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Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 14:23
by У-Луна
And that's also very funny looks from a human point of view...

From the point of view evropeyskih voracious parasites and blood-greedy mamantov, of course, looks different - abydno parasites that they are not going to feed... ... _m&updated

"...Informed the Secretary General of the Council of Europe thorbjørn psaki=Jagland stated that the deprivation of the Russian delegation of powers provoked a crisis within the organization.

According to the Secretary General (of sinceeeeeeeee???...), due to non-payment by Russia of the contributions to the CE had
- minimize the state of the organization
and to cut salaries.

Voracious psaki=Jagland stressed that further reductions could hurt the sweet activities of Advice of Gavray..."

Nevredimymi... evropeiskom of nevredimymi... yyyyyyyyyy... :cry:

So priyatstvenno was to sit in the armchairs and otteda to "explain" to Russia, as it is wrong for Russian money... and so oblomchik happened...

Why is the Advice of Gabrovacka so reminiscent of the corrupt whore who was adamant that she too is paid for from the strong lubvi and Lubov Etta have not disappear forever?...
She, corrupt, greedy and stupid Gavroche - always will to go above - and no, truly-sane behavior, it does not necessarily...

Meanness - she can type, shit - she can type, provocation - type can...

And long nose of her syphilis-ridden - for all its blunt approach - no it won't... just like some kind of manic-velichava Oukraina... or Tigrigna of Pribaltika...

Regression is increasing it reaches not only the empty skull, but also to colonial dohodkov???... ay-yay who would have guessed???...

Real whores - and those are much more realistic look at the world...

And severobaikal, as usual - you need to bring the situation to the next manic of Gavro of the Reich, then to after may 9, again to squeal about aveunue ubudiyya...

And continue to demand money, money, money...

Just some very magic these evropaiki - magic type heaps, and money again need Russian...



Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 15:33
by У-Луна
But still... curious...

About the Field of Fools and about the Fox Alisa and the Cat Basilio...

"...The Nazi Bank Anglii officially refused to pay Venezuela gold bars worth $ 1.2 billion.
According to the statement fascists=Anglican, they
- "protect Venezuelan assets"
- and give them only appointed from Fashington "demo-Srednemu presidentto",
- a "bloody totalitarian dictator" Maduro is not give up.

A good reminder of the consequences of keeping funds in fascist=Western sanochkah...

...Regarding "asset protection", you can remember a great story about how after the "protection" of the Libyan banks Belgian billion in lost more than 5 billion dollars, on which still continues evropo=Nazi "investigation" (that's yuristiki, unlike fascists=the functionaries of the Council over Evropaci - without tabletok not ostanutstsa)...

...As has been found empirically - the establishment of demo-Kradai from the outside (parallel learning "experience" Threepenny Vladikoff, Oh-re-Load-s and other Oukrain...) in any country opens
- extensive opportunities for large-scale robbery
- where Nazi="civilized" countries run (run-run) in the forefront.

Then Iran moved
and trying to get their money from Overmany cash
and fascists=the Germans threw a tantrum,
- because do not want to give,
- a legitimate reason (yet) to embezzle money.

Others to be science - your money's fascist=Western sanochkah can very easily become yours.

PS. But the curator of the process in Venezuela from the FSHA.

Idiot=Elliot psaki=fascists=Abrams.

On account of his:

1. Support death squads in South America (El Salvador and Nicaragua)
2. Participation and perjury in the "Iran-contra".
Participation in attempts to conceal the mass killings (over 500 people) in El Mozote. (see "struggle for democracy" in El Salvador - ... el-mozote/ - careful, there are photos 18+)
3. The preparation failed state coup in Venezuela in 2002. (see a classic Irish documentary "the Revolution will not be shown on TV" )
4. When George W. Bush led the strategy of "promotion of demo-Cradie abroad", and a sector of the Middle East in the period of FSHA aggression against Iraq.

Such beautiful people are Venezuela, "the light of demo-Crazii".

Well, until the pile - Nazi=American press did not hide (but rather stupidly pressue...) that saakashvilia=potroshenko=Guido
- received a signal to start the revolution after the team of Fashington:
- "...the corrupt Amero=lackey=Lider stupid and corrupt Venezuelan opposition Juan saakashvilia=potroshenko=Guido declared himself acting head of state
(NOT the state: after "participation" fascists=amers be only gutted the territory, not the state)
- after the call of the Vice-President of the FSHA Michael fascists=Pence, who assured him of the support of Fashington..."

New Maydaun dostoinstva !!!...
Fresh Maydaun slobodecki !!!...


Flown who again urgently needed another predatory=colonial dogodki...

And then krovjanka of denissoff manic demo-Kradical again odd, not the grab...

Guzzles already previous-loot - here and in need of new blood, which will deflate the new Reich=the Americans=dollari...<


Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 15:49
by У-Луна
And after:
У-Луна wrote:
Fri Jan 25, 2019 14:23
...Right some very magic these demo-Cradite - magic and they had heaps, and money again need Russian...

But not only Russian - the scope of apperitif travel distance oppo-site traitors their countries and peoples - too manic...

So money, money, money !!!!!!!!!!!!
Any price, any blood...



Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 18:16
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Fri Jan 25, 2019 14:23
...Real whores - and those are much more realistic look at the world...
And this, unfortunately, is an amazing realities (not magic, and the realities) of the current of modern times...

Here, for example, directly in the air, so sweet zaichonok, opitno-Sireniki, evropejsko-deodorized (and in Lacy underwear, probably as it should be Sumerian evropeicy), and such stalinki - but which is so quickly and efficiently "bouwmaat", that simply amazed...

And argumentti sweet zaichonok especially "vpechatlyayut" - on the background of how evoyny Oukraina trashed trying to extend the "disadvantage" to her contracts with Russia...

Sweet money-and well-fed demo-Srednemu zaichonok also want
- still,
- as for terrible, terrible times when the Sumerian Oukrainu fed is Russia...
this, in his stupid, gluttonous greed ukrainoy - zaichonok not priznaetsa never...

Well, the Russian denyushku zaichonok hotstsa because for the fascists the fascists gabrovacka with the camera as long as only real assets to krovatki little hands priberut, and feed Oukrainu not Tarapaca - no, not taropatch...

Why them, genocide-fashistikam to feed another future Indians?...
Another Sumero-Indians starve themselves, gradually, in their Sumerian reservations...

A blond fashistiki will be before the remnants of comercial here now to shake a leg:

No, well, che?...

Than the ancient Sumerians ukrainie better ancient American Indians?...

The fact that they, okrainy the Sumerians (and not only them, thyroidinum prelatical and o the goods and Yam, too) - it was Russia that built schools, modern houses, factories, power plants and even the infamous GTS ?...

