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To increase its energy.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 19:58
by Янки
Who knows what is actually running?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 21:04
by к-13
Breathing techniques(they are quite a lot and most is really effective), charging from sources(like the fireplace with the right attitude or be distracted from the monitor and prostatica in the fresh air away from busy streets), meditation on the chakras, going to the gym(or the gym next to the computer Desk), living interesting meeting nice people... Energy can be obtained anywhere, anywhere and from anything.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:50
by Маг.нет
but if I'm weak? Tired, scared, sick, can't you? What do I do in your opinion?
In our opinion- to become stronger. To extract energy from the smiles, carrot, cold soul, of the one hundred and one hundred and slopes of the left and right.
Say even tougher: the weak do not. There are people who are advantageous to be weak. If you managed to be born, grow up - you're already strong, you don't have a clue how much secret power in you.
Ask a friend <weak> what he's doing to get stronger? You will hear the excuses: <I did, but:>, or <This is how I roll :>.
See how lives <weak>:
- all his life he lives where he was given an apartment;
- he works where he is paid a salary;
he eats all that he sell;
- he is treated there, where it is treated;
- he lives with those who chose it;
he looks what he is shown;
- he is resting there, which gave a start:
Now this <weak> interested, I ask: and how to relax? what you should eat?
Do not rush to tell him what is the food that gives energy, but sometimes -
Valia down. He read many times and then said: this is not for me.
Quote of life: <When I first got sick, I was so scared! Wanted to quit Smoking, roasting and lie. And then looked around: and with this disease you can live! Now another disease. Look: and it can live. And live>.
Excerpt from the book by Leonid Zharov, Svetlana Ermakova


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 13:05
by Маг.нет
Source - South:
Who is the true strong?

Stronger than not one who has more power
and the one who best knows how to use their weaknesses.

1. The one who knows where the flows in the World power, and how to acquire it. He knows where to get where to select where will give you, where you can force to exchange and at what rate. Because of that, he is not afraid of this power to give or spend (on others, on yourself, whatever!), because at any moment he will get more. His contract with the World is simple and clear, worked repeatedly, but most important, honest. Under this contract takes the strong force is not furtively, receives, not shy and not hiding his eyes, not out of pity and not a loan. Strong takes the power without an account and paying as it was installed. Someone good, someone evil, someone happy, someone destructive, someone creative, someone help others, someone brutal outrageous, someone unfathomably righteous. Strong is strong that can be filled with power at any time. Even if you like someone's account – still with the World of it, rest assured, will pay off. Someone N. lives in debt. Lives will report, is not bad. She goes to the debt on the restaurants. Lends money ("Give, certainly give! As soon as I can.") and allows himself the luxury of forgetting about their words. Maybe she could borrow it if I ask her. From other people's. And why the hell not? It collects regular tribute from friends and friends – no bread and no cheese. On the eggs, so to speak. It is just the fact!, lives much more comfortable than most of its creditors. So who is to blame? And who's strong here in this case? It is, incidentally, no one under the barrel of the gun to the pod drives. Between us, the minimum IQ allows you to guess that she was taken will not give up. That is, it is in the head and will not pop. It is weak? Well, here's another. About it so like to say, "Well, strong. I do not know." The weak ones who give her the money? And here by. Because those who do not expect their money back and sighs mournfully over the lost (these have the most experience and stuff, you know), the balance of the cash recovered, and even with the spoil. How? They were happy to give, and what gave – it was customary, too, with joy. The world converts a joy in power, in money. Everyone is happy.

How much memory any plug,
and the processor will not replace her.

2. Strong man who knows how to control this power. For static strength. The movement leaves superior quality and magic power: the ability to change the World, at the request or insistence, their own or someone else's, but the ability of movement (your Way or the World around them) is what gives strength. Only that she lives. Only the ability to wield the force, to take and to give, divide or multiply it makes anyone strong. The one who got the power to own and can't do, reminiscent of the room where in good faith failed 220. Failed. And as faithfully plastered and covered with Wallpaper all sockets. The triumph of forces of good over forces of reason, as they say. Such honesty does not need anyone. The power of this kind – is nonsense. Oh, "great mages", the seventeen year-old, who scored in the lectures on social psychology, you still have to shake the plaster from your own brain.

to Determine whether there is a particular mushroom just: poisonous not edible - you can.

