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Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 22:46
by Борик
I don't consider myself an expert of good level - modesty peace :) and mainly because this phrase to me nothing says. And I'm 18 years integral yoga - if You do it about something speaks :)
In the bad case they can always be put in the sideboard and casually show the guests: "Yes, I dabbled at one time, they are rather weak, had 2 of the rod in one hand to take..."

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 22:54
by Борик
How different the influence of the Crystal* the Crystal is from**?
About the healers and teachers: not every good specialist can teach another. The healer and the Teacher is a mission, a vocation, which comes from (or rather, above) :) In other words - ordered - him to the West, she in the other direction... there is No order, no true Teacher, there is no true Healer :)

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:15
by Ирина79
Borik, I absolutely agree with You about healers and teachers! About Your practice... Integral yoga is familiar to me, in principle, the task of working with the Rods, and the task of integral yoga is somewhat similar - work with the rods allows the mental to affect the physical world and the integral yoga as I understand it, it is not an expert of course :oops: allows you to change the state of consciousness to achieve spiritual development in our world. I think in this case, these two directions are harmonious and should in principle cause a resonance effect.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:21
by Ирина79
About what is the difference of the CRYSTAL and the CRYSTAL** - the difference is one in the flow, I can assure You that even with many years of working with CRYSTAL** You don't tell me that "we have to take 2 rod in hand" :) believe me, word! From the point of view of physics, the crystals have the ability to change their crystal lattice under influence of an external field, thus they adapt to You and will change with You, depending on Your height! "Root" crystals in a relatively short time ( i.e., initially neutral lattice changes a bit of course, its structure from the energy of Your body) in that interest them.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 14:30
by Guest

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 14:32
by Guest
What really gives these same CELINDRA of FARAONOV ???

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 14:43
by Ирина79
Dear Guest, frankly the issue is so common that there are 5 pages you can write :) in detail, we write on the website, but briefly, the Rods become healers to work with patients, psychics to increase their own strength, the common people – for recreation, recuperation. At the moment we have several varieties of Wands. The rods-KONT if You have high blood pressure (hypertension), joint pain, insomnia. The rods - if You get tired quickly, You need to increase Your energy.The rods-CRYSTAL can have a very powerful impact on a person's energy structure. Rods RODS-FREE for harmonizing Yin-Yang energies, for hormonal balance. So... :)

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 23:40
by Борик
my last post was lost by accident or deliberately?
I don't like getting tripped up - he don't do that!

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:21
by Димыч
Good day to all.
A question for "Ирина79": you mentioned that the rods-Crystal are processed in the pyramid, if you can call it charging the mineral? And if I'm not mistaken, any crystal has its own energy and can absorb someone else, and if it turns out that he will give all the energy or clogged (having absorbed the negative, etc.), then what to do with the rods?
Sorry for may be incompetent questions, but I want to hear the opinions of more knowledgeable people than me... :)

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:54
by Ирина79
Good day! Dimych, really good question! You are absolutely right, the crystals have such a function - to change the energy under an external impact, for this and keep they there. The actions of the pyramids here will not paint, lead in poiskovike "Pyramid of Hunger", there in detail all is described, according to our data the Crystal lattice of the fillings of the cylinders under the influence of the Pyramid changes its quality, becoming more correct, defect-free and, consequently, improve its resonance properties. The Rods themselves are associated with a Pyramid resonance interaction. To implement this interaction in the construction of the pyramids and the manufacture of Staves in Ancient Egypt and today uses the principle of the Golden Section.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 13:31
by Димыч
But still, how much of the length you hold the power of crystals and whether you want to align them or to charge in the pyramid again (prevention so to speak)? And what happens to the negative, where and how it comes out of the crystal?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 13:42
by Ирина79
Duration - the crystals hold the power for very long, for life should be enough :) Again in the pyramid can not keep, because once is enough, at this time, the crystal confirmed in the end align the lattice of the crystal, to get rid of various impurities in the atomic lattice. This is "negative" :) the pursuit of the perfect lattice allows to achieve a pure high-frequency current.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 13:43
by Ирина79
the effect is better to feel :) so hard to describe, the more everyone feels like this: tingling, eefect "batteries" on the tip of your tongue, the feeling of easy flight...

