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Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:37
by Евгений Кош
in addition.
perhaps no wonder the cylinders were only given for the pharaohs :)
IMHO they are originally from born brought up future rulers, most likely, and the preparation was adequate.
even if the cylinders are objects of power(energy), then give them into the hands of an inexperienced person - will effect a HUGE uncertainty in PPP (aka karma, aka causality). in the plan - than this will result in the end - is unclear.
although.. do not rule out that MAYBE energy is cleaned where ready to be cleared out.. but.. this is already from the category of SMART cylinders :)

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 14:35
by Андрей Патрушев
Фипыч_нью wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Not sure about Your data. Bronze is an alloy of copper and zinc was known before our era. In nature there is an ore from which to smelt bronze. Thus, its production had to be able to smelt copper and zinc individually....
Something me the forum does not remember.
In fact, the alloy of copper and zinc is brass.
And just because - brass! :oops: The bronze is with tin. :?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 13:03
by Андрей Патрушев

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 19:57
by гость
az bc :wiz :evil: :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 21:54
by а
Before you sleep, help you sleep at night.
Was hurting (aching) hand, right-mouse (worked), so my cylinders have helped approximately 1 week. When they took in hand, that bad arm ached even more, almost to the elbow, but I felt it healing as during the day was no pain and now there is, although I have not used, forgotten. So more can not say anything. Yes, the warning cannot be put on the top of the head where the Fontanelle, it is also in the supporting disk or of the user is. So I accidentally put a hand down there (on the head), thought, caught the feeling of takeoff, ease. But the next day my brain refused to serve me. I'm confused in simple things, were the confusion in the mind major, I would say obsession stupor. And used it only a few minutes 1-2. So.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 12:50
by Dimas
а wrote: Yes, the warning cannot be put on the top of the head where the Fontanelle, it is also in the supporting disk or of the user is. So I accidentally put a hand down there (on the head), thought, caught the feeling of takeoff, ease. But the next day my brain refused to serve me. I'm confused in simple things, were the confusion in the mind major, I would say obsession stupor. And used it only a few minutes 1-2. So.
Thanks,I'll try! :wiz :D

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 13:53
by Dimas
Came to my cylinders yesterday after uni I drove to my parents wanted to take them...Picked up,stood with them for 15 minutes facing the sun(it was night,I figured out approximately where dline to be the sun :lol: ),tingling in the hands,heat in the palms of goosebumps on top,sleep like the dead,in the same position as went,although I always move a lot at night,knocking of the sheets...When he went to his home on the subway with my eyes closed,inside the tank was quiet,before my eyes was a very colorful cartoon pictures,sometimes direct mystical some.In a great mood,cheerful,yet calm.Gave hold it to my grandmother.She has a very bad back and knees.They lay 30 minutes.Said she feels a strong heat in the lower back where it ached.Then he stood up,the pain was gone..Anyway,took it from me, these silindi "for a week,to try",I feel that I have another set ordered for myself already. :lol: :lol: 8) :wiz Included is an interesting training manual with graphics changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain to fits and after 30 minutes of holding fit in the hands,hmm...very interesting Short,I liked it...until...a pity that I can not use them now :cry:
On top of not yet managed to deliver,although it is very desirable to conduct an experiment. 8) :)
I would be very grateful to anyone who will share references to the discussion of the fits,and then have time to look,and it is very interesting what people write and what the results of others.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 17:55
by Карил
I really don't like the fact that the manufacturers of the rods and cylinders criticize each other. On their site it looks fine, but compare with the next example.

Imagine that so began to conduct themselves manufacturers of irons. Here are my irons right and made on the most modern technology. And your absolutely wrong, because you don't have a patent on tugoplavkost. And your iron is a hole in the clothing to burn. And in addition, my firm produces only one brand of iron, and your three. Blue, green and red. Well, it's funny blue iron, who before this I could only think of.

I think the answer is the manufacturer of blue irons you can think of.

And so on... in Short I am more and more inclined to divorce on the part of the manufacturer of irons, TFA cylinders, and the manufacturer of the wands.

Compare with the same mindmachine. First Patrushev says that the products photosonics the only best and right. And all the others not because they binaurally rhythms are not. On English language sites sell mindmachine different manufacturers and are not worried about their different efficiency.

Finally have the EEG that you can buy. Well, or in the hospital to negotiate and see how it works mind-machine. That is, the present medical device realnostyu to measure their brain activity and get the real printout. I am sure that this print will be perfectly visible action mindmachine.

In short, I'm pretty sure that the cylinders and rods are crap. :evil:

I would like real evidence, not certificates. I, as the advertiser, of any want of certificates will draw in photoshop. What is the difference in what year was the blue iron before or after 1996? No matter how he looked to stroke it needs anyway.

Dimas in the Studio... With your cylinders to go to the hospital and do an EKG and EEG. I'm not an expert in this matter, probably some more studies there.<

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 19:07
by Карил
Continue the theme.
The manufacturer leads to "Medical advice and indications", but then there are bio-energy field and third eye to the heap. Croce prevents flies and cutlets.