Well, given Russia not long enough - fucked okhrannye the Sumerians (as well as other OU-load-ing and-thieves the Sumerians) was built and donated by Russia, and that the blow did not, then the fascists-Amer for little hands cleaned already...

So soon, soon, reservations for the ancient Sumerians and in Gabrovacka organizuyut - for example amerovskie...

Will evropeiskim the Sumerians of horoshoooo... will Onet "cywilizowane" tambourines banging and prailno evropeiski to ride...

Stolen culture never is not long enough, anyone stem always turns into a cul-Durkee... and not just Americans fashistiki that the most obvious example...

And cul bad oukrainy degrade even faster...

Still - urrrrrraaaaaaaaa...<


Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2019 18:46
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Fri Jan 25, 2019 14:23
...From the point of view evropeyskih voracious parasites and blood-greedy mamantov, of course, looks different - abydno parasites that they are not going to feed...

...evropeiskom, as usual - you need to bring the situation to the next manic of Gavro of the Reich, then to after may 9, again to squeal about aveunue ubudiyya...

And continue to demand money, money, money...
Strategy... ... _m&updated

Story about Europeisky "care" about the residents of Russia prodoljaetsa...
And looks uglier and meaner... alas... :cry:

Just imagine how much europejskich of chinovnich parasites fed by contributions from Russia - and because every day was fed for years and decades...

Such are the numerous, carefully-fed evropaiki proudly crawled this morning in their heated Russian gas offissa, Lacy shorts under kostyuchiki expensive, and expensive cars crawling - just in this morning to start over again and again to spoil Russia, just like some ancient macro-the Sumerians...

And in the houses they have, shitting Russian - ostavalsya their wife and dedushki, too numerous and too very voracious lovers halyavki and low gas prices...

And had all the crowd of parasites notorious Blaha - just at the expense of looting of Russia (although not only)...

And now, when all these nasty meanness need to pay
- Horde evropeyskih parasites very boitstsa,
for your lace underwear, suits and cars boitstsa,
- for your flats and houses boitstsa,
because of their voracious household and servants boitstsa...

Anyone think that he was afraid of this parasitic evropesma Horde - invented by Russian "aggression"?...

Only idiots, lyberalov and demo-Sneaking capable of this stupid "mental" sooruzhenie...

And boyatstsa all these voracious creature that now girna their forage base will not be girnau, as they have become accustomed...

And zhyrno to feed themselves, greedy, gluttonous, and feed not his less voracious "yellow illochim" (such as greedy parasites, just below grade) - will be nothing...

Francuski voracious psaki=Microns, for example, his outright fear for their own voracious Shkurenko have not even hiding, for example...

Not de Gaulle, the gentleman Micron - no, not de Gaulle, and the ordinary cowardly fascists=the Americans=the footman...

While Mikrosha offended at the same time and on italianyou...
Why are they "Vocalise" in the internal Affairs hrantsuzsky?... ... -iz-italii

What he Mikrosha and evoyny servile territory - at least blatantly interferes in the Affairs of other sovereign States psaki=Mikrosha't remember, selective amnesia visited him empty, but very cowardly skull...

Funny parasitica, the Western demo-Tradici... nasty and bloody...

How to kill, to Rob, to arrange provocations - so, it the type istina biriba for occupation demo-Kradia...

And by sopatka to - so screeching all cywilizowany MYR...<


Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 18:17
by АндрейКо
Wang ;-)

The contractor worked on something for the NSA in the PRISM program.
A native of ExUSSR copied source program on my laptop and worked on her house...
And his laptop was installed the antivirus (guess whose?)

And here is the module heuristics of the antivirus suspected that something was wrong and to analyze downloaded the app and the source code to the cloud....

And then - already known to the official part...
Then came an article in anglosaxonic press - that anti-virus software was spyware.
and so on...


Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 17:01
by У-Луна
Well, finally, sweet, bloody and greedy demo-Kradnie bunnies begin to openly Damon to stirovat
- the "newest" ways to kill, Rob, rape, destroy the wrong state
- FSE UTB under the sweetest pennants Shvabody and PRIV insatiable, albeit mindless demo of Craaaaaaaaaap...

The next "breakthrough" in the business of proprietary Americans Fashistikov...


The degradation process is gaining momentum, almost a hundred years ago...
Krovjanka progressory no longer can "peacefully" and without publicity to Rob and gut, but krovjanka demo-Kralici again poholodalo and want a Big Mess...

"...the fascist Pantyhose have pristupil to the development of new (so new) strategy (strategie-strategie) management
- the military (the same military, not sweet-demo-Kradenykh???... can't be...) action
- "Trojan horse"
- the essence of which is in active use "protest" debilov potential of the "fifth column" (not a protest, and debility-greedy potential stupid commoners)
- to destabilize the situation
- simultaneous strikes with precision weapons on the most important objects..."

All of these
- Alko-potroshenki,
- idiot-Saakishvili,
- debilo-guani-hoiydi,
- poisonous gribauskayty,
- and other stupid leaders meshnikov
under the guidance of the owners of the Circus Demo-Kratnykh Freaks:
clowns transmusical, bearded aunts Mei-scunci, liliputian of mironchikov
all these strategy - regard themselves as such advanced...

The dull misery of the current stage "for" another demo-Kreditov can not but admire such blatant hypocrisy has no material for a large-scale sociological observations in real time...

Well, this option, of course, only for those people who actually are present in the skull of the human brain...

The rest of the stupid sheep will bleat shrilly until then, until it is time to be prepared and well-done...

A great new world... gradati...<


Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 17:01
by У-Луна
And in the light of the current activities of guano Guido interesting to read these revelations of the former gentleman psaki-rosnicka...

That's how they become ex - just start talking, and of course, filling personal pockets...

It is curious that no trial of these real criminals even suggest - well, not boitstsa psaki-ex-crusnik any responsibility...

No, not because brave: not boitstsa because it is just one of a huge bloody pack fascist Americans Anglo-francusko-Germany-Bulgaria-Spain-located-poskusite-Baltic States-Georgia-Ukraine-killers ...

So corrupt demo-Gradici all mirochka, on top of blood - afraid to do something real against one of YOUR own - know what and themselves will have to pay...

Well, until CIA heroick tihohonko earn denyushku...
Although after such a normal person - only to be shot just right...
But CIA heroicity never stressto - they Goiny Hoiydi in nature...

"...Whether this group ever, and what were you doing in Sarajevo under the command of the fascist CIA?

Such a group never existed!
Our psaki=staff lied to us (Oh-Joey, obmanuli of bednarecek... yyy...)
Our mission (Yes, mission it is the mission...) was to raise the alarm and spread panic among the (stupid and greedy) of Politikov in Bosnia, just to fill them (bazoglu) head the idea that the Serbs will attack.
First, we fashistiki-performers, took the story (brachocki we kind of gullible...), but after a while began to think.
Why we fashistiki raised such hysteria when the group was clearly not?..."