3. Finally, the balance of possession and control by force – and the last necessary component. It's...all have been guessed, right? Choice. The choice of how existing power to dispose of, so if you know how to do it. If this component does not, then everything becomes absurd. If enough force is grip – grab the throat of another. Hang spell, tether. No one will leave alive. Whole – certainly. The former will never happen. You cut me, you bastard? Will work for meds from now on. I have power, I can throw a curse followed. So that flew. My enemies and envious persons, that is, those who do not have time to change the country and appearance, who did not fall in my lap, resting under the sod in the graveyard silence. My men – or rather, everyone who had the misfortune to be like me – praying around the clock (and not only) on my light image. And if not, then I will lay down the bones to. Contrary to common sense, sparing no resource, will seduce anyone who gets in sight who would be careless enough to get within arm's length. Good picture? But the hero or heroine of a picture is not strong. Figure so pathetic. For a series of endless pogrebenie, sucking the fabric of the world in itself – it is just the inability or unwillingness to choose. Strong makes a choice. To give or not. To regret or not. And only after this choice is passing, we do not regret about what you did, what did not. Strong marrying a "weak" girl, "poor", vulnerable, not because she is weak-vulnerable-dependent. He does it because it's his choice. Him in that moment it was necessary. And then when his choice is changing, he does things easily, without remorse, because his choices again are natural to him. The true power of not yelling that she was robbed. Strong, not whim, that it is "eaten, sucked, used." If you want to blame their current woes (the sciatica, the cat peed in sneakers, dead battery on the phone) someone else...why is your right. You will regret it, because you're pathetic. When you say that you have not caught the crocodile, because your luck carried in the pocket of a former lover, and the coconut is not growing because the current enchanting his ex....Yes, you can sympathize. You're talking about their mistakes. You understand them. Realized. Just don't say immediately after this that you are strong. Because while – you're pathetic. And so – 're funny. No strong no regrets about our choices, not blaming others for their troubles, does not write off the lack of desire to live for others because to commit suicide you can negotiate: "what are they?!". Strong not looking at the past, he only looks at their own actions, not cling to them nor eye, nor heart.. We go around winter Saturday, and the world is beautiful. We go, and after a telephone conversation with a friend I sucks in his stomach and dizzy. "It is not good me something," I say. "Think what you blamed? Than rebuked? What is envy? In exchange for some of their own mental mistake and your account is off the force?" Minute pause. Evening. The sky was curiously exhibited the moon. Wink at her and skipping.

Force – alive. Keep it on the chests and translate in cents and minutes, then to kill her himself. It is rotten, unable to be useful. Greed, especially greed, in hindsight, that was made or not, for themselves or for others – killing power. The ability to choose who to smile at, someone to swear here it is, the skill strong. If you give someone power, attention, love – don't regret later. Be strong, strong enough not to blame and not to judge themselves first and foremost.

don't put others when you yourself are low.

Power – indifferent. There are no "right", not "guilty", "worthy" and "unworthy". If someone snatched a piece of carrot, a little love, pretending to be weak, then is he guilty. No guilt for that, someone was nice to feel like a "benefactor", "all-powerful", "generous" at the expense of someone else. Generosity – expensive thing, if you can't afford it truly free of charge, sit quietly, do not push the tail. Aggression aggression asking and giving are equally inappropriate. 3лоба – hole in the bottom of the ship. Angry? So there is no power here and drown...3лобствовать know how to swim in feces emotional, I hope, too?

If you help a friend in need
- he will think of you!
When again in trouble...