Compare with the same mindmachine. Show me one line which says that mindmachine strengthen the human biofield. Aura after listening to session on relaxation ends up dense or what. Such nonsense :evil: this site is not.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 19:17
by Карил
Than further in wood, the thicker guerrillas.

Manufacturer of cylinders of the Pharaoh hides the composition of the filler. Strongly emphasizing that its composition with sostavitel, but the quartz in the wands it sucks. What does not no evidence.

Shorter irons with Teflon coating is super, but made of aluminum does not. Suck it irons. By the way, I like alluminio sole. Yes, he's not stroking across, only along because he's grinding along the surface. But he feels exactly the same as a more expensive iron with a normal sole.

Manufacturer of wands says where can I find this mysterious part of the cylinders of the Pharaoh. As I expected, there is nothing special there.

it should be emphasized that in the book Stefan Walewski we are talking about fillers in the form of rods of red-hot coal and red-hot iron. While in the "Cylinders of Pharaoh" Mr. Kovtun uses the powder of coal and ordinary crushed ferrite, although in the patent claims we are talking about magnetic ore. A natural question arises WHY? After all, this is a direct deviation from the source! Just stupid to claim that the fillers for the Cylinders has been reproduced in accordance with the ancient manuscript, as it is well known that the ferrite was invented relatively recently. The ancients did not know him and did not use.

I have no desire to go to the patent office and find out whether used coal and ferrite. But can somebody answer me why the manufacturer is hiding? Yes, and let in so much mystery about some banal coal.

Comparing with the same mindmachine. I don't know if the manufacturer puts the InnerPulse diagram free access. But I know that Andrei Patrushev said that at desire it is possible to find the scheme and collect mindmachine own hands.

And, you can make sunglasses own hands and on this website even posted an article. Despite the fact that in General the owners of "Psychotronics" theoretically lose some money. After all, someone will collect points with your hands, instead of buying.

I all to the fact that manufacturers of cylinders talking about some of the technological complexity of production. Saying that the producers of the rods add extremely harmful lead. Blah-blah-blah. But here's what I think. If these cylinders are so effective, then what's to stop me taking a piece of copper wire and nakovyryat somewhere zinc (battery for example) and get the same effect? I think nothing prevents. But noooo. The manufacturer says that without his secret stuffing cylinders to not work buuuuuuut. Here's the pancake and... What to do then.. :P

And... I've thought of coal where I can find out, I think ferrite is also not a big problem, pounded to do. :) Okay, I banter...<

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 19:50
by Dimas
The boss :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:00
by Карил
So, what else to complain about...

Look in the contacts of "Cylinders of Pharaoh". We can see phone number and email registered to the free Yandex.

Go to the manufacturers website dummies, well, for example the Tefal.
We have the address, phone number and a contact form instead of email. Plus the addresses of the service centers, the addresses of retail sales.

That is, the guys selling llenry Pharaoh no money even for your own server... You can imagine that the bmw manufacturers can set in the contact address

No address, no postcode. In which case not even where to go to beat the muzzle. So.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:20
by Джедай
Everything you say applies to 90% of all devices of similar purpose.

To give an example, although from a different region, but very revealing.

In the audio system for the communication components used jumper cables.
By all objective tests on special equipment and under blind listening, connecting cables do not affect sound quality.
But this does not prevent to sell cables for amounts in the tens of thousands of times greater than their cost and position them as significantly better than similar products.

For example, sells a pair of copper cables for $7250.
Jays Randy offers $ 1 million to anyone who can find the difference in the sound of these cables, compared to conventional -

It would seem that the matter is clear - the usual, or what is not covered a divorce.

But people are not just behaving out and buy these cables, but also stay happy, build websites with a description of what they caught their advantage
Quote from the site about how we need to test the cables: "When you listen better to relax and honestly admit to yourself, it gives you the pleasure sound when using the tract data cables".

What kind of objectivity can be a speech with such approach?
But people have created threads at 100 pages and not come to any opinion

Very accurately analyzed the situation on
The author came to the conclusion that the reason must be sought not in technology, but in human nature and the phenomenon of creation myths.

It seems that the "producers" and sellers of many "devices" have learnt how to exploit human belief for the benefit of themselves.<

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:26
by Dimas
Hmm,I relaxed and tried to listen to him...Ek-moth,well, changing something,I PHYSICALLY feel.I think the point here is somewhat different...there are people who know how to sell a bad (no) things,and there are people who unfortunately are NOT ABLE to sell the good stuff.Fit IMHO relate to the last paragraph.I will say this,paid money for them I do not mourn,I the product very much,something happens to me,do not understand that,but feel that good.Changes feel.Since I am familiar with some of the energy practices and know what kind of feelings in me arise when moving energy,it is immediately determined that energy moves much more active than meditation, and qigong.Clogging the channels clearly felt the occurrence of HOT spots,the colored three-dimensional images before your eyes,focus,implementation intentions,the pain in problem areas failure to comply with the techniques described in the training manual,sleep deprivation,if you work shortly before bedtime, etc. what will the continued use of fits don't know,wait and see...But stick work-fact.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:43
by Джедай
Dimas wrote:Hmm,I relaxed and tried to listen to him
For there are objective tests to assess things objectively. The tests are simple and reliable. According to their results, you can not just think, but know for sure.

