What distinguishes the Western world from Russia

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Иван Славов
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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Иван Славов » Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:06


As they say in one entertaining game: "Find the seven differences."

We are all living in America, Rammstein

p.s. one of my best friends in the school years. He /his older brother even more/ doing serious scientific research in the United States. However, did not become 'American' in the sense that use the word some of my other friends who live in the United States.

By the way, I know not by hearsay, so to speak, the way my friend, the embodiment of his 'American dream'. If you try to 'collect' his entire career in one word, it would be /in my opinion/: "work."

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by ЛИЛИЯ-Р » Wed Feb 10, 2016 14:17

Смелый wrote:Lily! I'm always very attentive to what you described. Even if you write no word in answer.But this topic I discovered that to jot down some of my understanding about human existence. It is hard and revision is not subject. It is a Foundation. Basis.
OK Bazaar Joc!!!!As you will tell))))!!!! But there is a lot to say about the growth and development rest and work body mind mind subconscious mind with thin bodies , Oh Yes, all. Here sobsno what it says in one word - work is not clear yet. And I think not only me. You then just set out his vision-guidance.Rules, laws on which all it develops or through which you will learn=to develop, to cultivate others. The clearer the more people have an interest.
Until you are dictatorial banned here writing.
OK!!!!!!:" Quietly to myself I'm talking......." az
:shock: :wiz FROM what brings gadgets))))) what with the people no one wants to talk))) and myself))))JOKE. You know me, I will not insert my two cents , not going to sleep))))
But I promise, there's a silent as a fish in this thread. Will analyze , structure ,what else is there in passing said women can't?))))So will all that is there to learn in silence 8)

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Аине » Wed Feb 10, 2016 14:38

Смелый wrote: You wince maps.
I wrote the following:


From here without variants. Or you work (its important that work is not a complete interpretation of the word GROWTH), or you stopped and therefore start to die. Life is movement.

Thus, the desire to relax is the main thing in his life, is at its core, a desire to go to the cemetery.

After all, where the most calm and relaxing.

We get it: IN the GRAVEYARD!
In my understanding, I shrugged, but only failed in revealing his thought.
I see it in a different light, according to my observations, they don't sit and think at work about the rest while on holiday on the work, they just work, or rest, they have no hidden meanings or something else. But the Russian just working, thinking about the rest, it from a Russian in my understanding there is a setting for relaxation-a secret desire, and getting into the rest, he is unable to enjoy it and thinks about the a vicious circle. Ie in spite of work(not important to put bricks or teeth to be treated), desire(Russian) otherwise, where is the growth? So for me, not every job is the growth.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by мимоходом » Wed Feb 10, 2016 14:50

But I promise, there's a silent as a fish in this thread. Will analyze , structure
there is nothing to structure ))) the Motive is transparent, the dynamics of motives is also monitored. First, the author was trying to buy artifacts, which give money - drawing rooms basically - it did not work, the money never came. Then tried to play the lottery too died out, apparently without result. Tried the magic beat yourself up hysteria and create the egregore of money to feed the members of the club, and he removed the cream - apparently did not.

Now the author has decided that easily not pull the fish from the pond and finally decided to get to work. But in order to justify themselves (like, I'm not a slave at work) - trying to present the situation as if it is running to rest. This is a good proposal and running and the money is there and the mind is not restrained. However the key point was not removed strong reference to money. And when there is a binding money and never will.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Wed Feb 10, 2016 15:40

ЛИЛИЯ-Р wrote:But I promise, there's a silent as a fish in this thread. Will analyze , structure ,what else is there in passing said women can't?))))So will all that is there to learn in silence

When I mention that some of the concepts that are the Foundation, the basis, it applies only to me. In connection with my understanding of what it's about.

Anyone can speak out against my vision processes as he pleases. Please stick your finger in the place where I forbid forumcanam to discuss something. Maybe I looked.

For all the rest. I didn't see a single person, who exactly figured out what it actually. And after talking about life and the possibility of a turn for the better.

About the techniques and the methods by which this can be done and I myself am developing, their placement on the pages of the forum, speech can not be.

Perhaps in the future I will build something between a seminar and a training and will be taking him.

The forum will be the last person I'm going to do. And it's not about personal qualities of people. This is likely excellent. But there are a few stopping points. One of them is paleochannel, the downtrodden a tremendous amount of knowledge and practices, and as a result, the ability to distinguish useful from the total.

This is a distinctive feature of many developing countries. They are active and inquisitive, with enthusiasm to try, and try on new, unknown. And thus standing still.

They lack a critical attitude to the information received, excessive confidence in the authorities, based on the determination of the number of either followers or enemies.

Thus, I do not want to turn your training/seminar in the next debate. Debates I gorged on the forum.

I know the true value of the information I have now developed practical techniques. It is essentially in the definition of priorities and adherence to them constantly and steadily. But I just see that the audience to this knowledge, not ready. At least, here. Next to me only two.

Probably still not the time.

In practice on the forum very much desire to overthrow/to refute/to question/to bring something from knowledge gleaned from other sources to justify and explain your opinion or point of view. And a complete lack of first try to understand what it was about.