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 13:11
by Димыч
And tell me what's the best to use for cleaning lunar cylinder? Used pasta th, clean, current look udelat her, and oxide deep into the cylinder...

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 14:02
by Ирина79
I cleaned dry Drano, cleans well - almost like new :) only if you are the oxides (stains) that need to be cleaned more

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 18:59
by Димыч
Not a scratch pemolyuks?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 20:01
by Ирина79
no, polishes

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 18:13
by Андрей60
Koverdyaev Eugene:
Uvazhaeiy Eugene, do You have any opinion or info on using CF in the ruins of a dream, a controlled dream or half asleep? Twice I got the same interesting effect (something that happened to me in the "sleep" state - it is impossible to describe without using the words "fear" and "delight". Simultaneously, it would be possible to consider this a nightmare (I mean "sleep" nightmare), if feelings and the events were not so clearly repeated two nights in a row. Please answer, who knows: where can I find information on the impact of CF on the condition and human consciousness in the dream state.
I would like to repeat the experience, but there is a fear to hurt yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 18:56
by Ирина79
Андрей60: I think this yavlyaenie occurs because the rods You hold in the sleep poorly and due to the microscopic air gap there is a similar effect.

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 20:35
by Guest
Ирина79, thanks for the comment, but (I think) maybe You don't quite understand: actually it looks like this: after 20-30 min of relaxed state (almost half asleep) cylinders are very warmed up and begin to almost "oven" of the palm. I am at this moment consciously squeeze them even more and then start the effects (and light and gravity - the body begins to "how to climb" over trite saying bed. And, if this is a dream, it is quite clear (with the physical and emotional sensations, with rozliczenie colors and a complete work of thought, when , in fact, there is a feeling of fear of what is happening. So it can take a few moments or a few minutes, on expansion of the palms, the effect disappears. I'd like to say I'm a "normal" person :-))

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 21:38
by Ирина79
Yes, interesting effect. In my experience not experienced with this.... :)

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 22:08
by Торн
Opinions specifically about the CRYSTAL** I have, as I wrote above, I generally try these rods to sell only to specialists. Too great an impact they have on the body and then You chose them, can overestimate their strength when the energy flow exceeds Your say so", the capacity of the" can a headache, an itch... And You, Borik, what are your Hobbies? If You consider yourself a specialist and not the first year of practice, I do not mind
The best advertising for the product is to write that it can be dangerous, so much impact. See you have the battle broke out PR different versions of this device.

I have heard of specials on the axion fields that no external supply of energy from these things is almost there. That charge in the pyramid - nothing. However, it works due to the impact of trace elements on the aura. Change the properties of the aura, he said. Another said that they are more efficient machines Veltze in achieving goals. Machine called charms high level. And noted that Russian, they will do nothing. What is done in America is for Americans. Because of completely different energy. Even if done in Austria - it is not Russian. Its necessary to use it. I am an American of Russian origin. He told me that from the former Soviet Union, I still like Russian.

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 22:11
by Торн
I don't understand how you use the vehicle and of mind, I want to wear something metallic prohibited in the regulations.

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:47
by Dimas
made in America for Americans. Because of completely different energy. Even if done in Austria - it is not Russian.
yeah, they have tails with horns has hooves but still a lot of things the residents of the Russian Federation no :)

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 22:46
by Борик
Any "stuff" such work - that I on own experience was... Especially the big benefits are to those who meditate.. and concerned about "the enlightenment" of the consciousness.. consciousness of the practitioner is distracted from THINKING on the sensations of the body and the person can feel anything (example above). Who knows, the suppression-quieting the mind and getting away from it is the first necessary condition for such "experiences" - for fans of Castaneda - it turns out the uncontrolled shift of the assemblage point.
I played 3 month with special. glasses that at the time of my falling asleep was filed by red flashes in eyes + sound signal. The idea I had to Wake up in a dream. And I woke up when my bed was in all the unexpected places, including those where physically I could not simply have... I never thought that it was a dream, that my body is in another place - rests, so to speak. However, since my "waking up" in the dream, my dream took on a new life - the number of parts and duration of sleep...
In the case of cylinders, the attention shifts to the body (and removed from the chirping of the mind). In addition, they do show a therapeutic effect, they help to deepen the meditation state. But in General the simple principle - it is necessary to regularly and continuously work with them! And do not be afraid!!! And the occasional fear should not be afraid too!!!