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Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:53
by Веда
Each "tree" fruit.
There are reasons for that. Life, as often said prabhupāda, like the tail of a dog - like don't point it will bend on its own.
There are people prone to active collaboration and there are hermits it's just different facets of the same World.
The diversity of the universe and held on)
I don't see the problem.

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:56
by мимоходом
It is quite possible. But there is still this idea - not to pass on the gene pool "developed" phone on, creating a new body... Then where will the next good body? ))) Well it so, thoughts just, and not reassurance.

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:13
by Шалтай Балтай
Шалтай Балтай wrote:Arnold Ehret
Mucusless Diet

in Russian, Arnold eret, Bessonica diet

all the best of luck!
those who read the thread?

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 13:26
by Веда
мимоходом wrote:Then where will the next good body?
From the Consciousness, Soul, Mind, Universe, the Divine - your choice)
Not the body generates the soul and the soul( Mind) dressed in the body.
Therefore, all cultures have ideas about the second birth, i.e. the birth, the awakening in the Mind of one's own Soul.
Children are not a hindrance in that if the parents realize their responsibility for their lives in any way, their lives do not interfere with spiritual growth.
Unawareness, that is the main cause of problems parents and their children:
the childhood of the Mind is not able to help yourself first.
Simply a linear evolution from individual to individual this materialistic point of view.
Space thinking - is what you should learn in order to "be reborn in the Spirit."
This requires quiet time and spiritual work.
Therefore, there are retreats, monasteries, and other spiritual practices.
Just in time for the birth of the new creature)

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 13:54
by мимоходом
Simply a linear evolution from individual to individual this materialistic point of view.
Space thinking - is what you should learn in order to "be reborn in the Spirit."
Share instead of combining ))) But it is a normal intermediate step necessary, that's fine

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 17:39
by Веда
Sulfur — wingless snake, mercury, the same cruise. If the alchemist has been able to combine both principles, he won the first matter.
Jung called the process of spiritual alchemy, whose aim is the attainment of the unity of body and soul, finding the so-called Stone of immortality.
Philosophical the legendary stone that turns any metal into gold, giving health, wealth and immortality :)

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 17:51
by мимоходом

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 22:13
by Веда
Separabis terram ab igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter, cum inqenio mango. You will separate the earth from fire, the subtle from the gross gently and with great skill.

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:05
by Веда
So why do we separate the subtle from the gross, can You ask? :)
Trismegistus (quote above) says with the utmost brevity, therefore, required clarification, and we find in other ancient sources of Yoga sutras:
In the second Sloka of the "Yoga sutras" of Patanjali (the basic text of yoga) it is said: "yoga", "Citta", "Vritti", "nirodha" which means: "the Essence of Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff from taking its various modifications" (translated by A. FAL'kova), or "Blocking typical manifestations of consciousness is yoga" (translated by Swami Saraswati Satyananda).

Given the fact that all manifestations of consciousness is the result of identification of Purusha (pure consciousness) with Prakriti (our body, mind, world, etc.) it becomes clear that all methods of yoga aims to free the Purusha from the Prakriti.

Practical yogi may ask: why to separate them, what's the point? The goal is simple — if we separate (or at least reduce the identification of) the Purusha from Prakriti, you become more free, happy, joyful, etc. for all of our major sorrows and grief stems from our identification with external objects, situations, concepts and ideas. The more we are identified, the more suffering.

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:11
by мимоходом
the Goal is simple — if we separate (or at least reduce the identification of) the Purusha from Prakriti, you become more free, happy, joyful
Alas. The more we do - the more it becomes dry, dispassionate and fierce. With complete loss of sense.
If it is to go in the direction of pure consciousness. This is not the road, more interest-only 10-20% of the road ))

Free, happy and joyful we become, going in the opposite direction - ideal of (beauty). Though in this case more impulsive, unrestrained, emozionalonii, passionate.

Well, somewhere exactly in the middle is the truth ))

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:03
by Веда
Yes, I agree. All ideas are only tools. Life is much more complicated.
I floated for a while three kids from three to 7 years with nurse visit with me in the Ashram))) Tough! Screeching, crying, resentment and, paradoxically enough anger already evident offended deeply in samsara :)
In short all tyrants of the people, even children)
So to separate completely failed :lol:

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 14:33
by Веда
Interesting to some degree to talk with young children. For example, a conversation about dreams has not caused their response and interest.
But once the family with a little boy about 4 I do not remember were with me in the cemetery and I asked the boy:
-You have been here?
-No, I vooon there sekapan.
He pointed out toward the horizon there's another town is.
Well, it is, speaking of children)

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 15:03
by Шалтай Балтай
Шалтай Балтай wrote:
Шалтай Балтай wrote:Arnold Ehret
Mucusless Diet

in Russian, Arnold eret, Bessonica diet

all the best of luck!
those who read the thread?
it is a pity that no one read
IMHO the best book on nutrition
To say that the author is a genius, just nothing.
If he hadn't been killed, the world would be different, very different.
Eret in the first place - practices, all on your own body.
well, to each his own.
good luck!

I just started this topic... maybe nothing.

Re: Health - Raw food (CE)

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 16:32
by Соша
I think the raw food diet is not for everyone, to come up or never come back to this topic. Many say that the food is poor and monotonous at times, but is it really true? I disagree,look at raw food recipe and you will see for yourself