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Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 18:45
by bofara
Thank you about nicotine!

PS and in Greece, poor migrant workers eat raw baklajani /lot nicotine inside :D / cut slices. Sprinkle a little salt, I have been told - very much helps when in the summer the field work out for endurance /lunch only eat/ :?

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 20:42
bofara wrote:eating raw baklajany
probably wildly corrodes mouth... eggplant stew even possess some acrimony, I have so :?

and nicotine, probably, the temperature decays (?)

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 22:19
by Андрей Патрушев
ЗОМБИ wrote:and nicotine, probably, the temperature decays (?)
Depends on what... Acid in General strong people. :)

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 22:40
by Белый Камень
Different authors, one-third of the products walking on different sides of these schemes..
In the furnace, and pisun)) and schema :)
Cleaning (heads especially) fasting, and then just listen to yourself. It's really hard, it is easier to listen to different uncles)) and the responsibility to them to dump :)
All deep IMHO.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 22:46
White Stone
I have further notes, it is not come... maximum month-another test mode :) I was just placed accumulated, maybe someone should
something simple and working and I want no kickbacks or whatever they are... crises... and you know the resource of the carcass (so far) is not infinite
Андрей Патрушев wrote:depends on what... Acid in General strong people. :)
simmer the eggplant if, there's probably not more than about 100C

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 23:08
by Андрей Патрушев
From the directory:
It is soluble in cold (1:70) water, better in hot (1:15) and it is very difficult -in alcohol. Melting point 234-238°C. In the light and under the influence of oxidizing agents does not decompose. Sterilize at 100°C for 30 minutes.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 23:58
by Белый Камень
ЗОМБИ wrote: the maximum month-another test mode :)
And that)) if it were that simple, right now would be ate raw vitamins with no worries, and would die of orgasm in 120, but not of cancer at 50.
Although don't think food is the root of all the troubles..
ЗОМБИ wrote: simmer the eggplant if, there's probably not more than about 100C
A clay pot, which would lay out all the layers, filled minimally with water, and put in protoplennoy oven for a long time, where 100 and there is no trace. Around be done)), Then at least something is saved, but it's so lyrics :)

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 16:23
by Дядя Вадя
a familiar dermatologist, years head.cutaneous branch of the dermatovenerologic dispensary says-eat eggplant in any form, everything that is necessary. boiled,stewed, pickled. don't know about raw
Белый Камень wrote:Then something is saved, but it's so lyrics
not the lyrics! at temperatures above 50 dies all useful, but! over 50 poyavlyaetsa familiar taste of the dishes, and the consequences of that hunger strike bouncer :) Azokh Wei

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 20:32
by Димас
Энди wrote:I Recommend REKITSEN RD - cleans the gut and body in General.
the same "fervaal-extra"...found no differences...

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:45
by Ланцелот
Andrei Patrushev
And thiosulfate fixes or weak?
I thought at first it acts as a laxative. But one friend he made as an adapter, she even had klizmu to do. Symptom what mogget to be this effect? Given that she regularly cleans the liver and intestines.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:59
by Энди
Ланцелот wrote:But from a friend he acted as an adapter
Maybe she drinks a little water? Or at the time of admission was used, what the realties adapter products such as rice and etc? Thiosulfate acts as a laxative - is unobtrusive. I have a friend actually not changed the rhythm of the worker of the intestine when receiving thiosulfate.
In General, I was reading a forum about thiosulfate so there he was, and as an anthelmintic described parasitic invasive and may have caused the clogging (but this is from the category of utopia)

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:50
by Андрей Патрушев
Ланцелот wrote:And thiosulfate fixes or weak?
A laxative, but some, especially with low acidity can strengthen...

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:38
Ланцелот wrote:I thought at first it acts as a laxative. But one friend he made as an adapter, she even had klizmu to do. Symptom what mogget to be this effect? Given that she regularly cleans the liver and intestines.
that's why mounts that do not need the body stuff does... enema -- an enemy of the people (or there are other detox... by the way who is :shock: )... I hope she better clean is not a lemon.juice with Oli.oil.

intestines, IMHO, it is better to clean at the same time with all the gastrointestinal tract, namely to carry out shank-prakshalana... sorry shit don't have to move up (I'm talking about enemas).
the procedure is complicated and not every time is easy... to do when the body asks much... last time I did so bad, lost weight, turned yellow... well liver was not happy... then went to the herbalist (the carrier of tradition) for this reason.

I think once a year prakshalana you can do, and maybe one more time not for a long period of starvation... everything else from Malakhov (Russian our urine, steeper than the scalpel of a doctor)...

