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Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:29
by Логик
John Perkins - an interview with Vesti ... start=1000

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 15:34
by Логик
Economy. The mechanics of the crisis. Informative conversation for the masses ... start=1000

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 17:44
by Логик
Talking about the future, which should not happen


Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 23:55
by Логик
Here in Belarus there was a terrorist attack.

The actual article, however, written about another terrorist attack.
Never in the history of terror was not impersonal. Like mail, he always had the sender and receiver. In the case of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo we see incredible: no one takes responsibility. And it's weird and it's scary. What is a terrorist act for a terrorist? Is it a terrible portfolio. Is its market capitalization, is its application to employers in the future. So always in history there were people who not only take responsibility for their own misdeeds, but, as the Rada, tried to take responsibility in General for all the crimes that were committed at that time. In the case of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo - no one takes responsibility. What is the attack? This method of influence on the authorities, attempts to force her to fulfill certain requirements. But why carry out a terrorist attack, if there are no requirements? In this case, we see no one from Russia is not required. What a strange terrorists? What really needs to murderers and those behind them?
In January 2010 I published an article called: "Putin is to blame". My prediction was completely justified. Whatever happens in Russia, the liberals, the Western media and their fifth column in Russia - blames Prime Minister of our country.
For what purpose is this done? Escalate the situation, hysteria to convince the Russian population that continue to live. That was the region that we live is so bad that it's impossible. Here is the phrase "can't live" carefully imposed on us by the media liberal. All the liberals as the team started to blame the terrorist act which has occurred in Domodedovo, the current Russian government. And it's very strange.
Let's think about this question. If the government (according to liberals) wants to distract the population from the country from real problems, then there is good old, centuries, millennia worked out a recipe - bread and circuses. In order to distract people from something, you need to give them during the election period a little more bread and more circuses. And I know of no policy, no government in the history of mankind, which had too much bread and circuses. And it would have collapsed, would experience serious problems and would be unable to develop further. But
dynamite explosions as a means of diverting people, no one ever in the history of mankind has not used. This is completely contrary to elementary logic. But if we think about, what logic was pursued by the organizers of the terrorist act, much will become clear to us.
In 1917 and in 1991 the population of Russia was able to gain a terrible and harmful illusion of "it can't get worse". The population was picked up floating in the air the idea "as bad as today, has never been and never will also never." And then the collapse of the state. And what do we see?
Does it become worse? Yes, it has become significantly and repeatedly worse. In 1918 the civil war began. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was marked by the mass inter-ethnic conflicts, wars on the territory of the former Soviet Union, the collapse of the economy, real hunger in some areas. And if this idea was clear and understandable, to those who in 1991, thought that will not be worse, I think that the behaviour and attitudes of Soviet citizens and of citizens of the Russian Empire to what happened in 1917 and 1991 - were completely different.
The terrorist attacks that killed dozens of people and nobody demands, pursue, in my opinion, one clear purpose - to convince the population that the government is helpless, that the government can not govern. "What next" can't live like that and worse already can not be.
And if we will once again falling into the trap of terrorists, if once again, we believe those who stand behind them, believe in the idea that they want to convince us - will be worse many times. And very quickly.
History is the science which severely punishes for unlearned lessons. When I was not learned the lessons of 1917 - was Russia's disintegration in 1991. If we do not learn the lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Union, we are waiting for new the ordeal. And we will continue to step on the same rake, to experience the same difficulties when you do not understand who is beneficial to direct the hatred of the population to his leadership. This is advantageous to convince the population that the country was worthless, that she could not provide herself that cannot maintain order, economy and so on. So who is it still profitable?
Much of what is happening in our lives today, already happened in Russia almost a hundred years ago. The wave of terrorism has swept our country during the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907. Who, then, financed the terrorists? How did they get the explosives, money, orders? Where they went after committing terrorist acts?
In order to understand this situation, you need to refer to the memoirs of the most prominent terrorist of Russian history, Boris Savinkov. "The money brought from abroad came to an end," - quite frankly Savinkov writes in his memoirs, "In Geneva on the occasion of the assassination of Plehve reigned joyful revival. In combat, the organization received many new donations."
So why get our terrorists money and documents? There, where they left after a successful business themselves. That is the border. They absolutely moved freely in European capitals, as freely traveled and the Russian Empire. Meeting the combat organization of the SRS is not somewhere in a provincial pub on a nondescript street in Moscow, and in Paris, Brussels and London. What makes them so free to move? The fact that in the pockets of the socialist-revolutionaries are in many ways documents. Passport not a fake - the real ones. The only non-Russian.
Turn again to the memoirs Savinkov. "I Kalaeva were Russian Jewish passport. I have - English. In Berlin it was necessary to endorse him the Russian Consul," explains Savinkov. A few pages of his book again, we read: "It was Schweitzer who lived in the British passport".
Schweitzer - it was a suicide, the same as Savinkov. And he lived with the same real British passport. After fifty pages of the memoirs of the main terrorist of Russia read: "After the meeting Kolaev and Moiseenko left for Brussels. I stayed in Paris, waiting for the passport and dynamite. Passport I and Schweitzer received English." "At that time fighting organization had a lot of money. Donations after the assassination of Plehve amounts to many tens of thousands of rubles."
So, the money of the Russian terrorists of the early 20th century by far was received from abroad. Passport they were English. Where they had the explosives? If we look at the history of the creation of the so-called "dynamite laboratories" socialist-revolutionaries, we will see that almost all of these, quote, "invention" was done abroad. First "dynamite laboratory" was established in 1903 near Geneva. Then the spectrum of these laboratories were expanded, they were created in France, near Paris, under the nice. Was converted and the Geneva laboratory. From there, it was there that he made the explosive mixture, the dynamite, which then exploded on the Russian streets.
Where did the dynamite get today's terrorists? I have no doubt that 100 years in terrorist activities was nothing new.
Even such terrible pictures, as the head of the terrorist that today our security services presented for identification to all residents of Russia have already been in our history. December 21, 1906, the Governor-General of St. Petersburg von der Launitz was killed by a terrorist-socialist-revolutionaries. The young man in evening dress, in impeccable clothes, went to the Governor during the opening of the clinic of skin diseases and shot him in the head. He was immediately killed by the guards in place. Documents on the killer was not. Then the investigation in 1906 has gone on unprecedented measures. The severed and pickled head of a murderer was brought for identification to the entire population. And he was identified.
Readers of my website, readers of my books know my skepticism about the new project of the Anglo-Saxons called Wikileaks. A week ago, this website published a lot of materials telling us about the meetings of the Russian opposition with the US Ambassador in Moscow. What explains this site? Why don't we use these materials to analyze the ongoing situation? We see a very strange, inappropriate position of our opposition. The Germans, Alekseeva and other demands from US a more active interference in the internal life of Russia. They say that the removal of Putin, which is the ultimate goal of their policies, it is impossible without creating serious dissatisfaction with his policies. People should want to live in a new way. People have to want the change of course, people have to want change the current situation. That's the goal, in my opinion, and carried out terrorist acts when no one needs. To create fear, to create an atmosphere of dissatisfaction with the inaction of the authorities. To create a situation where the population of Russia for the third time do not want to regret changing his government, and then Russia can do anything. Here, in my opinion, the main goal of those terrorist attacks, which today was made, and which I greatly fear will be implemented in the future.
We must remember the lessons of our history. The lesson of 1917, the lesson of 1991. We must not allow ourselves to be cheated again. All the best.