"Zadumalsya" Onet... but not for long zadumalsja and again proceeded progresivnim murder...

"...When Baer asked whether they do propaganda against the Serbs, he says:

Yes and no (no, no, Onet horoshiye... well, fashistiki a little bit - so what?...)

The aim of the propaganda was the division of the republics to split off from Yugoslavia. We had to choose a scapegoat which will be blamed for everything.
Someone who will be responsible for the war and violence.
Serbia was chosen because in some way it is the successor of Yugoslavia...

...Can you name the politicians of the former Yugoslavia, which was paid by the Nazis from the CIA?

Yes, but it is delicate (delikatne).
Stipe mesić, the Franjo Tudjman, Alija Izetbegovic, many advisors and members of the government in Yugoslavia had paid, and to the Serbian generals, journalists, etc.
For a time Radovan Karadzic was paid but he stopped to take the money, when I realized that it can be sacrificed and charged with crimes committed in Bosnia - organized Nazi=American administration.

You mentioned about the control and financing of media, so it was true?

It is already known that some agents of the fascist CIA was responsible for writing official statements that the presenters read the news.
Of course, the announcers didn't know anything, they got it from his boss, who was our man.
Everyone had a task, and through TV we hate, nationalism and pointed to the differences between people...

...Then who is responsible for the genocide in Srebrenica?

Srebrenica charges Bosnians, Serbs, Americans.

But in fact, was accused by the Serbs.

Unfortunately (oooo, to sozhaleniyu), many of the victims were buried as Muslims, were Serbs and other ethnicities.

A few years ago my friend, a former agent of the fascist CIA, and now working in the IMF (where, where???), said that Srebrenica is the product of an agreement between the government of the Nazis, the US and stupid and greedy politikami in Bosnia.

According to Baer, town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give the fascist America the pretext to attack the Serbs for their alleged crime.

It was a "red line" of bill Clinton...

(darling-of clintonia?... this saksofonistka and Fucks interns?...
what is, however, bloody mug begins to peek out from under the mask and darling hubby notorious hillarie...)..."

So yeah... in less than twenty years, as natural killers begin to BRAG about how "brilliantly", on the background of the mindless sheep and the stupid traitors they robbed, killed, lied, was meanly and dismembered...

It is curious that in twenty years or thirty psaki-tsrushnik write about Maidan cookies and hardoy gruziu?...

Or about the Nazi primetime?...

Or about solsberijsky and Skripalstchikov?...

Or about probirki with vazovskoj urine and poop and Moscow?...
Although about the "therapeutic exception" to speak begin...
But so far so indignant, so offended-proudly...
Type - "honest" one... only sick a little bit, the whole head sick...



Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2019 20:52
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2019 17:01
...Like - "honest" one... only sick a little bit, the whole head sick...

"And the nominee is admitted to Foreign Policy that was shocked by the incident
(what a gentle - Oh, she is so shocked, so shocked...
and this is the most interesting - the lady has positioned itself as a professional journalist, and very shocked that in fact she is quite normal, quite banal zhurnashlyushka, and even cheaper than it would be if her skull was present in at least one really knowledgeable gyrus...)

"The reality politicheskie solution or psaki=presidential pettiness guide the selection of the higher Nazi=American diplomats in relation to a person whose (actually quite miserable...) "entitled"protective activities mentioned in the public sphere, but what is not — really a terrible reality," says Jessica (ispugalsja that the world is not what she seemed in her sweet rosy illusions?..)

Pravozaschitniki often frightened (of purasca of purasca sugar...) when faced with real, not a fantasy life.

That is, she decided that she was brave, because he's not afraid to criticize anybody (but think his head is clearly not capable of...).

And it turns out that bravery extends only in one direction — in this case, East of servile-squatting in front of the fascist FSHA Finland.

If, however, criticize the Nazis from the FSHA, that it requires not courage, and complete silliness.

Have you ever heard, say, a popular blogger psaki=Bulk, the seller Islands psaki=Ponomarev or any of our other psaki=pravozashhitnik criticized FSHA?

And will not hear.
They are not so stupid to bite the hand that you eat..."

But, unfortunately, they are sufficiently stupid to believe that ruchonki FSHA will always help them and always defend them...

Stupidity cywilizowanych demo-Kreditov truly has no boundaries...<


Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 19:21
by У-Луна
Read here about strashilki sweet perspektivka hostile takeovers, and not to recall the anecdote: "and we have something for sho?"... :oops:

That is why even the illusion maaalenky prosci lychno blagopoluchiyu some enlightened gospodinchikov - is a stream of fear and Michalek people preaching modern standards prosvetlenny demo-Kradai and Veliki magic?...

Where is mokusei Magicka Valicia?... what boyatstsa magicians and wizards?...
But such maynkraft that boyatstsa boyatstsa - and suddenly Bolivari really not will make someone very maiskogo?... sho then?... sooooo???...

I wonder why, when you blatantly and openly gutting OTHERS - this means that others are to blame, sho was not enough demo-Kradnie and magictime, and when sometimes come to the actual demo-Gradecam and mogucim mages - then start yelling about well, here is where to gladit world-building???... photo next photo... so when the topic starts to threaten lychno - velichavo of licnosti... :cry:

It is always very bad, and we have something for soooooooooooo??????????????..
We always horoshiye...

That's Venezuela, for example: well zahotelosj fashistikam of FSHA absolute proprietors of Heisei
(including here in the NATO ganiu, for example, and sweet Bulgareasca
- when actively participating in quite a hostile takeover of Yugoslavia,
that is, uchastvovala in very real violence, in real live killings of people, looting and dismemberment of a foreign country...)
- here zahotelosj Patikam to seize the vast resources of Venezuela, as well as resources of Libya, and Syrian resources, as the resources of many other countries
- iiiiiiiiii Nitsche so sweet bolgarskii phomalgaut or even on the contrary - again aktivnenko golosujut in support of raids Fatikow...

Boyatstsa hochut to sit for fascist NATO backs - and beruti, sweetie, that much of the gut not come, they veryyyyyyyyy, they are also devotees of the great errand fashistikov the entire planet...

This means filosofia Bulgarian demo-Kravkov on the global-social level is ustraivaet - type die all of you today, just us seagulls sweet to drink...

However, if suddenly someone grab this progressivnogo filosofa for his personal property - on all the same demo-Srednemu the principle of "nothing personal, just business" - as heart-rending to begin to yell this here svobodnensky citizens...

And unless it?..<


Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 19:45
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2019 19:21
...And is he just?..
Here, too, - curious story.

