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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:07
by Тапка
Oh !!! how do you want the System my friends!!!!!! there are no more forces!!! and the Saiga 12K tactics PTS hotstsa.........sad.....((((

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 17:55
by фрагмент
Тапка wrote:a snippet at the moment, neither EEG nor even a normal device reflecting what is happening in the body we have..
Everything is there. As it turns out in the bins homeland. Probably not necessary, or not the same head. ... _cheloveka With 70 years.
Here is the same video only Conversation No. 62. With the rest you can uncheck.

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 18:23
by фрагмент
Physical fields of biological objects. Gulyaev, Yu V., Godik, E. E

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 22:25
by Доплер
Our company produces all medical equipment, including the EEG system. I just now they do, and the plan was to do mindmachine with one channel EEG.
Accidentally got on your forum and this topic. Very interesting, how much really there is a need for "domestic" EEG? What people expect, what they need the software, how many channels etc?
To make such a device on the knee is not easy, many pitfalls. Some kind of signal, to obtain, of course you can, only if it's a wave - the big question.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:44
by Шалтай Балтай
Тапка wrote:Saiga 12K tactics
also bought, year 4 pelizza uzho.
Доплер wrote:Casually got on your forum and this topic. Very interesting, how much really there is a need for "domestic" EEG? What people expect, what they need the software, how many channels etc?
Oh! cool!
IMHO: need feedback for working with devices
for example:
ie you need to get this thing connected to my computer, and programmed.
ACC. this would give the ability deliberately to modify the state of soznaniya directly during operation of the device.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:28
by Экко
Well for home will suit the most simple: to observe the frequency in the process of using the mind-machine, or simply to observe the EEG in different States. Thus to conduct his own observations and research.
I have this idea to record an EEG, and with the help of a certain device and then reproduce the EEG, that is to induce rhythms in the brain so that the resulting (reproduced) of the EEG were similar to those previously recorded. Thus, you might be able to reproduce the previously recorded state of consciousness!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:30
by Экко
Most importantly: low cost. A normal user is unlikely to afford to buy an expensive device.[/list]

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 13:35
by Доплер
Шалтай Балтай wrote: ie you need to get this thing connected to my computer, and programmed.
ACC. this would give the ability deliberately to modify the state of soznaniya directly during operation of the device.
It is clear, are all fixed biofeedback devices. But if a hospital signals is watching the doctor and something in him can say, for the average user squiggles EEG nothing to say. Personally, I have my EEG alpha rhythm even hard to distinguish. So, I wonder, the happy owners of a standard EEG, which they do with them? Look at your signals? And then what? Or the manufacturer offers some sort of AT that calculate some metrics and to understand the signals do not need?
Экко wrote: Well for home will suit the most simple: to observe the frequency in the process of using the mind-machine, or simply to observe the EEG in different States. Thus to conduct his own observations and research.
I have this idea to record an EEG, and with the help of a certain device and then reproduce the EEG, that is to induce rhythms in the brain so that the resulting (reproduced) of the EEG were similar to those previously recorded. Thus, you might be able to reproduce the previously recorded state of consciousness!
Ie I think that just the signal that something can be said? Changes that will be exactly the frequency and amplitude of alpha rhythm varies markedly. I'm not a doctor, I find it hard to judge how much it is revealing.
And about the prices - the price of medical devices have significant share in certification, registration and licensing Roszdrava, for household appliances, the idea it's not necessarily. Ie the price should be more or less adequate.
The question still is that for recording normal EEG it is necessary to observe some requirements for the attachment of electrodes to enclose wet cotton wool, to wear a special hat or a cap how much the users are willing to do it?<

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 16:12
by Экко
the Question still is that for recording normal EEG it is necessary to observe some requirements for the attachment of electrodes to enclose wet cotton wool, to wear a special hat or a cap how much the users are willing to do it?
If it is included, then I think the users that do will be, in my opinion it is not so difficult, especially if in the manual all show and tell.
It is clear, are all fixed biofeedback devices. But if a hospital signals is watching the doctor and something in him can say, for the average user squiggles EEG nothing to say. Personally, I have my EEG alpha rhythm even hard to distinguish. So, I wonder, the happy owners of a standard EEG, which they do with them? Look at your signals? And then what? Or the manufacturer offers some sort of AT that calculate some metrics and to understand the signals do not need?
The frequency of the signal you can check the status (roughly, of course). And that not knowing theory and knowing what is the meaning of the complex form signal, and all sorts of features, I think you can do more complex conclusions.