Nikolai Starikov. 29 Jan 2011.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 23:39
by Логик
In the most democratic country in the world searched little children...And suddenly they are terrorists? ... o_id=14573 ... video.html

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:00
by Михаил_
a little bit about nutrition ...

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 17:18
by Логик
Today I turned on the TV and immediately doubled over with laughter. Amer killed bin Laden!!! With the same success you can declare that they killed Kenny (you bastards) or Carlson.:)

Well, I think, right now, the body will show. Will someone get dressed in a turban, will saleout face beard and moustache, and the other half face close glasses. And mustache, ready for bin Laden. But there it was. It is already buried! In the sea! So grave became a place of pilgrimage for terrorists!
I cried!

Modern means of mass disinformation, quite become people for idiots keep it up!
The purpose of such "virtual" killing bin Laden is clear: to add ranking points to the winner of the Nobel prize Abama-the peacemaker.

As vacancy of the terrorist №1 was released, it most likely will appoint Gaddafi.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 17:22
yeah, pendosy wet... hydomassage Cueva :(

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 11:34
by Логик
the revolution is inevitably followed by a war


Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 17:20
by Смелый
Any number of quartz crystals. Retail and wholesale.

There's a bird called cuckoo. A lover to enclose hatching their eggs in the wrong nest. So dear Logician. Not weak here, perched. He brings all news crap, just more people to catch. And below a PostScript:

Any number of quartz crystals. Retail and wholesale.

So simple. No efforts to find customers. They will come.
Bravo Logik!