"...Recently spoke with a young man who's studying to be a scientist.
Putin, he does not support, well, okay, but I asked him and for whom he would give his vote.
What a novice politolog said that many candidates, there is a big difference.
Here, for example, says psaki is possible=Yashin put the President, psaki=Bulk or psaki=Khodorkovsky.

Then I kind of lost the gift of speech and not even because of the names (which even to argue do not respect themselves), and from the ease with which such young people (very Magicka, apparently...) - wants to dispose of the fate of the country.

Here they are the simple future politology... (well, not simple, of course - just very greedy, but stupid at the same time...)"

The funny thing in this part of the story is that if suddenly someone will offer this type of future alleged politologo, and in fact, stupid and corrupt fool
- without much of a difference "trust" someone else to fix it lychno start first,
- without a special difference to treat it lychno rotten teeth
or without much of a difference to fix it progressivnoe housing
- the future politolog will start to scream in year of the Pig exactly as the symbol of this year - because LYCHNO for yourself brainless "the analyst", of course, zhelaet only the best, most udobnenko him, voracious...
because its something for soooo???...

bourgeois headlessness typically sovremennogo enlightened we slania is so typical, so petty-petty and so sweet of demo-Trudnenko...

Well, in the quoted text, and another story is given - Pro even more characteristic features of "misslena"...

"...In June 2006, Anastasia psaki=Shevchenko (which by that time was born the second daughter) decided to drop from caring for her daughter and gave her in "Zverev a children's orphanage for profoundly mentally retarded children".

psaki=Shevchenko actually abandoned their ill since birth.
It is clear that it is necessary to engage in politics.

Because the orphanage has a strong track visits, the media is not difficult to know how often policemen visited his ailing first child.

According to the documents, Anastasia psaki=Shevchenko was visiting a daughter in 2012, 3 times, in 2013 – 1; 2014 – 1, 2015 – 2 times in 2016 – 2 times in 2017 – 2 times in 2018 – 2 times.
13 visits over the course of seven years.
While meeting with the daughter spent not every time, sometimes just brought medical and hygiene products.

It is now, after death, Alina was the occasion for criticism of terrible power, who refused to let psaki poor=mother to child.

Psaki=Khodorkovsky used the situation in full.
In fact, it turns out, a sick little girl the past few years, nobody really needed, except that of the state.
Anastasia psaki=Shevchenko happily gave themselves over to politics.
Let's see what is so important was busy the last two years the woman while her child was sick and suffered.

(The list cause well... disgust, at least...)

And who paid for the content and treatment of the child?...
2015... treatment and care was carried out entirely on the funds allocated from the state budget, which does not like corrupt psaki=Anastasia.

Psaki=Mother, which over the past seven years went to her 13 times, and have seen and even rarer, becomes the heroine and proudly carries the banner of "prisoner of conscience" separated state with a dying daughter.

It's a terrible and sad story..."

Shrill speculation in any tragedy, dirty provocations and large-scale villainy - Yes, all this is demo-Kladno, while for the OTHER...

And yet, so pichalno-pichalno when current social trends are nevertheless beginning to catch up with their followers PERSONALLY... individually...

No, really - we have something for sooooooooooooo???????...

Such are the mysteries maiskogo misslena...


Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 18:39
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Thu Mar 14, 2019 19:45
...And yet, so pichalno-pichalno when current social trends are nevertheless beginning to catch up with their followers PERSONALLY... individually...

No, really - we have something for sooooooooooooo???????...
The impression that the topic of the day is getting angrier and angrier, sugar pozitivchik all dissolves in spatial ether, and accumulating sad day to be more pichalno...

Here Temko FAKE-type-news too, so pichalno looks like when history turns its face is already a caricature to someone personalno...

Iiii - demo-Kradnie fakes, it turns out, can write about you personally...

Or not fake, but still differently than we would to present Your Velikay the Image shocked the world-building...
And It is something otherwise gladite, ungrateful...

Why not?... shvaboda she is very svabodna shvaboda...
Well, that's the fashion now such demo-Kraznaya - what houuu, and mold...

But it is also so photo so photo when all pakosti coconaut about you...
And as for us-for soooooo???...

When demo-Sneaking aktivnenko sochinyayut fakes about Russia, about the "aggression" of the Russians and other similar "news" - they are always very proud of myself, my lunch and my wife... and my makucha insight also very proud of...

And when "gay" fakes can distort their own Velichanie and Bezuprechna Images, of grooossss all prosvetlenny demo-Crazii...

However, fake pakosti is a trend, and is the brand...
I served many years - that kosanke have, all together and each separately....

So do not ask for whom the Bell tolls, it always tolls for society as a whole, and no Magicka exclusivity anyone still does not Shine...

Well, except that "special" Mages along the Corridor to some "special" to thedot... :)
But they are hardly far and I don't think - uspeshnogo... :cry:

And about what really turned the Culture of today's demo-Tradici...
About makokou, pozitivnenkoe and sweet cul-Durkee...

About great Magicians=from=Jurnalistiki, who also are magicians-the Magi-the Magi...
A into?... have Priva...

"...occasionally, someone from turning to me with a question for publication in the media lately, can formulate a meaningful question.

The best that can new generation who call themselves journalists, it is "please."
To give meaningful comment, we have nearly inhuman efforts to pull out of asking what problem of the target audience he is trying to solve this publication, then the question to formulate and answer.

It often happens that the news that I was asked to comment, the journalist didn't even read past the title
(and why should he? - he zhezh already prosvetlenny demo-kratia a sugar baby, that should be enough prosvetleniya audience...).

And that's amazing.
There is a whole culture of investigative journalism.
There are plenty of open source information on the basis of which you can get an idea about the subject, allow to ask an interesting question and get a helpful to the audience response.

And for people that produce a lot of content, the maximum available level novelty and journalistic intrigue - copy the reference to the publication of any news in a letter to the lawyer and offer to comment on written.
Then publish the retelling of the news in your own words with a WAN review attorney and think that this is journalism...

Culture (Kul-it) likes and shares is gradually replacing the need to collect and reconsider the material..."

Well, what place can be something re-about-to smyslech - if the whole point magickal iznoski is reduced to the absorption of Parmesan cheese (oysters, raw vegetables, etc. need to stress...) and to absorb views of the Eiffel tower (Grand canyon, island in the okeyane, some random Taj Mahal, etc. need to stress...)

Empty skull with relish champing jaws falling out of their sockets bulging, but senseless crazy eyes - not the instrument, which can be about anything-the meaning...

And the rest, beautiful Marquise all right, all right...

:cry: :cry: :cry:

PS This is happening in any professional field, professionals are less and less, but prosvetlenny svobodnoi parasitic and very overgrown - more and more...<


Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:46
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2019 17:01

"...Can you name the politicians of the former Yugoslavia, which was paid by the Nazis from the CIA?

