli in China, what you got in there! Came the answer, there are all normal.. in Short is to "flippers" are not glued I threw it into the "dumpster" the place where he was lying on the shelf left background 42 micro x-ray! Then in the Internet found here is what In short, the Chinese are there radioactive thorium-232 instead of substances with negative ions shoved, the effect on the ion tester is the same (he doesn't understand positive or negative radiation). Here such history at me))) a "rag" came out...

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 14:49
by Новенький
I think in such cases it is necessary to listen to your intuition, listening to the is still somewhere to be... signals distrust, which is a flood....A quality product sells itself)))

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 15:09
by сэмен
Новенький wrote:I think in such cases it is necessary to listen to your intuition, listening to the is still somewhere to be... signals distrust, which is a flood....A quality product sells itself)))
Yes perhaps you are right, if not for the intuition...."tested" would have this "Chernobyl" in the pocket))). Yes, I can imagine in a few weeks, what dose to be accumulated! I'm just about, apparently the Chinese have learned to cheat dear Japanese ion-tester (they have it on the website 114 to 120 thousand worth of "our" rubles and not everyone can afford such testing), and in place of the Japanese nano-technology just add radio-active substances in this product and the tester (they filmed this "test") quite "reliably" shows all. Be careful! Such a "freebie"pendants not JAPAN technology! And the Chinese (judging by the correspondence with the seller) "friends" become conditional....then.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 20:26
by Новенький
сэмен wrote:These "free"pendants not JAPAN technology!
..and why don't You invest on this site(Russian developers), here too there are a lot of products, pendants, etc.)))

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 20:47
by Ростислав
As missed customs clear all parcels must pass the radioactive control of the customs, weird :S

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:32
by сэмен
Ростислав wrote:As miss custom is not clear, should all parcels undergo radioactive control of the customs, weird :S

I too thought about this? Think of China there are tons of parcels (in different cities there is a "clearance"), I think the customs officers are simply unable every small package to open and check the dosimeter.(not opening the package is simply not realistic to measure the level on the subject, because double-triple wrap with cellophane and foil significantly reduces the indications on the appliance). And then all dosimeters have the "time dimension", that is, you need to wait a bit until the inside counter will count the radiation level is up to several tens of is also not unimportant factor. Now, if there is a whole lot of one product, then Yes....there is already clear.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:08
by Ростислав
Yes no there are large devices, they are all checked and if I continued to murmur, then looking for is already on the piece, and nifiga so much shit in Russia to napsylate. In General and from Japan sent it there was an accident.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 17:12
by димыч
bought once the Chinese have 3 of these pendant,scattered with a few years, not worn, has today given one to a relative, and then he wanted to remember what he went online and learned that customs detained 70 kg of these pendants because of the radiation element Thorium 232. I have a Geiger counter American - and have - showed high background
CPM rate in room 11, the pendant 55
mr/h the norm in the room 0,010 pendant 0,0040 - 4 times!
although considered to be natural background radiation from 4 to 15 Mr/HR. Valid background 16-60 Mr/HR.
that is kind of acceptable but not desirable, the radiation radius of 20-30 cm.
that is kind of fair enough - the generator of negative ions,but due to the radiation..
have advanced people the cocoon can even utilize this energy, relative said from a friend, and this was the energy of the pearl from him. Shovel waved tirelessly.
well, everyone decides my hands lightly kicking, I'm afraid is to give myself to wear.

Re: Quantum scalar pendant, Quantum Pendant

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 17:25
by димыч
here's infa
Basic sanitary rules for ensuring radiation safety (OSPORB-99) SP 2.6.1. 799-99
The relative degree of radiation safety of the population is characterized by the following values of the effective doses from natural sources of radiation:
less than 2 mSv/year (0,23 mSv/h (23 µr/h) – irradiation does not exceed average values of doses of the population from natural radiation sources;
from 2 to 5 mSv/year (from 0.23 mSv/h (23 µr/h) to 0.57 µsv/h (57 µr/h) – high exposure;
more than 5 mSv/year (0,57 mSv/h (57 µr/h) – high radiation.

that is, if you carry the pendant of the year - you can get increased exposure