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Re: what a brain

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:04
by мимоходом

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 21:44
by кросби
once you said you found a site with interesting programs for the brain,if you please throw a link.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 22:19
by мимоходом
I do not remember, but maybe it is? advertising was one topic, I looked liked. But there is a purely cognitive function train and the speed of a click, I have an average of 85-92% and above on tests was not, though the month was alicial in free mode... That is to say that it develops the brain - particularly I would not say that something improves in addition to responses... But check yourself and your percentage is quite interesting

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 13:14
by мимоходом
The brain and is capable of:

A resident of Thailand married the three-meter Cobra, considering it is the reincarnation of his dead lover, reported the electronic version of the British newspaper Daily Mail.
According to the newspaper, the man, whose name was not called, is a Buddhist, and therefore believe in reincarnation. According to his belief, the human soul can transmigrate and in the body of the animal. Lost girl five years ago, the man decided that the soul of his beloved settled in the body of a Cobra, as the latter are "strikingly similar" to the girl.
"Love is love, — leads edition the words of one of his friends, who told us about this story he takes her with him everywhere, wherever he went, even sleeping with her." According to the newspaper, the man does with Cobra in the evening in front of the TV, satisfied with her romantic picnics on the shore of the pond, playing Board games and walks with her to the gym.
It is noted that a resident of Thailand ignores all warnings about the danger to which it is subjected, living with a three-meter snake.


From the comments:
and vashpe nothing special - I Avon a four-foot married


Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 14:05
and is(just a link to understand)

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 16:21
by Иван Славов
мимоходом wrote:a resident of Thailand ignores all warnings about the danger to which it is subjected, living with a three-meter snake.
remember when some visited /work was this one Asian power was impressed as there large snakes are used as guards /type as a guard dog for the home. As far as I know some of these people brought to their house /home/ a snake for the protection of the house.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:05
by Хорошо
ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:and so on(just reference for understanding)
but someone had seen the notorious DULLES plan, which is described in the video :wiz ?

Re: what a brain

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 18:30
by Хорошо

Re: what a brain

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 20:12
by мимоходом
there all the kids are awesome in this show ))) you Can spread all.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 1:17
by мимоходом
Magic :wiz :wiz :wiz


...brain ))) Who can guess the secret of your own? Closer to the end of the show it becomes apparent

Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 0:08
by мимоходом


Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 15:28
by Редис
marry the Cobra, marry dolphins. Whether I do-=not understand something, whether the world has gone mad.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 15:29
by Редис
well, how many squares there actually are. 22 I counted, well I'm in such puzzles specialist.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 15:32
by мимоходом
30 ))

Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 15:36
by Иван Славов
It is not necessary to limit your brain. IMHO the correct answer is: "squares a lot." :)

Re: what a brain

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 15:41
by мимоходом
You are right of course, well not just to believe and to perceive the picture as a whole, black on white, white on black, the whole of the pieces as individual pieces, as a combination of pieces - and all at the same time... to Just bring it into the consciousness, too, as it is necessary, and this requires the frontal lobes, and they are developed through logic. But consciousness, in my opinion, you need to make a perception to the form.

Your answer about "squares lot" - about how "the Bank cucumbers, upstairs fuck, how many cucumbers in the jar? To hell!". This way of thinking is also very necessary, allows you to find unusual solutions and new and unexpected combinations.

In General, I was surprised by the text in the picture

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:19
by Иван Славов
In "Witches abroad", Terry Pratchett, if I remember correctly, the last action was as a the two sisters-the witches are trapped in a world full of mirrors. And the only way to get out is to find yourself the one of the mirrors /like a logic problem, at first glance/. The fact that the mirror - endless in that world. One of the sisters began to "look for" in a different mirror and doubt, etc., i.e. trapped. And the other pointed at the first selected her mirror and said something like: "here I am".
Mother vetrovec looked layered, silvery world.

Where am I?


Am I dead?


Esme turned, and a billion figures turned with her.

— When will I be able to get out of here?


Is some kind of trick?

— NO.

Mother looked at myself.

— Here this, — she said.
I mean, the brain is better not to limit it.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 3:45
by мимоходом
Limit is not necessary, and apply - completely. More complicated than the squares:


Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 10:35
by АндрейКо
If the form of the 3
If the size of the 5
If color 4
If the border 2

The conclusion is that extra piece that is not in the list, i.e. 1 :-)

Re: what a brain

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:47
by мимоходом

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 16:17
by мимоходом
one of the cats is different from the rest - what? to determine this with a mind not as simple but is there an easy way


Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 16:23
by Милла
Cat 2. Eyes different?

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 16:38
by мимоходом
Yes, and easiest way find any differences in any amount is two pictures in one as in stereocarto. Where the difference is reduced, the picture will be dull, and everything else drastically

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 16:59
by Милла
Interestingly, of the two cats I have one with two pairs of eyes see.

Re: what a brain

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 18:06
by Хорошо