Yes, but it is delicate (delikatne).
Stipe mesić, the Franjo Tudjman, Alija Izetbegovic, many advisors and members of the government in Yugoslavia payand to the Serbian generals, journalists, etc.
for a time Radovan Karadzic was paid,
but he stopped to take the money,
- when I realized that it can be sacrificed
and is accused of crimes committed in Bosnia
- organized Nazi=American administration...

...Then who is responsible for the genocide in Srebrenica?

Srebrenica charges Bosnians, Serbs, Americans.

But in fact, was accused by the Serbs...

...A few years ago, my fascist friend, a former agent of the fascist CIA, and now working in the IMF (where, where???), said that Srebrenica is the product of an agreement between the government of the Nazis FSHA and stupid and greedy politikami in Bosnia.

According to Baer, town of Srebrenica was sacrificed to give the fascist America the pretext to attack the Serbs for their alleged crime.
It was a "red line" bill Clinton..."
Well, now this despicable and bloody "operacija" the fascists of the FSHA and hayesii got another extra sneaky and disgusting shtrishok:

But lyubopytnogo that it's dirty and nasty about write themselves "no-pristas-dnoe" demo-Kradnie sadakichi:
"..."Muuuuu versile alleged and the type of Pravosudie,
- in pursuit of the least guilty
and NOT taking no even a hint on real crimes committed by real predstavitelyami aggressors, murderers and rapists,
- but muuuu jeer at individuals, I repeat - on individuals who are chosen scapegoats instead of themselves
the "Nations" we just laughed, heartily,
- not considering that they are not countries and not governments.
And we did it bez-ristras-bottom, and most Effectively," — said psaki=President psaki=ICTY psaki=Carmel greedy and petty petty psaki=Agius...

24 court..."

24 years Orava zhyrnyh and stupidly-greedy demo-Kratnykh "judges" spend on themselves huge sums of the taxpayers and the notorious sweet corelase, falsifying, committing fraud, covering up the real criminals...

Well, the fate of the "hero" who tried to make deals with the Nazis from FSHA - too revealing...

At this "BEP-pristas-bottom" background looks no less ugly fate and malenkogo petty demo of Kratika - a gentleman Malashenko, who about the same time tried to torganut and Russia too, and also in the hope that fashistiki of FSHA about him not zabudte... they forgot... ... -komandira

"...The main enemy psaki=Malashenko and his associates was the Russian state - not as a set of post-Soviet officials (with whom they have successfully cooperated and willingly used them benefits), and as the focus of historical relics, as the millennial center of power, which by the word and power subjugated a vast country, faced with centrifugal tendencies and a parade of the armed sovereignties.
This state they are all the forces and not low on money and tried to destroy...

...Fortunately, psaki=Malashenki psaki=Gusinsky and their psaki=team did not win, and in 2001 returned to its place, the government reformed NTV, ending with a branch of Ichkeria, as well as done with head office.

Further events develop as in the "Harry Potter".
Bringing to people the horror of showing them their worst fears, the boggart was destroyed by the spell "ridikulus", turned to the public in the midst a Facebook anecdote.

The inside joke, however, was malomernih..."

It's no fun when his old wife determined to undress impoverished resident FSHA naked and new wife with her usual brainless lack of even a hint of a good upbringing and good taste - dumped in public space new disgusting details of their "happy family life"...

So this gentleman even the judge had himself taken out a verdict...

However, sometimes in the margins prosvetlenny put forward a "version" that all these type deceased in the Bose Berezovsky, malashenki and other hero of the 90s is not dead - and gently spryatalsya under new plastic faces, and the type cituoti thread somewhere in Nazi FSHA...

But even in this hypothetical "case" is what you need to recognize yourself, to all the forces trying to distance itself from the type of "famous" name?..

Criminals - Yes they are (well, except that criminal Americans=Nazi and negligence-hrantsuzsky of presidential), they crawl to the thread on the wrong side of society...

So even if all the hero popytalsja - and in this case they remain dirty and bloody Nazis, even in his own opinion...

Also - magic-s...<


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 21:34
by У-Луна
Well, in the meantime, continues the intrigue, worthy of the pen of Dumas the elder, on the subject
"and how will look unhappy Queen on NTV-ball, if brulante already swiped my lady evil - and who now will be d'artagnan?" the world continues to live very different intrigues...

Which (intrigues) the participants also seem so nervous, such abydna, such несправедлииииивымииииыыыыыыыыыыыыыыы...

The scale, of course, quite different, but... only naive brachocki verut that people at any level of the hierarchy cease to be ordinary, banal masonicare if they are krovjanka mexaniki...

"...For many years, these
- pompous,
- narcissistic,
- pseudointellectuals idiots in Congress,
- in the media
- at the highest levels of government
- and those who have recently served there
all people ought to know more
- for years, ruthlessly, recklessly, irresponsibly poured out on us his theory of a conspiracy with Russia.
Now the person with whom they placed their hopes, Robert (but of course also psaki, in any of the following "investigation" or variations of the current) Mueller, said that everything is a lie.
No conspiracy was not.
There was no conspiracy.
Psaki presidentos=Campanula is not a Russian agent (he just by itself fascist shark=Dodson).
It was a lie..."

But - hee hee-hee...

"...Let's start with "justice".
At some point there will be one more fascist=demo-Kraddy presidentelect, and when that moment comes, it's only fair that it will go the same way as with the current fascist prezidentura psaki=Campanula.

For example, will have to investigate personal and family corruption psaki Joe=Biden in China.

Kamala psaki action=Harris on the position of General attorney of San Francisco and California, her relationship with the former California broker Willie psaki=brown, saying that he has promoted its key political positions - all of which should be investigated.

Beth O'rourke - statements and reports about his corruption and nepotism in Nazi Texas - we need an endless investigation.

And then, once the next demo-Credence presidentelect will be seen under the microscope as well as presidentin psaki=Tramampoline, "justice" will be achieved, and the fascist America can move on..."

On is where to?...

It is clear that these trumped manicured claws "investigation" is a sweet and endless trough for the Amero-fascist pseudo-lawyers, and pseudo-lawyers gay Europejczykow...

But still - where will "move" further planiruete fully and openly discredited fascist Amerikosy?...

How many more bloody dirty tricks and filthy provocations is supposed to be "on"?...

What other gaping "Golan heights" are going to climb Amero-fashistiki with the full support of, for example, Israel=fashistikov?...
And on the contrary?...

While that obviously only one thing - lasts a real fight between proprietary Americans=Nazis (see also the history of the Nazi Reich) - for personal access each of them to a maximum-volumetric instruments of robbery, murder and violence...

Killari Clintonia biolase is not democracy - this old spider biolase for her PERSONAL demo-Kradnie possible, that is, her personal opportunities to Rob, rape and kill...