And relaxation and listening - is certainly useful, although not connected in any way with the subject of the test.

No wonder ALL medical research must useПлацебо as a base for comparisons.

Faith, as a method should not be used when "assessing" the effectiveness of different "devices", otherwise there will be no way to distinguish between "devices", which is "something doing" from the devices that actually do something.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:45
by Dimas
After some time, try to combine them with the Solar wind.Let's see what happens.One of my friends (he SEES energy centres) said that while listening to Solar wind chakra to spin pretty hard and "funnels" them to leave from the man about half a meter,but after 3-5 minutes again returned to the level BEFORE listening to the program.The reason is not clear.So I want to conduct an experiment.Although only AFTER listening to SV.after 1.5 hours I start to feel cold in the crotch and hot spots,also can not understand why.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:46
by Карил
The opinion of the demos I have up to this point, trust, I see no reason not to believe now.

Here is a pancake... But the sellers fail on many points.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:52
by Джедай
Nobody's opinion Dimas challenged and did not put.
The question of the applicability of the opinions as such.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 20:58
by Карил
Unfortunately I can not afford to make a placebo of a Cylinder of the Pharaoh. Which is a pity. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:02
by Dimas
That's really what I want,is to so direct me unconditionally believed!I ALWAYS share only their own experience,sometimes scientific facts.And REALLY do not want the people based on trust to my person, spending large amounts of money,I'm not sure that they will act the same way as me!Father here is my picks up-keep,lies to them,goes and says that not chuvstvuet anything,but ... the funny thing is that he and my grandmother zanimautsa with sticks EVERY day :lol: :lol: I say well, it means over 28 does not work))) but they say that is also something they have going on,and really can't say...And didn't give me the kit,I had another order))))I these cylinders not barigou,benefits I no with their,from a pure Cerda called share experiences,maybe someone will fit...

If the visitors of this thread has the desire can share their achievements/by nedostigenii despite the warnings Alexander Lazarev that does not share their successes.I,carefully,so as not to jinx it :ap :)

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:07
by Карил
Well, I am quite satisfied with my own opinion that I pumped up with energy. Even though it will be a placebo.

If I become more energetic after the hold in the hands of two pieces of iron with the same degree of vigour as after Phenotropil. So stick tree :) Glands better chemistry.

The state of not wanting to work and think very specific and noticeable not only to me but also to others. As a sharp increase of activity and sociability after pills Phenotropil.

I'm honest, nothing from the pills were not expecting, and felt like the real plant. Moreover, I did not expect SUCH a literally nuclear actions.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:10
by Джедай
Hmm... I not only put the opinion of Dimas questioned but not accused him of trying to cheat unsuspecting people :)

The speech was about faith, when a person drinks the water, thinking that it's poison, dies, and drinking water, thinking it was medicine - cured.

It would be strange to treat the water with poison or a drug, right?

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:12
by Карил
If there is an effect from the first activity, I ought to feel. I have meditation experience is not as big but still there. And mindmachines friends for nearly a year.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:14
by Джедай
Карил wrote:Even though it will be a placebo.
And if they themselves will act is better?
Карил wrote:I honestly, anything at all from tablets were not expecting, and felt like the real plant. Moreover, I did not expect SUCH a literally nuclear actions.
Here such people would not create if not evaluated objectively. Would you accept pills and nothing would have changed - as expected.

So essentially knowing that a thing is valid in itself and not simply due to the placebo effect.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 21:16
by Карил
And what do I believe?

On the one hand I really do not want vnikuda to spend money. But on the other hand is willing to believe in anything, if there is a tangible effect.

Well and the third I don't believe in them. Two pieces of iron, coal and ferrite will not produce any miraculous effects. In order to equalize the potentials need a closed (shorted) circuit, to join hands. And here we hands are not joined.

But on the other hand, in the battery of the zinc Cup is filled with electrolyte lies carbon rod. Sweat is in the hands of the electrolyte. Copper and zinc are oxidized and then the result is a certain potential difference.

But if everything is so simple, why the manufacturer has nothing about it says.

The fact that man is electric no doubt about it. As there is no doubt that I'm collecting electric field of several kilovolts. Especially after I get shocked if I were to do something iron. Who knows how it will affect some additional potential difference from the Cylinders.

Even I nonsense in the evening. I think with the invention of electricity, it was tried to use for medical purposes. But I just can't remember of the devices performing current.