Force – strong. Power – act. 3ависание at the start, pause and stammer in front of each word – are they strong? If you dread it, don't do it if you do – do not fear – because only the fearless should comet tail power. Give a loan, but I'm afraid that you bastard, do not give... Not disgusting? This fear, sweaty hand, holding out assistance, does not cause disgust? "Afraid of falling in love with you if you quit," honestly we. "I'm afraid to spend time on you if we fail?" Fluctuations poison even just the desire to do something, to move. In the pause, delay, we have the power to begin to lose and lose absolutely "nowhere"! Otherwise, why say "Want to wear man? 3аставь to wait for him. Istomi the unknown". It's a weakness, Ghost weakness, lack of strength. Because the force allows itself to spend at the moment, even one brief moment of truth, of joy, of happiness. Weakness keep all their marbles in the pockets. Pockets buttoned. Balls are lost in an unknown place. The force carries them in his hand and plays safely with all the counter. Sometimes wins. Sometimes – lose. But her balls are always bigger than in the pockets of weakness. Why? Because fear of loss is already a loss. I'm afraid to get poorer? Already poor. Afraid to lose power? You've lost her already, you cuckoo!

Force - motion, it cannot be static. The force is always only the ability to find a Position of Strength, to get up at that point and save it, without wasting motion, without moving out of the Way without stepping on heads and tails indiscriminately. Greedy coward can't do this: power abhors such a life leaves, death – squeamish: the World belches like that. The strength and weakness of the two polarities, the balance between them is art. But "I am strong forever and ever" artificially. Static. This is a surplus. Joke: laughed and drove. This is the true weakness,the weakness of those who once had been strong and decided that it is forever. Here they swing on the ruble, the impact on penny. They think that will break the world in half of the knee, but virtually powerless to do anything.


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:22
by Раймис
Маг.нет wrote:Source - South
Who is "Soit'?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:14
by Маг.нет
...this. Vedmag. Some details of this model resonates, one of the few...


Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 23:51
by Янки
Good article.Cut to the quick)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 23:55
by Маг.нет
:)In what place in particular?:)


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 0:06
by Янки
Маг.нет wrote:Strong, not whim, that it is "eaten, sucked, used." If you want to blame their current woes (the sciatica, the cat peed in sneakers, dead battery on the phone) someone else...why is your right. You will regret it, because you're pathetic.
Often it happens to me.
Overall vital.

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 0:12
by Маг.нет
It's Your choice. So You increase your energy?
Consciously choose the position or "this happens"?


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 0:31
by Дунька с водокачки
Янки wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:Strong, not whim, that it is "eaten, sucked, used." If you want to blame their current woes (the sciatica, the cat peed in sneakers, dead battery on the phone) someone else...why is your right. You will regret it, because you're pathetic.
Often it happens to me.
Overall vital.
not only that, never blame their troubles, if any, happen on the contrary - feel responsible for others. :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:23
by Маг.нет
Дунька с водокачки wrote:not only that, never blame their troubles, if any, happen on the contrary - feel responsible for others. :wink:
:wink: Responsibility for others don't feel it's their choice and they are free to choose anything they want, but to the world I the answer, but only FOR THEIR own ACTIONS, in interaction with the world. And blame someone other than yourself? Why??? For the choice you need to answer for yourself. Here to help others, especially with whom you are in contact and the interaction of trying. It's PART of MY WORLD, though external...


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:47
by Дунька с водокачки
and for some reason I think that all certainly have the right to choose whatever they please, however, choose, usually, not what we need.never give advice,because I see no reason, however,constantly try to untangle someone's stalemate. delusions of grandeur however :)))
- Yes, a Holy cause.

with respect. Tweety.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:54
by Дунька с водокачки
Oh yeah, on the topic, are supplied with energy in a trance state.
simply enter in the alpha and pump myself with energy in different ways. stand as a cucumber. like it... that's not right.
after the TRANS feel like a baby.
practice for an hour(minimum) EVERY day.

regards, D. from the tower :aa

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:21
by Маг.нет
:):):) Happy :):):)


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 14:43
by Дунька с водокачки
thank you :aa

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:02
by Маг.нет
Маг.нет wrote:Between us, the minimum IQ allows you to guess that she was taken will not give up. That is, it is in the head and will not pop. It is weak? Well, here's another. About it so like to say, "Well, strong. I do not know." The weak ones who give her the money? And here by. Because those who do not expect their money back and sighs mournfully over the lost (these have the most experience and stuff, you know), the balance of the cash recovered, and even with the spoil. How? They were happy to give, and what gave – it was customary, too, with joy. the World converts, the joy in power, in money. Everyone is happy.
forgiveness is a strong property. The weak can not forgive.



Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:00
by Маг.нет
........ Decided to return again in the memories. Put potential.
Stronger than not one who has more power
and the one who best knows how to use their weaknesses.

1. The one who knows where the flows in the World power, and how to acquire it. He knows where to get where to select where will give you, where you can force to exchange and at what rate. Because of that, he is not afraid of this power to give or spend (on others, on yourself, whatever!), because at any moment he will get more. His contract with the World is simple and clear, worked repeatedly, but most important, honest. Under this contract takes the strong force is not furtively, receives, not shy and not hiding his eyes, not out of pity and not a loan. Strong takes the power without an account and paying as it was installed. Someone good, someone evil, someone happy, someone destructive, someone creative, someone help others, someone brutal outrageous, someone unfathomably righteous. Strong is strong that can be filled with power at any time. Even if you like someone's account – still with the World of it, rest assured, will pay off. Someone N. lives in debt. Lives will report, is not bad. She goes to the debt on the restaurants. Lends money ("Give, certainly give! As soon as I can.") and allows himself the luxury of forgetting about their words. Maybe she could borrow it if I ask her. From other people's. And why the hell not? It collects regular tribute from friends and friends – no bread and no cheese. On the eggs, so to speak. It is just the fact!, lives much more comfortable than most of its creditors. So who is to blame? And who's strong here in this case? It is, incidentally, no one under the barrel of the gun to the pod drives. Between us, the minimum IQ allows you to guess that she was taken will not give up. That is, it is in the head and will not pop. It is weak? Well, here's another. About it so like to say, "Well, strong. I do not know." The weak ones who give her the money? And here by. Because those who do not expect their money back and sighs mournfully over the lost (these have the most experience and stuff, you know), the balance of the cash recovered, and even with the spoil. How? They were happy to give, and what gave – it was customary, too, with joy. The world converts a joy in power, in money. Everyone is happy.

How much memory any plug,
and the processor will not replace her.

2. Strong man who knows how to control this power. For static strength. The movement leaves superior quality and magic power: the ability to change the World, at the request or insistence, their own or someone else's, but the ability of movement (your Way or the World around them) is what gives strength. Only that she lives. Only the ability to wield the force, to take and to give, divide or multiply it makes anyone strong. The one who got the power to own and can't do, reminiscent of the room where in good faith failed 220. Failed. And as faithfully plastered and covered with Wallpaper all sockets. The triumph of forces of good over forces of reason, as they say. Such honesty does not need anyone. The power of this kind – is nonsense. Oh, "great mages", the seventeen year-old, who scored in the lectures on social psychology, you still have to shake the plaster from your own brain.

to Determine whether there is a particular mushroom just:
poisonous not edible - you can.