Just as Brigitta Mei-skank - she also chews the pharynx not for demokratiya, is not only for their personal affiliation to Nazis, rapists and murderers, and for the opportunity to continue to belong to them...

What wipesthese vampires - pleasure to look at...
But this is clearly not the limit... then there still will be, sweet gospodinci and pozitivnenkoe of gospojica...

And, of course, no, NOT YET scheduled any real ships and real investigations for a real Western rapists, murderers and robbers...

Such investigations, even and frankly-pakota demo-Kratia will not stand...<


Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 17:03
by У-Луна
Once hard-core Soviet-style dissidents squeal about the "capture" of the Soviet Union "lame duck" and entirely of the type "non-aggressive" of peribaltic and other polacos-Killy-Killy....

Type - Ohe, proebaltiki and palacos-Kusi allegedly not worked for Nazi Germany openly as, for example, openly worked for the German Nazis, the same sweet and such nezavisima Bulgaria...

Now it is obvious how it proebaltiki and other polacos-Kusi "NOT" aggressive, although now they all cave in and suck up not just Germany, but the current leader of the Nazis - fascist FSHA...

Onet here are non-aggressive, but very, very hungry "obizhenku"...

"...Americans=Nazi=Olitva pull additional troops to the border with the Kaliningrad oblast of Russia.
The troops will be part of the Eastern division of the ameri=fascist=polycosanol army, which covers Suvalki corridor.
This was stated by the commander of the Americans=Nazi army Amero=fascist=Poskusi Raimund psaki=Andrachak on the results of his visit to the Amero=fascist Vilnius..."

But this is not the limit blatant vigliotti "victims" and "obesenec"...

"...Nazi=the West used nuclear weapons against Russia in the case
- the organization of the fascist West regular roundnose provocations
- giving them, their blunt provocation for the alleged "aggression" on her part
said who would you boomiyil???
- the former commander of the land Americans=Nazi=troops Amero=fascist Poskusite Waldemar not already psaki, and right of Hitler=Skshipchak.

Such statements do not allow themselves none of the existing and even the most stupid and uporotyh of polyakoff since the Cuban missile crisis..."

- the times a variety of stupid pskow pass,
- closing times are stupid Americans=hilerov
- because "performance" poskozeni of myslitelei in this regard has always been clear signs of the true intentions of the owners palakol-Kus-Kus and proebaltov...

In the 30-ies of the last century to the bustling shrieks of these svobodnyh palacasino-pribaltijskij slaves were exactly judge the intentions of passirovannye small-britski and Francuski, now at least exactly you can see the intentions of the Americans=Nazis...

What to do - slave myslenie, it is shrill-a visual...
even if the Amero=proprietors of these slaves continue to falsely scream about theirs type of demo-Kradia...<


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 21:44
by У-Луна
У-Луна wrote:
Thu Apr 04, 2019 17:03
...But that's not the limit blatant vigliotti "victims" and "obesenec"...

...In the 30-ies of the last century to the bustling shrieks of these svobodnyh palacasino-pribaltijskij slaves were exactly judge the intentions of passirovannye small-britski and Francuski, now at least exactly you can see the intentions of the Americans=Nazis...

Show Western origin of the Freak show continues...

Now in the arena of their delegated Amero=the proprietors on the next round miserable "promysla" historical beggars, a beggar and a coward-a pathetic extortionists - all the same polacos-Kusi...

"...Polacos-mesechnye friends real historical Hitler.

Less than a year after the Nazis came to power in Germany,
- as 26 Jan 1934 in Nazi Berlin
- signed the "Declaration on the peaceful settlement of disputes and the nonuse of force between Polycose and Nazi Germany".

By agreeing to this agreement, Nazi Berlin declined to provide guarantees of the inviolability of the Polish-German border established after the First world war.

- "The sides announced peace and friendship,
- was phased out tariff war
- and mutual criticism in the press.
In plakoti and cowardly-aggressive Warsaw this document was taken as a basis for the security of the country
and a means of intensifying great-power aspirations of Palacos-Kusi.
Nazi Germany was able to ensure that the border question was silent, and Soviet attempts to explain roundnose and mean-ambitious Polacos-Kusa that she had, of course, did not succeed," writes the historian Mikhail Meltyukhov.

In turn, the Polish historian Marek Kornat argues that
- that beggar and aggressor in one face of Hitler=Pilsudski and Polish sang=the Nazis=the Minister of foreign Affairs Mr. Jozef Hitler=Beck
- "I thought the agreement with Nazi Germany the greatest achievement polycosanol aggressive diplomacy."

It is noteworthy that after Nazi Germany from the League of Nations its interests in this international organization represented a cowardly-aggressive Polacos kosecka.

Following a rapprochement with Nazi Berlin, polacos-Kusi rely on the help of Nazi Germany in the conflict with Czechoslovakia over Chechenskoi Silesia.

Historian Stanislav Morozov drew attention to the fact that
- "two weeks before the signing of the Polish-German nonaggression Pact began anticarsia campaign, inspired by the cowardly-aggressive Warsaw psaki=Meade.
In Polacos-Kusa she appeared in numerous publications in the press,
- accusing the Czech government in the oppression of the Polish minority in the territory Chechenskoi Silesia.
- In Czechoslovakia, this line was held by the Consul in Moravian Ostrava Leon psaki=Malhomme..."

After the death of Hitler=Pilsudski in may 1935, the government was in the hands of his followers, whom are called Pilsudski...

...Then Pro-German=Nazi roll in cowardly policy=aggressive Warsaw has only increased.

In February 1937 in Polakos kusu arrived Nazi No. 2 — Herman real fascist Goering.

In conversation with rydz-rydz, he said that the threat of Palacos-Kusa and Nazi Germany is not only Bolshevism
- but Russia as such
regardless of whether it monarchical, liberal, or any other system.

Six months later, on 31 August 1937 polacos-Konecny GENSTAT repeated this Misl Directive No. 2304/2/37, stressing that the ultimate goal of palacos-konechnoi polydice is "the destruction of all of Russia."

As you can see, the goal was formulated two years before the outbreak of the Second world war, the main culprits that current brain polacos-Kusi trying to put of the USSR.

And they come in indignation from the words of people's Commissar of foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov, who in 1940 called Polacos-kusu the "ugly child of the Versailles Treaty."

But here we see double standards.

Because Molotov only paraphrased Hitler=Pilsudski, CHSR called "ugly and artificially created by the state"...

...In September 1938, when the preparation of the so-called "Munich conference" was in full swing,
of hitlero=Beck did everything possible
- a representative of the assuming a fascist character Polacos-Kusi was in Munich at the same table
- with the leaders of the then shallow=Britski, Runcie, Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

However, neither Hitler nor the British Prime Minister Neville psaki=Chamberlain saw no reason to invite beggars=and=beggars=polacos-Kus in Munich.

