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Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 0:48
by Петрос
Маг.нет wrote:Seems "they" also read our Forum... Boom "for the market" follow

no more to follow :wiz :)

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 21:30
by Маг.нет
:? A Chinese proverb says:


The Ukhta understand where their thoughts and wishes... :lol:

Sincerely, :oops:

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 20:00
by Маг.нет
Логик wrote:now, just watch the news and what we see today? A chain of revolutions in the Arab oil-producing countries. Earlier there was an attempt to make a "revolution" in Venezuela to overthrow Hugo Chavez, but this attempt failed.

Condor asked, - you get the oil, what next?
- the food crisis!*
!Recorded the world's lowest price fuel. In Venezuela, led by Hugo Chavez, petrol costs only 3 us cents in terms of rubles is about only 70 cents per liter. Even in Saudi Arabia the price of a liter of gasoline is about 5.6 cents per liter.
The management of Venezuela has dispelled rumors that the country is expected to increase fuel prices.


Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 0:00
by Маг.нет
In Venezuela increased MINIMUM wage to 360$...
Маг.нет wrote:In Venezuela, led by Hugo Chavez, petrol costs only 3 us cents
Simple operations allow to obtain the ratio of the "minimal" = 12000 liters/month.
the minimum wage (SMIC) as of 1 June 2011 is increased to 4611 RUB.:)
According to Rosstat, consumer prices for gasoline for the period 6 to 14 June 2011 AI-92 is 25,41 RUB/l
1 our minimum wage = 181,46 liters

TOTAL coefficient "democratization" of Venezuela: 1/66:?

Behind comrades :) do not order..... you need to fix it..... We will help you! (USA)
President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez fears that Venezuela is next on the list of countries to be enforced democratization, and what he is a Prime candidate for elimination after Muammar Gaddafi.


Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:48
by Мастер 108
Маг.нет wrote:TOTAL coefficient "democratization" of Venezuela: 1/66[/b]:?

Behind comrades :) do not order..... you need to fix it..... We will help you! (USA)

Recently in one newsletter received an interesting suggestion how to fix it:


(11:15:49 30/05/2011)
Venezuela – 47 cents for 1 liter
Turkmenistan – 68 cents for 1 liter
Iran – 2 rubles 39 kopecks for 1 liter
Libya – 4 rubles 17 kopecks for 1 liter
UAE – 12 RUB 27 kopecks for 1 liter
Azerbaijan – 14 rubles 37 kopecks per 1 liter
Kazakhstan – 17 rubles 97 kopecks per 1 liter
USA – from 12 to 18 rubles. per liter
RUSSIA – 26 rubles. for 1 liter .
The Appeal Of The Slavic Union Of Stavropol

Great idea, how to deal with gasoline prices.

Fuel prices have skyrocketed, a little more and we will see 30-40 rubles per liter, and may be more. And this is one of the largest countries-exporters in the world!
In Europe, the drivers tried to deal with the price action, “don't buy fuel one day”, which took place a few months ago.

The fuel producers just laughed at it, knowing that long this can not continue: implications for the owners would be more harmful.

But on the basis of this action arose the idea of a new, much more effective!

When prices continue to rise with such a depressing stability – we must take action!
To do this without any inconvenience to themselves, this idea came about:

Within two months do NOT BUY PETROL and DIESEL at the gas station the LARGEST SUPPLIER in your area.

For example, LUKOIL, TNK, or Bashkirnefteproduct. If the fuel will not buy a long period – the seller would have to lower prices.
When he lower their prices – other sellers will be forced to do the same!

But to achieve the effect we want these companies really have lost thousands of customers.
Despite the apparent complexity, this is fairly easy to achieve with a smooth interaction!

Send this message to 30 of their friends. If each of them send it to at least the next ten (300) and so on
already in the 6th circle of this message will reach 3 million people.

Just send it on, and people stop buying.

This worldwide event! If everyone who is tired of corporations paying through the nose for gasoline from the bowels of THEIR land, e-mail this message to 10 people – after a week in this action will involve 300 MILLION people !

The people have the power, which will break any Corporation!

Let network marketing finally work to the benefit of all!
Believe and follow the action! Believe in yourself and just MOVED! this text further.


I think it makes sense. Well, the "LUKOIL"? Nothing personal – just it is in almost all regions.
They do not spare us! And do not make protests to them over us once again laughed. Quiet stupid to avoid them filling and waiting, when they have brains to make money.