However, I would place Andrew have this "businessman" has long slammed. But it's a matter of Andrew. Free enterprise, nothing can be done.

By the way, the word "number" one letter "l" was unnecessary.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 20:33
by Логик
Oh, the miracle came. And sang his favorite song - "What would I do in the place of another". What you would have done to anyone. Learn to be in his place...
Don't like, move on or write about what you want in your branch. No one interferes.

Quartz, for your information, I sell on the forum with the permission of Andrew Kabankova. I do not like - your problem.

About "news crap" - your posts would have to read such nonsense that you write, which rarely can be found. Posted and will post here what I think is right, without regard to the opinion of the brave fools. If you thought what I write in order to sell something, then you're even stupider than trying to look.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:04
by Смелый
Логик wrote:Oh, the miracle came. And sang his favorite song - "What would I do in the place of another". What you would have done to anyone. Learn to be in his place...
Don't like, move on or write about what you want in your branch. No one interferes.

Quartz, for your information, I sell on the forum with the permission of Andrew Kabankova. I do not like - your problem.

About "news crap" - your posts would have to read such nonsense that you write, which rarely can be found. Posted and will post here what I think is right, without regard to the opinion of the brave fools. If you thought what I write in order to sell something, then you're even stupider than trying to look.
I then set out for their thoughts, even if controversial. But in your head, it looks like they svi thoughts are completely absent. Here and mold their ads to different icons.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:31
by Логик
You don't have to Express their thoughts (at least in this thread), and takes the conversation to the individual. Known trolsky reception when there is nothing to say on the subject. Looking for grammatical errors and write personal speculation about what I'm doing. I want to speak on the topic - write on the topic. Have their own thoughts about the world order and politics, make your topic and commented there, nobody forbids. If you have me personal claims, establishments subject in the bed "my personal dislike of Logic", and here is enough to flood.
I'm not going to explain anything to fools, and even more excuses for their actions.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 0:10
by Димонъ
An interesting film in 2 parts on the topic. HAARP. chemtrail, and so on.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 17:47
by Логик
Today watched an old American movie "Three days of the Condor" (eng. Three Days of the Condor). It in the Soviet Union was showing and I watched it in my childhood. I decided to reconsider. The film struck me, but not the plot and not filming, special effects, etc. the Plot is simple:
a Small firm in new York city, consisting of eight staff members has been collecting for the CIA leaks information to the media (open sources) on the work of this organization in various regions of the world. Joe Turner (official nickname is "the Condor"), an employee of this office, leaves the office for a short time to buy sandwiches for his colleagues during lunch break. Because of the rain, he cut the way and exits the office through the back door, not noticed by the killers, is and saves his life: after returning from lunch to the office he discovers that all his colleagues someone coolly and methodically killed — including the girl he loved. Later, Turner learns that was killed and the one employee that decided that day not to go to work — he was killed at home in bed...

The motive of this incomprehensible massacre of the Condor — though he was an employee of the CIA, was involved, as his entire Department purely on paperwork and not dealt with secret documents. Condor contacted by telephone with the boss, reports the incident and requests a meeting with representatives of the management. The CIA sends to meet with the Condor flew from Washington agent Vicks. However, the cautious Condor already at the meeting suddenly realizes that Vicks actually planning to remove it as unnecessary witnesses, using as a lure, his close friend. However, Turner manages to survive, but now he realizes that he can't trust his colleagues in the CIA.

The Condor manages to escape the apartment from a complete stranger named Kathy Hale (faye dunaway), where he begins his own investigation of what is happening. In the end, Turner gets to the head of the conspiracy, and tries to beat the information from him. He manages to find out that he is pursued by a secret organization created within the CIA, on whose trail he, without knowing it, attacked in the course of their research in the office. The head of the conspirators suddenly kills the head of the killers, Joubert (Max von Sydow), who has now defected to the legitimate CIA. Joubert has nothing against "Condor" and warns him that conspirators can sooner or later to kill Turner. "A car drove up in which to sit your best friend, you will be lured inside, and be done with it".

Some time later, Turner meets his boss Higgins. However, it appears that Higgins, for some reason, tries to lure him into his car. Turner immediately realizes his true purpose and tells him that in the event of his death a letter describing this story will be in the new York times. "They don't print it," says his Higgins. Turner, however, manages to escape unharmed. But for how long?
It would seem nothing unusual. The film as a film. The most interesting thing was at the end of the film.

Joe Turner — "Condor", has uncovered a spy network, which some members of the CIA prepared a secret from most employees and from management. Espionage and sabotage network aimed against the Arab States in which there are deposits of oil and against the countries of Latin America (Venezuela), which also has large deposits of oil.