3. Finally, the balance of possession and control by force – and the last necessary component. It's... all have been guessed, right? Choice. The choice of how existing power to dispose of, so if you know how to do it. If this component does not, then everything becomes absurd. If enough force is grip – grab the throat of another. Hang spell, tether. No one will leave alive. Whole – certainly. The former will never happen. You cut me, you bastard? Will work for meds from now on. I have power, I can throw a curse followed. So that flew. My enemies and envious persons, that is, those who do not have time to change the country and appearance, who did not fall in my lap, resting under the sod in the graveyard silence. My men – or rather, everyone who had the misfortune to be like me – praying around the clock (and not only) on my light image. And if not, then I will lay down the bones to. Contrary to common sense, sparing no resource, will seduce anyone who gets in sight who would be careless enough to get within arm's length. Good picture? But the hero or heroine of a picture is not strong. Figure so pathetic. For a series of endless pogrebenie, sucking the fabric of the world in itself – it is just the inability or unwillingness to choose. Strong makes a choice. To give or not. To regret or not. And only after this choice is passing, we do not regret about what you did, what did not. Strong marrying a "weak" girl, "poor", vulnerable, not because she is weak-vulnerable-dependent. He does it because it's his choice. Him in that moment it was necessary. And then when his choice is changing, he does things easily, without remorse, because his choices again are natural to him. The true power of not yelling that she was robbed. Strong, not whim, that it is "eaten, sucked, used." If you want to blame their current woes (the sciatica, the cat peed in sneakers, dead battery on the phone) someone else... why is your right. You will regret it, because you're pathetic. When you say that you have not caught the crocodile, because your luck carried in the pocket of a former lover, and the coconut is not growing because the current enchanting his ex.... Yes, you can sympathize. You're talking about their mistakes. You understand them. Realized. Just don't say immediately after this that you are strong. Because while – you're pathetic. And so – 're funny. No strong no regrets about our choices, not blaming others for their troubles, does not write off the lack of desire to live for others because to commit suicide you can negotiate: "what are they?!". Strong not looking at the past, he only looks at their own actions, not cling to them nor eye, nor heart.. We go around winter Saturday, and the world is beautiful. We go, and after a telephone conversation with a friend I sucks in his stomach and dizzy. "It is not good me something," I say. "Think what you blamed? Than rebuked? What is envy? In exchange for some of their own mental mistake and your account is off the force?" Minute pause. Evening. The sky was curiously exhibited the moon. Wink at her and skipping.

Force – alive. Keep it on the chests and translate in cents and minutes, then to kill her himself. It is rotten, unable to be useful. Greed, especially greed, in hindsight, that was made or not, for themselves or for others – killing power. The ability to choose who to smile at, someone to swear here it is, the skill strong. If you give someone power, attention, love – don't regret later. Be strong, strong enough not to blame and not to judge themselves first and foremost.

don't put others when you yourself are low.

Power – indifferent. There are no "right", not "guilty", "worthy" and "unworthy". If someone snatched a piece of carrot, a little love, pretending to be weak, then is he guilty. No guilt for that, someone was nice to feel like a "benefactor", "all-powerful", "generous" at the expense of someone else. Generosity – expensive thing, if you can't afford it truly free of charge, sit quietly, do not push the tail. Aggression aggression asking and giving are equally inappropriate. 3лоба – hole in the bottom of the ship. Angry? So there is no power here and drown... 3лобствовать know how to swim in feces emotional, I hope, too?

If you help a friend in need
- he will think of you!
When again in trouble...

Force – strong. Power – act. 3ависание at the start, pause and stammer in front of each word – are they strong? If you dread it, don't do it if you do – do not fear – because only the fearless should comet tail power. Give a loan, but I'm afraid that you bastard, do not give... Not disgusting? This fear, sweaty hand, holding out assistance, does not cause disgust? "Afraid of falling in love with you if you quit," honestly we. "I'm afraid to spend time on you if we fail?" Fluctuations poison even just the desire to do something, to move. In the pause, delay, we have the power to begin to lose and lose absolutely "nowhere"! Otherwise, why say "Want to wear man? 3аставь to wait for him. Istomi the unknown". Inability to wait is a weakness, Ghost weakness, lack of strength. Because the force allows itself to spend at the moment, even one brief moment of truth, of joy, of happiness. Weakness keep all their marbles in the pockets. Pockets buttoned. Balls are lost in an unknown place. The force carries them in his hand and plays safely with all the counter. Sometimes wins. Sometimes – lose. But her balls are always bigger than in the pockets of weakness. Why? Because fear of loss is already a loss. I'm afraid to get poorer? Already poor. are Afraid to lose power? You've lost her already, you cuckoo!

Force - motion, it cannot be static. The force is always only the ability to find a Position of Strength, to get up at that point and save it, without wasting motion, without moving out of the Way without stepping on heads and tails indiscriminately. Greedy coward can't do this: power abhors such a life leaves, death – squeamish: the World belches like. The strength and weakness of the two polarities, the balance between them is art. But "I am strong forever and ever" artificially. Static. This is a surplus. Joke: laughed and drove. This is the true weakness, the weakness of those who once had been strong and decided that it is forever. Here they swing on the ruble, the impact on penny. They think that will break the world in half of the knee, but virtually powerless to do anything.