As correctly stated by Stanislav Morozov, "the attitude of Western powers towards the beggar=polacos-Kusam not changed: they did not want to see in Hitler=Bek, representative of a great power"..."

Well, in this text, many more curious - about the current ittoryu beggars=polacos-kasatok...

The longer there is a "state", the more miserable, ugly and vile it becomes history...

And it opitno-fed and poorly-stupid polecenie demo-Kralici not even trying to be like people...

Eternal shrill-"majestic" sixes, crawling on all fours...<


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2019 21:53
by У-Луна
Modern processes illustrate the words of Zhvanetsky:

For the delusions of grandeur greatness is not required, but it is enough mania.


Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 23:41
by У-Луна
And here is also interesting: ... nt=7186489

"...the Federation Council member Alexei Pushkov said that now the article is about recognizing the borders oukrainy not acts.

"psakushka=Oblinkin congratulated ukraintsev with the termination of the Treaty of friendship with Russia.

The irony is that it there was an article about the recognition of borders oukrainy.
Now this article is not works, what can congratulate and sakunikha=Oclemena, and Hitler=Potroshenka.

"only the Infinite universe and human stupidity". A. Einstein.

"...The fact is, the expert explained that the issue of borders between Russia and oukrainoy was addition The Treaty of friendship.

Moreover, it was profitable oukraine.

According to him, in the 90-ies in Russia, very many said conditions its conclusion does not suit Moscow, but since then the Ukraine is the then brotherly state, then Kiev has some concessions that everyone was comfortable. Gasparyan added that psaki=theukrainian polydice absolutely not duuuuuuuuuude about the consequences of their actions and decisions.

"The country (which country?... almost a territory=a beggar, as poskusite..), which was above all interested in the Treaty, takes it and breaks.

Okay, it's a matter of taste, but that's not very clear how they will be borders now to do that. Because a significant portion of the current areas of the brain oukrainy never before the Bolsheviks no Ukraine did not belong in principle (including the fact that most of the oukrainy did not exist - because she had something to belong to?...)", reminds publicist.

...The author of the telegrams-channel "Politcally", the political scientist Marat Bashirov also said a correspondent of IA REGNUM, that the Agreement meant a recognition of the borders between States, based on the delimitation and demarcation.

It turns out that oukraina canceled previously recognised geographical coordinates of the borders and they can be revised.

In his opinion, it is direct legal consequence according to international law.

Can be questions about the abolition of decisions of public authorities on the voluntary transfer of territories from one country to another..."

Manic manic brachocki atmonauti the terms on which they (out of pity) allowed to use something - obviously not belonging to the most durashocks...
But where brochocka at least savecarefully and thankfully temporarily transferred to them for use...

Another clear testimony of the eternal law: "if you have a staff, I'll give you a staff if you have no staff, I'll take you staff."

If people have human brains in their skulls - they will develop and work, keeping the skull intact.
If the human brain is in the skull don't come soon, there will be no skulls.

States and sub-States is also a concern directly...<


Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 21:12
by У-Луна
And these two texts is also interesting to compare...

Newsworthy for them - company, was reprinted by all-all-all mimimimimimimimimimimis...
Although prior to their own vandalizm - the inhabitants of this territory did not bother, they are cheerful and smashed that same area...

And now, now... :cry:


"...Merry there area these stone idols.
There burned alive Templar, to take their wealth.
In honor of these stone idols ruthless night the family cut the Huguenots, because they wanted a little different to pray to the same God.

From stone idols to bless the crusaders destroyed the Byzantine Empire and cut thousands and thousands of people for the sake of never carried out the senseless ideas.

In the 13th century under the stone statues, the Inquisition decided to expel all Jews from France.

And 700 years later in a bistro on the square in front of the statues rested fascist officers and soldiers who the city opened the gates without a fight and that four years humbly waited.
Not far from this square noise of the factories that worked for the soldiers who rested in a cafe, went to kill soldiers from Magnitogorsk.

And in Magnitogorsk at this time there was foie Gras and champagne.
Was poor soldering, cold and open-hearth furnace, where it melted the steel armor, which made tanks.
And these tanks defeated the fascist soldiers and officers sent to Paris...

...And then De Gaulle invented petty legend about how the French division Leclerc freed Paris rebels.
But first in Paris included the French...

...I do not gloat, I really don't care about these stone idols.

And you'll soon be able to publish accounts for donations for the restoration of stone idols.

And about Magnitogorsk, no one remembers.
Let others sort it out.
It is not our business.

Why Magnitogorsk?
It's cold and boring.
No foie Gras or Galeries Lafayette or stone idols.

And do not think that I urge to pump out the cesspool of Magnitogorsk and to expose Paris fecal carpet bombing.

Just sometimes you can try not to succumb to mass hysteria about raging at the screen stone idols, and remember that there are stories and worlds beyond foie Gras, Galeries Lafayette and stone idols..."

Moreover, with the very newsworthy, probably not FSE in chocolate - about newcomer nobody cried, but the money is already considered...


"...It's about divorce.

First of all – burnt is not a Cathedral and its roof.

However, by this reason, the screech had a very specific monetary value.

If in fifteen years advertising campaign to raise money for the restoration of Notre-Dame were collected less than 100 million euros, in just two days of screeching about his "loss" has already collected a billion.

For the sake of this financial result to burn rotten for 170 years the roof, which was going to completely change – it archivehome.

The more that do represent the artistic value of the sculptures from the roof just before the fire took – believe that it's just a coincidence...

A different kind of "therefore" in full howl that burned the rafters as much as the 12th century.

What was there in the 12th century, of course, unknown, but there wasn't a Gothic roof is clear.

And if the Cathedral was, represented at best a cheap dugout.
Unlike iksperdov, I know the story well, so I know that the current appearance of the Cathedral got under Napoleon III when the government had raised these rafters and there was a turret, where before it was not.

In the tower this way, and was equipped with a chapel of ISIS for the masons of the middle degree of dedication, for some reason, tourists in this Masonic remake were not allowed near, so they lost nothing. Did the masons – XS, maybe a restructuring is planned.

In any case, the destruction by fire and so dedicated to the complete reconstruction of the roof is unlikely to recognize a tragedy of world proportions.

With regard to the closure of the Cathedral for visitors at the time of restoration – and so it was planned..."<


Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 20:54
by АндрейКо


Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 20:57
by АндрейКо
The founders of the company Playrix told about the reasons for the transfer of the headquarters from Vologda to Ireland


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 20:52
by У-Луна
Yes, another "founders" wanted a little pretty to live...
Pretty tasty, modern (yet) who the colonial-Americans Europejski society prodoljaet to advertise themselves as a "Bastion", "the ark" and other other crap to gullible suckers canadinic...