And now just look at the news and what we see today? A chain of revolutions in the Arab oil-producing countries. Earlier there was an attempt to make a "revolution" in Venezuela to overthrow Hugo Chavez, but this attempt failed.

Condor asked, - you get the oil, what next?
- the food crisis!

Watch the news and see the reports that due to global crop failures, food prices have doubled and forecasts "ispartof" and "experts" to 2020 - 2035, the world will not be enough food, happen food riots, etc.

The film was released in 1975. This means that such plans were ready yet.
I wonder what it was? Information leak? Magic manifestation? A warning?<

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 14:00
by Маг.нет
No popular revolutions have never been, is not, and can not be.
Revolution called a "revolution" if it wins. If she is defeated, she is called a revolt, rebellion. In order for the revolution to succeed, the revolutionaries must create a parallel or new authorities. Imagine the millions of people who took to the streets to protest against something, how can they organize a new government? Then there are specially trained gorlan-leaders are creating some parallel "government" and so on. That is what we saw in 1905, then in February 1917, when it created the Committee of the State Duma, which, of course, was not elected. And from it has grown the Provisional Government, which also did not choose — it chose itself. Parallel was created by the Petrograd Soviet — and also a self-appointed.

That is revolution at the right moment should come the people who say that they — the power, and all the others will agree with this. This will not happen, and in Petrograd there would be no revolution in 1917. Imagine: well, the soldiers would have killed the officers, would have smashed wine warehouses, would be robbery, looting, violence and all. What's next? There is a World war, any soldier who is involved in these outrages, realizes that he is involved in anti-state act, while his brothers at the front shed blood. And after several divisions, taken from the front, angry tylovikov, would come and put things in order here. Only the creation of the Provisional Government allowed the soldiers to legitimize the rebellion. They are not just all smashed, they fought with the accursed autocracy. And the it went...


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 15:32
by Логик
Маг.нет wrote:That is in the revolution at the right moment should come the people who say that they — the power, and all the others will agree with this.
All agreed with the new government, it is necessary first to discredit the old. This is done through the dispensation of the chain of provocations and distribution through controlled "democratic-independent" media misinformation, saying the situation in the country worse than ever and that any government will be better than the existing.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 15:37
by Логик
Unknown snipers make history


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 15:43
by Маг.нет
Логик wrote:all agreed with the new government, it is necessary first to discredit the old. This is done through the dispensation of the chain of provocations and distribution through controlled "democratic-independent" media misinformation, saying the situation in the country worse than ever and that any government will be better than the existing.
Not necessarily to discredit, and you can elevate to idealize a new potential contender for power. And to offer a choice... And dissatisfied even the most "popular" power is always in abundance, so that the provocations and disinformation are not always necessary. In my opinion, more important than presence of potential contenders, and the rest often can be "ordered" and make...


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 15:58
by Логик
Маг.нет wrote:do Not have to smear, it is possible to elevate and idealize a new potential contender for power. And to offer a choice... And dissatisfied even the most "popular" power is always in abundance, so that the provocations and disinformation are not always necessary. In my opinion, more important than presence of potential contenders, and the rest often can be "ordered" and make...
You yourself say that all revolutionaries are self - nominees, therefore, no one knows, except for foreign sponsors, and x promoting, of course. Who knew about Lenin in 1917? People exactly nothing about him was known. May was widely known to the people of Cromwell, Robespierre? Also, weren't.

It's taken in a quiet, a group of professionals, while when the crowd is yelling in the streets and darting in her foremen and centurions handed out money and booze...
Glorification occurs after coming to power.
Neither in Syria nor in Egypt, nor in Libya, the "opposition" does not have someone like leader. If there was, the media immediately trumpeted them as heroes, fighters against the regime...

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 16:30
by Маг.нет
In the absence of a new leader (person, group or idea) can hardly be called a revolution accomplished... possible setback.
Under the idealization in the previous post meant do not have the personal qualities of the leader, but rather "the idea of the new government." The power in my opinion is not a person and not only a group "in charge", is an institution to control the masses - branched structure, such as personality and management mechanisms.


Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 17:33
by Логик
Маг.нет wrote:in the absence of a new leader (person, group or idea) can hardly be called a revolution accomplished... possible setback.
An accomplished coup, historians declare revolution usually retroactively, to consolidate the results of the revolution needs a war. After all the "great" revolutions she was...
Understand completely crap the current government is not required to exalt and idealize the future, because in the background "bloody, corrupt regime" any power seems white and fluffy.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 18:00
by Маг.нет
Логик wrote:I Understand completely crap the current government is not required to exalt and idealize the future, because in the background "bloody, corrupt regime" any power seems white and fluffy.
Маг.нет wrote:And to offer a choice... And dissatisfied even the most "popular" power is always in abundance, so that the provocations and disinformation are not always necessary.
That's the fact of the matter is that crap in the first phase and not necessarily possible to offer a choice (even no choice:)) that may be of interest, and there everyone will decide the cause of their biases and predispositions, and there are those who "in spite of" the old and those who "because" to support the upgrade, and those who are "no difference" in what direction, if only... move... do not stand.

PS people can be used as a tool of revolution, but his opinion actually revolutionaries not interested... although if you are in tune with their ideology, then why not use for their own purposes.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 18:29
by Петрос
and maybe most of the population and therefore survives... Not able to take responsibility for their lives. Go for the leaders according to time and circumstances.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 0:00
by Маг.нет
Wrote: ... c&&start=0
Логик wrote:Breathing? Consume oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide harmful? Pay taxes on carbon pollution!
No money? Don't breathe! To breathe without paying tax is illegal!
Маг.нет wrote:Jan 11, 2011 11:13 pm
About the quotas, you know, sure You for breath in this form, money to take untilwhy? Take and so or how much, or how many will be able to pick up and "call" it whatever you like, tax on water... on the ground... on the air... VAT... UST... although personal income tax...
It took 5 months...
June 10, 2011
According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the water can be seen as a "natural product", which the employer pays the employee.

Established the budget deficit and the need to increase spending on "social programs" have already prompted the government to increase taxes on businesses, including small businesses. So, was reformed and the result is increased single social tax (UST) in the near future may increase the tax on mineral extraction (met).

But this, apparently, was not enough and the officials of the Ministry of Finance decided to take a chance, before the presidential election, raising the tax burden for the population. In addition to 13% from official salary (personal income tax), each working Russian hasin the opinion of the Ministry, to pay the state... for the consumed water.

In fairness I must say that a tax on the water is not an invention of Minister Kudrin. Judicial practice there are cases when the representatives of the tax service demanded to include cost for water in pit and the reasons for this resulted as follows: water for coolers in the premises of the enterprise (firm, office, etc.) purchased by the employer, and consume it accordingly, employees. Therefore, water can be considered as a natural product, which the employer pays the workers for labor. As explained by this law "phenomenon" senior partner "Pepeliaev Groups" Rustem ahmetshin, from the point of view of tax, the employee "there is income in kind in the form of gratuitously received property." And the tax on income of individuals is 13%.

This is also the opinion of the Ministry of Finance. On the eve of the network appeared an official document that confirms the position of the Ministry (letter of 13 may 2011 No. 03-04-06/6-107)and it potentially gives the tax authorities greater reason to demand doprolog through the courts.

"The acquisition organization drinking water for their employees, these persons can receive income in kind, as established by article 211 of the Tax code, and the organization, acquiring drinking water, to serve as fiscal agent under Art. 226 of the code," reads the letter cited by RBC. Thus, each employee must pay 13% of the cost of water, which he drank, say, a month.

Here, however, there is a purely mathematical challenge to calculate sales tax. The firm could officially deduct from the salaries of employees water tax along with personal income taxthe idea is that she needs every month to determine exactly how much water is drank a particular worker. Because, even in the opinion of the Ministry of Finance, "and the failure" to identify a personal "water income" — income from legal point of view, does not arise.

— But there is a possibility or not — the concept is very subjective. In the end, there is always an opportunity to put around the water cooler guard to record who approaches him and how many drinks, you can also put the camera— recounts Mr. Akhmetshin possible the thinking of tax authorities. If in court a tax representative will be able to prove that the employer could have, but deliberately did not count the number of SIPS for each person, the employer will be guilty of violating tax laws.

So far, the courts have considered such lawsuits not in favor of FTS. The price of water related to the costs of providing normal working conditions, and these costs personal income tax exempt. However, the written support of the Ministry of Finance can radically change the logic of justice. Times water for "normal conditions" need not and is "natural product" and, apparently, overkill, — same way take tax for cooled with air conditioning air, trampled by workers carpet, paper towels or, for example, lift (say, the employer pays the employees, providing them with transportation services).
:):):)Looks like "they" also read our Forum... Boom "for the market" follow:):):)
So are the "potential paranoid":wink:This is only the beginning...

Sincerely, :shock:

Source: Artifact AF - feedback :ay :ay :ay<