And yet, in the post above I alluded to the idea of creating a rather interesting device, not just relieving and inducing EEG in the brain, can get a unique device.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 16:17
by Экко
You said, that are associated with the development of the EEG system. I suggest to make a device for home use, not to certify it as honey. the device, to avoid extra costs. To supply it with documentation, so that the common user could understand. I do not know whether the demand will pay any costs, would it ever make sense to you to do it.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:07
by Доплер
Most likely mindmachine with one (maybe two) channels of the EEG as a feedback will do in any case, our doctor has interesting thoughts about her. After reading this topic, I realized that the connection with the computer and some software for recording EEG does not hurt. Do not consider for advertising, our firm is called "Neurotech", not a cowboy firm I'm doing the standard 24-channel instrument.
Regarding induction of EEG in the brain, the EEG signal is noise-like (except for the rhythms which are sinusoidal), it is unlikely that the brain will respond. Usually just the task is to pull the frequency of the alpha rhythm up or down. The device generates the impact and frequency control, adjusting exposure under the response of the brain.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:29
by Экко
Usually a simple task is to pull the frequency of the alpha rhythm up or down.
And how mindmachine translated into Delta, theta, alpha, beta, General in all States (frequencies)?
I'm doing the standard 24-channel instrument.
Are you a developer?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:26
by Шалтай Балтай
let's try to concretize:
this device is:
I would say that risech edition, this is it:

who can tell about the pros/cons of the device?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:58
by Доплер
Device serious, to compete with him will be problematic. He did what a resolution is not enough, 2 µv to discharge. When a standard EEG 50 mV is obtained a signal of 5 bits. And design is good.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:00
by Доплер
Yes, I am a developer. Technical side of the issue know well, the methodology of EEG and the principle of iariw machines - surface.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:44
by Экко
You say that the EEG signal - to-noise. Why then the tape recorder is drawn, though clumsy, but the sine?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 13:54
by Доплер
View pictures in document "specification document" instrument, which was quoted above. ... %20SDK.pdf

The sinusoidal signal only when the man closed his eyes and began to appear the alpha rhythm.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 17:14
by Экко
AD8551 AD8552 AD8554 these mikruhi do you hear a signal of one microvolt, I think for EEG to adapt the most. To put a filter tube 50 and the RF filter, then to ADC and PC port,that's the whole EEG, one thing is unclear: the signal coming from the electrodes placed on the ACC. parts of the head, and the ground (wire) then where to hang?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 18:49
by Доплер
Экко wrote:AD8551 AD8552 AD8554 these mikruhi do you hear a signal of one microvolt, I think for EEG to adapt the most. To put a filter tube 50 and the RF filter, then to ADC and PC port,that's the whole EEG, one thing is unclear: the signal coming from the electrodes placed on the ACC. parts of the head, and the ground (wire) then where to hang?
Given your chip does not fit 100%. If you're targeting products from Analog Devices, it is necessary to look for said Instrumentation Amplifier. For example, the classic - AD620. And in the chips there is no concept - do you hear the signal. They "smell" any signal, even though picovolt. They have a concept of their own noise, that they must not exceed the amplitude of the input signal.
The EEG signal is differential, the reference electrodes are usually placed on the ears. The land - on the chin (or forehead). I.e. to get a single EEG channel, you need at least three electrode signal, referent and earth.
And just a tip, if you do decide to pick up something homemade in the head, then powered it first from batteries and connect to a laptop running on batteries. In General, for medical devices galvanic isolation of PC port is required.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 18:51
by Доплер
Well, when I wrote that operativniki not fit 100%, I don't mean that you can not sgorodit instrumentation amplifier 3 operating. Of course you can, just makes no sense.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 19:07
by Экко
But I still do not understand why it is impossible to do at the shelter? To choose the parameters so that the noise level was below the signal.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 19:19
by Доплер
How are you going to include Oh? Because it is necessary to measure a differential signal between the two wires.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 21:57
by Тапка ... 8_2008.pdf page 12 .

That's what I'm going to do is end not EEG ,but just biosilk ,EEG pokupali Nada .

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:16
by Экко
it is possible here so:

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:52
by Доплер
Экко wrote:Doppler
it is possible here so:
So it will not work.
Or rather would have worked if it were not of common-mode interference. It is an obstacle that is induced on both wires at the same time, for example, the network 50 Hz. To see the amplitude - enough to take the probe of the oscilloscope ( and signal and ground) with one hand. There will probably be more of a volt, i.e. it will have to crush 1 000 000 (or 120 dB) times. It's not real. Instrumentation amplifier and is designed to suppress the common mode rejection. If properly applied, it provides 100-120 dB suppression.
Тапка wrote: ... 8_2008.pdf page 12 .

That's what I'm going to do is end not EEG ,but just biosilk ,EEG pokupali Nada .
This scheme, of course more or less correct, but this article is just advertising from AD specifics in it a little.