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Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 18:43
by Андрей Патрушев
Евгений Кош wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Евгений Кош wrote: Interesting.. and the amount of alcohol in the blood was measured at this point?
I pure research I wonder - does a similar condition on the number of alcohol in the blood.
No, of course not measured - it was the usual binge drinking... :?
I mean, You yourself have used NLP?

hmm.. did not know that this is valid.
Yes, myself (and others too :) ) - since 1992, when I fell into the hands of samizdat materials from Novosibirsk.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 14:46
by Евгений Кош
but to fry, boil and eat MEAT
I'm talking about it.
protein from plants and take.
I've been a vegetarian for 10 years.
and see only the positive differences between myself and my peers who are omnivorous.

what is there to argue ?
my evidence is my experience.

and in the books can somebody write this script.

well, you success in a separate feed.
in macrobiotics, the way a lot of steps.
ranging from the most democratic, which include meat, to the most advanced - without the animal component.
catch dynamics ? ;)

and moderators - bow for their friendly attitude toward us.
that is because - such a friendly modeling, it's so nice to talk to.
I found it info :)
that is to say the stone in the garden to throw :)
"for example that the yogis don't eat meat. Indeed, in India today you can find absolute vegetarians, for example Jains, but until the mid nineteenth century there flourished the cult of the yogis of agarrando who consumed food, and even carrion, as they still had the Holy Ghost all that is given or taken by God Siva. Pattabhi Jois, a representative of Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, one of today's modernized trends, says, referring to the ancient sources: "...the Vegetables should not be abused". As stated in Ayurvedic pramana: "Vegetables multiply disease." So addicting (only one — V. B.) vegetables desirable for the person who practices yoga" (137, p. 40). The benefits of meat convincingly tells also a treatise "Ashtanga-Hridaya Samhita", which has a high reputation in Ayurveda. It seems that vegetarianism, as well as its opposite, nor are the hallmark of the brotherhood of yogis."

the book "Yoga. The art of communication"

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:43
by Александр_
Евгений Кош wrote:that is to say the stone in the garden to throw
well, the reality I measure myself.
checked it saying.

if someone wants to eat even carrion - let him eat.
I don't like it.

and what about the vegetables - I agree, sometimes you just have yourself and the fruit to let :)

and again - carefully proshtudiruyte macrobiotico which you practice.
why is there higher level without meat...

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 17:54
by Malvina
In the struggle with sleep still helps me SWING MACHINE. It is a piece for the spine but it has other interesting effects. Rested in the evening after work with the swing machine feel HUMAN, you can still do something useful for home, for family, for yourself. Twenty minutes later, I receive a lovely stay. I attribute this to improved circulation.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 18:51
by Лори-Мори
You can detail that for "the swing machine"? Reference some of the description etc. I Have terrible sleep problems... I mean, with a constant desire to sleep. :lol:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 19:28
by Malvina
Yandex set the swing machine,will find many suggestions in the description.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 19:28
by Александр_
opensource projects, eh.
swing machine - as it sounds intriguing :)

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 19:33
by Malvina
Yes, some of the word swing is a different Association :oops:

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 19:42
by Malvina
I go a couple times a week in the gym. Go there right after work, the form of dragging along, every time I think that it may be better to go home with her. But I know that if you go home you're not going anywhere. :roll:
And once formed, I have thirty minutes to spare before class. And after an hour journey on the subway I really wanted to sleep, just chop off. Home is said to have awakened in half an hour, lay. Well I, of course, but to sleep then you can not but ten minutes ago. Feel stuck and hour and a half... 8)
The remaining ten minutes sessions on the swing machine. Another ten minutes to lie down after the session. And hearty - in the gym.

Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 20:05
by Александр_
swing is a couples dance, probably :wink: :oops: ...

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 11:38
by Андрей Патрушев
Yes, I am also extremely pleased with the swing machine! :D Sedentary life is probably an indispensable thing for all (and especially women)... az

As of 10.00 PM on any time - astronomical?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 14:14
by Тасев Александр
Александр_ wrote:
Мэджик wrote:If biorhythms Machine to configure (when you sleep, so full otrubok and modracek, so full till the evening) + go to two meals a day (Breakfast and dinner no lunch), all day rush like mad. For Breakfast I drink a sweet tea and a bacon sandwich or fat to energy enough for the entire working day. In the morning on an empty stomach sit-UPS 200 pieces or on a treadmill brisk walking for thirty minutes - forty. You can if you want to sleep, wash in cold water, is also invigorating. Even I read somewhere that if you get up before 6 am (can be in 5-55), then all day on wings and fly a sea of energy, but necessarily need to go up to 12 nights (best 23). All of this can be established, but will power is needed and the regularity - and this is the most difficult.
Can help information.
Goes to sleep about 10 hours.
In the period from 22 to 24, is complete rest of the nervous system.
Only at this time.
Sleep after 24 complete relaxation to the nervous system does not.
And stress is cumulative.

About getting up.
The best thing about 6. Even better a little earlier.
At this time of awakening the principle of Kafa, which operates up to 10 hours.
In this period there is an effective self-cleaning of the body, and much more efficient it occurs when human activity.
That is when he woke up.
I'm sure many know the feeling of heaviness and drowsiness when you get up at 10 or 11 o'clock.
The consequences of purification of the body toxins was prepared to withdraw from the body, but as a result of insufficient activity of the organism, was their accumulation in the body.

If anyone is interested - is the Vedic knowledge of Ayurveda.
Read more here
As of 10.00 PM on any time - astronomical? :oops:<

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 14:51
by Александр_
Moscow :)

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 13:03
by торк
and here's another opinion;
- Dear you have done a foolish thing by purchasing this swing car. I once was invited to the presentation of this thing. So, out of five wanting a freebie shimmy two and remained there to lie. One with cervical radicular syndrome, another syndrome of the vertebral artery. When You read carefully the manual, you will understand that this machine to prevent more healthy, and not treatment of patients. And after this vibro - shaking off the blood clots in the arteries and flying stones from gall and kidney getting stuck in the ducts.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 15:25
by Идущая вперед

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:09
by Аня
About getting up.
The best thing about 6. Even better a little earlier.
At this time of awakening the principle of Kafa, which operates up to 10 hours.

I also know this, but the question is, at 6 am what time zone? My time was Greenwich plus 1 and I still can not understand how much I have to be up :( Can you tell me?