And remember that 50 cents is not money. Let them return to at least the same price in the 16-20 rubles/liter.

Sincerely, Chairman of the Board
SGO SKOO "Slavic Union of Stavropol"
Arthur Krutalevich (8652)49-89-95

The address of the forum: http://nikola-emelin.EN/forum"
President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez fears that Venezuela is next on the list of countries to be enforced democratization, and what he is a Prime candidate for elimination after Muammar Gaddafi.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 13:15
by Маг.нет
Мастер 108 wrote:"the price of GASOLINE

Turkmenistan – 68 cents for 1 liter
UAE – 12 RUB 27 kopecks for 1 liter
Azerbaijan – 14 rubles 37 kopecks per 1 liter
The minimum wage:

1. Turkmenistan ~18$ (505 RUB = 742 liters/month);
2. UAE ~ 273$ (7660 RUB = 624 liters/month);
3. Azerbaijan ~ 106$ (2975 RUB = 207 litres/month).


Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:30
by Маг.нет
....... G. 29.06.2011
Gasoline cheaper forcibly

The Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) decided to start a new wave of cases against oil companies. This time the warnings from antitrust agencies received eight of the country's largest oil firms – they demand in the coming days "to bring the price of petroleum products in line with market conditions".

The head of FAS Igor Artemyev was outraged that when the increase in world oil prices, the oil companies increase domestic prices very quickly, and when you fall quotes do it very slowly. "Today we have warned all oil companies that if they are not as fast to rewrite the price tags when the price goes down, will be started new investigations," said Mr Artemyev.

Anti-monopolists resent the fact that at the moment the sale of gasoline on the wholesale market in the country brings much more profit than selling fuel abroad. For gasoline, this difference is 4000-6000 RUB per tonthat suggests that oil companies are now have great potential to reduce wholesale prices.

However, oil companies do not agree with the FAS. According to them, now fuel sales on the domestic wholesale market is really profitable. However, in February, all the companies suffered losses and now only "go to zero".


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 18:13
by Логик
Kama Sutra for bankers


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:36
by 1Андрей1
Intelligence: trolling the network

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:44
by Димонъ
An excerpt from the article 2007.
"The Status Of The Central Bank
It is known that the status of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a private office. Historically, this happened in the 90s was triggered by a situation when the budget deficit was financed by monetary emission, which spurred inflation. It was not the main cause of inflation, but it is MPs who decide this method of financing of the budget was declared as the perpetrators of inflation. The decision "independent" from the state Central Bank. Then, few people realized that the word "independent" means "private" and return then in state hands will be very difficult. Just think, a private firm, but with a monopoly on the definition of the entire monetary policy in the state.

Releasing state control of the main Bank of the country, it turned out that it is not so easy to bring back. Hugo Chavez demanded his emergency powers to nationalize the Bank of Venezuela. He received them, however in this field the success he is very humble. Note that Chavez cannot be accused of sympathy for the Americans and the desire to Fund the Pentagon.

Legally, the Central Bank - private office. Its assets - the property owners, who are unknown to the public. It is even possible that no one in Russia knows, as the Depositary of the shares of our Bank is on wall Street.

Asset size exceeds 400 billion US dollars. This money would be Russian. Like, but in fact legally owned by the founders. They belong to us indirectly, through an unspoken obligation to change the whole issued by the ruble mass of the entire gold and currency reserves of the Central Bank. This obligation is not spelled out anywhere, and no one from the leadership of the Central Bank were not spoken. It is unspoken. The Central Bank provides the ruble, because otherwise he will quickly lose popularity, but doesn't say aloud how exactly is the supply of the ruble. If someone utters the words about the presence of obligations, theoretically, these words can be attached to the case and there is a risk of recovery of the debt of the Central Bank throughout the ruble money supply.
Indeed, if the Central Bank wants to, it can at any time to stop the sale of dollars on the exchange, and at this point, the ruble will turn into a blank piece of paper. No obligation for provision of ruble at Central Bank the no. He only supports the functioning of the system, while it promotes buying American Treasury bonds.
The situation can be described by the slang phrase - "We got (stuck)".