The most interesting thing I know why is this happening, and the forum is not even to blame in this regard. But I try to explain this "WHY" will immediately be followed by another debate.

Thus, on this thread, I spoke about how our internal installation leads us through life, defining our quality of life. What is the difference between a greater mass of the population internal installation Russians from inhabitants of the Western world. Reported that the main domestic unit either to follow, or be changed radically. But first, you need to determine.

The fact that the forum is not something that tried to do it, but didn't even try to understand what I have described is from the perspective of my presentation is literally five rows above - problem for the members of the forum. For me, everything is clear.

It may take a few months, and I would return again to this subject. Maybe then the understanding will be different.

In the meantime, as I understand it - before!<

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Аине » Wed Feb 10, 2016 17:34

the Forum will be the last person I'm going to do. And it's not about personal qualities of people. This is likely excellent. But there are a few stopping points. One of them is paleochannel, the downtrodden a tremendous amount of knowledge and practices, and as a result, the ability to distinguish useful from the total.
I probably would, there is knowledge, tremendous really to direct - I will not say, practices are also not that straight, little, in General, there is only what you do not know how to use it. But it seems to me it's like "flow with the stream." Select the principle you come to me, because your subjective coincides with my subjective, and you are not, because they do not understand what I'm saying, how are you going to pratikum?
I'm similar to you, rather asked a rhetorical question in this thread made soliloquizing.
PS And I think learning is never too early, it just depends on the way of communicating information for different audiences.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Wed Feb 10, 2016 18:21

Аине wrote:I probably would, there is knowledge, tremendous really to direct - I will not say, practices are also not that straight, little, in General, there is only what you do not know how to use it.
I'm not about that. I'm not looking for any disciples, no followers. And training/seminar to me is not important.

I have a few habits I cannot and do not want to get rid of. I keep thinking something is analyzed, try think of different information and I based on it pridumyvayu options and methods of execution.

Then share with others, I propose to use the achievements and share the result.

Experience shows that almost all that apply, past close and then lost. Those who remained behind quite decent amount.

So someone something to teach - it is to me unattractive. But I respond to requests to help. You don't have it. Not request. The desire to change something.

There is an expression: "the WINNERS who are a LITTLE bit - I WANT! ALL THE OTHERS WANT TO WANT"

I'm not a teacher or lecturer. I am a business man, repeatedly had problems for reasons beyond my control. I saw recurring problems of the system and tried to understand the causes of the problems. As in any situation looking for the true cause, it missed by a huge number of information. Test their guesses do a variety of ways, including through the forum.

My information and knowledge - for me, for my personal use. But there is still the idea that it is not so simple.

Why do I think so and others don't? My ability is not the result of my talents in which I have myself raised up. My ability I have laid. That is, my achievements are secondary.

The primary merit of those Forces that I have worked and guided in life. Let's call these Forces of NATURE!

And that, Nature did a really good job for me? Something tells me that this conclusion is incorrect. I dust the same, what else. But, I know something that can not most others.

There is an interesting question and equally interesting answer.

Question: "How do you know whether the goal facing you in life?"

Answer: "If you are alive, then no!"

Ahead of us all an interesting time. Crumble and die some value systems, be shown and approved by others.

For living now, creates the possibility of provocations for the manifestation and realization of their inner negative qualities, either of the positive.

We like pours itself out from what we are.

The criterion is that which is directed by our actions. Either side of the Forces of Destruction or the forces of Creation. Now is the time weighting, time estimates. Royalty for each of us. According to the obtained scores, we will lay on the shelves. Time is compressed and accelerated.

It is still there at all. But to turn itself, if necessary, for the better, his mission is not enough.<

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Wed Feb 10, 2016 19:10

Actually, what I above? When thinking about the weigh-in and calculating the points and predisposition to Destruction Forces, or Forces of Creation.

Take for example two well-known people on the forum.



K-13 is known that some energy-creates a self device, is able to enhance the Power of the person. And thereby improve the quality of life. Known to his Club, which he conducts on a voluntary basis. Thus, hardly anyone doubt that the Forces of Creation are relatives.

Mimohodom. It's more complicated. On the one hand, a very interesting presentation of the material, allowing a person to work on themselves in the direction of improvement. I mean the theme "the Magic of biochemistry" pretty Plus high-quality testing of products from the site, and report the results of testing without distortion. However, I only read testing and Panama.

On the other hand, violent attacks on what he doesn't understand, including the authors. Up to threats of criminal prosecution.

Thus it is obvious that in this individual struggle of two opposite Forces.

But what is not in this man, is the understanding of this inner warfare.

Now insights and forecasts.

K-13 (Roman, I'm sorry I did, without your consent) and will continue to race Forces.

Have Mimohodom, in the end, his Inner commitment to the Forces of Destruction will increase, the Power of Creation inside him will lose their influence. The probability of such a development, much more than fifty percent.

With this method, you can evaluate other people.

Unless, of course, have nothing better to do.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:56

It is very difficult to understand where we have in the Forces of Creation and Forces of Destruction.

When you take a shovel and planted a seedling for further growth here, everything is clear.