Yes, Andrey Patrushev gave a link to Dmitry Shamenkova -- a sensible man -- share his view that if you regularly drink water, the body is not so bad... plus laundered through the breath appears the lion's share of toxins ie you have something to add breathing to life

something like this :? :? :?

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 20:33
by Дядя Вадя
Димас wrote:pervical-extra
IN the SUBJECT- to clean the doctor-gastroenterologist (MD) recommended - Filtrum (PTS.powerful), weaker than APSCO.
For the liver -Citruline.
the thiosulfate: four days at night on empty stomach. effects are observed, as well proslavlenny in the morning. Used Filtrum skin reacts significantly and immediately. Filtrum in the morning on an empty stomach 2-4 tab. chew and drink. Not have at least 40 minutes.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 21:14
I drank 12 days of ASD from 1 to 3 cubes per day + thiosulfate 1 ampule daily

facial skin is actually better than ie, pores cleansed

+ one time I tried to smear on the face of vitamin a blended with ASD-the effect seems to be holding up well

and, more deeply embedded chiry, I'm his alarm so burn, much skin peeled off... chiry resolved

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 21:40
by Дядя Вадя
ЗОМБИ wrote:I ASD so burned, much skin peeled off
I talked to doctors(of science) about ASD, gave a description to read. The answer is - the phrase in the description "antiseptic-stimulant" essentially illiterate, and it knows every student.
recommended to be careful and it is advisable not to experiment with such drugs.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 21:47
Uncle Vadya
Oh well, pigs are treated, what have I done :)

moreover, the scientists -- the brains smoked, usually think radically... but... :?

in any case, thanks for the warning!

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 22:06
by Дядя Вадя
ЗОМБИ wrote:come on, pigs are treated, what have I done

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 22:37
by Белый Камень
doctors(of science)
would recommend to be careful

(from personal experience)

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 22:59
by Тоха
Thiosulfate is a powerful thing. Almost finished the course. Although slightly freestuff because there were breaks in 1 day. 2-3 times. But even in this mode, the scalp became noticeably better. Dandruff is much smaller. The result is obvious. And noticed an unpleasant taste immediately after administration, but not always. Then dunno what it depends on.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 23:57
by Терве
Good evening,
I also want to write about thiosulfate. Join Tokhe - improves scalp and dandruff takes place. If you search the Internet there are recipes for the treatment of dandruff namely thiosulfate (rubbing head). The hair after is silky and healthy as a child. Have even begun to curl where I rubbed the skin of the head.
For women, the Internet can also be found external application of thiosulfate in the case of gynaecological diseases, and it is not "Amateur", and the recommendations of doctors.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 13:03
by Дядя Вадя
Тоха wrote:dunno what it depends on
Терве wrote:Thiosulfate is a powerful thing.
here here, I also think that to each his own, one strengthens, the other weak.I had expected that the thiosulfate will remove the redness, but no.
A. Patrushev rights. The acidity is different for everyone. and results as can be seen, too. thiosulfate thing is ancient and I think it is necessary to use modern products.
for example: in 2005, the most fashionable anti-allergic CP of CMV was claritin, today doctors it is not recommended, as there is a drug 5 gen citrine (cetirizin). both are good, blow off the symptoms of seasonal allergies, but(!) the second period of elimination from the body 5 times faster. although I claritin is more like it, reliable as a Belgian gun. but foul, the body does not hotstsa.
comes person in the pharmacy:
-Cobra venom do You have?
-there is
-a poison of a Viper is?
-there is
- what's better?
-Hz...., it is necessary to try!

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 18:35
by Тоха
I don't know. thiosulfate thing is ancient but dastanhaye. However when I decided to take it with a prescription Andrew did not expect a specific effect on the scalp. Well cleanse the body. Well, that's fine and not expensive. Began to drink regularly and not on you. The scalp is improved. The problem is not gone entirely, but the effect of the drug for 75 rubles not intended for the scalp and hair for 270-350 rubles are not comparable! Thiosulfate is more effective. And it's clearly noticeable to me. About the other changes not so obvious I have not yet spoken. Probably well forgotten old at times better than new). After the sulfate will be back to terrorize the body of ASD. The same thing is very funny and even disgusting.

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 22:35
by Мариомар
Drank with my wife of 10 vials for 10 days. No effect felt :( . Maybe the "left" was caught?

Re: CHEMICALS for the body and not only

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 19:39
by Димас
That's weird, too, some after 1-2 ampoules effect feel, others on the contrary, absolutely nothing is Possible in this case, the effect of auto-suggestion?