Think about it. Now, the Central Bank organizes a scheme by which the Russian Federation is buying US debt in the amount of $ 70 billion per year. What will happen if suddenly we stop buying new bonds, and, moreover, will try to return us debt in the country? It is obvious that the Central Bank in this case all throw. He has no legal obligations to cover rubles to the dollar. He does it only as long as the process is going in the right direction, while we contribute to them buying U.S. Treasury bonds. As soon as the fun ends, then he stops selling dollars, as it was in 1998.

THE CENTRAL BANK IS NOT OBLIGED TO PUT DOLLARS FROM THE RESERVES ON THE EXCHANGE. Exchange mechanism to ensure the ruble - a goodwill gesture of the Central Bank, of which he has the right to withdraw at any time.

If trade in the dollar on the MICEX is terminated, the ruble becomes unsecured and falls through the floor. The owners of the Central Bank to wash my hands, flee to U.S. to forgive the debts of the Treasury, while receiving the award for service in the amount of several percent from 400 billion dollars and everybody is happy. The owners of the Central Bank - Chubais To become legal honored people in American society. One thing to be a rich man, but quite another to be and to have rendered great services to the war Department. A place in the elite impossible to buy. It can be earned, but money certainly does not hurt.

Consider the attempt of Chavez or Putin to implement a "right" to the gold reserves of its Central Bank. Our reserves are on correspondent accounts with wall Street. Legal grounds to claim the ownership of shareholders does not exist. Controversial issues very easily deduced for limits of national jurisdiction on the site in the United States. Therefore, the Central Bank is very much protected from all sides. The United States will ensure its "independent" status.

- Yes, the Central Bank contributes to solving the problems of the Pentagon, you are against it. Let's give the services of the Central Bank. You will get the collapse of your financial system, the debt crisis, the rampant unemployment. As in 1993-1994. Do you want this?
- No, of course!
- Then sit tight.

Remember the ancient principle of "who benefits" and look at the history of the Central Bank and the result of his work. The Pentagon only from the activities of our Central Bank has about us $ 70 billion. I wonder who advised us in the economic sector in the early 90-ies, was led to believe the deputies to Finance the budget the issue of money, and others incited the members, summing up to the thought of having "independent" status of the Central Bank?

Should clearly understand. The Central Bank does not exist for our benefit and for the benefit of those who organized it and whose purpose it is now working. We will not see reserves as their ears. In the case that the process of accumulation of reserves will change a sign on opposite and funding from us will not be available to US, the reaction the unpredictable. Gold reserve - a rod on which we should proceed in the hope that someday we will be able to use it and to put on the right things.

We have quite confident to Dodge the bait. The money to expect stupid playing by their rules. Money can vytsyganit solely by deceit and cunning. If you play by the rules not you, you are doomed to lose. Try to impose their game, and you'll get the chance. "

Full article here (no ads)<

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 16:00
by Маг.нет
....... 12.07.2011 g.
Gasoline will equate to the bread

The price of gasoline should be artificially limited, and tied to, for example, the cost of bread, said the President of the Union of oil and gas Industrialists Gennady Shmal. "If we say that today a loaf of bread costs 20 rubles, the gasoline can not be more expensive. I believe that a fair price of gasoline, we could be about 15 rubles," – gives his opinion "the Russian newspaper". Mr. schmahl and his colleagues from other unions and associations in the oil refining industry has sent Vladimir Putin a letter outlining its views as to which measures the price of gasoline can be lowered.

The important thing is that, in their opinion, that the transition of refineries to new technology. Many existing Russian enterprises were built before the war or immediately after it, and used there technology does not meet modern standards. "Americans from one ton of oil to get 420 litres of petrol, and we are only 140", – says Gennady Shmal. But plants have insufficient funds for retooling. Oil companies ask for certain state benefits for those companies who conduct reconstruction of their plants.

If now the average Russian family spends on gasoline 10% of its budget, in the West, this proportion is not more than 1-2%. Oil I believe for our country this figure is achievable. If the state will help them in upgrading equipment and building new plants, the price of a liter of gasoline will be lower than the cost of a kilogram of bread.
This forecast, but in life.......
while it may be "as usual", will not be able to reduce the price of a single product,
the appreciation of the other, can create the illusion of positive change.


Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 15:00
by Маг.нет

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 0:09
by Дмитрий_999
The revelation of the mystery member of the family running the world

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 17:00
by Маг.нет


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 17:01
by Нак_Нак
Well, here is we are optimistic the government.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 20:30
by Маг.нет
....... 26 Jul 2011
How expensive gasoline

Russian domestic fuel market was under the pressure of shortages and Technical regulations for petroleum products. Experts warn that the rise in gasoline prices could exceed last year's level, if not to intervene in the situation, the authorities promise not to aggravate and delay the introduction of technical regulations, thereby returning to the sale of "national" gasoline.

the growth Will be — not going anywhere

The growth of retail prices for high-octane gasoline this year may exceed the level of 2010, said the Director for strategic development IATS "Cortes" Pavel Strokov on a press-conferences in Moscow.

According to him, since the beginning of the year the retail price of gasoline Premium-95 rose by 6.5%. At the same time last year the increase was about 8%.

"We can see this number is exceeded, if the situation on the fuel market will not change," said P. Strokov. According to him, the situation could correct the return into circulation of gasoline of Euro-2.

P. Strokov noted that, according to the "Cortes", the conditional a shortage of gasoline in the domestic market currently accounts for 6-8%.
The President of the Russian fuel Union (RTS) Evgenie Arkusha reminded that the annual retail cost of fuel rises to the level of inflation, that is 7-9%. In addition, introduced this year, the indexation of excise tax on gasoline every year will add to its cost about 2 rubles per liter.

Earlier, the Finance Ministry has prepared amendments to the Tax code of the Russian Federation on the indexation of excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco and petrol in 2012-2014. the growth Rate of excise tax on gasoline for 2012-2013 it was proposed to keep the planned level. This year, the excise tax on gasoline 3 cash is 5,672 thousand rubles per ton. In 2012 the excise duty was proposed to increase by 30%, to 7,382 thousand roubles, in 2013 by 24% to 9,151 thousand rubles, and in 2014, 10% to 10,066 thousand rubles per ton.

High-octane gasoline and diesel fuel last week, prices continued to grow in the spot market of Russia, is spoken in materials IATS "Cortes".

The price of Regular-92 on average in Russia increased by RUB 355 per tonne and amounted to RUB 29422/t, Premium-95 — 267 RUB./ton, up 30189 RUB./t. the Highest growth rates in the Premium-95 was observed in the Central and northwestern Federal districts — at 733 and 700 RUR/t, respectively, and the fuel there more expensive all — 32683 RUB/t RUB and 31,375/ton.

On-exchange Premium-95 has risen in price for a week on average, 1957 RUB/t — 34405 to RUB/t.

retail Premium 95 most noticeable has risen in the Urals Federal district — by RUB of 0.13/l to 26,85 rbl./l and the Volga Federal district — 0.12% RUB/l, to to 27.06 RUB/l.

Diesel fuel on average in Russia became more expensive on 274 RUB/t cost 22740 RUB/t. more likely it has risen also in the Central Federal district — for RUB 633/ton, up 22850 rubles/t On the stock exchange the price of summer diesel fuel increased by 455 RUR/t — to 22505 RUB/t.

About the reduction in retail prices also have to dream. During the week from 11 to 17 July 2011, consumer prices for gasoline rose 0.1%, reports the Federal service of state statistics (Rosstat). Before that 2 weeks in a row prices have not changed. From the beginning of year gasoline has risen in price for 10,8%.

It should be noted that for motorists, "nursing" their "iron horses" the most polluting fuel, which want to ban the production and sale in Russia, prices may be more substantial levels called experts.

Indeed, virtually overnight, have to switch to fuel a class above and put it over him for a few rubles more. Thus, according to statedata, July 18, liter one of the national brands gasoline brands A-76, cost 23,57 RUB, AI-92-93 — 25,51 RUB Average price tag of gasoline AI-95 was 27,37 RUB, while it is more expensive than Ron 92 almost by 3.7% and by 16.1% more than 76-octane gasoline, the prices of which also stood on the spot.

Return the "people's" gasoline

Perhaps the situation with the prices and shortage of gasoline will help to straighten out the government ( :lol: ). The expert Commission of the Ministry of industry and trade at the meeting on Monday approved changes to the technical regulations for fuels, said Yevgeny Arkusha.

Amendments relate back to the turnover of fuels of class Euro-2 from August this year until the end of 2012., and also the exception of technical regulations requirements on the octane number of the fuel.

E. Arkusha said that these amendments are directed on consideration in the government. He recalled that if these changes are not adopted, since September 6 of this year, turnover will be derived gasoline AI-80 and AI-92.