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:40
by Тапка
to increase energy - powerparity possible)))))

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 18:30
by Маг.нет
:)You can... but it could be poisonous, You look at vampiresa, well, not "professionals", and a household that did not really understand what they do, collect "everything", usually sick from other people's... well, me mostly, are caught provocateurs-brawlers often something with the stomach or heart, though what they seek "to taste" or "blood" for the body, or emotions of the soul. No, of course there are skilled, which you know as "blood drink" and others don't dial, but this is extremely rare.
Why vampirate with people? When there are several harmonious ways to support the potential:
-saving by improving collaboration;
-recruiting from outside, for example from nature;
-the same "man-made" sources of energy;
-other sustainable modes;


Re: Boost your energy.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 16:17
by Тяфа
[quote=""]Quote:and if I'm weak? Tired, scared, sick, can't you? What do I do in your opinion?In our opinion- to become stronger. To extract energy from the smiles, carrot, cold soul, of the one hundred and one hundred and slopes of the left and right.Say even tougher: the weak do not. There are people who are advantageous to be weak. If you managed to be born, grow up - you're already strong, you don't have a clue how much secret power in you.Ask a friend <weak> what he's doing to get stronger? You will hear the excuses: <I did, but:>, or <This is how I roll :>.See how lives <weak> he lived all his life where he was given the apartment;- he works where he is paid a salary; he eats all that he sell;- it is treated there, where it is treated;- he lives with those who chose him; he looks what he is shown;- he is resting there, which gave a start:Now this <weak> interested, I ask: and how to relax? what you should eat?Do not rush to tell him what is the food that gives energy, and sometimes-wallow down. He read many times and then said: this is not for me.Quote of life: <When I first got sick, I was so scared! Wanted to quit Smoking, roasting and lie. And then looked around: and with this disease you can live! Now another disease. Look: and it can live. And live>.
Excerpt from the book by Leonid Zharov, Svetlana Ermakova
"TWO ALONE".[/quot
e] I'll Have to check, interested :wink:

Re: Boost your energy.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 16:21
by Тяфа
Маг.нет wrote:it could be poisonous, You look at vampiresa, well, not "professionals", and a household that did not really understand what they do, collect "everything", usually sick from other people's... well, me mostly, are caught provocateurs-brawlers often something with the stomach or heart, though what they seek "to taste" or "blood" for the body, or emotions of the soul.
Here you just noticed, all the people I know (professionals fortunately did not come across) from the doctors not vylaziyut

Re: Boost your energy.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 19:29
by Павел Б
Тяфа wrote:
Маг.нет wrote:it could be poisonous, You look at vampiresa, well, not "professionals", and a household that did not really understand what they do, collect "everything", usually sick from other people's... well, me mostly, are caught provocateurs-brawlers often something with the stomach or heart, though what they seek "to taste" or "blood" for the body, or emotions of the soul.
Here you just noticed, all the people I know (professionals fortunately did not come across) physicians are not vylaziyut
My sister comes home from work - always says, it's got everything and loves all the house yell, something to abuse at and to complain that all
get around her and do what they want and she take the rap. A little something from everyone who's at home tears of anger. And of course, it does not get from doctors.
Eating a bunch of pills every day, goes to clinics, always some gets injured or something like that.
Not much to say that all of her behaviour - shrugs and doesn't listen. Continues to do the same.

Re: Boost your energy.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 23:08
by Тяфа
Павел Б wrote:not Much to say that all of her behaviour - shrugs and doesn't listen. Continues to do the same.
Yes, it is VERY difficult to convince, is often just not possible.... Especially sad if it's someone from a very close environment, know yourself :cry: And the right would have so navalperal and ispolzovali for the benefit of themselves, but no, it goes all at once, and then themselves suffer even more.

Re: Boost your energy.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 23:29
by Белый Камень
Тяфа wrote: Yes, it is VERY difficult to convince, often simply not possible....
For love is possible, though sometimes also VERY difficult and thus impossible to correct.
There is an opinion, though... maybe yelp all))