When you cut with an ax the tree.

With brains more complicated.

When K-13 creates devices and leads a club, he with the Forces of Creation, not only because it manufactures the devices, but primarily because of all his mental aspirations are directed in the direction of Creation.

Actions and movements are directed towards...... certain Forces, that is the criterion determining prevalent in man Power.

Exposing the Destructive Forces and processes are hardly a service to the Creative Forces. Only direct action and direction of movement in this direction. In the direction of Creation and Growth.

But sometimes, even with this understanding, there are failures.

Weak, man!

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Sat Feb 13, 2016 13:54

Now go subtlety. Who needs it, be careful.

First, the Forces.

I'm talking about the Creative Forces, the people under which these Constructive Forces. And at this time, the Creative Forces are supporting me in this.

But on the next topic, I expressed that Osho, Maharishi, and so forth, were not Enlightened. And the Enlightenment, is in fact, a false goal. It would seem, a good goal. The conviction and the restoration of the truth. But in fact, it is a collaboration with the Forces of Destruction.

The forces of Creation to me, support is not provided. Not the fact that the forces of Destruction will punish me for it. I focused Energy on them as his own and the readers, and they the Energy received.

Principle: "Where thought - there is Energy" has not been canceled.

But the Forces of Creation, me in this revelatory activity, certainly not assistants!

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Sat Feb 13, 2016 16:46

It seems to me that the forces of Creation, ensuring that we can label GROWTH.

For this, you need to live with that understanding and do something in the direction of growth.

To grow trees, any processes. You need movement and understanding that this process is increasing.

Growth should be marked as infinite.

The most simple and at the same time complex because of the possible negative internal programs is to raise money.

Take a small amount of money, one bill and begin to raise money. The money spending absolutely non. It's not about the amount available to you. An important process. You can see that this amount is only growing. You provide the growth process. The process of growth and only growth. Even if there is accumulated an amount equal to several salaries, the amount equal to the purchase so you need things now. Need to stubbornly grow. You can't split a piece of wood and then glue back.

In life, we always something to stop and kill. Went to work and went home. Stopped working process. And so every day. Got paid, spent, killed amount. Went to class, went home, and interrupted the learning process.

Need what you help to grow indefinitely. Trees are perennial, living for a hundred years, a good fit. Even after your death, they will grow. The same increase in the quantity of money. Not to do accumulation and to create a permanent process. Growth, growth, growth.

Even if you have growth, you will add the pennies and the increase per month will amount to several hundred roubles.

At first, there will be tests of strength. Will stand, will continue the process of growth in a few years, you will be surprised how your life changes.

Even if you add a few coins, a couple of times a month and NEVER TAKE this THING MONEY, you by far provide the process of growth, unfolding your life for the better.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Sat Feb 13, 2016 17:00

When I talk here on the forum about the utility of each for themselves, the GROWTH process, I work on Strength Growth.

If you will do the same for your friends, relatives, acquaintances, you also will on the one hand, to work on the strength of Growth, on the other hand, to strengthen these Forces.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Смелый » Sat Feb 13, 2016 17:12

In itself, the self-programming ourselves for growth in one area is not possible.

Must be some action, movement. Only a couple: "the PROCESS of GROWTH IN mind - the PROCESS of growth of HANDS"

Scientists in the growing science, be sure to reinforce your scientific mental growth by conducting tests and experiments.

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by Иван Славов » Sun Feb 14, 2016 18:25

On dualism Cathar /not only of the Cathars/... :?

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by мимоходом » Mon Feb 15, 2016 20:25

Very difficult to understand where we have in the Forces of Creation and Forces of Destruction.
Christ, they say, kicked the merchants out of the temple were driven out )) Where can I reach him, only to cry out conscience ))

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Re: Than differs the Western world from Russia

Post by СтаниФилмТВ » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:54

мимоходом wrote:Christ, I say, kicks the merchants out of the temple were driven out )) Where can I reach him, only to cry out conscience ))
The feeling of conscience can be bound to different concepts, it depends on education. Therefore, different people have conscience "starts" with different buttons, or not included at all. The spiritual concept of conscience was educated in Russia, in Soviet times, when speculators were imprisoned. Christ kicks.. cost,.. good man...
We can say that the sense of conscience, this power manifestation of the fact that the particle of the Immortal spirit inhabiting a body...out of balance, and the balance is recorded "view of the world". Therefore, spiritual people are very sensitive to the particle of the Immortal spirit of protecting Its balance, and I think the conscience .Divine quality..Just a picture of the world may be different..different people..and in principle would be wrong to blame..a person in the absence of conscience..if his parents were shopkeepers ... or bankers ... or politicians..))
One Azerbaijani (mechanic) told me how his friends took to the business. Loaded great car all sorts of different fish, and were sent to Karabakh after the war, trade in the market. He arrived there.. it was inserted..and the conscience he has given away all the fish to the needy, and then a couple of years working for free in the car..paying off your debts. So He in the service station was not kept long because I was working a lot of money but brought little because the work took on conscience, and are re..) Can be called.. everyday nonsense, and you "everyday Holiness"..))

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