According to the current technical regulations on fuel as of 1 January 2011 a ban on the sale of petrol AI-95, which meets environmental class 2 (Euro-2). From September 2011, comes into force a ban on the sale of AI-92 gasoline of Euro-2. The release into circulation of gasoline of Euro-3 is possible until 31 Dec 2011, Euro-4 — till December 31, 2014. The release into circulation of diesel fuel class 2 and 3 allowed up to December 31, 2011, class 4, until 31 December 2014.

However, a number of oil companies do not have time to modernize their plants and start production of fuel of Euro-3. In April-may 2011, Russia faced a shortage of fuel in the domestic market. One of the causes of the crisis was the need to meet the requirements of the technical regulations of the oil company were redirected to the export of Euro-2 gasoline, previously offered on the Russian dressing.

In late may, the energy Ministry has proposed to extend the terms of transition to fuel higher environmental class. In particular, it was proposed to extend the implementation of fuels of class Euro-2 before the end of 2012, the Euro-3 — to 2014, Euro-4, 2015.

to Equalize opportunities

The deficit in the domestic market is another aspect of unequal conditions in the retail of fuel sales. RTS has already sent the government a letter in which asked to create equal conditions in the retail market for all stakeholders, to withdraw the filling stations of vertically integrated oil companies, said E. Arcos. The letter also contained proposals on the organization of the total sales of motor fuel at the exchange to all participants in the retail market could buy it on equal terms.

In addition, RTS requests to exclude in the future any administrative interference in pricing in the fuel market.
How much should it cost a litre of gasoline, so you abandoned the car?


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 21:53
by Михаил_
good incentive to learn to teleport :)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 22:04
by Логик
Михаил_ wrote:a good incentive to learn to teleport
I suspect that among your products there is already a teleporter or at least preparing to release... :)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 22:13
by Михаил_
And You didn't read the user's report Rigin? on my forum. There is exactly the specified equipment and it is free... so only able to withstand the hard training and did the last known version.

Seriously, it is costly to teleport regularly - I essentially don't care what the price of gasoline. At least change two or three times will be my discreet. Although I have one machine 7.4 liter engine, and the other 5.7 (two experienced old jeep, Chevrolet). More precisely, it is so.
I rarely go very smoothly, flow get phenomenally low (nobody believes).
If the prices I completely get it - translate the car to an effective electrolyser, could be a long time to do, but it's a lot of fuss, a lot of wasted time - it's not worth it.
From all this bustle of petrol I only care to not touch my comfort of being anywhere. The gas was at the pump, at least for some price and quality. Remember the days when Crimea was very problematic pump. I did not like - not very convenient. Had to have a stash in the garage to use in the organs... and this is for petrol - that's absurd.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 22:19
by Логик
Interestingly, the first "gasoline crisis" happened this year just before planting. The second was afoot before harvest. Coincidence? :)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 22:38
by Михаил_
Until the people in a state of war is a game for big boys. And when the military - then the generators went for the firewood in the stove and the car goes.
To hell with them :)
There's my colleague says financiers worry slightly that if the States themselves do not agree and dirty... in the sense ondefontaine the 2nd day. There remained then only one week :) and no one knows what will happen then :) because of the chaos no one wants but it seems technically have to do something... and if something to do, it drags all the others so poorly and can get another peredelkin global, as compared to that of gasoline - children's games.
But experience shows that such situations are not prevented human to survive and live and even be happy enough. So if ondefontaine - we have a few laughs. But no - laugh :)

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 22:40
by Маг.нет
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:56
by Логик
World government looks like?


Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 13:32
by Михаил_
nope... :)
1. this can pull level 2 (relatively pawns high level, including those of the muzzle, which is not similar to humans).
2. level 1 has no need to assemble, not to Shine, and operated remotely. It's like the famous and popular blog "Vladimir Vladimirovich" (C) M. Parker, "an alien in the head."

PS level 1 has a "problem" - superficially they are forced to comply with foreign law (i.e. at least to pretend to comply,while perhaps not really want). This limits them. Technically it is available that in the mind of the average person is not fit and in fiction is not described. And they do not need to be there physically.

sorry that got here with their dogmas :)

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 15:36
by Шалтай Балтай
Логик wrote:World government looks like?

unequivocally - no.
must be 13 entities.