But here a curious remark:
"...And had dreams to go live in Evrope angloyazychnoi in the country.
It seemed that there is better.
We then sunglasses saw.
Now we have realized that things are not so simple..."

Now here rosy ochechki started soldatushki and other posledovatelna, but very demo-Kratnykh glasrock... poznovatelno of soldatushki, of course, but anyway - not really...

Makucha tworzony hochut to continue igraca, veselica and pozitivnenko of naslajdatsa...
After all only five years, ran well, and what gruntov godochkov that?...
The magicians then?...
They are old - they are God is immortal, well almost...

So you can continue igraca, all in the same type of sweet sandboxes...

For fools don't need a knife - they even have not necessarily lie, they themselves are much lochee lying...

"...Let's start from afar.

Take the tram Park. Is it possible to appoint the Director of tram depot of the author of the ditties that everyone likes?

Take the airport. Is it possible to appoint the Director of the airport popular YouTube-blogger that everyone likes?

Take any city like Novosibirsk. Is it possible to make the mayor of Novosibirsk fashion chef that everyone likes?

Now let's take a country, say, oukrainu. Is it possible to make President oukrainy good showman and successful kvnschiki?
(and here you can!!!... and here you can!!!... but doesn't that?...
well it's magic with specially tailored-demo-Kratna with...
mindless, of course, but the other demo-Kreditov not byvaet...)

What is the relationship between the famous character and his position?
But the current President oukrainy so disgustingthat people are ready to vote for anyone but not for him.

And in this place fails.
People vote for the famous dude (chuvaaak?...) in the hope to somehow change the situation.
But fame is the random parameter.
Voting for the cheerful and resourceful is a cry of desperation, not common sense.
And in this place contains the answer to the question, what is wrong with the election Zelensky.

It is unlikely that the comedian will be a good Director of the tram, Director of the airport or the mayor of Novosibirsk.
But somehow, he becomes President the whole oukrainy...

The euphoria will pass, and the routine is left.
(well, he's so naive - about the fact that the euphoria of the type of pass...
over five years the servile Americans independent of prognosti not passed, and mulberries - of a sudden - proget?...
nah... too disgusting, vile, heinous history would have to admit about themselves the majority of Europejski-oriented-in-lace-panties - about as policosanol with probaltica...
and here who from them is capable of?...
zhyrnye, cowardly, greedy and mindless of demo-Tradici?... neeee...)

Yes, last opresident disgusting about everything.

But this does not mean that the new will be something better..."

Why will not be?...
He that is new - he's a professional... er... whatever he is a professional?...
The type of savory Makarevich - singer and dancer?...

So, arias will be "Lucca"... and dance may also...
But not the fact, of course, not a fact...

Potroshenki, saakashili and other separatist in the current society under the courts do not go... beregut their owners, beregut... just in case...<


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 21:18
by АндрейКо


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 21:19
by АндрейКо


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 22:07
by У-Луна
Yes, fresh, he's so fresh... :)

Barely 70 years from the moment of the publication of the "Bible" of demo-Kradai and liberalisasi...

"...In 1949, Orwell turned to Celia Kervan, to which Orwell shortly before marriage.

She asked me to recommend someone to work in the Department of information studies of the foreign Ministry is fine-but-is-under-pseudonym-the UK.

The role of the Bureau was to counter Soviet propaganda, Orwell himself refused to work (was hurting badly, and so it is not known yet, it could and paparazza...) but recommended some people.

Orwell also suggested make a list of people that should NOT involve the Bureau because of their sympathies, the Soviet Union and communism.

From his personal the notebook, which was a list of 135 people, including Bernard Shaw, John. Steinbeck, John. B. Priestley, Charles Chaplin and others, Orwell chose the 38 and gave Celia.
Some of them intuitively, but correctly identified as a covert Soviet agents, for example, the head of the Russian Department of the Ministry of Information Peter Smollett.

Orwell's list was published almost 50 years after his death, Orwell's act has caused controversy, as its detractors tried to use it in order to discredit Orwell..."

But how can you discredit such a classic English gentleman?...
Who would dare???...
English gentlemany sagachenko still bezuprechnym...
Genocidic like to arrange a worldwide, kaneshno, and love to sow discord and hatred in every region of the world - and so gentlemany bezuprechna...

"...Eric Arthur Blair was born on 25 June 1903 in Motihari (India) in the family employee of the Opium Department of the finely-briteskin colonial the administration of India — British intelligenceinvolved in the control of production and possession of opium before his export to China.
The post Papa — "assistant Junior Deputy Commissioner, opium Departmentofficial of the fifth class."
Eric Blair arrived in England at the age of about one year.
(that's opium Naslednik...)

He received his primary education in the school of St. Cyprian (Eastbourne), where she studied from 8 to 13 years (gentleman, as is gentleman... a true Aryan, oops, made a mistake, the true great-britisheco..).
In 1917, he received a scholarship before 1921 attended Eton College.
From 1922 to 1927 he served in the colonial police in Burma..."

So here is the hearty-colonial-warden-and-bullies...
Great start in a classic Anglo-colonial innulichka...

The funny thing about this is not dull antisovietism afftor, and the fact that after only 50 years in the Older demo-Grudnogo the Gang prevratilsja naslednichki at the same time and the already-small-britski, and the deceased in the Bose-Nazi Reich - gospodinchiki Amero-fascists.

"Velichie" FSHA in modern mirocke - this is so interesting...

Especially on the background
that speaker is now the Amero-fascist psaki=Muller,
that was incredible, "the pearl," psaki tecnologo=Tramampoline,
hysterical attacks have Killari psaki=Hintonii,
some spyware epilepsy seizures, foaming at the mouth psaki=Mei-sunsai,
some indiscriminate tasting urine agents vada and mocks,
some politically-partisan, but very many millions (and no, hikakuteki corruption...) the Hague, Stockholm, and other corrupt judgment,
something something like any of the current media Masks the Older Bro in this Circus Freaks... :cry:


I certainly could add many more curious and far more recent stories or more interesting historical information than the works of Mr. Orwell, but... :oops:

In the next branch have already talked about the local supposedly an "alpha"samawati...

Well, true alpha or true alpha they are just very different...

And no, it's not pity for the poor...
Alpha, they are generally about something else...
Only hardly someone from the mages of the local manner it can be fun...

PS Oh, and as a confirmation: there is the next branch from another enlightened - another tantrum... uncle miles is ready to roll meaningless shrill snowstorm, patamu shta ( read "it is" impossible, so that "argument" it is better to see in person...) :oops:
I don't respect... fu fu fu...
So all the best... :) :) :)<